General Hospital Recaps: The week of March 28, 2022 on GH

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Trina was arrested, and Harmony was revealed to have murdered Dr. Neil Byrne
General Hospital Recaps: The week of March 28, 2022 on GH

Phyllis recalled Harmony's friendship with Madeline Reeves. Harmony was revealed to have murdered Dr. Neil Byrne. Neil's brother Brendan paid Alexis a visit. Trina was arrested. Spencer and Esme moved into Wyndemere. Sonny asked Brick to fill the void left by Jason. Sasha reached out to Siena for more drugs. Nina decided to take Michael and Willow to court for visitation with Wiley.

Trina is arrested

Trina is arrested

Monday, March 28, 2022

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by Steve Holley

At Alexis' house, Molly and T.J. surprised Alexis with a visit and thanked her for letting them stay at the house for as long as they had. Alexis mentioned that she'd asked Harmony to move in with her. T.J. told Alexis about Shawn's concerns that Harmony was hiding something. Harmony came through the door with her new keys to the house and chuckled at the awkward situation she had just walked in on.

Harmony went to leave so that Molly and T.J. could spend their last night in the house with Alexis, but all three dissuaded her from going. Over coffee, Harmony told Alexis that she felt safe with and trusted Alexis. Harmony went to get dessert and spilled coffee on the floor. She returned with a can of carpet cleaner in hand. Alexis asked how Harmony could have known the carpet cleaner had been in her basement, since Harmony had never been to the house before. Harmony smiled nervously and said that all her years of being a caregiver had given her a sense of where people kept household items. Alexis thanked Harmony. "It's your home, too -- for now," Alexis said.

At Charlie's Pub, Phyllis recalled to Harmony that Nina had given birth in a hospital while in a coma. Phyllis urged Harmony to talk with Willow to convince Willow and Michael that Nina was not a threat to Wiley. Phyllis then remembered how well Harmony had gotten along with Nina's mother, Madeline. Phyllis said that Harmony's friendship with Madeline had been a surprise because of Madeline's icy treatment of anyone labeled "the help." Harmony claimed that she hadn't been friends with Madeline at all, but Phyllis recalled that the two had seemed very close. Harmony concluded that Nina had told Phyllis what to say, and Harmony stormed out.

Also at Charlie's, Curtis told Marshall that Sonny had mentioned the run-in at the hospital. Curtis asked Marshall to explain. Marshall tried to shift the focus and said he distrusted Sonny and anyone related to the mob. Curtis told Marshall that he needed to know if bringing Marshall into his life also meant potentially bringing trouble to the doorstep of Curtis' new home with Portia.

Marshall told Curtis not to worry about anyone bringing trouble to his home, but he cautioned that new clubs like the Savoy always attracted mob attention. Marshall warned Curtis not to think of Sonny as a friend. Curtis recalled that Sonny had once protected T.J. after T.J. had witnessed a mob-related shooting. Marshall was grateful for Sonny's help with T.J. and said his issue with Sonny wasn't personal.

Curtis asked Marshall point-blank if his issues with Sonny really had nothing to do with Marshall having disappeared for years. Curtis received an urgent phone call from Jordan, who revealed that Trina had been detained. Curtis vowed to continue the discussion with Marshall at a later date. "Take care of your family, son. 'Cause I'm definitely gonna take care of mine," Marshall said after Curtis left.

Later, Phyllis told Marshall that she could tell he'd lived a life of twists and turns, and she offered to be a supportive friend if Marshall ever needed one. Phyllis then mentioned having met Sonny and Nina in Nixon Falls, and she told Marshall that the two were the reason she had moved to Port Charles. Marshall seemed both impressed and taken aback when Phyllis told him that Sonny had bought Charlie's and given it to her to run.

At Metro Court, Nina waited at the bar for Liesl and was greeted by Scott instead. Nina claimed that Scott had blindsided her with his tactics in Nina's criminal trial, but Scott refused to apologize for keeping Nina out of jail. Nina mentioned that she was seeking visitation rights to see Wiley. Scott offered to take over Nina's case from Martin and asked why Nina insisted on avoiding the courts altogether.

Nina discovered that Liesl had set up the meeting with Scott. Nina went to leave, but Scott convinced Nina to stay and told her the reason Nina didn't want to go to court was because she was in love with Sonny. When Nina didn't answer, Scott offered her his advice on Sonny. "I suggest you get off this ride, go to the gift shop, and never, ever look back!" Scott thundered.

Nina refused to listen to Scott and equated her feelings for Sonny to Scott's feelings for Liesl. Nina surmised that both Sonny and Liesl had done things neither was proud of and that people found love in the most unlikely places. Scott wanted to know why Nina felt Sonny wouldn't let her down the way he'd let down Carly. Nina said she knew that Sonny might let her down but wanted to try, anyway. Scott told Nina that she couldn't have both Sonny and Wiley in her life. "Who do you want -- kid or the gangster? Who's more important to you?" Scott asked.

Scott told Nina that if she chose Wiley, he would do everything in his power to fight for her, but he added that if Nina chose Sonny, she would be on her own and without his help. As Nina left, she received a phone call from Phyllis. Phyllis told Nina that she had spoken to Harmony and had done what Nina had asked. "It didn't go as well as I'd hoped," Phyllis admitted.

Also at Metro Court, Esme pleaded with Nikolas to stay with him and Ava at Wyndemere. Nikolas told Esme that her staying at Wyndemere would put even more of a strain on his relationship with Spencer. Esme tried to manipulate Nikolas by claiming that he'd turned his back on her, too. Nikolas told Esme that he didn't view anyone as either saints or sinners and that people were capable of both. He admitted he found it hard to believe Trina could be behind the recording.

Nikolas said that Ava wouldn't allow Esme to stay at Wyndemere, even if he approved it. Esme told Nikolas that she'd been abandoned as a child and that while she'd been away at their boarding school, Spencer had become Esme's only family. Nikolas apologized to Esme but said he couldn't afford to take her side over Spencer's. Esme reasoned that she would have to leave Port Charles. Nikolas received a phone call and appeared to rush off. Esme noticed that Portia and Taggert were leaving a nearby table at the same time. "Wonder where they're rushing off to. To Trina, the saint," a diabolical Esme said as she smiled.

