Mornings are the time to kick-start one's day. It sets the mood and expectation for the entire 24 hours to come. When a sweet, 'good morning' message pops and the phone chimes, it usually sets the tone right, filling our minds with motivation for the day.
But mornings are also the time to leave for work, or school depending on where you spend most of your day. What makes a morning beautiful, is the daily dose of fresh air in the morning you soak in while walking or jogging.
It is also the time when your body restarts itself after much-needed sleep. So it is best to make the most of this time with self-care activities, yoga, or physical exercise. If you are a student, it is said that morning is the best time to study.
With the rising of a new sun, new hope and opportunity also come our way. But it isn't always so rosy. The task of leaving one's bed seems monumental and hard. Coupled with the busy schedule and the necessity to leave for one's daily priorities on time, be it work or school or even just grocery shopping, the morning hustle is tough.
This is exactly, why a dose of laughter will be helpful. Scroll through this hilarious collection of morning memes, to get yourself a really 'good morning'!
17 ‘Good Morning’ memes to kick-start your day
Drink up!
A little push named Coffee
Sleep well
Eating the alarm clock is the coolest hack
O.K now
When you pour the wrong drink into a wrong cup
Another coffee meme
You to your coffee every morning
Good morning!
That expression though
Is it morning yet?
Well no, not until you leave the bed
Best way
The best way to start and end your day
Well, clearly we all feel anything but fresh in the morning
BLT mornings
All you need is a BLT. Correction: Quit your job
Share away!
Another sweet good morning message
Please, please, please!
Saving your nerves for when you get to work be like
Oh, shoot!
When every sleeping session feels like a nap
Here's your morning motivation, do some yoga
Morning glow
Trying to keep it together
A poem for mornings
The wake-up glow be like
Waking up early is a struggle, especially when you end up looking like your driver's license photo
Also Read: 12 Funny memes that perfectly capture the Chaos of "New Year’s Eve"

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