Comprehensive daily recaps for General Hospital, dating back to 1996.

Monday November 9, 1998
by Soap Central
Jax is shocked that Ned passed on the Guthrie Technologies deal, hepassed on a small fortune. Ned said that he turned down one offer, andhe it may be a fortune by casino winnings standards, but he has faith inJax.
Carly is very apologetic once she realizes that her release is literallyin Jason's hands. She is ecstatic when she realizes that all Jason hasto do is sign it, unfortunately, she can't find a pen. Jason pulls oneout of his pocket and stares at her.
Nikolas' birthday party continues, with Stefan's very touching toastabout Nikolas' ascent into manhood. When he is finished the gueststease Nikolas asking for a speech. Nikolas jokingly says, in the wordsof another well known royal, let them eat cake. The guests laugh and dojust that. Laura walks over to Stefan and compliments him on thetoast. Stefan is afraid that it was too long, but Laura assures himthat it was fine. Stefan suggests that if Lesley Lu has finished hernap in the study, she might like some cake. Laura agrees and goes toget her.
Luke is on the docks staring at Wyndemere. He turns and walks away withonce last backward glance.
Laura goes into Stefan's study and is furious when she finds Helena withLesley Lu. Laura rings for Mrs. Landsbury to come for Lesley Lu.Helena suggests that they all go and Laura tells her not to take anotherstep.
Lucky asks Emily if her family has calmed down at all after the wholeblackmail incident. Emily explains that she is grounded, but that theylet her out tonight because they approve of Nikolas. She'll probablyhave to lay low for a couple of weeks, but then they will forget aboutit. Lucky says he wishes that Liz's grandmother could be more likethat. Liz laughs as she explains that her grandmother remembers everytime Lucky brings her home late. Speaking of which, they should probablygo. Emily says they can't go until Nikolas makes a speech. Nikolas isreluctant, but everyone goads him until he agrees. He stands up andsays that he thought his first official act as an adult should be tohave his brother beheaded (everyone laughs and even Lucky looks amused),but he thinks he should thank him instead. He thinks it might be easierto do as a crowd instead of one on one. He proceeds to make a verytouching speech about how everyone in the room has changed his life forthe better and thanks them all. As Nikolas finishes his speech, Mrs.Landsbury comes into the room with Lesley Lu.
Meanwhile in the study, Laura tells Helena to stay away from herdaughter or she will tell Stefan. She orders her to leave. Helena isamazed at how brave Laura is now that she has so many protectors. Sheused to tremble at the sight of Helena. Laura assures Helena that thosedays are long gone. Helena tells Laura that she hasn't forgotten thatLaura is responsible for her being alone. She used to have a wonderfulson, and now because of Laura he is gone. She tells Laura an eye for aneye. Laura tells her that if she ever lays a hand on one of herchildren she will make her sorry she ever left the island. Stefaninterrupts Helena as she is telling her to enjoy the dream she is livingright now because it will not last.
As Jason continues to taunt Carly by holding the pen in front of her,she asks him why he is doing this. He explains that he won't until hemakes a few things clear. He knows that Carly and Robin aren't going tolike each other any more than they ever did, but that is not Michael'sproblem. He tells her that she will live with him and Robin untilMichael gets used to her again, but after that, she has to find her ownplace, not far away from the cottage. They will share custody ofMichael. He has thought about it, and he can't think of a better way.Carly tries to tell Jason that she doesn't think it was fair to him thathe would only get to see Michael part of the time. Upon hearing this,Jason picks up the release papers and puts them back in the envelopewithout signing them. Carly says that she is not trying to causeproblems, but is he sure that this is the best solution. Jason accusesher of using Michael to try to manipulate him. She denies it, butJason refuses to listen. Carly asks who has been coaching him. Hetells her that no one tells him what to say. Carly accuses Jason ofbeing a better manipulator than her because he is holding her releasepapers hostage until she agrees to his demands.
V is distraught because she thinks that Ned is going to hold them toJax's offer to buy Guthrie Technologies. Ned says that he is justtrying to teach them a lesson. In the Monte Carlo world, you can't makean offer you don't intend to keep. As Ned leaves, he tells them that heintends to collect the money Jax owes him. V is still upset and saysthat she is out of her league. She is just going to stay home.
Stefan tells Helena that he is surprised at her lack of caution. Thiskind of behavior usually ends in heartache. He is referring to her needto interfere. The last time this happened she ended up spending monthsin a sick bed. Helena says that she simply came to give Nikolas abirthday gift. Stefan tells her that when she leaves the room, it willbe to leave the house. As Helena asks Stefan to give Nikolas his gift,Nikolas enters the room. He orders Helena to keep her distance from hismother. She is completely dependent on him for everything. If she everdisturbs his mother, sister or brother again, he will tell Alexis to goto the courts and revoke her income. Helena once again says that sheonly wanted to give him a gift. Nikolas refuses, but Helena pleads withhim to accept it, it was his fathers. Nikolas looks at the medallionthat Helena has given him. Helena explains that if his father hadlived, he would have had one made for Nikolas. She misses Stavros everyday. Noone ever loved life as much as him. She kisses Nikolas andleaves. After Nikolas leaves, Laura comments that she never knew thatHelena was afraid of Nikolas. Stefan points out that Helena is afraidof Nikolas' power, as well she should be. However, she did manage todraw them all away from the party. Meanwhile, Katherine's movements arebeing monitored by Mrs. Landsbury.
As Lucky and Liz prepare to leave, Lucky teasingly tells Lesley Lu thatif she sees any money or priceless jewels to steal them. He then asksEmily if she is coming. Emily says that she thinks she will stay andkeep Lesley Lu company. Lucky tells her that she doesn't have to, butLiz suggests to him that maybe Lesley Lu needs Emily to help her findNikolas. Lucky catches on that Emily wants to stay because Nikolas isthere. Lucky and Liz leave and Emily and Lesley Lu go to watch themride the boat.
Katherine and Robin discuss her fall from the parapet. Katherine wantsto remember more. She remembers that Laura was there and she ran out tothe roof and Stefan followed her. She was moving away from him and sheknows that Nikolas wasn't there, but she can see him so vividly as alittle boy sobbing. Robin tells her that Nikolas was the first one toget to her after she fell, and that is what she is remembering.Katherine looked skeptical. She still doesn't remember hearing thatStefan is Nikolas' father.