Nikolas returned to the table after he explained that Laura had called to cancel dinner. Nikolas applauded Esme for how she had encouraged Spencer not to give up on Spencer's relationship with his father. Nikolas then surprised Esme when he told her that she wouldn't have to leave Port Charles.

Nikolas informed Esme that he would rent the room above Kelly's for her to stay short-term. Esme was stunned that there was even lodging at Kelly's. Nikolas told Esme that she wouldn't be alone because he would stop by and check on her, and he added that whatever her relationship with Spencer was, she wouldn't be "abandoned." Esme threw her arms around Nikolas and thanked him. "You saved my life," Esme whispered to Nikolas as she smirked and rolled her eyes behind his back.

At the Port Charles Police Station, Josslyn waited for Trina. Dante told Josslyn that there had been a development in the investigation into who had recorded the sex tape. In Jordan's office, Trina told Jordan that she wanted to cooperate with the investigation to find the person responsible for hurting Josslyn and Cameron. Jordan told Trina that someone had left an anonymous tip and reported that they'd seen Trina watching the video on her phone weeks before it had been uploaded.

Jordan mentioned that the phone had been described as a black smartphone with a purple case -- an exact description of Trina's phone. Trina volunteered her phone and emptied her bag. Jordan discovered two phones with a purple case. Jordan grabbed the second phone from Trina's purse and asked who it belonged to. Trina had no idea who the phone belonged to or how it had gotten into her bag.

Jordan handed the confiscated phone over to Dante, who took it to the forensics department. Taggert and Portia arrived to find Trina in the interrogation room. Taggert scolded Trina for talking to Jordan and said that he'd taught her never to cooperate without a lawyer present or without a warrant. Taggert stormed off to get answers from Jordan, who was back in her office with Curtis.

Dante arrived and asked for Jordan to speak with him out in the hallway by her office. Back inside the office, Curtis told Taggert that he had a right to be upset, but Curtis asked that Taggert go easy on Jordan because none of them wanted to see Trina be "railroaded." Jordan stepped back into the room and stared at Taggert. "I have a feeling I'm not going to like what you're about to say," Taggert said.

Trina broke down in tears and said she had turned her phone over to the police because of how much she trusted Jordan. Portia advised Trina to, going forward, talk to no one without a lawyer, and she promised her daughter that everything would be fine. Later, Jordan stepped back into the interrogation room and told Trina that they were going to book her.

Portia held Trina's hand as they walked out of the interrogation room, and she demanded that Jordan explain to her what the police were booking her daughter for. In front of everyone, Jordan announced that the phone that Trina had handed over "directly linked her to the possession and dissemination of unlawfully taped, sexually explicit images."

Trina pleaded with Josslyn to believe that she hadn't made the recording. Josslyn agreed with Trina and demanded to know why the police weren't investigating Esme. Portia pleaded with Jordan not to arrest Trina. "Don't do this. You know her!" Portia emphasized. Portia sobbed as Dante came over to officially place Trina under arrest and read her Miranda rights to her.

The true circumstances surrounding Neil

The true circumstances surrounding Neil's death are revealed

Tuesday, March 29, 2022

by CherylPD

Spencer donned his shirt as he descended the stairs at Laura's place. Laura was sitting at a small table with coffee, and Spencer informed her that he hadn't slept. He flashed back to the conversation he'd had with Esme regarding her possible pregnancy, and Laura urged him to talk to her. He sat down, and they joked about the pastries he'd missed while in prison. Spencer deemed it a "perfect first morning." Laura continued to try to persuade Spencer to talk to her. He asked her if she'd ever done something she shouldn't have and not realized it until it was too late. Laura assured him she had.

Laura told Spencer that she was sorry that he and Esme had broken up, but before they could continue, there was a knock at the door. Laura rose to answer it, and she was dismayed to see that it was Victor. He rushed inside to hug Spencer, and he took a cookie. He stated that he was there to check up on Spencer, and Laura suggested that Spencer should be able to move at his own pace. Spencer tried to excuse himself as Victor and Laura began to bicker, but Victor had something to discuss.

Victor regretted that the celebratory dinner had been canceled, and he wanted to reschedule it because there was a lot to celebrate. A skeptical Laura received a phone call, and the conversation was put on hold. It was Jordan, who asked Laura to get to the station. Victor assured Laura that Spencer was in good hands. "Alone at last," Victor quipped after Laura had gone. He asked about Esme, and Spencer told him it was over because he couldn't trust her.

Victor declared that loyalty was priceless, but Spencer replied that Esme had hurt his friends. She had pinned blame for something on someone he cared about. They had argued, and Esme had left. Spencer didn't want to talk about it any further, but Victor insisted. Spencer revealed that Esme might be pregnant. "Is that all?" Victor asked. He added that the man could never be sure that he was the father, but if it were true, there were many options available to them. Victor said he could arrange it. He had thought that Spencer was upset about Trina, who had been arrested.

Spencer read the article that had been printed in the Invader. "How could they arrest Trina?" Spencer asked. Victor suggested that there had been evidence. Spencer wanted to be alone, and Victor left. Spencer flashed back to several conversations and arguments he'd had with Esme.

Carly and Ava sat at a table together at Metro Court as they coordinated their schedules for Avery. Sonny stepped off the elevator and told them about Trina's arrest. The women looked at him in disbelief, and Carly announced that Trina had been set up. At the same time, Ava and Carly declared that it had been Esme who had made the tape. Ava left in a hurry in order to make sure that someone would pay. Sonny asked Carly about Josslyn and told her that he'd only heard the news because Dante had told him about it.

Carly insisted that it hadn't been her place to tell Sonny, and the newspaper interview had been Josslyn's way to stand up for herself. Sonny proclaimed that Josslyn would always be his daughter, and someone had used the video as a weapon. He declared that in his world, if someone pulled a knife -- Carly finished his sentence. "You pull a gun," she said. Sonny nodded. Carly vowed to make Esme pay after there was proof, and she added that Josslyn didn't want Sonny to be involved. Sonny knew, without having to read the article, that Josslyn was brave, and he said he would take care of things.

