Hollyoaks recap for August 19: Suzanne confronts Frankie about accusations

Frankie tells Darren the details of JJ
Frankie tells Darren the details of JJ's abuse on Hollyoaks | Image Source: Channel 4

On Hollyoaks tonight, Frankie leans on Darren while Nancy is in for a shock, Dilly sees Prince and Zoe, and Diane makes a big decision.

For those who missed it, we break down what happened on tonight's Hollyoaks episode.

Hollyoaks tonight: Frankie leans on Darren

Frankie wakes from a nightmare in the middle of the night, but Darren sleeps on the floor next to her to comfort her. In the morning, he tells her that she was incredibly brave to tell him the truth.

Frankie sobs that she doesn’t want to send her brother to prison and doesn’t think the police will even believe her after all of the lies she has told. Frankie tells Darren that at the dance, Jack put his hand on her lower back like JJ does, and she panicked.

Darren says Frankie was just reacting to what was happening to her. Frankie admits Nancy didn’t push her down the stairs, but begs Darren not to tell anyone as the truth about JJ will come out, and she cannot deal with it.

Dilly and Prince are about to spend the day together when they bump into Sienna, who wants Dilly to go to the spa with her. Just then, Prince gets a text from Zoe asking him to meet her at the hospital.

Hollyoaks tonight: Diana makes a bold new move

Ro is proud of Diane's courageous step on Hollyoaks | Image Source: Channel 4
Ro is proud of Diane's courageous step on Hollyoaks | Image Source: Channel 4

Diane tells Kitty that today is the day she takes back her life and collects all of the wine bottles around the house to throw them out.

When Ro and Tony come in, Diane explains that the hospital has a program, and everyone agrees she should go. After the meeting, Diane tells Ro she intends to quit drinking. “I’m so proud of you,” Ro says.

At the nursing home, Martha begs Jeremy to drop the idea of revenge. Martha says Sienna and the other girls are not to blame for his past.

When Martha asks Jeremy to be friends again, he hugs Martha — then stabs her with a syringe. “Could be more wrong about tomorrow,” Jeremy says as she slinks onto the bench, “Sweet dreams.”

When Jeremy returns home, Leela and Daniel arrive. They saw his poster in the village for free apples and came to collect them. Daniel accidentally knocks over a planter box, and Jeremy yells at him.

He explains it wasn’t just any plant. The plants were to honour the three children he lost 30 years ago. Leela understands as she has also lost a child. Jeremy asks Leela if she thinks that children are to blame for the sins of their parents.

Hollyoaks tonight: Darren has to choose between loyalties

Nancy is disappointed when Darren detaches on Hollyoaks | Image Source: Channel 4
Nancy is disappointed when Darren detaches on Hollyoaks | Image Source: Channel 4

Darren sees Nancy in the park and dashes her hopes that Frankie is retracting her claims. Nancy says that they need to resort to pointing out that Frankie is known for telling lies. Darren stops her and says he can’t see her again before the trial as he has to be there for his daughter.

Upset, Nancy leaves, and Darren spots JJ nearby. He brings him to the police station and tells him to go in and confess. JJ stands by his story that he is innocent and that Frankie is lying.

Darren tells him that if he ever goes near Frankie again, he’ll be in jail. Darren tells JJ that he’s not going unpunished, though, and that his football career is over.

Hollyoaks tonight: Suzanne and Frankie talk

Frankie has a surprise for Suzanne on Hollyoaks | Image Source: Channel 4
Frankie has a surprise for Suzanne on Hollyoaks | Image Source: Channel 4

Meanwhile, Suzanne goes home to tell Frankie to stop spreading lies about JJ. Frankie tells Suzanne that she has known the truth all along since Frankie came to her the first night saying JJ raped Frankie, and instead told her mum that JJ hurt her.

Suzanne claims Frankie didn’t tell her it was JJ but that it was Suzanne’s boyfriend Paul who had touched her. Frankie says that Suzanne assumed it was Paul but Frankie never accused him.

Suzanne tells Frankie she can’t keep her lies straight. Frankie then tells Suzanne that she is not lying about JJ and has proof. She scrolls through her diary on her phone, reading out all the dates and details of what JJ did over the years.

After Leela and Daniel leave, Jeremy receives a call from the nursing home, and a woman tells him that it’s getting harder to keep Martha sedated. As he hangs up, Sienna walks up and asks if he’d like to join her and Liberty for dinner.

Jeremy says he will, as he needs to keep his strength up — he has a lot of heavy lifting to do tomorrow.

Hollyoaks tonight: Dilly and Frankie have realizations

Prince is there for Zoe when she needs him on Hollyoaks | Image Source: Channel 4
Prince is there for Zoe when she needs him on Hollyoaks | Image Source: Channel 4

Zoe and Prince walk out of the hospital clinic together after her ultrasound. Zoe asks Prince if he would like to keep a copy of the picture. Prince takes it but then says he had better not and hands it back.

Dilly comes around the corner behind them and overhears but they do not see her. As they walk away, she calls John Paul to ask if he wants to meet up as she has big news for the family.

Suzanne is comforting Frankie on the couch when Darren comes in. Suzanne jumps up, tells Frankie that everything will be alright, and leaves. Frankie tells Darren that she is ok but asks Darren if he will sleep in her room again.

Darren confirms to Frankie that he hasn’t told anyone what she shared and that he will protect her as long as she needs it, including if she decides to go to the police. He suggests they get takeaway for tea and tells Frankie to read the menu on her phone. However, when Frankie looks, her phone is missing.

Suzanne meets up with JJ and as they walk to the store, she pauses at a dumpster to toss out Frankie’s phone.

Hollyoaks airs on Channel 4. Viewers from the US can watch Hollyoaks on Britbox.

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Edited by Abhimanyu Sharma