Comprehensive daily recaps for General Hospital, dating back to 1996.

Monday September 14, 1998
by Soap Central
Jax, having just seen Brenda's car plunge into the water, threatens to jumpfrom the helicopter if Jerry doesn't get them closer. Jerry tries to tellhim why he can't get closer but Jax is frantic. He jumps from thehelicopter despite Jerry's attempts to stop him. Jerry calls for the coastguard to come immediately.
Jason and Robin talk about a guy Jason saw looking at green peppers as ifthey were the most important thing in the world. He doesn't' know why thatstuck in his mind but Robin thinks maybe it is because in a few days theirlives will be completely different. They won't have to constantly lookover their shoulder or jump at the slightest sound. Jason says he likesthe way that sounds. He tells Robin to wait upstairs while he meets withhis associates. They won't be happy with his decision to leave theorganization and he doesn't' want them to know Robin is there. Bobbieshows up unexpected and asks if it is too late to see her grandson.
Monica wants to attend Alan's NA meeting with him but he tells her hedoesn't want to expose her to them. She misses the time they used toshare. She doesn't' want to pressure him but she says they can talk andjust hold each other. He tries to stall her until this weekend but shedoesn't' want to wait. After Monica has left Alan makes a call to inquireif his prescription has come in yet. He then arranges to meet someone inhalf an hour.
Emily is having lunch at Kelly's. Liz serves her and after a few minutesthey apologize for their behavior at the Nurses Ball. Liz picked the fightbecause Nikolas had made her angry and Emily was just taking up for him. Lucky arrives just as the two girls are laughing over dodging each other atschool. He asks if this is a bilateral treaty or can a third party joinin. Emily makes a toast to ever lasting peace at Port Charles High. Liztells her to hold that thought and goes inside Kelly's.
Bobbie holds Michael for a while until she notices he is yawning. Shewants to take him upstairs and tuck him in. Robin says maybe they can savethat for another night. Jason explains he has people coming in. AfterRobin has taken Michael to bed, Bobbie voices her concerns to Jason. Shedoesn't' believe it is fair to expose Michael to the danger of his businessmeeting in their home. Jason tells Bobbie as of tonight he is out of thebusiness. She has a right to know because she is Michael's grandmother buthe doesn't' want her to tell anyone else. He assures her Michael will besafe. She asks him if he remembers the first time in the hospital when sheput Michael in his arms. She says you cant' begin to know who you areuntil you care for a child and you can't begin to know what's importantuntil its life depends on you. That drive in you to protect him makeseverything else seem beside the point. She tells him he is doing the rightthing.
Liz, Lucky, and Emily are all discussing their classes when Emily mentionsMr. Murty. There is a tense moment until Liz explains she almost flunkedhis class but he helped her out with a few extra sessions. Lucky goesinside to get more fries and Nikolas arrives while the girls are talking. Liz asks if he wants anything, a drink or fries, but he says no. Luckycomes back and Nikolas stands up and says he was leaving anyway. Liz pullsLucky away but Nikolas stops him. He tells Lucky he has been seeing LesleyLu a lot lately and every other word she says is Lucky. Nikolas tells himshe really misses him. Lucky says if he wants an update on his sister hewon't be needing it from Nikolas. After Liz and Lucky are alone, they makeplans to do something later, anything he wants.
Alan gets more drugs from his dealer. The dealer warns him about thedrugs, saying they are still being tested on rats. Alan later calls Tammyand asks if she is busy tonight.
Jason tells his associates he is turning over his territories to Moreno.His associates are angry.Jason warns them not to try to take over the business. It would cause awar. Benny takes Jason's side when they become too upset. They will allget a large amount of money from this deal. Justus tells them he suggeststhey look out for their best interests.
Standing on the shore, Jax tells Jerry Brenda pulled herself out of asinking plane. He knows she would have pulled herself out of the car. Jaxbecomes furious when he learns the rescue team hasn't begun searching yet. The rescue worker tells him there is no way Brenda could have survived. The sunroof was open and the car took a three hundred foot dive.
Nikolas and Emily talk about Jason and Robin. Nikolas says it is dangerousto even know Jason, let alone live with him. Emily reminds him that Jasononce saved his life. Later, she tells Nikolas that Katherine is moving inwith the Quartermaines.
Liz asks Lucky if he has decided where he wants to go. He suggests hisdad's club but she wants him all to herself. They decide to go to theboxcar.
After everyone else has left Jason's penthouse, Jason asks Benny what hisplans are. He is going to work for Moreno. Johnny says he doesn't seehimself with Moreno. Jason tells him he should open the restaurant he hastalked about. Johnny wants to stick around for a few days to make sure thetransition went smoothly. Jason says he would appreciate that.
