Don't fence me in

Don't fence me in

Consider this my own personal shrine to Tony Geary. Some of you have written and said "Tamilu, you're biased." Well, dear readers, the tag line of this column that says "This is an opinion column" pretty much assures that I am indeed biased.

Consider this my own personal shrine to Tony Geary. Some of you have written and said "Tamilu, you're biased." Well, dear readers, the tag line of this column that says "This is an opinion column" pretty much assures that I am indeed biased. There are actors I like and admire, and actors I think would be better suited saying "Would you like fries with that?" and it delights me to have a place to share those opinions. I wrote a rather lengthy rave about Tony Geary last week, and am about to do it again. There are actors in Hollywood who command millions of dollars per picture, and are assured of box office success anytime their name is attached to a picture. My only question is why didn't that happen for Tony Geary? This guy has turned in amazing performances year after year for decades, and while I delight in seeing him daily, it still bugs me that he didn't get any of those Harrison Ford kinds of roles. He can do action, he can do drama, he can do comedy, and this week, he did Tear-Jerking at its finest. Geary had one of those scenes in the league with Tony laying his head on Maxie's chest after she has been given BJ's heart so he can hear it beat... That bedside scene, while Luke is hovered over Lucky, stroking his hair and singing "Don't Fence Me In" has soared into the "Most Touching Scenes Ever" list on my book. The only sad thing is that since we have been through 3 Lucky's, we couldn't do those flashback scenes when Jonathan Jackson was a little kid, we couldn't see inside his memory visibly, but we saw it in his eyes. Tony Geary, I salute you, again.

That having been said, now I can mock it all openly. What in the hell happened to Emily? Either the makeup artists did wonders with the dark circles under her eyes, or Natalia partied too hard the night before they filmed that scene. I suppose it was meant to convey the "Emily is not sleeping because of all she has been through" sentiment. In fact, all the women in the courtroom look thrashed, except for Elizabeth who always looks amazing, and I doubt you could even make her look bad if you tried. I bet she wakes up looking good before her makeup is on.

It was nice to see Leslie and Lulu finally appear this week, but I think Lulu should go see Gail Baldwin right away for therapy. Let's reflect. Her Mom Laura is in a vegetative state in a mental hospital, her Dad is a tortured soul who drinks too much and only shows up once a year to visit after his family bullies him into it, her brother Nikolas in prison for murder, and her brother Lucky is on life support inches from death. Maybe Lulu is like some kid from a Steven King novel who has used her powers for evil and cursed all her relatives. Sure, she LOOKS innocent, but note that she is just fine, while the rest of her family lingers in eternal illness and chaos.

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Rachel is just plain evil. Courtney is just plain stupid. I have never understood blackmail. If someone came to me and said "Hey, Tamilu, you have to murder someone for me, or I will tell the cops that you stole an Olivia Newton John record from K-Mart in 1972." I would take the consequences K-Mart had to dole out and the utter embarrassment of having needed "Have You Never Been Mellow" SO BAD that I stole it, and let them turn me in. If someone came to me and said "You have to murder someone for me, or I will tell the cops that you and Betsy filled out fake applications to an Army recruiter saying that JP wanted to enlist after he dumped you both." I would take my chances with the U.S. Army and let them rat me out for trying to annoy an old boyfriend. If someone came to me and said "You have to murder someone for me, or I will tell them you were on a flight to the Bahamas to kill AJ." And I wasn't ON the flight; I would say "Go for it." Know why? Having spent 15 years of my life as a travel agent, I happen to know that airlines check ID's and keep records of tickets. The airline would know if Courtney was or wasn't on a flight, and especially in these times of "Homeland Security." I assure you no one could board a flight to another country without showing ID. Assuming Courtney still HAS her ID, meaning Rachel didn't swipe it, Courtney was not on any flight other than the ones she was boarded and there are records. But in Soap reality, Rachel's "It's your word against mine" line sent shivers down Courtney's spine. One more gaping hole in logic- the "You left a perfect set of fingerprints on your glass." argument. Did anyone see the Sixth Sense? You know how at the end when you find out Bruce Willis is dead? Your mind starts rewinding the movie looking for ways they slipped up - and there weren't any. It was perfect because upon second viewing, there were signs, things we didn't' put together or catch, but it all made sense once you knew the truth. The Sixth Sense held up under scrutiny. OTOH - if we rewound the scene of Courtney on the plane talking to Rachel, did we see her with a fingerprint kit lifting Courtney's "perfect set of prints"? No. If I were Courtney, I would do 2 things. I would say "Hey Rachel, my ex-husband Jason is a bad ass mob hit man, and if you aren't gone in 10 minutes, he will kill you and hide the body." Or, if you don't want to be involved in a bloody murder, make a beeline to Steven Weber and say "Hey Steven, your sociopath ex-girlfriend is trying to blackmail me into killing you." And work out a plan of action together. But no, Courtney has the whacked out bimbo putting her socks in the drawer and acting out "Single White Female" in her living room.

