General Hospital Recaps: The week of July 31, 2023 on GH

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Drew saved Cyrus
General Hospital Recaps: The week of July 31, 2023 on GH

Drew saved Cyrus' life. Laura and Kevin parted ways with Valentin in Chechnya. Spencer and Trina agreed to keep their relationship low-key. T.J. and Molly took a big step. Willow talked to Michael about her future. Austin demanded to know what Ava had told Sonny. Olivia and "Eddie" found common ground.

Sonny tells Anna about Pikeman

Sonny tells Anna about Pikeman

Monday, July 31, 2023

by Steve Holley

At Metro Court, Sonny met Anna on the rooftop of the restaurant. Sonny was glad to see Anna out of the house, and he asked if Valentin knew that the WSB was trying to kill her. Anna said she didn't believe the WSB had ordered a hit on her.

Anna said that Sonny didn't need to add her to his list of problems. Anna smiled when Sonny said that he always had time for her. Sonny said that he and Anna no longer had to pretend they weren't friends. Anna said that she wasn't pretending.

Sonny recalled his past run-ins with Anna when she had been police commissioner. Anna admitted that part of her had always admired how Sonny had been able to "get away with it," in the words of Sonny, who chuckled as he finished Anna's sentence.

Anna said that it made for an interesting dichotomy between Sonny as a father and a "businessman." Anna added that her situation had changed because of her status with the WSB, but she noted she had never turned a blind eye to Sonny's criminal activities.

Sonny developed a quizzical look. Anna teased that she had hurt Sonny's feelings. Sonny surprised Anna when he said that perhaps Victor hadn't been the one who'd exposed Anna's past as a double agent. Anna said that she thought it had been Victor's "final act" to get even with her. "What else could it be?" Anna wondered.

Anna added that she wasn't sure the bullet had even been intended for her. Anna's remark prompted Sonny to confide that he had been working with a high-profile security firm. Sonny asked if Anna had ever heard of Pikeman. "Yes, I have heard of Pikeman. Trust me, you do not want anything to do with them," Anna warned Sonny.

Downstairs, in the Metro Court restaurant, Lucy met Felicia. Lucy said that she couldn't stop thinking of the $50,000 that Martin received in alimony payments each month. Lucy wondered if the reason Martin wouldn't marry her was because he might lose the money he received from the alimony payments.

Martin appeared, and he asked about Lucy's trip. Instead of telling Martin that they had visited Jackson Montgomery in Pine Valley, Lucy and Felicia feigned that they had gone to a spa in Llanview. Felicia grew nervous, and she left.

Afterwards, Lucy mentioned Martin's mysterious third ex-wife. Martin referred to the ex-wife as a "vulture," and he said that he only managed to put up with her because of his love for his mother, Florence.

Elsewhere at Metro Court, Gregory fussed at Tracy for not saying "you're welcome" after he had held an elevator for her. In the elevator, Tracy received a call from Monica, who shared that she had to cancel dinner plans with Tracy. Gregory invited Tracy to join him for dinner instead.

Over dinner, Gregory told Tracy a story about having once brought his dog to a class that he had taught. Tracy laughed at the story. Gregory paid for dinner, and he said that Tracy could pay the next time. Tracy asked who had said anything about a "next time."

Gregory tried to sign his name on the dinner check, but his hand started to shake. Tracy asked if Gregory was okay. Gregory blamed his shaking hand on years of using a chalkboard. After Gregory left, Tracy pulled out her phone to call someone.

At Molly and T.J.'s apartment, Alexis visited Molly. Molly claimed that she'd always wanted to be a mother. Molly surmised that having Kristina as a surrogate might be the best solution for Molly and T.J. to have a child.

Alexis gave Molly a list of positives and negatives for why Kristina might be a good surrogate. Alexis noted that Kristina would be the baby's biological mother and that it could cause drama in the future.

Alexis added that no one could predict whether Kristina might develop a bond with the child that would go beyond that of a traditional aunt. Molly admitted that Alexis was right and that she and T.J. needed to consider Kristina's feelings. Alexis hugged Molly, and she said that Molly wasn't alone in her dilemma. Alexis stood up to leave.

Outside Molly's apartment, Alexis received a call from Tracy. Tracy asked if something was wrong with Gregory. "In what way?" Alexis asked. "His health," Tracy said.

In Michael's office at Aurora, Kristina asked why Michael was "such a bastard" to Nina. Kristina said that Michael had to get over his vendetta with Nina. Michael claimed that he would support whatever decision Willow made in regard to Nina.

Kristina told Michael about the shelter that she was setting up for at-risk LGBTQIA+ teens, and she said that she felt in over her head. Michael asked how he could help. Kristina said that she wanted Michael to join the shelter's board of directors. Michael said that he would be honored. Kristina and Michael hugged.

Michael encouraged Kristina to believe in herself. Kristina feared that she would disappoint Sonny if the shelter wasn't a success. Michael said that Kristina should stop being so hard on herself, and he surprised her by saying that she underestimated Sonny.