Carly tells Jason that she understands. She will be living with him fora little while and then they will be sharing Michael. Jason says thathe always tells Michael that he has a great Mom who will do anything forhim. He promised Michael that Carly would be home. Carly apologizes toJason and gives him a hug. Dr. Evans arrives and says that he wants todiscuss some changes in next weeks visiting schedule. Carly says thatthey want to discuss that as well. Jason signs the release and hands itto the doctor. Dr. Evans says that there is no way that Carly is goinganywhere. Jason tells the Doctor that he has no choice. He has had itwith his fat face and his grand attitude. These orders come from wayover his head and there is nothing he can do about it. As he leaves theroom, the Doctor says that they will see about that.
Lucky and Liz are at Liz's house sitting on the couch. Lucky asks Lizif she is going to call her grandmother, he kind of wants credit forgetting her home time. Liz says that she will call her, but half anhour one way or the other doesn't matter. It's when she doesn't comehome at all that her grandmother gets upset. Lucky asks what hergrandmother thinks they're doing, then they both get kind of embarrassedand laugh when they realize what her grandmother must think! Liz sayssometimes her grandmother seems more worried than others. Right now sheis pretty upset that Liz didn't tell her about the whole Tom thing, notthat she could have helped. She gets this feeling that her grandmotherstill thinks that she is wild and uncontrollable and she is so not likethat anymore. The thing she probably likes the best is sitting in thehouse with Lucky. Lucky agrees, especially when it is just the two ofthem. Not that he'd do anything real different, it's just... Liz knowswhat he means. When they are alone it seems like it's their house.Lucky agrees and they smile at each other and snuggle close. As theycuddle on the couch Lucky teasingly tells her that he is offended thatshe doesn't wear the bracelet he gave her every minute. She had it onearlier at Wyndemere, but not now. Liz looks at her wrist in horrorwhen she realizes the bracelet is gone. As Liz frantically looks underthe couch cushions and on the floor, Lucky asks her if she didn't takethe bracelet off. She says no, you'd have to cut my hand off. She knowsthat she had it when they were on the launch because she noticed how themoonlight made it sparkle. She is frantic when she thinks that it mighthave fallen into the water. Lucky tells her not to worry, he can gether another one. Liz says that it was a birthday present from him,there isn't another one. They discuss it and come to the conclusionthat she must have lost it somewhere between the docks and home. Luckyoffers to go find it for her, as long as she will be ok alone. Shetells him that she is fine, Tom is in jail, she just wants her braceletback. Lucky laughs as she pushes him out the door telling him to hurrybefore someone else finds it. As she slams the door behind him, sherealizes that he might need a flashlight. She opens the door to stophim and he is standing there waiting for her. He takes her in his armsand gives her a kiss. She smiles and hands him the flashlight. Lizshuts the door and leans against it smiling. Lucky smiles too as heleaves to go look for the bracelet.
Alexis is on the docks nursing a broken heel on her shoe when Nedarrives. She is very happy to see him. She laughs and says that shecan't get off a boat gracefully. She doesn't know why Jax thinks shecan teach V anything. Ned laughs and says that Jax thinks everyoneneeds lessons in something, but himself of course. But he managed totake him down a peg or two tonight. Alexis asks Ned is he has a schemeto steal Jax's Monte Carlo winnings. Ned laughs and says she knows himso well.
V is ready to give up the whole Monte Carlo idea after Ned's "lesson".Jax convinces her to go by telling her that she is just nervous aboutwhat Alexis said about them needing to look like they are romanticallyinvolved. They decide to set up some rules so that they can appear tobe intimate friends without being uncomfortable.
Dr. Evans returns and is very angry because he has discovered that Jasonis right. He can't prevent Carly's release. He won't be surprised ifshe murders someone before the year is out. Carly is ecstatic.
While Lucky is searching for Liz's bracelet, Lt. Taggert pays Liz avisit. He is sorry to be the bearer of bad news, but the DA won't tryTom for rape due to lack of evidence. Liz is shocked since Tomconfessed to her. Taggert is very apologetic, but her word againstTom's isn't enough to convince a jury. Liz tells him that sheunderstands, it isn't his fault. He lets himself out. Liz stands alonein her living room looking very upset.
As Lucky finds Liz's bracelet on the dock, Luke comes up behind him andasks him if he lost something. Lucky has a shocked look on his facewhen he looks up and sees Luke standing there.

Tuesday, November 10, 1998
by Soap Central
Today's recap was provided by Lauren Edwards
Jason/Bobbie/RobinBobbie stops by for a visit to tuck Michael in and to find out how things wentwith Carly. Jason tells her how Carly is going to be released this Friday andexplains the "living arrangements." Carly will stay with them for a while sothat Michael will get used to her again and then Jason will buy her a houseclose by and they will share custody of the baby. Half a week with Carly; halfa week with him and Robin. Bobbie is very supportive of Jason and his decision.Just then Robin comes home from Nikolas' party and Bobbie immediately tellsRobin "the good news." Carly's coming home! Robin's not too excited. AfterBobbie leaves Robin rips into Jason about not telling her that he knew lastnight and didn't tell her. Robin tells Jason that she doesn't want Carlystaying with them. She finally backs down once Jason explains that Carly won'tstay with them very long and then she'll be out on her own and they will stillhave Michael part of the time. Jason admits that he's happy that Carly isgetting released but it's only for Michael's sake; he hates what all this isgoing to do to their life. Later, Michael wakes up and Jason tells him thatMommy is coming home and tries to explain to Michael that he will always lovehim and be there for him, whether he is with Jason or with Carly.
Luke/LuckyLuke shows up on the dock while Lucky is searching for Liz's bracelet andconfronts him. Luke tells Lucky that they are finally going to have it out.Enough is enough. They are going to go somewhere and settle things betweenthem and Lucky can either come with him willingly or Luke will knock him outand take him. Lucky's not happy with given an ultimatum and tells Luke thatthis is typical of him. "Threaten with violence." And that the war between theCassadines and the Spencers is another generation and not his. They snipe backand forth for a bit and eventually Lucky gives in to go for a drive with Lukebut warns him that this is the last. Lucky doesn't want to be a part of Lukeor his life. During the drive, Luke makes it clear to Lucky that although hehas been out of town, he still knows what has been going on. He knows thatLucky now works at the garage with Jason and lives in the apartment about it.
