Comprehensive daily recaps for General Hospital, dating back to 1996.

Monday July 13, 1998
by Soap Central
Bobbie tells Stefan how sorry she is about Katherine's death. We didn't always get along, but she was a different person around you, she says. Stefan reminds her that Katherine's death happened as a result of Luke's vendetta against his family. Bobbie gets angry with Stefan and leaves in a huff, running into Jerry on the way. He asks her to join him for a drink. She thanks him for the baseball gear he gave Lucas. Why me? she asks him. Because I like your company--and your body, Jerry replies. Bobbie tells him that, while she's happy with her life, his offers of an exciting life tempt her.Helena surprises Stefan by joining him at dinner. He asks her to leave and she tells him that it's Alexis he has to watch out for, and not her. Helena continues ranting about how Alexis is the one who had Katherine killed, even though Helena was the intended victim. Alexis overhears their conversation. Stefan smiles. Of course Alexis wants you dead, he says. Stop trying to divide and conquer this family. He promises to hurt her if she had anything to do with Katherine's death. Helena vows revenge against Alexis as she leaves. Alexis tries to explain to Stefan about Helena's comments, but he disregards her apology and tells her that he has long since forgiven her for her earlier deception. She tells him that she doesn't deserve his trust. Dara rails on Taggert after learning from Alexis that he was harassing Stefan. He reminds her that she's not the "good girl" that she pretends to be and invites her to dinner at his place. She refuses, reminding him that it wouldn't be good for their careers to get involved. He flirts with her, telling her that the door to his apartment will be unlocked. AJ asks Brenda why she's not surprised about Alan being a junkie. She points out all the signs. We're not his family anymore, AJ says. We're just an obstacle in his way to bliss. Down on the pier, an unconscious Alan is robbed of his wallet, pills and watch. He calls AJ to come get him, and bring some cash. When AJ arrives, Alan tries to convince him that he needs to clean up before going home and if he could have some money, he'll catch a cab home. I can't stop you from doing drugs but I won't help you score, AJ says.Liz visits Laura to talk about Lucky. You need to make him talk, Liz says. She tells Laura that the two of them will be on the pier fishing later that night. Laura agrees to take a walk with Luke later. Liz asks Laura how she got past the rape. My situation was different than yours. You experienced everyone's worst nightmare--getting raped by a stranger, Laura says. Isn't getting raped by someone you love worse? Liz asks. Laura tells her that she has to take responsibility for her part in what happened with Luke. Liz tells her that she lost her virginity that night. No you didn't, Laura says. You still haven't made love with someone.Later on the docks, Laura and Luke come upon Lucky and Liz. Lucky starts to leave, but Laura stops him. Laura tells him that he has no right to be angry with her. Lucky replies that they lied to him his whole life. Laura asks him to come home. If you want to know why I'm angry, ask him, Lucky says, referring to Luke. You let me come to you for advice on Liz when you knew how much it was tearing me up. I'm not some freak in a ski mask, Luke says. Rape is rape, no matter what you call it, Lucky responds. Laura flips out. Do you think you know more about my life than I do? she asks. I would do it all over again. This subject is obviously over your head. Lucky ignores her. You can spin it all you want, he says. But you can't make it right. Luke and Laura give up and leave. At home, Laura tells Luke that he can't let Lucky walk all over him. I didn't accuse you, so he feels like he has to, she says. He wants to hurt you and you let him. On the docks, Liz points out to Lucky that his parents aren't his enemies. She's not afraid of him, Liz says. Why don't you at least consider talking to her--for me? Liz calls home to check in with Audrey and finds out that Mr. Murty called and made Audrey promise to send Liz to see him tomorrow--alone.

