General Hospital Recaps: The week of April 14, 1997 on GH

SC Desk
General Hospital Recaps: The week of April 14, 1997 on GH
General Hospital Recaps: The week of April 14, 1997 on GH

Someone leaked information about A.J. role in the accident that left Jason with head injuries. Felicia accused Kevin of stalking her. Sonny and Luke suspected Dorman of drug trafficking. Emily ended up on the mansion's roof, high on drugs.

General Hospital Recaps: The week of April 14, 1997 on GH

Monday, April 14, 1997

by Soap Central

A.J. walked into Luke's and went ballistic when he saw Jason hugging Keesha. She was mortified over the scene he was causing, and Jason warned him to back off. "She was crying," he informed A.J.. Mike approached the threesome and asked Jason if there was a problem. Jason assured Mike everything was under control and told Keesha he needed to get going. But first he warned A.J. to calm down before he made things worse.

Mike gave A.J. the evil eye and told Keesha he was behind the bar if she should need him. A.J. asked her to sit with him a moment so they could talk. She agreed to give it one more try, but before long, they were arguing again. A.J. begged her to help him, but she maintained she couldn't help him anymore. He had to help himself. She left in tears, and A.J. was in a terrible mood. He stormed up to the bar, prepared to order a drink, when Mike cut him off. That only angered A.J. further, and he stormed out of Luke's.

Miranda and Brenda squared off in Jax's penthouse. Miranda couldn't wait to let Brenda know she had offered Jax a shoulder to cry on when she had found out Brenda had left him. Brenda demanded to know how she had found out, and Miranda told her it had been from Robin. Brenda told a dumbfounded Miranda there was no way Robin would discuss her personal life with Miranda, and Miranda was forced to admit she had overheard Robin telling Mac. Miranda thought Brenda had moved back in with Jax and said she was happy for Jax because he had been just devastated when Brenda had left him.

Brenda accused Miranda of circling like a vulture, waiting for her to leave Jax so Miranda could move in on him. However, she informed the first Mrs. Jacks, "he loves me. Even if I did leave him, I don't think he'd go back to you. He doesn't love you like that anymore." Miranda seemed on the verge of saying something else to Brenda, but instead, she just walked out of the penthouse.

Brenda was really shaken up because of the encounter with Miranda and searched through her suitcase to find an extra bottle of the medicine she had hidden in there. She stopped herself before she took any and left the penthouse also. She stopped down at the restaurant to say goodbye and let Jax know that Miranda had stopped by. "Oh, really?" he replied, "what does she want?" Brenda smiled sadly and said, "You."

Sonny read the letter Brenda had written to him. He was very disappointed that she didn't want his help to kick the drug addiction. After pacing the floor, he decided to write Brenda a letter back. When he was done, Jason arrived at the penthouse. Sonny asked him to hand-deliver the message to Brenda.

Jason gave Sonny the picture of Dorman that Sonny had asked for. Sonny didn't think he needed it anymore, but it was a good thing to keep, just in case. Jason said he had been following Dorman and had been surprised to see him cozying up to Jax, of all people. Sonny seemed surprised but assured Jason he'd get to the bottom of that.

Jason also related what had happened at Luke's with Keesha. Sonny asked if she was okay, and Jason told him yes. But he had told her that Taggert was a dirty cop, and even though she hadn't confided in Sonny what was up, she had seemed very happy Jason had warned her about him. Sonny reminded Jason to tell her not to let on to Taggert what Jason had told her. "No problem," Jason replied.

Dorman introduced himself to an unimpressed Jax just as Monica and Alan walked in. "We can go someplace else if you'd like," Alan said to Monica. Holding her head up just a little bit higher, she said, "Not on your life," and they joined Edward and Lila for dinner.

Dorman proceeded to try to enlist Jax's help in a business proposition. Seemingly, he wanted Jax to help him in buying some new artwork because of his recent monetary windfall. Jax said in no uncertain terms that he didn't like what Dorman had done to Monica and basically disliked Dorman on principal. He was not interested, he told Dorman. Dorman just smirked at Jax and left the restaurant.

Emily found Matt and tried to score some more drugs. It seemed like Matt had had no luck in tracking down any more drugs. Emily insisted she really needed it, and he shrugged and told her she should buy ahead. She assured him that from then on, she would.

Lila and Edward left the table to go listen to the band. Monica and Alan worried when A.J. and Emily were late to the dinner. Emily arrived first and was very sullen. They asked her why she was so quiet, and she told them she was never sure what she was allowed to talk about in the family anymore. A.J., Jason, and Lois were all off-limits. She asked what else there was to talk about.