Luke takes Lucky to a cabin that they've never been to before. Luke tells himhe's tired of being punished for the man that he was when he raped Laura. Thathe's through paying for a crime he didn't commit -- he didn't rape Liz. He isalso tired of being punished because Lucky can't find the man that raped Liz.Lucky tells him they caught the rapist but it doesn't change his feelingstoward Luke. Lucky tells Luke about catching Tom; how Nikolas helped him andthey worked together in finding Emily's blackmailer who turned out to also beLiz's rapist. He refers to Nikolas as his brother and Luke is not at allpleased with that! Lucky says, well, that's what he is since the day he wasborn. It's a biological fact. He also praises Nikolas for all that he did.
When Lucky wants to leave, Luke stops him. Lucky is worried about Liz, butLuke reassures him that Liz will soon find out that he is with him because heleft a message on Laura's answering machine. (Quick cut to Laura's and we seeLeslie Lou playing with the answering machine, listens to the message fromLuke and erases it!) Luke tells him to sit back and relax, he's staying thereall night. Lucky calls Luke pathetic, but Luke says he not pathetic justdesperate. Desperately counting on Lucky still being his son.
Liz/NikolasLiz freaks when Lucky doesn't come back from looking for her bracelet. Shecalls Nikolas who promises to go out and look for him. They both end up atthe docks and search with no luck. When they return to Liz/Audrey's Bobbie isthere. Bobbie hasn't seen Lucky either and decides to call the police. Theyalso decide to call the hospitals but decide not to alarm Laura yet. Afterthey've tried everything they can do to find Lucky, Bobbie decides to go homeand Nikolas stays overnight with Liz. Liz tells Nikolas about Tom not beingcharged for her rape. Nikolas tries to console and reassure her thateverything will be OK and they'll find Lucky. Lucky can take care of himself.
Mac/FeliciaFelicia decides to "pack it up"; all of her writing, computer and hangingpyramid when Mac walks in. She announces that she won't be working at homeanymore, she's rented an office to work out of. Mac figures it out that sheplans to move to Cortland Avenue and *forbids* her from doing that. Of course,Felicia doesn't take that well. She won't be treated like some pet dog - toldwhat to do! Felicia insists that she needs to be in that type of environmentto be able to write an authentic story. She needs to be there to do herresearch and to interview the right people. Mac still says no way. He tellsher to surf the web if she wants information. Both are stubborn and stand thejustifiable grounds. Felicia is adamant that she is going and Mac is not tointerfere. When she leaves the room, Mac phones Lt. Taggert to put him on"surveillance detail" of Felicia.

Wednesday, November 11, 1998
by Soap Central
Felicia has rented a room on Cortland Street. As she sets up hercomputer and her pyramid, she hears a knock on the door. She asks whoit is and then opens the door when the person identifies himself as themanager. Mac barges in dressed in a stocking cap and a leather jacket.He is angry with her for letting him in even though she didn't know whohe really was. He understands that she needs to be in this atmosphereto write her book, but now that he has seen it, there is no way he isletting her stay there.
Jerry arrives at Stefan's office via the secret passage wearing Luke'smask from the masked ball. Stefan asks where it came from and Jerryexplains that he found it in a locked Luke Spencer's office.
Laura comes into the room and finds Lesley Lu playing with the answeringmachine. Laura chastises a guilty looking Lesley Lu for touching theanswering machine. She reminds her that she isn't supposed to touch itbecause she might hit the wrong button and make Laura miss an importantmessage. (Like we know, but Laura doesn't that she already did!)
Nikolas is watching out the window of Liz's house when he noticessomeone coming. Liz asks if it is Lucky, but Nikolas can't tell.Nikolas opens the door to Lt. Taggert. Lt. Taggert assures Liz that Tomis still safely behind bars. Liz asks about Lucky: they reported himmissing last night. Lt. Taggert says he knows, that's why he is there.
Luke is asleep and Lucky is getting ready to sneak out. As he starts toopen the door, Luke looks up and tells him that it's rigged. Believinghim, Lucky stops and asks if he rigged it with a shotgun like the olddays. Luke tells him to step aside and he will show him. He grabs alog and opens the door. He tells Lucky he is going to love this. Heasks if he is ready and then opens the door and throws the log out.When nothing happens, Lucky figures out that Luke was bluffing. Lukelaughs and says he didn't even have to open his eyes to fool him. Hetells Lucky that he fell for it not just because he is nostalgic for theold days when dear old Dad always had a shotgun handy, but because ofthe image lording over the room, the constant threat, the danger, thesteel jaws of unrelenting, inhuman unpredictability just ready to (heclaps his hands in front of Lucky's face). Anything could happen.Lucky tells him that the only reason he was fooled is because he is toohungry to see straight. Luke says that they can't have that. If theyare going to have a good game of wits, Lucky needs to be in top form.He asks Lucky if he wants some breakfast. Lucky says yes, unless Lukewas planning to starve him into submission. Luke says that he thoughtabout it. Luke walks to the pantry and starts listing off Lucky'schoices for breakfast. Lucky follows him asking if he has beef jerky.As Luke walks into the pantry, Lucky slams the door and locks him inwith a padlock and whispers, "jerk".
Lt. Taggert tells Liz and Nikolas that Lucky has a history of takingoff. It would be premature to launch a search. Liz says that if Luckywere OK, he would have called her by now. She can't believe that theyaren't going to do anything. Taggert says that he checked the docks andno one has seen him and that he went to Lucky's room and there was nosign of a struggle. Nikolas asks if Lucky's backpack was still in hisroom. Liz asks about his guitar. Taggert says that both things werestill there. Nikolas points out that Lucky most likely wouldn't leavetown voluntarily without them. Taggert says that maybe it just meansthat he was planning on coming back. Liz is furious saying that Luckywent to look for her bracelet, which should have taken 40 minutes atmost and he has been gone for 12 hours. She thinks that that is reasonenough to be concerned. Taggert can't disagree, but he says that Luckywon't be considered officially missing until 36 hours have passed.Until then, there is nothing he can do. He promises to call them rightaway if he hears anything. He tells Liz that she has been through a lotthis week, she should go easy on herself and try not to worry. Liz saysthat someone she cares about is missing. She asks Taggert if he wantsto tell her how she is supposed to try to remain cool about that.After Taggert leaves, Liz tells Nikolas that they have to try to dosomething. Nikolas agrees and they decide that he will go and talk toLaura. Liz is going to stay home in case Lucky calls.