Tuesday, July 14, 1998
by Soap Central
Armed with a knife thatLucky had given her anda tape recorder, Liz wentto her tutoring sessionwith Murty to get him toconfess that he hadraped her. Lucky stood outside one of the classroomwindows in case Liz got in trouble with Murty. One of thebooks that Murty and Liz were studying caused Liz to air heranger about rape. Murty saw that Liz was recording theirsession and confiscated the tape. After Murty told a petrifiedLiz that there was a problem between them, Liz fumbled topull open the knife. Meanwhile, after learning from Jasonabout the Jacks family's ties to the mob, Justus met withJerry, who wanted Justus to betray Jason. Jason tookMichael for a picnic in the park and met up with Bobbie andLucas. Bobbie explained to Lucas that Jason was part oftheir extended family and then allowed Lucas to play catchwith Jason. A hidden Tony observed all and later came faceto face with Bobbie. After learning that Robin was notreturning to Yale, Jax and Brenda were unsuccessful inconvincing her to leave Jason. When Jason returned fromthe park, Jax told him to leave Robin if he loved her. Afterbeing told by Jason to go to hell, Jax tried to resolve theslowdown on the docks project. When Jax accused Jason ofextortion, Jason implied that he could get Jerry in hot waterwith the Feds. Meanwhile, Ned told Emily that a modelingagency wanted her for a campaign and that Alan wasaddicted to drugs. An angry Alan then lashed out Ned andAJ. Emily was unable to convince Alan that he had aproblem. AJ then attempted to stop Alan from leaving thehouse to purchase more drugs.

Wednesday, July 15, 1998
by Soap Central
Today's recap was provided by Marina
AJ confronts Alan about his drug addiction and they get in to a nastyargument. Alan accuses AJ of being upset because from day one Alan lovedJason more. AJ is only trying to stop Alan before he's responsible forcausing the brain damage of someone he loves. AJ calls Alan an addict andAlan hits him, in front of Emily.
Jason replies to Jax's threat with his own. If Jax calls in the Feds itwill cause trouble for Jax too. Jerry has been stupid in leaving a trailfrom Carlos back to his personal accounts. Underlying this threat is thefact Jason knows the Jacks family launders money for the Organization.Robin and Brenda are drawn in to the argument as well.
Tony reveals to Bobbie that he was watching her picnic with Lucas, Jason andMichael from the bushes. She takes his son to see a dangerous gangster, andhe's the one hiding in the bushes. The whole time Tony's holding Lucas'sbat and using it for emphasis.
Mr. Murty is talking to Liz about their meeting in the park, but she'staking everything he says for her rape in the park. She becomes more andmore upset and pulls the knife out under her desk. When she stands up she'sholding it behind her back. Mr. Murty thinks that she's uncomfortablebecause Liz has a crush on him. Lucky bursts in. Lucky and Liz leave Mr.Murty confused and upset with them.
Tony thinks that he and Bobbie should go back to being a family. They'vebeen through a rough time, but it's over now. Bobbie tells him he's onlyremembering the good, like looking in a photo album. There were bad timestoo, and there's nothing left to save or go back to. He approaches her withthe bat. She's very obviously scared of him. Tony hands her the bat andtells her she can use it against him, it's covered with his fingerprints,but no matter what he'll always be a part of Lucas's life.
Emily tends to AJ. Monica returns from London and is quickly brought up tospeed. Emily decides to go to Jason's and she and AJ leave.
Robin calls Brenda on defending Jax. He's an inside trader, he caused thebreakup of Ned & Lois, and is protecting Jerry. How is he so different fromJason, who would do anything to protect Michael? Jax says there's nocomparison since he doesn't kill people. Robin separates herself fromJason's business, why can't they separate their friendship from it? Emilycomes in, visibly upset. She tells Jason that Alan hit AJ.
Monica confronts Alan about his addiction. He won't be returning to thehospital. She called Stefan, who went to the hospital board, and gave Alana leave of absence. Monica is the new Chief of Staff.
Bobbie runs in to Felicia, just back from Texas and on her way to see Mac.Bobbie tells her everybody, including her, thinks Mac and Felicia areperfect for each other. Felicia admits she missed Mac every minute she wasgone and did a lot of thinking. The man you want to raise your children,grow old with, that's the man you love and the one you should marry. It'sobvious she's talking about Mac.