Michael credited Sonny for believing in Kristina, and he said that Sonny was her biggest fan. Kristina wanted Michael to admit that he still loved Sonny. Michael tried to be coy, and he hugged Kristina. On her way out, Kristina thanked Michael for his help.

In the library at Pentonville, Book grabbed Cyrus and threatened him before Drew interceded. Cyrus started to breathe heavily, and he looked ill. Book ordered Drew to walk away. Drew was forced to grab Book, and he threw him headfirst into a table.

Cyrus struggled to get to his feet. As Drew tried to help Cyrus, Book sneaked up on the two with a shiv. Drew and Book fought, and Drew managed to punch Book in the face before two guards ordered that both men be taken to solitary. Off in a corner, Cyrus' condition appeared to worsen. "No. No," Cyrus said faintly as he clutched his chest.

Drew pleaded with the guards to let him help Cyrus. The guards agreed, and Drew raced toward Cyrus. As Cyrus lay on his back, Drew implored Cyrus to stay conscious. Cyrus' eyes widened, and he saw a flash of bright light.

Kristina receives encouraging support

Kristina receives encouraging support

Tuesday, August 1, 2023

by Steve Holley

At Molly and T.J.'s apartment, Molly told T.J. about Kristina's visit. Molly asked if T.J. truly wanted to be a father. T.J. replied that he wanted to be a father as soon as possible, and he soon asked if Kristina would be his and Molly's surrogate.

Molly surprised T.J. when she said that she didn't want Kristina to be their surrogate. T.J. was relieved, and he said that he agreed with Molly. Molly was glad that she and T.J. were aligned. The two held one another on the couch, and they enthusiastically shouted repeatedly that they were going to have a baby.

In Alexis' office at the Invader, Alexis told Gregory that Tracy had called her out of concern for Gregory's health. Alexis asked how much longer Gregory thought he could keep his illness a secret.

Gregory admitted that his symptoms had grown worse, and he said that he wanted to savor whatever time he had left. Alexis encouraged Gregory to tell Chase and Finn whenever Gregory felt it was time. Gregory told Alexis that he was grateful for her confidence and friendship.

In the kitchen at Carly's mansion, Ava stopped by to visit Avery. Avery left to watch Frozen in another room. Carly asked why Ava had really dropped by. Carly said that Josslyn had told her about an unpleasant run-in with Betty at the pool. Ava tried to downplay things, but Carly said that Ava was "up to [her] old tricks."

Ava asked how far Carly was going to push the matter. Ava threatened to take Avery home. In response, Carly threatened to tell Sonny that Ava had "grabbed Avery," and she dared Ava to take Ava's daughter. Avery returned, and she asked for cookies. Ava asked Avery to give her "the biggest hug ever," and Avery complied.

Ava told Avery that she loved Avery and would do anything for her. Avery left to resume the movie. "Whatever you and Sonny are up to, I hope you know what you're doing," Carly told Ava. Ava thanked Carly, and she left.

On the roof of the Metro Court restaurant, Anna warned Sonny that Pikeman was dangerous. Dante appeared before Sonny could go into detail about his dealings with Pikeman. Kristina soon followed Dante. The two shared that Dante had given Kristina a ride after her car had broken down.

Dante wanted to go to the bar for a drink, but Kristina insisted that the two of them join Sonny and Anna. Dante and Kristina grabbed a seat. "So, have you two figured out why you almost got shot?" Kristina deadpanned to Sonny and Anna.

Kristina said that she needed to freshen up, and she warned that Sonny and Anna weren't "off the hook." Sonny and Anna credited Kristina for having good instincts.

In the restroom, Kristina encountered Trish, a waitress at Metro Court. Trish asked about the youth center that Kristina planned to open for at-risk LGBTQIA+ youth. Kristina was caught off guard when Trish shared that Nina had told her about the youth center. Trish added that Nina had spoken highly of Kristina.

Trish told Kristina about a brother named Teddy. Trish said that Teddy had been forced out of their home when he'd been 15 years old just because he was gay. Trish said that she had no idea where Teddy was. Trish praised Kristina's work and thanked her for opening the shelter. Kristina was touched by Trish's words.

Afterwards, Sonny and Kristina chatted privately inside the restaurant. Sonny wanted to buy Kristina a new car, but Kristina said that Sonny had done enough for her with his help with the youth center. Sonny said that Kristina could change the world. Kristina thanked Sonny, and they hugged.

Back on the rooftop, Dante noted that the shooter's weapon was a gun that had been locked in a WSB storage facility in Berlin. Dante surmised that the shooting had been an inside job and that someone had deliberately taken a shot at Anna.

Anna told Dante that she could protect herself. Dante asked what would happen if Anna was wrong. Anna said that a bodyguard wouldn't do her any good if the WSB was targeting her because, she reasoned, the agency wouldn't try to eliminate her the same way twice.

