Why was Project Stargate canceled? Declassified CIA docs claim life on Mars

Representational image (Image via Pexels/ Sam J)
Representational image (Image via Pexels/ Sam J)

Project Stargate was a secret project of the US government during the Cold War, which aimed at researching psychic phenomena, such as remote viewing and telepathy. The project, initiated at the end of the 1970s, tried to utilize these capabilities for intelligence purposes, especially in espionage against the Soviet Union. As ambitious as its goals were, not without some interesting findings, it was discontinued in 1995 due to questions of efficacy and scientific validity.

A lack of scientific evidence was a significant reason for Project Stargate's defunding. Although intriguing, a review led by psychologist Ray Hyman did not show definitively that the results were proof of the real phenomenon of remote viewing and its ability to yield useful intelligence.

As military priorities switched to more conventional forms of intelligence gathering and technology-based solutions, psychic research lost much relevance. Most of the Stargate techniques were not practical in any realistic way in modern military utilization upon its takeover by the Defense Intelligence Agency (DIA) in the 1980s.

In the years before its closure, many of the Project Stargate documents had been declassified and could thus be scrutinized by third parties, which further called into question their findings. This transparency did not help instill confidence in either the methodologies or results of the project.

Declassified CIA documents on life on Mars

Representational image (Image via Pexels/ RDNE Stock project)
Representational image (Image via Pexels/ RDNE Stock project)

The Central Intelligence Agency's declassifications have recently shed light upon some extraordinary claims regarding life on Mars through their Project Stargate. The "Mars Exploration May 22, 1984" report proposes methods like astral projection wherein a psychic visitation of Mars occurred, and subjects report back observations.

Key findings from the CIA report on Mars exploration

The declassified report of the CIA contains claims about life on Mars, focusing on the civilization that is said to have flourished more than a million years ago. The results are based on a remote viewing session conducted by one of the most well-known persons in the field of psychic phenomena, Joe McMoneagle.

Below are the key findings from this report:

1. Remote Viewing Technique

Astral Projection: The experiment utilized a recognized technique known as Astral Projection, in which McMoneagle was supposed to psychically project himself to Mars and physically be on Earth. The technique is put forward as some psychic perception wherein a person can view the target area or time without being physically there.

Psychic Excursion: During this session, McMoneagle describes a perception of Mars as it might have appeared approximately one million years ago. The protocol included binaural beats and hemi-sync audio to enhance the psychic capabilities to perform the excursion.

2. Description of Martian Civilization

Advanced Beings: McMoneagle described encountering "very large people" who seemed advanced but were struggling for survival due to environmental degradation. These beings were described as thin and tall, attired in "strange clothes," and were reportedly searching for a new place to live because their environment had become hostile.

Pyramids and Structures: The report is inextricably replete with descriptions of large-sized structures on Mars, perfectly similar in shape and size, almost like those pyramidal structures discovered in old Egypt. McMoneagle shows pictures at angles pointing at these pyramids as their shelter against the highly rough storms of the location.

3. Environmental Conditions

Hostile Environment: The results showed that Mars had reached a point of disastrous climatic change, with tremendous storms and other difficulties, and its residents needed to take shelter inside the pyramids. The whole scene reflected what is happening on Earth now regarding climate change.

Migration and Survival: McMoneagle said the Martians used big vessels to cruise their environment in search of greener, more hospitable areas full of vegetation. This part of their existence emphasized their fight for life amidst worsening conditions.

4. Scientific Skepticism

Lack of Empirical Evidence: As interesting as these claims may sound, there is still considerable doubt over their validity within the scientific world. Critics say that there is no tangible evidence to support the existence of intelligent life on Mars, let alone the building of pyramids by such intelligent life. NASA's ongoing explorations have yet to reveal any signs of past or present life on the planet.

Edited by Anshika Jain
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