General Hospital Recaps: The week of February 25, 2002 on GH

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General Hospital Recaps: The week of February 25, 2002 on GH
General Hospital Recaps: The week of February 25, 2002 on GH

Comprehensive daily recaps for General Hospital, dating back to 1996.

General Hospital Recaps: The week of February 25, 2002 on GH

Monday, February 25, 2002

by Joan Mertz

In Texas, Jennifer and her men were still holding Luke and Laura, and Luke and Jennifer were set to get married. Roy and Felicia got there, pretending to be the minister and his wife. Roy told Jennifer that it was a rule of his that nobody should wear handcuffs at a wedding, and she was forced to have Luke and Laura's handcuffs removed. They started the wedding. Jennifer said her vows, but Luke was saved from saying his.

All heck broke loose, and Laura and Luke managed to get away. Roy and Felicia managed to knock some of them out, but Jennifer managed to get away and stopped Luke and Laura again, holding them at gunpoint. They got the better of her again and got away. Luke and Laura managed to find a cave. Jennifer and her goons got arrested, but she also managed to convince the sheriff that Roy and Felicia were to blame, so they were taken too. Later, Luke and Laura were arguing in the cave, and there was a collapse.

At the hospital, Liz was drawing what she remembered of the accident but still couldn't remember everything. Lucky and she were talking, and Sarah walked in and told Liz to rest. She then told Lucky not to force things with Liz if he didn't love her. She said their relationship could be like hers with Nikolas. They'd been kids, and things were not the same anymore. Lucky didn't agree with her.

Elsewhere in the hospital, Ned was wheeling Edward out to the lounge while they waited for the paperwork so Edward could be released. Edward asked Ned about Kristina and told him to go after her.

Nikolas kept dreaming of his dad and was afraid he was going to turn out to be like him. He admitted that to Alexis, and she didn't think he would. She questioned why he didn't tear Wyndemere down and build something new. Kristina stopped by to see Nikolas and ask his advice about where Alexis and she could move to. He suggested they move into Wyndemere, as there was more than enough room for everyone. They could have their own wing. Alexis said Kristina could move in, but she hadn't made up her mind to move.

Jax stopped by to see Carly at her club, and they talked about Sonny and her. He admired her standing up for herself and knew she would make a success of the club. Kristina stopped by and asked Carly about Zander. Carly asked what business it was of hers. Carly said there was nothing between Zander and her, and Kristina said she wished Carly would tell Zander that. Kristina met Zander on the docks, and he was really bummed out. Carly rushed out to find Zander, afraid he might tell Sonny it was him that had kissed Carly.

In Sonny's office, Zander was going to tell Sonny it was him, but he changed his mind. He just said it was some other man, and Carly got there and was glad to hear Zander hadn't said anything.

Alexis got home and was fiddling with trying to get her key in her lock when Sonny showed up. He offered to help, but Alexis refused. He told her that things were over between him and Carly.

Bobbie went to see Melissa at the police station and offered her help, but Melissa refused. She still insisted she had just been helping her patients and had done nothing wrong. Scott showed up and was ready to help, too, but she refused him also. She said she was going to Chicago and knew she could get a fair trial. Mac arrived to get her and escorted her out to the police car. He asked if she had a message for Roy, and she said no.

General Hospital Recaps: The week of February 25, 2002 on GH

Tuesday, February 26, 2002

by QT

Edward visited Skye to manipulate her into giving him the CEO job at ELQ. Skye was not having any part of Edward's plan. Jax arrived and overheard Edward threatening to reveal information on Skye. Jax was interested to know the information. Edward asked Skye if he was to divulge the secret, and Skye gave him the go-ahead.

Edward revealed to Jax that all that time, all the threats against Skye had been her own doing. Sonny Corinthos had never threatened Skye; she'd made the entire scheme up so Jax would rescue her. Skye was trying to get next to Jax. All was quiet, and Skye looked at Jax quickly to see his expression. He was surprised, but not very, because Skye had been preparing him for just that moment.

Jax was disappointed in Skye. He told her that he'd thought they were friends. Jax also squashed Edward, too, because he'd told him that he and Skye had reached an understanding. Jax gave Edward and Skye a little quiz to determine who would be the CEO of ELQ. Jax asked a very easy question, and Skye knew the answer immediately. Edward left in a huff and wished the two good riddance.

