Comprehensive daily recaps for General Hospital, dating back to 1996.

Monday April 13, 1998
by Soap Central
Due to some technical difficulties, today's recap is provided by ABC Daytime
In order to protect thesecret of Nikolas'sparentage anddownplay his love forLaura, Stefan madesure that the portrait he had in his wine cellar of Laura hadbeen replaced by a semi-nude of a young Helena. Lukeperused the painting and listened to Stefan say that he hadfeelings for Laura when she was on the Cassadine island,but never acted on them and that Laura never knew. Stefantold Luke that his feelings for Laura were attributed to pity,but he had soon felt disdain for Laura when she hadabandoned Nikolas. Luke told Stefan that he was notinterested in his fantasies and made it clear that his onlyinterest was to protect Lucky from Helena and inferred thatany harm that may come to Lucky may also fall on Nikolas.Meanwhile, Nikolas visited Robin at General Hospital andtheir friendship deepened over talk about the night he hadalmost died. Alan purchased pills from the drug dealer, whoturned out to be an informant for Taggert. Taggert thenentered Alan's motel room and saw him sleeping andhinted that he had an agenda with him. Jason refused tosleep with Carly and admitted that he was still in love withRobin. After complimenting Carly on how she and Michaelbrought life into his home, Jason told her that he wantedthem to be just good friends. Brenda tried to read more intoNikolas's visit to Robin and then told Robin that Jax'sparents supported her efforts to win Jax back. Jax and Jerryshared a rowdy reunion complete with fist-a-cuffs. Havingknown that Jerry was plotting the hit, Jax was upset thatBrenda was wounded instead of the real target, Jason.Jerry told Jax that after he had learned that Mitch was tryingto kill Jax, he had paid the sniper off to wound Jasoninstead and blamed what had happened to Brenda onMac's interference. After Jax fumed at Jerry's cavalierattitude over what had happened, Jerry told Jax that it wasclear that he was in love with Brenda. Jax told Jerry that hecould never love Brenda again and related the history of thetheir relationship. Jax then asked Jerry to make sure that hedoes not fall for Brenda again. Later, Jason visited asleeping Robin in the her room. As Stefan wondered if Lukehad bought his story, Luke started to doubt Laura'srelationship with Stefan.

Tuesday, April 14, 1998
by Soap Central
Due to some technical difficulties, today's recap is provided by ABC Daytime
Helena asked Lucky totell her what he knewabout Tony and thenasked him to retrievesomething from Luke'ssafe at the club inanother test of loyalty. Lucky, however, passed Helena'stest without completely going against Luke when hereturned with innocuous documents. By listening to theaudio bug he had planted on the yacht, Luke learned aboutLucky's assignment and Helena's interest in Tony. Tonyreceived a visit from a celebrity attorney, but opted not toplead insanity as a defense. Helena arrived and offered herhelp, but Tony was skeptical of her true agenda. Tony thenrejected Luke's warnings about dealing with Helena andfelt that he did not have to sacrifice her offer of help becauseof Luke's feud with the Cassadines. Nikolas visited Robinat General Hospital and they made plans to meet againafter she was released. Nikolas then ran into Jason at thehospital and thanked him for saving his life. Robin then sawJason, who remained detached for her safety. Nikolas thenrealized that Jason and Robin were not as close as theyonce were. Dara decided to accept Justus's help in herprosecution of Tony in order to make sure that she wouldhave an airtight case. Dara, however, made it clear that theirefforts must be done in an informal fashion over dinner andlunches. Alan returned home and was still controlled by hisaddiction. Alan managed to reconnect with Monica, but wasnot able to make any headway with Emily. TheQuartermaines still struggled at home without theircomplete staff and botched an attempt at making toast andcappuccino with Edward short circuiting the microwave.