Liz tells Lucky about what went on in the classroom. Lucky wants to goafter Mr. Murty, but Liz stops him. He wasn't the one raped and he wasn'tthe one in the classroom. She has to face him and have him admit to herface that he raped her. It's the only way for it to be over. She can goback and face Mr. Murty again, as long as she knows Lucky's there.Jax apologizes for getting everyone involved in his argument with Jason.Emily comes down and tells Jax and Brenda not to leave on her account. Shetells Brenda about her photo shoot and Brenda offers to accompany her to NewOrleans, or anywhere else, as long as it's by train. Brenda asks Robin tocome over for a girls night with popcorn and movies.
Alan accuses Monica of sabotaging him. She's always been ambitious and nowshe's made it to the top by climbing over his back. Alan says she's nevertaken care of him. It's always been about her; her cancer, her sexualharassment suit. Monica tells Alan she's there for him now. Alan isn'thaving it, he won't admit he has a problem. He needs help, he's not anaddict and Monica will be giving his job back within a month. There isn'tenough limelight to support her ego. Alan leaves and AJ comes back. He waseavesdropping from the terrace, like he and Jason used to do when they werekids. This is different though, because Monica isn't fighting with Alan,she's fighting an addict, and they are cruel.
Jason and Emily talk about her trip. Just because modeling isn't somethingJason would do doesn't mean he won't support her. Emily tells Jason aboutAlan and about the accident they had. He promises not to tell any of theQ's. Emily tells Jason how grateful she is that she has somewhere to go.Jason tells her she can always call him or come stay with him. Robin lookson as they hug.
Felicia and Mac hug at the police station. They missed each other and needto talk. Mac says he has good news for a change, the Reverend called, theroof collapsed and the wedding is postponed for a week. Just one more weekof pretending. It's a cruel thing to do to their friends, but at leastKevin and Lucy will get married. Mac says he has to agree with her, theyshould have called it off a long time ago, but it will be over soon.Felicia sits silent through all this. Mac is obviously putting up a goodfront, but Felicia decides she can't tell him she really wants to gothrough with it. She leaves and they are both obviously upset.
Robin asks Jason if he only listened to Jax because of her. He admits hewould have otherwise thrown Jax out. Robin tells him that every time heholds back because of her it's like a small gift and she thanks him for it.She says the only thing that could hurt her is leaving Jason, and she'llnever do that again. She's off to Brenda's and they kiss again and again.Jax comes to the same conclusion with Brenda. Jason would never have put upwith him if not for Robin. He's going to hide Jerry's involvement withCarlos and then go after Jason again. He doesn't know that's only the tipof the iceberg. Brenda says she loves him, even when he gets her in a fightwith her best friend over something she doesn't care about.
Liz tells Lucky she has times when she's fine, not normal because she'snever been that, but when she doesn't think about the rape. All of thosetimes have been with Lucky. Lucky tells her all those moments take awayfrom the power Mr. Murty has over her. She just wants to get to the pointwhere it's fine all the time. What will do that for Lucky? He says it'sdifferent for him. He doesn't want to forget, he just wants for hisparents' lies not to matter to him anymore. He agrees to go see Laura andlet her explain, for Liz.

Thursday, July 16, 1998
by Soap Central
Today's recap was provided by Nora Brandon
After an uneventful bachelor party, Jax returns a tipsy Mac to theCommission's apartment. Mac is in the midst of complaining about how no onewas even at his party (neither Taggert nor Kevin were attendees) when heblurts out that he'll be the only man to "go up to the altar to break up withthe woman I love." Jax picks up on this comment and tells Mac to go throughwith the wedding if he really loves Felicia, but Mac says that he can'tbecause Felicia doesn't love him back. Mac then tells Jax that every time heand Felicia get close to a serious relationship, something always stops them.First it was Ryan, then Maxie got sick, and finally, Frisco came to town andswept Felicia's heart again. Jax points out how nothing is stopping them nowand warns Mac not to let opportunity pass him by. He compares Mac andFelicia's relationship to his relationship with Brenda. He then takes agarter from Mac's arm and leaves.
