John has a new offer for Jason: General Hospital recap for Friday, July 26, 2024

SC Desk
John has a new offer for Jason: General Hospital recap for Friday, July 26, 2024
John has a new offer for Jason: General Hospital recap for Friday, July 26, 2024

Diane stopped by Jason's room above Bobbie's to discuss Carly's case, as Carly was set to be arraigned a few hours later. Carly planned to plead "not guilty," and Jason thought he had a way to help her. He wanted to give himself up in her place. Jason was ready to take full responsibility for the meeting and tell the Feds that he'd fed Carly all the information she'd needed. Diane assured him it would be a complete waste of time.

Diane explained that the evidence the FBI had was damning. Even if Jason said he had coached her, she could be charged with conspiracy, which would make things worse. Then, both Carly and Sonny would go to jail. Diane had her own defense in mind. She wanted to tell the jury that Carly had lied about any information she'd had as a bluff to save herself and her children from the other mob families.

Jason was desperate to know how he could help. All Diane wanted was for him to show up in the courtroom, so Carly knew he was there for her. He needed to be calm and steady, so Carly didn't have a meltdown and say something stupid on the stand. Jason had another idea. He wanted to tarnish John's reputation.

After Diane left, John showed up to warn Jason that they had a deal, and it would come out during the trial because Jason would be a witness for the prosecution. However, John had a proposition for Jason. He'd even let Carly off the hook. "All you gotta do is deliver Sonny to me," John said.

Anna was staring at her Jack Brennan file when Dante stopped by to tell her that Sonny was downstairs, but she didn't care. Anna asked him to stay to talk about Brennan. Dante remembered who he was, so Anna knew she couldn't have imagined his existence, considering he'd vanished from Pentonville.

Anna explained that Pentonville had no records of Brennan ever being there, and guards denied his existence. Not only that, but the PCPD had also purged all records of Brennan, both on paper and electronically. She proved it by showing Dante her empty file. Anna thought the situation had the "WSB's fingerprints all over it."

Dante wondered if the WSB had even wiped Brennan's hospital records from when he'd been stabbed in May, but Dante also wondered why the PCPD would even care what happened to Brennan. Anna finally told Dante all about John having evidence against Carly and how Brennan was connected to it. Dante was still confused, but Anna felt that Brennan had leverage over John.

Sonny met with Carly in the PCPD interrogation room. Sonny promised he'd do everything in his power to help her because John had gone too far. Carly just wanted Sonny to let Diane handle things. When Sonny asked Carly what the heck was going on, she was blunt. "You died. And I took your place," she said.

Carly claimed that Nina was the problem because "she was keeping you all to herself in Nixon Falls." Thanks to Sonny's alleged death, Carly had attended a Five Families meeting when Jason had been indisposed. Sonny knew that but wanted to know how she was being charged with RICO violations. Carly admitted that someone in the meeting had worn a wire and gathered evidence.

Carly explained that the FBI had a recording of her and was using it as leverage to get Jason to become an informant. Sonny was furious to learn that Jason had done what John had wanted, but John still wanted him for another job. Carly said she had felt she'd had no choice but to turn herself in. She hadn't meant to do it, but she hadn't been able to control herself when she'd seen John in the lobby.

Sonny noted that John had always resented him for taking care of Stone during Stone's final days. "He's been trying to take me down for 30 years, Carly. And you know why he can't? 'Cause he doesn't know how." Sonny knocked coffee cups off the shelf in a fit of anger. He insisted he wasn't going to let John send Donna's mother to prison.

After Sonny left, Carly begged the guard to find Dante for her because she had to talk to him. When Dante arrived, a frantic Carly told him Sonny was out of control. "Sonny went after Cates, and God knows what will happen if Sonny finds him," Carly said.

Meanwhile, at Pozullo's, Sonny asked Brick to find "Jagger" while Sonny retrieved his gun for a showdown.

Nina chewed out her assistant for canceling a meeting with Erica Kane, but she let her ire go when she saw Michael sitting in her office chair. Michael tried being nice, but Nina was worried because she knew their meetings could go off the rails. Michael finally got to the point and admitted that he needed Nina's help.

Like Drew before him, Michael wanted a formal introduction to Congressman McConkey, but he refused to tell her why. Nina wasn't ready to help Michael until she knew more. He finally admitted that he needed to ask the congressman for a favor. He needed McConkey to help Carly out of her jam.

Nina was stunned to hear that Carly had been arrested right in the Metro Court lobby. Michael blamed it all on John being a "rogue FBI agent" and thought McConkey could help rein him in. He just wanted an introduction so he could offer a contribution in exchange for help. Nina warned him that was a crime, and she didn't want to be charged as a co-conspirator.

Michael made sure that Nina knew why Carly was really in trouble. He said Carly had gone to that meeting when Nina had been keeping the secret that Sonny was alive. Michael said Nina could make the last three years right with one phone call to the congressman. Nina just wanted to make sure that she and Michael would finally be even if she did it. Michael assured her that they would be, and he'd make sure Willow knew that Nina was the hero.

Nina was tempted, but she still wasn't sold. She warned Michael that if the media learned the truth, it would also hurt Drew's campaign. Nina finally agreed to do what Michael wanted.

Kristina was surprised to see Molly at her door and cheerfully wanted to talk about the Perez Hilton interview. However, Molly was not quite as cheerful, which confused Kristina. Molly informed Kristina that T.J. had some concerns, so she wanted her sister to sign papers right then and there, giving up her parental rights to the baby.

Molly described it as "relinquishing" her parental rights, but Kristina pointed out that the papers said "terminate," meaning there'd be no going back. Molly pointed out that they had already agreed that Kristina would do it after the baby was born, so Molly wondered why Kristina would not want to sign them early. Kristina finally realized it was about her answer to Perez Hilton's question about her baby bump.

Molly felt Kristina had made it seem like the baby belonged to her and Blaze, but Kristina denied it. She said she hadn't thought it had been necessary to tell her sister's whole story on TV, so she'd given a simple, vague answer. Kristina apologized for her words, but Molly didn't care. She demanded that Kristina sign the papers, but Kristina refused until they talked rationally.

Kristina explained that she didn't feel it was the right time to sign her rights away when Molly and T.J. were having problems. She wanted to know what would happen to the baby if Molly and T.J. broke up. Molly was floored because she and T.J. had been getting along fine for weeks and had barely argued for years. She had no intention of ending their domestic partnership. Instead, she went on a rant to Kristina about Kristina's tumultuous life.

"You have never, not one single time, been able to keep someone around long enough to form a real relationship. All you have is a string of embarrassing, misguided attempts with men; a crush that drove your teacher out of town; and a messed-up infatuation with a woman who was so ashamed of being gay that she was still in the closet until her mother caused a national uproar by publicly outing her," Molly said.

Kristina just stared at Molly in disbelief, but Molly refused to give up. She handed Kristina the papers again and insisted that Kristina sign them. Kristina once again refused, still citing the potential for a breakup. Molly wanted to know what it would take for Kristina to terminate parental rights, and she accused Kristina of not wanting to give the baby up. Kristina finally admitted the truth. "I do wonder sometimes if Allie and I would make better parents for this baby right now. Maybe we would be able to provide a more stable home than you and T.J.," Kristina said.

Just then, there was a knock on the door. Kristina opened it and saw Natalia standing there. Molly left but made sure not to take the papers with her. Natalia asked to see Blaze, but Blaze wasn't there. Natalia explained that she was there to thank Kristina for what Kristina had said about her on Perez Hilton's show. Kristina made it clear that although Natalia was entitled to her opinions, Kristina didn't have to like them.

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