Wednesday, April 15, 1998
by Soap Central
Jerry is throwing clothes down a fire ladder outside the PC Hotel when Bobbie walks by. He explains that he was just coming out of the commissioner of police's room (seems he must have been with his wife), when the commissioner unexpectedly came home. Anyway, the two exchange a few words and then Bobbie is off.
Brenda gets off the elevator at Jax's penthouse and Jerry catches her checking out her hair. He flirts with her but both know who the other is.
Katherine rambles on about Deception but Stefan is paying little attention. She catches on and wonders what's wrong. She's missed seeing him and he claims he's been very busy. She thinks there's been a cool wind between them ever since she told Luke he was once in love with Laura. Katherine claims she did it to try to help him and if they can't speak to one another about these things they have a problem.
Luke receives a delivery at the club from Stefan; it's the portrait of the half-naked Helena. He decides it should be hung over the fireplace; that should get people drinking or it will sober them up. At this moment Nikolas walks in.
Jax answers his door and Jerry and Brenda are standing there. Jerry claims Brenda was putting the moves on him and they both walk in. John and Jane come down and are happy to see Jerry. Brenda and the Jacks' leave the room and Jerry informs his brother he's taken care of the problem with the police commissioner. Jax tells him that the strike is under control but Jerry doesn't think so. He suggests they sit down with Jason and Jax says only on their conditions.
Ned is at the Port Charles Grill where unfortunately no one else is. Because of the strike business has dwindled. V. walks in to eat and Ned offers to buy her dinner. Although they don't know one another they sit down and Ned tells her he's concerned about Jax going up against Jason. He doesn't think Jax can beat Jason but V. thinks her boss will hold up just fine.
Stefan admits he's been cold to her and she explains that she went to Luke to try to explain that Stefan would never hurt his wife. She was only trying to protect him and Nikolas and feels she can take advantage of the relationship she has with Luke. Stefan asks her to respect that his family is his responsibility. She agrees but can not understand his rules. She invites him over to her place later in the evening and he accepts.
Luke wants to know why he's there; what is he looking for another drive by shooting? Nikolas thinks he's very funny but just came by to thank him for saving his life. He also never meant to tell Lucky and have him then go work for his grandmother. He goes to leave when Luke asks him what he thinks about the portrait. Nikolas can not believe it is Helena.
Helena places a call to Alexis who is preparing to come home from her business in Ja.k.arta. Helena apparently knows her whole itinerary, even what she did on her trip, and then tells her to change the flight pattern and stop over in Greece to do her a little errand.
The whole Jacks' family, including Brenda, sit down to dinner. The brothers squabble over the situation with Jason and Jerry asks if they can just shoot him.
Nikolas asks Luke where he got the portrait and he tells him from Stefan. Nikolas thinks this is shameful to his family and then retaliates back by telling Luke his uncle will never send him the other portrait. It's another one of Laura he had commissioned and will be keeping it for himself.
Ned admits he wants V.'s help. He'd like for her to tell him Jax's plan on the strike but it's a mystery for her as well. Ned detects she's carrying a torch for her boss and V. is quite defensive about the subject. She informs him their relationship is strictly business. Ned thinks Jax is wasting her and she has some sort of secret life Jax does not know of.
Nikolas returns home and asks his uncle how he could have given Luke the portrait. He informs him of where it was hung and is pretty mad. Even if they don't like her she still bears the family name. Stefan is amused at where Luke put it, he figured he would. Nikolas then tells him he got so mad at Luke that he told him about the other portrait of Laura. Stefan asks Nikolas how he would feel if Laura came home. Could he tolerate having his mother back? Nikolas wouldn't mind, especially if she brings his little sister. Stefan thinks that when she comes back she will be furious with Luke.
Luke already has a customer question him about the portrait. Bobbie comes on and she's feeling a bit down. Tomorrow is Tony's trial and she plans on testifying against him, something she never dreamed she'd do. She still can't imagine how this could happen and Luke reminds her he is not playing with a full deck. He changed so much when BJ died and so has she but the mistakes he's made are not justifiable. She wants him locked up and kept away from Lucas and Michael until he's an old man. Luke mentions that might not happen and informs her of Tony's visit from Helena. Bobbie does not believe even she could get him set free.
Alexis tells Helena she thought she was through with running her errands. Helena warns her to be weary when she stops showing some interest in her. She wants Alexis to retrieve a certain item from the island and she agrees.
Nikolas tell his uncle he can handle it. Stefan gives him more time to think about it because nothing is final yet. Katherine then comes in and tells him of the plans she has for them that evening. Stefan tells her he must go out of town on business and she's disappointed.
Ned talks quickly to Alexis and she informs him she'll be home a day later. She says she's stopping in Hawaii for some "R&R". Ned hangs up and gets back to his conversation with V. She tells him it was fun watching him try to sway her away from Jax but dinner and trying to buy her isn't going to work.
Jerry tells Jax that Brenda is reeling him in but he doesn't agree. John and Jane invite Brenda to visit them this summer in Anchorage. Jerry then tells Brenda quietly that she has no chance with his brother and that Jax told him if he thinks about marriage to shoot him.
After things quite down at Jax's, Brenda looks out the window and Jax asks her what her and Jerry were talking about. Jerry then comes in and offers Brenda an invitation to dinner, which she turns down.
Luke tries to figure out what Helena wants with Tony; probably to throw him in their face. Bobbie is convinced he's going to jail and that's it.
Nikolas has made a decision and tells his uncle. The two men look forward to it and Stefan says he wants this only between them. Katherine is not to know because she will probably tell Luke.

