How old were you when you realized that your personality may not be as unique as you think it is? In fact, sorry to break this to you, there are hundreds around you with the same outlook and traits. Time to get rid of the "I'm not like others" or "You'll never find someone like me." Thanks to MBTI personality tests. It classified us into 16 broad categories, but hey, at least we are different from the other fifteen.
Before we get to the point, let's get a brief idea about the personalities.
The MBTI Spectrum (via AndersDoesThings/Reddit)
Now that you are ready, let's get to the funny part. Google can educate you on the topic, but we got you some of the funniest MBTI memes.
16 hilarious MBTI memes that will make you go LOL
Why each got kicked out (via mbti.rationals/Reddit)
As if committing each one of the felonies isn't enough! The ENFPs and ENTPs had to try their hands at every offense.
Opinion on Books (via mbti.memess/Instagram)
Books are your silent companions. And come on, PDFs can never hit the same as books.
MBTI unison (via thatcherisdeadding/Reddit)
Divided by attributes, united by hyperfixation in their own personality readings.
Dorm on fire (via memes_mbti/X)
Always the ENTP who comes up with an explosive plan, isn't it? Keep a check on your ENTP friends for public safety.
On a boat (via idk where mike is/Pinterest)
The next time you and your gang decide to go on a little adventure, go through the guide meme. It can help you prepare for what's coming.
How are you (via memes_mbti/X)
'Bro you fr?' got to be the most honest response to small talk. The question is enough to make you think about what led you to rock bottom.
MBTI Cat version (via mbtimemes/Reddit)
Cats just make it better. Which MBTI cat do you relate to the most?
When they are together (via mbtimemes/X)
Let's admit it, the NT gang mirrors each other when together. Great minds think alike, isn't it?
Make them feel awkward (via mbtimemes/X)
The ENTPs are the primary factor of the INTPs feeling this way. Whenever you see a clumsy INTP, you know who to blame.
Thinkers vs feelers (via mbtimag/X)
The world would be a better place with more feelers, no offense. Less drama more empathy, and delusions.
INTP dilemma (via intp.qualitymemes/Instagram)
Either wishing you were never born or God complex. There is no middle ground for the INTPs. Choose your mood!
When a friend is feeling down (via infj.qualitymemes/Instagram)
On a serious note, how do the ESFPs and INTJs even make friends? Sharing your lore instead of creating a safe space to talk is an A1 narcissist behavior.
Follow your dreams (via thegreatasianyuki/Reddit)
The ENTJs should definitely get some dreams and hobbies of their own. What do you mean you are going to steal someone else's aspirations?
The simphood quadrants (via mbti.rationals/Instagram)
The personality types got their simping game sorted. Which quadrant do you think you belong to? If you're on the fourth one, maybe you should get a hobby or something!
I love myself too (via mbti.rationals/Instagram)
Love yourself too much to admit your feelings for someone? Well, whatever makes you happy at the end of the day.
The unproductives (via mbti.memess/Instagram)
Are they really unproductive or too productive at jobs that don't really matter? Maybe we'll never figure out.
Which of the memes did you relate to the most? If you related to more than one personality in a meme, hope you get your MPD checked.

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