Felicia once again tells Mac that she needs to be where she is for thesake of her novel. Mac reluctantly agrees to trust her. Feliciajokingly points out the high points of her new "office". All of thesudden she screams and jumps on to Mac's back. Mac asks what is wrongand she keeps screaming, is that a mouse, is that a mouse. Mac looksdown and says no, of course it isn't a mouse. It's a cockroach. Heoffers to kill it, but Felicia says no, the bug was here first. Mactells Felicia that she is the most beautiful, sexiest, stubborn woman heknows. He promises that he wasn't spying on her, he just wants toprotect her. Felicia assures him that she will be fine and promises notto take any unnecessary chances. Mac tries to get romantic, but Felicialaughs and tells him that she doesn't seduce him at the office. As Macgoes, he asks her once again to please be careful. He kisses Feliciaand walks out the door.
Taggert runs up to Mac just as he is leaving Felicia's room. Heapologizes for being late explaining that he had to stop at theHardy's. Mac asks why and Taggert tells him that Lucky is missing. Macasks if they are on top of it and Taggert says not officially, but thathe is keeping his eyes open. Mac warns Taggert to be discreet whenwatching Felicia because she used to be a private investigator and shemight catch on.
As Mac leaves and Taggert hides, Alan walks out of his room. Tonyarrives and gives him some paperwork to fill out before he starts at theclinic. Alan thanks Tony again for the job saying he still isn't sure ofTony's motives, it is probably better if he doesn't examine them tooclosely. Tony reminds him that he thinks Alan deserves a secondchance. Alan says he knows, but he still can't help but think there maybe another reason, like trying to get on Monica's good side so he canget reinstated at GH. Tony says that he would be happy to give the jobto someone else. Alan says no, he still wants the job. Felicia opensthe door of her room and discovers Alan and Tony talking in the hall.She asks why they are there. Tony tells Felicia that Alan lives there.She invites them into her room and explains that she is doing someresearch. Alan offers to help, but Felicia declines saying she has tohonor the privacy of her client. Alan assures her that her secret issafe with him.
Stefan identifies the mask as a death mask and comments on howappropriate that is. He asks for Jerry's assurances that thesafecracking will not be traced and Jerry says that he made sure itlooked like a robbery. Stefan says that now they need a witness. Heshows Jerry the letter opener found in his desk that was used to loosenthe railing on the parapet. It was also used by the police as evidenceagainst Stefan in Katherine's murder trial. Stefan is certain that LukeSpencer is responsible. Jerry thinks that Luke is too crafty to havebeen seen coming or going. Stefan says that if anyone saw Luke enterthe study wearing the mask, that would be sufficient evidence. He tellsJerry that the secret entrance to the study was locked the night of theball so Luke would have had to come through the door. He gives Jerry alist of people who attended the ball and tells him not to contact himuntil he has found a witness.
Nikolas arrives at Laura's just as she is getting ready to leave. Hetells her that he needs to talk to her and says that he left her amessage, didn't she get it. She says no, realizing that Lesley Lu musthave erased it. He asks if she has heard from Lucky since the partylast night. Laura says no and asks what happened. Nikolas tells herthat Lucky is missing.
After locking Luke in the pantry, Lucky uses Luke's cell phone to callLiz. She is relieved to hear that Lucky is OK and asks whathappened. He explains that his Dad is back in town and wanted to spendsome time together. Let's just say he persuaded him. She asks if he isOK and he tells her that he is fine, just the same old stuff. Heapologizes for not calling her sooner, he knows that she must have beenworried. Liz says that she was terrified. He asks if anyone else knowsthat he is gone. She tells him that Bobbie knows and the police, whowere useless. As they talk, Luke is in the background pounding on thepantry door and screaming for Lucky to let him out. Liz hears himyelling and asks what the noise is. Lucky says that it is Luke and Lizsays that he sounds furious. Lucky tells her that Luke is just having alittle trouble adjusting to his situation (being locked in the pantry).Liz is relieved when Lucky tells her that he and his Dad aren'tfighting. She asks where he is, but Lucky interrupts her to tell herthat he found her bracelet on the docks. It was just sitting therewaiting for him to find it. Liz is very happy that he found thebracelet and asks again where he is. All of the sudden they are cutoff. She dials *69 and waits.
Luke has finally broken down the door to the pantry. He tells Luckythat was a smooth move and that his pathetic old man must have taughthim a thing or two after all. He grabs the cell phone from Lucky,turns it off and throws it on the bed. Lucky tells him that anything helearned that has any value or substance he didn't learn from Luke. Luketells Lucky that he is glad to see that he missed him. When Lucky saysthat he is crazy, Luke points out that he had the chance to leave whenLuke was locked in the pantry. Lucky said that he had to make a phonecall first. Luke points out that it is a cell phone and that Luckycould have called from the road. Luke tells him that he wants to bethere even if he won't admit it even to himself.
Laura tells Nikolas that from everything he has told her, it doesn'tsound like Lucky is hurt or in trouble with the police. And if he hadgone anywhere, he would definitely have called Liz to let her know.They come to the conclusion that Lucky must have been taken against hiswill and that it was most likely someone he knows. Laura points outthat Lucky has very good instincts for danger and it would be difficultfor a stranger to sneak up on him. Laura has a gut feeling that it wassomeone Lucky knew. Nikolas introduces the possibility that it couldsomehow connected to Tom. One of Tom's friends maybe since Tom is stillin jail. Laura points out that if that were true, then Nikolas, Emilyand Liz would also be in danger. Laura decides to call Jason tosee if he can help. Nikolas is amazed that Laura is so calm. He hasnever seen her like this before, so incisive and focused. Most parentswould be freaking out. Laura says that she is freaking out, but she hashad years of practice. This is what a mother does when one of her kidsis in trouble. Liz shows up and tells them that she has heard fromLucky and that he is with his father. Upon hearing the news, Lauralooks as if that totally makes sense and says of course.