At the police station, Trina was escorted to the interrogation room. Jordan wanted to inform her about the next steps, but Trina maintained that she would be pleading not guilty because she hadn't done anything. She insisted that Jordan knew that she couldn't have done it. Just then, Ava rushed in. 'You've got the wrong person," she announced. Jordan excused herself so Trina and Ava could chat, but Jordan made it clear that the guard would have to remain.

Ava sat down and promised Trina that she would help to get Trina out and get her name cleared. "This is a terrible miscarriage of justice," Ava said as Jordan looked on. Trina told Ava what had happened with the identical phone in her purse. She was sure that someone had planted it. "It was Esme, wasn't it?" Ava asked. Trina concurred, although she added that Esme had been in the car. The guard announced that Ava's time was up. Ava again declared that she would get Trina out. She urged Trina not to worry about what people thought because her real friends knew her.

Outside, Laura arrived and told Jordan that Trina was innocent. Ava emerged from the interrogation room and also stated that Trina was innocent. Jordan didn't think that Spencer had been involved, although Laura noted that he had been upset earlier. She was annoyed that Victor had been ready to help him.

Shortly after, Spencer showed up, and Jordan allowed him to see Trina, who thought it was amusing that she was the one to be in custody. Spencer sat down, and Trina told him that the evidence against her had been planted. Instead, he asked why she had done it.

Esme smirked as she read about Trina's arrest while she sat at a table at Charlie's Pub. Nikolas walked in and found her smiling. He guessed her new residence agreed with her. "Oh, you have no idea," Esme replied. She noted that it was clean and comfortable, and she told Nikolas how generous and kind he was. She lamented her inability to get to her trust fund. She guessed that Nikolas wanted something in return, but he confessed that he had no reason to trust her. Esme had excuses for her actions, but she asked why he had been helping her. She assumed it was so Nikolas could keep an eye on her.

Esme insisted that she had done everything for Spencer, but Nikolas wondered why she hadn't been able to see things for herself. He wanted her to inspire Spencer to live his best life. Esme wondered if it would be according to family or society, but she added that it was too late. She had a target on her back because people thought she had been the one to do wrong. She knew that Sonny would have it in for her. Nikolas promised to take care of Sonny. Esme showed Nikolas the article and exclaimed that Spencer had been wrong to trust Trina. Nikolas said he knew that Esme had had nothing to do with the tape.

Nikolas wondered if Spencer and Esme would get back together, and she replied that they might have before he'd found out. She didn't finish her thought but got up abruptly and left. Outside, Esme was all smiles as she sat on a bench to read the article out loud with glee. "This mistake was all yours, Trina," she said as she laughed.

Harmony announced that she had breakfast ready at Alexis' house. Alexis flashed back to Harmony's uncanny ability to find the carpet cleaner, but the doorbell rang before Alexis was able to pursue it. Harmony answered the door. It was Sam, who wanted to know what Harmony was doing there. Alexis informed Sam that Harmony was staying there. While Harmony dashed off to the kitchen for some sugar for the coffee, Alexis sat on the sofa. She declared that Harmony had merely needed a place to stay but was not living there. Sam wondered if Harmony's redemption act could be too good to be true.

Alexis insisted that Harmony was a friend who needed help, and Kristina had been okay with it. Sam had to leave, and she hugged her mother. She hoped it all worked out for Harmony, who guessed she should hurry to get herself together to move. After Sam was gone, Alexis pointed out that Harmony had seemed to know her way around the house as if she'd been there previously. She wondered if Harmony had been inside without her knowledge. Harmony admitted that she had been inside during the time that Kristina had been interested in Dawn of Day. Coffee had been spilled, and she'd been able to find out where the cleaners had been stored.

Alexis stated that she would check it out with Kristina, and Harmony agreed it was a good idea. She felt ashamed. Alexis had to leave for work, and Harmony asked if she should leave. Alexis wanted to discuss it later. Once alone, Harmony recalled an event in August 2020. She had crept into Alexis' house, using a set of keys that she'd had. She had turned on a flashlight and had gone upstairs. Neil and Alexis had been asleep. Harmony had pulled out a hypodermic needle and had injected Neil with it.

Sam arrived at Metro Court as Sonny departed. They greeted each other briefly. "I know that look," Sam told Carly. "Someone's gonna suffer." Carly filled Sam in, and they spoke about the incident. Carly wished that Jason was around because he would have figured things out. She mentioned that Monica wanted to have Jason declared legally dead to help his kids. Sam agreed that it was important to say goodbye and move on. She had found the strength, and she hoped that Carly would do the same with Sonny. Carly asked if the divorce counted, but Sam didn't think so. She knew that Carly had had lots to deal with, and she urged Carly to stay focused on Josslyn.

At Pozzulo's, Sonny completed a call with Brick. He wanted his friend to team up with Spinelli and look for the proof they needed. There was a knock at the door, and Ava rushed inside and said she needed a drink. Sonny advised her that he no longer did that. "Kudos to Nina," Ava replied. She reported that she had seen Trina, who hadn't done what she had been accused of doing. She pointed out that, as Sonny already knew, it had been Esme. Ava wanted justice, the same as Sonny. She noted that Trina was a better person than both of them, although she admitted the "bar was low."

Ava pointed out that if she and Carly agreed, then it had to be true. She asked what Sonny would do about it. "I'm on it!" he replied.

As Esme sat outside Charlie's and happily read about Trina, someone zeroed in on her. Victor rushed inside minutes later and found Nikolas. Victor announced that they had to talk about Spencer. Nikolas asked if he'd seen Esme, and Victor related that he'd seen her sitting in the back seat of a car. He hadn't noticed the driver.

Esme was pushed into a chair, and Sonny dismissed his henchman. "Esme, nice of you to join me," Sonny said. He smiled broadly.

