Everyone who reads books knows how time-consuming it can be. We mean that in the best way, truly. Sometimes, all we need a book to do is to consume our time, our minds, and our feelings. Isn't that why we read in the first place? To escape into the world of another?
Unfortunately, being an avid reader also comes with its own set of quirks. Such as when you go months without picking up a book or being able to read more than two pages in one sitting, but when you finally do make it, you can't stop reading books cover to cover.
We've compiled a list of memes that prove that being a book lover comes with its own set of perils, though admittedly, we'll take these perils over our real-life ones any day of our lives.
Disclaimer: This piece reflects the writer's opinion; the reader's discretion is advised. Do let us know in the comments what you think should have made the cut.
16 of the funniest memes that show just how hard it is to be a book lover
When you just want to read but your family won't shut up: (via Pinterest / @miriririririri uh-huh
When you're halfway through a book and come to a plot twist at 1 am: (via Pinterest / @Ivie Stille)
My reaction to sad endings in books: (via Pinterest / @Hooked to books)
Me when I say I like reading because it's relaxing: (via Pinterest / @Buzzfeed)
How I act when I get a new book: (via Pinterest / @Hooked to books)
"I'll stop reading at 11" is the biggest lie ever: (via Pinterest / @TCK Publishing)
We've all been there, Belle: (via Pinterest / @bookbub.com)
When people keep interrupting you because they assume that reading means you're not busy: (via Pinterest / @kittydeschanel.com)
What every person really wants to do in a library: (via Pinterest / @eBaum's World)
When you start to like a character and then he dies: (via Pinterest / @Kristy Nivolle)
Me vs. my new books vs. the unread books on my shelf: (via Pinterest / @Hajra)
When you read a book with no fandom: (via Pinterest / @Bookishly)
For those who want to read a book in the bath: (via Pinterest / @Owen Thomas Literary)
When you stayed up too late finishing a book and someone asks why you couldn't have just stopped and finished later: (via Pinterest / @Owl Post Books)
When my parents complain about how much I read books: (via Pinterest / @Rylan)
How I look browsing in a used bookstore vs. how I feel: (via Pinterest / @Kindlepreneur)
For those old, kindred spirits who find themselves relating to any of the memes above, we've got you. You're not the only one.

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