General Hospital Recaps: The week of January 1, 2024 on GH

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Bobbie Spencer passed away. Nikolas resurfaced. Nina
General Hospital Recaps: The week of January 1, 2024 on GH

Carly learned that Bobbie had passed away in her sleep. Nina's role in tipping off the SEC was exposed. Sonny was arrested for assaulting Cyrus. Laura figured out that Esme had broken into Wyndemere. Nikolas resurfaced and hatched a plan with Ava. Tracy realized that Scott and Lucy were in cahoots. Felicia got the results of the DNA test on Cody's hair.

PREEMPTION: General Hospital did not air

PREEMPTION: General Hospital did not air

Monday, January 1, 2024

by Soap Central

Due to the New Year's holiday, General Hospital did not air. This was a planned preemption and there were no lost episodes as a result of the programming change.

Regular GH programming resumed on Tuesday, January 2, 2024, and picked up where the Friday, December 29, 2023, episode concluded.

Carly receives devastating news by phone from Amsterdam

Carly receives devastating news by phone from Amsterdam

Tuesday, January 2, 2024

by Steve Holley

At Carly's mansion, Carly and Drew celebrated in bed with Champagne after having made love on New Year's Eve. In the kitchen, moments later, Drew said that he'd returned early from his trip to Australia because he'd been on the verge of losing his patience with ELQ board members. Carly noted that it was uncharacteristic of Drew.

Drew claimed that he'd fallen into the role of "peacemaker" within the Quartermaine family, and he said that he wasn't a "choir boy." Drew pouted that he had spent months in Pentonville. Carly said that she'd noticed a change in Drew's demeanor since his return from prison.

Carly added that Drew didn't have to go through anything alone. Carly and Drew said that they loved one another, and they kissed. When Drew left the room to light the fireplace for him and Carly, Carly's phone rang. "What the hell?" Carly said to herself when she saw that the call was from an unknown number.

A short while later, Carly held her hand to her chest, and she appeared in shock and on the verge of tears. Drew asked what was wrong. Carly's voice filled with emotion. "That was the embassy in Amsterdam. My mom's dead," Carly said.

At Sam and Dante's penthouse, Dante and Sam welcomed the start of 2024 by watching fireworks from their balcony. Dante and Sam were preparing to make love when Scout entered their bedroom. Scout said that she'd had a bad dream in which a teacher at her new school had been a monster. Sam comforted Scout, and she said that Scout didn't have to attend the new school. Scout worried that Drew would be mad at her.

After Sam had put Scout to bed, Sam reiterated to Dante that she wouldn't force Scout to attend the private school that Drew had arranged. Dante asked how Drew would react to the news. Sam said that Drew would have to accept the decision. Sam recalled that she had primarily been a single parent through most of Scout's life and that she was used to making parenting decisions on her own.

Sam began to second-guess her decision to tell Scout that she didn't have to attend the private school, and she asked if she had made a mistake. Dante said that Drew had put Sam and Scout into a tough spot, and he said he believed that Sam should trust her instincts. Sam thanked Dante for having her back. Dante noted that Sam always had his back, and they kissed.

At the Quartermaine mansion, Brook Lynn and Chase sipped Champagne to welcome in the new year. They said that they loved one another. Chase received an urgent call on police business, and he agreed to meet Brook Lynn at their apartment later.

At the Crimson office, Nina decided to tell Sonny that she had been the one to tip off the SEC to the fact that Drew and Carly had committed insider trading. Nina was starting to leave when Willow appeared. Willow asked if Nina could help her pick a dress for New Year's Eve.

Nina happily agreed to help Willow, who returned moments later in a blue dress. Nina handed Willow a necklace to complement the dress. Willow was touched by Nina's gesture, and she said that she'd known she could count on Nina. When Nina's face filled with emotion, Willow asked what was wrong. Nina's voice began to crack.

Nina said that she and Willow had been robbed of many important moments through the years. "Like me brushing your hair before school and taking a million pictures at your prom and helping you pick out your wedding dress. The list goes on. You know, I was so happy when I found out that I was pregnant. And I dreamed about all the things that I would do if I had a daughter, and I had a daughter. But we never got to do those things," Nina somberly recalled.

Willow said that she and Nina would have plenty of important moments together in the future. Willow added that New Year's Eve was about new beginnings, and she proposed that she and Nina head to the Savoy. "I think we've kept our husbands waiting long enough," Willow offered.

As they prepared to leave, Nina noted that Willow could have gone to the Quartermaine mansion to find a dress. "Why go all the way home when I have a mother who works in fashion?" Willow said. Nina was touched by Willow's words, and they hugged.

