Pregnancy is an experience that leaves its effect on both the mind and body of a woman. It is a life-changing experience that welcomes a new life into the world. With the conception of a child, a woman is also reborn. The new life that she enters as a mother, is no less significant than a rebirth.
A mother's heart races with excitement with that first sign of baby bump. Anticipation and excitement fill the days. Every little progress in the baby's little body is intricately felt by the mother, every little movement inside that cute bump is cherished with love.
However, a mother's body goes through many changes during this phase. Hormonal changes cause physical symptoms like nausea, morning sickness, and palpitations. Heightened or lessened sense of taste and appetite are some of the widely observed changes. These are only the tip of the iceberg as nobody can list out the number of changes a mother feels in her body every day for 9 months.
But it is also amazing how for every mother the experience is different. No two bodies feel these changes in the same manner. The experience is often so strugglesome and laborious that it makes for funny interpretations.
The Humorous Side of Pregnancy
Iconic sitcoms and shows capture pregnancy-related moments. Like that of F.R.I.E.N.D.S, in which Phoebe and Rachel give birth. The Office captures this through the scene of Pam's labor and delivery. Who can forget the pregnancy reveal of Haley from The Modern Family?
Despite the laborious journey, pregnancy is an experience that is treasured and celebrated in many genres through many mediums.
Writers have taken to paper and come up with excellent poems for soon-to-be mothers to read. There are many manuals and guidebooks to help expecting mothers but a mother always knows best. She bears 9 long months of pain and sacrifices greatly for the utmost well-being of the baby.
Symptoms of pregnancy can be funny. Clumsy body movements, sweet and snacky cravings, and the random burps from eating even the smallest portion, this is an experience that teases giggles out of everyone.
Some of the funniest videos on the internet on pregnancy are those on gender reveal gone wrong. From the treacherous false alarms, and missed periods to the ultimate visit to the gynecologist, the journey of bringing a child into this world is full of twists and turns.
Random fluctuating mood swings that abruptly oscillate between ecstasy to utter depression, and the midnight urge to a full tub of ice creams are all the little things that make those 9 months a funny ride.
But to tackle all of these swiftly happening changes and cope with mood swings, good hearty laughter is irreplaceable. It is widely said by many that if a mother stays happy and joyful during pregnancy, the baby too, develops a happy and positive mindset.
To have a burst of good laughter, let's look at these 17 pregnancy memes that are perfect for you to laugh with that cute baby bump
1)Do You?
2) Situation
3) Learn!
4) Baby Monitor
5) Pregnancy Glow
6) Throwback
7) Waiting for the baby
8) Mom life
9) Not Constipated
10) Real vs Reel: Pregnancy Edition
11) State of Organs
12) Daydreaming or Craving?
13) Stages of Pregnancy
14) Pee Dilemma is Real
15) Mood
16) Pregnancy Photoshoot Confessions
17) No Touching the Floor Meme
There! We summed up pregnancy memes for you with this amazing collection of the internet's true gems. Keep these saved as you scroll through the internet to laugh at that cute baby bump!

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