Jax tells Jerry how much Brenda loved the sea. He cant accept that she isgone. He doesn't' understand how this happened. Jerry says maybe one ofthem meant to go over. Jax insists Brenda would never take her own life. He was going to ask her to marry him tomorrow. They were supposed to haveyears together. The rescue worker comes back and tells Jax there is nochance the women survived. The roof was ripped off. The passenger seatwas gone and the driver's seat was torn from its anchor with the seat beltstill secured. He gives Jax the white shawl Veronica had given Brenda. That is all they found. Jax breaks down into sobs while Jerry supportshim.
Liz and Lucky discuss their plans and he suspects something is up. Shetells him possibly but he will just have to wait and see.
Nikolas drives Emily home so that he may talk to Katherine but she isn'tthere. Before he leaves, Emily tells him to come back any time he feelslike it. After he leaves the delight on Emily's face is obvious for all tosee.
Alan asks Tammy to dance for him again. She obliges, doing a strip teasefor him. She lays him back on the bed and begins kissing his neck. Alangrabs his chest and has trouble breathing. Tammy panics and yells at him,asking what is wrong.
Jax holds the shawl tight. Jerry tells him they nee to reopen this stretchof road. Jax says he won't move but Jerry says he has no choice. Jax sayshe will come back at first light to search the rocks. Jerry will come withhim. He sends Jerry back, saying he just needs a minute. After Jerrygoes, Jax says, "don't leave me Brenda. Nobody leaves."

Tuesday, September 15, 1998
by Soap Central
Liz and Lucky went to the boxcar and Lucky wasoverwhelmed when Liz presented him with a newacoustic guitar that she had decorated herself. Lizthen convinced Lucky to play "Liz," the song hehad written for her. When the song was finished,Lucky helped Liz down from the boxcar and they were very close physically. Liz and Luckythen shared their first kiss and Lucky walked Liz home. In the midst of having a heartattack, Alan was able to tell Tammy to call Tony's clinic instead of calling for anambulance. At the clinic, Alan was shocked to learn that Tony and Tammy knew eachother. Tony told Alan that he wasn't suffering a heart attack and was taken aback by thedrugs Alan was mixing. Tony asked Val, his boss at the clinic, for a letter ofrecommendation in an effort to try to get Bobbie's restraining order reversed. Jasontold Robin about the meeting with his associates and thought that he was finally free ofthe organization. Robin and Jason then looked forward to their future together. Jerry triedto comfort Jax, who was in shock over Brenda's death. After asking Jerry to leave, Jaxwas left alone with his memories of Brenda and he eventually broke down. Jerry toldBobbie about Brenda's death. Bobbie then comforted Jerry and assured him that hewould find a way to help Jax.

Wednesday, September 16, 1998
by Soap Central
Jax goes to Robin to give her the heartbreaking news that Brenda is dead. Robin looks at him and immediately knows something is wrong. He says hehas bad news and he wanted her to hear it from him. She asks where Brendais but Jax is unable to speak. Robin, realization in her eyes, says no, no,No! Jax tells her about the accident and Robin tries to understand whythis happened.
Ned comes home to see arrangements for a birthday party. He jokes that itisn't his birthday and AJ delights in teasing him. Katherine comes insinging and tells Ned she's alive, is he shocked? He had read about it inthe newspapers. He then learns Katherine is living at the mansion and heisn't happy about it. Nikolas arrives just in time to witness the usualQuartermaine argument. Just as everyone is throwing barbs at one anotherJax arrives. He kneels by Lila and gives her the sad news of Brenda'suntimely death. He also tells her Brenda respected her more than anyoneand he tells all of them that Brenda thought of them as family. Edwardasks exactly what happened but Ned stops him. He doesn't want Jax to gointo the details just yet. The devastation and sadness on Ned's face isheartbreaking. Emily is shocked and very hurt. Nikolas comforts her asKatherine quietly walks over to her birthday cake and puts out the candle. Ned later calls Lois but learns from her mother that she is in SouthAmerica again. He leaves a message with Gloria for Lois to call him assoon as possible.
Jason goes to Mike to inform him of Brenda's death. Mike is at firstscared for Michael. Jason assures him nothing is wrong with Sonny. Notknowing an easier way to break the news, Jason says Brenda is dead. Mikeis shocked and very hurt. He tries to reason that if they haven't foundher body maybe she is still alive but Jason tells him the rescue teamsearched night and day. That can't mean anything good. Mike says hethought Jason was going to say Sonny was gone but this is almost the samething. What he and Brenda had in common was that they both loved Sonny andwhat Sonny and he had in common at the end, despite everything, was thatthey both loved her. She understood that even though nobody said anythingout loud. She was generous with him, with herself. She knew that lettinghim be near her made him feel near his son. He can't believe they nevergot together again. He thanks Jason for coming to tell him. Jason leavesto go back to Robin and Mike tells him to tell Sonny that...well, justtell him I couldn't think of anything to say.
