Comprehensive daily recaps for General Hospital, dating back to 1996.

Monday October 26, 1998
by Soap Central
Dr. Evans tells Jason and Carly that AJ came to visit Carly. They try to hide their surprise. Evans asks Carly if she wants to include AJ on her visitors list, but after Carly sees the look on Jason's face, she says no. Jason takes off and finds AJ at an ELQ board meeting in the newly-renovated Port Charles Grill. Jason grabs AJ and throws him up against a table. The family sputters around, trying to get Jason to let go. I told you to stay away from Carly and Michael, Jason yells. Robin arrives and convinces him to let AJ go. Edward threatens to have Jason locked up. Jason was right, Robin says to AJ. You did this on purpose. She leaves in tears. Emily and Monica start yelling at AJ, who defends himself by saying that he was trying to see his nephew, and Carly was the only one who can allow it. Later, at the bike shop, Jason tells Michael about his visit with Carly. Robin arrives and apologizes for what happened in the restaurant. I know that this is partially my fault, she says. But I realized today how right you are about the Quartermaine's. Jason reminds her that Carly is Michael's mother and he has to do whatever it takes to protect her. But I love you, even when I'm mad at you, he says. Robin promises to never go behind Jason's back again. They all go home together. Meanwhile, at Fern Cliff, Carly tells Dr. Evans that she'd like to add AJ to her list of visitors after all.
Tony tells Bobbie about overhearing the Jacks brothers' conversation, including the fact that Jerry started the warehouse fire. Bobbie calls him a liar so Tony suggests he ask Jax. When Bobbie refuses, Tony realizes that she already knew that Jerry started the fire. Bobbie reminds him that he's the only threat to Lucas. Tony vows to find proof of Jerry's crime. At home, Bobbie tells Jerry about her encounter with Tony. Jerry suggests that he move out. She tells him how much she likes him being around and she doesn't want to lose him. Bobbie convinces him to stay and they share a passionate kiss--as Tony watches from the outside window.
Katherine breaks the kiss between her and Nikolas. She apologizes and tries to tell him that sometimes emotions get confused. He promises that it won't affect their friendship. They reminisce about their first meeting at Wyndemere. She tries explaining that her kisses were brought on by loss of love. Nik tries to warn her about Helena, but she doesn't agree. They part friends.
Jerry agrees to work for Stefan for 2 percent of the money he's going to transfer. Stefan suggests starting his inquiry with Alexis, since Luke is still out of town. When Jerry asks why he wants him to do the job, Stefan replies that it's because no one would ever think that the two of them were working together. Nik arrives and tells Stefan about his conversation with Katherine. Stefan accuses him of being indiscreet. Nik reminds him that they need to protect Katherine from Helena and he owed her the truth about Stefan and Laura. It's obvious Laura makes you happy--I'm not saying you meant for it to happen, but it did, Nik says. Laura will eventually see that. Kat bursts into the room. I hope I'm not interrupting anything, she says. She asks Stefan if he objects to her friendship with Nikolas. On the contrary, Stefan says. I wish we were friends as well. She gives him back his engagement ring and leaves. Stefan asks Nikolas if he wants to ask Laura and Lulu to live a Wyndemere. Nikolas says yes but questions whether it's fair to gain a family when Katherine and Lucky have lost theirs.

Tuesday, October 27, 1998
by Soap Central
Jax and V enter a fancy restaurant. V's first lesson is to not be sopolite, she needs to accept kindness as her due. V practices her tablemanners and then chokes at the prices on the menu.
AJ is telling the family about Ferncliff as Reginald passes out the mail.Emily receives a manila envelope. Edward congratulates AJ on hisunderhandedness in befriending Robin and Carly. Ned tells them both to justleave Michael alone. Katherine tells him that she can't believe he'salready threatened about Michael taking his place at ELQ. Ned suggests thatAJ and Katherine get married and become Mr. & Mrs. Suck-up. Monica entersand blasts Katherine for being "not only a squatter, but a thief!"
Alan's dealer meets him and Alan assures him that he won't be seeing himanymore - after he gets 75 pills so that he can gradually detoxify himself.The dealer won't sell him anything without receiving some cash, which Alandoesn't have. He suggests that Alan go pawn something else. Alan goes onabout how unfair it is that they give you so little for the item and thatafter buying food and paying rent, you have nothing left.
Bobbie calls Liz and tells her that she's set some time aside for her. Liztells her she knows she's been putting it off and she knows it's important.Lucky enters his room, where Liz quickly gets off the phone. When Liz tellshim she has to go to a doctor's appointment, Lucky is worried, but thenassumes that she's going to see Audrey. She hugs him tight and then leaves.
Katherine says that she already has 3 diamond bracelets, why would she wantMonica's? Monica thinks that it's to get back at her for Katherine making afool of herself accusing everyone of stealing her dresses. Katherine admitsto being in Monica's room, but only to exchange flowers by their bedsides,because she didn't like hers. Katherine blames Reginald. Lila demands sheapologize. Everyone fights and Emily slips out.
Alan is looking through his pockets and mumbles to himself that next monthhe'll be back home and he'll get it out of hock before Monica knows. Hewalks over to a bar to get a bag of chips and think of what to do next.
Felicia apologizes to Mac for being late to the diner. She's having moredifficulty writing than she thought she would. Mac can only think aboutRobin. He's worried after what happened yesterday. He thinks he shouldhave had Jason arrested. Felicia points out that he was also guilty ofassault like that, against Ryan Chamberlain, Kevin. Mac sighs.
Jax teaches V the French words for her menu items. V is shocked that beefstew is $24.95, she's sure there are countries they could buy a cow for thatmuch. Jax explains his feelings about the overpricing and the appalling waythe world works. One of V's phones rings, turning out to be L&B business.She leaves the table and Jax pauses when he hears her lower her voice tomention that she can't speak for the arrangement they had with "MissBarrett." Jax remembers Brenda. V returns and continues her instructionfrom Jax.