"If I'm being targeted, then the shooting at the pool was a one-off. If it had worked, fine, I would be dead. But it didn't work. And if my enemy is indeed inside the Bureau, they're not gonna want to call attention to themselves," Anna said.

Anna said that whoever had tried to kill her might not make another attempt on her life for months or even years. Anna asked if Dante really wanted to be "glued" to her side for so long. Dante said that he understood Anna's point. Dante agreed to "stand down," but he told Anna to let him know if something changed. Anna promised that Dante would be her first call.

In the library at Pentonville, Drew performed CPR in an attempt to revive Cyrus. At the same time, Cyrus envisioned that he had awoken in a cell. Cyrus thought that he was in hell, and he cried out that he didn't belong there. "Of course, you do. This is where you deserve to be for eternity," Cyrus envisioned Laura saying.

In Cyrus' vision, Laura said that Cyrus had built his own prison. Cyrus said that his biggest regret was throwing away his relationship with Laura, and he added that he had genuinely grown to love Laura. Laura recalled that Cyrus had held her and Curtis hostage at Portia's house two years earlier.

Cyrus said that he had thought he was going to die on the night of the hostage standoff, and he said that he had planned to take Laura with him so that he wouldn't have died alone. Cyrus added that he had given the police an opening to stop him -- for Laura's sake.

Laura was surprised when Cyrus said that he had allowed the police to shoot him in an effort to save her. Laura then admitted that she regretted not having tried to help Cyrus be a better person.

Cyrus said that Laura couldn't have redeemed him. Laura reasoned that everyone had to save themselves. "But do you want to? Because you're the only one keeping you locked in here," Laura said before disappearing.

Cyrus pleaded with Laura not to leave him, and his eyes grew wide when the door to his cell opened. At the same time, back in the prison library, Cyrus' eyes widened as he returned to consciousness. Drew smiled when he saw that Cyrus had opened his eyes, and he encouraged Cyrus to hold on.

A short while later, Cyrus was wheeled out on a stretcher. A medic said that Cyrus would be taken to General Hospital. Afterwards, a prison guard said that Cyrus was only alive because of Drew. Drew was surprised when the guard said that he would escort Drew to solitary. Drew tried to protest that he had only acted out of self-defense, but he was led away, anyway.

Cyrus decides to give all of his money away

Cyrus decides to give all of his money away

Wednesday, August 2, 2023

by Elisabeth

At Pozullo's, Sonny was on the phone in his office. "He took two bullets to the chest at GH -- in my territory," Sonny suspected the murder had been a message. "So, I might just send them a message," Sonny said. After he disconnected the call, Frank entered. "Is the job done?" Sonny asked. "In the trunk," Frank answered. Satisfied, Sonny and Frank left.

In the Quartermaine mansion's kitchen, Tracy asked when the "wandering warbler" had arrived. Olivia explained that Dante had picked up Ned at a bar and brought him home. Olivia tearfully asked for Tracy's help, but Tracy explained that she had other matters to attend to for the day. Frustrated, Olivia reminded Tracy that Ned was Tracy's son, but Olivia's words fell on deaf ears. After Tracy left, Leo entered the kitchen and mentioned having watched "Eddie" sleep.

"He snores," Leo said. Olivia chuckled, but her smile faded when Leo asked when his father would return. Olivia admitted that she didn't know. Just then, "Eddie" entered and stopped short when he saw Olivia and Leo. "Oh, that's where I am," "Eddie" said. Olivia was annoyed, but she grudgingly offered to make "Eddie" breakfast. "Eddie" declined, but he asked for some coffee.

After Olivia sent Leo to fetch an ice pack for "Eddie's" headache, she lectured "Eddie" about partying all night in dive bars. "Eddie" resented Olivia's lecture, but she accused him of being too old for that kind of lifestyle. "Eddie" was offended, but Olivia warned him that he would end up having a stroke if he continued to drink his nights away. Frustrated, "Eddie" admitted that he couldn't figure out how he had been married to her. "Because no way any part of me would marry such an uptight shrew," "Eddie" said. After "Eddie" stormed out, Leo returned with the ice pack.

Leo asked why his mother was sad, so Olivia admitted that she missed his father. When Leo confessed that he did, too, she asked what Leo thought of "Eddie." Leo told her that "Eddie" was funny. Leo admitted that he also appreciated that "Eddie" thought he was smart because not many people did. Olivia assured her son that he was smart, and it didn't matter what other people thought. She turned the conversation back to "Eddie," so Leo confided that he could tell that "Eddie" liked his smile. "Then he can't be all bad," Olivia said.

Later, Leo was reading a book about animals when "Eddie" returned to the kitchen, looking for coffee. "Eddie" asked where Olivia was, so Leo explained that his mother had taken the ice pack back to the freezer. "Eddie" was disappointed because he needed the ice pack, but Leo slammed his book shut and told "Eddie" that Olivia had been trying to help. "Why did you make her feel sad?" Leo asked. A short time later, Olivia returned to the kitchen as "Eddie" sipped a large glass of water and chatted with Leo.