Liz tells Laura that Lucky said he was alright and that his father cameback to town and wanted company or something. Nikolas asks if Luckytold her where he was. Liz says that he was about to, but then therewas a big crash and the line went dead. Laura asks if Luke was there.Liz says that she could hear him yelling in the background. She tried*69 to call him back, but there was no answer. Liz asks if Luke mighthurt Lucky, but Laura says that Luke did not come back to town to fightwith his son. Nikolas points out that Luke was pretty angry when heleft. Laura says that Luke was angry at her, not Lucky. Liz says thatLucky has a lot of resentment towards his father. Lucky might provokeLuke into hurting him even if Luke didn't want to. Nikolas agrees thatall Lucky would have to do is tell Luke how they all attended Nikolas'birthday party and Luke would go nuts. Liz and Nikolas want to call Lt.Taggert and have him start searching for Lucky immediately. Laura tellsthem that Luke would never harm his own son under any circumstances.There is no risk. Nikolas still thinks they should do everything theycan to get Lucky away from Luke. Laura reluctantly agrees, but doesn'twant the police involved. This is a family matter. Laura suggests thatNikolas call Taggert and tell him that Lucky has been found. Nikolasagrees and offers Liz a ride home. She declines. As he turns to leave,Laura thanks him for helping his brother. Nikolas says that he has afeeling Lucky would do the same thing for him. After he goes, Lauratells Liz to stop worrying, Lucky is going to be fine. Liz says shedoesn't know if she can. Laura tells her that she can, and she willtell her why.
Lucky tells Luke that the only reason he made the call is because heknew someone was worrying about him and he wanted to explain whathappened. It's called caring about what the other person thinks. Heasks Luke if he has ever heard of it. Luke says yea he's heard of it.Lucky says that he could have fooled him. Luke split. What happens ifLulu misses her father, or Laura gets lonely, or Bobbie needs help.Luke satisfies himself first, worries about the rest later. Luke asksif it is always going to come back to this. Lucky says yes, but unlikeLuke, Lucky isn't going to allow himself to forget, ever. Luke pulls achair in front of the door and sits down. He explains that he was busytaking care of personal business for the last two months and he didn'treally think of all of this, but when he did, all he could think of wasLucky. All he could think about over and over was why some fossilizedjurrasic crime he committed a million years ago against the only womanhe ever really loved, why did that have to be dug up and reexamined andwhy did his son have to do the digging and why did it hurt him so much.So much that even now, after Lucky has tortured him and his mother withstuff that they really didn't need to remember, why can't Lucky let itgo. Lucky says that Luke and Laura think that telling him about itmakes it ok. They didn't tell him about it until he found out fromsomeone else and telling him doesn't make it ok. Luke agrees that itwasn't ok, it was an ugly, terrible, terrible thing and he will alwaysregret it, but the pain he caused belongs to Laura and him and not toLucky. Lucky says that Luke made his own life a lie and he can't liveit with him. Luke says he understands, but that Lucky has to let go ofthis, this much hatred. Luke doesn't care what Lucky says, it ishatred, and it will only end up hurting him. Lucky says that Luke wouldlike that, if he was all doubled up in pain from finding out that hisfather was a rapist and a liar. Well he isn't hurting, not anymore. Hehas a life he loves, it just doesn't include Luke. Luke tells Lucky tolet it go. He doesn't know what he is doing. All this anger, all thisrage is tying him closer to Luke.
As Tony leaves, he reminds Felicia to watch her back and tells Alan notto be late to work the next day. Once he is gone, Alan asks Felicia ifsomeone hired her to keep an eye on him. Felicia assures him that sheisn't watching him and asks why he thinks she might be. He confesseshis addiction to pain killers to Felicia, but says that it isn't aserious one. He is in the process of trying to stop and if his familywas supporting him instead of judging him , he wouldn't have to liveacross the hall. Felicia is surprised that his family knows where heis, but Alan assures her that it was his idea. He needed a period ofisolation. And that is also why he is working with Tony instead of atMercy. Felicia thinks that working with Tony will be good for Alan.Alan assures her that he is only doing administrative work, in case shewas worried. Felicia assures him that she knows what kind of person heis and that he would never let his personal problems affect his work.He thanks her for her support and tells her that she can help him if shewants to. Felicia says that she will do anything to help him with hisrecovery. Alan asks only that she respect his privacy and not tellanyone he is there. As Alan leaves via the stairs, Taggert walks intothe hall and watches him go.
Nikolas arrives at Wyndemere and tells Stefan about Luke being back andkidnapping Lucky. Stefan asks how he knows and Nikolas explains thatLucky called Liz, but that they got cut off before Lucky could tell herwhere he is. Stefan tells Nikolas to stay out of it because Luke isviolent and unpredictable. Nikolas agrees saying that is what worrieshim. Laura wants to keep it a family matter and refuses to involve thepolice. Nikolas doesn't understand how Laura can remain loyal to Lukeafter he kidnapped her son. Stefan too, continues to be amazed atLaura's loyalty to Luke. Nikolas asks Stefan for help, but he refusessaying that he will not interfere in Laura's marriage.
Laura continues to try to reassure Liz that Lucky is safe with hisfather. She explains that her marriage to Luke has been romantic,adventurous and even lonely sometimes. Noone can make her laugh likeLuke, or cry for that matter. And even after all these years ofmarriage, he has still managed to surprise her. But she does know witha certainty that Luke would never harm her or any one of his children.Liz is surprised that Laura trusts Luke so much. Laura tells Liz tothink about how she feels about Lucky, how it seems like he is alwaysprotecting her even when he isn't around. Think about the kind of selfconfidence that gives her, the peace of mind. Laura tells Liz tomultiply that feeling by almost two decades of marriage, two children,1,000 adventures and moments of incredible love. Liz says the sheunderstands that. Laura says that she thought she would. She tells Lizthat she doesn't have to worry. Lucky is going to fine. Luke would diebefore he would hurt his own son.
Luke continues to sit in a chair in front of the door while Lucky ispacing around the cabin. Luke asks him if he is planning on leaving.Lucky tells him to get out of the way and find out. Luke tells him no,not until they settle this thing. Lucky tells him that there is nothingleft to settle and he is fed up with Luke hassling him about it. Luketells Lucky that he made him a hero. Luke let him, he even encouragedit because Lucky is his son and it is important to him that he respectand admire him, but Lucky made him the hero. It was in Lucky's eyesthat that myth was born and he knew one day he would fall off thepedestal that Lucky had him on. He just never imagined that the fallwould be so far and so hard. Luke apologizes to Lucky. He says that heis nobody's hero, he never was. He has done despicable things,unforgivable things. But he has also tried to... He is just a man. IfLucky can't see or accept that then they have lost something precious toboth of them. Lucky just stares silently as Luke finishes talking.