Mac says that Kevin deserved to get beat up when he first came, but Feliciaaccuses him of being jealous. Mac wants to know how the subject gotchanged, she did it on purpose. Felicia says that Mac is a fixer, a knightin shining armor, and that if Felicia thought that Robin was in any danger,she'd be right along side Mac at the cottage, but Robin doesn't need savingfrom Jason.
Bobbie expected Lucky to be with Liz. Liz didn't tell him and explains thatLucky takes things really hard and if he knew that she was having a followup HIV test he wouldn't be able to think about anything else until she getsthe results. Lucky makes it his job to protect her from so many things thatshe wanted to protect him from this. Bobbie understands and just thoughtthat Liz might want him to be there since she won't be able to think aboutanything else either. Bobbie tells her that after this test, she'll be99.9% out of the woods and that after 2 more tests, she'll never have tothink about it again.
Lucky is working on the laptop when Nikolas comes knocking. Nik saysthere's something they need to settle right away. Lucky asks what abouttheir mother, or should he call her Nik's mother now?
Emily is accosted by two guys outside the bar where Alan is. She startsyelling for her dad, but then gets frightened when Alan won't stop beatingon the guys. Alan chases them off. Emily came to see him because he didn'tcome see her the last time he was at the house - when he stole Monica'sbracelet. She says if he gives it back to her she can return it withoutanyone knowing. Alan admits to hocking it, but Emily doesn't think he canget it back.
Katherine and Monica continue to fight about the bracelet. Katherine can'tbelieve Monica won't believe that she's changed. Monica tells her thatdying has done nothing for Katherine except change her hair. When Katherinesuggests that they could be friends, Monica replies that she needs food,sleep, a warm coat, her children, a good medical transcriber, and onoccasion some sex - none of those Katherine can provide. There's one otherthing she needs, her bracelet. Katherine tells her not to say she nevertried and walks off.
Bobbie takes a blood sample from Liz, who is afraid. Growing up, she neverhad a sense of things to look forward to, but now there are.
Lucky and Nikolas discuss what they saw at Wyndemere, but Nikolas doesn'tgive Lucky any information. Nikolas tells Lucky that they already agreedthat what Stefan, Luke and Laura do doesn't concern them. Especially withEmily depending on them, they need to go on like they have been. A web pagecomes up and Lucky says, "Oh no."
V and Jax see Alexis and Ned, calling them Lord and Lady Blazingham. Theyengage in imaginary conversation, spas and such, until V makes a blunderabout roses. Alexis tells her that she needs to be able to speak about avariety of high society topics.
AJ asks Monica if she beat a confession out of Katherine. They discuss Alanand Monica asks if life is better or worse without Alan. AJ is kind of gladsomeone else is the black sheep. Monica apologizes for not paying moreattention to AJ. He's unsure if the attention from Edward is a good thing.Monica says that she can never quite tell what AJ is thinking, and wondersif that isn't the way he wants it. AJ tells her to have a great day as sheleaves, and Monica comes back to give him a kiss.
Emily says that she thinks about Alan all the time. She understands that hecan't help himself, but he has to help himself. She almost wishes thatsomething terrible, like her friend who died of an overdose would happenthat would make him realize that. Alan assures her that he's detoxinghimself. His real problem is that he's running out of money. He tells herthat he doesn't have food money and may have to beg. He asks Emily formoney, assuring her that it's for food. Emily starts to cry as Alan begsher for money. She gives him her allowance and then leaves, crying.
Alexis and Ned think that V will do fine. Ned thinks that Alexis should bethe one going to Monte Carlo, but Ned would be too jealous. Katherine comesalong and insults Alexis, has words with Ned and then leaves. Ned tellsAlexis that if she can help him get the ELQ stock back, he can dropKatherine in a volcano - she'll be back of course. Katherine stops by tosee Jax to tell him about the ELQ stock. Jax tells V that she's justkeeping the stock warm for him.
Dr. Evans calls AJ and tells him that Carly wants to see him. Edward startsplanning to spruce up the nursery.
Alan tells his dealer that this is the last money he'll ever see from him.The dealer also brought him a can of tuna, in case he starts whining aboutstarvation again. Alan takes a pill.
Lucky tells Emily and Nikolas that he and Liz start at Emily's modelingagency tomorrow. He notices that Emily and Liz are very quiet. Lucky andNikolas tell Emily they don't need to see what's in the envelope shebrought, they already know. The website where the picture of Maggie was nowhas a photo of just Emily's face and a message telling browsers that "if you want to see more,to check back next week."

Wednesday, October 28, 1998
by Soap Central
Today's recap was provided by Jodi White.
Jax runs into Taggert on his way to see Dara. Taggert tells Jax that hedoesn't think he deserved what happened to him. Jax graciously tellsTaggert that he was just doing his job. As Jax walks into Dara's officeto wait for her return, Justus walks down the hall and also runs intoTaggert. Taggert sarcastically calls him the winner of the outstandingcitizen award and asks if he has come to roll over on someone else.Justus comments that Taggert is no better since he used Monica to tryand get to Jason. Taggert says that it was different because he wastrying to put a criminal in jail. Justus accuses him of abusing thepower of his office to which Taggert replies that Justus was trying tosave his own worthless neck. Justus says that he is sorry that Jax gotcaught in the middle, but he didn't see Taggert turning down hiscommendation for outstanding police work. Taggert, knowing that Jax isalone in Dara's office, sends Justus in telling him that Dara is there.
Felicia is working on her novel when Mac walks in the front doorcarrying a HUGE pumpkin. Felicia takes pictures of Mac with thepumpkin. When Mac brings in two more pumpkins for the girls, Feliciaasks where hers is. Mac tells her that he didn't get her a pumpkin, buthe got her a costume. They joke around about a french maid costume.Felicia than gives Mac the news that she has an editor who wants to readher novel, but she has to finish it first. She wants Mac to help herwith the stolen emerald scene one more time. She still can't figure outhow he did it.