Jax asked Skye again for the truth, and Skye was evasive again, stating that she had a company to run and had no time for confessions. Jax asked Skye why, if she'd wanted him, she hadn't just asked. Skye looked up with her pouty face and asked what his answer would have been if she had just asked.

Zander ran into Kristina at the dock. He immediately asked her why she had done it. He questioned why she had gone to Carly when she had said she wouldn't. Kristina told him that she'd had to because she had been looking out for Alexis. Alexis was becoming more involved with Sonny every day. Zander stated that Carly and Sonny were still in love, and no matter what happened, he did not want to be the reason why Sonny would not take Carly back.

Zander told Kristina to mind her own business and keep away from him. The two started to yell and argue when Zander interjected that Kristina just could not understand loyalty. Zander explained everything that Sonny had done for him. Kristina appeared to understand and apologized to Zander. Zander touched Kristina's face as a kind gesture, but Ned walked onto the docks and noticed them.

Zander said goodbye, and Ned walked up to Kristina. He gave her a quick synopsis on Zander and told her he was trouble. Ned proceeded to offer to sweep Kristina away. Kristina remembered her and Zander's conversation about loyalty and declined. Ned was shocked and tried to regroup. He told her that he knew their relationship might be weird for a while. He said he knew that he and Alexis were not getting back together. They had both moved on and wanted different things. Kristina still was not in agreement.

Ned told Kristina that maybe Alexis was not the problem; maybe Kristina was the problem. Kristina became upset and yelled at Ned. Then he interjected that no one knew right off if they were right for one another. They needed to take the chance and see what happened. "What if you and I are just two people who need a little time together with no friends and no family? What if we need to spend some time alone together to figure things out?" he asked. Kristina looked as though she was leaning toward Ned's view.

A.J. was working Courtney. After their romantic dinner, with Courtney in her new clothes, A.J. gave her some beautiful earrings. Courtney refused to accept them. A.J. countered that she did not have to keep them, just wear them at the apartment or during dinner, whatever Courtney wanted. Like clockwork, Annie the private investigator arrived, and Courtney hid.

Annie proclaimed how frightened she was of Sonny's thugs who'd told her that if she found Courtney to take her to Sonny. Annie refused the case and departed -- and she asked A.J. never to call her again. Courtney was very scared for A.J. A.J. had another idea. He called Janine to head over. He told he that he had heard from Courtney, and all was okay. A.J. wanted Janine to go tell Sonny that Courtney was okay and to stop looking for her.

Janine started to berate A.J., and Courtney could not stand it. She emerged from hiding and started yelling at her mom. A.J. tried to get them to stop, unsuccessfully, then he asked Janine to step outside with him. A.J. gave her two choices: go tell Sonny that she'd heard from Courtney and to stop looking for her or go tell Sonny that Courtney was with him "and lose your daughter forever."

Sonny found Alexis struggling with the lock on her door. He offered to open it for her, but Alexis declined. Sonny asked to talk to Alexis, but she told him she was busy. He told her it would only take a few moments. Alexis agreed and also let Sonny open her door.

Alexis informed Sonny that she would be moving shortly. At first she gave the excuse about a tax then Sonny countered with the fact that he would raise the rent. Then Alexis told him that Courtney would want it when she returned. Sonny saw straight through Alexis and asked he why she was really moving. Alexis said she was moving to Wyndemere to be close to family. Sonny was not buying that either.

Sonny asked Alexis if the problem was him. She said it had nothing to do with him and said he would probably miss having her available 24/7. Sonny stated that was not it. Sonny went on to say that he was concerned because his father had told him about how he pushed people away, first Carly, then Courtney, "and now you, Alexis." Alexis stated that she really needed a new place and new spaces.

Sonny said that he had once thought that being alone was best for him, and living alone was the price he paid for his life. "I don't believe that anymore," he said, declaring, "You are all I have left, Alexis." Alexis turned to him and told him that she was no one's consolation prize. "Alexis, just tell me what you want, and I will do that," Sonny exclaimed. She said she had trusted him, and that had cost her. She asked Sonny if he was aware of that.

