General Hospital Recaps: The week of October 2, 2006 on GH

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Lucas told Georgie that he was gay
General Hospital Recaps: The week of October 2, 2006 on GH

After Lorenzo threatens Robin, Patrick calls Robert. Robert ends up on the wrong side of fists when he confronts Lorenzo and his thugs. Robin finds Robert crumpled on the docks. Colleen goes to some drastic measures in order to get closer to Nik including sabotaging his saddle before he rides his beloved horse, Sheba. Maxie decides to take a pregnancy test after she learns that Elizabeth is pregnant. Lucky's stay in rehab is interrupted by visits from Maxie who announces that she is pregnant with his child. Jason realizes that the baby that Liz is carrying could be his. Carly heads straight to Jason's when she overhears Liz talking about Jason possibly being the father of her child. Carly strongly urges Jason to focus on his relationship with Sam, not Liz or the baby. Emily goes to talk to Jason when she learns the news and, without telling her brother what she knows, tries to impress upon him that Liz and Lucky will eventually get back together. Liz is stunned when Jason proposes marriage.

General Hospital Recaps: The week of October 2, 2006 on GH

Monday, October 2, 2006

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Jax arrived at Sonny's house to pick up Carly for their date. Michael and Morgan were playing with the remote-control dinosaur Jax had bought them, and it wasn't working. Sonny and Carly tried to fix the toy but weren't able to. Jax picked up the remote, pressed some buttons, and fixed it. Jax told Sonny and Carly that Alexis was refusing to have chemotherapy. Sonny was upset by the news and asked Jax if he had tried to convince Alexis that she needed to have the chemo. Jax felt that Alexis had the right to make up her own mind and said he would support whatever decision she made.

Alexis and Epiphany spoke in Alexis' hospital room. Alexis wanted to know from Epiphany's medical standpoint how bad the chemotherapy actually was. Epiphany didn't pull any punches with Alexis. She said that the side effects were bad then revealed that she knew from her own personal experience. Epiphany revealed to Alexis that she'd had breast cancer and that chemo had saved her life. Epiphany said that as of July 24th, she had been cancer free for ten years. Alexis said the odds for survival were not as good for lung cancer. Epiphany reminded Alexis that no matter what her decision was, there were no guarantees in life.

Liz and Nikolas were talking at the hospital, and Nikolas asked if Liz could take Lucky back once he was clean and sober. Liz was adamant that her marriage was over, and the fact that she was pregnant would not change her feelings about it. Liz said that she had done everything for Lucky to try to help him; she had had enough and was not willing to save Lucky at the expense of her children. She told Nikolas that things had changed, and the Four Musketeers had grown up. Liz then admitted that she still loved Lucky and that she probably always would, but their love was not a healthy love.

Ric and Lorenzo met at Metro Court and discussed their plan to take down Jason. Ric advised Lorenzo that he would distract Jason with Sam, and then Lorenzo could kill Jason.

Liz stood outside an Al-Anon meeting, debating whether to go in. Patrick walked up and told Liz that the first meeting was always the hardest. He then went on to say that the meetings had saved his life, his career, and his relationship with his father. Patrick offered to go to the first meeting with Liz. After the meeting, Liz and Patrick talked, and Liz told Patrick that she had felt that she could protect Lucky and save him if she were strong enough.

Nikolas tried to convince Alexis to have chemotherapy. Nikolas caught Alexis up and told her about Lucky's addiction and that he was in rehab. Alexis commented that she had missed a lot, and Nikolas told her that she would miss everything if she didn't have the chemo.

Sam and Jason were on the rooftop of the hospital, discussing how they could learn to trust each other again. Just then, Sam's phone rang and interrupted their conversation. Ric was on the other end and told Sam that Kristina was having problems in school; her teacher wanted to meet with both of them to discuss it, but he was not able to go. Sam said that she would go and meet with Kristina's teacher. She reassured Jason that she coexisted with Ric just for the sake of Molly and Kristina.