Mac and Felicia come to the penthouse to comfort Robin. They ask her tocome to their house for the night since they know Jason will be going totell Sonny the news. She agrees and later tells Jason to tell Sonny Brendawas happier that day than she has ever been, nothing about her mother andnothing about the illness. That might be a lie but it's what Sonny needsright now. After she leaves, Jason calls Bobbie. After Bobbie arrives, heexplains he must go out of town and he doesn't think he should takeMichael. He asks if she will keep Michael at her house while he is gone. He hasn't been away from Michael much since he was born but he knowsMichael will be alright with her. She has been there since he was born. He tells Michael he will be back tomorrow or the day after. Bobbie takesMichael and tells Jason he can call day or night.
Jax comes home to find V taking care of all the calls he is receiving. Shehad found the report on Brenda's death on Mac's desk. She later went toJax's apartment and saw Jerry. He had to leave to pick up his parents fromthe airport and asked if V could stay. After she is finished with thecalls she gives Jax a list of friends and associates he would wantnotified. She breaks down into tears and apologizes but he tells her it is OK. He calls Julia and tells her ofBrenda's death. V takes over the call and Jax sits in a chair by thewindow and weeps. V later asks if he wants her to stay to answer the doorwhile he sleeps but he says he won't be getting much sleep. She says shewill be going then and he replies, if you like. Just then the door opensand Jax's parents come in. They tell him how sorry they are and as hismother holds him in her arms, V quietly slips out the door.
Laura talks to Lucky at Kelly's. She is worried because the temperaturehas dropped to 45 degrees the last few nights. She asks him to come home. He tells her that he is fine. He also wants her to know that he doesn'tspend his time being so angry anymore. He doesn't dwell on the fact thatshe and Luke aren't the people he thought they were. She is relieved andsays a lot has changed. He says no, but the way he thinks about them has. Laura says that is the hardest change of all.
Later, Lucky tells Liz his mom got him to thinking about the temperaturechanges and he can't keep his new guitar, a gift from Liz, out in thisweather. It will warp. He needs a temperature controlled environment tokeep it in. Liz goes to get the newspaper to look for apartments forLucky. Holding her hand he talks her into getting some oil for him. Heexplains he must have touched the guitar while he was sleeping last nightand he scratched it. She kneels close to him and he shows her the scratchand she says he has good eyesight, the scratch is so small. He says hecould count the stitches on a baseball from the bleachers...he still likeshow she looks close up.

Thursday, September 17, 1998
by Soap Central
Katherine comes to Laura's house and says she wants to talk to her, womanto woman so to speak. She tells Laura when the Quartermaines found out shewas still alive they insisted she move in with them. Laura asks why shecame and Katherine tells her she was hoping Laura could jog her memoryabout the night she fell from the parapet at Wyndemere. Laura doesn'tthink that is an experience she would want to relive. Katherine says shedoesn't but she has a nagging feeling something important happened rightbefore she fell. Laura says she doesn't remember anything other than whatshe testified to. Katherine believes Laura may have left out somethingimportant just like she left out their meeting in her guesthouse the nighther fall. She asks why Laura would testify for Stefan unless somethingelse were going on. She believes Stefan and Laura are hiding something. Maybe Laura was in her room that night to goad her into going upstairs thatnight to look in the trunk. She accuses Laura of wanting Stefan all toherself. Laura tells her the only connection between her and Stefan isthat he is the uncle of her son. Katherine tells her she will find outwhat Laura is hiding.
Emily comes to the photo shoot and sees a picture of Brenda on the mirror. The photographer apologizes and offers to take it down. Emily tells him toleave it there. She tells him she has to leave by 1:00 because Brenda'smemorial service is today. Nikolas arrives and Emily tells him working onthe day of Brenda's memorial service doesn't feel right. She wants to putit off for one day but the magazine has a deadline. She asks thephotographer what she will be wearing today and he tells her today she willbe a bridesmaid. Emily later tells Nikolas it isn't fair. Brenda willnever have the wedding she dreamed of with Jax. She breaks down into tearsand says she wants to go home. Nikolas holds her as she cries. Nikolastalks to her and asks her what Brenda would say if she were here. Emilysays in all of Brenda's photos she always had an amazing smile. Shewonders if Brenda ever felt exactly as she does right now, looking at thephotos you would never know. Knowing she has decided to finish the photoshoot, Nikolas tells her he will be right here for her. She then finishesthe shoot.