Monica told Emily they were not trying to censor her, but they just didn't want to trouble Lila with the problems of the family. Just then, a very inebriated A.J. joined the little dinner party and made a very embarrassing scene for Alan and Monica. They finally convinced him to leave, and all three sat there, shell-shocked. It was obvious A.J. needed some serious help.

Brenda arrived back at the hotel room and frantically searched through her suitcase for the pills. When she found them, she ran to the bathroom and flushed them down the toilet. She called her therapist and asked for an emergency session. Gratefully, she thanked the therapist for making time in her busy schedule for Brenda. Brenda assured her she would be fine until then and hung up the phone.

There was a knock on the door, and Brenda was surprised to find Jason there. He gave her the envelope and asked if she was okay. She said yes, but he hesitated for just a moment before leaving. She stopped him and asked him if he'd tell Sonny something. "Never mind," she said as she changed her mind and closed the door.

General Hospital Recaps: The week of April 14, 1997 on GH

Tuesday, April 15, 1997

by Marie Forte

Emily stayed home from school and wrote in her diary about her dysfunctional family. She also talked about her drug use and confided to the diary how much she needed those drugs.

Katherine set up a meeting at the Quartermaines'. Alexis and Stefan got there before anyone else, and Monica offered to round up everyone while they had coffee. Alexis questioned Stefan about the progress of their project. They talked about testing and dry runs but were very vague about what they actually meant. Stefan was irritated with Alexis' obvious ongoing concern and declared everything was under control.

Katherine wheeled into the Quartermaine living room, looking very pleased with herself. Soon, the whole family was present and accounted for. They wanted to know what was going on, and Katherine happily showed them the morning newspaper. The front page showed a picture of Dr. Dorman, with the headline, "New Allegations in the Quartermaine sexual harassment case." The woman who had filed a sexual harassment case against Dorman had agreed to talk to the press.

The family was jubilant with the story and congratulated Katherine for putting Dorman on the defensive. Katherine said she'd like to take all the credit, but Ned was the one who had convinced the woman to talk to the press. Emily went downstairs to hear the good news.

Dorman opened his front door to get his morning paper and read the headline. "Damn you, Monica," he snarled. He sat down at his desk and reached for some papers when there was a knock at the door. Emily's "friend" Matt was standing there. Dorman informed him through gritted teeth that he had warned him never to show his face there.

Matt pushed his way through the door and defied Dorman. "I tried doing it your way, but you never returned my pages last night," Matt said. Dorman said that he had already explained to him the drugs had temporarily been dry. Matt noticed the papers Dorman had left lying on his desk.

"You copied Emily's diary?" Matt asked Dorman, complaining, "I only agreed to get it for you because I thought it was goofy." Dorman warned Matt that if he wanted to live to see his graduation, he'd better leave -- immediately. Matt shrugged and left.

Felicia got home and found Tom in her kitchen. He was standing in front of many boxes that had just been delivered to her house. She was glad because it was the stuff she had ordered from mail-order catalogs. She told Tom to go ahead and open them up. They were mostly for the girls -- clothes, shoes, and such.

As Tom opened the first box, he and Felicia were surprised to find a sexy negligee inside. That was not what she had ordered. She called the company, who agreed to fax her the order form. When she got it, she called the woman back immediately and said that she had never ordered any of that stuff. It was all nighties and underwear, not little girls' clothes. She thought she knew what was going on and left the house.

Lucy stood before Kevin's surprise. It was a painting he had done for her. She was in tears and totally speechless when she found it was a painting of her and the duck. She hugged him and told him she loved it. She then tearfully told him he was the most confusing man she had ever known. On one hand, he was capable of doing the most wonderful deed and on the other -- she paused. "I am capable of lying to you about something important. Like telling you I went to Arizona when I really went to London," he said.

Lucy stared at Kevin in disbelief. He admitted he had lied to her, but he had been afraid she wouldn't understand. He had needed to go and see his father's colleagues and tell them to stop sending him the letters of his father's math equations. He apologized, and they agreed never to have any secrets from each other.

Lucy was grateful Kevin had been honest but wished he had just told her the truth. They kissed and made up. They made plans to go to the zoo, and Kevin ran upstairs to shower and change. Lucy opened the front door when someone knocked and was surprised and delighted to see Felicia there. Unfortunately, Felicia was very, very upset and angry.

A.J. met Justus in a restaurant. Justus blasted him for drinking again. He told A.J. he had let everyone down. A.J. wanted to know if Keesha had sent Justus there, but Justus told him no. She had had very little to say about A.J. the last few weeks because she wouldn't say anything bad about him. She was very loyal.

Justus said if A.J. wanted another chance, he needed to get off his drunk butt and do something about it instead of waiting for everyone to go to him. A.J. confessed that part of the reason he drank was because of his inability to be Jason. Justus replied that maybe A.J. needed to stop trying. A.J. admitted he was afraid of failure. Whatever Justus said seemed to have had an impact on A.J. He asked if Justus had some time to spare. Justus was skeptical but followed A.J. out the door.

