On General Hospital, Drew accused Curtis of contacting Congressman Henderson via Aunt Stella and preventing him from joining the House Appropriations Committee, and said he would get back at him. Ms. Wu gave Drew the evidence that Portia tampered with Heather’s blood test. Spinelli and Lulu broke into Valentin’s house looking for clues as to Valentin’s whereabouts. Shortly after, Lucy arrived with Sonny to show him the house because he’s looking for a new place. Kristina came in and revealed to Sonny that it used to be Valentin’s. Ultimately, Sonny liked it enough to buy it. Martin told Tracy that the Quartermaine crypt is on public land and that he would pursue charges against the family unless she dropped the Cease and Desist against Drew. Sidwell snuck into the Quartermaine mansion and offered Sasha $250,000 to sing his praises to Deception. Jason took Sidwell at gunpoint and asked if he had firebombed Sonny’s penthouse. Sidwell said he didn’t, and Jason believed him. In Miami, Lucas and Brad reconnected and started to get physical until Brad confessed that he manipulated Portia. Lucas left him after that. Lulu snuck into Martin’s hotel room and found his notes detailing the fact that Dante and Brook Lynn had a baby in high school, but the baby was given up for adoption, and Dante had no clue about any of it. Sasha accepted Sidwell’s offer. Nina and Carly played good cop/bad cop with Willow because she told them she and the kids were moving in with Drew. Drew blackmailed Portia with the evidence. Jason found out that Charlotte is in Buenos Aires, and he and Anna ran off to find the girl. Brennan got updates that Josslyn is doing spectacular in her spy training. Lulu told Carly about Brook Lynn’s baby story. Tracy yelled at Sonny for creating an education trust for Gio and told him to go away. But Gio accepted it and signed the papers, defying Tracy. Kai was offered a role in Drew’s pediatric sports program. Portia sought advice and help from Ric. Alexis went to Wyndemere and Sidwell showed her the dagger he found, which was the one Helena used to kill Alexis’ mother. Vaughn was training Josslyn, pushing her hard. Carly told Sonny that Michael was able to call her from the German clinic. Lulu told Brooklyn that she knew about the baby secret. Jordan and Isaiah kissed. Alexis shared the story of her mother with Sidwell. After she touched the dagger and left, Sidwell grabbed it with a cloth napkin. Carly broke up with Brennan because she didn't think he wanted to commit. In a grueling training match for fighting, Joss kicked Vaughn in the crotch, sending him to the ground. Lulu threatened to reveal the truth to Dante.
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