Operation: CO77X

Operation: CO77X
Operation: CO77X

Jason has a new stalker with a cool theme song, sung by Adam Lambert, and a mysterious tag that reads ]CO77X.'

As I sit here washing down a Tamiflu with my cup of coffee, heavily laced with French Vanilla creamer of course, I wonder...do people in Port Charles worry that the Swine flu is everywhere? Probably not, they've got bigger problems.

For instance, Jason has a new stalker with a cool theme song, sung by Adam Lambert, and a mysterious tag that reads "CO77X." One of my friends is convinced that the person behind the graffiti is AJ. According to her, he's the only one, besides Sam, who is that obsessed with Jason. I disagree; EVERYONE seems to be obsessed with Jason.

It's a good theory. AJ was born in the 1970's and the timing couldn't be more perfect for AJ's return; however, I just don't think it's him. Dante recognizes the tag, so it's more likely that the person behind "CO77X" is somehow related to the mob. If I'm not mistaken, James Franco will portray our little graffiti artist, but how he's connected to Jason is anyone's guess.

My theory is that he's an Alcazar out to avenge Lorenzo and Diego's deaths. Although Diego was a victim of his own machinations, it seldom matters in cases like this. The one out for revenge will resort to twisted logic, if necessary, in order to justify what they are doing. Admittedly, I'm already hooked to this storyline, even though I am not a huge mob fan. The glimpses of that warehouse office and the crime scene snapshots, while "Mad World" played in the background, were fantastic. I loved that each time the office was shown, more clues were revealed. Like the neurotic soap fan that I am, I freeze-framed the images to study each carefully.

My twelve-year-old giggled when she caught me with my nose practically plastered to the television screen in my attempt to find the clue that would unlock the mystery. It was quite embarrassing, to say the least.

Another storyline that I love is Claudia's downfall. It makes me downright giddy every time I see her smiling with pure joy as she basks in the glory of Sonny's high praise. For me, it makes everything that is about to happen to Claudia that much sweeter. I can't wait for that moment when everything crashes down around Claudia's ears and she realizes that all she has ever desired had been in the palm of her hand for a few precious seconds. Watching as it all slips away, because of her own doing, is going to be the beginning of a spectacular end.

If you prefer to skip over the storyline spoiler for this plot, please skip ahead two paragraphs.

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Edited by SC Desk