Thursday, April 16, 1998
by Soap Central
Robin comes home from the hospital with Brenda. Brenda notices something is wrong with Robin and Robin reveals to Brenda that she is having a problem testifying against Tony. Robin tells Brenda that Tony has always tried to look out for people's best interests and he was just looking out for Michael. Brenda brings up the fact that Tony held her against her will with out her medication, but Robin tells her she is fine and Tony didn't realize she didn't have her medication and he did try to help her when she got sick. Robin continues to defend Tony and Brenda tries to get her to see the other side. The phone rings as they are talking and it is Jax asking Brenda to meet him at the Grill. Brenda tells Robin she will stay with her, but Robin tells her to go. Brenda tells her she may not agree with her decision, but she will stand behind Robin regardless of what she decides. Felicia Justus Justus Lucky Dara Bobbie
At the courthouse, Justus confronts Taggert and tells his he better not mess up the case against Tony because of his controversial arrest methods. They argue a little then Justus walks off. Felicia walks in and sits down on a bench. Bobbie sees her, sits down beside her, then asks if Felicia will sits by her in court because she could use a friend. Felicia tells her she can't because she is there to testify on Tony's behalf. Bobbie gets upset, but Felicia tries to justifiy her decision to Bobbie. Bobbie yells at Felicia and tells her that given another 24 hours, Tony would have taken Lucas also. Bobbie is unable to sway Felicia so she walks off. Brenda Mac Sarah

Friday, April 17, 1998
by Soap Central
Everyone prepares for the opening of day two of Tony's trial. Outside the courtroom, Edward gathers the Q's together and tells them not to mention the attempted kidnapping of Michael because after all it was all Tony's doing. When the other Q's are surprised by his statement, Edward says that they didn't try to kidnap Michael, they were only trying to open the lines of communication with Jason. While Edward is talking, Dara walks into the courtroom and Bobbie follows her in and expresses her concern that Tony will be set free. Dara tries to comfort her, but Bobbie tells her she also feels betrayed by Felicia's testifying on Tony's behalf. Carly Mac Brenda
Outside the courtroom, the trial is about to start and Mac and Felicia walk up to Robin. Mac tells Robin he is the new police commissioner. Robin seems happy for him. Felicia then starts to tell Robin she will be testifying for Tony and Robin interrupts her and tells her she has something she has to say. Before she can get it out, Dara interrupts her and says she needs to talk to Robin alone. Mac and Felicia the go inside. The trial then resumes and Felicia is the first witness. Outside, Jason and Carly walk up to Robin and Carly tells Robin to crucify Tony. Robin tells Jason she has to talk to him and Carly goes inside. Robin tells Jason she is concerned about testifying and Jason tells her everything will be all right to just tell the truth. Then they both go inside. Felicia testifies about Tony's help in giving Maxie life. She then steps down and Robin gets on the stand.
After eating, John and Jane tell Jax and Jerry they are leaving town. Brenda leaves to support Robin at the trial and Jax leaves to help his mother pack, leaving Jerry and John alone. John confronts Jerry telling him he knows Jerry's target was Jason and he knows Jerry meant to kill him. Jerry denies it, but John asks what about Jax. Jerry tells him Jax doesn't know why it is so important for the dock renovations to go through. John asks what Jerry will do if Jax becomes a problem and Jerry says he will deal with him in his own way. Jax walks up and asks what way that would be. Robin Bobbie Felicia Carly

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