General Hospital gave us a real February sweeps this year as it packed a whole lot of action into one week. Josslyn became a killer, an unfamiliar Lucky temporarily ran out of luck, Brook Lynn blurted out the truth, Sasha planted one on Jason, Mac had a meltdown, and Willow kinda-sorta returned to Dawn of Day (as if she ever left). Phew! Let's dig in.
The calm before the storm

Yes, it was weird to see Elizabeth kiss an unfamiliar Lucky when it was the first kiss the characters have shared in about a decade-and-a-half. However, the show must go on. It was a pivotal week for GH, and Lucky was involved in a story that came to a climax, so the soap just couldn't delay his scenes until Jonathan Jackson was able to return. So, kudos to Guy Wilson for coming in and pinch-hitting when he was needed.
But anyway, back to business — or at least our soap opera. So, Elizabeth and Lucky shared their first kiss in forever, putting Liz on cloud nine. And then she opened her front door. Standing before her was the ever-fearsome Cyrus Renault, a man she knew had killed multiple people, including Sam McCall.
Liz wasn't going to get rid of this menacing man so easily, especially after he pushed his way into her living room and gave her free reign to ask whatever she wanted. In some of the most mesmerizing scenes we've seen on soaps in ages, Rebecca Herbst and Jeff Kober turned in Emmy-worthy material as Cyrus informed Liz that he was just serving God by killing suffering patients who couldn't advocate for themselves. Cyrus was a mercy killer and was damn proud of it.
A look of realization washed across Elizabeth's face as it all became clear to her. This deranged man before her truly felt he was doing the right thing when he killed all these people. It should have come as no surprise to any of us that Cyrus even caused Lulu's liver failure.
We also have to give ourselves a hand because we figured out why Cyrus killed Sam months ago. She had the audacity to save Lulu with her liver and had to die. Of course, according to Cyrus, Sam was prolonging Lulu's comatose suffering. He had to get rid of her because she interfered with his mission, as did Dex. He wasn't about to let Elizabeth get in his way, so out came the Digitalis — and into Lucky's leg it went.
Okay, so we laughed when Lucky burst through the door and ended up taking a jab for Elizabeth. We know it wasn't supposed to be funny, but hey, it was funny. At least Lucky didn't die, so there's that. (We also knew Lucky wasn't going to die, so it was okay to laugh.)
Cyrus loses his religion...and then his life

The man who found God while in prison found Josslyn and that was that for Cyrus. Josslyn experienced her soap opera rite of passage. She's now killed a man, but hey, he was wielding an ax at her, so what's a girl to do? Shoot first and ask (or answer) questions later, that's what.
So what if she left her fingerprints everywhere? She had a friendly WSB agent right outside to make things nice for her, proving once again that Josslyn is just like her mother. She's always screwing up but always has someone to fix it for her. Is Jack now Josslyn's Jason?
Either way, Cyrus is now really and most sincerely dead. Joss and Jack both checked. At least he made sure to label Joss as a murderer with his dying breath. Mission complete.
Who is this Jason before us?

Maybe Josslyn is just taking over for Jason, a man who has made quite a lucrative living killing people for nearly 30 years. It's what he does best, but it might not be him anymore.
Jason spent a week listening to the women in his life tell him "Don't do it, don't kill Cyrus" so...he didn't kill Cyrus. Sam would be proud and that was the whole point. Jason and Sam may have ended back in 2021, but GH has made sure to remember they were once one of the soap's most popular pairs. Having Jason be one of the people to sit with Sam's body and say goodbye and then making sure he talked to her when he knew who killed her showed respect for "Jasam" fans, although we can see why they may have felt slightly disrespected this week.
Passionate kisses? Not so much

The PCPD interrogation room is like Jason's second home, especially after spending so much time there since the day he met Sonny Corinthos in the 1990s. He even met Sam there for the first time. When Jason and Sam saw each other for the first time since he was presumed dead (for the second time), it was in the PCPD interrogation room.
That's why having Sasha grab Jason and plant a big wet one on him — even for show — felt a little ick to Jason and Sam fans. We knew that Sasha was faking a PDA for Willow's sake, but it still felt all wrong. If Jason and Sasha do get together one day, it would be nice not to think about their first kiss taking place in a sacred "Jasam" spot.
Mac doesn't want to think about it either. As he told Felicia, he hadn't had a migraine that bad since Jason was dating Robin nearly 30 years ago. Now, he was with another niece and he needed smelling salts.
Dawn of Day Drew at Willow's service

Isn't it nice that Drew bought Shiloh's Dawn of Day house? No, really, he did. Just take a look at that set. It's the Dawn of Day house with a Maxie Makeover. We are unsure if GH was trying to troll us with this or not. Fans have been saying Drew is like Willow's own personal cult leader. So, he goes and buys the house her original cult leader ran his cult out of and invites her to move in. There is just no way that can be a coincidence.
Let's not forget that Shiloh was Drew's buddy when he was serving in Afghanistan. Maybe that is where Drew learned his cult leader ways.
We're amazed that Willow turned him down. After telling everyone who will listen that Drew is the greatest thing since sliced bread and she is oh-so-happy with him, the prospect of moving in with him nearly sent her running for the hills. She couldn't get out of that house fast enough when Drew started talking about decorating bedrooms and erecting swing sets in the backyard. And don't forget about the nanny they will surely need for the kids they neglect.
Bouncing babies with Brook Lynn

Can we have a husband just like Chase cause we really, really want a husband just like Chase? The man is selfless, understanding, sweet as pie, looks good, and can even sing. Sign us up!
Most soap husbands would hear that their wife had a child as a teen that she gave up for adoption and flip out, wondering why they were never told. But, not our Chase. Instead, he felt bad for Brook Lynn and was angry at the situation she found herself in all those years ago. He wasn't angry at his wife at all, which came as quite a surprise to BLQ.
We still don't understand how Brook Lynn had a baby as a teen when she spent her teen years in Port Charles but we just have to roll with it. We also don't understand how Cody knew all this when she only met Cody when he parachuted into the Metro Court pool in 2022, but again, we'll just go with it so we can (hopefully) have an interesting story now. We've had to suspend our disbelief for much more convoluted things than this.
A Night at The Savoy

Valentine's night at The Savoy offered a mixed bag. While it's always nice to see characters who don't normally interact get together for a big night out, some of the couples offered a mixed bag.
Why did nobody mention that it was Portia and Curtis' second wedding anniversary? They married on Valentine's Day in 2023. After the wedding, Trina and Spencer went back to Ava's gallery, where they shared their first kiss. So, Trina had her first date with Kai on the second anniversary of her and Spencer's first kiss. One would think Trina would remember that, or at least the people who write her thoughts...
Chase's song warmed our hearts (hot singing husband alert!), but Lucas and Brad were the highlight of the night. Yes, we know Brad handed Willow's dead newborn to Nelle so she could pretend he was her dead newborn. Yes, he carried on the lie that Wiley was the baby he and Lucas had adopted for nearly two years while downing Tums the whole time. But he's a nice guy, and he really loves Lucas. So, come on, let bygones be bygones, and give us back "Brucas."
Till next week, GH fans, when we expect Anna to taze Jack for even suggesting that Josslyn goes to spy school.
Catch all-new episodes of General Hospital weekdays on ABC and Hulu.

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