Meanwhile, V and Felicia are at PCPD re-dating Mac and Felicia's weddinginvitations (why haven't these been sent out already if the wedding wassupposed to be tomorrow?) and Felicia is very grumpy. After a bit of gentlechiding on V's part, Felicia admits that she loves Mac and that he has beenlike a father to her girls. She always thought that they would end uptogether someday, but she hurt him badly the last time that Frisco came totown. After some discussion with V, Felicia decides to go to Mac's with thepretense of needing addresses for the invitations.
As soon as Felicia has left V, Jax walks in. He drops the garter on V'spapers and asks her if she will deliver it to Felicia. She agrees and theybriefly discuss how she is tailing Jerry. She tells Jax that she feelsawkward doing so because she trusts Jax completely, but Jax assures his friendthat he is fine with the situation and he would appreciate it if thepolicewoman-in-training would inform him if Jerry ever has shady dealings.The conversation quickly changes to Mac and Felicia's upcoming wedding andthey reveal to each other how Mac and Felicia are truly in love.
Felicia arrives at Mac's house and asks him if she should address theinvitations in his kitchen or if she should take the addresses home and finishthem there. The alcohol is beginning to take its toll on the Commissioner andwhen he starts to fall asleep, Felicia kisses him goodnight on the cheek. Asshe does so, Mac pulls her toward him and kisses her full on the lips. Heasks her to stay with him forever, but then he appears to be falling asleep.Felicia leaves, saying that she doesn't want to stay for the hangover.
Back at PCPD, Nikolas questions Taggert about Katherine's murderinvestigation. They argue as to who is culpable and Taggert meets resistancewhen he asks the young Cassadine about the dress and ring Katherine waswearing the night of her murder. Nikolas tells the detective that he would bebetter off questioning his uncle or mother and when the phone rings, he leavesthe police department. The phone call is made by an unknown caller, butTaggert tells the caller that "this is going to be the crime of the century."
Over at the Quartermaine mansion, Alan is looking especially slimy. Monicareturns from her first day of work as Chief Of Staff at GH and admits that itis a difficult position to hold. Alan argues with her, but she insists thathe cannot return to his job until he is well. Monica then goes upstairs tocheck on Emily.
Emily is packing for her photo shoot and when Monica enters her room, shemistakenly thinks that Emily is going to move in with Jason. Emily explainsthat she has a new summer job that requires travelling and finally admits thatshe is going to be modeling. When Monica looks tired and worn out, Emilyoffers to stay in PC and help her with Alan. Monica, however, declines theoffer and tells the young girl to have fun at the photo shoot.
Downstairs, Alan receives a phone call from his cell phone company.Evidently, the company wants to know why 100+ calls were placed to a localphone booth. Alan claims that this is preposterous and as he hangs up, Monicareturns to the room. She informs her husband of Emily's plans and Alan arguesthat it is not appropriate for someone of her young age. As they fight withone another, Monica reveals that today is the anniversary of the death ofSteve Hardy and tells Alan that if Steve were here today, he would be ashamedof Alan. Alan does not react well to this and goes out to the terrace.Monica then discusses Emily's modeling with Ned and AJ, both of whom promiseto protect their relative. As they are talking, Edward enters the roomlooking for Alan. Monica goes to the terrace to find him, but he hasdisappeared. Edward and AJ go to look for him while Ned calls the guards.The guards announce that they saw Alan leave a little while ago. Monica isnoticeably upset and Ned comforts her when she tells him that she still lovesAlan, even after all he has done.
Alan is down in a dark, dingy part of town looking for the man who took hispills. He asks everyone who tries to use the pay phone (the one that thephone company called about) if they know where his pills are. When hepersistently bothers one man, the man becomes upset and attempts to strangleAlan. His is unable to finish what he starts, however, because Taggertarrives. It seems that someone called the police about a "whacked-outCaucasian male" terrorizing the residents of this part of PC. Alan claims tobe looking for his mugger, but when Taggert tells the doctor that no suchmugging was ever reported, Alan is at a loss. The police detective wants totake the Quartermaine to GH to be checked out, but Alan only wants to go home.Taggert takes the opportunity to taunt Alan about losing his position as COSand then threatens him by saying that he knows Alan is guilty, but he iswaiting for something bigger to happen.
