A photographer named Joseph Neill was recently found dead nearly one month after he was reported missing. Neill's family members reported that he went to photograph the King Tides in North Bend, Washington County, Oregon, on December 15; however, he never came back home. After the missing persons report was filed, the North Bend Police Department, in association with the Coos County Sheriff's Office, began search operations on December 16, 2024.
"Papa is a survivalist and could fashion anything to help him get through a tough situation if needed," Neill's children remarked.
The investigators found Neill's vehicle abandoned on a parkway near Jordan Point with no trace of him. The Coos County Search and Rescue team, along with the K-9 unit, searched the Coos Bay area thoroughly but was unsuccessful in finding Neill.
"As there was evidence to suggest that Neill was elsewhere, the search was suspended pending further information or clues," a police statement said earlier.
What happened to Joseph Neill? Family showed gratitude to community members for support as missing photographer found dead
After nearly a month of disappearance, on January 5, the Clausen Oysters farm informed the North Coos Dispatch that they sighted a possible deceased man near the Haynes Inlet. The Coos County Sheriff's Office quickly responded to the area and carried out a rescue operation. After a short time of searching, the authorities recovered the body, which they later identified as Joseph Neill. They recovered Neill's body from the Hayness Inlet, 1.5 miles away from Jordan Point, where investigators previously located his vehicle. No further information regarding the nature of death has been provided yet; however, authorities suspect that the tidal water probably washed him away.
"It is believed that Mr. Neill likely entered the water from the bridge, though it remains unclear whether this was the result of a fall or a deliberate action," the authorities reported following the rescue of Neill's deceased body.
Neill's family took to social media to express their gratitude to everyone who participated in the search operation.
"His [Neill's] body was discovered this morning up Haynes Inlet, pushed far inland because of the high tides when he fell, and spotted by a kind barge operator who immediately notified the authorities," the statement read. "We appreciate the support you all have shown us and the dedicated search efforts for the last three weeks. He’s on all of our minds all of the time, so acknowledging him is something we are all grateful for," it added.

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