Whales, especially humpback whales, are not something one might see every day. Therefore, seeing such a whale under the Brooklyn Bridge into the East River has caught everyone's attention. However, people are still wondering if these animals are friendly.
Humpbacks are friendly and not known to be aggressive towards humans, according to Dana Wharf. They reportedly have a gentle nature and do not attack humans unprovoked. Mostly, they avoid coming in contact with humans.
According to the New York Post, a humpback whale was seen splashing in the East River beneath the iconic bridge on Monday, the first time in two years. Researchers have confirmed that it was a rare sighting that does not happen often.
Danielle Brown, the Director of Research at Gotham Whale, told the outlet that whales are often seen in oceans along the coastline.
"It’s much, much more common to see them in the ocean along the coastline. We have only had rare cases of them moving into the river, but it does happen."
However, the one that was spotted in New York seems to have been hunting for food. However, Brown said it was a theory and the exact reason behind the whale being in the river is currently unknown. She also said that Atlantic menhaden are usually whales' favorite meal and they are found in the river. Besides the menhaden, these cetacean also enjoy having striped bass, perch, black sea bass, flounder, and more. Brown added,
"The whales will follow fish wherever they need to go. So sometimes that does mean heading north into the river, and it does seem to happen this time of year."
Where else was the humpback whale spotted in New York?
A picture of a humpback whale swimming in East River recently went viral. In the photo, the whale was flapping its fluke against the water at around 4 p.m. As it became a headline, several reports claimed that the whale covered a long path. It, supposedly, swam through the Buttermilk Channel, between Governor's Island and Red Hook, which is about 40 miles from Rockaway Beach, the area where these animals usually feed.
As it was unusual to see a humpback in New York, these aquatic species avoid cities due to the high boat traffic.
A humpback whale was last seen in the East River in 2022. One was also seen in the Hudson River in 2020.
Due to the availability of a single picture, researchers were unable to identify the length or age of the humpback. However, the expert estimated that the whale must be a juvenile and about 25 feet long.

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