Audrey and Bobbie are lunching together at Ruby's. They discussLiz and Lucky's internship at Emily's modeling agency. Bobbie issurprised that Lucky would do something like that, but Audrey assuresher that Liz probably talked him into it. Audrey thinks it is sweetthat Lucky is so protective of Liz, but she expresses some concern withthe amount of time they spend alone together at Lucky's apartment. Theyare at an age where you can be friends one minute and in love the nextand she would hate to think of them making a mistake... She stopsherself and says that she is such a grandmother. Bobbie says that shedoesn't think there is much to worry about. Audrey herself said howprotective Lucky is of Liz and if there ever was a teenager capable ofliving on his own, it's Lucky. Audrey thinks that it's strange thatLaura hasn't done anything about Lucky living away from home. Bobbiesays that she can't fault Laura for that. Lucky left home for somevalid reasons, and if there was any way for Laura to have him with her,she would. Audrey remembers when Liz used to be fascinated with all ofthe fashion magazines and the models. She is glad to see her showingsome interest in some of the things she liked before the rape.
Liz, Lucky, Emily and Nikolas meet outside of Downtown Faces before Lizand Lucky start their internships. Emily reminds them to be careful,she is terrified that something will go wrong, but everyone reassuresher. Liz promises that they will call the cops if anything seemssuspicious. Emily says that she doesn't want anyone to play hero,because that would be redundant, they are already heroes. Nikolaspromises that they will find this guy and Lucky reminds them that theyonly have a week. Emily asks if they are sure there isn't anything shecan do, but Lucky tells her that everyone at the agency knows her and itwould be too big of a risk. Liz points out that Nikolas has been withEmily at a couple of shoots so his presence at the agency would also besuspicious. Right before Lucky and Liz go inside, Liz says one for alland all for one. Everyone looks at her funny and she smiles and saysthat she just always wanted to say that. Liz and Emily hug and Luckyand Nikolas shake hands as they all wish each other luck. After Liz andLucky go inside and Emily and Nikolas leave, a suspicious looking womanwalks up to the agency and stares at the door.
Mac agrees to help Felicia again with the stealing of the emerald. Shehides the emerald someone on her person. Mac grabs her and kisses her.Then he tells her that she is going about it all wrong. If she wants todo this right, the emerald should be on Mac. Felicia agrees and goes tohand the emerald to Mac. As she does, she realizes that he has stolenit from her once again. She begs him to tell her how. He says thatthey can try it one more time, but if he wins, she has to wear theFrench maid costume!
Mr. Yergin welcomes Liz and Lucky to Downtown Faces and asks if theyknow each other. Lucky says that they've seen each other aroundschool. He then turns and introduces himself to Liz, who does thesame. Liz tells Mr. Yergin how excited she is for the opportunity andhow happy she is that Mr. Murty was able to work something out. Mr.Yergin says that Mr. Murty was very persuasive and that they are alwayshappy to help out the local high school. He asks if they are interestedin a modeling career. Liz asks who isn't, but Lucky says that he ismore interested in the technical end, like photography. Mr. Yergin saysthat they don't have a studio, but the best way to learn any business isfrom the bottom. He asks if Liz has any experience answering phones.Liz replies, in her best phone voice, "Downtown Faces, how may I directyour call". Mr. Yergin laughs as he tells her she'll do just fine andshows her to the reception desk. He then tells Lucky to follow him tothe mailroom. Lucky stalls as Mr. Yergin walks out of the lobby andasks Liz if she is going to be OK. Liz says that she will be fine andnot to worry. As Lucky turns to follow Mr. Yergin, the phone starts toring. Liz answers, "Downtown Faces, how may I direct your call?"
Emily and Nikolas are at the Quartermaine mansion. Emily is still veryanxious and Nikolas is trying to get her to calm down and relax. Hetells her that her family will start to suspect something if she keepsacting so edgy. Emily says that noone is home. Nikolas suggests amovie to take her mind off of things. Emily says no, what if Liz andLucky call? What if Liz and Lucky get caught and get suspended and it'sall because of her and her dumb modeling career. Nikolas tells her thatLucky and Liz can handle themselves and modeling is not a dumb career.At least not for her, she is really talented. He's seen her work. Itcomes naturally to her, like she was born to do it. Emily laughs andsays that she does love to be in front of the camera. It gives her achance to pretend she is someone else, whoever she feels like being.Nikolas asks when her next shoot is. Emily tells him that it is onFriday and she is really excited because it is going to be a hip hopthing. She knows she isn't that good at hip hop, but she knows enoughto get her through the shoot. Nikolas asks her to show him a fewmoves. Emily happily agrees saying she should probably practice anywayand she wants to try a few moves that the choreographer showed her. Shehas Nikolas help her move the furniture to make room. She then puts upher hair, rolls up one leg of her overalls and turns on some thumpinghip hop music. She performs a short routine for Nikolas and thenconvinces him to let her teach it to him.
Jax and Justus are in Dara's office, still waiting for her to return.Justus is on the phone and Jax is reading the newspaper and ignoringJustus. When Justus finishes his phone conversation, he asks why Jax iswaiting for Dara. Jax replies that he is a convicted felon and thatunder the terms of his parole he has to get Dara's ok to leave PortCharles. He points out how ironic it is that Jason, the real criminal,is free while Jax is a registered Felon. Taggert returns to tell themthat Dara is tied up in a brief and will be awhile. As Jax turns toleave, Taggert tells him that he meant what he said before. That theevidence against him kind of came out of the blue, but maybe he doesn'tknow that side of the story. Jax asks what he is trying to say, didJason Morgan sell out his family? Justus tells Taggert to go ahead andspell it out. Taggert declines, citing the ethics of his profession,but tells Jax to think about who else in Jason Morgan's organizationwould have access to such information. Jax asks what the point is andTaggert tells him he just wants him to know who his friends are. As heleaves, he comments that Jax and Justus must have a lot to talk about.