Jason and Sonny were at Sonny's house, talking about Alexis' refusal to have chemotherapy. Sonny told Jason that he had to protect Kristina. Jason told Sonny that Sam was willing to take both Kristina and Molly if Alexis died. Sonny said that he had not agreed to that plan yet. Jason offered to make Ric "disappear." Sonny advised Jason that killing Ric wouldn't change the fact that Sam and Ric had had sex, and he told Jason not to let Ric get to him.

Sam arrived at Metro Court for what she believed was a meeting with Kristina's teacher. The woman from Kristina's school said that she was the head of the fundraising committee. Sam was confused and said she'd thought they were meeting because Kristina was having problems at school. The woman said that Kristina was a pleasure at school and was not having any problems.

Just then, Ric showed up. Sam said she'd thought he'd had a meeting and couldn't make it, but he said his meeting had been canceled. The woman from the school then asked Ric and Sam to take over as the fundraising parent in Alexis' place. Sam was reluctant to take on the task, but Ric pressured her into it. As they were talking, Jason arrived at Metro Court and observed them.

Edward sat at the Metro Court bar, drinking. Emily approached and commented that happy hour had ended hours earlier. Edward said that he was drinking because he was worried that ELQ faced a major class action lawsuit from the faulty Enduro condom debacle. Edward lamented to Emily that he and the Quartermaine family had once ruled Port Charles, but that was all gone. Edward saw Lorenzo across the room and became enraged because he blamed Lorenzo for Skye leaving Port Charles. Edward lunged to go after Lorenzo, and Emily had to restrain him.

Emily thanked Jason for helping her with Edward. Edward ranted about Lorenzo and said that Jason should have killed him when he'd had the chance. Jason told Emily to take Edward home and said he would stay at Metro Court to keep an eye on Lorenzo.

Jax and Carly were in his hotel room, discussing Jax's concern about Alexis. He told Carly he'd purposely riled Sonny in the hopes that Sonny would be able to convince Alexis to have chemotherapy. Jax then told Carly that the situation with Alexis had made him realize that he wanted to live each day to the fullest with Carly. Carly told Jax that she had heard him when he'd told her he loved her after they had made love as he'd been leaving for Africa. Carly then admitted that she'd waited until the door had closed to say that she loved him, too. Jax told Carly that he still loved her, and she responded that she also loved him.

Sonny visited Alexis and confronted her on her decision not to have chemotherapy. He told her that if he could take medication for his kids, then she could do the same. Alexis argued that there was no comparison between taking lithium and going through chemo. Sonny said that she needed to have the chemo, and he threatened that if she didn't, he would take Kristina away the moment Alexis died.

General Hospital Recaps: The week of October 2, 2006 on GH

Tuesday, October 3, 2006


When Liz went home, Audrey was there to let her know that Lucky had called and left a number at the rehab center. Liz was frustrated that he did not understand that she wanted to be left alone. Audrey tried to make Liz understand that she needed to keep the lines of communication open, especially since she was pregnant with Lucky's child.

At Kelly's Lulu was reading when Professor Pete walked in. He told her not to waste her time because she could not read the book that he had assigned. She retorted that he was just afraid to have anyone question his authority, since he never bothered to call on her in class. He let her know that she was just reading the words of the book, not understanding the author or the characters, and that whatever excuse she had was no reason to be mad at the entire world.

Lulu let Pete know about the pregnancy and the abortion, and instead of being sympathetic, he let her know that everyday people were having to make much more difficult decisions. He let her know that using the incident as an excuse was a waste of time and energy. She let him know that she thought he was a jerk and rude, and that to prove him wrong, she would ace his class. Before leaving, he let her know that he did not have much confidence that she would be successful.

At Metro Court, Jason saw Ric put his hand on Sam's leg while they were talking to the charity director from Kristina's school. As he walked away, Sam noticed that he had seen what had happened. She quickly excused herself from the meeting, called Jason, and asked to meet him on the roof.

