Comprehensive daily recaps for General Hospital, dating back to 1996.

Monday February23, 1998
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by Soap Central
Portions of today's show were pre-empted for news coverage of a Presidential news conference on Iraq.
Carly guesses that Robin knows Jason is not the father of her baby and asks him if he told her. Jason tells her Robin knows him and just knew he wasn't the daddy. He says that Robin thinks the baby should be with her and AJ and Carly is nervous Robin will tell. He reassures her she won't; Robin will not betray him he says. Monica walks in.
Katherine tells Stefan they are going for a walk because she want's to show him something. As they kiss and walk away Nikolas watches from a window.
Sarah comforts Liz and asks if she went to the police or to see a doctor. She says no to both. Liz tells her not to tell Audrey because she won't be able to help her. Sarah asks about what happened afterwards and Liz tells her about what Bobbie did for her. She says how she couldn't tell them she was raped but they knew. Liz says she doesn't want to see herself or him, and she says she sees him in her room, his hands, his breath and so she came to Kelly's to get away from there, but now every man she sees she thinks it's him. Sarah suggests she still go to the police. Liz tells her she's not ready to go to work and so she takes her little sister home.
Lucky sits down with Luke and Bobbie and tells his Aunt he knows what his dad's done. He didn't tell her about Carly and she shouldn't hate him for that. Luke tries to stop him but Bobbie would like him to go on. He sticks up for his father, saying he'll do whatever it takes to protect the people he loves. Lucky thinks his Aunt Bobbie is wrong. He gets up to go check on Liz but comes back in when he realizes Sarah took her home. He tells his father he's going to the park to look for her the bracelet and asks him if he want's to go with him.
Sarah is overly nice but Liz wants to be left alone. Audrey comes down and Liz says she's not quite over it. Audrey asks Liz for her bracelet back and Liz tells her that the clasp broke and she brought it to be fixed. Audrey's OK with this.
Monica gives Carly a dirty look and walks past them. Jason tells her to forget about Monica. He lets her know he trusts Robin with his life. Monica stops by and tells them she has a gift for Michael. Carly says he has all he needs. She asks Jason why she can't see the baby, she hasn't done anything wrong. Jason explains that she loves Alan, AJ, and the old man and eventually she will give in to them. Monica asks what about what Carly wants and he says she can ask her herself. When Monica suggests them meeting the day after tomorrow Carly says she's busy. Monica excuses herself when her dinner date walks in, Bobbie.
Nikolas is practicing his reading and Robin shows up. He's having some trouble and she suggests they get together when he's ready. She starts to leave and he tells her to wait.
Katherine take Stefan to his favorite spot on the island and leads him to the stone bench. He has a strange look on his face when he sees it and she thinks he doesn't like it.
Luke and Lucky go to the spot where he found Liz and he describes how she looked and the exact place he saw her. Standing there, Luke has flashbacks of Laura running in that same spot and kneeling near the fountain. Lucky interrupts his thought and says he knows he's thinking this is sick. Lucky finds the bracelet within two minutes of starting his search.
Stefan tells Katherine he is not upset, just the opposite. The bench means a great deal to him. Today is his baptismal day and no one, except Alexis, ever gave him a gift. He loves this spot because it reminds him of Greece. He loved to sit overlooking the ocean. He says he loves the ocean, maybe because it's something that can't be controlled. Katherine says like a woman and asks if it reminds him of all the women he's loved. He tells her he has only loved one woman in his lifetime.
Nikolas practices reading again and although he makes some progress he still gets frustrated. Robin helps him along but he tells her no more. He gets up and goes outside where she follows him. It's freezing out there and he can tell that she's cold so they go back in. Robin tells him that he can't force things overnight and it can also be his attitude. He hasn't lost his speech, it's just blocked. She wants to know how badly he wants this.
Bobbie comments on how the baby is getting along in that house where everyone has to watch their backs. Monica thinks they could take care of him, all Bobbie has to do is get close to her daughter.