"Maybe it costs you too much," Sonny said, asking, " If I lose you, then what? If I push you away, then it costs me, too, and more than I thought." There was a strong knock on the door, and Janine just opened the door and blurted out that she had found Courtney. Sonny and Alexis looked at her in shock.

General Hospital Recaps: The week of February 25, 2002 on GH

Wednesday, February 27, 2002


At the hospital, Nikolas and Gia worried that Sarah might tell someone that Gia had had more than a sip of Champagne at the party. While Gia hovered close to Liz's bedside to make sure she did not remember something that she told to the wrong person, Lucky arrived and announced that he had put down a deposit on a loft and that, when Liz was sprung from the hospital, she would be able to go home with him. However, Lucky was stunned when Liz said she would not be going home with him.

At Skye's hotel suite, Skye asked Jax, "How would you respond if I said I wanted you?' As the two fenced back and forth, Skye did kind of admit that she might have fabricated some of the supposed incidents of harassment from Sonny in order to get Jax to play white knight to her damsel in distress.

At Sonny's, Janine told Sonny and Alexis that she had heard from Courtney, but at that point, Courtney preferred to stay far away from Sonny. When Alexis asked if Courtney was safe, Janine said that her daughter was safe and staying with a friend who had her best interests at heart.

Meanwhile, at A.J.'s hotel suite, A.J. admitted to Courtney that he perhaps should have waited for a better time to let her know the depth of his feelings for her, but it was out. "I've fallen in love with you," he told her, "The feelings I have for you are real."

Courtney quickly pointed out that A.J. barely knew her and that she did not know what to say to A.J.'s sudden declaration. A.J. responded, "Just say I haven't wrecked our friendship. Have I ruined something for us before it's even started?"

At the hospital, Sarah pulled Nikolas aside to remind him that they both knew Gia had been drinking when she'd gotten behind the wheel of the car that was later involved in the accident that had injured Liz. However, Nikolas reminded Sarah that, while Liz had been struggling with a lot of deep and serious emotional issues, Sarah had been off chasing her dream of becoming a doctor in Prague. Returning to Liz's room, Sarah informed Lucky that she had told Liz that the best place for her recovery would be at her grandmother's house.

Meanwhile, at A.J.'s hotel suite, A.J. admitted that he knew his candor about their relationship was unexpected -- and for him as well. Courtney asked when all of A.J.'s feelings had started to happen. A.J. admitted that, at first, he had just wanted Sonny to realize that he did not control the universe, even if it was only one little girl in his galaxy that he could not control.

A.J. told Courtney that it had felt good to help her with Sonny. Then it had felt good to see her unaffected delight as her eyes had lit up with each gift he had given her. A.J. admitted again that "I've fallen in love with you," and that was not something that had ever happened to A.J. before. Since A.J. had admitted the depth of his feelings for Courtney, he said, "I want to see where it goes. Will you give me the chance?"

At Sonny's, Janine continued to insist to Sonny that Courtney was safe and with a friend -- and that one of the reasons she was staying away was because she was not ready to deal with Sonny-the-gangster just yet.

Alexis produced a box of things that Courtney had left behind and suggested that Janine send them on to her daughter. She also suggested that Sonny include in the box a note about how he felt. Janine insisted that she "didn't fall off the turnip truck yesterday!" She pointed out that if she did try to mail Courtney's things to her, the next morning, she would read in the newspaper that the Post Office had mysteriously burned down, and Sonny would turn up on Courtney's doorstep, demanding that Courtney go home with him.

Meanwhile, at the hospital, Nikolas found Dr. Caldwell and told the doctor that it was a tough break that he had not gotten the chief resident position. Dr. Eve Lambert was the Chief Resident of General Hospital. But, Nikolas pointed out, there would be many other opportunities for a doctor of Caldwell's caliber at General Hospital, and he mentioned that he had some good things planned for Dr. Caldwell's career. Then, Nikolas suggested that it would show great initiative on Dr. Caldwell's part if he took time to do a few little extra things, such as being a mentor for promising new interns, for example, like Dr. Webber.

