Kristina asks Sonny to make Ava pay; General Hospital recap, Thursday, August 8, 2024

Kristina asked Sonny to make Ava pay
Kristina asked Sonny to make Ava pay

Sonny gets the proof he needs

Sonny and Carly checked on Donna, who complained of a sore throat. She asked for some popsicles, which signaled that she was feeling better. Donna also worried that she was in trouble for eating Sonny's "vitamins." Sonny assured Donna she wasn't in trouble. Carly warned Donna never to swallow medication again unless an adult was with her.

Carly explained that they would be going home soon, but Sonny was staying at the hospital to be there with Kristina. Donna suggested getting two popsicles—one for Kristina and one for the baby.

Sonny, Carly, and Donna ran into Jason at the elevator. Jason offered to take Carly and Donna home, but Carly wanted him to stay with Sonny. When Carly and Donna were gone, Sonny admitted he should have listened to Jason when Jason had known something was off with his medications. Sonny was relieved to know what was really going on with Sonny's medication but wanted Jason to help him find out who had switched them with placebos.

Jason then showed Sonny the incriminating photos Brick had taken. Sonny was furious to see that Ava had gotten physical with Kristina. Sonny suddenly realized that Ava was the one who had switched his meds, since she had already done it to Morgan years earlier. Sonny then asked Jason to visit Ava and see what she had to say.

Kristina can barely cope

Kristina woke with a start after dreaming about holding the baby she'd just lost. Reality hit as she still felt the pain from her C-section and touched her empty abdomen. Kristina broke down in tears. Alexis walked in.

Kristina told Alexis about her dream. Kristina said she'd been holding the baby in her arms, and then, she'd just been gone. "I carried her for eight-and-a-half months, and I will never get to hold her. I will never even get to see her except for in my dreams. Forever," Kristina cried.

Felicia soon stopped by in her position as a patient advocate. She offered Kristina hospital resources, including counseling and grief support groups. Kristina didn't say a word and wouldn't even look at Felicia. After Felicia left, Alexis tried to comfort her daughter. Kristina just wanted to know why it had happened.

Kristina then referred to "my baby" and said she could finally feel that she was the baby's mother. "I felt her. I knew her. She was real. She was mine. She was my baby," Kristina said as she cried.

Alexis left Kristina to sleep and ran into Sonny in the hallway. Sonny informed Alexis that he was getting help for his mental health issues and that he could keep it together for Kristina. He also let Alexis know that Ava was responsible for everything, and he had the proof.

"That awful, hateful, obscene woman," was all Alexis could manage when Sonny told her about the photos. Alexis asked Sonny to stay with Kristina while she got some air.

When Sonny entered Kristina's room, he kissed her forehead and asked what she needed. Kristina had a simple answer. "I need you to make Ava pay for what she did to my baby," she said.

Anna stuns John

Anna welcomed John into her office and bluntly asked him what the nature of his relationship with Ava was. John insisted that Ava was just a friend. Anna informed John that Ava was in custody after being charged with assault, attempted murder, and manslaughter. John was shocked by the news but tried avoiding Anna's questions.

Since Anna wasn't getting the answers she wanted, she speculated instead. "You think Ava is an ally against Sonny—maybe even the vehicle to bring him down. If that's the case, you're mistaken," Anna said. John accused Anna of being a Sonny apologist and demanded that she stay out of his way "because nothing will keep me from taking Sonny down."

Ava tries to make a deal

Ava called for the guard, insisting that she had to make a phone call, but John showed up instead. She reiterated that what had happened to Kristina had been an accident. Ava feared that Sonny would come after both her and John, and John wondered why. He was floored to learn that Kristina had tripped over his duffel bag, which had led to her fall out the window. Ava warned John that it was only a matter of time before Sonny would somehow find out.

John was further stunned to learn that Kevin was treating Sonny and would learn about the placebos. Ava was sure that Sonny would blame her—and John by association. Ava also claimed to be worried about the pharmacist and asked John to warn the pharmacist to run. Ava didn't want the pharmacist to tell Sonny she had been to his office. John assured Ava that "Sonny's days of trampling people are about to come to an end."