Taggert goes to Dara's office. He tells her that two of America's mostwanted desperadoes will be taken down right here in Port Charles. The twomen are John and Jerry Jax. Justus rolled over on them to save his ownskin. Dara later calls Justus and leaves a message telling him welcomehome. Justus later comes to see Dara and she tells him selling out the Jaxfamily is as cold blooded and as cynical as you can get. He says he didwhat he had to do. She says she doesn't' know what he has become butwhatever it is she wants nothing to do with it.
Julia arrives at Jax's penthouse and is greeted by Jerry. Julia isunderstandably upset. She wants to know what Brenda was doing in a car withVeronica. Jerry tells her the whole story of Veronica's time in PC and herrelationship with Brenda. Julia is furious that they didn't' keep Brendaaway from Veronica. When Jax comes home Julia says she holds himresponsible for Brenda's death. She says Sonny took better care of herthan Jax did. This infuriates Jerry. He argues with Julia then tells herJax loved Brenda more than anyone, including her. Jax stops Jerry, sayingJulia has a point. Jerry says Jax did everything he could do for the womanhe loved. Except keep her alive, Julia says. She says Jax knew howfragile she was. Jax says maybe he did blow it but Brenda wasn't' the sameas Julia saw her last year. She found her independence and made her owndecisions. He says Brenda was the strongest woman he ever knew. After herbreakdown she pulled herself together, she put Sonny out of her life, shegot her modeling career back on track and bought back all of her shares ofL&B Records without taking a nickel from him or anyone else. She went tosee Veronica to tell her she wanted to take care of her, in spite of thefact that she barely knew her or how sick she was. She was going toforgive everything and just love Veronica. If Julia cant' understand whyshe would do such a thing then she doesn't' know anything about her sister,which is a real shame because she would have been proud of her. Juliaapologizes saying she is just so angry but she shouldn't take it out onhim. She then blames herself for not being there when Brenda needed her. He assures her Brenda was proud of her. She was the role model Brenda usedto pull herself together. She thanks him and she leaves to get changed forthe memorial. Jerry assures Jax he has nothing to feel guilty about. Jaxsays, "except Brenda is gone and I let her go." He tells Jerry, "I lovedher you was like nothing I've ever experienced in my life or everwill again." Jerry tells him one thing is certain, she knew he loved hertoo. From everything he's heard the last few months were the best ofBrenda's life and not just because she found herself but because she hadJax. He loved her unconditionally and not many people get to have that intheir lives. So if she had to go at least she had it. Jax says he wouldhave given his life for Brenda in a second. Jerry hugs Jax and holds himtight. Jax goes to Julia's room and they leave for the memorial service.
We then see the closed sign at Kelly's, Jason & Robin's empty apartment,Mac and Felicia's empty house, the Quartermaine mansion, and a photo of Jaxand Brenda. As a beautiful song plays in the background we see a series offlashbacks of Brenda. The day she came to Port Charles, her party withJagger, her telling Jagger about the beach and that they've got to make ithappen, her and Jagger on the beach, the first time she made love toJagger, her and Lois, her and Miguel dancing together, her first meetingwith Sonny, Sonny coming to ask her to go for a ride, Sonny and Brenda'sfirst kiss, the day Sonny caught her with the wire, the day Jason told herSonny was gone, her and Sonny making love, them together in Puerto Rico,kissing outside of Luke's, her telling Jax she loved him before theirwedding that never happened because of Miranda, her and Jax together inMalibu, her first wedding to Jax, their last trip to Malibu, her dance atthe Nurses Ball, modeling, and finally, walking on the beach. We then seeBrenda's apartment, empty and somehow even looking sad.

Friday, September 18, 1998
by Soap Central
Mac reluctantly set in motion the arrests of John and Jerry Jax. Mac thenwent to visit Jax and told him he is sorry. Jax asked him why he said itlike he had done something he wished he could take back but it's too latenow. Mac says he's just sorry. That's all. Knowing that V would warnJax, Mac deliberately sent her on a wild goose chase to keep her away whilethe arrests were being made. John Jacks is later arrested in his hotel suiteand Jerry is arrested at the brownstone, in front of Bobbie and Lucas. Jaxreceives the Brenda's test results which would verify if she had the samedeadly gene Veronica had. He burns the envelope without ever reading theresults. V later visits Jax and is there to see him being arrested also.
Emily and AJ remember Brenda. AJ tells Emily she should take a littletime off from modeling but she is determined to continue. Brenda was a biginfluence on her and she plans to be so good that when people see her theythink of Brenda. She is later shocked when she receives nude photos ofherself in the mail.
Robin was saddened that she never got the chance to tell Brenda of Jason'sretirement or that they were going to leave the pent house to find a placeof their own.

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