At the Savoy, Lois told Sonny that Ned hadn't been the one that had turned Drew and Carly in to the SEC for having committed insider trading. "You know what? If you don't believe me, ask your son," Lois said as she and Sonny turned to look at Michael, who had returned to the club with Ned and Olivia.

Lois added that Michael, Ned, and Olivia all knew who had been responsible for the tip. Ned admitted that he hadn't called the SEC, and Olivia confirmed that Ned was being truthful. Sonny noted that Michael was quiet, and he asked if Michael had kept the truth from him. Michael said that he had.

Ned suggested that he, Lois, and Olivia give Sonny and Michael some privacy. After Ned left with Lois and Olivia, Michael admitted to Sonny that he had known the truth about the whistleblower since October -- the day that Sonny had married Nina. Sonny demanded to know why Michael hadn't told him the truth.

Michael rambled with a list of excuses, and he said that he'd known the truth would have hurt Sonny more than anyone. Michael claimed that he hadn't wanted to hurt Sonny.

Sonny said that the only way he would have been hurt was if the whistleblower had been someone he cared about. Michael said that exposing the whistleblower would have also hurt someone else he loved. "Willow," Sonny quickly deduced. Sonny yelled at Michael to demand an answer. "Who is it? Who is it? Who turned your mom and Drew in to the SEC?!" Sonny shouted. "It was Nina!" Michael shouted back.

Unbeknownst to Sonny and Michael, Nina and Willow had entered the Savoy in time to overhear Sonny and Michael's heated exchange. Sonny turned to look at Nina, who stood frozen in her tracks a few feet away.

Back at the Quartermaine mansion, Olivia and Lois argued loudly over Lois' decision to tell Sonny that Ned hadn't been the whistleblower. Lois said that Sonny had had a right to know, but Olivia said that Lois had had no right to say something to either Sonny or Ned. Olivia said that she could never trust Lois again.

Lois tried to turn the tables on Olivia. "Let me tell you, the way that I see it is that you know better than anyone what it means to keep secrets from Sonny!" Lois said in the heat of the moment. Olivia was stung by Lois' words, and Lois instantly regretted what she'd said.

Olivia then snapped at Lois. "Oh, wow. You said that because I kept it secret from Sonny that my child was his son, so that when Dante grows up, becomes a cop, and goes undercover, he doesn't realize that he's going after his father? And then when Sonny finds out, and he doesn't realize that the cop that he's shooting is his own son. Is that what you're talking about?! No, no, no. Is that what you're throwing in my face right now, my 'good friend'?" Olivia yelled.

Lois ran after Olivia to try to apologize, but Olivia had raced into the foyer, where Ned and Brook Lynn had been sitting. Lois admitted that she had gone too far, but Olivia remained furious and hurt by Lois' words. "That day that Sonny shot Dante was my worst nightmare coming true. The memory of that moment, it haunts every quiet corner of my mind. Just tell me, how long have you had that locked and loaded and ready to throw in my face?!" Olivia yelled.

Olivia stormed out of the mansion, despite Lois' pleas for her to wait. Ned chased after Olivia. Afterwards, Brook Lynn asked what Lois had done. "I opened by big mouth. And I may have started the new year by losing my oldest friend," Lois said with tears in her eyes.

Nikolas resurfaces, and news of Bobbie

Nikolas resurfaces, and news of Bobbie's death spreads

Wednesday, January 3, 2024

by Elisabeth

At the Jerome Gallery, Sonny's bodyguard stood watch as Ava and a young woman named Dana carefully set a large painting on a table and talked about the fundraiser earlier that night. Dana offered to stay to help Ava, but Ava insisted that it was late and asked the bodyguard to walk Dana to her car. After Dana and the bodyguard left, a man slipped into the back room from the alley. Ava assumed that the bodyguard had returned, but when she turned to tell him something, she stopped short. Before Ava could scream, a hand covered her mouth.

Ava shoved Nikolas away from her and demanded to know what he was doing there. "Surprised?" Nikolas asked. Ava was not amused, and they immediately began to bicker back and forth. Ava threatened to call for the bodyguard, but Nikolas reminded her that the room was soundproof. He assured her that he wasn't there to hurt her. "Stealing my daughter wouldn't hurt me?" Ava asked in a snide tone.

Nikolas explained that he'd been angry because Ava had sided with Spencer to take Nikolas' newborn from him, so Nikolas had wanted Ava to know how it had felt. However, he rushed to assure her that he had never intended to follow through with the threat. Ava remained skeptical, but she shifted gears because she wanted to know if Nikolas had killed Austin and if he'd been behind the notes and the gun. Nikolas denied any role in Austin's death, and he seemed genuinely confused about the notes and the gun. To Ava's surprise, she believed him.

