General Hospital was short and sweet but chock full of action this week. Don't let anyone ever tell you a lot can't happen in three short days on a soap.
Kristina's delusions do her in

Hey, Kristina (Kate Mansi), Ava (Maura West) didn't push you out the window. You know it, Ava knows it, Ric (Rick Hearst) knows it, and now it appears that your family and the jury also know it.
Remember when Kristina sat in the PCPD interrogation room and flashed back to her fall? The look on her face made it very clear that Kristina realized she was the cause for her accident and nobody else — and that it was indeed an accident. It was an awful, terrible, tragic accident.
But Kristina can't accept that she caused the accident by storming into Ava's hotel room to angrily make demands and hurl threats, so here we are. In a courtroom with Ava on trial when the only thing she did wrong was try to cover up that she was sleeping with a rogue FBI agent who went on to kidnap her a few weeks later.
Watching Ric rip Kristina apart on the stand was a sight to behold, but listening to Kristina cry about her baby in front of Molly (Kristen Vaganos) and TJ (Tajh Bellow) made us want to toss things at the TV. How did TJ sit there without wanting to do the same thing? Maybe he did, but it wasn't in the script, so he couldn't.
However, we really need to know — where the heck is the Metro Court pool? We were first told it was on the roof, but then Kristina fell out the window and into the pool. So, we figured perhaps there are two towers, and the pool is on the shorter one. Maybe? This week, we heard that Kristina fell three stories, which we accepted. Then, we heard she fell from a third-floor window. How did she do that and land in a pool that was supposed to be on a roof? Make it make sense.
Where did the other Molly go?

We are sure Molly is asking for the same thing. Make it make sense. However, this Molly is not the same Molly from Baby Irene's funeral or even the Molly who spent the next two months arguing with her sister and reading her for filth all over Port Charles. No, this Molly is doing everything she's accused Alexis (Nancy Lee Grahn) of doing — coddling her hot mess of a big sister who was ready to steal her baby before she plunged into the pool.
Even Molly knew pretty quickly that Kristina had caused her own fall, and Ava hadn't pushed her. Kristina was still in the hospital ranting and raving about big, bad Ava when Molly saw the pics of the incident and knew immediately that Kristina was the aggressor during the confrontation. Now, Molly fears that delicate flower Kristina will fall apart if Ava walks free. As a lawyer, Molly shouldn't want someone behind bars who she knows is innocent, but here we are. A story that changes course without explanation is par for the course with GH.
Lulu's miraculous and magical travels

Confused and confounded Lulu (Alexis Havins) was the other focus this Thanksgiving week (can we assume the Qs will eat pizza next week?) as her medical science-defying recovery took center stage. Just a day after opening her eyes for the first time in four years, Lulu didn't just lift her arm and stumble out of bed. She walked right out of Turning Wood without anyone noticing, made it to the side of the road, changed her clothes, and didn't get sick from a lollipop. One would think after four years with a feeding tube and a brand-new liver, all that sugar would disagree with her.
But nope, not our Lulu. Trooper that she is, she let herself into her house before somehow making it to the Quartermaine estate, where she also let herself in the front door. Did Laura (Genie Francis) pay for high-tech physical therapy multiple times a day? If she didn't, then we have decided Lulu is not human. That is the only explanation here.
Let's suspend our disbelief

Now that we got the ridiculousness of Lulu's recovery out of the way, can we say we are loving it? If you let all the silly stuff go, Lulu's journey back home or wherever she ends up has not been boring, that's for sure.
It may have been a short soap week, but Lulu accomplished a lot and GH didn't waste any time letting some of the most important people in on the fact that Lulu's back among the living. James met Aunt Lulu but had no idea who she was. However, if their scenes together are any indication, James and Lulu could become great sparring buddies. Little Gary Fuller is the soap kid find of the decade and will surely give spitfire Lulu a run for her money in the same way he does for his mom, Maxie (Kirsten Storms).
Of course, our hearts also melted the moment sweet Rocco (Finn Carr) found his mom standing in the Q living room. The look of shock and joy on his face was something we had to watch on a loop over and over again. It took us back to when a teenage Lulu saw Laura for the first time after she temporarily awoke from her catatonic state. On Monday, Lulu gets to find out that it's not 2020 anymore. For most of us, that's a good thing. For Lulu, not so much.
Cyrus, we like you now

Just a quick shout-out to Cyrus for putting Lucky in his place and reading him for the filth that he is. We're not sure what Cyrus is really up to with Lulu, and we won't like him again if we learn that he killed Sam. However, someone besides Elizabeth needed to tell Lucky the truth about his deadbeat self. The look on Elizabeth's face as Cyrus questioned Lucky's dedication to family said everything.
Drew is still ewwww

Drew (Cameron Mathison) didn't stalk Willow (Katelyn MacMullen) this week nor did he sleep with her mother or neglect his child (as far as we know). However, he did try to bribe Michael (Chad Duell) into liking him again by offering him the Aurora CEO job while bad-mouthing his "friend" Curtis.
At least Michael was smart and smarmy enough to record Drew's remarks and play them back for Curtis (Donnell Turner). Let's see these two team up to teach Drew a lesson before Michael is also taught one.
Oh, Michael, Sasha has something to tell you

Poor Michael can't go home and share his troubles with Willow since she cheated on him. Does Michael forget that he also cheated on her? Well, he likely won't forget for long cause Sasha (Sofia Mattsson) has a big surprise in store.
Yes, our Sasha is pregnant because that is what happens to Sasha any time she has a drunken one-night stand. Hopefully, this pregnancy won't meet the same tragic fate as her last one, but she might have a baby daddy problem. After GH decided to make Michael a dad again, Chad Duell decided to leave GH and Michael is being written off at the start of the year.
Where does that leave Sasha? And her baby? Does Michael's departure mean Sasha will become the poster child for Soap Tortured Characters again? We almost expect it but also dread it. Don't do it, GH, or we may have to throw rocks at the screen and we don't want to break our TVs.
Til next week when Lulu learns she has two teenage children — and that's just for starters. Sit down, Lulu, and take a load off. It's going to be a while.
Catch all-new episodes of General Hospital weekdays on ABC and Hulu.

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