When Nikolas turned away from his discussion with Dr. Caldwell, he was surprised to see Grandmother Helena there, in her orange jumpsuit. When Nikolas asked why his grandmother was not in jail, Helena responded that it was because she might need some surgery, since her health had been failing while she had been in prison. But, Helena observed, she applauded the fact that Nikolas was finally becoming a true Cassadine and complimented Nikolas by telling him that his father would be "very proud."

Back at A.J.'s hotel suite, Courtney admitted to A.J. that he was a lot of fun, and he had something that most guys did not have -- A.J. seemed to know how to listen. A.J. told Courtney that if she did not feel the same way that he felt, that was okay. Courtney maintained that it was only because she had not known A.J. long enough to be sure about how she felt about anything.

Then, Courtney suddenly asked A.J. if he had given her all the gifts to get her to fall in love with him. However, A.J. countered, "If there is one thing I've learned, it is that love has to be earned -- at least, the kind that's worthwhile." Courtney pointed out that what she had learned was that most guys only wanted one thing. "What do you want?" she asked.

At Sonny's, Janine continued to refuse to tell Sonny where Courtney was. "She trusted me with her whereabouts, and I am not going to break that trust. For anybody. You know she's okay. So just relax!' Janine said. As Janine stormed out, she ran into Mike at the door.

Janine said there was news of Courtney and that Alexis and Sonny could fill Mike in. Mike asked if Courtney was okay and where she was. Janine responded, "If I didn't tell Mr. Sonny Corinthos, why would I tell you?" Mike answered that he was Courtney's father.

Janine said, "Courtney's going to be someone despite you. Maybe despite all of us. Courtney was right to run -- maybe even from me. I'm going to make everything up to her." Mike insisted on knowing where his daughter was. Janine told him he was not going to hear it from her. As the elevator opened, Jax stepped out. "Courtney okay?" he asked.

Alexis tried to convince Mike to leave it alone as Sonny stalked away to his penthouse. However, Mike told Sonny, "Don't walk away," and followed him while Alexis advised Mike not to push it. As Jax approached, Alexis said, "Not now. This is a really bad time." Jax informed her it was going to get worse.

At A.J.'s place, Courtney continued to insist that guys wanted something, and A.J. replied that all he wanted was to give her everything she needed.

A.J. handed Courtney an envelope with $10,000 in it. 'If you want to leave, you have the money to do it. If you want to stay, feel free to use the key, keep the poker handy until I have earned all of your trust. This is not a pitch to get you in bed. I will respect your decision. I'm sorry for the confusion, because I'm kind of confused myself. But I kind of like it," A.J. said.

Meanwhile, back at the hospital, as Lucky and Sarah argued about where Liz would go when she left the hospital, Nikolas suggested they all move to Wyndemere. Nikolas said he hoped his aunts Kristina and Alexis would be moving there, and there would be plenty of room there for Sarah, Audrey, Lucky, and Liz. Lucky said, "Why settle for redecorating when I can really tick my dad off?"

Dr. Caldwell went to the door and asked for Sarah. Caldwell told Sarah that he wanted to clarify some of the things he had said earlier about the lecture that Sarah had missed. He apologized and said he had had a bad day, had been overtired, and had taken it out on Sarah. But, he suggested strongly, she should not miss any more lectures. Sarah secretly suspected that Nikolas might have had something to do with Dr. Caldwell's sudden change of attitude.

At Sonny's place, Mike told Sonny that either Courtney had never left Port Charles, or Janine knew for sure that Courtney was returning. For once, Sonny suggested, it appeared that Janine was telling the truth. Mike said, "I just don't want it to be too late for me and Courtney. I want it to be different this time."

As Jax chatted with Alexis and told her that Skye had admitted that she had fabricated some of her stories about being harassed by Sonny's goons, Jax recognized some of Courtney's clothes in the box Alexis had out.

After Jax left, Alexis informed Sonny that she planned to stay in her penthouse apartment rather than move to Wyndemere with her sister and nephew.

As A.J. left for a meeting, Courtney had a Pretty Woman fantasy and decided to stay.

However, Skye, Janine, and A.J. were meeting in Skye's room. Janine told A.J. that she had told Sonny what A.J. had wanted her to tell him. But, she added, "I did not do it for free!" A.J. handed Janine an envelope of money. Then, A.J. repeated to Janine that he truly loved Courtney and just wanted to be the man of her dreams. Janine promised, "See that you are. Or I will be your worst nightmare!"