When Ava asked Nikolas what he was doing at her gallery, he explained that he had heard about Austin's death, and he had realized that -- with Mason in jail -- no one would be watching her. Nikolas admitted that he had wanted to talk to Ava to "hash things out." He apologized for causing her pain, but he pointed out that they had both been played by Austin and his boss. Ava agreed, and she reminded Nikolas that it hadn't been the first time because Ryan had sent Esme to tear them apart.

Nikolas assured Ava that he had loved her, so she conceded that she had loved Nikolas, too. However, she insisted that their problems had gone beyond Ryan and Esme's mind games, and she believed it had been inevitable that she and Nikolas would end in heartbreak. Nikolas started to disagree, but Ava explained that his infidelity with Esme and threatening to take Avery had been too much. "There's no coming back from that. Ever," Ava said. Ava described their love as sick, toxic, and rotten to its core. Once again, Nikolas apologized, and both he and Ava agreed that Ryan had gotten what he had deserved. "So, what if we make sure Esme gets hers, too?" Nikolas asked.

At the Quartermaine mansion, Tracy entered the living room, grumbling about the ruckus she'd heard while watching the New Year's Eve countdown. Brook Lynn admitted that her mother and Olivia had gotten into an argument, but she kept things intentionally vague. Tracy feigned concern that Lois might pack up and leave, but Brook Lynn became distracted when Tracy's phone repeatedly buzzed with notifications. Tracy tried to dismiss it as unimportant, but Brook Lynn suspected that her grandmother was hiding something. Before Tracy could stop her, Brook Lynn snatched up Tracy's phone and checked Tracy's text messages.

Brook Lynn was surprised when she saw a slew of text messages from Scott. Teasingly, Brook Lynn suggested that Lucy had been right about Tracy being lonely. Tracy was not amused, but Brook Lynn assured Tracy that it was okay if Tracy wanted to have some fun with Scott. Tracy denied that there was anything between her and Scott, and she accused Scott of bombarding her with unwanted text messages. Brook Lynn reminded Tracy that Tracy could tell Scott to stop. Brook Lynn read a few of the text messages and smiled because it was clear to her that Scott had been flirting with Tracy.

A short time later, Chase arrived to pick up Brook Lynn. She was delighted to see him because she was ready to go home. She told him that her mother had stirred up trouble in two separate incidents, but she didn't go into detail. When Brook Lynn admitted that she felt bad because Lois was in town to see her, Chase reminded her that Lois made her own choices, and no one could tell Lois what to do. Chase suggested that they grab the bottle of Champagne they had opened earlier and go home. Brook Lynn agreed, but she warned him that Tracy was in the living room, flirting with Scott.

Tracy heard Brook Lynn tell Chase about the text messages from Scott, but Tracy denied any flirtations. Brook Lynn grabbed the phone out of Tracy's hand and gave it to Chase, who promptly looked at the text messages and agreed that Scott had been flirting. Tracy explained that Scott was only interested in money, but Brook Lynn recalled that Tracy and Scott had had a "thing" in the past. Tracy described it as a "regrettable dalliance," and she claimed that Scott was not up to Tracy's lofty standards. Brook Lynn was quick to list Tracy's previous exes, which included two mobsters and a serial killer.

When Brook Lynn mentioned Luke, Tracy warned her granddaughter not to lump Luke in with the others. Brook Lynn assured her grandmother that she wanted Tracy to be happy and to enjoy life. She pulled up a few of Tracy's friends on social media to show Tracy that they were out enjoying the celebrations. Tracy bristled, so Brook Lynn let it drop and gave Tracy a warm hug. After Brook Lynn and Chase left, Tracy pulled up Laura's social media page.

As Tracy looked at a photograph taken earlier that night, she noticed Scott and Lucy at the bar, huddled together over Scott's phone. Tracy smiled. "Gotcha," she said.

At the Port Charles Grill, Lucy approached Scott at the bar and asked if he had started to sweep Tracy off her feet. "I have Tracy right where I want her," Scott bragged. He explained that he had been exchanging text messages with Tracy, and things were going well. "I think I'm actually flirting with her," Scott said. Lucy was not pleased because they had agreed that he would woo Tracy slowly to avoid making Tracy suspicious. Lucy wanted Scott to build up to inviting Tracy for a getaway to Las Vegas, where he would wine her, dine her, feed her edibles, and wed her.

Scott warned Lucy that it was a flawed plan because Luke had once tricked Tracy into marriage during a drunken weekend in Las Vegas. Lucy wasn't concerned because Tracy had a pattern of repeating mistakes. As they conspired, Scott let Lucy read his text messages to Tracy. Lucy worried that he was being a bit too available.