To Olivia's surprise, "Eddie" asked if her offer to make breakfast was still open. Leo was delighted at the prospect of a second breakfast, and he sang his mother's praises as a cook. Olivia began to smile as she watched "Eddie" and Leo resume their talk.

At Deception, Brook Lynn spoke to Chase on the phone. She was curious if he wanted to meet her for lunch, but he declined because he had to work. Maxie entered her office as Brook Lynn told Chase to be careful, but Chase had already ended the call. Brook Lynn picked up her tablet and looked at the Invader's article about the murder at General Hospital. Maxie admitted that it wouldn't get easier being in love with a cop. Brook Lynn tried to pretend that she hadn't been concerned about Chase, but Maxie knew better.

Brook Lynn started to ask Maxie about dating a police officer, but she immediately regretted dredging up the painful memory of Nathan. Maxie explained that Nathan had died doing the job that he had loved, which had made Nathan the man that Maxie loved. "Would Chase really ever have been happy being a singer?" Maxie asked. "No," Brook Lynn answered. Brook Lynn realized that she had to accept that it was Chase's calling to be a police officer. Maxie reminded Brook Lynn that it was what anyone would want for the person that they loved.

The conversation turned to business when Brook Lynn asked Maxie about the stack of papers that Maxie had set on her desk. Maxie explained that it was a list of arguments to keep their distributors from dropping Deception's products. Maxie acknowledged that she'd been able to talk them off the ledge when Lucy had returned from the dead, but Sasha's scandal had been a different story. Brook Lynn insisted that Sasha hadn't intended to hurt Cody. Maxie agreed; however, the optics had been bad, and it had led every major department store and cosmetics store to move Deception's products to the bottom shelf.

Brook Lynn was surprised that Sasha's actions had had such a huge impact on the company. Maxie confessed that she felt bad, but she was grateful that Sasha's face hadn't been featured on Deceptor's packaging. Brook Lynn empathized because she knew that Maxie wanted the best for Sasha, but Maxie was also a good businesswoman. Moments later, Tracy barged into Maxie's office and demanded to speak to Brook Lynn regarding Ned.

Tracy told Brook Lynn that Dante had brought Ned home the previous night, but Olivia was distraught because she no longer recognized her husband. Tracy complained that it was ridiculous for a man Ned's age to pretend to have an alter ego, but Brook Lynn reminded her grandmother that Ned was not faking. Tracy turned to Maxie to get Maxie's input, but Maxie refused to get involved. After Maxie fled on the pretext of fetching coffee, Tracy closed the door. "I never thought she'd leave," Tracy said.

Tracy demanded to know what Brook Lynn had gathered on the Deceptor. Brook Lynn reminded her grandmother that she'd already given Tracy a flash drive with information, but Tracy wanted more. Brook Lynn explained that all the information on the Deceptor was locked up, and she refused to jeopardize her job again. Brook Lynn told Tracy about the article in the Sun about Sasha, but Tracy didn't think Sasha stabbing Cody had been a big deal.

Brook Lynn informed Tracy that the scandal had hurt Deception, and the Deceptor was the only reason the company remained afloat. Brook Lynn refused to put her friends at risk, but Tracy explained that there were no friends in business. Tracy argued that she was Brook Lynn's family, and Tracy expected Brook Lynn to use her inside access to get Tracy the information that Tracy needed.

At the hospital, Austin picked up a patient file with Cyrus' name on it. Chase walked up and asked for a moment of Austin's time because Chase had a few questions regarding an investigation. Chase held up his phone to show Austin a photograph of Gordon Stevens' body in the hospital's alley as he asked if Austin recognized the man. Austin led Chase to a quiet area where he confirmed that he had treated Gordon in the emergency room. Chase asked about Austin's encounter with Gordon at the Port Charles Grill, so Austin claimed that Gordon had been upset about the hospital bill.

Chase pulled up a photograph of Dex and showed it to Austin, but Austin didn't recognize Dex. However, Austin was surprised when Chase revealed that Dex had been seen standing outside Austin's office prior to Gordon's murder and that Dex had found Gordon's body in the alley. Chase was curious what Dex had been up to, but Austin advised Chase to ask Dex. Moments later, Austin explained that he had to get back to work. When Chase saw Cyrus' file, he advised Austin to watch his back.

In Cyrus' hospital room, Martin greeted his brother. Cyrus smiled, but Martin made it clear that he was only there because he'd been told that it was a matter of "life or death." Cyrus assured Martin that it was, because Cyrus -- like their Savior -- had faced death, only to embrace life and all its glory. Martin said he had been sorry to hear about Cyrus' heart attack, but Cyrus had gone too far by comparing himself to God. Cyrus smiled and shifted gears because he was curious where Laura was. Martin was vague as he revealed that Laura was in Europe.