Jason is called away from the table to discuss business, he's not giving up control of the docks and will not let Jax win.
Bobbie walks over to Carly and talks about the baby. She tries to make nice and asks her about her plans.

Tuesday, February 24, 1998
by Soap Central
Stefan thanks Katherine again for the bench. She tells him she'd like to see Greece with him and he promises they will visit new places together. Nikolas walks in with a book in hand and Katherine leaves for PC to do some business. Stefan wants to know if Nikolas is going to continue working with Ms. Scorpio and he says yes. Stefan tells him there is bad blood between the two families; her father sent his grandfather to an early grave.
Felicia and Maxie are at the Outback with Mac. When Maxie goes into the kitchen, Mac asks why Felicia is not wearing the engagement ring. She doesn't want the girls to know. Felicia asks if he's heard anything from Tess yet and he hasn't. Speak of the devil Tess walks right in and over to their table.
Jax sits down at Ned's table at the Port Charles Grill. He wants to know what happened with Jason because he is holding up with the dock renovations. Ned hasn't met with Jason yet and Jax lets him know he's going to make sure Jason is no longer a factor on this project. Ned warns Jax this could blow up in their face if he starts running his mouth. Jax is only protecting his interests but Ned thinks he's going to ruin this. Ned believes this is personal for Jax because he is still angry at Sonny and this is his way of getting back at him.
Jason tells Benny and Sam he's got to get the Quartermaine's to do the renovation on the docks in stages. There will be a strike and he is going to need everyone's cooperation. Jason's men leave and he looks disturbed. Justus walks in to go over some contracts but Jason has something else on his mind. He tells Justus he's loosing support when he needs it most. Justus admits he's heard some things and Jason wants to know why he didn't tell him.
Felicia introduces Tess to Maxie and then says she has to take her daughter to a friend's house. Tess tells Mac, who she thinks is really James, that she's there to check up on things and make sure no one else is dead. She wants to know how things are going and he tells her him and Felicia are engaged. She can't believe it. Mac asks more about the scheme but she isn't so quick to tell. He explains his reasons for wanting to know more as trying to protect himself because he is now more involved. All she'll say is that they are close and before he knows it this will all be over. He asks if he'll be hurt and she tells him he will not be the one who gets hurt. Felicia returns and Tess congratulates her. Felicia shows her the ring.
Stefan tells Nikolas a bit more about what Robin's father and Luke did to his grandfather and his great
grandfather. Nikolas says she's different but Stefan is also worried about her close ties to Jason Morgan. Nikolas says she will be there tomorrow and Stefan says OK. He knows his nephew has been isolated. Nikolas asks Stefan to stay and read with him.
Jax says Jason has earned his disrespect all on his own. Ned tells Jax that he has invited Jason to sit down with them but Jax informs him that his partners will remove Jason and if it gets bloody, oh well.
Justus isn't holding out, he planned on telling him. He tells Jason he is young and some people don't trust him. Jason can not loose the docks, they're his revenue. Justus warns him if he doesn't make a move soon he'll be out. Jason can't say what's going to happen so he understands if he wants to bail out.
One of Jason's men, Sam, meets with Jax in his limo. Jax tells him that if Jason doesn't play ball people will get hurt. Sam promises to help Jax and says that Jason will no longer be a problem.
Justus lets Jason know he can't be without a lawyer and he has actually had the time of his life since he started helping him out. He is here as long as he needs him. Justus leaves and Ned shows up. He tells Jason he can't afford to not meet with him. There's big trouble at the docks and it's dangerous.
Nikolas reads his French book with Stefan who tells him he did perfect. Stefan wants to continue but Nikolas is tired. Stefan recalls how he learned French from a tutor and later on used French poetry in his letters, Nikolas asks to who, Laura, and Stefan gets angry. At this moment Katherine walks in and asks if something's wrong. Nikolas has already left the room and Stefan makes up an excuse, claiming him and Nikolas had a disagreement.