At the hospital, Sonny was trying to convince Alexis to get chemotherapy. He threatened to take Kristina away from her if she refused treatment. Alexis called his bluff and said that she knew he would not take her to court while she was fighting for her life. Sonny then tried to convince her that he would wait until she died and would take Kristina away from Ric. Alexis once again called his bluff and said that she knew he would not do anything to harm their daughter.

Carly and Jax were together at his home, where they talked about the night before he had left. Carly let him know that she had heard him declare his love to her before walking out, and she shared that she had said, "I love you," after he had shut the door. Jax took the opportunity to let her know that he still loved her, and she let him know that she loved him, as well. Once they declared their love for each other, Carly was afraid that something was going to jinx it. She said that whenever they were in sync, something would go horribly wrong. That was when she got a call from Sonny asking for her help.

Back at Kelly's, Liz walked in and sat down when Maxie approached her. Even though Liz did not want to talk to her, Maxie said she wanted to apologize. She let Liz know that she had apologized to Lucky and was glad that he was in rehab. Liz said she did not care what Maxie thought, and in a way, she was glad that Lucky had lost his job, because that had forced him to hit rock bottom and go into rehab.

Liz left the restaurant, and Lulu approached Maxie. She let Maxie know what she had thought of her, and that she had taken advantage of her sick brother, changing his and Liz's lives forever. Maxie said that she did not care about Lulu's opinion because of what Lulu had done to Dillon and Georgie over the summer.

On the roof, Sam and Jason met up. Sam tried to explain the situation, and Jason let her know that he knew Ric was playing him. She tried to understand why he was so upset if he knew that it was all Ric's doing. He let her know that he was angry and didn't know what to do. She let him know that she was tired of trying to make everything right, and maybe they should take a break from trying so hard. He agreed and left.

Carly met Sonny at the hospital and wanted to know why he'd called her over there. He let her know that Alexis was refusing chemotherapy, and Carly might be able to help. Inside Alexis' room, Carly said she was sorry about Alexis' decision, but Alexis should not worry, because when she was gone, they would make sure Kristina would be all right. Sonny and Carly acted like they had gotten back together and that they were going to have a happy home for Michael, Morgan, and Kristina. Alexis asked both of them to leave her room, and outside, they felt like they had gotten their message across.

When Liz got back home, she saw the pad with Lucky's number on it and remembered a happy time between the two of them. As she was about to dial his number, she flashed backed to when she and Jason had made love, and she did not call her husband.

Back at Sonny's place, Bernie was trying to explain to Sonny about problems that the business was having. When Jason arrived to talk to Sonny, he was willing to go to Puerto Rico to take care of business. Sonny said that he should go to show strength, and Jason should not be running away from his problems in Port Charles. Jason let Sonny know about the conversation he'd had with Sam and that it would be helpful if he could leave. Sonny disagreed and decided that he would be the one to go to Puerto Rico.

Back at Jax's place, Carly let him know about the role-playing Sonny and she had done in front of Alexis. While he did not agree with her methods, he hoped it would help Alexis make the correct decision. At the end, they reiterated their love for each other, and Carly gave back the heart he had given her, letting him know that he had her heart.

At the hospital, Ric and Sam were arguing when Alexis returned to the room after having some tests done. She let them know that she had decided to go through with the chemotherapy and that they would need to get along while she was going through treatment. Both of them promised to do whatever was necessary to help her recover.

General Hospital Recaps: The week of October 2, 2006 on GH

Wednesday, October 4, 2006

by Soap Central

On the docks, business went bad between Jason and Lorenzo, so much so that Lorenzo pulled a gun on his rival. Jason wasn't shot. Lorenzo wanted Jason to know he was serious. Meanwhile, at the hospital, little Cameron told Emily that Liz was pregnant, and Emily was hurt that her best friend hadn't told her. Liz had a good reason for staying mum. "I may be pregnant with your brother's baby," she revealed.

