Lucky talks to Elizabeth as Jason gets closer; General Hospital Recap for Friday, September 20, 2024

Michael and Willow talk to Drew on General Hospital | Image Source: ABC/Disney
Michael and Willow talk to Nina on General Hospital | Image Source: ABC/Disney

At the Quartermaine mansion, Ned and Michael were yelling at each other until Lois intervened. Michael was upset that Ned had collaborated with Valentin. Michael worried that Valentin would start selling his stock to pay for his life on the run. Ned shot back that if Michael hadn't invited Sonny into the house, John Cates would still be alive. Ned said he'd told the ELQ lawyer to contact the SEC to stop any ELQ stock transactions. Lois said they could all agree that they wanted ELQ to continue growing. Willow suggested to Michael that they go out for the evening.

Lois offered to broker a truce between Ned and Sonny. She said that as Michael's father, Sonny would always be part of Ned's life, and she questioned why he wanted to hold onto so much hatred. Lois pointed out that when Ned had thought he'd been Eddie Maine, he had pushed everyone away except Sonny, and Sonny had treated him well during that time.

Gio entered the room as Lois told Ned that if a truce brought nothing more than a little peace and quiet, it would be worth it to her. She advised him to try to make it happen. Ned snapped that since Lois had dropped the accent that she'd had since they'd met, he found it hard to believe anything she said. Gio thought that was harsh, but Ned said the truth often was.

Alone with Lois, Gio said that he didn't care about her accent, but he missed her sounding like the Aunt Lois he'd grown up with. Lois said that Ned was stressed, but he was a good guy. Gio didn't like how Ned had talked to Lois. He asked why Ned hated Sonny. Lois said there was too much bad history to get into.

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Gio said he had heard terrible things about Sonny, but Lois said Sonny also had admirable qualities. Lois described Sonny as a loyal friend who was reliable and generous. Gio admitted that he had heard bad things about Ned, too. "He'll deny it, but he and Sonny share a lot of the same qualities. Those two are more alike than either one of them is willing to admit," Lois said.

At the Savoy, Curtis told Portia that he had been busy at work lately but had plans for the family, and Aurora would pay for it. Portia said she heard stories at the hospital about the Quartermaines. Curtis agreed they were good people individually, but their group battles were legendary. Portia advised Curtis to have an exit plan, just in case.

Nina and Drew arrived at the nightclub, and Portia wondered why they were out together. Drew pulled Curtis aside and said he had to give all his attention to the campaign. Drew asked Curtis to be acting CEO until the election, and if Drew won, he could make it a permanent position.

Meanwhile, Portia asked Nina what was going on with Drew. Nina explained that Drew needed to be seen out and about and that she was just keeping him company and supporting his campaign. Nina said she saw Drew differently because the congressman had respected him, and Drew had saved Willow's life.

Michael and Willow arrived, and N'neka asked if they wanted their own table or if they would sit with their family. They looked around and saw Nina and Drew talking to Portia and Curtis. They joined Nina near the bar.

Willow asked why Nina was out with Drew. Nina explained that Drew had asked her to keep him company and that she was supporting his campaign. Nina excused herself and went to the restroom. In the hallway, she asked N'neka to tell Michael she felt sick and would call a car service to take her home. Drew walked up and said he could pass on the message.

Once alone, Willow told Drew that she knew he'd asked Nina to accompany him for the campaign's final push. Drew said that despite all the people that were around him, he still got lonely. Drew said he noticed that whenever Willow saw him, she bolted. Willow said she'd convinced Michael to go out with her to escape their troubles. "And here I am," Drew said.

Willow wanted to leave, but Drew told her that they couldn't take turns running away every time they saw one another. "It'll draw attention to a problem that doesn't exist. Nothing is going on between us, and nothing ever will. Nothing at all," Drew said.