Meanwhile, Martin, Laura, and Kevin were seated at a nearby table. "Looks like Lucy got waylaid by Scott," Laura said. Martin assured his sister that he wasn't concerned because Lucy deserved his trust after what he had put Lucy through with Blair Cramer and the alimony payments. Martin insisted that his third ex-wife had put the other two to shame, so he owed Lucy the same grace when dealing with her exes that she had given him. "You could," Kevin said in a careful tone.

Laura decided to shift gears by taking a photo of the three of them for her social media page. After the three of them smiled for the camera, Martin decided that it was time for him to leave because he had a call to Singapore scheduled. He stood up, waved goodbye to Lucy, and left. Kevin warned Laura that it was never a good sign when Lucy and Scott had their heads together. Just then, Laura's phone rang. It was Lucas Jones.

At the bar, Scott and Lucy noticed the look of shock on Laura's face as she spoke on the phone. They walked over just as Laura ended the call. Laura's eyes welled up with tears as she looked at Scott. "Scotty, I'm so sorry, but Bobbie died," Laura gently said. Stunned, Scott and Lucy sat down while Laura explained that Lucas had called to get Lucky's phone number. Laura admitted that Carly hadn't told the kids yet, so both Scott and Lucy assured her that they would not tell anyone.

Lucy tearfully recalled Bobbie's kindness after B.J. had died. Laura conceded that she and Bobbie had had their differences in the beginning, but Laura would always cherish the close bond that she and Bobbie had developed. "Bobbie was a sister to me. Luke or no Luke, I loved her," Laura said. Scott admitted that he had loved Bobbie, too. "I still do," he said.

According to Scott, when he and Bobbie had been great, they had been really great, but he'd been unable to make it last. He recalled his love for Bobbie, and he suggested that perhaps it had never been meant to last. Laura suggested that it had been deeper than that -- a bond that couldn't be put into words. "Your forever friend," Lucy offered. Kevin admitted that it described Bobbie perfectly.

Later, Scott, Laura, Lucy, and Kevin raised their glasses to toast to Bobbie. "The heart of Port Charles," Scott said. "Heaven got a little more special tonight," Kevin said. Laura tearfully agreed as Scott looked up with tears in his eyes. "Till I see you again, Bobbie," Scott said. "To Bobbie," they said in unison as they clinked their glasses together.

At the Savoy, Michael told a furious Sonny that Nina had reported Drew and Carly to the SEC. At the same time, Willow and Nina walked in. Willow demanded to know what was going on, so Michael suggested that they leave to give Sonny and Nina privacy. Sonny pointed out that it wasn't necessary, since everything was out in the open. Nina held back tears as Sonny asked if she had been the one who had "ratted out" Drew and Carly. "I'm so, so sorry," Nina quietly said.

Sonny was pleased that Nina hadn't denied it. Shocked, Willow realized that the accusation had been true. "You put this whole nightmare in motion?" Willow asked. Nina started to explain, but when she took a step toward Willow, Willow recoiled and warned Nina not to get near her. Nina immediately backed away, and she turned to explain things to Sonny. She assured Sonny that she had been on her way to the Savoy to tell him everything, but he wasn't interested in hearing Nina's excuses.

"I just want to know why. Why, Nina? Do you hate the mother of my children so much that you'd want to send her to prison -- out of spite?" Sonny asked. Nina denied tipping off the SEC out of "pure spite," but Sonny didn't believe her. She conceded that it had played a factor, but she explained that Willow had been dying. "And the whole time, Carly knew I was her mother," Nina said. Nina was adamant that if Carly had told the truth, Liesl could have donated her bone marrow sooner. "Don't you dare make this about me," Willow said.

Nina explained that she had spent years searching for her daughter, and she'd been terrified that she might lose Willow to the cancer. Sonny acknowledged that Nina had had a right to be angry at Carly, but he didn't understand why Nina had roped Michael and Ned into the situation. "What?" Willow asked. Sonny apologized to Michael, but Michael assured his father that it was fine. Furious, Willow demanded to know how long Michael had known the truth about Nina, so Michael admitted that he had learned the truth right after Sonny and Nina's wedding. Shocked that Michael had kept the truth from her for months, Willow stormed out.

Michael caught up with Willow on Pier 54, but her temper hadn't cooled. She was livid that he'd known that her mother had lied to everyone and that he had let Ned take the fall for what Nina had done. Michael explained that he'd been trying to protect Willow, but she resented him using her as an excuse and accused him of being just as bad as Nina. Willow insisted that she was not a "wilting flower" who needed to be shielded from the world, and he should have told her the truth right away.