Tess' cell phone rings and she pretends there's a bad connection. She excuses herself to go and use the pay phone. When she walks away, Mac tells Felicia he thinks someone is going to be killed. She asks why he would think that and he says he got the feeling from her attitude. Felicia suggests they go to the police but Mac is against the idea.
Tess makes a phone call and ask if they are watching him. She wants to know what he's doing in his limo.
Justus gets into Jax's limo and Jax hands him a business proposition. Justus laughs when he sees the large amount of money Jax is willing to pay him.
Tess comes back and says her goodbyes, letting them know that she'll be around for the week and will keep in touch. Felicia still thinks the police should be involved but Mac is adamant, bringing in the cops will only ruin their plan.
Nikolas is in the wine cellar looking for his old journal. Katherine walks in thinking Stefan might be there. She leaves to go find him and Nikolas sees the covered portrait and takes a look, it's Laura. He walks out.
Stefan is outside on his bench, thinking back to a time in Greece with Laura. Katherine sees him there but walks away.
Ned tells Jason that Jax is determined to push him out with force. Jason asks if he'd put a hit on him and all Ned knows is that he still holds a grudge. Ned doesn't want to see Jason get hurt and Jason tells him he is not dying anytime soon. Ned leaves, he tried to warn him.
Justus tells Jax no thank you. He wants to know why him and Jax says Justus is the kind of lawyer he needs. Justus thinks he just wants to get him away from Jason. Jax tells Justus that Jason is in way over his head and things are going to get ugly and people will be hurtRecap --->
Wednesday, February25, 1998
The Q's are in the living room and Ned is in a bad mood because today was Junior's first day back to work. AJ tries to talk to Emily who gives him a bit if attitude.
Carly is at the Port Charles Grill and Edward sits down at her table. He asks how she's doing regarding her mother and then notices she's doing some remodeling. She says how she wants to make the penthouse look like Jason's home, not a place he's house sitting. Carly tells Edward that he's not what she expected but knows he has a proposition for her so he should just make it now.
Jax shows up at Jason's and just walks right in behind Rinaldo. Jax asks Jason if he can trust that man since he was able to get right past him. He starts to talk to Jason about the dock renovations and how he's wondering if he wants to start off with a new man. He mentions Sam, and tells Jason that he is just a kid and everyone wants a grown up. Jason asks then why not just take him out and Jax lets him know he's the reason Robin's hear and he doesn't want to have to take her to Jason's funeral. Jax tells him he hates his guts but now he owes him.
Nikolas is sitting at the bench and Stefan appears; he asks if he can sit with him. Nikolas moves over. Stefan talks about how the spot reminds him of home and as he talks he sees an image of him and Laura. Stefan tells Nikolas his father would meet his mother at that very spot (guess Stavros was not the daddy after all). Nikolas asks if it was really his father or Stefan. Stefan asks for what purpose and Nikolas thinks so his father wouldn't know. Stefan is angry and thinks that Helena planted these thoughts into his head. He believes Helena lives for the day when Nikolas will cast him off. Nikolas tells his Uncle he would rather have Laura for a mother than his. Stefan can't argue with that. Stefan wants to know the facts Helena gave him and he says he thinks Laura is the reason they came to PC. He disagrees, stating that he came at first without him and didn't want to leave when Stefan did. If he wanted to be near Laura they would have gone off to Switzerland. Nikolas believes she knew about his injury and didn't care. Stefan admits he was wrong to let him think his mother had no feelings for him and Nikolas believes her only feelings are of hate. Stefan wants to know why he thinks that and he tells him Laura hated his father. Stefan yells that is not true and demands to know who told him that. Whoever said it lied.
Monica says no one cares how things are between Ned and AJ. Monica and Alan are just happy to have AJ back in the company and back living at home. Their words for his defense do not make AJ happy, he thinks they could care less if he can't really hold his own at ELQ as long as they have him back in the family.