Mac has once again stolen the emerald from Felicia and she still can'tfigure out how he does it. He tells her the name of the game isdistraction, like a woman in a French maid costume. Felicia protestsbut is interrupted by V's arrival. Felicia has asked her to comebecause she wants her to read a chapter in her book.
Emily and Nikolas continue the hip hop lesson. Nikolas has now joinedEmily in the hip hop look complete with one pant leg rolled up. As theyfinish the routine, Emily teases him saying she can't believe he hasnever danced like this before because he's so good. They decide to takea break and have something to drink. Emily thanks Nikolas for helpingto keep her mind off of her troubles and then leaves to get the drinks.As Nikolas is fixes his pant leg, Katherine enters the room lookingsurprised to see him.
As Lucky watches from the hall, pretending to sort the mail, Liz is atthe front desk of Downtown Faces when a famous male model walks up andstarts to talk to her. She recognizes him immediately and complimentshim on his work. He replies that she is obviously a woman of taste. Heasks if she is going to be working there. Liz tells him that it is justan internship for a few weeks. He tells her that if she wants to makeit permanent, he can help. He is the star model at the agency and if hetells them to hire her, they will. He goes on to say that Mr. Yergincould use some help because he just fired his assistant. Liz asks whythe assistant was fired. The model tells her that the agency party linewas for performance reasons, but he thinks the assistant was most likelyrunning a scam, selling unauthorized photos on the side, it happens allthe time. The model than asks Liz out for dinner on Saturday night. Lizpolitely declines saying she has other plans. As the model arrogantlytells her to cancel them, Lucky rolls through the lobby with the mailcart and deliberately runs in to the man's leg. He apologizesprofusely, saying that it was an accident, but the model creates a hugescene that brings Mr. Yergin running to the Lobby. Mr. Yergin asks whatis going on. Lucky tries to explain that it was an accident, but Mr.Yergin is not happy. The model storms off threatening Lucky if he hasany bruises.
Liz tries to defend Lucky saying that it really was an accident. Mr.Yergin asks why Lucky was there in the first place. Lucky says that hewas delivering mail, but Mr. Yergin points out that there aren't anyoffice near the reception area. He accuses Lucky of ogling all thegirls, and then asks if he just have the hots for Ms. Webber. Lizdefends Lucky again saying that he didn't mean any harm. Lucky was justflirting, but now that he knows that she has a steady boyfriend, itwon't happen again. Lucky agrees, he would never move in on anotherman's territory. Mr. Yergin is still angry and sends them both home forthe day. He tells them to work out their problems between themselvesbefore they come to work tomorrow.
Nikolas is surprised to see Katherine since Reggie told Emily thateveryone was gone. He explains that he was helping Emily with a photoshoot and that Emily was showing him how to hip hop. Katherine saysthat Emily is lucky to have a friend like Nikolas and so is she.Katherine thanks Nikolas for not telling Stefan about the kiss. Nikolassays that he would never mention anything so personal to his uncle.Katherine says that she doesn't want to lose Nikolas' friendship.Nikolas asks why Katherine returned the ring to Stefan. Katherine saysthat the ring belonged to Laura and that from what Nikolas told her, itstill does. Giving it back was the right thing to do. Emily arriveswith the drinks and is also surprised to see Katherine since Reggie toldher no one was home. Katherine leaves saying that she isn't surprisedbecause Reggie likes to pretend that she doesn't exist. Emily hands adrink to Nikolas and they toast to friends.
Justus tells Jax that in case he was the one who gave the informationregarding the Jacks family to Taggert. He tries to explain that henever thought that Jax would get hurt, but Jax stops him. He tells himthat his Father and Brother would have been caught eventually and thatthe money he lost doesn't matter. He would have lost the things thatwere most important to him anyway. He will make the money back on hisown. Jax also says that he can't help but suspect that detectiveTaggert must have something on Justus. He tells him not to apologizebecause everyone has to live with what they do.
V is reading Felicia's novel and asks if it is about her and Jax.Felicia admits that it sort of is about V and Jax. V says that shedoesn't have anything against Felicia's writing, but what she wrotewould never happen in real life. The heroine is completely transformedand the hero realizes that he loves her. In real life, that is totallyimplausible. No one wakes up one day and realizes that their totallyreliable friend is their one true love. It makes for a nice story, butthose things never happen in real life.
Mac arrives home and Felicia is working on her novel. Mac asks if theheroine got her emerald. Felicia says that she does, but she decided tothrow in a plot twist and have the heroine disappear. Felicia noticesthat Mac has a bag and she asks what is in it. Mac laughs, but won'tshow her. He says that it is something that will help him have a veryhappy Halloween. Felicia asks Mac what he thinks is stronger, love atfirst sight, or the type that starts out as a friendship and sneaks upon you. Mac asks if this is a trick question and stalls.
V arrives at Jax's apologizing for being late. Jax gives V a gift. Vopens the box and duscovers a very elegant and expensive evening gown.She says that he doesn't have to buy her presents, but he tells her thatshe will need it in Monte Carlo. V asks where he got the money, but Jaxisn't saying. He tells her to go try it on and V reluctantly agrees.
Liz and Lucky arrive at the Q's to tell Emily and Nikolas whathappened. Emily asks why there are done so early, did they findanything. Lucky says that they have good news and bad news. Mr. Yerginfired his assistant, Fred, a few weeks ago for conduct unbecoming orwhatever. Nikolas asks if they think it has anything to do with theblackmail. Lucky says that from what they heard, the circumstancessounded a little weird so he could be the one. Emily is surprisedbecause Fred was always so nice and Mr. Yergin told her that they hadbeen friends for years. Nikolas asks how they can find him so they cantalk to him. Lucky says that they didn't have time to find out.Nikolas says they can find out when they go back this afternoon. Whenthey tell them that they got sent home early, and aren't going backuntil tomorrow, Nikolas immediately asks what Lucky did. Lucky getsdefensive and asks how he knows it was him. Liz says it doesn't makeany difference, they will go back tomorrow and Lucky can get into thecomputer and she can pump the model guy who gave her the information inthe first place. Lucky tells her that she can't talk to the model, he'sa sleaze bag. He won't be able to help them, he just wants to helphimself to Liz.