"Like you told me the truth about your cancer diagnosis?" Michael asked. Willow was taken aback that he would throw that in her face. Michael apologized, but he explained that he'd been trying to protect Willow from the truth about Nina the same way that Willow had tried to protect him when she had learned about her cancer. He admitted that he'd seen how close Willow and Nina had grown, but Willow denied that she and Nina were close because Nina had always canceled plans and avoided family trips. As Willow talked, she recalled how cold Michael had always grown whenever Nina's name had been mentioned, and she suddenly realized that there had been another reason that he had kept Nina's secret.

Back at the Savoy, Nina started to follow Willow, but Sonny told her that she'd done more than enough damage. "Don't you think?" he asked. Nina assured Sonny that she had regretted her actions when she had made the call about Drew and Carly, but Sonny was unmoved. He reminded her of the damage that she had caused, including to Scout, who'd had to lose her father all over again when Drew had been sent to jail. "I wasn't thinking about that," Nina cried. "Drew almost died," Sonny yelled.

When Sonny referred to Drew as an "innocent man," Nina objected. She reminded Sonny that Drew and Carly had committed a crime. "They weren't innocent. Anyone could have reported them," Nina said. "Anyone didn't, Nina. You did," Sonny shot back. Nina promised that she had intended to tell Sonny everything, but he didn't believe her. However, he acknowledged that it didn't matter because Nina had done what she had, and it had ruined people's lives. "Sonny, everyone's fine," Nina said.

Sonny reminded Nina that Drew hadn't been the same since leaving Pentonville. Nina assured him that she had never intended for that to happen, but Sonny was disgusted with her excuses. When she reached out to him, he warned her not to touch him. He reminded her of her promise to never lie to him. "I know never is a long time, but you cracked pretty quick, didn't you?" he asked. Nina promised that she had hated every second, but he pointed out that it hadn't been enough for her to be honest.

Nina begged Sonny not to throw away what they had over "one stupid mistake." She apologized, but he told her to stop because he was not the one who needed to hear her apology. Nina assumed that he had been referring to Willow, but Sonny clarified that Nina owed an apology to Drew and Carly. Sonny conceded that Drew was out of town, but he pointed out that Carly was at home. Nina realized that Sonny wanted her to confess to Carly because Carly would have no qualms about tearing into her, while Sonny couldn't. "Because you still love me," Nina said.

Nina was certain that she was right. Sonny started to leave, but Nina called out to him and told him that it was not the end of their relationship. "I won't let it be," Nina said. After Sonny left the nightclub, he made his way to church. He knelt before an altar of candles and folded his hands in prayer.

At Carly's house, a grief-stricken Carly sat on the sofa as she looked at a photograph of her and Bobbie taken during Carly's wedding to Jason. Carly's memories drifted to the day that she sat in the kitchen with her mother and told Bobbie about her decision to take Bobbie's last name. Bobbie had been delighted that Carly would be a Spencer. "It's as it should be," Bobbie had said with pride.

Carly pushed the memory away when Drew entered the living room as he finished up a phone call. After Drew put his phone away, he asked how Carly was holding up. "I can't believe she's gone. I can't believe I'm never going to see my mom again," Carly said as fresh tears filled her eyes. Drew gently told Carly that he had made arrangements for Bobbie to be flown home and that Lucas would let the family know, so Carly had a few hours to process everything before she had to break the news to her children. Carly suddenly recalled that Bobbie had hated flying alone. Seconds later, she realized that the body returning home would not be her mother.

Drew assured Carly that Bobbie would always remain with her loved ones. Carly admitted that her mind had been racing with thoughts of what she could have done differently to prevent the tragedy, but Drew reminded Carly that Bobbie had died peacefully in her sleep, knowing that she was loved. Carly remained troubled, so Drew asked about her last conversation with Bobbie. Carly explained that she'd had Donna call Bobbie on Christmas Eve, but she had rushed Donna off the phone because they had been late for the party at the hospital.

Carly tearfully admitted that if she had known it would be the last time that she would talk to her mother, she would have kept Bobbie on the phone indefinitely and told Bobbie how much Bobbie had meant to her. As they talked, Carly opened up about when she had first met Bobbie and how she had wanted to destroy her mother's life, but she said Bobbie had forgiven her. Carly credited Bobbie with teaching her to be a good mother and a good person, and how to love and be loved.

After Drew left the room to call the embassy in Amsterdam, Carly answered a knock at the door. It was Nina.