Cyrus was disappointed because Laura's "aura" had guided Cyrus through his darkest hour. Cyrus explained that God had given him a gift and an important message. "Don't open till Christmas?" Martin asked. Cyrus was not amused because he wanted to discuss a serious issue with his brother. Martin cut to the chase and asked what Cyrus wanted. "I need you to give all my money away," Cyrus said.

According to Cyrus, the warmth of the "white light" had been incredible and had flowed through Cyrus, but the love Cyrus felt for Martin, their mother, and Laura had pulled Cyrus back. "Both emotionally and spiritually," Cyrus said. Cyrus told Martin about Drew's heroic efforts to save Cyrus. "And now, I will be able to do the work that God as tasked me with," Cyrus said. Martin was surprised when Cyrus revealed that he had put Martin in charge of Cyrus' fortune, since Cyrus was unable to manage his money from jail. Martin picked up the envelope with the signed documents.

Cyrus explained that time in Pentonville had made him realize that there was no rehabilitation for the vulnerable and the weak in jail. Cyrus wanted to use his money to fix the problem, so prisoners would lead productive lives when they left prison and help others rather than hurt them. "This is my calling, brother," Cyrus said. Cyrus was certain that God had spared his life for a reason, and Cyrus refused to let Him down.

After Martin left, Austin entered the room and introduced himself to Cyrus. A police officer stood guard in the corner of the room as Austin examined Cyrus. Cyrus was curious how he was doing. Austin admitted that Cyrus was doing extremely well under the circumstances. "God makes miracles," Cyrus said. Austin started to leave, but Cyrus grabbed Austin's wrist and held tight.

Cyrus revealed that he had shattered every commandment in his previous life. He was curious if Austin had any idea what it was like to turn completely away from God. Austin tensed, and he admitted that that he imagined it hadn't been great. "And yet here I am," Cyrus said. Austin broke free of Cyrus' grip, and he told Cyrus that he hoped Cyrus took advantage of the second chance that Cyrus had been given. Austin walked to the door, but Cyrus called out to him. "May the Lord bless you and protect you -- and your family," Cyrus said.

At Kelly's, Carly was working behind the counter when Sam entered and greeted her. Sam noticed that business was brisk, and Carly confessed that it was amazing to her how many people waited in line at 6:00 a.m. for Carly to flip the sign in the window to open. Carly offered to take Sam's order, but Sam explained that she needed a coffee to go. While Carly poured the coffee, Sam asked how Drew was doing. Sam explained that she and Scout had gone to visit Drew, but they had been turned away the previous day because of an incident at Pentonville. Carly felt bad for Scout but assured Sam that she'd seen Drew, and he was fine.

The conversation turned to Carly and Drew and how they had been forced apart just when they had both found love and happiness. Carly admitted that it was hard being away from the person she loved. Just then, Sonny entered. Sam turned, and she smiled when she noticed the look that passed between Sonny and Carly. Sonny approached the counter and greeted Carly and Sam. Carly excused herself to answer the phone, so Sonny told Sam that Dante was a lucky man and that Rocco was fond of Sam. Sam was touched by the kind words and high praise. After Sam grabbed her coffee and left, Carly returned to talk to Sonny.

Sonny was impressed because it was clear that business was good. Carly smiled with pride, and she confessed that -- if business remained steady and she managed the books right -- she might be able to keep the house. Sonny offered to help Carly, but she insisted that she couldn't accept any money from anyone. Carly asked why Sonny had stopped by. "I came here to make you an offer you can't refuse," Sonny said. Moments later, Frank walked in with a large burlap sack filled with Corinthos coffee.

After Cary directed Frank to the kitchen, Sonny told her that the gift was for good luck, and to thank her for picking up Avery. Carly assured Sonny that she would never be too busy for the children, but she wanted to know what was going on between Sonny and Ava. Carly revealed that Ava had stopped by to give Avery a goodnight kiss, and it had been clear that Ava hated Avery's new nanny. Sonny told Carly that Betty was "an acquired taste," but he assured her that he had everything well in hand. Before Carly could probe further, Chase walked up and asked to speak with Sonny.

Sonny and Chase stepped into the courtyard for privacy. Chase began to question Sonny about Gordon Stevens and why Dex had been lurking at the hospital, but Sonny was uncooperative. Sonny knew that someone had been trailing him, so he advised Chase to talk to Dex and to contact Sonny's attorney if he had any further questions.

Inside, Maxie greeted Carly. Carly was surprised when Maxie ordered coffee for Deception, and Maxie revealed that she had heard that Carly was Kelly's new owner. "How did you find out that I was running Kelly's?" Carly asked. "Nina," Maxie reluctantly replied. Suspicious, Carly asked if Nina had sent Maxie, since Maxie usually ordered Deception's coffee from Metro Court. "No," Maxie said. Maxie realized that Carly hated Nina, but Carly cut Maxie off.

