Have you ever been so lazy, that you put in twice the amount of effort to think of a way out of doing whatever needs to be done? And then when it actually works, it's so rewarding, it almost reinforces that behavior. Bill Gates was spot on when he spit the following bar (well, a quote, more like, but he's a real one for it):
“I choose a lazy person to do a hard job. Because a lazy person will find an easy way to do it.”
Okay Bill G. We see you. And for all you lazy people out there, we see you too. We've rummaged through the depths of the internet, put in actual effort, and listed some of the funniest, most relatable memes on being lazy. Have fun!
**Disclaimer: This piece reflects the writer's opinion; the reader's discretion is advised. Do let us know in the comments what you think should have made the cut.**
The best lazy day memes for all you slugs out there!
Me enjoying the sleep I don't deserve after a long day of doing absolutely nothing
When they ask me "how lazy are you" and I give them a demonstrative answer
When my CV and personality don't match
When you go to bed and forget to turn off the lights
When they ask me why I can't answer the phone, but I'm always busy...
What do my weekend plans look like, you ask?
Bill Gates was right on this one, it looks like
Is this lazy? I mean... it got the work done...
When you're lazy but you gotta wash the dishes
When I say I'm gonna be productive today, but this keeps happening to me:
Facts. I'm far from stupid. I'm just too lazy to prove it to you.
It wasn't that great but it was a whole lot better than getting up and cooking it myself
You know you're lazy when you get excited if the plan gets canceled:
When everyone around you is doing something with their lives but you're wrapped inside a blanket like a burrito by 8 pm every night:
Hey, I'm really trying, man!
Happy lazying around, folks! In this list, we found all the best memes so that you wouldn't have to lift a finger, all while feeling recognized and appreciated, even.

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