Liz spilled the details about the affair with Jason, and Emily urged her pal to tell Jason the baby could be his. Later, while Lorenzo eavesdropped, Liz gave Jason a call and wanted to meet him. Emily went to visit her brother, and Jason asked Emily if she knew why Liz seemed upset. Emily remained silent, and when Liz eventually arrived, she informed Jason herself that she had told Emily about their affair. While discussing their night of passion again, Jason asked Liz what would happen if the baby she was carrying was his.

Lucky visited his mother to tell her about going to rehab and that Liz was pregnant. Robin arrived and told Lucky about an upcoming experimental treatment they were doing on Laura, and Lucky was hopeful he'd get his mother back. Later, Robin and Patrick argued over that experimental treatment. Soon after, they shared a tender moment, but they were interrupted when Lorenzo arrived and threatened Robin. He wanted her to tell Robert that he wanted his child. After the threat, the mobster exited. Later, Robin overheard Patrick advise Luke against the experimental treatment, and the duo fought again.

At Kelly's, Maxie was curious about which rehab facility Lucky was in, but Georgie told her sister she didn't know. When Lulu arrived, the scene instantly turned tense. Georgie begged Maxie not to act like an ass, but no such luck. However, Maxie got "Lucky," because Lulu unknowingly spilled where Lucky was. Later, Lulu exploded over Georgie siding with her sister and ridiculing her.

After she fled, Georgie tried to explain to Dillon that that wasn't the case. The two ended up discussing how much Dillon has changed since everything with Lulu had happened. Meanwhile, Maxie went to see Lucky and wanted to get back together with him. Lucky was insistent that he wanted to stay with Liz, especially since they were having a baby. "I'm sorry I hurt you," he apologized, explaining, "Liz needs me right now." He asked a very upset Maxie to leave and, once alone, had flashbacks of his time with Liz and began writing a letter full of hopes for their future.

General Hospital Recaps: The week of October 2, 2006 on GH

Thursday, October 5, 2006

by Mary N.

Maxie started reading the instructions for a home-pregnancy test in her bedroom. Georgie entered her room to talk to her about her crazy behavior lately and saw the kit on the bed. She told Maxie that she couldn't be thinking that she was pregnant and trying to get Lucky back. Maxie said maybe that was the reason she'd gone to see him in rehab. Georgie told her off for getting involved with a married man and insisted that Lucky loved his wife, not her. Maxie took the test, checked the results, and smiled.

Meanwhile, Dillon entered Laura's room at Shadybrook while Lulu was visiting with her. Lulu stepped out of the room and told Dillon off for going there and passing judgment on her. Dillon asked if she was really judging herself and asked her if she was regretting having an abortion. Lulu told him she didn't regret it but did feel like she had changed because of it and didn't know who she was anymore. Lulu asked Dillon why he had gone to see her. Dillon told her about the potential lawsuits that ELQ would have filed against them for the faulty condoms.

Lulu realized that he wanted her to cover for the Quartermaines by acting like the condoms hadn't been faulty. She refused to help him and said that she wouldn't cover up their lies after what had happened to her. Later, Lulu visited Lucky at his room and wondered if he would still be upset with her for going through with the abortion. Lucky was busy trying to write a letter to Liz. He was happy to see Lulu and apologized for how he had reacted to her decision to have an abortion. Lulu forgave him, and they shared a tender moment and hugged. Lucky told her he had his own demons to fight and told her about Liz's pregnancy.

Dillon met up with Georgie outside of Kelly's. Georgie seemed very preoccupied and didn't pay much attention to Dillon. She apologized and told him her mind was on her sister. Dillon asked her if she felt different about him because he had decided not to major in film. Georgie told Dillon that she wanted him to be happy, and she didn't think he was right then.

Ric talked to Alexis on his cell phone while finishing lunch at Kelly's. He found out that she was going to be released from the hospital later that day. He left Kelly's and ran into Carly at the front door. She acted hostile toward him, as usual, and he told her he should thank her for the mind game she and Sonny had played on Alexis. Carly made it clear to him that she hadn't done it for him and that she was doing it for Kristina.