Brando and Sasha return from their honeymoon

Brando and Sasha return from their honeymoon

Wednesday, March 30, 2022

by Elisabeth

At the police station, Dante greeted Chase. Dressed in a softball uniform, Chase was counting down the days until his suspension was lifted, but he had volunteered to organize the 2022 community softball league. Chase anticipated being back to work in time for the first game. Dante confessed that if it had been left up to him, Chase would have already been reinstated for helping Brook Lynn safeguard Maxie's daughter. Chase insisted that Brook Lynn had been the real hero. Dante conceded that he'd been surprised that Brook Lynn had stepped up, especially since Brook Lynn hadn't gotten anything out of the scheme.

Chase agreed that Brook Lynn might have faked her pregnancy for all the wrong reasons, but Brook Lynn had ended up doing everything right. Dante suggested that Brook Lynn was a walking contradiction, and he recalled that even as a child, Brook Lynn had had a heart under all the selfish pranks that she had pulled. Chase bristled because he didn't appreciate the way that Dante had talked about Brook Lynn, who was a kind and caring person. Chase insisted that people were capable of change, and Chase had seen firsthand how the deception had affected Brook Lynn.

Dante realized that Chase had feelings for Brook Lynn. Chase explained that he and Brook Lynn had gone through something significant together, and Chase knew that there was more to her than Dante had given her credit for. Dante assured Chase that he considered Brook Lynn a true friend.

At Deception, Lucy, Brook Lynn, and Maxie met with an attorney. The woman looked over a file and assured the ladies that everything appeared to be in order for the stock exchange. Pleased, Lucy walked the attorney to the door as the woman promised to call with an update. After the attorney left, Lucy thanked Brook Lynn and Maxie for their hard work. The conversation quickly turned to Deception's party on April 5th and Lucy's plans for the volunteers who performed at the Nurses Balls to entertain the guests at Deception's party. Lucy was curious if Brook Lynn had talked to Chase about a duet with Amy.

Brook Lynn was given a short reprieve when Gladys entered the office, demanding a personal stake in Deception because Gladys' daughter-in-law had a share of the company. Lucy informed Gladys that they didn't hand out company shares based on nepotism and that Gladys needed to start proving her worth by fetching lunch. After the ladies gave Gladys their lunch orders, Lucy turned her attention back to Brook Lynn. Brook Lynn put her foot down because she didn't want to take advantage of Chase after everything he had done for her. Maxie sided with Brook Lynn, so Lucy let the matter drop and left to find some gummies.

Maxie asked Brook Lynn about Chase. Brook Lynn explained that Chase had made it clear that he just wanted to be friends, so Brook Lynn needed to keep her distance from him until she had a handle on her feelings for him. To Brook Lynn's horror, she heard Lucy greet Chase on the other side of the door. Maxie pushed Brook Lynn across the office and opened the door. Chase smiled at Brook Lynn and Maxie, and he explained that he had stopped by to get charity donations set up for the softball league. Maxie asked if he had seen Gladys on his way in, and when he revealed that he hadn't, Maxie dragged Lucy out the door on the pretext of tracking down Gladys.

Chase was confused by the hasty exit, but Brook Lynn steered the conversation to the softball season. Chase hoped to see Brook Lynn on the softball diamond. Brook Lynn decided to tell him about Lucy's request for him and Amy to perform a song that Brook Lynn had written. Chase was flattered, but he declined. He admitted that singing for a charity was one thing, but it might not look good to perform for a cosmetics company. Brook Lynn frowned, but she assured him that she understood.

Brook Lynn focused on the paperwork on the desk as she asked Chase to see himself out. In the hallway, Chase's expression appeared troubled. On the other side of the door, Brook Lynn had a similar expression.

In Metro Court's restaurant, Brando and Sasha were all smiles as they stepped off the elevator, holding hands. Sasha admitted that she was starving. Brando and Sasha reminisced about their limited menu during their extended honeymoon. Sasha confided that she was not ready to give up their honeymoon vibe because she loved it when it was just the two of them. After a brief but tender kiss, they decided to place a to-go order and take advantage of no one knowing that they were back in town. However, Brando reminded Sasha that they would need to make a decision about where to live as husband and wife.

Sasha assured Brando that they would figure it out. Brando agreed, since they hadn't done anything in the right order. Sasha acknowledged that their relationship was unorthodox, but she was happy. Just then, Gladys called out Brando's name. Seconds later, Gladys threw herself into her son's welcoming arms, but Gladys' greeting for Sasha was far more subdued. Gladys was disappointed that she hadn't been told about Brando and Sasha's return because she would have taken the day off from work to welcome the couple home.

Brando and Sasha realized that they wouldn't be able to escape, so they sat down with Gladys. Moments later, Brando excused himself to answer a phone call. Gladys was pleased because Gladys wanted an opportunity to say how she really felt about Brando and Sasha's elopement. Sasha hadn't expected Gladys to understand why Brando and Sasha had eloped, but Sasha was adamant that it had felt right in the moment. Gladys explained that the couple's spontaneity had been a concern.

Gladys pointed out that Brando and Sasha had taken the trip to address some weighty issues in their relationship -- and they had returned married. Sasha agreed that it had been spur of the moment, but Sasha insisted that she and Brando had talked things through before they had made the decision. Sasha reiterated that it had been the right choice for them, and she promised that she loved Brando. Sasha vowed to make Brando happy. Gladys acknowledged that it was clear that Brando was happy, but Gladys didn't want her son to get hurt. Gladys admitted that she and Brando had had their issues, but Brando meant everything to Gladys.

Moments later, Brando returned with Lucy and Maxie in tow. Lucy and Maxie congratulated Sasha on getting married, and they both insisted on throwing a party for the newlyweds after the Deception party. Sasha assured Lucy and Maxie that it wasn't necessary, but the ladies refused to take no for an answer. Sasha realized that she was outnumbered when both Gladys and Brando chimed in their support for celebrating the nuptials. Maxie noticed Sasha's troubled expression, but Sasha deftly changed the subject by asking for an update on the company's IPO. Sasha's mood quickly soured when she opened the portfolio and saw the cover page featuring a very pregnant Sasha with the caption, "The Face of Conception."

Sasha quickly excused herself and rushed to the alcove. She pulled out her cell phone and called Siena to ask for more drugs. At the table, Brando saw what had upset Sasha. He closed the portfolio without saying anything.