Edward asks if she thinks he wants to buy her and she does. Edward asks Carly to have her son give him the meaning of life. He talks to her about his growing up and his children. He tells her the only vibrant people in is life aren't his blood relatives. He says who knew she was what he had in mind. Lila interrupts them and Edward acts as if he just ran into Carly. He gets up to get a car to take Lila home and when he passes the waiter he thanks him for informing him that Carly was there. Lila tells Carly she's no fool and that she should not underestimate Edward, he'll want her to betray Jason. And if she does she will have her to deal with. Lila leaves and asks the same waiter to use her private home number next time, it's quicker. Carly looks confused.
Nikolas says Laura was a prisoner but Stefan asks if he ever heard Laura say she hated him; he says no. Stefan tells him his father was also a prisoner on that island, unable to lead the life he wanted to. He was a prisoner of his birth, as they all are. Falling in love was the last thing he intended and Nikolas was a child of love and that is Laura's last, most desperate secret.
Emily tells the family there is cultural abuse in the home and she won't turn out to be like them.
Jason asks Justus if he's heard anything about Sam and Justus asks if Jax named him specifically. Jason believes Sam would betray him. He asks Justus to find out what's going on by showing up at the docks and talking about him, see what they're saying.
Ned and AJ continue their bickering and AJ wants to know where all his files went. He seems to have nothing to do. AJ thinks Ned is threatened by him returning. Edward and Lila come in and ask about AJ's first day back. As they are all talking, Jax walks in and no one notices him. Ned sees him first and asks where he came from. He tells them he is about to make them richer than they already are.
Taggert sits down at Dara's table at the Port Charles Grill. He says something's going down with Jason's organization. He just got word Justus was down at the docks. She asks why he has someone tailing Mr. Ward.
Nikolas is looking at Laura's portrait when Stefan walks in. He asks Nikolas if he likes it and wants to know what he's doing down there.
Alan, as well as a few other family members don't care what Jax has to say and they leaves for dinner. Ned asks if he got Jason to budge but he didn't. He says how one of Jason's men is now on their side and he's let Jason know there is a traitor. Ned tells him this is going to cause at least 6 months of gunfire at the docks and they are not happy about this. Jason could get killed and did he ever think that's not what they wanted.
Carly comes home and asks Jason if she can make some changes to the penthouse. He's not to sure. She sees he's in a bad mood and asks if she can help. Justus comes back and Jason tells Carly to go upstairs. Justus tells him he's not going to like this. He has a meeting with them on Friday and if he goes he probably won't be coming back.
Dara tells Taggert she won't let him have his personal vendetta against Justus. He says Justus is just using her to look legitimate. She tells him to get the hell out of there but he doesn't. He stays and continues to push her buttons by talking a little dirty to her. She wants an apology. He thinks she looks at him like dirt because of the way he speaks, he's blunt. He's not like Justus, who breaks the law but does it so handsomely.
Jason asks what he's doing wrong and Justus tells him they see him as a soldier, not a leader. He tells him about leadership and how it's all about symbols. He's got to look like a leader and carry himself. This has got to be accomplished by Friday. Justus leaves and Carly comes down. He says he needs her help. Carly lets him know she would kill for him; he asks if she would shop for him.
Stefan keeps it down there because he didn't think Nikolas would want it over the mantle. He claims he had it done for him.
Thursday, February 26, 1998
Brenda finds out she is now the spokesperson for Genie Automotive. She tells Robin and Robin is excited for her. Brenda then tells Robin she has to go shopping because she has to get something for a big surprise for Jax. Robin asks her if she shouldn't be concerned about money for the item she is buying, but Brenda tells her Jax doesn't worry about money so why should she. Robin reminds Brenda that Jax doesn't worry because he has so much of it. As Brenda reaches for the door, Jax arrives to visit Robin. Bobbie Lucky
Snarly Sarah Luke Audrey Jax Liz
Friday, February 27, 1998
Jax Justus Bobbie Jason Jax Jason Liz Robin Jax
Jason's meeting begins and he reveals what he has planned for the organization. Once he is finished, Sam tells him they all know what Jason has planned, but that isn't the reason for the meeting. The reason for the meeting is to have Jason replaced. Carly
Carly then starts in on a tirade about Robin being so saintly. When Robin tactfully ignores Carly, but Carly threatens her by saying that she will never let Robin break-up her family and she, Jason, and Michael are a family. Robin reminds her that Jason isn't Michael's father, but Carly tells her Jason is Michael's father in everyway that counts.