One more thing - why is it that all these people want to live in Courtney's tiny NO bedroom apartment? Diego, Bridget, and Rachel really wanted to move into a shoebox apartment with the bed in the living room. Jeff and I lived in a place that size ON THE BEACH, as in, sand blowing in the door, and the Pacific Ocean 20 steps away. The idea of living on the beach was really romantic, but after 2 years of living in a place the size of a large closet, we opted instead to live in a much larger apartment NOT on the beach. Courtney doesn't even have the lure of the ocean to get people to want to live in her crappy tiny place. I don't get it.

The search continues for Kristina, who is seemingly having the time of her life being kidnapped. Amazingly, when she plays and waves like a normal kid, I really kinda like her. She is really a beautiful little girl. I must confess, if I had kids, I would pray they were like Kristina and just sat by passively and playing quietly, as I have no patience for crying babies and give mean looks to Mom's who bring their crying babies into my universe. The other night we went to see "Finding Neverland" and some people brought their baby who whined and cried through the whole movie and I had to fight the urge to cause a scene and say "Hey lady, ever hear of a babysitTER?" But if you had a baby like Kristina, you could bring her to the movie without disrupting the rest of the audience.Faith has lured Sonny into a trap, and we can only hope FBI Agent Reese actually stayed close as she told Sonny she would. And Faith, ditch the black wig. I want my blonde Faith back.

We laid AJ to rest this week, and Alan went postal around anyone who ever looked at AJ the wrong way, which is what people always do when someone dies and they feel guilty about how they treated them while they were alive. Alan was hard on AJ and rode him like a donkey most of his life, and he's taking out his guilt over bad-parenting on the rest of the town.Maybe Alan will do better when he gets a second chance. Billy Warlock has supposedly signed a contract with Days to resume a role he vacated 14 years ago, but Sean Kanaan, who played AJ prior to Warlock just left B&B, so there is speculation he may resume his role as AJ. That would be happy news to me, I always really loved the chemistry between AJ and Jason with Sean at the wheel, and maybe with Kanaan back we could pick that up again. Of course this is all merely rumor and speculation, so we will have to wait and see. And while I am enshrining actors this week, Skye's eulogy at AJ's memorial was brilliant, - Robin Christopher's performance in that scene was extremely moving.

Alexis is pregnant, and while we have had a couple of warnings about her pregnancy being high risk, rumors say she will carry the baby full-term. Good thing huh? I think Port Charles has had more than it's fair share of miscarriages. Besides, Ric deserves to finally have a child of his own, don't ya think? He's earned some good karma in the universe. He even tipped Jason off to the "5 Families, Second Generation" meeting. Who knew that they had back-up thugs in waiting? When Faith massacred them, I thought they were goners. But, no - some second cousins on brother-in-laws stepped in to take over. *Whew*

What will happen tomorrow dear readers? Will Courtney bring Rosie home to bite Rachel? Will Lucky wake up singing "Don't Fence Me In" but now know why? Will Nikolas write any more letters from "solitary confinement" regarding court cases he shouldn't know anything about? Will Jason collapse again after running all over town with a bullet wound? Will the writers realize Alexis is 48 years old in real life and shouldn't be quite so fertile anymore? Will anyone ever remember Helena is alive and try to catch her and get Nik out of prison?

Only tomorrow knows, dear readers, and I will tune in tomorrow as long as there are tomorrows.

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