Liz says that she isn't going to go out with the guy. Lucky walks awayand tells her to just forget it. Emily interrupts asking who they aretalking about. Lucky says that its just some guy who thinks he owns theworld because his face is on a few magazines. Emily asks if he is tallwith brown hair, brown hair and acts like he owns the place. Lucky nodsand says that he is limping today because he bashed him with a mailcart. Nikolas says no you did not . Liz laughs and Lucky says yes hedid. Emily says that his name is Peter Turnbill and he is the mostobnoxious guy she has ever met, but if Liz thinks she can get someinformation out of him, it might be worth a try. Lucky disagrees sayingthat all the guy wants is to put a move on Liz and he doesn't want heranywhere near the jerk. Emily tells Lucky that he is the last person inthe world that should be feeling jealous. Liz says thank you to Emily.Lucky asks Liz if he is the one being the jerk. Liz smiles and tellshim that she thinks he is being very sweet. Lucky tells her she isright, if she wants to talk to the guy, go ahead, assuming that she cantear him away from the mirror. Nikolas says that he hates to be thevoice of reason, but won't Mr. Yergin be watching them like a hawk aftertoday. Maybe someone else should try to talk to the Peter Turnbill.
Out in front of Downtown Faces, the mysterious woman is on a cell phonetelling someone that she saw Emily, Nikolas, Lucky and Liz together andshe thinks they might be on to them. She knows that Lucky and Liz areinterning and she wants to keep on an eye on them or they could blow thewhole deal.
Back at the Q's Emily suggests that she take Nikolas to visit Mr. Yerginsaying that he is interested in modeling. Emily and Nikolas willdistract Mr. Yergin while Lucky and Liz snoop around his office forinformation. They agree it's a go and Liz teasingly says all for oneand one for all again. They all laugh and Lucky gives her the thumbsup. They leave together to go to the agency.
Felicia is still trying to get Mac to answer her question about love.Mac says that it isn't a question of when love starts, but where it goesin the end. Felicia is pleased with his answer! Mac offers to show herwhat is in the bag he brought home, but discovers that Felicia hasstolen it away without him realizing it.
V is very pleased with the gown that Jax has bought. She offers to giveit back if things don't work out, but Jax tells her that she can keep itno matter what. He tells her to go try it on to make sure it fitsbefore their trial run tomorrow night. As V turns to leave, she askswith surprise, what trial run? Jax smiles and tells her she will see.

Thursday, October 29, 1998
by Soap Central
Today's recap was provided by Jodi White.
Jason, Robin and Michael are eating outside at Ruby's. Ruby comes outand tells them that Michael is beautiful. AJ arrives and Jasonimmediately asks him what he wants. AJ asks if he can't just say helloto his nephew. Jason tells him that he knows he can't so why doesn't hejust tell them what he really wants.
V arrives at Jax's dressed in jeans and carrying her new evening gown ina garment bag. Jax opens the door and is looking GREAT in a tuxedo. Hehas decorated the apartment with candles. Etc. He tells V that hewanted her to experience the ambiance of Monte Carlo and then chastisesV for not wearing her dress. V tells him that she didn't want to getanything on it. Jax replies that a countess doesn't concern herselfwith such things. He tells V to put on her dress, polish up her mannersand come back as a countess.
Jerry runs into Stefan at the Port Charles hotel. Stefan tells him thatthey probably should not be seen together, but Jerry tells him not toworry that he has something at stake too, he just wanted to give Stefanan update. Jerry says that he has laid the ground work to starttransferring money from Nikolas' account. Small amounts at first andthen larger. He hasn't found anything out yet about Katherine's fallfrom the parapet, but he's on it. He leaves Stefan and walks over tothe table where Alexis is sitting.
Liz and Lucky are back working at Downtown Faces. Liz is answeringphones and Lucky is pushing the mailcart. They smile at each otheracross the lobby. The mysterious woman is also in the lobby discussingsome photos with another person. Emily and Nikolas arrive and walk upto the reception desk. Emily introduces herself to Liz and tellsher that they want to see Mr. Yergin. Liz asks if she has anappointment. When Emily says no, Liz tells her that Mr. Yergin iscompletely booked for the day. Nikolas tells Liz that Emily is one ofMr. Yergin's clients and he is sure that Mr. Yergin can make time forher. As Nikolas is explaining things to Liz, Lucky "accidentally" runsinto him with the mailcart. He apologizes saying he just can't get thehang of this thing. Nikolas gives him a look and says very funny. AsEmily is threatening to report Liz to Mr. Yergin for being incrediblyrude to a client, Mr. Yergin comes storming out of his office yellingfor Liz to call the computer people because his computer has crashed.Lucky takes this opportunity to sneak into Mr. Yergin's office.Meanwhile, in the lobby, Mr. Yergin sees Emily and asks if she is thereto prep for tomorrow's shoot. Emily says no, and introduces Nikolas asher boyfriend. She explains that he is interested in modeling and shehoped Mr. Yergin could help him out. The mysterious woman is still inthe lobby watching everything. Lucky sits down at Mr. Yergin's computerto see what he can find.
AJ tells Jason that he has been cleared to visit Carly and he told Dr.Evans that he would let Jason know. AJ is surprised that Jason is socalm, he was afraid he would object. Jason tells him that if he scaresCarly or makes her lose it, he'll do more than object. AJ laughs andsays that Carly is not exactly the model of consistency, you never knowwhat will set her off. Jason says that if AJ is going to see her, he isresponsible for anything that happens. If he does anything that keepsCarly away from Michael for one extra day, he will be sorry. He may notbe able to call a strike anymore, but he can still get to AJ. After AJleaves, Robin says that it's started. When Jason asks what has started,Robin tells him that Carly is using AJ against him.