Nina comes clean to Carly and Drew

Nina comes clean to Carly and Drew

Thursday, January 4, 2024

by Marissa PD

At the gallery, Ava wondered what Nikolas was planning to do to Esme. He answered that he wanted to work with Ava to get rid of Esme before she did more damage. Ava asked him flat out if he planned to kill Esme, but he promised that he didn't. She was skeptical, and she didn't want to work with him, anyway. He thought that she feared being able to resist him, and she rolled her eyes. He instructed Ava to throw a party and make sure Esme was there.

Nina arrived at Carly's with something to tell Carly. Drew returned and informed Carly that the embassy needed an answer, so Nina needed to go. Carly insisted that whatever he decided was fine, and she promised to handle Nina. When Drew was gone, Nina admitted that she was the one who'd called the SEC about Carly and Drew's insider trading. The two argued over the terrible things they'd done to one another until Drew returned.

Carly disclosed the news to Drew, who regretted that he couldn't hit Nina, since she was a woman. Carly yelled that she couldn't handle it "tonight," as her mother had died. Nina expressed her sympathy, but Carly screamed at her to get out. When Nina was gone, Carly fell into Drew's arms and lamented that she had to live in a world where Nina existed and Bobbie didn't.

Josslyn and Dex returned to her dorm room after a party, and she was glad that he'd gotten along with her friends. Just then, they heard noise outside the door, and Dex opened it and found Adam trying to get in the room. "What are you doing in my room?" he slurred with a red cup in his hand. Josslyn sat him down on her bed before he fell over, and she asked him what was going on. He admitted that his parents knew about his lousy grades and that he'd lied about having an internship over winter break. He continued that they'd threatened to pull him out of PCU so he could go somewhere local, since he wasn't "performing up to their standards."

A few minutes later, Josslyn got a call from Drew, who summoned her home because Carly needed to talk to her. Dex offered to accompany her, but she wanted him to keep an eye on Adam. When she was gone, Dex told Adam that he could relate to Adam's parental situation. He promised that things would get better. A short while later, Adam was almost asleep in Josslyn's bed. Dex turned off the light, and Adam muttered, "Thank you, Dex."

On the docks, Michael admitted that he'd blackmailed Nina into not seeing Willow and the kids. Willow yelled at him for going behind her back and interfering in her relationship with her mother, and she accused him of manipulating her. She was livid that he didn't trust her to protect herself, if need be. When they couldn't even be honest with each other, she wondered, "What kind of marriage is that?" He promised they would get through it, but she needed time. She advised him to sleep somewhere else that night. His phone went off, and he saw that it was Drew. She told him to take the call, as they had nothing left to say that night, and she walked away.

Sonny was standing inside the church when Cyrus appeared, glad that Sonny had found his way there "in your hour of greatest need." Sonny spat that he would never buy Cyrus' "saved" act, and that night was not the night to push him. "She told you," Cyrus replied, and he was glad that his counsel had helped Nina. Sonny punched Cyrus in the face, and Cyrus quoted a Bible verse about turning the other cheek. In response, Sonny punched the other side of Cyrus' face. He pushed Cyrus and demanded that the man fight back. Cyrus landed on the ground, and Sonny punched him repeatedly, urging him to fight back.

Later, Sonny returned home with a bottle. He thought back to his conversation with Nina as Ava entered the apartment. She asked where Nina was, and Sonny replied, "Gone." She saw his bloody fist and urged him to get cleaned up, as Avery couldn't see him like that. He walked away as Nina arrived home. Nina quickly updated Ava on all that had happened that night. Ava didn't think it was a good idea for Nina to see Sonny, but Nina just wanted to talk to him for a minute. Sonny returned and slammed the door in Nina's face.

At the hospital, Portia talked to a nurse named Rachel about having to work on New Year's Eve. Rachel hoped that they wouldn't get stuck working that night again the next year, and Portia revealed that she had big plans for 2024. Portia returned to her office and found Curtis there with a rose, candles, and some doughnuts. Portia talked about how excited she was for his surgery, but he feared it wouldn't work. He just wanted to sweep her off her feet. She insisted that he did that every day, and she kissed him. A short while later, Portia and Curtis got off the elevator, as Portia had an emergency to attend to.

At the Port Charles Grill, Laura thought about her family and how much the Spencers had lost. Just then, her phone went off, and she answered it to Ace's babysitter wondering where Esme was. Outside the restaurant, Esme decided that she needed a drink and entered. Laura spotted her and informed the babysitter that Esme was fine. A few minutes later, Esme assured the babysitter on the phone that she would be home soon. Kevin returned with hot chocolate for Esme and observed that she'd dropped her glove. She replied that she only had one, anyway, and Laura immediately called Esme out as having broken into Wyndemere on Christmas Eve. Kevin left them to talk in private.