Wednesday, February25, 1998
by Soap Central
The Q's are in the living room and Ned is in a bad mood because today was Junior's first day back to work. AJ tries to talk to Emily who gives him a bit if attitude.
Carly is at the Port Charles Grill and Edward sits down at her table. He asks how she's doing regarding her mother and then notices she's doing some remodeling. She says how she wants to make the penthouse look like Jason's home, not a place he's house sitting. Carly tells Edward that he's not what she expected but knows he has a proposition for her so he should just make it now.
Jax shows up at Jason's and just walks right in behind Rinaldo. Jax asks Jason if he can trust that man since he was able to get right past him. He starts to talk to Jason about the dock renovations and how he's wondering if he wants to start off with a new man. He mentions Sam, and tells Jason that he is just a kid and everyone wants a grown up. Jason asks then why not just take him out and Jax lets him know he's the reason Robin's hear and he doesn't want to have to take her to Jason's funeral. Jax tells him he hates his guts but now he owes him.
Nikolas is sitting at the bench and Stefan appears; he asks if he can sit with him. Nikolas moves over. Stefan talks about how the spot reminds him of home and as he talks he sees an image of him and Laura. Stefan tells Nikolas his father would meet his mother at that very spot (guess Stavros was not the daddy after all). Nikolas asks if it was really his father or Stefan. Stefan asks for what purpose and Nikolas thinks so his father wouldn't know. Stefan is angry and thinks that Helena planted these thoughts into his head. He believes Helena lives for the day when Nikolas will cast him off. Nikolas tells his Uncle he would rather have Laura for a mother than his. Stefan can't argue with that. Stefan wants to know the facts Helena gave him and he says he thinks Laura is the reason they came to PC. He disagrees, stating that he came at first without him and didn't want to leave when Stefan did. If he wanted to be near Laura they would have gone off to Switzerland. Nikolas believes she knew about his injury and didn't care. Stefan admits he was wrong to let him think his mother had no feelings for him and Nikolas believes her only feelings are of hate. Stefan wants to know why he thinks that and he tells him Laura hated his father. Stefan yells that is not true and demands to know who told him that. Whoever said it lied.
Monica says no one cares how things are between Ned and AJ. Monica and Alan are just happy to have AJ back in the company and back living at home. Their words for his defense do not make AJ happy, he thinks they could care less if he can't really hold his own at ELQ as long as they have him back in the family.
Edward asks if she thinks he wants to buy her and she does. Edward asks Carly to have her son give him the meaning of life. He talks to her about his growing up and his children. He tells her the only vibrant people in is life aren't his blood relatives. He says who knew she was what he had in mind. Lila interrupts them and Edward acts as if he just ran into Carly. He gets up to get a car to take Lila home and when he passes the waiter he thanks him for informing him that Carly was there. Lila tells Carly she's no fool and that she should not underestimate Edward, he'll want her to betray Jason. And if she does she will have her to deal with. Lila leaves and asks the same waiter to use her private home number next time, it's quicker. Carly looks confused.
Nikolas says Laura was a prisoner but Stefan asks if he ever heard Laura say she hated him; he says no. Stefan tells him his father was also a prisoner on that island, unable to lead the life he wanted to. He was a prisoner of his birth, as they all are. Falling in love was the last thing he intended and Nikolas was a child of love and that is Laura's last, most desperate secret.
Emily tells the family there is cultural abuse in the home and she won't turn out to be like them.
Jason asks Justus if he's heard anything about Sam and Justus asks if Jax named him specifically. Jason believes Sam would betray him. He asks Justus to find out what's going on by showing up at the docks and talking about him, see what they're saying.