Jerry tries to join Alexis, but she tells him that she is expectingsomeone. Jerry tells her that he just wanted to thank her for gettingJax out of jail. Alexis tells him that there is no need to thank herbecause if Jax had taken her advice, he would have taken the deal andJerry would still be behind bars. Jerry then tells her he's beenwatching her and he is impressed. Take Stefan's murder trial, provingKatherine Bell's will was a forgery was brilliant. Alexis asks him toget to the point. Jerry tells her that he would like her to do the samething for him. He wants her to prove that the documents used to convicthim were fakes, and clear his name. Alexis tells him to go away becauseshe has no intention of pursuing this conversation with him. Hisrecords were real. Jerry says perhaps, but who is to say for sure.
Mr. Yergin is surprised when he finds out that Nikolas is a Cassadine.He asks if those are the same people who live in the middle of thelake. Nikolas laughs and says that that is one way of putting it. Heasks if that is a problem. Mr. Yergin says quite the opposite. Withthat name and his look, he could have a great modeling career. Hesuggests that they go into his office and discuss. Emily and Nikolas,knowing that Lucky is still in the office, make excuses saying that theyhave to meet friends and they really don't have time. Mr. Yergin isvery insistent and says that there would be no obligation until Nikolassigns a contract. Nikolas hears the word contract and says that thatwould be a problem, his family's lawyers are very strict aboutcontracts. Mr. Yergin says that he will just go to his office and get acopy of the contract for Nikolas' lawyers to see. Liz tries to stop himby showing him some important messages, but Mr. Yergin isn't listening.He goes into his office despite all of Liz, Emily and Nikolas' protestsand finds Lucky sitting at his computer. He angrily asks what Luckythinks he is doing.
Lucky says he hopes he doesn't mind, he was just taking a look at Mr.Yergin's computer. Mr. Yergin tells him that his job is to deliver themail and he has no right to touch anything in his office. Luckyapologizes saying he should have asked for permission first, but he sawMr. Yergin complaining about his computer crashing and he thought maybehe could fix it. Mr. Yergin is still skeptical, but Lucky shows himwhat he did. Meanwhile, in the lobby, Liz, Emily and Nikolas arenervously waiting to find out what happened. As they are discussingwhat might happen if Lucky gets caught, Mr. Yergin and Lucky come out ofhis office with Mr. Yergin singing Lucky's praises for fixing hiscomputer and saving him time and money. As Lucky leaves to deliver therest of the mail, Mr. Yergin hands Nikolas a copy of the standardcontract and tells him that the took the liberty of setting up some testshots. When Nikolas says that he think he needs a little more time tothink about it, Mr. Yergin gets mad and tells Emily that if her friendwasn't serious, she shouldn't be wasting his time. A reluctant Nikolasapologizes and says that he is serious about modeling and agrees to thetest shots.
Helena arrives for a meeting with Stefan who tells her that he heard shewas interested in the net worth of Nikolas' estate. He hands her apiece of paper with the information she requested. Helena says that sheknows what he is thinking, but she was only trying to protect Nikolas.Stefan's jealousy of Nikolas' wealth is palpable and as his grandmother,she just wants to be apprised of his current financial state. Stefantells her to consider herself apprised and that the piece of paper inher hand is the closest she will ever come to Nikolas' inheritance.Helena laughs and tells him he should be less concerned withinconsequential details and pay attention to Alexis' plot to kill her.She looks over and comments on who Alexis is sitting with.
As Jax impatiently waits, V comes into the room looking fabulous in herdesigner gown and flippantly tells Jax that he knows she's worth waitingfor. She apologizes for being late saying that she had to remove thediamonds she smuggled through customs in her unmentionables. Jax tellsher that was a nice touch and offers her some champagne. When she hearsa knock on the door, she leans over and tells Jax that if that is thedetective from Brussels, she was with him the entire month of July. Jaxtells her that it is her first test. He opens the door to a waiter fromthe hotel who has arrived to serve their dinner. He introduces Reese,the waiter, to one of the most intriguing woman in South America or anycontinent, the Contessa Isabella Castille. V smiles and offers her handto Reese to be kissed.
Robin reminds Jason that Carly told him she didn't want to see AJ andthat she must have changed her mind the minute Jason left the room. Shethinks that Carly is trying to get to Jason. Jason agrees, but Carlyjust wants to get released and she is trying to press Jason into makingthat happen. Robin is surprised that Jason isn't going to do anything.Jason says that if he warns Carly about AJ, she will know that she isgetting to him and if he tries to stop AJ from going he'll tell Carlyand she be scared. When she's scared, she does drastic things. Robinpoints out that she could do something drastic to get AJ on her side.Jason asks what she could do and Robin tells him that she could tell AJthe truth, that he is Michael's father.
Jason doesn't think that Carly would tell AJ the truth. She came to himin the first place because she knew the Q's would try to take Michaelaway if they knew the truth. Carly is just pushing Jason to make surehe is doing everything he can to get her out.
Jax and V continue their dinner. Jax asks Reese what he thinks of hisredecorating. Reese replies that it is very continental. Jax thankshim and says that he did it for the Contessa to revive her from her tripthrough the jungle. Reese asks which jungle and V replies that they alllook the same, tigers and trees as far as the eye can see. Theycomplete their dinner and V asks Reese to wrap up a piece of the cakefor her. She laughs and says that it is just one of her littleeccentricities. As Reese prepares to leave, V stops him and sticks aflower in his lapel as a remembrance of the evening. She then opens thedoor for him. Reese is delighted with her and tells her that she is avery unusual woman, and that unusual woman are hard to find. After heleaves, V is very happy with how things went. Jax is pleased as well,but tells her not to get too comfortable because the evening isn't overyet.