Over at Kelly's, Emily runs into Nikolas. She puts on an act, trying toappear more mature than she really is. She tells Nikolas about her modeling"gig" and she gets excited and lets her guard down. She quickly recovers andresumes her mature composure. She tells her friend that she will be a juniornext year with all of her credits, but that if modeling pans out, she mightneed a tutor. Nikolas offers to recommend some if the situation arises andthen he leaves.

Friday, July 17, 1998
by Soap Central
Taggert joins Dara at her table at the Port Charles Grill. She accuses him ofbringing Nikolas in for questioning. Taggert assures her that Nikolas wasthe one who cornered him. Then didn't it occur to Taggert to take advantageand to wonder why Nikolas suddenly came to him? And why did he run off totake care of some middle aged junkie running amok? Taggert tells her that'sno ordinary middle aged junkie. He tells her that sometimes to catch thebig fish you have to let the little fish wiggle.
Amy almost catches Alan stealing pills at GH. She wants to know why ifMonica's telling everyone he's on a leave of absence to brush up on hisskills, he's showing up at the hospital looking like death warmed over.Alan tells her he just wanted to assure her that he's keeping his promise toquit taking the pills after the Nurses Ball. Amy's glad, because after theNurses Ball he should be off drugs. She's glad he's getting help before helost everything.
Laura calls Luke's club but avoids speaking to him directly. She leaves amessage, not important, to be given to Luke whenever, that she's takenLesley Lu to have dinner with her brother. When Luke gets the message hesays, "Lucky?" But Laura didn't say Lucky specifically, which causes Luketo wonder.
Stefan sees Katherine in the rose garden. "She accepted your invitation",she says. Only to see Nikolas, he assures her. Katherine tells him thatLaura could see Nikolas anywhere. But she can only be a mother to him here,counters Stefan. Katherine accuses Stefan of telling Laura he was providingNikolas with a real mother only to hurt her or to make her act like amother. Now Stefan's getting his wish. No, says Stefan, everything didn'twork out like he had planned, he truly wanted to marry Katherine. He nevermeant for her to be hurt or to have to watch her die. Katherine tellsStefan that Laura not only left Nikolas behind, she left Stefan behind aswell, but now maybe she'll come back for both of you. Katherine disappears.Inside, Nikolas tries to make jokes as everything is prepared, but Stefan isuncomfortable and Nikolas accuses him of being nervous. Alexis enters andwants to know why Nikolas went to see Taggert and what was said. She'sconcerned that Laura's name came up. They have to be sure that Nikolasdoesn't help the case against Stefan, even inadvertently. Stefan keepstrying to rush Alexis out before Laura arrives. She's unpleasantlysurprised when the dinner guests are escorted in.
Liz and Lucky meet outside Kelly's. He's a little late because he washelping a friend make some repairs to a tape player. He hands Liz a tape hemade for her, but is mixed up as to which of the two tapes is the right one.Liz tells Lucky she feels guilty for having done something behind his back.She starts talking about Lucky and his family. She tells him that he's sogood at knowing what she needs, even what she doesn't ask for. She wantedto do the same for him. She admits that she told Laura that they'd befishing on the docks. The run in they had with his parents wasn'tcompletely accidental. She apologizes and says she'll understand if he'sangry. Lucky tells her he needs time and walks off, leaving both tapesbehind.
Back at the Port Charles Grill, Taggert sees Alan come in and asks Dara whatshe would give him for his middle aged junkie. She'd give him onenight...and a cold shower. Taggert muses that as long as his junkie has hisfamily, social standing, etc. he'll hold on to him, as he may lead them tosomeone they couldn't get otherwise. Alan asks Ned to help him talk toMonica and get his job back. Taggert is hovering nearby as Alan ramblesabout the family being against him and people being poised to capitalize onhis downfall. Suddenly Alan becomes quiet as the wheels start turning. Nedis concerned and asks what Alan's gotten himself in to. Alan wonders if Nedand Edward don't have enough pull in the community to accomplish anything,say to get a detective transferred out of Port Charles? Taggert goes backto Dara and tells her he's ready to cast his bait.
