Everyone loves cats. That's why everyone loves 'cat memes.' In all honesty, maybe everyone secretly wants to be a cat. Who wouldn't? Cats were worshipped in the olden times, and it seems they still are worshipped. They are fed on demand, leave and come back home as they please, get away with breaking all kinds of rules (and plates), and still get scratches on their tummies. If this isn't THE life, then what is?
If dogs are a human's best friend, then cats are a human's crush whose attention the human desperately wants but never fully gets. No matter how beautiful and graceful their species can be, cats are still the fuzziest, cutest, and funniest creatures to grace this earth. Who needs a clown when you have a cat to do funny stuff at home all day? These 'cat memes' are proof of this.
17 Unexpectedly hilarious 'cat memes' to make you laugh
Whoever doesn't agree with cats being funny, here are some funny 'cat memes' that will make you laugh, even if your cat vomits on your new white rug.
It's a ruthless world. Miss Kitty trying to break barriers.
Batman and Catwoman? More like Batman is Catwoman.
It gets worse when someone is talking to you.
Hail Kitler!
The voices may be dark sometimes but they have a dank sense of humour.
The chances of getting killed by the house cat are low but never zero.
Larry is a prankster. Ser Jamie Cattister
It's a cat's world and everyone else is just living in it.
There is nothing to see here.
Every like this meme has gotten was from a cat owner.
Poor Chuckles. Get him some more milk right now.
Beware of Caterion the Dread.
A cat made Issac Newton question his entire work.
Spirit of the Middle East.
Now that's called purrfect timing.
Did anyone get it? It was Queen's meowsic video.
All the languages in the world and the kitty decided to speak facts.
It is rightly said that cats are angels with whiskers, and maybe that's why they have nine lives. God knew humans couldn't live without them if they passed away easily. Cats may seem distant, but they tend to understand emotions. So whenever their owner is sad, cats comfort them. They may slap them silly afterward for holding them incorrectly, but the message of love will still pass on.
Cats may also seem threatening to some, but the above 'cat memes' prove that there is a funny side to them. So, grab your cat and give it loads of treats and scratches on the belly to show them love. And also, always remember to be happy and stay pawsitive.

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