The 'Back to work after New Year's' memes explain the pain of going back to work after having the best time ever. Imagine this: you are sitting in your cozy bed, and it's raining outside. It's a little chilly outside, but you don't feel a thing because you are tucked inside your warm bed.
You close your eyes and are about to drift away when your mom comes and yanks the blanket from the bed. That's how it feels to go back to work after New Year. One minute, you are dressed in fedoras and oversized glasses, counting the seconds to welcome the new year with your friends, and the next second, you are in your office counting the rest of the days of your life.
If you think breakups give you the worst depression, try going to work after New Year's. The second a person wakes up the day they are supposed to resume work, there is a brief moment where they are ready to risk it all, their career and their future, and quit. It takes every last brain cell to stop them from going ahead.
If you think it's dramatic check out these 'Back to work after New Year's' memes to know exactly how it feels.
15 funny 'Back to work after New Year's' memes that will make you quit your job
What hurts more than a stubbed toe? Nothing, probably, but the second most hurtful thing is going back to work after New Year. If you are not convinced, then maybe these 'Back to work after New Year's' memes will change your mind.
It's a time when remembering your name is a task. (Via Rylee Bott/Pinterest)
I just hope no one asks me to open my camera. (Via Cheezburger/Pinterest)
It seems like a reasonable amount of days. (Via menzies/Pinterest)
What do you mean I have been doing this for years? (Via V Cam/Pinterest)
I just want to sit and drink mimosas all day. (Via Lisa/Pinterest)
The struggle is real. (Via baby j/Pinterest)
Where else will you get the motivation to stay there for 9 hours? (Via hannah louise/Pinterest)
This is such an understatement. (Via Paris Reid/Pinterest)
I say this now, but I'm cooked the minute anyone says 'hi.' (Via Winkgo/Pinterest)
This is the most believable news I've heard in a long time. (Via Specss/Pinterest)
This is called taking one for the team. (Via BlackGermanTraveler/Pinterest)
Anything bad that happens can't still beat going to work. (Via Debbie Denson/Pinterest)
Why God, why? (Via Sheila Roberts/Pinterest)
I can't believe it is the same job I prayed to get every day and night. (Via sheila a/Pinterest)
There already is; it's called a paycheck, and it makes you feel better. (Via BlackGemanTraveler/Pinterest)
These 'Back to work after New Year's' memes sum up every working professional's struggle to balance their work and social life. Going to work right after enjoying one of the most vibrant parties in the world can put some blues into them.

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