In Portia's office at the hospital, Portia admitted that she was uneasy about the choice that she and Curtis had made. Curtis reminded Portia that Laura had made the recommendation, and he trusted Laura. He pointed out that if Portia had any concerns, they could find another attorney for Trina. Moments later, Scott arrived. Scott greeted Curtis and introduced himself to Portia. Portia closed the door as Scott took a seat.

Scott explained that he had reviewed Trina's case, and he conceded that it was a "doozy." Portia assured Scott that Trina was not guilty of what Trina had been accused of. Portia realized that a lot of clients might claim to be innocent, but Portia insisted that it was not in Trina's nature to commit such a crime. Scott clarified that he believed Trina, and he revealed that he had talked to a contact in the district attorney's office about the evidence against Trina.

Scott reminded Portia that the burden of proof was on the prosecution, and Trina's case was loaded with opportunities to cast reasonable doubt. Scott intended to have witnesses testify to Trina's stellar character and lack of motive, and he was confident that Cameron and Josslyn's testimony would have significant sway. When Curtis mentioned the arraignment, Scott warned Portia that things might go one of two ways. At best, bail would be waived because Trina didn't have any priors.

However, there was also a possibility that the prosecutor would take things up a notch because of who Josslyn's stepfather was. Regardless, it would boil down to Trina's character, which Scott was confident would work to their advantage because Trina had a 4.0 GPA at Port Charles University, the teachers loved Trina, and Portia was Chief of Internal Medicine. Portia realized that Scott had done his homework, but he made it clear that he considered Cameron his grandson, and Scott wouldn't represent someone who had hurt his grandson.

After Scott left, Portia tearfully admitted that she just wanted it all to be over. Curtis took her hands in his as he promised Portia that everything would be okay, and she could count on him no matter what happened.

At the police station, Spencer sat in the interrogation room with Trina. A police officer stood in the corner as the teens discussed Trina's situation. Trina insisted that she was not capable of making a sex tape, but Spencer pointed out that the evidence against Trina was damaging. Spencer accused Trina of having the incriminating cell phone while Trina had been accusing Esme of making the illicit video, but Trina insisted that she had been set up by Esme. Spencer demanded to know how Esme had accomplished the deed, but Trina admitted that she had no idea. "How does she do half the stuff she's done?" Trina asked.

Spencer argued that he and Esme hadn't been at the cabin when the recording had been made, but they had been there long enough to know that Trina had been really drunk and mad at both Josslyn and Esme. Trina frowned because she hadn't recalled being mad at Josslyn, but Spencer pointed out that there had been a lot about that fateful night that Trina hadn't remembered. Spencer insisted that Esme had been next to him for most of the night, and he questioned when Esme had had the time to frame Trina. Trina continued to plead her case, but Spencer was not swayed.

Trina reminded Spencer that he knew better than anyone what Esme was capable of. Spencer claimed that he'd been the instigator, and Esme had helped because she had loved him. Trina told Spencer that the difference between her and Esme was that Trina would never intentionally hurt a person, but Spencer reminded Trina that she had lied and kept secrets for him. He suggested that perhaps he had stoked the same impulses in Trina that he had in Esme, but Trina argued that what she had done for Spencer couldn't compare to making a sex tape of her best friends and posting it online. Trina insisted that she would never do something like that to anyone for any reason.

Spencer countered that Trina had admitted to having a lot of buried feelings about Cameron and Josslyn, but Trina was hurt that Spencer would think so little of her. She reminded Spencer that she had given him the benefit of the doubt when everyone had warned her that he hadn't deserved it. Trina confessed that her gut had told her that Spencer was a good guy, and she wondered where that person was when she needed him. Spencer explained that it wasn't that simple for him because Esme might be pregnant with his baby.

Trina realized that Spencer would continue to see the best in Esme -- and the worst in Trina. Disgusted, Trina ordered Spencer to leave. She accused him of making her life worse since she had met him. She pointed out that he couldn't even look her in the eye, which told her that he knew she was innocent. The young police officer stepped forward and informed Spencer that his time was up, and he showed Spencer to the door. After Spencer left, the young police officer fetched Trina a can of soda pop. His smile was friendly as he handed it to her.

In the squad room, Dante escorted Curtis and Portia to the interrogation room, but Portia stopped in her tracks when she saw Spencer. She questioned how Spencer had dared to show his face after what his "vile" girlfriend had done to Trina. Dante quickly interceded, and Portia backed down. After Portia walked away, Dante advised Spencer to leave.

Meanwhile, Portia entered the interrogation room. After Trina and Portia exchanged a hug, Portia explained that Scott had been hired to represent Trina. Portia told Trina to hold her head high in court because the truth would soon be revealed. Curtis offered Trina words of encouragement as they all left for the arraignment.

At Charlie's Pub, Victor was pleased that he had bumped into Nikolas because Victor wanted to talk to Nikolas about Spencer. Nikolas asked if Victor had seen Esme. Confused, Victor confirmed that he'd seen Esme getting into the back seat of a car as he had arrived, but he hadn't thought anything of it. Nikolas explained that he had questioned Esme about the video of Cameron and Josslyn, but Esme had stepped out for a moment to get some fresh air. Nikolas was certain that Esme had been holding something back, and he couldn't understand why she had left.

Victor offered Nikolas some insight when Victor revealed that Esme might be pregnant with Spencer's heir. Shocked, Nikolas conceded that it would explain why Esme had been emotional. Nikolas wondered how his son had been dealing with the news, so Victor admitted that Spencer had been shaken up. Nikolas decided they should continue the conversation in a more private setting. Nikolas pulled out his phone to check on Esme as he and Victor walked out, but Nikolas grew alarmed when he found Esme's phone on the ground outside the pub. It didn't take Nikolas long to figure out that Sonny had taken her.

In Sonny's office at Pozzulo's, Sonny thanked Esme for being there, but she pointed out that she hadn't been given a choice. Sonny remained pleasant as he expressed his concern for her welfare. Esme claimed that his bodyguard had frightened her, but Sonny assured her that it hadn't been Sonny's intent. Sonny cut to the chase as he informed Esme that he wanted to discuss what Esme had done to Sonny's stepdaughter. Esme denied that she had done anything to Josslyn, and she was quick to remind Sonny that Trina had been arrested for making the sex tape.