Thursday, November 12, 1998
by Soap Central
Stefan is in his study looking at the pictures from the masked ball whenNikolas arrives. Stefan comments that Nikolas has started his dayearly. Nikolas replies that he is looking for any place that Luke mighthave taken Lucky, without success. Stefan is not surprised. LukeSpencer has a gift for disappearing. Nikolas thinks that since hisuncle knows Luke so well, he should try to help. Stefan again refusessaying that he will not interfere in what should be a private matterbetween Luke, Laura and their son. Stefan wants to know why Nikolas isso concerned. Nikolas says that Lucky is his brother and that unlikehis mother, he thinks that Luke could hurt Lucky. Lucky hates hisfather right now and they know how Luke responds to hate. Nikolas knowsthat Stefan could find them, all he would have to do is call theirpeople. Stefan again refuses saying it is not their business, it is aSpencer problem to solve. Nikolas points out that that has neverstopped Stefan before. He tells Stefan to be honest, he is refusing tohelp because he is glad it happened.
The Q's are gathering for breakfast. As Monica finishes reading thenewspaper she sarcastically comments that the coast is clear. Shewonders how many other families read the paper praying they aren't init. Lila smiles and tells her not to worry, with what's on the frontpage these days, no one will notice them. Emily comes in and pulls AJaside to ask him to help her convince the family to let her startmodeling again. AJ thinks it will be a hard sell. Emily doesn'tunderstand why, nothing happened. The pictures never even made it onthe internet. As they are talking, Monica overhears and tells Emily thatmodeling is out of the question. Edward comes into the room and tellsEmily that it is good to see her looking like the old sweet Emily onceagain, instead of Lady Godiva. Emily gives Edward a nasty look andleaves the room. Bobbie arrives to tell Monica that Carly is cominghome.
Alan is on the phone to his dealer saying that he started a new job andhe needs a little pick me up. As he hangs up the phone, he hears aknock on the door across the hall. He opens his door a crack and looksout to see Tony knocking on Felicia's door. Felicia is surprised to seeTony and asks why he is there. He tells her that he just wanted to stopby on his way to work. She lets him in and tells him that this is notthe time or place for a social call. She knows he means well, but sheis on an assignment and she doesn't want to blow her cover. She opensher door and peeks into the hall to make sure that no one is around. Shehangs the do not disturb sign on the door knob and closes the door. Asthe door shuts, Taggert walks into the hallway.
Jax is sitting on his couch organizing his briefcase. He picks up thecheck from Brenda's estate and looks at it. He then walks over to thedesk and opens a jewel case. He takes out a bracelet and stares at it.He remembers when he gave the bracelet to Brenda. She had won itAtlantic City and then pawned it. Jax found it and bought it back forher. It just seemed right for her to have it. There is something aboutbright rubies and dark eyes that were meant to be. As he puts thebracelet away, there is a knock on the door. Ned has arrived. He walksin and sarcastically says that he can see Jax hasn't chopped up thefurniture for firewood, that's a good sign. Jax tells him that when hewent broke, he thought that would mean fewer visitors. Ned says that hejust wants to keep track of potential business rivals. Jax is relieved,he was worried that they might actually becoming friends or something.Ned comments on Jax only having three pieces of luggage, that'straveling light even for a pauper. Jax says that he has everything heneeds. Ned says not quite and hands Jax a manila envelope. Jax opensthe envelope and finds an assortment of fake identifications and creditcards for V as the South American heiress, Isabella Castille. Jaxthanks Ned and says that he is glad he made V South American. He thinksit will stop the Europeans from asking too many questions. And besides,Isabella Castille has such a nice ring to it. Ned thinks that the realIsabella Castille would probably agree. Jax is not happy to discoverthat he has stumbled across a name that is attached to an authenticSouth American heiress. What if she shows up. Ned assures him that thereal heiress is under wraps in Gestaad recovering from plastic surgery.She will be out of commission for the next few weeks. Jax is notreassured. Ned agrees that there is a risk, but a minimal one. And thebonus is that if they run credit check in Monte Carlo, his "patroness"will pass muster. Jax asks Ned why he went to the trouble, is it tokeep him in his debt, or is it for Brenda. Ned says he is just tryingto settle a few of Brenda's debts. Brenda thought she owed Jax a lot.When Sonny walked out on her, noone could reach her except Jax. Jaxgave Brenda back her life. If Brenda were...well Ned just thought hewould do what he could. Jax says that despite how it seems sometimes,he does appreciate it. V arrives announcing one South American heiressreporting for duty.
Nikolas tells Stefan that he knows he enjoyed having Laura and Lesley Luthere for his birthday party, he did too. He hopes they come again, butthere are some things he will not do to make that happen. One of thosethings is getting between Laura and Luke. Stefan asks if he has doneany such thing. Nikolas agrees that he hasn't, but he knows the Stefanwouldn't mind trouble in Laura's other family. That is why he won'thelp find Lucky. Stefan agrees. He is far from displeased with thelatest turn of events. For years, Luke Spencer has peddled an image tothe world of part jester, part daring rogue, all fraud. In truth, theman is a criminal devoid of honor or shame. If this latest escapadeserves to open people's eyes to that, then everyone benefits. Nikolasasks Stefan if he wants to open people's eyes or Laura's eyes. Stefansays that Laura deserves to know the truth. Nikolas asks what Stefanhopes will happen when Laura does know the truth. Stefan says that hetries to hope as little as possible, but even Laura's capacity forforgiveness must have its limits. If she cannot find it in her heart tooverlook this latest outrage against her, then Stefan is under noobligation to help the jester fool her once again. Nikolas points outthat it would especially benefit Stefan if Laura turned to him. WhenStefan does not respond, Nikolas starts to say that if anything happensto Lucky, but Stefan angrily interrupts him saying that if anythinghappens to Lucky it will not be because of anything he did or did notdo. Luke is the author of his own doom. Any fair minded person can seethat, even his own nephew. Nikolas says that he is not blaming Stefan,he is just worried about Lucky. If Luke can rape and kidnap the peoplehe claims to love, who knows what he'll do now. Stefan is concerned aswell and hopes that Lucky is unharmed, but says that they must respectLaura's wishes and not become involved and trust that she will finallysee Luke as he truly is.