"That's in the past," Carly said. Carly explained that she had realized that hatred, resentment, and anger were a part of a vicious cycle that would only pull Carly down. Carly refused to let that happen. "I don't know if anyone would recognize the Zen Carly," Maxie said. Carly laughed. "I don't think I would recognize the Zen Carly," Carly replied. Maxie admitted that it seemed like Carly was driven, and she acknowledged that Kelly's wasn't an easy business to run. Carly agreed, but she was determined to prove to people that she was not dependent on anyone.

Maxie was confident that Carly would succeed in growing Kelly's business. After Maxie left, Carly saw Sonny return. When he walked up to the counter, she asked if everything was okay with Chase. Sonny assured her that Chase was a good guy, but he shifted gears because he was impressed with how Carly had turned things around. Sonny asked about Drew, and Carly assured him that Drew was doing well.

Sonny turned to leave, but Carly called out to him. "Thank you," Carly said. Sonny smiled, and he reminded her that his was the best coffee in town. After Sonny left, Carly's phone rang. It was Sam. Sam revealed that she had called Pentonville to schedule a visit with Drew, but she had been told that Drew was locked up in solitary confinement.

In Chechnya, Laura stood in her hotel room while she spoke to Jordan on the phone. Laura confirmed that she had received updates on Curtis, but she apologized for leaving Jordan with a heavy load. However, Laura confessed that she had been confident that Jordan could handle everything. After Laura wrapped up the call with Jordan, Valentin knocked on the door. Valentin asked when they would be heading out, but Laura informed Valentin that she and Kevin would be moving on without Valentin.

Laura explained that she and Kevin had things handled. Moments later, Kevin entered. Valentin suspected that Kevin had been behind Laura's decision, so Laura revealed that she had told Valentin that she and Kevin were continuing without him. Kevin acknowledged that Valentin had been a help because Valentin had been familiar with Chechnya and the language, but Kevin and Laura would no longer need Valentin's help. Valentin accused Kevin of putting his hatred for Valentin ahead of Laura's safety.

Laura asked Kevin to take care of their checkout while she spoke to Valentin. Kevin conceded that he didn't particularly like Valentin, but Kevin had appreciated Valentin's help. After Kevin left, Laura confessed that she had begun to care for Valentin, and she needed him to return to Port Charles because Charlotte was home from summer camp and needed her father. She also reminded him that Anna needed Valentin, even though Anna wouldn't admit it. Valentin confessed that he cared about Laura, too.

A short time later, Martin called his sister with an update on Cyrus. He told Laura about Cyrus' plan to give away his money, but Laura was more concerned about Martin than Cyrus' money. She felt bad that Martin had to deal with Cyrus on his own. Martin assured his sister that Laura was always in his heart, and he told her to stay safe. After she ended the call with Martin, Kevin returned. Laura revealed that Valentin was on his way back to Port Charles.

Kevin admitted that he was concerned about the next destination because Laura had been traumatized by Stavros, Mikkos, and Helena Cassadine. Laura reminded her husband that the Cassadines were dead, and she was certain that Nikolas would seek refuge on Cassadine Island because it was the perfect place to hide from the world. Laura promised to let Kevin know if she needed to talk.

Molly and T.J. meet with a surrogacy specialist

Molly and T.J. meet with a surrogacy specialist

Thursday, August 3, 2023

by Marissa PD

At work outside the stables, Cody attempted to lift a bale of hay, but he stopped because of the pain from his stab wound. He went inside and found Brook Lynn feeding the horse in order to take a break from work, Tracy, and Ned. She wondered how bad Cody was hurt, and he insisted that it was nothing he couldn't handle. He added that it also wasn't bad enough to send Sasha to Ferncliff, but Brook Lynn believed that Sasha was in the right place. Cody was convinced that Gladys was behind Sasha's sudden setback, but Brook Lynn didn't believe it. When she was gone, Cody called Ferncliff to find out the visiting hours, and he found out that he wasn't on the list of approved visitors. "Of course. Gladys made the list," he said angrily, and he hung up.

Ned and Olivia bumped into each other in the Quartermaine kitchen, and Ned thanked her for breakfast. She commented that the frittata she'd made was one of his favorites. He wondered if she'd ever thought about becoming a chef, but she answered that co-owning a restaurant was enough for her, as she was more satisfied cooking for loved ones. She added that she had been trouble as a kid and had never wanted to learn to cook. They talked about different clubs and Olivia's adventures in the city. As they talked, Brook Lynn entered unseen and smiled at the interaction.

At the hospital, Dex found Trina and wondered if there were any updates on Curtis. She revealed that he'd refused to see her. She regretted telling him, since she barely knew him, but he suggested that she consider him Josslyn's proxy if she needed to talk. She decided that she needed to talk to someone, so she told him about Curtis' possible prognosis of never walking again. She knew that Curtis needed her, but he wouldn't let her help. Having had a similar experience in the military, Dex figured that Curtis' sudden inability to fully protect his loved ones was messing with his head. She wondered what to do, and Dex advised her to let him know she was there for him and give him space. Dex walked her out of the hospital.