Laura scolded Esme, but Esme explained that she'd thought she could regain some memories by being there. She knew that what she'd done was wrong, but she promised to pay for the broken glass. She added that she'd panicked when Laura had gotten there, and she'd run out, probably dropping her glove in the process. Laura insisted that Esme turn herself in, as she would probably only get community service and a fine, but she would feel much better, because actions had consequences. Just then, Laura's phone went off, and she answered it to Curtis. He advised her to get to the hospital and that it was about her brother. Esme left the restaurant a few minutes later while telling the babysitter that she would be home in ten minutes. Nikolas watched as she walked away.

Laura and Kevin arrived at the hospital and found Curtis. Curtis informed them that the priest had found Cyrus in the church alone. They went into Cyrus' room, where Portia informed them that Cyrus was stable, but he hadn't yet regained consciousness. Laura questioned who had hurt Cyrus.

Josslyn and Michael arrived at Carly's, and Josslyn wondered if he had any idea what the meeting was about. "There's only one way to find out," he replied, and they entered the house. Carly tearfully informed her kids that Bobbie had passed away. She went on that Bobbie had been staying at Luke's apartment, and she'd died peacefully in her sleep. Josslyn wondered what they would do without Bobbie, and Carly hugged her kids and promised that they would get through it together.

Dante arrests Sonny

Dante arrests Sonny

Friday, January 5, 2024

by Steve Holley

At the hospital, Felicia stood somberly in front of the memorial shrine. Felicia stared at photos of past doctors and nurses at General Hospital, including Jessie Brewer, Amy Vining, Tony Jones, and Epiphany Johnson. Anna approached Felicia, who broke down in tears as the two friends wrapped their arms around one another.

Anna and Felicia headed to Bobbie's office, where they stared at photos on a stand behind Bobbie's desk. Anna said that Bobbie had been loved. "She was always the first to show up for people, the first to extend a hand. She was the anchor for her family -- and for this hospital," Felicia said as her voice broke.

Anna said that the photos of Bobbie with her loved ones told the story of a life well lived. Felicia spotted something in the shape of a small vase, and she cried fresh tears when she discovered one of Bobbie's first nursing badges and hospital ID cards from years earlier. Anna noted how young Bobbie had been in the picture ID. Felicia then picked up a white nurses' hat that Bobbie had worn.

Felicia asked if Anna had ever seen photos of Bobbie's first nursing uniform. "Yeah, yeah, I did. Gosh, those hats that they made the nurses wear back then... I don't know how that hat stayed on. She had all that mane of red hair," Anna said warmly. "Well, we all had the hair," Felicia quipped as she and Anna began to laugh heartily.

Felicia began to sob again when she said that she was only then beginning to realize that she would never get to work with Bobbie again. Anna rushed to put her arms around Felicia, and she held Felicia as they cried together.

Anna posited that there was a beauty in being able to look back on a person's life and to realize what others had seen in them. Felicia recalled something that Bobbie had once said. "Bobbie once said that grief was more bearable if you can help someone else. And the way that we honor the ones that we've lost... is to embrace the living," Felicia said slowly as she continued to fight back tears.

Felicia's phone rang, and she answered a call from someone. "Oh, the results are ready? Okay, I'll be right there," she said. After Felicia had hung up, Anna asked what Felicia's call had been about. "The living," Felicia said warmly.

At the Deception office, a solemn Maxie told Cody stories of Bobbie. Maxie recalled how she had received B.J.'s heart in 1994. Maxie added that Bobbie had been a mother figure to her for years after Felicia had left Port Charles. "I can't imagine Port Charles without Bobbie Spencer," Maxie said.

The conversation shifted to Cody's life. Maxie reflected on her memories of Bobbie as a way to ask what Cody believed was his purpose in life. Cody said that he didn't know if he even had a purpose. Unbeknownst to Cody, Felicia had entered. "Nonsense. We all do," Felicia said with a smile.

Cody asked for Felicia's help in gaining some insight into finding his purpose. Felicia encouraged Cody to be honest, and she revealed that she had recently run a secret DNA test on Cody to determine if he was Mac's son.

At Sam and Dante's penthouse, Sam told Drew that Scout wouldn't be attending the private school Drew had arranged. Drew became angry at Sam, and they began to raise their voices. Sam said that Drew should have consulted her before having unilaterally made a decision on Scout's future.