When Monica looks less than thrilled at Bobbies news, Bobbies tells herthat she didn't expect her to be ecstatic, but at least now Carly, Jasonand Robin can begin to untangle their lives. Isn't that what they allwant, for Michael's sake. Monica asks why Bobbie made a special trip totell her about Carly when she could have told her when she saw her atthe hospital. Katherine enters the room and announces that she is goingto Wyndemere. Edward asks her if she hasn't tempted fate enough just bygoing to Nikolas' birthday party. That dreadful place nearly killed hertwice. What does Wyndemere have that the Q's house doesn't. Katherinesays her past and leaves. Edward is exasperated and says that thepeople who should be staying are going away and (looking at Bobbie) thepeople who should be staying away are coming back. Bobbie says that shethought it might be a good idea to sit down and discuss what would bebest for everyone. She suggests that the Q's stay away from Michael andthe cottage until things settle down. There is going to be a lot oftension at first. AJ asks why Bobbie thinks that they would add to thetension. Bobbie points out how AJ's visit to Ferncliff nearly ruinedCarly's chances for release. And it is no secret that certain membersof the Q family are trying to take Michael away. Bobbie would reallylike to spare Carly the aggravation until she is able to roll with thepunches again. Monica laughs and says that the Carly they know can notonly roll with the punches, but can throw a few. Bobbie asks if she isreally making that unreasonable of a request. Monica asks if the ban onvisiting the cottage applies to Bobbie too. When Bobbie says of coursenot, Michael is her grandson, Monica points out that Michael is hergrandson too. Monica is more than a little annoyed that Bobbie has freereign to visit Michael and she doesn't. Bobbie says that she is sorrythat Monica has to pay for the other members of the Q family trying totake Michael, but after all the time that Carly has been kept away fromher son, the last thing she needs is another raid. Monica says thatCarly doesn't love Michael, she just cares about money. Bobbie says ifthat were true, then Michael would be living with the Q's right now.
Tony apologizes to Felicia for intruding on her investigation. He saysthat he would never blow her cover and asks her to extend him the sameconsideration. He doesn't want anyone to know that he has been seen onCortland St. He is hoping that his GH privileges might be reinstatedand he doesn't want anything to jeopardize that chance. He also doesn'twant Bobbie to find out because he is sure that if she knew, the judgewould also soon know. Felicia thinks that what Tony is doing for Alanis very nice and she thinks it would be wonderful if they both turnedtheir lives around. Meanwhile, Alan is in his room across the hallanxiously waiting for his dealer. He is cursing Tony's timing for avisit to Felicia. He opens the door and notices Taggert in the hall.He angrily opens the door and asks Taggert when he is going to leave himalone. Taggert tries to quiet him down saying that he is working onanother case, but Felicia overhears Alan and opens her door. She saysthat she would also like to know why Taggert is there.
Ned asks V if she really thinks her outfit is what a well dressedheiress is wearing. V sarcastically thanks him for the pat on theback. Jax says that she looks fine and tells her to familiarize herselfwith the fake ID's Ned provided. As Ned leaves, he tells V that she haslearned her lessons well and he wishes them luck. He tells Jax to comeback a millionaire because he needs someone to take Guthrie Technologiesoff his hands. As V looks at her fake ID's she comments that two monthsago she was a cop and now she is a perp. Jax says that they aren'tbreaking any serious laws and asks if she is ready to go to theairport. V asks what if she really doesn't look like an heiress. Jaxtells her that she will, after this. He takes her hand and leads her towhere her new luggage is waiting. V is shocked and surprised. Sheopens the suitcases and finds a wardrobe befitting an heiress. When Vexpresses concern over how Jax can't afford this, he tells her not toworry, they will win back the cost in Monte Carlo.
Katherine has arrived at Wyndemere and is standing on the parapet. Sheremembers a conversation she had with Helena. Katherine knows thatsomething important happened that night. Helena says that any secret ofStefan's could be the key to bringing him down. She suggests thatKatherine returned to the scene of the crime, but cautions her to becareful of old feelings resurfacing along with the old memories.Katherine says that after what Stefan did to her, those feelings don'tmatter or even exist. She continues to walk around the parapet stoppingat the railing. As she remembers the fall and turns away, she seesStefan standing on the parapet behind her. Stefan tells her not to befrightened. Katherine says that she isn't. After dying once, there isnothing left to fear. Katherine is surprised that noon stopped her fromgoing to the parapet. Stefan tells her that there are standinginstructions never to turn her away. Katherine says that that is a nicegesture, but they both know she is a stranger there now. Stefan askswhat brought her back. Katherine says that she lost memories there andshe is trying to find them. Stefan remembers when Katherine realizedthat he was Nikolas father and asks Katherine precisely what she istrying to remember. Katherine says that she doesn't know. Stefanpoints out the appalling irony that he has been trying to forget theevents of that night for months while she is trying to remember. Hesays that he can still see her just inches beyond his reach steppinginto nothing. He can hear the sound of her body striking the courtyardbelow and feel his terror as he raced to her side. He can feel his hopeas he felt her breath against her cheek and the final goodbye in thehospital. Only to be followed by the horror of being named hermurderer. Katherine asks if there wasn't someone there to comfort him.Stefan says that there was, and it was her, it was Katherine.
Monica tells Bobbie that she has never defended the idiotic behavior ofthe men in her family towards her grandson, but that is not the onlyreason she can't see Michael. Carly will not try to get Jason to mendfences with his family, but family values aren't really Carly's strongsuit. AJ reminds Bobbie what Carly did to him, which Bobbie defends.She thinks that everyone is entitled to forgiveness. Monica thinks thatBobbie's proposal ensures that Michael will never be close to the Q's.Bobbie says that it wouldn't be permanent, just give Carly some time,and Jason. Ned walks in saying that that makes sense to him. Edwardsays that Ned's comment just proves that rock and roll music makes youfeeble minded. AJ points out that the best thing in Michael's life isRobin and Carly will drive her out just like the Q's. Monica asks ifBobbie can't use her influence to bring both families together. Bobbiesays she didn't see Monica being concerned with anyone else's familywhen she asked for help with Tony.
Felicia asks why Taggert is in her hall. Taggert says that Alan beingthere is reason enough for him to be suspicious. Alan says Taggert iswelcome to search his room if he wants. Felicia accuses Taggert ofharrassment. She tells Taggert to just leave Alan alone. Unable tocome up with a better explanation for why he is there he leaves. Tonycomes out and reminds Alan that he is late for work. Alan tells Tonythat he is on the way, but needs to have a quick word with Felicia.Felicia says she just saw a man down the hall who ran away when he sawTaggert. She asks Alan if it is a friend of his. Alan says no andhurries off.
