Molly let loose on Kristina; General Hospital recap for August 23, 2024

COnfrontation between Molly and Kristina | Image Source: ABC
Confrontation between Molly and Kristina | Image Source: ABC

At the cemetery, Kristina stared in disbelief after hearing Molly tell her that Kristina had had a choice about whether or not to confront Ava about the subpoena. Molly insisted that Kristina had had the choice to protect either the baby or Sonny, and Kristina had chosen her father. Kristina argued that Molly was wrong, but Molly didn't care. "The proof is right here, Kristina. My baby, my sweet innocent baby, is buried right here because of you," Molly cried.

Kristina countered that she had gone to Ava's hotel room to protect her family, but Molly asked why Kristina couldn't have waited three more weeks until she'd given birth. T.J. tried to break up the argument and calm Molly, but Molly continued to lash out at her sister. "I knew I shouldn't have trusted you. You wouldn't keep my baby safe because you're so selfish and self-absorbed," Molly yelled.

Alexis finally raised her voice at Molly to tell her to stop, but it only fueled Molly's anger more. "And there it is. Right on time. Mom swoops in to protect Kristina. You can basically set your watch by it," Molly accused. Alexis argued that it wasn't what she'd been doing, but Molly didn't buy it. "Of course, it is. Because it is impossible to imagine a world where Kristina has to take responsibility for her own actions without you running in to defend her," Molly told her mother.

Molly dropped a bombshell when she confronted Alexis about Alexis' motivation for getting her law license reinstated. "Is that why you were so eager to get your law license back, Mom? So you could help Kristina steal my baby?" Molly asked.

Alexis immediately broke down in tears. Alexis denied the suggestion that she had hoped to help Kristina keep the baby, but Molly was prepared. Molly pulled Kristina's petition for custody out of her purse and announced that she had found it in Alexis' briefcase. T.J. was shocked to see the papers. Molly apologized to him for all the months she had defended Kristina.

Alexis denied intending to file the custody papers, but Molly didn't believe her. "If you weren't planning to file it, then why did you have this document? She had it for you, Kristina, because you were never going to give up my baby." Kristina decided to be honest. "No, I wasn't," Kristina said. Molly was incredulous and accused Kristina of killing the baby. Kristina defended herself. "I never would have intentionally put her in harm, ever. I was her mother for eight months, and nothing you say or do will ever erase that," Kristina shouted.

"Mothers look out for their children and protect them. And keep them safe at all cost. You have zero maternal instincts," Molly yelled back. Sam tried to intervene, but Molly refused to be silenced. When Kristina cried about how much she loved the baby, Molly pointed to Irene's grave and told Kristina the baby was lying there because Kristina had failed to protect Irene or keep her safe. "Say it, Kristina. Admit that you killed my baby," Molly demanded.

Kristina fell to the ground, sobbing. Kristina insisted that she had loved the baby. Molly watched her sister in disgust. T.J. went into doctor mode and asked if Kristina was in pain, while Molly flashed back to Kristina offering to give Molly and T.J. a baby. Molly recalled the journey, including Alexis warning that there might be legal difficulties and Molly receiving the devstating news that Irene had died.

While Sam, Alexis, and T.J. tended to Kristina, Ric offered to take Molly home. Molly declared that she wasn't leaving without T.J. Molly appeared relieved when T.J. turned to her and said, "Let's get out of here."

Outside the Ashford house, Molly apologized to T.J. for her outburst, when the day was supposed to be about healing and honoring the baby. T.J. told her there was nothing to forgive. T.J. promised that they would get through their grief together.

Earlier, Marshall, Jordan, Stella, Portia, and Curtis had returned to the Ashford home. Jordan wanted to comfort T.J. but knew she couldn't fix T.J.'s broken heart with just a hug. When Marshall and Stella went to get drinks, Portia had a question. "Do either of you know anything about Molly's father?" Portia asked.

Jordan said she didn't want to get into details, but she made it clear that Ric had a litany of transgressions under his belt. "Let's just say that he is not very well-liked in this town, but Ric and Molly seem to have a decent relationship," Jordan explained. Curtis said he was glad Ric was there when Molly needed him.

After T.J. and Molly arrived, Portia announced that she had to leave. When she opened the door to leave, she found Ric standing on the doorstep. Portia told Ric that she was sorry for his loss, and she invited him inside. Molly ran over to greet her father. Molly and Ric stepped out onto the back patio as Curtis offered condolences to T.J. After T.J. left the room, Jordan told Curtis, "Kristina and Alexis were planning to steal my son's child." Jordan found it unforgiveable because the baby had been T.J.'s biological child.

Outside, Molly thanked Ric for being there for her, but she also admitted that she was completely drained. Molly said she knew her relationship with Kristina was shattered, and she'd been sick to her stomach, seeing Alexis take Kristina's side. Ric told Molly how proud he was of her for sticking up for herself. Molly insisted that she could never forgive Kristina.

