Office humor has been popular among working individuals for quite a while, due to its relatability factor. A wise individual (read netizen) has once said that we technically stay at work, and visit our home for a short time.
Work can be exhausting unless you find the fun quotient in the everyday activities in your office. Taking things on a lighter note is the secret key to uplifting your mood while sitting at your desk. Let’s check out some hilarious office memes that let you breathe a sigh of relief in between your deadlines, and meetings!
12 Relatable ‘Office Humor’ Memes
Then vs Now (via bhartiyacorporate/Instagram)
Most of us have started our jobs with great aspirations, dreams, and enthusiasm. Look at us now- ended up with deep dark circles, cranky moods, and tired minds!
Professionalism at its Peak (via purewow/Instagram)
Emails are way too formal, even when they don't have to me. Just the idea of sending the mail from a phone is no less than violating professional ethics.
Meet and Greet (via employeetears/Instagram)
Here's an alternative to the unbearable greetings at client meetings or a co-worker's promotion party. It isn't rude when you are just trying to raise awareness about the flu.
"How's it Going?" (via employeeup/Instagram)
Every working individual out there is just pretending to be happy with their roles while their inner voices are announcing mutiny! Let's make it awkward for everyone with brutal honesty!
To-do List (via adultcoffeebreak/Instagram)
Your workplace goes at its pace, you can move at yours. Work can wait but gossip with your favorite co-workers should be made a top priority.
Too Much to Ask For? (via smartwomensociety/Instagram)
Who doesn't crave jobs that require minimal effort and fatten our wallets by the end of the month! We all deserve that!
The Assylum (via jordanreviewsittt/Instagram)
Workplaces are no less than asylums, especially for the ones that started off young. On the bright side, they make us stronger- if we could survive the Assylum, no force on the planet could defeat us.
Office Holiday Party (via corporategenxmom/Instagram)
Office parties can be a nightmare when the only person you like at work is yourself. Co-workers interactions beyond of working hours are a different job in itself.
Doors Unlocked (via workpeeves/Instagram)
No one lies better than the interviewer before you join. Best of luck until you identify the layman's guide to lure a gullible candidate into the hellhole!
Who Even Keeps Saving it? ( via employeeup/Instagram)
Does wishing for infrastructural damage to your workplace make you a pathetic human? Well if it does, remember that they didn't pay you to care about a random earthquake hitting a building after work hours.
Easy Choice, duh! (via chefjbonilla/Instagram)
Imagine being given the opportunity to fulfill your workplace dream and getting paid? What else can we ask for as a simple, humble human being?
Ready or Not (via employeeup/Instagram)
No one could get on your nerves faster than the overly- excited colleague who wants to start the day with a daily dose of motivation.
The next time you hit your work floor, browse through these memes, and you’ll feel amused staring at the activities going on around you! Trust me, it is no less than a circus!

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