After Janine left, A.J. told Skye that he would soon have Courtney eating out of the palm of his hand.

Meanwhile, back at A.J.'s, Jax tried to get in while Courtney looked at the lock and realized that someone was trying to get in.

General Hospital Recaps: The week of February 25, 2002 on GH

Thursday, February 28, 2002

by Cindy Homant

Ned and Kristina tried to have a romantic interlude at the cabin, but Edward interrupted. He wanted Ned to return to town immediately to help him stop Skye. Ned tried to get rid of him, but Edward was persistent. Then, he noticed Kristina and became embarrassed. He started telling them where the candles were and other information to make their night more romantic.

When Ned tried pushing Edward out the door, the maid, Alice, showed up at the door with the car engine. It was broken. She put it on the table and tried working on it while Kristina and Ned complained about what a failure their evening had turned out to be.

Jax broke into A.J.'s apartment. The lights were out, and he sat down on the couch and found women's magazines and nail polish on the coffee table. He also found Courtney's warmup jacket on the couch. Just then, Courtney hit him on the head and neck with a book, not realizing who he was. Once they each realized who the other was, Courtney wanted to know why he had broken into A.J.'s apartment. Jax told her he had been looking for her, but she didn't believe it.

After Jax told Courtney all about big bad A.J., A.J. showed up at the door. Courtney chose to believe A.J. and asked why he didn't kick Jax out then left the room. A.J. started taunting Jax by saying that everyone Jax loved died, and he didn't want the same to happen to his sister, Skye. He told Jax that he hated Sonny as much as Jax did and wondered why Jax wouldn't help him out. Jax got upset and left. A.J. thought he'd won. Later, Jax was in his apartment, holding the phone and remembering what A.J. had said about helping Jax. He was contemplating whether he should call him or not.

Luke and Laura were trapped in the mine. They decided to discuss planning their wedding while passing time. They were worried that something might have happened to Roy and Felicia, so Luke found a lantern, conveniently, and they had matches, conveniently, and he set out down one of the tunnels. He told Laura to stay there and relax. After he left, Laura decided it was a waste of time to "relax" and set out on her own down another tunnel.

Meanwhile, Roy and Felicia got put in jail, and the deputy wouldn't let them make their one phone call until the sheriff said so. He told them the sheriff was having dinner with a friend, and he didn't know when he'd be back. The two tried to think up another plan, and Felicia started pretending she was turning on Roy. The deputy let her out to give her statement, and she gave fake names and said their squabble was over a horse Roy had stolen.

The sheriff returned and figured out what was going on. He put Felicia back into the cell. They again complained because they hadn't been able to make their one phone call, and the sheriff told them he would give them permission when he was good and ready. Suddenly, Jennifer Smith walked in, holding leftover peach cobbler for the sheriff. Roy and Felicia figured out he'd had dinner with her and got mad that he wasn't interrogating her. Jennifer talked about how she'd miss everyone in town, since she was leaving for Mexico.

Skye and Alan met up at the house when Skye was waiting for the ELQ meeting to begin. Alan told her it had been postponed, and he apologized for not letting her know. He asked her if they could have dinner sometime, and she lied and told him she was very busy and would have to check her calendar and get back to him. He agreed, and she started to leave the room when her conscience got to her. She fessed up that she had lied.

General Hospital Recaps: The week of February 25, 2002 on GH

Friday, March 1, 2002


Felicia worked her wiles on Sheriff Lovejoy, leaving the lawman completely vulnerable to Roy's sucker punch. Trapped in the mineshaft with little else to do, Laura reminded Luke how they had agreed not to make love until their wedding night.

Jax asked Carly for her take on her first husband. Meanwhile, A.J. appealed to Skye to help him convince Jax to keep a secret from Sonny. Reciting her long litany of complaints about A.J.'s notoriously bad behavior, Carly told Jax how her ex seemed to have grown even more cold-blooded in recent weeks.

Janine encouraged her daughter to believe that her fabulously rich Prince Charming was sincere and could be trusted totally. Later, A.J. upped the ante with a starry-eyed Courtney. Across town, Jax spilled the beans to Sonny about his sister's new suitor.

Edited by SC Desk
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