Comprehensive daily recaps for General Hospital, dating back to 1996.

Monday April 27, 1998
by Soap Central
Today's recap was provided by ABC. Our regular recap will be available soon.
Tony was badly injuredby Carly's gunfire. Tonywas rushed to GeneralHospital, where Bobbieand Monica saved hislife. As his only remaining friend, Felicia kept a vigil as Tonyunderwent surgery. Despite how he felt about Tony, Alancomforted Felicia. At the courthouse, Mac oversaw Carly'sarrest and blasted Taggert for keeping his gun unfastened.As Jason worked to keep Carly calm, Justus failed to getDara to allow Carly to spend one final night at home withMichael. Dara avoided Justus's questions about why shehad cut a deal with Alexis. Alexis faced Ned and Edward'sanger and broke down privately. Meanwhile, after stealingMr. Murty's soap-scented handkerchief, Liz told Lucky thatshe suspected that Murty may be the rapist. Helena slappedLucky after catching him with Luke's audio bugs. Lukerescued Lucky, but not before Helena gave Lucky some fakephotos which showed a battered Laura after her rape. Withhis anger re-ignited, Lucky again rejected Luke. Brenda toldJax that Jerry tried to kill him. Jax assured Brenda that thetrue target was Jason and that the bullet was only meant towound him. Jax also assured Brenda that solving problemswith violence was not his style. As Jax then went on to tellBrenda that Jerry was trustworthy, Jerry had another secretmeeting.

Tuesday, April 28, 1998
by Soap Central
Today's recap was provided by ABC. Our regular recap will be available soon.
Stefan told Nikolas thatLaura would most likelyreturn to Port Charles,but wanted to make surethat Nikolas would becomfortable in seeinghis mother again. After explaining how he had resolved hisfeelings of being "second best," Nikolas told Stefan that hewas looking forward to seeing his mother and Lesley Luagain. Stefan and Nikolas speculated on the possiblefallout between Luke and Laura when she learns that shehad been kept in the dark about Nikolas's injuries andLucky's estrangement from Luke. Privately, Stefan fondlyremembered his visit to North Carolina that culminated inhim receiving a flower from Lesley Lu which he took backhome with him. Katherine was delighted to see Stefan andhe was glad that she did not press him about his trip. Aftermaking love to Katherine, Stefan still seemed to want tomake her resemble Laura. After seeing Nikolas and Robinenjoying breakfast at the Outback, Sarah accused Robin of"stealing" her boyfriend. Robin then made it clear to Sarahthat she and Nikolas were just friends. Using Sarah'scomputer, Lucky and Liz dug up information on Murty andlearned that he was once married. Liz and Lucky thenlearned that while Murty was married, his wife had made acall to 911 to report spousal abuse. Audrey caught Liz andLucky together, but they covered. Liz felt uneasy whenAudrey praised her for putting the rape behind her andgetting on with her life. Meanwhile, Jason tried to keep afragile Carly from panicking about her future. Bobbie visiteda jailed Carly and Carly thanked her for helping her avoidmurder charges by saving Tony's life. Dara told Justus thatAlexis used Dara's relationship with him to blackmail herinto cutting a deal for Tony. Dara made it clear that sheneeded to avoid Justus to save her image. Justus learnedthat Dara had ordered a psychiatric evaluation of Carly.

Wednesday, April 29, 1998
by Soap Central
Today's recap was provided by ABC. Our regular recap will be available soon.
In an effort toappease her guilt,Alexis visited Jasonand Justus and tried to offer them help with Carly. Afterrejecting Alexis's offer, Jason learned that she had beenforced to represent Tony and that the Cassadines hadan interest in setting Tony free. Alexis then encounteredNed at the Port Charles Grill and Ned wanted to toastthe death of their relationship. Alexis told Ned the truthabout her identity and why she had to represent Tony.Alexis also told Ned that she was trying to protect his lifeby not involving him with her problems with Helena.Ned, however, told Alexis that even if what she had saidwas true, she would still lie to him and do the bidding ofhis enemies if pushed far enough. Meanwhile, Jax toldJerry that Brenda's love campaign was working. Thebrothers plotted to save Jax from his sexy liaison withBrenda, but a tardy Jerry brought a real business crisesthat Jax had to fix. Brenda remained undeterred andhinted to Jerry that she knew how he operated. Tonywas visited by Ned, who threatened that theQuartermaines would make his life a living hell if heever came near Michael again. Tony then received ascary visit from Jason. AJ told a jailed Carly that he hadput all of his anger and hatred for her behind him andhad accepted Jason and Carly as Michael's parents.When Jason returned from his visit to Tony, AJ told himand Carly that he would do whatever it took to makesure that the Quartermaines would leave Michael alone.Justus then arrived to tell Jason and Carly that theywould soon learn if she would stay in jail or be shippedto a mental institution. Jerry annoyed Mac by hitting onFelicia and mocking his authority as policecommissioner. Mac confronted Jerry about his agendain Port Charles and made it clear that he had enoughpower to put Jerry away. Felicia called Mac on hisjealousy of Jerry and Mac then asked V to tail Jerry.