Stefan and Katherine disappeared for the afternoon, despite Alexis' veiled attempts to get him to go to the hospital with her. They got into a convertible and drove around with the top down all afternoon. They both agreed it was the best day they'd had in a long time. When Katherine got a little chilly, Stefan put his coat around her shoulders, and they kissed.

Dorman was holding the copies of Emily's diary when he called up the newspaper, asking for the editor. He informed the paper that he had a hot tip on one of the most famous families in Port Charles.

A.J. showed up at the Quartermaine mansion with Justus. Monica met him halfway across the floor and told him she was in no mood for a repeat of the previous night. It was a relatively happy moment for the family, and she wouldn't let him spoil it. A very repentant A.J. told her he understood. However, he had no intention of making a scene. He apologized wholeheartedly to the family for his recent behavior.

A.J. knelt before Emily and promised to be a better big brother to her than he had been. He told Lila and Edward he had fallen off the wagon and told them that, for whatever reason, Justus had been able to make him listen for the first time. They were all rooting for him, Monica told him. He asked Justus for a lift to Keesha's, and then he was going to an A.A. meeting.

As A.J. and Justus reached the front door, the press was outside. They told A.J. they had just received a hot tip regarding the car accident that had caused brain injury to his brother. "Is it true you were drunk and driving the night of the accident?" the reporter wanted to know.

General Hospital Recaps: The week of April 14, 1997 on GH

Wednesday, April 16, 1997

by Marie Forte

Felicia stormed into Lucy and Kevin's house and accused Kevin of stalking her again. Lucy defended Kevin, and Kevin asked why she thought he would be stalking her again. She explained about the computer mix-up that had caused her to be arrested, the $10,000 in her bank account, and the changes made to her order from the mail-order catalog, all of which had been done by someone with a computer. Kevin didn't blame her for thinking it was him but tried to assure her it hadn't been.

Felicia was angry and told them she wouldn't be back to their house ever again, but if the harassment continued, the police would be. Lucy was very angry at what had once been her best friend, Felicia. Kevin started second-guessing himself, but Lucy wouldn't allow it. She told him he was not showing any of the signs he had shown the last time. She assured him she would know. Even with all her protestations, he was obviously a little concerned.

A.J. at first would not answer allegations the reporter threw at him. Ned arrived home at the very same time and stepped in front of the microphone to claim responsibility. But A.J. couldn't live with the lie anymore. He told Veronica, the reporter, that it was true. He regretted what he had done, especially since it had caused Jason such damage. Alan and Ned tried desperately to stop A.J. from talking, but A.J. was on a roll.

Armed with the scoop she had arrived for, Veronica hightailed it back to the station to make it for that evening's news. Meanwhile, back inside the Quartermaine house, there was mayhem. Alan blamed A.J. for shaming the family, not to mention the pain he was going to cause Jason. He said Jason had just started to visit again, and thanks to A.J., they would never see him again. Ned accused A.J. of throwing the family to the lions.

Emily argued that the reporter had already known the story, "what was A.J. supposed to do? Lie?" she wanted to know. A.J. defended himself as well as he could, but once again, he felt like a failure. He told them it was the same old thing. "It comes down to the fact that I killed the good son," A.J. said. The mayor called and basically hung up on Edward when they tried to save A.J.'s seat on the council.

A.J. took Justus aside and said he really felt bad for letting him down. Justus was sympathetic and said he was just beginning to understand he might not have done A.J. any favors. Lila also told him that things might seem bad at the moment, but she had faith in him. He kissed her hand and told her he might have to borrow some of that faith in the months ahead. He took his leave, and the others planned their next stage of attack.

Jason talked with Nurse Chase about a diabetic patient. She said he was very grateful, and hesitantly warmed up to him a little. Dorman walked by and became extremely agitated to see him talking to Rebecca. Alexis managed to sidestep him before he could approach Jason. He told her off about the article in the paper and insisted she had a conflict of interest, being counsel for the hospital as well as Monica's lawyer. He told her he had no choice but to voice his complaints to her cousin. She told him she would love to be there when he did, just to see her cousin's reaction.

Uncomfortable and wanting to get to Jason and Rebecca, Dorman walked away from Alexis. Jason was no longer anywhere to be seen, and Dorman asked Amy where Jason had gone. Amy smiled sweetly and said, "I guess you don't know, but I'm only paid to look after the patients," and she walked away from him. As Dorman approached Nurse Chase, Jason sauntered over before Dorman had a chance to say anything to her. He told Jason to leave him alone, and Jason just smiled. Aggravated, Dorman told Jason to go and see his family and see what they were up to. Jason just stared at him questioningly.