Nikolas, clearly uncomfortable, is posing for his test shots. Tom, thephotographer tells him he has seen enough of the root canal pose and toplease try something more cheerful. Emily laughs and tells him thatmeans to smile. Tom asks him if he is really a prince. Nikolas saysyes and Tom tells him he never would have guessed it, he seems like anormal guy. Tom asks if he likes sports. Nikolas tells him that helikes to ride and fence. Tom tells him to give him an En Garde. Nikolasreluctantly complies while Emily, watching from the side, smiles. Tomasks why Nikolas wants to model since he has family money. Nikolas saysto meet interesting people, which Tom interprets to mean girls. He saysthat is why he got into photography. As they finish the roll of film,the mystery woman comes in apologizing for being late. Tom asks her toplease reload the cameras. Emily recognizes her and asks her if sheworks at Downtown Faces. The woman says that she is there a lot, butshe is actually Tom's assistant. As Emily and Nikolas discuss the shootwith Tom, the assistant unloads the film and she and Tom exchange alook.
Stefan interrupts Jerry's "visit' with Alexis and tells him to leave hersister in peace. Jerry leaves and Alexis thanks Stefan for rescuingher.
Nikolas' photo shoot continues with Tom telling Emily to jump in. Hetells them to have fun with it, pretend Emily is the girl of his dreams,the love of his life. This is the first time he has ever touched her.Put both arms around her, gaze into each other's eyes, move closer,still closer. Nikolas is a little uncomfortable, but Emily is clearlyenjoying this part! Tom runs out of film and stops to reload. Emilyapologizes to Nikolas and thanks him for going through all of this forher. She hopes Lucky found something on Mr. Yergin's computer. Whilethey are talking, Tom returns and has Nikolas put on a baseball cap.Nikolas is surprised because he thought they were finished, but Tomtells him coverage is the name of the game. As he starts to take morepictures, Lucky and Liz arrive saying that Mr. Yergin sent them toobserve. Tom tells them to feel free to check it out. An amused Luckyand Liz watch while Tom continues to take pictures of Nikolas who is notvery happy that he has an audience. Tom finishes the last roll of filmand tells Nikolas that the brooding look really works for him. AsEmily, Nikolas, Lucky and Liz leave together, Lucky teases Nikolastelling him that he has something to fall back on if the Prince businessever folds. Nikolas says he is doing his part, what about Lucky.
V's next Contessa lesson turns out to be dancing. V is very reluctantsaying she has no rhythm. Jax tells her that a woman like the Contessalikes to be held in public by her escort. Dancing is a requirement,there is no way around it. As they begin, V glumly asks Jax if hisshoes are new. Jax ignores her and tells her that the steps aren't asimportant as the rhythm. Before she starts she should listen to themusic. They listen for a moment and then begin to dance. V becomesmore confident as they continue to dance and Jax tells her that she isdancing like a real Contessa. He wants her to try a dip, but the musicstops. They wait for the next song, which turns out to be the song thatBrenda and Jax danced to when he rented the theatre in New York. As themusic begins, Jax looks very sad and V immediately realizes thatsomething is wrong.
Jax explains the significance of the song to V who suggests they call ita night. She says goodbye and leaves Jax alone with his memories.
Jerry and Bobbie are in the park sharing licorice. Bobbie chooses redlicorice and tells Jerry a story about when she and Luke were young.Luke used to take her to the park just to get her out of the house andhe would steal licorice from the local drugstore. Once they were caughtby the police, who knew they were lying because their teeth were allblack. He let them go just to be nice and Bobbie and Luke always atered licorice from then on. Jerry tells a similar story of when he wasyoung and says that maybe they were fated to meet each other. Theysmile and share a passionate kiss.
As Jason and Robin leave Ruby's Robin asks Jason if he knows how muchshe loves him. When Jason says yes, Robin says that that is how muchshe hates having their lives depend on someone as unpredictable asCarly. Jason tells her he can handle Carly. She always wantssomething, pushes too hard to get it, Jason shuts her down and shequits. It's a pain, but no one gets hurt. He kisses Robin and promisesher that it will be ok.
Lucky tells Emily and Nikolas that he found out that Mr. Yergin'sassistant was not only fired, but arrested for fraud. Right now he issitting in Port Charles jail awaiting trial. The teens decide to go thejail tomorrow to try to talk to Fred. As they leave, Liz says that thiscould be it.
Tom's assistant tells Tom that she thinks the kids are up to something.She saw them together outside the modeling agency yesterday, but theypretended not to know each other when Emily and Nikolas where theretoday. Tom thinks it's just kids stuff. The assistant points out thatLucky already got caught snooping. Tom angrily tells the assistant toshut up, he will take care of it. As he stares at a picture of Emilyfrom the bridesmaid shoot, he says he has Emily Quartermaine all tohimself tomorrow. Such a shame. Poor thing. Just when her career wasstarting to take off.

Friday, October 30
by Starla Gist
AT ROBIN & JASON'S PLACEJason has arrived home, to find Michael dressed as a pumpkin. He calls out for Robin, who comes down dressed as a fairy princess. She reminds him its Halloween, but he doesn't understand. Robin explains to Jason that today is Halloween and she thought it would be nice if they dressed up. Jason says that he thought they were staying in tonight. Robin tells him that they are, but that she expects to have visitors and trick-or-treaters. Jason still doesn't get why Michael is all dressed up and Robin explains to a skeptical Jason why Michael needs to get a dose of make-believe every now and then. Just then, the Scorpios arrive in costume to celebrate Maxie's Halloween birthday party and Jason stares at Mac's Zorro outfit in unabashed dismay. After they all celebrate Halloween and the Scorpio's leave, Jason and Robin are talking about Halloween and he tells her he doesn't understand the point of dressing up to scare little kids. She explains the tradition to him and Jason admits that Michael had fun and so did he. He then leans in for a kiss and just as they are about to kiss, there is a knock at the door...more trick-or-treaters.