Thursday, April 30, 1998
by Soap Central
At GH, Tony is awaken by a nightmare as Robin walks in. Tony thanks Robin for her testimony. Robin tells him she just wanted the judge to see the other side of Tony and she asks Tony to vow not to kidnap Michael again. Tony refuses to promise saying he still thinks Michael is in danger. Robin is surprised Tony still doesn't regret his actions and tells him Jason would never let Michael get hurt. Tony tells Robin how dangerous Jason is and how Jason stood over his bed watching him. Tony tells her she is too in love with Jason to see that he is a gangster and that she needs to stay away from him because Jason will wind up killing her and Michael.
At Wyndemere, Nikolas inspects the trunk Helena had delivered. Meanwhile, at Helena's yacht, Helena is playing with the key to the trunk when Stefan walks in. Helena asks him if he is curious about what is in the trunk and Stefan tells her he doesn't know what she is talking about. Helena tells him it is probably because he has been keeping company with the bovine peasant, Katherine. Stefan ignores her comment and tells her she is going home to Greece considering her health and financial situation. Helena refuses saying she has plenty of money and Stefan tells her he now has control of all her assets. Helena refuses to admit defeat and toys with Stefan some more putting the key to the trunk, which is on a chain, around his neck. Stefan tells her she will leave and Helena tells him he is weak and she won't be intimidated. Stefan leaves and then Helena leaves the room. Luke then comes out of hiding and pours himself a drink. Jason Luke
At GH, Alan pops some more pills then walks into Tony's room. He tells Tony he is there in his capacity as chief of staff. Tony makes some comments about Alan's appearance telling him he needs to see a doctor. Alan doesn't want to hear it. Tony asks him what the latest is on Carly and Alan tells him she is going to be taking a psychiatric evaluation. Tony is thrilled and tells Alan that Michael is halfway home. Alan tells Tony he should be the one to be taking the evaluation, but Tony tells him Alan should be happy he tried to save Michael. Alan tells Tony to make an appointment with Gail and Tony tells Alan to seek help from a lawyer in getting Michael away from Jason. Alan tells Tony Jason loves Michael and Tony tells Alan he needs to wake up and realize Jason isn't the same anymore. Alan then gets so upset he storms out of the room.
Back at Wydemere, Stefan asks Nikolas' opinion about him asking Katherine to marry him. Nikolas is happy and wishes Stefan and Katherine the best. Nikolas then wants to open the trunk. Stefan refuses telling Nikolas it is from Helena and it is only there to cause pain and trouble. Nikolas agrees and then leaves. Stefan then takes the key Helena had given him and opens the trunk. Inside, it is full of Nikolas' baby items and a box with Laura's name engraved on it. Stefan opens the box and pulls out an emerald and diamond ring. Luke Carly

Friday, May 1, 1998
by Soap Central
Robin and Nikolas have dinner together and Robin mentions her conversation with Sarah in which Sarah accused Robin of being the cause of the break-up with Nikolas. Nikolas tells her he and Sarah broke-up because they came from entirely different worlds and weren't compatible. He then tells her he is lucky to have found Robin, though. Robin stops him and wants to know what he has in mind before they go any farther. Nikolas says he doesn't know yet. He knows he is younger than her, but he feels that he is mature enough for her. Robin tells him she just wants him to know she isn't free of emotional ties to Jason.
The Q's meet for a board meeting and Edward takes Ned aside and questions him as to Jason's business in Manhattan. Ned tells him he doesn't know what Jason's business is, but he leant Jason the company jet anyway. Alexis walks in and the Q's start the discussion as to whether she may stay or not. Everyone wants her to leave, but Ned says she has a right to be at her firing. The meeting begins and Ned fires Alexis. He then mentions having the company sue her. Alan and Monica don't feel this is really necessary that they have already fired her and that should be enough. Monica then speaks up and says Alexis should be able to have her say. Alexis begins to talk and Ned chews her out. She apologizes to them and says she will find a way to gain back their trust then leaves. Edward then starts a discussion on starting a custody case for Michael. This starts the whole family to arguing. Justus Stefan Lucky Alexis Brenda Ned Luke Katherine Brenda

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