Things have been a whirlwind on General Hospital for Alexis Davis (Nancy Lee Grahn) and her daughters Kristina (Kate Mansi) and Molly (Kristen Vaganos). From the death of Kristina’s unborn child to the murder of Sam (ex-Kelly Monaco), the drama has amped up on the show. With all that craziness the actors have to deal with, it’s nice to see stories of how they unwind outside the studio. Grahn recently chronicled the Davis girls’ trek to a fan event, and hilarity ensued.
They’re like a real family

Grahn wrote on Instagram, “Come rain or snowstorm, I’ll be bringing my TV daughter(s) to see you this weekend in Connecticut, Philly, Jersey Shore, and Long Island. Find out which one I like best. That’s a lot of schlepping time in a car with these troublemakers…Pray for me.” Along with that was a video of the women in the back hallway of the General Hospital studio.
Grahn and Mansi were walking down the hall as Grahn talked in a low voice to her, saying, “I'm really sorry I asked Kristen to come too, even though you're my favorite.” She then gasped in shock as she saw Vaganos enter the scene, who asked, “What's going on?” They both sheepishly said ‘Hi’ to Vaganos, who then asked, “Who are you talking to?”
Grahn answered, “Nobody, nothing,” while Mansi simultaneously stated, “Oh, seeing how excited she has to have a sleepover.” Vaganos noticed their weird responses and remarked, “Okay, talk over each other.” Admiring herself in the camera, Mansi asked, “Mama, who is your favorite?” After nervously saying, “Philadelphia,” Grahn then answered the question with, “No, nobody. You both are my favorite, right?”
The camera cut to just Vaganos and Grahn while Mansi wasn’t there. Vaganos then said, “Mom, tell the people who your favorite is.” Grahn spoke really quietly when she answered, “You're my favorite. I'm sorry I asked her to come, but I thought she'd feel bad and she would find out.” Vaganos then stated, “Include her, make her feel good, but I'm the fav…” She stopped immediately as Mansi entered the scene looking suspicious, but Grahn and Vaganos pretended everything was good.
Grahn next posted a video in which she was in the front seat with a woman named Belinda driving, and Mansi and Vaganos were in the back seat. She captioned it, “Roadtrippin’ with my girls! @katemansi, @kvaganos #DavisGirls #GH.” In the video, Vaganos and Mansi start bickering about their outfits, and a fed-up Grahn finally says, “I'm going to turn the car around. We're going to turn the car…” The backseat argument heats up, so Grahn waves her arm behind her, yelling, “Stop it. Stop it! Stop it!! Don't put your hands…Don't touch her!”
The girls continue bickering, and Grahn yells even louder, “Do you want me to turn the car…We're going to turn the car around!” When that didn’t work, Grahn continued her angry tirade, “That's it. That's it. Pull over, Belinda, please.”
In the third Instagram post from General Hospital’s Nancy Lee Grahn, she wrote, “Roadtrippin Day 2 @katemansi @kvaganos @generalhospital227 @unclevinniescomedyclub #GH. #DavisGirls.” In the video clip, the door to a public family bathroom opens up, and Grahn exits with Vaganos and Mansi close behind her. She stops before the fully leave the restroom, turns to the girls, and asks, “Did you guys wash your hands?”
Without saying anything the two turn around and go back in as Grahn gives an exasperated look to the camera, throwing her arms in the air, and then walking away. If that was only day two, it’s going to be a long trip for General Hospital’s Davis girls.
You can watch new episodes of General Hospital on ABC and Hulu.

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