Back at Alexis' house, Kristina told her mother that nothing excused Molly's behavior. Alexis reminded Kristina that Molly was in pain, too. Alexis pointed out that Kristina had been named after Alexis' sister, whom Alexis dearly missed. Alexis stressed that while her sister was dead, Kristina and Molly were not, and they needed to fix their relationship. Kristina disagreed. "Molly is blaming me for my baby's death. I will never forgive her," Kristina declared.

Chase called Brook Lynn to check on how things were going with Lois' appearance on the Home & Heart channel. Brook Lynn looked toward her mother as a caller criticized Lois' Brooklyn accent. Haven questioned whether the caller had once had a bad experience with someone from that "lovely borough, Brooklyn."

Lois admitted that her accent might take a little getting used to, for some people, but Haven was annoyed with the caller. "I was raised that it's bad manners to critique the way someone speaks," Haven said before ending the call. Haven's response cheered Lois, so Lois continued touting the magic of Deception's latest skin serum, the Deceiver, telling the audience it works "no matter what your accent."

When the segment ended, Lois was stunned to learn that she'd helped sell the most products during Home & Heart's current quarter. Even Tracy was impressed. Once Lois was alone with Brook Lynn, Lois admitted that she was still uncomfortable about her accent.

While Maxie watched Lois on the soundstage, Dante approached Maxie to tell her that Lulu had been moved to General Hospital. Maxie was immediately alarmed, but Dante didn't have many details. Dante said all he knew was that Lulu had suffered a setback, so the doctors wanted to monitor Lulu at General Hospital.

Before Dante went to visit Lulu, he stopped by the police station, where Dante lamented to Chase about his day. The baby's funeral had devastated Dante, but Chase could tell there was something else wrong and asked why Dante was at work. Dante told Chase that he had just received some unexpected news and had been hoping to bury himself in work until he could process things.

Chase offered Dante a listening ear and asked what was going on. "It's Lulu. They've moved her to GH because she's taken a turn for the worse," Dante said. Dante admitted he was worried about Rocco, but Chase assured Dante that Rocco had his father and Sam to support him in case anything happened to Lulu. Chase said he felt bad for Rocco, but he was also worried about Dante.

Dante admitted that one thing Dante knew for certain was that he loved Sam. Other than that, Dante wasn't sure how he was supposed to feel. Dante explained that it had been over between him and Lulu when she'd fallen into the coma, and he admitted that he'd believed Lulu had moved on. "She ain't lying in that bed, dreaming about me," Dante said.

At the hospital, Elizabeth tended to Lulu's basic medical needs as Laura entered Lulu's room. Elizabeth took Laura into the hall to tell her that Lulu was stable, but her liver function continued to decline. However, the doctors were waiting for more test results. Elizabeth stressed that Laura had been smart to transfer Lulu to the hospital, where Lulu could be surrounded by people who loved her.

Elizabeth and Laura sat down to chat. Laura admitted that she'd never given up hope that Lulu would one day wake. Laura said people looked at her like it was hopeless whenever she mentioned Lulu's name, but Laura refused to give up. "My daughter is a fighter. She's in there, and she's trying to come back. We need to give her every opportunity to do that," Laura said.

A short time later, Elizabeth was working at the nurses' station when Maxie arrived, looking for an update on Lulu. Elizabeth told Maxie the doctors were running tests, but there was no real news yet. Elizabeth encouraged Maxie to sit with Lulu and talk to her. Maxie did just that and told Lulu all about her hectic week, including James taking off and Cody having to rescue him. Maxie admitted to Lulu that she'd never told Dante that Lulu had planned to tell Dante that Lulu still loved him before Lulu had slipped into a coma.

"It didn't seem fair. I thought you would want for him to move on," Maxie said. Maxie told Lulu that Dante was happy, but he still needed Lulu. Dante stood at the door when Maxie told Lulu that she needed to wake for Rocco and Charlotte, but also for Dante.

In the hallway, Elizabeth informed Laura that Lucky had once told her about Lulu suffering from aplastic anemia as a toddler. "He told me how strong you were for her and how you never gave up on her. Well, she needs that strength now." Elizabeth said. Laura commented that she missed Lucky and wished she knew where he was.

In an undisclosed location, guards shoved a mysterious figure covered in a burlap hood and wearing ankle chains into a small, prison-like room. A guard soon appeared and removed the sack from the mystery man's head, revealing that the man was Lucky.

Next on General Hospital

Chase delivers bad news to Brook Lynn

Anna asks Robert for help finding Valentin

Carly has questions about Brennan

Laura demands answers from Portia

Lucky tells someone he'll do whatever they need

Catch all-new episodes of General Hospital weekdays on ABC and Hulu.

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Edited by Lisa
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