Nikolas takes Lesley out to see the roses with Laura. Alexis warns Stefanabout the repercussions of having Laura over. It's important that people,especially people who cared about Katherine, see Stefan as mourning.Nikolas lost Katherine too and if Laura will console him, then Stefandoesn't care what people think. Alexis reminds Stefan there isn't only theprosecution to worry about, what about Luke? Stefan assures her he wouldn'tbe caught unprepared. Alexis looks concerned, perhaps more for Luke thanfor Stefan? Stefan tells her that nothing is going to spoil this forNikolas, the chance to have his mother, sister and the man who raised him(father), together. Alexis leaves, still uncomfortable with the situation.Laura and Stefan toast each other and share caviar specially flown in thatmorning. They reminisce about the island and servants Laura knew. Mrs.Lansbury comes in and accidentally calls Laura, "Mrs. Cassadine." Lesley Lupipes up, that's not her name. Mrs. Lansbury apologizes, but Laura looksstricken. She tries to explain to Lesley Lu that she used to be Mrs.Cassadine when she was married to Nikolas's dad. Nikolas takes her outsideagain. Laura asks Stefan how he could raise Nikolas and never tell him thetruth. Stefan says there were many times when it was going to be the nextwords out of his mouth, or when he considered leaving a trail of clues forNikolas to follow. It was very hard on him, and even now he has a hardtime, with just him and Laura to say out loud the truth. But this way isbest for Laura and best for Nikolas, who would lose the fortune and title.But what about what's best for Stefan, asks Laura. He says it gives himsatisfaction knowing that by his silence, Nikolas will have everything thatStefan couldn't. Laura's eyes are filled with tears at Stefan's sacrifice.Laura and Stefan are preparing a toast with red wine when the Nikolas andLesley Lu come back. Lesley Lu rushes over to her mother and causes her tospill her wine on the tablecloth. Laura apologizes, but Stefan tells herit's alright. Although earlier he'd told Nikolas about the heirloom thatone of their relatives had hidden from the Bolsheviks under. The secretdoor opens in the living room and Stefan goes over, but Luke appears fromthe garden. He asks, "What's for dessert?" Stefan looks angry and Lauralooks panicked.
Alexis runs in to Ned at the Port Charles Grill and they commiserate over being theonly sane ones in their families, having to pick up for everyone's messes.Alexis asks Ned if he's ever considered just taking over. For Ned thatwould mean getting rid of everyone else, and he's rather fond of Monica andLila. For Alexis that would mean getting rid of Helena. Alexis wonders ifit would be as much trouble running the whole Cassadine family as savingthem from crisis. Ned proposes that they go upstairs and forget abouteveryone else. Knowing it's another one-night stand, Alexis shakes her headno. Then she stops at the door on the way out and Ned follows her.Taggert goes to see Monica in Alan's office. She tells him that Alan is ona leave of absence and that there's nothing wrong with him or his health.That's good, says Taggert, because I thought it had something to do with allthose pills he's been popping. Monica is speechless.
Lucky shows up at Liz's window, frantic to find the tape he lost. Liz showshim the tape, but won't give it to him. They play keep away for the tapeand end up with Lucky toppled on top of Liz on her bed. Lucky apologizes,but Liz tells him it's okay. She hands him the tape and he's ready toleave, but it's not the right one. The other tape is already in her stereoand Liz hits play. "Liz..." It's Lucky singing a soft love song toand about Liz. Now she knows what he didn't want her to hear. Lucky sayshe's not a singer, songwriter or musician and it isn't very good. Lizthinks it's perfect. They get closer and closer to each other. He wantsthe tape back, but Liz asks to keep it. Lucky says he can do better, butLiz wants that one. Lucky says he'd better go before Liz's grandma hearshim. Liz asks if he's still angry with her, but he doesn't say anything.She stops him at the window to say goodnight and after he leaves she holdsthe tape to her heart.

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