John left just before Jason arrived. All Jason did was silently stare as Ava called for the guards. Jason told Ava that nobody was coming to help her. She insisted that everything that had happened with Kristina had been an accident. Ava suggested that the photos could have been manipulated. "Sonny would do anything to get rid of me. He's violent and erratic," she said.

Jason told Ava that they knew why, and he accused Ava of switching Sonny's medication for placebos. Ava swore she hadn't switched the meds, but she had known about it. Ava said she had learned about the switch by accident but had just kept things quiet. Jason wanted to know who had done it, but Ava said, "The only thing keeping me alive right now is what I know and what Sonny doesn't."

Back at the hospital, John found the pharmacist, flashed his badge, and asked the pharmacist to go with him.

Carly hurls an accusation

After Carly settled Donna in at home, Anna dropped in. Anna was surprised to learn that Donna had been in the hospital. Carly explained what had happened to Donna. She informed Anna that Donna had only swallowed placebos. Carly suspected that Sonny had been unknowingly taking placebos since January. Anna finally understood Sonny's behavior, but she added that it wasn't an excuse.

Carly insisted that Ava had to have been the one who'd switched the medications, but Anna wanted proof. Carly accused Ava of isolating Sonny from those close to him. Anna agreed that Ava's behavior with Sonny had been odd, but that wasn't hard evidence.

Trina's moment with Heather

Trina was surprised when she saw a guard wheel Heather off the hospital elevator. Heather tried talking to Trina, but Portia stopped her. Heather claimed that she wanted to apologize, but Portia warned her that Trina was off-limits. After the guard took Heather to an exam room, Trina chastised Portia for her behavior.

Portia explained that she was just trying to protect Trina, but Trina didn't think she needed protection from a handcuffed Heather. Portia pointed out that Heather had escaped from the hospital before, but Trina remained frustrated. Trina reminded Portia that as co-chief of staff, she couldn't afford to go off on patients, even if the patient was Heather.

Trina said she wasn't worried about Heather. She was more concerned with Portia. "Don't let your hatred consume you. At this point, it's way worse for you than it is for her. Mom, you gotta let this go," Trina said.

Later, when Portia told a nurse she wanted Heather checked and discharged as soon as possible, Felicia stepped in. Felicia didn't like the idea of rushing a patient in and out, even if that patient was Heather. Portia said that Felicia was overstepping, but Felicia insisted she was a patient advocate and was just doing her job. Portia threw Ryan Chamberlain in Felicia's face and wondered if Felicia would have gone to bat for him.

Elsewhere in the hospital, Scott arrived to check up on Heather. She was happy to see her ex but wanted to know why he was there. Scott said he wasn't her attorney, but he was ready to take on the job. He was intrigued by Heather's case and wanted to see if he could get her sentence reduced.

Heather wasn't sure she could trust Scott, but he pointed out that she was sort of family, since they had shared Franco. Heather accused Scott of using the "dead son card" and wondered what was really in it for him to represent her. Scott told Heather that the company that had manufactured her artificial hip had a lot of money, and they could sue.

Heather wondered how money could benefit her from prison, so Scott declared that she wouldn't be behind bars much longer. He was sure he could get her out on the cobalt poisoning defense. Heather wasn't sure, but Scott asked Heather if she wanted to be in prison for the rest of her life or spend her remaining years with Ace. Heather said she had to think about it, so Scott left.

Once Heather was alone, Trina stopped in so Heather could say what she'd wanted to earlier when Portia had interrupted. Heather told Trina how sorry she was, although she knew the words would seem hollow. Heather insisted she meant every word. "Now I know what I did, and I will regret that for the rest of my life," Heather said. Heather also apologized for Esme's actions.

Trina refused to accept Heather's apology, but Trina assured Heather she wasn't going to walk around scared anymore. Trina also wanted Heather to have her day in court. "And I pray that justice is served in the end. And I pray that nobody ever gets hurt by you again," Trina said.

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Edited by Lisa