AT THE PORT CHARLES GRILLLaura has arrived at the restaurant to meet Stefan. She sits down and Stefan pours them some wine. She tells him that they agreed that she would be the one to make the next move in their relationship. Stefan talks about how the boys have been working together on the computer helping a mutual friend of theirs out on a project. Laura is surprised and delighted that they are spending time together. While she is happy to be informed, she tells Stefan he could have told her that over the phone. Stefan tells her that Nikolas's birthday is next week and wanted to discuss with her about doing something for him on this birthday. He then talks about how bittersweet Nikolas's past birthdays have been. Laura admits the personal ritual she has always went through to imagine her son on his birthday in the past. Stefan and Laura reminisce about the day their son came into the world. They each then talk about how they celebrated Nikolas's birthday and Stefan recalls when he first held Nikolas for the first time. He then tells Laura that he knows that she doesn't want to speak of their love, but he can see it every time he sees Nikolas. He then adds that perhaps this year, they can give their son what he has yearned for his entire life. Laura makes no promises and Stefan invites her to spend Nikolas's birthday with them. He tells her that they could possibly go to London or New York for the weekend. She laughs at this and tells him it would not be an innocent invitation, and she probably would not be going. He says that there was once a time in her life when she trusted him implicitly, but not anymore. She says that he is referring to a time where she thought Luke was dead, and he was her only friend. Stefan asks to put the past behind them and move forward. Laura says that she doesn't trust him enough. He claims that he is more honest than Luke. Laura then asks him to tell her the things he has tried to keep secret from her in the past. Stefan has a flashback to the time when they where on the island and he learned about Luke being alive, but kept that information from Laura because he was in love with her. As he comes out of his memory flashback, Laura tells him that she knows that he just thought of a secret that he didn't tell her and tells him in order to earn her trust, he should tell her that secret if he dares.
AT THE PORT CHARLES POLICE STATIONLucky and Nikolas are at the police station hoping to try to pry out information from Fred about the blackmailer. As they wait to see if they'll be let in to question the guy, Nikolas and Lucky wonder if this is going to work. Nikolas can't believe that someone who was already arrested is going to admit to a new crime, but Lucky thinks he will. As the two discuss how they will question him, Taggert shows up and says well if it isn't Detective Spencer and Detective Cassadine. He then asks the boys why they are interested in questioning Fred. Lucky gives Taggert a story about investigating a place a friend works at, and hopes that Fred can give them information. Nikolas tells Taggert that its a modeling agency, and they want to make sure its OK for their friend to work there. Taggert tells them that Fred is a serial liar. Lucky says they just want to ask him a few questions and asks for 15 minutes. Taggert tells them 8 minutes only and as they go in to question Fred, they leave their backpacks on the desk. As they leave, Nikolas's cell phone rings, it is Liz begging him to pick up. Inside the interrogation room, Lucky and Nikolas are talking to Fred and Lucky shows him the picture of Maggie Christian. Fred tells them that she wasn't into porn and is surprised to see that picture of her. He then recalls Maggie being friends with Tom while she worked there, which surprises Nikolas and Lucky.
AT DOWNTOWN FACES MODELING AGENCYLiz is talking to her boss Mr. Yergin, who tells her that she would make a good model. She says that she doesn't think she has what it takes to be model. He shows her other model's portraits, and tells her to find what they have that she doesn't. He then leaves the office to go take care of some business while Liz looks through all of the portfolios of different models that Tom has taken pictures of. Glancing through Tom's portfolio, Liz spots a shot of Maggie Christian who was the other model that was blackmailed and is appalled to finally put two and two together. A horrified Liz calls the photo studio to warn Emily, but gets the answering machine and hangs up. She then calls Nikolas and Lucky to tell them what she has found out, but can't reach them. Liz then leaves to go and warn Emily.
AT FERNCLIFF CLINICAJ comes to visit Carly's and the doctor is concerned about him visiting Carly. He tells AJ not to upset her. AJ tells him if she becomes agitated at any time, he will leave. He then goes in to see Carly who is in her calm, cool and collected mode. They make small talk in front of the doctor and then Carly dismisses the doctor so she and AJ can talk alone. AJ asks her what changed her mind to let him visit. Carly asks if its OK for her to change her mind about seeing him. AJ asks her how much has Jason told her. She calmly tells him about the cottage, Robin, etc. He is surprised that Jason has been so honest with her, and how well she has taken the news. She tells him that things have a way of working out for the best. She then says that it won't be too much longer. AJ tells her that Jason hasn't told her everything. AJ then tells Carly that Jason's ability to influence her release has been greatly diminished when he left the organization. He then says that Jason walked away from his power, he is just a bike mechanic, He can no longer influence judges. Carly just listens and AJ tells her that he wants to help get her out and back with her son, but if she wants him to stay out, he will. She tells him that big favors don't come cheap and asks him what does he want in return and how would she repay him? AJ asks her what could she tell him that would help him to speed up the process of getting her out. Carly tells him that there is something and AJ then suggested that the Quartermaines might be able to help Carly.
AT TOM'S PHOTO STUDIOEmily has arrived at the photo studio and is calling out for Tom. She gets no answer, but does see a note with her name on it, with instructions for her to put on a slinky white dress. Emily feels a little weird and the photo studio's atmosphere is dark and moody. Nevertheless, she changes into the outfit and comes out to find Tom waiting on her. Tom compliments her and tells her that he has gotten a job offer to use her for another kind of shoot. Something different and daring. As Tom is snapping pictures of Emily, he keeps talking to her about Brenda and about how models can screw themselves up. He then tells her to stay clean. Emily asks Tom about Nikolas's proofs and they talk about how the session went the other day. Tom tells her that shy can be sexy. He then goes off to reload his camera. Emily is left alone. She wanders around and finds Nikolas's proofs and says to herself, "Tom is right, shy can be sexy". She then sees another picture of Nikolas in the pile, naked. Tom comes back out and catches Emily gaping in shock at a nude photo of Nikolas and says "you are smart, sometimes too smart". He then informs the frightened girl she now knows too much about his private sideline. Later, Liz shows up at the photo studio, calling out for Emily. Tom finds her, and says "Shhhhhh, Not a word." Liz then recalls the rape and remembers the rapist saying the same phrase when he attacked her in the park and makes a terrifying discovery......

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