V is overwhelmed by the wardrobe Jax has provided. She appreciates hisfaith in her and she would like to give a little back. She hands him anenvelope full of money, $4,900 to be exact. V confesses that it is herentire savings and she wants to give it to Jax because every dollarhelps. Jax is surprised that she is willing to take the risk. V saysthat's why she only has $4,900.00 and Jax is taking a risk on her byletting her play the heiress. She thinks it's about time she took a beton herself. Jax agrees to take the money, even though he hasn't takenmoney from anyone else, only if she lets him pay her back, withinterest. If she is sure, is she is willing to roll the dice with him,then he doesn't have the right to say no. Jax tells her to change intoone of the outfits and they will be on their way.
Monica is outraged that Bobbie would bring up Tony. She only hasMichael's best interests at heart. The two continue to argue about whatis best for Michael. Edward interrupts saying that considering Bobbie'srather exotic background, she is on very shaky ground questioning theQuartermaine's moral authority. As Edward finishes talking, Emily runsinto the room in tears saying that the fake nude picture of her is allover the internet.
Stefan and Katherine are still on the parapet. Stefan tells Katherinethat even after her death, she never really left him. He would see her,hear her voice, giving him her strength, understanding and even herforgiveness, which he needed most. Somehow, in the midst of despair,she gave him hope. It was so like her to do that despite her own pain.It was only when she came back that he knew he had truly lost her.Katherine says that he lost her when he lied to her. Then she thankshim for finally showing her something that she could believe in, hisgrief. He is a proud man and sorrow humbles him. Not many people getto hear how they were mourned. Stefan tells her that she was mourned socompletely. Katherine tells him that when he takes his walls down andlets himself care, he reminds him of a man she loved very much. As theymove closer together and stare into each other's eyes Stefan says thatthey came so close to having this. Katherine says as close as this.They almost kiss and then at the last minute Stefan turns away.Katherine apologizes for coming to Wyndemere and upsetting Stefan.Stefan says that he isn't upset that she came to Wyndemere, he is upsetwith her reasons for coming. He wishes that, for her own sake, shecould put behind her what happened that night. Katherine wishes thatshe could too.
Emily is distraught over finding her picture on the internet. She can'tbelieve this is happening to her. All she wanted to do was model, wasthat so bad. Ned assures her that she didn't do anything wrong. Shejust had the misfortune to cross paths with a very evil man. Emily isnot taking comfort from Ned's comments. Now everyone can see her naked,no one will know that it is a forgery. Who cares how it happened, whatis she going to do now. Monica comforts her and Bobbie tells her tohang in there as she leaves.
V is dressed in her new clothes and ready to take Monte Carlo by storm.As the bellhop takes their luggage to the car, Jax tells "Isabella" thatshe looks stunning (and she does!). V/Isabella wants to go, she can'twait to get back to civilization.

Friday, November 13
by Starla Gist
IN MONTE CARLOJax and V's charade was almost ruined by a bellman at the hotel who accuses V of not being the real Isabella, because every one knows Isabella is supposed to be at a Spa. V covers perfectly and manages to convince him that the spa story was planted as a dodge for her husband. The bellman apologizes and Jax tips the man and sends him on his way. Jax is pleased and V passes her first test in Monte Carlo with flying colors, but afterwards panics to think she was almost unmasked as an imposter by a mere bellhop. Jax convinces her everything is going to be okay. She dresses for dinner and looks smashing. In the casino, Jax is surprised to find Julia on the arm of a friend. She in turn is surprised to see Jax there with V.
AT ROBIN & JASON'S PLACEBobbie stops by to see if Carly has made it home yet and Robin tells her that Jason went to go get her. Bobbie and Robin spoke about Carly's release and living situation. Bobbie suggested that Robin leave for a few hours to let Carly get settled in. Robin told Bobbie that she lives here with Jason and that Carly would have to get use to that and them trying to walk around on egg shells would not help Carly in the long run. Bobbie agreed with what Robin was saying, but Robin later contemplated what Bobbie had said. Bobbie soon realized that she had to get back to the hospital and could no longer wait for Carly so she left.
AT FERNCLIFF CLINICJason goes to Ferncliff to get Carly released, but Dr. Evans tries to stop it by suggesting that Carly might not be ready to be released. Carly becomes unglued when her release is unexpectedly delayed at the last possible minute. Jason tells Dr. Evans that he can try to do whatever he wants, but Carly is leaving today. Dr. Evans says he is going to go call the judge and Jason tells him to go ahead and call him. Meanwhile, Carly was near the boiling point thinking that Dr. Evans might be able to possibly do something to delay her from being released. Jason tried to calm Carly by telling her there is nothing Dr. Evans can do to stop her from going home. After calling the judge, Dr. Evans returns and is grudgingly forced to sign the paperwork and let Carly go home. Outside Ferncliff, an ecstatic Carly heads home on the back of Jason's motorcycle.
UP AT THE HIDEAWAY CABINLuke and Lucky keep going rounds, to which Luke thinks is getting them no where. Lucky suggested to Luke that they go to a therapist to try to work out their problems. However, Luke knew that Lucky was bluffing and tells him no way does he need to talk to Scott Baldwin's momma. He did suggest to Lucky that they talk it out between them. Lucky tells his dad that he thinks he is a liar and that he cannot trust him anymore. He furthermore tells his dad that he thinks Luke didn't leave Port Charles to give him some space, but left because he found out about Laura and Stefan Cassadine. He also tells his dad that everything he wanted him to believe about Nikolas is not true and that Luke doesn't want his son back, he wants an ally. Luke tried to break through to Lucky, but it's no use. Luke then realized his plan to get through to Lucky was going nowhere and he gave Lucky the keys to the car and said he was free to go. As Lucky leaves, an angry Luke throws a chair across the room and then accidentally gets his foot caught in a bear trap. As he cries out in agony, Lucky started the car and was unaware that Luke had stepped into the bear trap and was screaming out in pain inside the cabin.
AT WYNDEMEREKatherine shows back up at Wyndemere to asks Stefan how he felt about her last visit there. Stefan isn't quite sure what she is referring to and before they can discuss it any further, Helena calls to warn Katherine not to let any residual feelings she may have for Stefan get in the way of their plan. She hangs up and Stefan wants to know what is she referring to. Katherine asks a surprised Stefan if there's any chance that they might pick up where they left off before their engagement party ended so tragic!

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