Morgan saves Sonny's life; General Hospital recap for Tuesday, August 6, 2024

Morgan saves Sonny
Morgan saves Sonny's life on the General Hospital roof

Sonny's mental health crisis reaches a turning point

On the General Hospital roof, Sonny's mental health crisis became more intense as he condidered taking his life. Just then, Morgan's spirit arrived to talk with his father. "Dad, what are you doing?" Morgan asked. Sonny knew Morgan wasn't real, but Morgan reminded Sonny that he loved Sonny. Sonny said he was tired of trying to hide the darkness inside him. He said that in the past, his children had make him feel like his life had been worth saving, but he wasn't sure anymore.

Morgan assured Sonny that his life was worth something, but Sonny was haunted by Kristina's reaction when she'd seen him beat up Dex. Sonny was horrified that Kristina had been terrified and had run from him. Morgan reminded Sonny how Kristina had returned, but Sonny felt she should have kept running. "If she kept running, the baby would still be alive," Sonny said.

Morgan assured Sonny that his kids weren't scared of him. "Are you perfect? No. No parent's perfect, but we know deep down that you want the best for all of us," Morgan said. Sonny felt like he'd failed as a father, but Morgan disagreed. Sonny wondered how Morgan could say that when Sonny had been responsible for Morgan's death.

Morgan told Sonny that his death was Ava's fault because Ava was the one who had made sure he hadn't been taking his bipolar medications because she had replaced them with placebos. Sonny recalled all the horrible things that had happened to his other children because of him. He felt he would finally be doing the right thing if he ended his life.

As Sonny contemplated suicide, Morgan desperately tried to get him to see that his kids and his grandkids still needed him. "I am helping all my kids by keeping them safe. From me," Sonny said.

Downstairs, Laura surprised Kevin in his office with a small cake and candle for his birthday. "You deserve to be celebrated," Laura told him. She said she'd had a whole birthday celebration planned but had gotten stuck in a meeting, so the small cake was all she'd been able to manage.

Kevin said he didn't mind because he'd been asked to do a last-minute patient evaluation, so at least he wouldn't have been called away when they'd been out to dinner. Laura then presented Kevin with his gift—tickets to a Broadway show for a night in New York City in the fall.

After Laura left, Kevin packed up for the night, ready to leave his office. Before he could walk out, Sonny appeared. "I need help. Something is wrong with me, and I can't take it anymore," Sonny said.

Kristina's family keeps vigil

Elsewhere in the hospital, Kristina was rushed into surgery because she had begun to bleed internally. Jordan comforted T.J., who choked back tears as he was reminded of all the things he would miss with his daughter. He'd never even get to hold her or hear her laugh. Just then, the nurse had an update. If the doctor was unable to stop the bleeding, Kristina might need a hysterectomy.

Molly worried that carrying a baby for her and T.J. might have cost Kristina the opportunity to have her own child one day. Sam assured Molly that it wasn't Molly's fault, and it was all due to a horrible accident.

Later, Dante did his best to support Sam, who admitted she was furious with Ava. Dante told Sam that Ava had insisted she had never laid a hand on Kristina, but Sam didn't believe it for a second. "Ava is a human wrecking ball, and she needs to be stopped. Because of Ava, I lost a little niece, and my little sisters are broken" Sam said.

On another couch in the waiting area, Molly and T.J. tried to be strong for one another. Molly wished she had a time machine to keep Kristina from going to Ava's hotel suite, but T.J. wanted to give their baby a name so they could lay her to rest. Before Molly could respond, the doctor arrived to tell them they'd gotten Kristina's bleeding under control without a hysterectomy.

Alexis went into Krisitna's room to sit with her daughter, who was unconscious. "Thank you for pulling through, because a world without you in it is unfathomable to me," Alexis said as she finally broke down in tears. Molly soon knocked on the window, so Alexis let her in to stay with her sister.

Finally, Kristina woke. Through tears, Kristina kept apologizing for losing the baby she had planned to give to Molly and T.J.

Dante returned to comforting Sam, who remembered losing her first child, Lila, after a placental abruption, the same thing Kristina had suffered. "You've already built a life with them with the two of you together, and then, in an instant, it's gone," Sam said.

Jason gets evidence against Ava

Jason was at Carly's place when Dante called to tell Jason that Sonny needed him. After Jason told Carly that Kristina had fallen though a window at Metro Court and that she had lost the baby, he headed to the hospital. Later, Donna entered the kitchen because she was unable to sleep, so Carly invited Donna to sit with her. Donna was worried that her dad had missed their playdate because things weren't good between Carly and Sonny. Carly assured Donna that Sonny would always be there for her.

When Jason got to the hospital, Dante updated him on Kristina. Jason asked about Sonny, so Dante told him that Sonny had left because Molly had blamed Sonny for Kristina losing the baby. Jason promised to track down Sonny and keep Dante posted.

The first thing Jason did was call Brick to see if Sonny had called him. Brick had not heard from Sonny, but Brick revealed that he'd been instructed to keep an eye on Ava's hotel room and had picutres of the confrontation between Ava and Kristina. Jason asked to see the photos, but Brick reminded Jason that Jason was no longer in the "circle of trust." Jason was adamant that he would always protect Sonny and Sonny's family. Satisfied, Brick sent the photos to Jason.

At the Port Charles Police Station, Chase and Anna were shocked when they learned that Kristina's baby had died, which made things much more complicated for Ava. Chase and Anna also had more questions for Ava. They wanted to know why John's luggage had been found in the closet of her Metro Court suite.

Ava lied and told Anna and Chase that she was allowing John to leave his stuff in her room after Carly had kicked him out of his. Ava said she hadn't felt the need to mention it in her statement. She said she also didn't want Sonny's lawyers to learn she had an association with John. Scott didn't see how any of that had to do with Kristina's accident.

While Scott tried to find a judge who would order Ava's release, Jason arrived to show Anna the incriminating photos that Brick had sent. Anna went back to Ava with the evidence that Ava had been lying about not having physical contact with Kristina. Ava was shocked when Anna arrested Ava and informed her that the baby had died.

Next on General Hospital

Kevin has surprising news for Sonny

Josslyn confides in Carly

Ava has new worries

Trina reiterates her loyalty

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Edited by Lisa
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