Sonny made it clear that he believed that Trina was innocent, prompting Esme to tearfully play the victim. Esme acknowledged that she and Josslyn had had their issues, but Esme denied that she would ever hurt Josslyn like that. Sonny wasn't moved by Esme's crocodile tears, and he demanded that she tell the truth. Esme asked what she had done to make him think that she would lie. Sonny angrily reminded Esme of their encounter at the hospital when she had told him that Nikolas and Ava had left town with Avery. Esme assured Sonny that she had regretted the "mistake," but Sonny wasn't fooled.

Sonny reminded Esme of the terrible things that she had done to Nikolas and Ava and that Esme had targeted Avery twice. Esme insisted that she had apologized, and she recalled that Sonny had forgiven her. Sonny explained that he had a long memory, especially when someone hurt his family. Sonny demanded that Esme tell the truth because Esme's lies had put an innocent young woman behind bars. Esme was adamant that she hadn't been responsible for the video of Josslyn.

Meanwhile, Nikolas and Victor entered the restaurant. Nikolas demanded to see Sonny, but Sonny's bodyguard blocked Nikolas from entering the office. Inside Sonny's office, Esme heard the commotion. She desperately cried out for help. Moments later, the door opened, and Esme ran into Nikolas' arms. Sonny stood in the doorway, taking in Esme's histrionics. Nikolas comforted a weeping Esme as she begged him to take her away. After Nikolas left with Esme, Victor put Sonny on notice to stay away from Victor's family.

Sonny reminded Victor that Spencer was part of Sonny's family. "You've been warned," Victor said. Victor pointed out that the Cassadines always ended up on top, one way or another, but Sonny wasn't intimidated. Sonny invited Victor to take the first shot and Sonny promised that he wouldn't hesitate to finish the fight.

At Charlie's Pub, Esme took advantage of the situation by continuing to play the victim as she thanked Nikolas for saving her from Sonny. Esme hugged Nikolas just as Spencer entered the bar.


Trina's arraignment begins

Thursday, March 31, 2022

by Marissa PD

Sam and Carly arrived at yoga class, and Carly commented that she needed to clear her mind. Just then, Maxie and Nina arrived. Maxie spotted Carly and asked if Nina wanted to leave, but Nina refused to let Carly scare her off. Sam wondered if Carly wanted to take a different class, but Carly insisted that she wouldn't let Nina run her out. The two women glared at each other from across the room.

Maxie advised Nina to stop staring and remarked on the tension in the room. She mentioned Wiley, and Nina told Maxie about how Harmony was going to talk to Michael and Willow on her behalf. Maxie didn't think it was a good idea, but Nina answered that her only option left was legal.

Carly commented that she couldn't stop thinking about Josslyn, and Sam talked about how impressed she was with Josslyn's bravery. Sam was afraid for Scout to grow up, as she wanted Scout to make smart choices, but she didn't want to scare her daughter. Carly didn't think Sam had anything to worry about.

The yoga teacher announced that everyone should get their water, as class would be starting soon. Carly and Sam got up to get theirs, and Nina called out to Carly as they walked by. She talked about how sorry she'd been to hear about what Josslyn was going through, but she believed that Josslyn could handle it. Carly glared at Nina and walked out with Sam. Nina realized that she hadn't yet talked to Carly about Wiley, but Maxie insisted that it was a terrible idea.

When Carly and Sam returned, Nina approached Carly and mentioned Wiley. Carly refused to talk to her about Wiley, as it was Nina's own fault that she wasn't allowed to see him. Nina insisted that she would never stop fighting for her grandson. Nina decided that she was leaving, so she and Maxie gathered their things and left. "I hate her," Carly growled to Sam. Sam said that, on the bright side, Carly had gotten Nina to leave so that they could enjoy themselves.

Esme sat with Nikolas and Spencer at Charlie's and talked about how grateful she was that Nikolas had shown up to rescue her from Sonny when he had. Across the room, a man read the article about Josslyn and Cameron on his tablet, and he glanced over to Esme. He zoomed in on Alexis' information as editor. Spencer divulged that he'd gone to visit Trina at the PCPD, which prompted Esme to blow up at him. Finally getting a word in, he informed her that he believed in Esme. Esme suddenly felt sick and ran off.

Nikolas advised Spencer to be gentle with Esme, since she could be pregnant. Spencer reminded Nikolas that Esme wasn't sure if she was pregnant. Esme returned a few minutes later and decided to go back to her room at Kelly's, since she wasn't feeling well. Spencer suggested that he and Esme move into Wyndemere so they could figure out their next steps. Nikolas believed that it was the best choice for them, so Esme agreed.

Alexis and her reporter celebrated how successful the article about Josslyn and Cameron was. A few minutes later, the reporter was gone, and Harmony entered. She apologized for what she'd done to Kristina and for not telling Alexis about it. She promised to leave Alexis' house if that was what Alexis wanted, but Alexis replied that Harmony could stay if she was "forthright from now on."

Harmony mentioned how successful the new article was, and Alexis was happy to be "finding my groove in my second act." She added that she hadn't felt that good "since before I fell off the wagon." Harmony thought back to injecting Neil. Changing the subject, Harmony revealed that she'd decided to help Nina, as she felt bad for how much loss Nina had had. She didn't want Willow to hate her for it, but Alexis assured her that Harmony and Willow's relationship would be all right. Harmony was happy that Alexis had gotten her life back on track, and she left.

Michael and Willow met with Diane at the Metro Court restaurant. Michael didn't want the charges against him to hurt him and Willow if Nina petitioned for visitation of Wiley. Diane replied that the charges could affect that, but she had a plan to make them go away. She proposed offering some kind of information on a story to Smoltz, and Michael agreed as long as it had nothing to do with his family. Diane left to brainstorm with Alexis.

Michael apologized to Willow for jeopardizing a potential court case, but she admired him for standing up for Josslyn. Harmony arrived and sat with them, and Michael thanked her for being with Willow in the hospital. She replied that she would do anything for her daughter. They talked about the possibility of Nina petitioning the court for visitation of Wiley, and Harmony thought they could protect Wiley from the fighting by letting Nina see him.