Katherine and Stefan spent the whole afternoon together in the little convertible. He said, "We've never been alone like this together. I have not been able to touch you and hold you like this before, away from everyone's prying eyes." Katherine sadly told him she knew it wasn't real because "reality comes back on a plane from Arizona next week." She asked him if it was all right that she just pretended for a while.

Luke met Alexis in the hospital. He tried flirting with her, but she wanted nothing to do with him. Tony interrupted, and Luke tried to get him to go away. Amy approached and said she hated to interrupt, but Bobbie was on the phone and was looking for Mr. Cassadine. She asked if anyone knew where he was. Alexis didn't, and Tony was afraid that Katherine missing her appointment and Stefan not being at the hospital could only mean one thing.

Luke got aggravated with Tony for almost spilling the beans in front of Alexis and berated him for interrupting him. He was trying to get to Stefan through Alexis. Tony sarcastically wished him luck. They headed back to Tony's apartment, where Carly overheard Tony saying he was worried that Stefan was going to hurt Bobbie the way he had hurt her. He was afraid she might not be able to handle anything else.

General Hospital Recaps: The week of April 14, 1997 on GH

Thursday, April 17, 1997

by Soap Central

Carly overheard Tony and Luke's conversation about Bobbie and was disturbed about Tony's concern for Bobbie. Luke learned from Carly that Virginia had pulled through her medical crisis. Carly was about to tell Tony the real reason for her trip, but her efforts were thwarted by a visit from Lucas.

Carly did not react well to Lucas' belligerent attitude. Carly's reaction sparked a bitter fight between her and Tony, and Carly accused Tony of not spending enough time with her. Carly was convinced that Tony had not gotten over Bobbie, and their argument culminated when Carly called Bobbie a whore.

Jason turned off the television coverage of A.J. and accused Dorman of leaking the information to the press. Dorman continued to stick the knife into Jason, and Audrey overheard Jason threatening Dorman's life. Jason updated Sonny on what had happened with A.J., and Sonny talked with Luke about what Dorman had done to the Quartermaines. Sonny and Luke put things together and suspected that Dorman was the one responsible for drugging Sonny and the increased flow of drugs in Port Charles.

In the wake of A.J.'s bad press, the Quartermaines attempted damage control, but Jason told them to focus on A.J. Monica defended her concern for A.J. to the rest of the Quartermines and expressed her disgust at the family's attitude toward him. Meanwhile, A.J. told Keesha that he did not think that she had leaked the story to the press, but he wanted her comfort. Keesha continued her tough love stance, and A.J. angrily told Keesha that he would not see her anymore.

A.J. waited for Jason in his room at Jake's but left before Jason could reach him. A.J. left a note for Jason with the bartender, but then started to drink after watching the television coverage of his admission of guilt about the accident.

General Hospital Recaps: The week of April 14, 1997 on GH

Friday, April 18, 1997

by Soap Central

Jax interrupted Ned's search for A.J. in order to blackmail his way back onto the ELQ board. Jax threatened to tell the government about Tracy's marriage to a New York mobster and that she had inherited his empire. Jax pointed out that the government would seize ELQ assets while conducting its investigation. Ned acted unfazed and said that he would reveal Jax's past with Miranda. Jax, however, told Ned that it did not matter to him if the press knew about Miranda and continued to press Ned for an answer.

Meanwhile, an apprehensive Matt gave Emily a joint laced with PCP, which made her dangerously high. Emily then returned to the Quartermaine mansion as Jax awaited Ned's decision. Ned thought that A.J. had returned but heard Emily yelling. Jax followed Ned up to Emily's room and became worried when he saw Emily perched on the roof ready "to fly." Jax held Ned steady as he leaned out onto the roof and tried to convince Emily to get inside. Emily then slipped, and Ned tried to reach for her.

Meanwhile, Carly and Tony continued to fight about Bobbie. Carly almost blurted out that Bobbie was her mother when Tony pressed for answers as to why Bobbie's past was so important to her. Tony then told Carly that he was tired of her blaming Bobbie for her problems and left to attend to Lucas. Sensing a finality in Tony's exit, an angry Carly donned a sexy outfit and headed out to look for Jason.

A.J. laughed things up with the bartender at Jake's and continued to guzzle drinks while waiting for Jason. A.J. met Carly and charmed her into having drinks with him. After bonding over their problems, an inebriated Carly and A.J. started to kiss each other passionately and then went to Jason's room to make love. Carly, however, was not ready and asked A.J. to just hold her.

Meanwhile, a guilty Tony told Tom about his fight with Carly and her anger toward Bobbie. Tony then decided to return home and patch things up with Carly.

Edited by SC Desk
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