Ric told Carly he cared about Kristina as if she were his child. Carly accused him of just using Kristina to get leverage over Sonny and said that he'd taken advantage of Sam. Ric refused to defend Sam's innocence in what had happened. Carly told him that she hoped she was around when Jason finally took care of him for good. Alcazar overheard their conversation and was not pleased with Ric.

Later, Ric had a run-in with Alcazar on the docks. One of Alcazar's men grabbed Ric from behind and put him in a chokehold while Alcazar warned Ric that he'd better help Alcazar with his arms deals, or he would have Ric eliminated.

Liz and Jason talked at his apartment. He asked her if he could be the father of her baby. Liz told him he could be, and she was waiting for a paternity test to reveal who the father was. Jason sat and listened as Liz confided in him about her problems with Lucky and how she didn't really know what to do. Jason asked her if she could take Lucky back if he did get better and kicked the drug addiction. Liz thought that drug addicts couldn't be trusted not to relapse and go back to the drug they'd gotten addicted to, and she didn't know if she wanted to take him back.

Jason didn't have a solution. Liz felt that she had put Lucky's needs ahead of her own son's when she'd sent Cameron to live with her grandmother for a month and that she couldn't do that again. She told him that Lucky couldn't seem to get help for Cameron and her but was willing to do it because he thought he was going to be a father. Jason told her he would help her in any way he could but felt she and her children would get through the rough time. Liz went back to work.

Liz was very preoccupied when Epiphany approached her and noticed she'd made a mistake with the patients' medication. Liz apologized, and Epiphany thought she needed to do her job correctly with no excuses. She suggested Liz take a break and also tell a certain someone she could be carrying his child, meaning Jason. Carly happened to walk by and overheard Liz tell Epiphany that she already had told Jason that he could be the father of her baby. Carly was shocked by what she heard and went right over to Jason's place.

Jason was right in the middle of a meeting with Bernie. Bernie was hesitant to involve Sonny in what was going on with Alcazar. Jason reminded him that it was Sonny's business, and he made the final decision. Carly barged right in and insisted that she needed to talk to Jason alone immediately. Bernie decided to leave right away. Carly mentioned Liz's pregnancy and asked him if he knew he could be the father. Meanwhile, Liz called Lucky to talk to him but didn't talk when Lucky answered the phone. Liz listened to him ask who was calling.

Nikolas and his butler, Alfred, went into the tack room and discussed the renovations for the room. Alfred told Nikolas that he didn't have a heart condition and never had; he had been poisoned instead. Nikolas thought that Helena was the one who'd done it to try to get to Nikolas. Colleen entered and hid around the corner to eavesdrop. Emily walked in and interrupted the conversation. They clued Emily in on what the discussion was about.

Alfred alarmed Colleen when he mentioned that it might not have been Helena that had poisoned him. Colleen didn't want Alfred to mention that she might have poisoned him, so she suddenly called out Nikolas' name in a frantic voice and made up some story that Helena had seen Spencer and her in the park, Helena had tried to hold the baby, and Colleen had run off with Spencer and returned home immediately. That convinced Nikolas that Helena had poisoned Alfred, after all. Emily asked him what her motive would have been, and Nikolas told her that Helena never had to have a reasonable motive to do anything and that she was probably trying to get to him through Alfred.

Emily mentioned that she had to go to a medical conference in Greece. Nikolas didn't like the idea that Emily would be going to Greece with Helena out and about. He told Emily that he, Alfred, Colleen, and Spencer would go to Greece and stay at the house there so he could keep an eye on Emily's safety. Alfred reminded Nikolas that he was not allowed to fly for a couple of weeks on doctor's orders. Colleen also told Nikolas that she couldn't go, either. He asked her why she couldn't go. She lied and told him that she couldn't leave Alfred alone to fend for himself after what had happened to him.