Spencer, Esme, and Ace arrived at Kelly's and found Josslyn working behind the counter. She explained that she was helping out, since Carly owned Kelly's. Esme chimed in that she was there on her lunch break to spend time with Ace. Just then, Kristina arrived and made a beeline to Ace. She introduced herself as his cousin and marveled over him. She went to the counter and joked that Josslyn could apply to work at Charlie's. "I'd rather stick pins in my eyes," Josslyn replied coldly.

Kristina left, and Esme asked Spencer what the deal was between Josslyn and Kristina. Josslyn approached and informed Esme that it was none of her business. Spencer quickly explained that Kristina was "Team Sonny" and Josslyn was "Team Carly." Josslyn commented that anyone who was "Team Sonny" was misguided, and she went back to the counter. Esme confided that she liked Kristina, as she was the only one who treated Esme like a human. She had to get back to work, so she took Ace and left.

At their apartment, Molly and T.J. couldn't believe how quickly their first meeting with the surrogacy specialist was happening. There was a knock on the door, and T.J. invited the specialist, Claire, inside. Once they all sat, Claire explained the different kinds of surrogacies. Just then, Kristina burst in the door with a bouquet and venting that "Josslyn is such a bitch!" She suddenly realized they had company, and T.J. introduced her to Claire. Kristina awkwardly talked about how amazing Molly and T.J. were until she went right back out the door.

Continuing the conversation, Claire wondered if Molly and T.J. wanted to use a relative's egg or a donor's egg. Molly quickly answered that they would use a donor. Claire revealed that the next step would be to provide them with a list of potential surrogacy candidates. The couple thanked her, and she left. Molly admitted that she'd been torn about using eggs donated from Kristina, but Kristina's "barge-in" had made her realize how complicated it would make things. She and T.J. were excited that they could soon have a baby.

Spencer joined Josslyn behind the counter at Kelly's and apologized for blabbing about her issues with Kristina. Josslyn respected that he was trying to protect Ace, but she admitted that she found it weird to be around Esme at all. She wondered why he wasn't with Trina, and he revealed that Portia was stepping up how vocal she was about her disapproval of Spencer. Kristina returned and suggested that Spencer take Esme and Ace to the park on such a nice day, since Alexis was out of town. Spencer thought that was a good idea and left.

Ava arrived at the hospital and asked to see Austin. She was told that Austin was with a patient, so Ava walked off.

In Curtis' hospital room, Austin said he had heard that Curtis had turned away physical therapy. "I didn't feel like going," he stated. Austin stressed to Curtis how important physical therapy was to his recovery. When Austin was gone, Curtis thought back to his last conversation with Portia, and he threw his phone across the room just as Stella was entering. She picked up the phone and gave it back to him, and she hugged him. She offered to help in any way she could, but Curtis replied that there was nothing anyone could do. She reminded him that he had the support of a loving family, but he cried that he wasn't the same man and never would be again.

Austin was startled to find Ava in his office when he entered. She demanded to know what was going on, and she referenced Gordon. Austin claimed that he knew nothing about the man's death, but she accused him of killing Gordon. He insisted that he wouldn't do that. Just then, his phone went off, and he looked at the alert. He made his way to the door as he explained that Mason and his cohorts were the ones who hurt people. When he was gone, Ava snooped around his office and found his patient files. She looked through the files for Gordon's name.

Austin returned to Curtis' room and explained the process of the rehab facility and physical therapy. "I can take it from here," Stella assured Austin, and Austin left. Stella told a pessimistic Curtis that she'd always seen him triumph over his struggles. "This is different," he whimpered. She kissed him on the head and left the room. Curtis began to cry as he tore the covers off and started hitting his legs in frustration.

Austin returned to his office and warned Ava that he could have her arrested for going through his patient files. Ignoring the threat, she told him that she hadn't found a patient file for Gordon, and she assumed that Mason had forced him to treat Gordon, which he confirmed. Austin demanded to know if she'd told Sonny about Mason, which she confirmed. Austin was distraught that Sonny already hadn't trusted him and would never let him around Avery. Ava assured him that Sonny would do nothing, as she'd told Sonny that Austin had helped her. Shocked, he asked if she'd told Sonny that she'd killed Nikolas.

Anna tells Valentin that she loves him

Anna tells Valentin that she loves him

Friday, August 4, 2023

by Steve Holley

In Austin's office at the hospital, Elizabeth asked if Ava had heard anything from Nikolas since his disappearance months earlier. Ava claimed that she didn't know what had happened to Nikolas. Elizabeth then told Austin that she had caught Dex snooping outside Austin's office.

After Elizabeth left, Ava noted that Dex was one of Sonny's "goons." Austin asked if Ava thought that Sonny had had Gordon killed. Ava said that it would have been stupid for Sonny to have Gordon killed and that Sonny wasn't stupid.