Drew huffed that Sam was getting back at him for not having consulted her first. Drew asked why Sam hadn't told him about Scout's reservations sooner. Sam said that her concerns were for Scout's well-being. Drew became furious, and he said that Sam was implying that his first concern wasn't Scout's well-being. Sam said that she only wanted her and Drew to be on the same page about Scout going forward.

Drew said that Sam was right, and he offered an apology. Sam asked why Drew had picked a fight with her, and she noted that they never fought over Scout. When Sam said that Drew had lost a lot of time as Scout's father due to Victor, Drew grew angry yet again. He blamed Nina for him having lost more time with Scout.

Sam learned that Nina had tipped off the SEC to Drew and Carly having committed a federal crime in insider trading. Sam blasted Nina. She asked Drew to give Scout more time to adjust to the idea of private school. They agreed to revisit the idea at a later date. Drew claimed that he would always be Scout's biggest fan.

At Sasha's apartment, Nina pleaded in a voice message for Willow to call her back. After she hung up, Nina thanked Sasha for allowing Nina to spend the previous night with her. Nina blamed herself for her predicament, and she worried that she should leave because Sasha was close to Willow and Sonny. "You're not a fugitive. It's not a crime for you to be here, so let's stop acting like it is," Sasha noted.

Nina admitted that she had acted hastily when she'd had Martin contact the SEC over Drew and Carly having committed insider trading. Sasha asked Nina to let things be and to not rush for forgiveness. Nina said that everyone in town had told Sonny that she wasn't trustworthy. She said that it was as if she had gone out of her way to prove them right. Nina continued to beat herself up, and she said that she wasn't qualified to be someone's mother or grandmother. "Or... a wife," Nina said.

Sasha said that Nina's words couldn't be further from the truth. Nina worried that Carly, Michael, and Willow would make sure that Nina could never be loved by Wiley and Amelia again. Sasha credited Nina for owning up to what she'd done, and she said that both Nina and Willow had a great capacity to forgive others. Nina hoped that Sasha was right. Nina added that she prayed Willow would forgive her. "Especially since my husband never will," Nina said dourly.

At the hospital, Dante brought coffee for Laura, who had spent the previous night on a couch in Cyrus' room. Laura noted that Cyrus was still unconscious, and she asked Dante who was responsible for Cyrus' beating. Dante said the police had no known suspects. Cyrus slowly began to wake up, and Laura left to find a doctor.

In the hallway moments later, Dante told Laura that he had spoken with Cyrus and that Cyrus had refused to name his attacker. Dante suggested that Laura try to coax the truth out of Cyrus. Laura reentered Cyrus' room, and she asked him to tell her who had beaten him. Laura was skeptical when Cyrus named Sonny as his attacker, and she wondered what Sonny's reasons had been.

Cyrus said that Sonny had unleashed his frustrations on Cyrus because of Nina. Laura returned to the waiting area, where she told Dante what Cyrus had said. Laura added that Cyrus had been privy to information about Sonny's marriage. "Something that Sonny didn't know," Laura added. Laura asked if Sonny had said anything to Dante. "Not a word," Dante said as he shook his head.

Moments later, back in Cyrus' room, Laura said that it was clear to her that Cyrus was holding back on something. Laura reminded Cyrus that part of her terms of Cyrus being a member of her family was in Cyrus proving his trust. "That means proving it to me through your actions," Laura said. "Whatever you require of me, I shall do," Cyrus said.

At Sonny and Nina's penthouse, Sonny begrudgingly agreed to allow Lois inside. Lois spotted two packed suitcases nearby, and she learned that Sonny had already had Nina's belongings packed up. Sonny was brooding and standoffish. Lois bashed Nina's actions while defending Carly's actions.

Sonny rambled that Nina was a "traitor" that had gone against his family. Lois wondered how Sonny could trust Nina again. Sonny didn't respond. Lois asked Sonny to get some rubbing alcohol so that she could tend to his hands. When Sonny left the room, Lois heard a knock at the door. Dante entered. Lois was thrilled to see Dante, and she said that Sonny would be happy to see him.

Dante demurred. "Yeah. Not today, he won't," Dante said glumly. Lois grew testy toward Dante, who told Lois to back off so that he could do his job. When Sonny reappeared, Dante said that he had learned about Nina, and he apologized. "I also apologize in advance for this," Dante said as he opened the door to a fellow officer.

Lois demanded to know what was going on. "Well, I just came from seeing Cyrus Renault at GH. I really wish I didn't have to do this, but I do," Dante said. An officer then handcuffed Sonny's hands behind his back. "Michael 'Sonny' Corinthos, I'm placing you under arrest for the second-degree assault of Cyrus Renault. You have the right to remain silent," the officer said as Sonny stared in astonishment at Dante.

Edited by SC Desk
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