General Hospital Recaps: The week of October 20, 1997 on GH

SC Desk
General Hospital Recaps: The week of October 20, 1997 on GH
General Hospital Recaps: The week of October 20, 1997 on GH

Tony checked up on the rumor that Carly had gotten a sonogram at another hospital. A.J. overheard Carly and Lorraine discuss Carly's next move. Julia and Brenda made peace. Alan weaved a string of lies together to cover his growing drug addiction.

General Hospital Recaps: The week of October 20, 1997 on GH

Monday October 20, 1997

by Marcello Aurelio Lanfranchi

Brenda was not happy to see Julia. She told Jax to handle the situation, and he apologized. Jax stepped outside, and Julia told him she understood why Brenda had slammed the door in her face. She said she was going to return to London, and as she was just about to get in the elevator, Brenda opened the door and told her to wait.

Sarah told Liz she was caught, but Liz said she had no proof. Sarah threatened to tell Audrey and whoever else would listen. Liz didn't care who she told but let Sarah know she only wished she had thought of it sooner.

Stefan told Katherine she was powerless ever since that gun had disappeared. She told him she would go tell Nikolas everything, but he didn't believe she would hurt Nikolas like that. Katherine tried to make it clear to him that she was an important part of Nikolas' life, but Stefan downplayed her whole relationship with his nephew. She was so upset that she knocked over a vase and yelled at Stefan to leave. At that moment, Nikolas walked in on crutches and wanted to know what was going on.

Alexis and Luke had a confrontation down at the pier. He told her he was watching her family, and the two hurled insults back and forth. Luke did call her on trying to get rid of "Blondie" and asked her what she would do to get rid of her. Alexis was not shaken by his inquisitive guessing and said that although she admitted she didn't like her, neither did many other people. Luke told her Stefan had shot Katherine and tried to pin it on him. Alexis' phone rang, and she stepped away to answer it. That didn't stop Luke from trying to listen in.

Brenda, Julia, and Jax had tea, and Jax and Julia talked about business. Brenda seemed less than thrilled. Julia reminisced about the Quartermaines, stating that not all of them were bad, like Lila and Jason. Brenda commented on how Jason was just a real gem, and she asked her sister if she was trying to be cruel on purpose or if she was just totally oblivious. She started yelling about how Jason had played a role in her breakup with Sonny and told Julia she wouldn't know that because she hadn't even bothered to show up at the wedding.

Julia tried to play it off that she had been busy with business but then admitted Brenda had been marrying a criminal, and she hadn't felt comfortable attending. Brenda assumed her sister would tell her how much of a screw-up she was and questioned Julia on why she hadn't gone to her first wedding to Jax; he was a respectable guy. Brenda believed her sister was ashamed of her, but Julia said she was only concerned. Julia did admit, though, that she wasn't sorry the wedding hadn't happened.

Sarah followed Liz home because they were not finished. Liz thought they were, and Sarah wanted to know when Liz had started to hate her. Liz told her to quit the dramatics and thought maybe she should go cry on Nikolas' shoulder. Sarah wanted to know why, and Liz said she was born bad and just plain hated her.

Katherine asked Nikolas if he was all right, and he told her and Stefan it was nothing serious. Stefan wanted Nikolas to go home with him, but Nikolas said he would stay if Katherine wanted him to; she saw no harm in him staying, so Stefan left. Nikolas questioned her on what had happened with his uncle, and when she lied, he told her he'd thought she was different than his mother who had always lied to him. Katherine said that she had left her job at General Hospital, but he wanted to know if she'd left on her own or if his uncle had had something to do with it. When she wouldn't answer, he got up to leave.

Sarah wanted to know why Liz would arrange bad things to happen to her and just wanted to know why Liz had done that to her. Liz said that Sarah got all the attention, and there was none left for her. She hated Sarah because everyone spent so much time loving her that it made Liz sick. Sarah tried to explain that that was everyone else, not her. Liz didn't want to hear that because she didn't plan on sticking around. She walked inside, leaving Sarah standing alone.

Julia tried role reversal on Brenda. She also admitted she had been wrong about certain things, like her career for instance. She tried to get Brenda to see that she never took credit for things she'd done right, and Brenda asked her how she would know -- she had never been around. Julia said she was there at that moment and wanted to help.

Brenda asked Julia if Jax hadn't called whether Julia would have been there, and she admitted she wouldn't have. They both admitted it was too much for the moment, and Julia prepared to go to her suite. On her way out, she noticed the Nancy Drew book, and Brenda told her Jax had bought the set for her. Julia told Brenda she had known when Brenda would take her books but had never said anything so as not to get her in trouble. She said goodnight.

Stefan told Alexis he had gone to see Katherine because Spencer could hurt her, but Alexis reminded him that Helena could kill her. Stefan wondered if Nikolas was ready to know the truth, and Nikolas heard him and said Katherine wouldn't tell him either. He went upstairs, and Alexis told her cousin that she had found Luke at the pier earlier.