At the bar, Nina told Michael that she had advised Drew to get an acting CEO for Aurora for the rest of the campaign, and she thought Michael would be a natural choice. Willow returned, and Nina asked her if she was okay. Nina wondered if seeing Drew upset Willow. "It's nothing, nothing at all," Willow said.

Michael told Drew that he was ready to step up as acting CEO of Aurora. Drew said he had already asked Curtis. Drew told Michael that he needed Michael to focus on ELQ. Michael told Drew about his argument with Ned. Drew told Michael that between the two of them, they would get the family businesses back on track.

At the casino, Holly caught Anna with Sidwell's phone. Holly said she was going to sound the alarms. Anna explained that she needed Holly's help replacing Sidwell's phone. "It's for Luke," Anna added. She explained to Holly that Lulu needed a transplant, so they had to find Lucky.

When Holly told Anna that she had just seen Lucky the day before, Anna was shocked. As one of Sidwell's henchmen eavesdropped, Holly told Anna that Lucky was locked up at Sidwell's camp. Holly said that Sidwell changed the passwords daily. "It doesn't matter how good you and Jason are. Your chances of getting in and out undetected are nil," Holly said.

Meanwhile, Jason kept losing at poker hands. Sidwell said he was done playing and wanted to take his winnings and leave with his girlfriend. Jason exposed the woman sitting next to him for having a card up her sleeve. He announced that Sidwell was cheating. Sidwell denied knowing the woman, but Jason said if Sidwelly wanted to prove to the room that he was legit, he should sit back down and play some more without that woman's help.

Holly pulled Sidwell away so Anna could return his phone. Anna told Jason to keep playing and winning so Sidwell would invite them to his camp, where Lucky was. Sidwell bet an expensive diamond bracelet. He soon lost the bracelet and all of his money to Jason. Jason told Anna that angering Sidwell wouldn't get them closer to Lucky. Anna told Jason to wait as she watched Holly talk to Sidwell.

Sidwell told Holly he was out of money and wanted to leave. Holly told Sidwell that he had plenty of cash back at camp. Holly said if Sidwell wanted to get back in her good graces, he needed to invite Jason and Anna back to camp and get her bracelet back. As Holly walked away, his guard approached Sidwell and said he wanted to tell Sidwell about the conversation he'd overheard between Holly and Anna.

Holly and Sidwell invited Jason and Anna to the camp. Holly said they had everything they could need there, and Sidwell wanted to win his money back. He told them that a driver would be outside to take them. After they walked away, Holly said Jason's luck couldn't hold out forever. Sidwell said Jason and Anna were going to get what they deserved.

Sidwell's guards dragged Lucky into a cell and left him to die. He was beaten, bleeding, and sore as he woke up. He knew he was in rough shape when he saw Elizabeth brush the hair from his eyes. She told him he had a concussion and sat him upright. Elizabeth told Lucky that helping people was all good, but for years, all he had done had been to run away. She said that he had run to the edge of his grave and had nowhere else to go. Lucky admitted that he only thought about her and Aiden and missed them. He thanked her for taking good care of their son and said he knew he couldn't be the father that Aiden deserved.

Lucky said helping people was the only way he could atone for leaving his family. Elizabeth wasn't buying his story. She said the truth was that Lucky was a coward who couldn't face his family. She didn't think he was owning up to anything by running away. Elizabeth told Lucky that she would have helped him and loved him, anyway. Lucky said he knew that, but he would see disappointment in her eyes and couldn't live with it.

"So you just decided for all of us, no one gets a say?" Elizabeth asked. She said if Lucky was sorry, he should return home. "Not as a hero, but as a man who messed up and has the guts to admit it," Elizabeth added. "Do you think I could?" Lucky asked. "Only you can answer that," Elizabeth said.

Lucky woke up alone in the cell. He struggled to move but said to himself, "I am not dying like this. Not here. Not today."

General Hospital airs weekdays on ABC and Hulu.

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Edited by Lisa