After a little debate, Willow wondered if Nina had asked Harmony to lobby on her behalf. Harmony admitted the truth, but she insisted that her loyalty was with Willow. Willow understood the sympathy for Nina, as she wouldn't wish being separated from a child on anyone, but her sympathy for Nina had long since run out after all that Nina had done. Harmony apologized and promised not to mention it again. Michael remarked that the compassion Harmony and Willow had was genetic.

Diane arrived at Alexis' office for some help. She told Alexis about her plan to deal with the charges against Michael, but Alexis didn't think the ploy would work with Smoltz. She advised Diane to think of a different strategy. "I always do," Diane said, and she left. A few minutes later, the man from Charlie's entered Alexis' office and stated, "It's been a long time, Ms. Davis." "It's you," she replied in shock.

Cameron arrived at Josslyn's, and they talked about how they needed to keep a low profile until the attention from the article died down. Josslyn reasoned that the good outweighed the bad. Cameron mentioned that a girl at school had commended them for speaking out, and Josslyn added that she'd seen comments about women wanting to share their own stories. They agreed that the story would not define the rest of their lives. Suddenly, Cameron remembered that Trina's arraignment was that day, and they decided to go support their friend.

In the courtroom, Scott explained to Trina, Portia, and Curtis how the trial would go. A few minutes later, Curtis bumped into Molly in the hall, and she hoped it wasn't awkward that she was on the prosecution side against Trina. Curtis knew that she was only doing her job. Curtis returned to Portia's side as Scott informed Trina that there was a possible plea deal on its way.

A.D.A. Arden arrived with Molly, and they approached Scott and Trina. Arden proposed that the felony charge of unlawful surveillance would be dropped, and Trina would only get three years of probation and a five-thousand dollar fine if she pleaded guilty to cyber sexual harassment. Scott wanted to confer with Trina, and Arden advised him to do it fast.

Scott, Trina, Portia, and Curtis talked about the pros and cons of pleading not guilty and taking the plea deal. Trina asked if she was allowed to go in the hallway, and the cop behind them offered to chaperone her. She hugged Portia and left with the cop. Portia was still in shock over the situation, but Curtis promised her that everything would be all right.

Trina walked into the hallway as Josslyn and Cameron arrived, and she was surprised to see them there. She told them about her plea deal and that she wasn't sure whether or not to take it. Cameron assured her that the people who mattered knew she was innocent, but Josslyn believed that Trina needed to fight. Josslyn and Cameron both offered to testify on her behalf if it would help. The cop advised Trina that it was time to go back in, so the group headed back into the courtroom. Judge Oliver Young entered the courtroom and read the charges against Trina. "How do you plead?" he asked.

Ava is horrified to find Esme at Wyndemere

Ava is horrified to find Esme at Wyndemere

Friday, April 1, 2022

by Steve Holley

At Sonny's office, Brick arrived to see Sonny, who shared with Brick that he'd felt a big void in his life since Jason had died. Brick wanted to know how he could help fill that void. Sonny told Brick that with Jason gone, Sonny couldn't run "the business" all by himself and needed someone to step up and help fill his void. "I accept," Brick said as Sonny smiled.

Sonny told Brick that he trusted Brick with his life, and Brick said the same went for him. Sonny informed Brick that Jason's job had been to handle the day-to-day tasks of his business while Sonny dealt with the other families. Sonny then mentioned Josslyn and said that he had tried to find out who had targeted her. Brick told Sonny that he knew the sex tape of Josslyn existed and asked if Sonny knew who was responsible. Sonny said that he knew and had put the person on notice.

Sonny surmised that if he could find a way to make it known to Spencer that Trina had nothing to do with the video and that it was all Esme's idea, it would convince Spencer to dump Esme once and for all. Sonny read Brick's face and knew Brick had something on his mind. Brick told Sonny that Sonny always worried about everyone but himself. "Who's looking out for you?" Brick asked.

Brick asked Sonny about Nina and noted that she had to be someone special to come between Sonny and Carly's marriage. Brick told Sonny that he hoped Nina was worth it. Sonny asked if the two could get back to the reason for their meeting: giving Brick some of the duties that Jason had once performed. "A future without Jason? That's something we can work on. But a future without love? With all due respect, my brother, that's not for you," Brick told Sonny.

After Brick agreed to take on more of Jason's responsibilities, Sonny suggested the two reconvene after Jason's memorial service. Sonny then told Brick he had one more request for him. He wanted Brick to find out how Esme had engineered the video of Josslyn and Cameron. Brick assured Sonny that he was already on top of the matter. When Sonny offered Brick a toast of sparkling water, Brick told Sonny that he admired Sonny more than ever.

At the courthouse, Trina pleaded not guilty to the charge of illegally filming and uploading the video of Josslyn and Cameron having sex. After Scott convinced the judge in the case that Trina wasn't a threat to society, she was set free without bond and told that she could leave the courthouse, pending a future trial date. Portia, Curtis, and Ava hugged Trina and congratulated her on being released without bail.

Ava congratulated Scott on getting Trina released without bail, but the prosecuting attorney warned Scott that his victory would be short-lived and vowed to prosecute Trina to the fullest extent of the law. Portia and Ava helped usher Trina out of the courtroom through a corridor location that Ava knew of, so they could avoid reporters. With them gone and Josslyn and Cameron alone in the courtroom, Smoltz burst in and told them both he wanted to use them for his next story.

Smoltz tried to goad Josslyn and Cameron into making a comment for his latest sensational story and offered that if they told him everything they'd left out of the Invader story, he would help them get the goods on the person that had recorded the sex tape. Just then, Ava went back into the courtroom and told Smoltz to get away from Josslyn and Cameron.

A petulant Smoltz stormed out of the room. Ava told Josslyn that Avery wouldn't have forgiven Ava if she hadn't stood up for Josslyn in front of Smoltz. Cameron surmised that Smoltz had been correct when he'd said that things didn't look good for Trina, but Josslyn was undeterred in her belief that Esme was responsible for the tape. Ava told Josslyn and Cameron not to worry about Esme and vowed that Esme would get what was coming to her.