Austin asked if Ava had told Sonny that she had killed Nikolas. Austin worried that Sonny might send someone to silence him. Ava said that Austin was being "ridiculous," and she added that all they could do was continue to move forward.

Ava's voice dropped to a seductive tone, and she kissed Austin. "Don't screw up," Ava warned afterwards. "Okay, you got it. Don't screw up. Yes, ma'am," Austin said to himself after Ava had left.

Also at the hospital, Deanna said that Elizabeth had a "very important message." Elizabeth received an envelope that contained a written dinner invitation from Finn with a literal box to check "yes" or "no." Finn later opened the same envelope, and he said that he had received "the best" news after reading that Elizabeth had accepted the invitation. Deanna grinned.

Later, on the rooftop of the Metro Court restaurant, Elizabeth and Finn talked about "complications" that could arise if they were to date. Finn called himself a "loner," and he noted that he had also been romantically involved with Elizabeth's sister.

Finn claimed that he had recently thought about transferring to another hospital -- all because of his feelings for Elizabeth. Finn added that he "can't take (my) eyes off" Elizabeth. Elizabeth claimed that she had the same feelings for Finn. Elizabeth said that she looked forward to the "complications." The two agreed to meet the following day. Finn smiled as he stared at Elizabeth when she left.

At Charlie's Pub, Kristina cautioned Michael that Charlie's was a "Sonny/Nina hangout." Kristina noted that Josslyn had labeled Charlie's as "enemy camp." Michael defended Josslyn's vendetta against Sonny. Kristina reminded Michael that they were all fortunate that Sonny was still alive after he had been presumed dead in 2020.

In the gatehouse at the Quartermaine estate, Nina made an unannounced visit to see Willow. Nina was happy when Willow invited her in. Nina said that she wanted to learn about Willow's life. Willow said that she wanted a "normal life" and to have her independence back. Willow wondered where Michael was.

Nina offered to order dinner for Willow and Michael, but Michael returned with takeout food from Charlie's. Nina bade Willow goodnight, and she left. Afterwards, Michael and Willow sat down for dinner.

Michael told Willow about his work at ELQ and Aurora. Willow complimented Michael, and she said that she missed working. Michael said that he was "concerned" about the idea of Willow returning to work, and he suggested that she should spend more time "focusing on (our) family first." Willow said that her family would always come first. Willow hugged Michael.

Back at Charlie's, Nina visited Kristina. Kristina shared that she was touched by Nina's support of the LGBTQIA+ youth center that Kristina was launching. Nina said that she wanted to help Kristina in any way that she could. Kristina was grateful for Nina's help, but she said that Nina didn't have to try to win her over.

Kristina added that she was glad that Nina made Sonny happy. Nina gushed about her visit with Willow. Kristina encouraged Nina to stay focused on her relationship with Willow instead of worrying about Michael. Nina said that she would prove to Michael that she could be a positive presence in Willow's life.

In Greece, Laura and Kevin entered a house. Laura noted that it was the same house where Stavros had held Laura prisoner many years earlier. Laura said she thought the house was her best chance to find Nikolas. Laura and Kevin met with a middle-aged man named Kostas, who said that there was no chance that Nikolas could have been at the house in the past six months.

Laura and Kevin searched the house, but they found no sign of Nikolas. Laura said she felt that something -- or someone -- had happened to Nikolas, and she wondered who would want to hurt him. Kevin posited that Victor might have been responsible for Nikolas' disappearance. Laura asked if Kevin thought that she didn't want to admit that Nikolas had abandoned his family again.

Kevin posited that shame was a powerful motivator. Laura reasoned that Nikolas had to know she loved him and that she was "out of her mind with worry" for him. Kevin said he wished there was a way to let to let Nikolas know it was okay to show his face. Laura was struck with an idea. "I know just where we're headed next," she said.

At Anna's house, Anna was surprised to find Valentin waiting inside for her on the steps. Anna and Valentin rushed toward each other, and they shared a long, slow kiss. Valentin interrupted the kiss to ask who had tried to kill Anna.

Anna wondered if perhaps she knew something that might pose a threat to the shooter. Valentin thought it was a matter of Occam's Razor: an explanation that required the fewest assumptions. To that end, Valentin noted that Victor had despised Anna and that he had lost all humanity before his death.

Valentin said that he could have become the same person Victor had been had it not been for Anna. Valentin told Anna that he loved her. "I think this has taken me a long time to admit, even to myself, let alone say it out loud to you... I love you. I'm really glad you're home," Anna told Valentin.

Anna asked if Valentin had found any clues as to Nikolas' disappearance when Valentin had been in Chechnya. Valentin said that he hadn't, and he quipped that Nikolas' absence made him the head of the family. "God help us," Anna said teasingly. Anna and Valentin kissed, and they fell backward onto the sofa.

Edited by SC Desk
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