General Hospital started the week with two mothers arguing about one child. By the end of the week, one mother got her fondest wish...and the other...remained clueless. But maybe it will keep one mother out of the other mother's way.
Lulu Has Some Nerve

All of Lulu's dreams came true by Friday, but it certainly would have hit much better if she wasn't such a shrew on Monday. All Brook Lynn did was drop a few truth bombs when she told Lulu that she seemed more concerned with her daughter Charlotte than her son Rocco. Lulu apparently couldn't handle the truth so she told Brook Lynn that it was a good thing she wasn't anyone's mother.
Who didn't boo when Lulu stopped Brook Lynn's hand from slapping her across the face? That's the kind of soap fun that makes soaps...soaps. Plus, Lulu deserved it. She softened a bit by the end of their confrontation, but Lulu didn't make herself any new fans with her attitude toward Brook Lynn.
Aside from the fact that Lulu had no business talking like that to Brook Lynn and threatening to reveal her secret, she totally forgot about her own child so she could focus on Brook Lynn's. After fans had waited months on end to see Lulu reunite with Charlotte in Port Charles, listening to her crow about "my daughter" ad nauseam, she was on our naughty list by the time she brought Charlotte back to Laura's place on Friday.
Their reunion would have been so much more poignant if we had actually liked Lulu this week. The performances were phenomenal and the writing was just what we wanted, but if the main leading protagonist in the story just shrewd her way through the beginning of the week, the whole thing just kind of falls flat.
The Other Mother

We admit that when this whole "Brook Lynn had a retconned baby as a teenager with Dante as the dad" story began, all we could do was sigh. First, we knew for months that the show was leading to this. By the time Gio was revealed as Brook Lynn and Dante's son, it was like a balloon deflating. "Yes, we know. Next," was all we could think.
However, it's playing out wonderfully thanks to some fantastic scriptwriting and outstanding performances. We can see the bond between Brook Lynn and Gio, two characters who have no idea they are mother and son, but who move us thanks to Amanda Setton and Giovanni Mazza. Their scenes at the Quartermaine crypt tugged at our heartstrings and we can't wait for the real reveal when the characters learn they are mother and son.
At first, the story also left a bad taste in our mouths because GH took liberties with the timeline and characters' ages. However, it's now become one of the top stories to watch and we can't wait for the fallout. The number of lives this story affects seems endless. We are now seeing Gio's great-grandmother become attached to him. We can easily tell that Sonny knows Gio is his grandson. Then, we have Ned and Olivia as the other grandparents, Rocco learning he has another sibling, and Lois and Gloria feeling the wrath of Brook Lynn when she discovers her mother and grandmother deceived her for decades. Bring it and lather us with all that pure soap now.
So, What's Up With Valentin?

Oh what a joy it was to see our boyfriend Valentin burst into tears this week like the old days — and with Anna too. YES! Vanna! HOORAY! The drought since July had finally ended. The cheers could be heard down our street, but um...what was the point in that hurried reunion, farewell, and Valentin's declaration that he would never see his daughter again?
We begged Valentin to fly back to Port Charles with Anna. Or rather Anna begged him while we begged him to listen to her from our living room. But alas, he couldn't. Jack Brennan would kill him, as would the WSB. Nope, Valentin had to run off like the thief in the night he actually is (clad all in black, of course, and sporting a mustache as he did back in 2016 — this time a beard comes with it)...only to show up in Port Charles on Friday.
So much for never seeing his daughter again and sharing those amazing moments with Anna if he was just going to appear in Port Charles three days later ready to kill Carly and Jack. We had also just watched three days of Charlotte lamenting how much she would miss her Papa, but he's back with barely a break. So, can he stick around? Pretty please. Can Anna arrest him and then handcuff him to a chair in the PCPD interrogation room like a common Jason Morgan? (Or, Tracy Quartermaine, but we'll get to that later...)
Carly, Carly, Everywhere...

Did you see Carly this week? If you didn't, you did not watch GH. Carly was in every story, which has been a common thing for the last few years, but this week it was over the top. Sasha's pregnancy story? Check. Brook Lynn's teenage pregnancy story? Check. Nina's plot to break up Drew and Willow? Yep, Carly was there too.
She even made it into her own storyline when she finally decided to go for broke with Jack and sleep with him, making Jack a very happy man, indeed. So happy that we heard him singing in the shower. Carly was also pretty giddy about the whole thing. In fact, we don't think we've seen such a giddy afterglow on soaps in years. So, we're not quite sure what the point of Carly breaking up with Jack for a whole three days was... Yes, a lot happened this week, but was completely undone by Friday.
Portia's Overblown Problem

Yes, it's definitely not good that Portia tampered with those test results. It was unethical and illegal and Ric was right to tell her so. But, why can't she tell Curtis? Because he doesn't like liars? While we know this has been established as a core trait for Curtis, we think we'd bend his cardinal rule this one time if he knew Drew was blackmailing his wife for something he already knew she did. The part about Brad knowing the truth is pretty incidental. Right now this seems like a whole lotta nothing that had better result in something.
And, maybe it will. GH went to an awful lot of trouble this week setting up this ridiculous press conference touting some reputation-rehab program Drew initiated to make himself look good. Portia's comments about how Drew won't be stopped unless he is dead and Ava's comments about Drew having an enemies list hopefully portend someone bringing Drew down in a truly soapy way.
Tracy Goes to Jail Again...

The Quartermaine crypt has not seen so much action since Sonny and Ava created Avery in there following AJ's funeral a decade ago. But, this week, things got juicy. Drew's gross petty ways have poured over into his feelings for his own father, brother, son, and grandparents. To get to keep the family name, Drew is willing to have his Alan, AJ, Oscar, Edward, and Lila's bodies moved elsewhere. Talk about disturbing the peace.
He even had Aunt Tracy arrested for the second time in a little over a month just to prove his point. At least we got the scenes at the Q crypt that were as Q as could be. Having Emma happen along and play independent reporter for some awesome social media content was a nice added touch. Drew thinks he is going to destroy Tracy Quartermaine. That's both disturbing and laughable at the same time. Good luck, Drew.
Willow's One-Woman Cult

At least Willow will never waver from her firm belief that Drew is the most amazing specimen of human who has ever walked the Earth — and that she herself also walks on water. She even told Carly that the story about Drew's crypt shenanigans in the Invader was fake news. Carly pointed out that it wasn't and Drew really did those things.
Then, our delusional nurse decided Sasha had been plotting to seduce Jason for years and was just waiting for Sam to die. Wait, what? And HOW DARE Sasha get pregnant by Michael's uncle six years after she and Michael broke up?!?!? That was so much worse than Willow having an affair with Michael's other uncle WHILE STILL MARRIED TO HIM. Please send Willow to Shadybrook — STAT!!!
Port Charles Odds and Ends

What can we say about Nina's pointless encounter with a wildlife writer? A lot, but we won't, which might say everything.
Did GH borrow from Days of our Lives when Kristina got tickets to take Avery to the ballet when Ava had custody of her? Didn't Kristen do that to Brady just a few short months ago? At least it was between two parents who shared custody and not the child's mother and one of her many random siblings who never paid her any attention until she decided Ava was public enemy number one.
Everyone interrupting Elizabeth and Lucky when they just wanted some alone time after she brought him home from his coma stint in the hospital? Cute. But, not really.
At least we get to see what my funny Valentin is up to next week. Let the waterworks begin...
Catch all-new episodes of General Hospital weekdays on ABC and Hulu.

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