Sarah went inside and questioned Liz on what she'd meant about not being around. Liz knew she would be kicked out once Grams found out. Audrey heard the two arguing and asked what was going on. The phone rang, and it was Nikolas. He asked Sarah how everything had gone, and Sarah, in not so many words, let him know he had been right. She told him she'd see him at school. Audrey told the girls she had to get over to the hospital right away but wanted to hear everything that was going on the next day.

Stefan wanted to tell Nikolas, but Alexis stopped him. He also told her they needed to keep Luke busy until he went back to Switzerland.

Luke called Laura and told her he'd be in Port Charles a bit longer because he'd found a way to get Stefan.

Katherine thought back to her discussion with Luke and appeared ready to fight.

Jax asked Brenda for forgiveness, and she said any day. Brenda said the two were different, and Jax told her that Julia had made the mistake of letting Brenda out of her life.

General Hospital Recaps: The week of October 20, 1997 on GH

Tuesday, October 21, 1997

by Marcello Aurelio Lanfranchi

Brenda woke up and found breakfast already there. She asked Jax to stay, but he told her he couldn't. Julia knocked on the door, and he let her in. She'd be having breakfast with Brenda instead.

Alan showered Monica with attention and let her know that he was not trying to avoid sex.

Tony thought back to his conversation with Carly, regarding the sonogram, and made a call to Mercy Hospital. He spoke to Sister Margaret and asked her if a young woman named Carly Roberts had gotten a sonogram; she told him she'd go and check.

Meanwhile, Carly and Lorraine were sitting not even two feet away from Sister Margaret. Carly was there to apologize for the name-calling and had a peace offering -- more money. Lorraine wanted to know what would happen when someone asked her to have blood tests done to determine paternity, but Carly knew the baby was Tony's. She said she had to get out of town for the birth and needed some of Lorraine's medical expertise.

Mac asked Felicia why Maxie hadn't taken the doll to school, and she informed him that Maxie was home and going out shopping. When Felicia double-locked the back door, Mac asked why, and she told him she had a feeling someone was watching her. Meanwhile, Lonnie went to the Outback and asked the bartender if Felicia was in; he told him she was working from home that day.

Brenda told Jax to stop force-feeding Julia on her. Jax told her he would not talk about her while she was in the room and left for his business meeting. Everything Julia said to Brenda, Brenda took as a sarcastic comment, and Julia got up to leave but then turned around and said she wouldn't let Brenda do that to her. She sat down to eat.

Alan was in a rather good mood, which did not go unnoticed by his family. He was off to the hospital while Monica would attend a parent assembly at Emily's school. Alan went out through the terrace, hoping to pop a few more pills, but Emily appeared, and he was strange to her as well.

Jax met V at the Outback, and they discussed business. She asked him how his surprise had gone and figured it hadn't gone so well.

Julia patronized Brenda, and Brenda asked Julia what she thought she'd accomplish by going there. Julia said she wished she could trade in all their father had given to her just to have her sister back and said she didn't like what their father had done to them, but Brenda thought Julia didn't mind it either. She questioned Julia on how she'd felt about Brenda back then and wanted to know why she'd never let any of the light shine on Brenda.

Julia let Brenda know she had always been the fire that Julia and their father had needed to put out. Brenda revealed that she'd been hurt by the way Julia had treated her, and Julia disclosed that she had always been envious of Brenda. She also pointed out that in a way, they'd traded places; she has finally broken free from their father, and he was controlling Brenda's life.

Carly told Lorraine she needed a good story to get out of town. She wanted a dreadful disease, nothing contagious, that would require her to go visit her "friend" in Florida.Sister Margaret told Tony she had no such record, and that made him extremely happy.

The Quartermaine family was curious as to what had gotten into Alan; Monica didn't see anything wrong with his good mood.

Felicia didn't want to discuss her suspicions with Mac, but he asked questions anyway.

Carly showed up at the hospital to see Tony. He informed her he'd made romantic plans for the evening. Tony got called away, and Carly had words with Amy. She walked away and bumped into Monica. She stood close by, though, and overheard Monica tell Amy she would be taking Bobbie out to lunch.

V teased Jax about being afraid to go home because of Brenda and Julia. He told her that was not true; he was on his way home at that very moment.

Julia mentioned Sonny's name, which was painful for Brenda. Brenda said she'd had bad luck but was still young and didn't see a ring on Julia's finger either. Julia continued to talk about Sonny and compared him to their father. She saw a resemblance.

The bartender at the Outback told Mac about the guy who had been there, asking for Felicia. He also said the guy had been around lately and that he'd seemed to know where Felicia lived when he'd said she was at home.

Carly waited for Tony at the nurses' station, and as the two spoke, she received a call from a "friend" in need. It was Lorraine helping with her next step of the plan. She hung up and told Tony she needed to leave town right away.

