Molly insists Anna investigate Sonny; General Hospital recap for Wednesday, October 9, 2024

General Hospital
General Hospital's Molly and Anna | Image Source: ABC

Anna surprised Jason when she walked into his office and asked if they were ever going to discuss the kiss they had shared in Africa. Jason had one simple question. "Do you want to talk about it?" he asked. Anna said that she did not, but she also thought they should.

Anna made it clear that the kiss was an isolated incident that needed to stay in Africa. Jason said he understood, and that seemed to clear things up on a personal level. Anna then brought up her conversation with Brennan, telling Jason that Brennan really wanted Jason to work for the WSB. When Anna got up to leave, Jason tried to stop her but only said, "You should take care of yourself."

When Anna returned to her office and found Molly sitting there. Molly wanted to talk about the John Cates murder case. "I need you to reopen the investigation and focus on arresting the real killer—Sonny Corinthos," Molly said. Anna explained that the evidence pointed toward Alexis. Molly understood but stressed that it did not mean that Alexis was guilty.

Molly reminded Anna of the time Carly had perjured herself to protect Sonny after he had killed Claudia Zacchara. Molly presented more circumstantial evidence against Sonny. Anna insisted that the FBI had taken over the case, so her hands were tied. "So, take back the case that was taken from you and investigate Sonny. Or is all your talk of justice and law just that, talk?" Molly angrily asked before storming out.

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Josslyn got a shock when she walked into Bobbie's and found the whole place trashed and her cousin Lucky crawling along the floor in a disheveled state. Josslyn immediately jumped to the logical conclusion that someone had robbed the place. Lucky had to tell her he was responsible for the mess because he had gotten some bad news. "So, you trashed my mom's business?" Josslyn asked incredulously.

Lucky finally realized he was talking to Josslyn. "I am glad you recognized me because I don't recognize you," she said, still angry at Lucky's actions. When Josslyn told Lucky that Carly could have him arrested, he said he didn't care at that point.

Lucky and Josslyn argued back and forth, with Josslyn being blunt. "If this is how you treat family, then I don't want anything to do with you," she said. Josslyn also pointed out that Jason had risked his life to save Lucky. Lucky didn't seem to care and ran out of Bobbie's, leaving Josslyn to clean up his mess.

As Josslyn cleaned, Dex and a fellow cop walked in. They had gotten a report that "some crazy guy busted up Bobbie's." Dex asked what had happened. Josslyn would only say it was a family matter, and she didn't want to file a police report. Dex left with his partner but soon returned. Josslyn confessed that her cousin Lucky had trashed the diner. Molly soon walked in and sat down with Dex as Josslyn got her an iced tea.

Lucky later found himself wandering around Jason's warehouse. "I need your help getting back to Africa," Lucky said when he saw Jason. Jason immediately knew that Lucky wasn't a suitable donor for Lulu. Lucky explained why he couldn't save Lulu.

Jason was surprised that Lucky wanted to leave immediately and asked why Lucky wouldn't wait to reunite with Laura. Lucky said he didn't want to see the disappointment in her eyes. Jason tried talking Lucky out of his decision, pointing out how hurt Aiden and Elizabeth would be if he left.

"Take it from someone who just got back here. Both times that I left my family, there was no chance to say goodbye. It devastated them," Jason said, while stressing that the guilt of not saying goodbye would essentially eat Lucky alive.

Jason and Lucky sat down to talk about why Lucky had left in the first place. Lucky admitted he had been emotionally destroying Elizabeth at the time. Lucky said he had inherited his penchant for taking off from Luke. Lucky had convinced himself if he did some good in the world, he could make up for his behavior in Port Charles. He finally realized it didn't work.

Jason eventually gave Lucky money to make a clean exit from town but told Lucky that he thought Lucky should stay. "I can't give you the answer you're looking for," Jason said. Lucky took the envelope of cash and left.

Lucky's next stop was the hospital chapel. As he prayed for Lulu, Laura walked in and called out her son's name.

Kristina paid Alexis a late-night visit at Pentonville after Diane pulled some strings. Kristina was stunned to learn that Heather was Alexis' cellmate, but Alexis was more worried about Kristina's mental state. Kristina admitted she was stressed, thanks to Alexis being in jail because she was trying to protect Kristina.

When Kristina mentioned that Diane had suggested she get her own lawyer, Alexis was alarmed. Alexis warned Kristina not to do anything rash.

Natalia and Sonny met up at Pozzulo's to talk business. Sonny tried to turn the conversation personal, but Natalia tried to avoid it. Natalia didn't want to blur the lines between business and pleasure. Sonny was undeterred and got Natalia to admit she liked spending time with him and wanted to get to know him better.

However, Natalia made it clear that Sonny's line of work was a bit of a problem for her. "Your complicated connections become a lot of trouble," Natalia pointed out. Sonny then had to take a call from Diane, interrupting the close moment.

While Natalia waited for Sonny to return to their booth, Kristina walked in. Before Natalia left, she told Kristina that Blaze was doing well. Sonny soon emerged from his office so Kristina could tell him they had to get Alexis out of jail as soon as possible. Kristina announced her plans of telling the police the truth about the gun, but Sonny was against it.

Sonny also gave Kristina some news. Diane had just called to tell them that Alexis' trial was in three weeks. Sonny also assured Kristina that they could fix the problem in three weeks if Kristina kept quiet. Kristina blamed herself for Alexis being in jail, but Sonny would only blame John. "He did it to himself," Sonny said of his murder victim.

After Kristina left, Sonny summoned Jason and said he was going to have to confess to killing John. Jason felt the only option was to find the gun. As for Kristina, she stopped at Anna's office and composed herself before a big announcement. "I have some information on the night that John Cates was killed," Kristina said.

Carly arrived at Brennan's Metro Court room to enjoy some Champagne, not knowing Marty's private investigator, Elaine, had followed her and snapped pictures. Carly thanked Brennan for what he had done to help bring Lucky home. She wanted to pay for dinner, but Brennan wouldn't let her. "Your gratitude is all the thanks that I need," he said.

After Carly asked if that was all Brennan wanted, he made a confession. "Gratitude is overrated. There's so much more to you that I'd rather have," Brennan said. The close moment ended when Carly's phone rang and they heard someone trying to get in the room. Carly quickly hid, and Brennan answered the door to Elaine, who pretended she was trying to use her key card at the wrong room.

In her hiding spot, Carly finally answered the phone so Felicia could tell her that someone was following her and that she needed to be careful. Brennan got rid of Elaine so Carly could tell him Felicia's news.

Brennan said he had immediately known the woman at the door was a P.I., and he got Carly out of the room without being spotted. Felicia called to let Carly know she was clear to leave. Carly and Felicia agreed to meet at Bobbie's and debrief.

Next on General Hospital

  • Anna confuses Kristina
  • Marty has a bright idea
  • Lucky reunites with Laura
  • Carly worries for herself and Sonny

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