Ned and AJ continue their bickering and AJ wants to know where all his files went. He seems to have nothing to do. AJ thinks Ned is threatened by him returning. Edward and Lila come in and ask about AJ's first day back. As they are all talking, Jax walks in and no one notices him. Ned sees him first and asks where he came from. He tells them he is about to make them richer than they already are.
Taggert sits down at Dara's table at the Port Charles Grill. He says something's going down with Jason's organization. He just got word Justus was down at the docks. She asks why he has someone tailing Mr. Ward.
Nikolas is looking at Laura's portrait when Stefan walks in. He asks Nikolas if he likes it and wants to know what he's doing down there.
Alan, as well as a few other family members don't care what Jax has to say and they leaves for dinner. Ned asks if he got Jason to budge but he didn't. He says how one of Jason's men is now on their side and he's let Jason know there is a traitor. Ned tells him this is going to cause at least 6 months of gunfire at the docks and they are not happy about this. Jason could get killed and did he ever think that's not what they wanted.
Carly comes home and asks Jason if she can make some changes to the penthouse. He's not to sure. She sees he's in a bad mood and asks if she can help. Justus comes back and Jason tells Carly to go upstairs. Justus tells him he's not going to like this. He has a meeting with them on Friday and if he goes he probably won't be coming back.
Dara tells Taggert she won't let him have his personal vendetta against Justus. He says Justus is just using her to look legitimate. She tells him to get the hell out of there but he doesn't. He stays and continues to push her buttons by talking a little dirty to her. She wants an apology. He thinks she looks at him like dirt because of the way he speaks, he's blunt. He's not like Justus, who breaks the law but does it so handsomely.
Jason asks what he's doing wrong and Justus tells him they see him as a soldier, not a leader. He tells him about leadership and how it's all about symbols. He's got to look like a leader and carry himself. This has got to be accomplished by Friday. Justus leaves and Carly comes down. He says he needs her help. Carly lets him know she would kill for him; he asks if she would shop for him.
Stefan keeps it down there because he didn't think Nikolas would want it over the mantle. He claims he had it done for him.

Thursday, February 26, 1998
by Soap Central
Brenda finds out she is now the spokesperson for Genie Automotive. She tells Robin and Robin is excited for her. Brenda then tells Robin she has to go shopping because she has to get something for a big surprise for Jax. Robin asks her if she shouldn't be concerned about money for the item she is buying, but Brenda tells her Jax doesn't worry about money so why should she. Robin reminds Brenda that Jax doesn't worry because he has so much of it. As Brenda reaches for the door, Jax arrives to visit Robin. Bobbie Lucky
Snarly Sarah Luke Audrey Jax Liz
Friday, February 27, 1998
Jax Justus Bobbie Jason Jax Jason Liz Robin Jax
Jason's meeting begins and he reveals what he has planned for the organization. Once he is finished, Sam tells him they all know what Jason has planned, but that isn't the reason for the meeting. The reason for the meeting is to have Jason replaced. Carly
Carly then starts in on a tirade about Robin being so saintly. When Robin tactfully ignores Carly, but Carly threatens her by saying that she will never let Robin break-up her family and she, Jason, and Michael are a family. Robin reminds her that Jason isn't Michael's father, but Carly tells her Jason is Michael's father in everyway that counts.

Friday, February 27, 1998
by Soap Central
Jax Justus Bobbie Jason Jax Jason Liz Robin Jax
Jason's meeting begins and he reveals what he has planned for the organization. Once he is finished, Sam tells him they all know what Jason has planned, but that isn't the reason for the meeting. The reason for the meeting is to have Jason replaced. Carly
Carly then starts in on a tirade about Robin being so saintly. When Robin tactfully ignores Carly, but Carly threatens her by saying that she will never let Robin break-up her family and she, Jason, and Michael are a family. Robin reminds her that Jason isn't Michael's father, but Carly tells her Jason is Michael's father in everyway that counts.
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