General Hospital Recaps: The week of February 17, 1997 on GH

SC Desk
General Hospital Recaps: The week of February 17, 1997 on GH
General Hospital Recaps: The week of February 17, 1997 on GH

Miranda and Sonny had dinner to discuss Jax and Brenda. Dorman persuaded Rebecca to testify against Monica. Someone grabbed Brenda when she went to the garage to get some pills.

General Hospital Recaps: The week of February 17, 1997 on GH

Monday, February 17, 1997

by Soap Central

Luke visited Bobbie at Wyndemere and tried to draw her in with "familyconcern," but had actually hoped to have planted a seed of doubt in her aboutKatherine and Stefan. Meanwhile, Katherine told Stefan that she would haveto tell the police the truth if Luke was not cleared. Stefan respected herwishes and hoped that her therapy would not suffer. Sonny tried to pushMiranda into fighting for Jax. Brenda received another mysterious Valentineand Jax went to confront Sonny. Jax saw that Miranda was having dinner withSonny and learned that Sonny did not send the Valentine. Miranda was angryover the danger that Jax could be in and later destroyed her divorce papers.Harry tapped into Brenda's phone and heard her wedding plans. Lois told Nedthat she had overheard him blackmailing Justus. Lois told Ned that he hadkilled their love with Quartemaine lies, but Ned blasted her self righteousattitude and they then realized that there was nothing that tied themtogether anymore. Justus told Keesha that he would not give into threats andwould admit to killing Damian.

General Hospital Recaps: The week of February 17, 1997 on GH

Tuesday, February 18, 1997

by Jessica Greig

Stefan assured a skeptical Alexis that Katherine would not turn him in to thepolice. Laura was shocked when Justus told her that he was the one who hadkilled Damian Smith. Laura did not take the news well and blasted Justus fornot coming forward and did not buy his excuses. Laura learned that Luke hadalso known about what Justus had done, but Luke explained why he did not tellher the truth. Fearing for Lesley's mental health if they stayed in PortCharles, Laura went to try to reason with Stefan. Ned told Monica, Justusand Alexis that Lois was gone for good. Monica told Ned that she feltresponsible for Ned's marital problems and also feared that Alan would leaveher. Justus told Ned that he would not give into his threats and Ned assuredJustus that he was not going to blackmail him. Alan and Monica argued aboutNed, Dorman and their numerous affairs, but later found mutual forgivenessand romance in each other's arms. Lucy told Luke and Laura of her bad vibesabout Stefan's job offer to Kevin. Kevin accepted Stefan's offer, but Stefanhad bigger plans in mind for him. Nikolas visited the Spencer house andcame face to face with Lucky.

General Hospital Recaps: The week of February 17, 1997 on GH

Wednesday, February 19, 1997

by Soap Central

Bobbie visited Katherine, who told her a censored account of Stefan's visits.Nikolas told off Luke and Lucky, but Lucky defended Laura's actions and toldNikolas how much it had hurt Laura to lie to him. Lucky used Lesley'ssituation to justify what his family had done. Lesley, however, was able torespond and connect with Nikolas. When Luke pressed Lesley for informationabout the Cassadines, she became frightened and fell silent. Laura tried tobe apologetic to Stefan, but his calculated tirade enraged Laura just asBobbie returned. Meanwhile, Tony's casual comparison of Carly and Bobbiemade Carly upset and further increased her insecurities. Lucy had anotherscary vision about Kevin. Kevin discredited Lucy's vision, and Luke'sopinions about the Cassadines, and was determined to accept Stefan's joboffer. Alexis arrived to legally "protect" Stefan by ensuring theconfidentiality of Kevin's work.

General Hospital Recaps: The week of February 17, 1997 on GH

Thursday, February 20, 1997

by Soap Central

Laura almost lost control and was ready to lash out at Stefan, but Bobbiereturned and blasted Laura. Laura tried, but failed to get through toBobbie. Stefan caught up with Laura at the Spoon Island docks andthreatened to ruin her happiness with the truth. Lesley told Lucky thatLesley Lu resembled Nikolas and asked how Nikolas had saved her. Lucky hadno choice but to explain how Nikolas's bone marrow was used to save LesleyLu. Laura returned and spent time with her daughter but was worried thatshe had unleashed Stefan to make the ultimate threat. Tony confided in Lukeabout Lucas's custody suit, but wanted to be sure that it was Stefan who hadshot Katherine. Carly lied to Tony about her appointment with Katherine. Anirritated Felicia found Tom trying to pursue Stefan by trying to getKatherine to remember her shooter. Meanwhile, Sonny locked horns withTaggert and took the round. Mac told Sonny that Taggert was honest. Sonnytold Mac about the danger that Brenda was in and made an informal deal withhim. Katherine pushed Miranda to get to Jax and Miranda vowed to make amove.

General Hospital Recaps: The week of February 17, 1997 on GH

Friday, February 21, 1997

by Jessica Greig

Edited by SC Desk
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