Colleen panicked when Nikolas planned to take Spencer himself without her and accompany Emily to Greece. Emily and Nikolas talked about it in private. Emily didn't think she would have much free time to spend with Nikolas and Spencer, since she would be in a day-long conference for a few days. Nikolas still wanted to go, anyway. Colleen overheard their conversation and realized she needed to stop Nikolas from going to Greece with Emily. She overheard Nikolas tell Alfred to get his horse, Sasha, ready for riding so he could take her out for a ride. Colleen got ahold of a big carving knife, with a sinister plan to keep Nikolas away from Emily.

General Hospital Recaps: The week of October 2, 2006 on GH

Friday, October 6, 2006

by AMY

Colleen dreamed about taking care of Nikolas after he got hurt in a riding accident that she had caused. Her dream was interrupted by Alfred running in to tell her Nikolas was hurt. Colleen went to the hospital with Nikolas, and Robin and Patrick took care of him. He had pulled a ligament in his leg. Later, at home, Colleen was helping him get settled and told him and Alfred that the synch on the saddle had been cut. She told them that Helena had asked if Nikolas still rode the palomino mare, trying to make Nikolas think that it was Helena that had done it.

Colleen walked into the baby's room and talked to Spencer about what she'd done. The baby monitor was on, but Nikolas was sleeping. Nikolas was trying to get out of bed, and Colleen walked in with a sandwich and told him he was supposed to be resting. She made him go back to bed. He didn't let on that he'd heard anything on the monitor.

Lorenzo had a couple of his men grab Robin to scare her. Lorenzo threatened her to get her father to return Skye, or there would be consequences. Patrick approached after Lorenzo left, and she told him what had happened. He asked her to go to Paris with him to meet with the doctor about Laura's condition. He wanted to be convinced about the new treatment. She refused to go with him because of her work with a patient. Patrick called Robert to look after Robin while he was gone. Robert showed up at the hospital, and Robin was upset with Patrick for calling him. She later apologized to him, and they both admitted they cared about each other.

Liz received a message from Lucky saying that he would gain her trust back and that he wanted to hear her voice. She called him back but didn't talk. Lucky told her that he loved her, but she hung up. Liz ran into Patrick, and he asked what was wrong. She told him that Lucky had called, and when she'd called him back, she hadn't been able to talk. She left and went to Kelly's Diner, where she ran into Georgie and told her that she was glad Maxie wasn't taking advantage of Lucky anymore because he was in rehab and Liz was pregnant.

Maxie fought her way in to see Lucky and told him that she was pregnant. Lucky didn't want her to tell anyone for a while, but she said she was going to keep the baby and was proud of it. She told him that she would explain to Liz that the pregnancy was an accident, but Lucky stopped her and told her to stay away from Liz.

Carly confronted Jason after overhearing Liz saying that her baby could be Jason's. Jason asked her to stay quiet about it for the moment. Carly wanted him to be careful and to not make any promises he couldn't keep. She wanted to know how he was going to handle Sam, because it would break her heart. He told her he was going to tell Sam the truth. He said they were making progress, but Sam had made a decision to be with her family. He told her that if the baby was his, Liz didn't expect anything, but he would take care of her and the baby. Carly just asked him to think about himself for a change, not everyone else.

Robert was on his cell phone at the docks and acted like he was talking to Skye. Lorenzo took the phone from him and tried to talk to Skye. Robert told him that he wasn't going to reveal where Skye was. Lorenzo had his men emerge with guns to threaten Robert. Robin later found her father beaten up.

Carly walked in at Sonny's and heard Bernie talking on the phone. He was telling someone that Sonny didn't want her house finished on time; he wanted it delayed. Carly called Jax and asked him to Sonny's for dinner. Sonny was out of town, and her mom was going to take the boys.

Lucky went to the hospital, looking for Liz, and ran into Patrick. Patrick told him to go back to the clinic and work on his recovery. It was the only chance he had to work on his marriage. Maxie watched from afar.

Jason called Liz over to tell her that he wanted to do the right thing if the baby was his; he wanted to marry her.

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