Alone in the courtroom, Josslyn told Cameron that she was ready to go back to the dorm at Port Charles University. Josslyn said they needed to work to find out how Esme had framed Trina and added they would have to prove that Esme could have been in two places at once.

At Portia and Curtis' new home, Portia welcomed Trina home and wanted to know what she thought of their new home. Trina said that she'd always liked the house since it had belonged to Jax. Trina mentioned how much things had changed since she'd been in the house six months earlier with Josslyn and Jax. Trina told Curtis that she was alarmed because, on one hand, many people knew her and knew she couldn't have made the recording of Josslyn and Cameron. On the other hand, Trina was alarmed at how Esme had made sure the video looked like it had come from Trina's phone. Portia and Curtis put their arms around Trina and told her they were all in the fight together.

At Alexis' office at the Intruder, Alexis revealed that the stranger that had stopped to visit her was, in fact, Neil's brother Brendan. Alexis recalled having seen Brendan at Neil's funeral and how he'd bluntly told her she wasn't welcome there. Alexis reminded Brendan of his cruelty toward her and mentioned that it had sent her into a tailspin that had included losing her law license and being sent to prison. Alexis demanded to know what Brendan wanted.

Brendan offered an apology to Alexis for his behavior toward her at the funeral and said that he'd been hurt and lashed out. Alexis accepted Brendan's apology but was skeptical about his sudden change of attitude toward her. Brendan said that he'd had some bad luck himself, including a failed marriage and failed business. Brendan told Alexis that he and she were two people that had loved Neil, and he hoped they could reach an understanding.

Alexis wondered what type of "understanding" Brendan wanted. Brendan told her that funerals were expensive and that Neil had never been a rich man. Because Alexis was a "self-destructive alcoholic," as Brendan saw it, and Neil had become an addict while dating her, it was Alexis' responsibility to help make things right.

Alexis told Brendan he needed to leave, but Brendan refused. Just then, Harmony walked in and learned the man with Alexis was Neil's brother. Brendan quipped that Harmony looked familiar, and he asked if they'd met before. Harmony looked uneasy but insisted that Brendan couldn't have ever met her. She said he had to have recognized her from being in the news because of her affiliation with Dawn of Day. When Brendan left, Harmony asked Alexis what she had just walked in on.

Alexis told Harmony that Brendan blamed her for causing the relapse that had led to Neil's death. Harmony flashed back to the night in August of 2020 when she had injected Neil with a syringe. Back in the present, Harmony told Alexis to stay away from Neil's brother. "The further, the better," Harmony said.

Harmony and Alexis were set to leave when Alexis remembered that she'd left her phone behind. As Alexis went back in, Harmony glanced over her shoulder and then eerily glared ahead at Alexis, who stood in her office in the dark.

Back at his hotel room in Port Charles, Brendan sat on his bed and started to go through some files he'd brought with him. He saw one titled, "Harmony Miller." Brendan picked up the file and glanced at it. "I knew that name was familiar," Brendan said.

Earlier at Charlie's Pub, Harmony had informed Nina that she hadn't been able to convince Michael or Willow to allow Nina visitation rights. Nina vowed that if Michael and Willow wanted a fight, she would give them one, especially after her run-in with Carly at the yoga studio. Nina expressed her regret that she hadn't learned that Nelle was her daughter until after Nelle's death, and she reasoned that she could have saved Nelle from her own destruction as well as gotten to know Wiley then.

After leaving the courthouse, Scott found Nina at Charlie's and asked why she'd wanted to see him. Nina informed Scott that she hadn't been able to get anywhere with Michael or Willow about visiting Wiley. Scott told Nina that since she'd ignored his help earlier, he needed to hear Nina say out loud that she had made a mistake by not listening to Scott when he'd urged her to go to court. Nina admitted that she'd made a mistake by hoping Willow would grant her visitation and then declared she needed a fighter for a lawyer. Before Scott could agree to accept Nina's pleas for his services, Scott demanded to know if Nina would always choose Wiley. "Even if that means kicking Sonny to the curb!" Scott shouted.

Nina said she would do what was best for her family, just as Sonny would. Scott asked Nina if that meant she'd be willing to lose Sonny. Scott concluded by asking Nina if there was anything else he needed to know before he moved ahead with her case. Nina surmised that she was an open book in the eyes of the public. Scott offered Nina a handshake and told her to stick with him because she wouldn't regret it.

At Wyndemere, Nikolas welcomed Spencer and Esme to their new home and promised Esme that she was safe from Sonny. Spencer was more concerned about Ava. "And what about the lady of the house? When are you going to loop Ava in?" Spencer asked.

Nikolas told Spencer and Esme that he'd wait until Ava returned home and mentioned that she was at Trina's hearing. Spencer and Esme's drama and war of words continued at Wyndemere, and when Nikolas got Spencer alone in the mansion, he asked his son why he insisted on treating Esme with hostility. Spencer said that Esme just "pushes my buttons, the way I've been known to push other people's." Spencer then asked if there was a bomb shelter on the island. "I'd like to be inside it when you tell Ava that Esme and I have moved in," Spencer said.

Spencer told Nikolas that even if Trina were found guilty, Ava still loved Trina like a daughter and would throw Esme to the wolves to make sure Trina went free. Nikolas told Spencer that if Esme was indeed pregnant with Spencer's child, Ava would make peace with it. Nikolas encouraged Spencer to find out once and for all if Esme really was pregnant. When Esme returned to the foyer, Spencer asked why Esme hadn't taken the pregnancy test. Esme claimed it was because she was afraid. "Are you scared that you're pregnant -- or that you're not?" Spencer asked.

Esme told Spencer that she still wanted to be with him and asked if Spencer wanted to be with her. Before Spencer could answer, Esme asked him to consider whether her being at Wyndemere would work to Spencer's advantage because Esme reasoned that her presence would only drive a wedge between Nikolas and Ava.

Ava returned to Wyndemere and called out for Nikolas. "He's upstairs!" a familiar female voice called back. Ava walked into the foyer and was horrified to find Esme making herself at home and reading the best-selling book What to Expect When You're Expecting.

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