It feels like a "Who Shot Ava" plot is imminent? Is a General Hospital mystery on its way?

Ava Jerome on General Hospital has a lot of people gunning for her
Ava Jerome on General Hospital has a lot of people gunning for her

General Hospital turns Ava into the town pariah

General Hospital's Ava Jerome has really done it this time. Since the year began, she has been making Port Charles foes left and right, but what happened with Kristina seems to have made her public enemy number one.

Before the guilt over replacing Morgan's bipolar medications with placebos combined with a fire that led to a disfigured face, Ava was the sophisticated vixen of Port Charles, but all that ended when she was burned. Ava embarked on a long growth journey that softened her character and gave her friends. Her long-simmering feud with Sonny and Carly was put on the back burner while she became an accepted member of Port Charles society.

However, Ava's behavior began reverting to form in January when she chose to stay in Sonny's good graces over her friendship with Nina. When she learned Sonny was only getting a fraction of the dose prescribed in his bipolar medications, she kept that information a secret. Later, viewers learned that Ava was the one responsible for Alexis' law license being revoked, and it only got worse for her from there.

Now that Kristina's friends and loved ones believe Ava was responsible for the fall that claimed the life of the baby Kristina was carrying, it seems everyone is gunning for Ms. Jerome. Will someone come gunning for her literally? Is a "Who Shot Ava?" plot developing? If so, there are certainly quite a few characters who can be counted as suspects.

Sonny Corinthos

Even when Sonny and Ava conceived Avery, there was no love lost between them. Hate sex in a crypt resulted in their beautiful little girl, but Sonny and Ava have spent most of Avery's life battling for custody of the child. Their latest custody fight resulted in Ava subpoenaing Kristina to testify against her father. Kristina tried fighting the subpoena, leading to a fall out the window and the loss of the baby she was carrying.

Sonny already blamed Ava for his son Morgan's death, but now he can blame her for his granddaughter's death, too. If he rightfully blames her for replacing his medication for bipolar disorder with placebos, there may be nothing that stops him from going after her with a gun.

Kristina Corinthos-Davis

Kristina is the one person who knows exactly what happened during her confrontation with Ava and how ugly it got. Ava's insistence on subpoenaing a woman while she was nine months pregnant led to Kristina's tumble out the window and into the Metro Court pool. Now that the baby she was carrying has died, Kristina could feel empty and dead inside, hellbent on revenge. If Ava is shot, Kristina would be at the top of the suspect list.

Molly Lansing-Davis

Molly already blamed Sonny for the loss of the little girl Kristina was going to hand over to her and T.J. to raise. Knowing that Ava and Kristina had such a volatile fight in which Ava became physical can send Molly over the edge. Molly may be a law-and-order individual as an assistant district attorney, but she is also the daughter of a lawyer who is not afraid to bend or break the law when necessary. When push comes to shove, Molly could take matters into her own hands.

T.J. Ashford

Sonny might have given him a roof over his head when he was a teen, as well as funded his college education, but T.J. Ashford has since rejected that old life and become a fine and upstanding doctor. He has wanted his family to keep away from Sonny's influence and danger for a while because he knew the trouble it could bring. Now, Sonny's beef with Ava has cost T.J. his daughter's life. Might T.J. go after Ava to make her pay?

Alexis Davis

Alexis was stunned when she learned that Ava was the one who let the New York Bar Association know that Alexis had lied about her affair with Neil Byrne before a medical review board. That led to Alexis losing her law license for several years. Now, Ava and Kristina's hotel room fight has led to the death of Alexis' granddaughter. Alexis has been known to do just about anything to protect her girls and avenge them when they are hurt. Will she go after Ava as payback for everything Ava has done to her over the last few years?

Natalia Ramirez

Natalia might not have known Ava for long, but that doesn't mean Ava hasn't already caused her a world of trouble. It was Ava who secretly recorded Natalia making homophobic remarks against Blaze and Kristina before releasing it to the media. That caused a rift in Blaze and Natalia's relationship that might not heal. Although Natalia has to take responsibility for her own words, she blames Ava for putting those words out there and could seek revenge.

Nina Reeves

Nina and Ava were enemies for years after Nina woke from her 20-year coma. After all, Ava had an affair with Nina's husband, Silas Clay, which resulted in Nina's late daughter, Kiki. During a psychotic break, Nina even induced Ava's labor with Avery and kidnapped the newborn. Yet somehow, Nina and Ava became friends. That friendship ended when Ava took Sonny's side in his divorce from Nina. While Ava has not hurt Nina more since then, Ava is on a roll, and anything can happen as she racks up foes who may want her dead.

Trina Robinson

For years, Trina has looked up to Ava as both a mentor and a second mother, but now Trina is starting to see Ava in a different light. When she spotted Ava closing those curtains and distancing herself from Kristina's fall, Trina started questioning her judgment about Ava more than ever. She wanted to believe Ava's pleas of innocence, but Portia planted more seeds of doubt in her daughter's head.

Trina doesn't even know other secrets Ava has kept. Perhaps Trina will learn that Ava lied to Spencer about who really flung Esme off the parapet back in 2022, ruining Spencer's relationship with his father when he needed his father the most. Perhaps Trina, the most unlikely of suspects, will decide that Ava needs to pay.

Where will General Hospital's new writers take Ava's story?

The drama is heating up, and while we don't know if something bad will happen to Ava, it is a perfect opportunity for the new writing team to give us some serious daytime intrigue!

Catch all-new episodes of General Hospital weekdays on ABC and Hulu.

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Edited by Lisa