Julia told her sister she was not doomed and thought Brenda should be with Jax. She went on saying how great he was and how lucky Brenda was that he was not taken. At that moment, he walked in and overheard the conversation.

General Hospital Recaps: The week of October 20, 1997 on GH

Wednesday, October 22, 1997

by Soap Central

Carly told Tony that she had to leave town to see a friend who was ill, but Tony would not let her travel. Monica quizzed Bobbie about Carly over lunch but did not reveal what Carly had done to A.J. A.J. told Bobbie that Carly's due date was in December. Bobbie, however, learned from Tony that Carly's due date was in October. A skeptical Bobbie asked Carly about the baby's true due date.

Following her blowup with Brenda, Julia prepared to leave Port Charles. Jax made Brenda realize that there was some credence to Julia's assertion that Brenda had always sought men that reminded her of her father. Brenda thanked Jax for giving her a way to face her problems. Brenda and Julia began to forgive each other and patch things up.

Lonnie told Mac and Felicia that Maxie's doll had been made by his late wife and was the only tie he had to her memory. Mac, Felicia, and Maxie agreed to give the doll back, but Lonnie was touched when he saw how much the doll meant to Maxie. Lonnie told Felicia that his wife had loved children, and he saw that Maxie looked at the doll in the same special way as his wife had done. Lonnie decided to honor his wife's memory by leaving the doll with Maxie.

General Hospital Recaps: The week of October 20, 1997 on GH

Thursday, October 23, 1997

by Soap Central

Bobbie asked Carly when the baby was due. Her opinion was that Tony would end up having to take care of her and the baby. She said there was a difference between going to visit a sick friend for a couple of days and taking care of a baby for the long haul. Bobbie said Carly lacked the qualities of being a good mother. They were having a large yelling match when A.J. showed up and broke up the argument. He asked Carly what the fight had been about, but she just blew off the question.

Sarah was waiting in the living room for her grandmother to arrive when Liz walked down the stairs. She looked at Sarah and said, "Aren't you even going to say hi? What are you doing anyways?" Sarah said she was waiting for grandmother. "You aren't going to tell her, are you? She will not be happy," Liz said. Sarah replied, "What do you think she will say, Liz, when she finds out that you stole test papers and planted them on your own sister?" As they argued, Audrey entered the room and asked what was going on.

Sarah turned and looked at Liz. "Well, go ahead, Sarah. If you are going to tell her then tell her and get it over with," Liz said Sarah started to tell then stopped and said, "Why don't you tell her, Liz?" Liz lied that she had gotten a D on her test, and that was the problem. Sarah said that she was going to tell the principal what Liz had done, and she would tell him the truth. "I will not have people walking around thinking that Nikolas is a liar and a thief," Sarah said. Liz answered later, "I am late for work."

At the hospital, the pharmacist asked Alan if he'd finally gotten the prescription for the medication fixed. He said yes, that the day before had been a bad day. However, the medicine had been delivered to his house then he'd left his briefcase at home with the medication in it, and the doctor who had written the prescription was out of town. The pharmacist told him not to worry and said he would refill it again. He had a copy on record. Alan thanked him.

Carly was on the phone with Lorraine, trying to think up another plan. She didn't know that A.J. was hiding over in the corner and listening to her conversation. Carly and Lorraine planned to meet in the park.

Katherine was at her apartment, trying to locate the restaurant where Stefan and the clan would be having dinner. She made call after call until finally she found the one. She made one more call, and that was to Luke. She told him that she was going to stop by and see him. Luke hung up the phone, and Lucky walked into the room and said, "Hey, what's up?" Luke said they'd be staying a little longer than he'd thought they would. Lucky thought that was great and asked when his mom, Lulu, and grandma would be there.

Luke said, "No, Lucky, I have some business to attend to, and it doesn't concern you or your mother." Lucky replied, "You are not going to try to do something to make me happy?" Luke said Lucky hadn't smiled once since he'd returned and said he wouldn't try anything. There was a knock at the door; it was Katherine. She was trying to convince Luke to have dinner with her, but Luke was still trying to get her to tell the truth about her shooting. He finally agreed to have dinner; he asked her what she would be wearing. She said she didn't know, but he wouldn't be disappointed.

At the park, Carly and Lorraine were trying to figure out what she was going to do about the due date and the different month she had told both the possible fathers. Lorraine was going into details, not knowing that A.J. was hiding behind the bush

General Hospital Recaps: The week of October 20, 1997 on GH

Friday, October 24, 1997

by Soap Central

After the confession to Sarah from Liz, Sarah decided what to do. She called Liz up at Ruby's to let her know that Mr. Murty was heading over there to speak with her, and she expected Liz to tell him the truth. Liz didn't know what she was going to do. She suddenly saw Lucky and asked what he was doing there. "I'm filling in for the day," he told her. Liz was really depressed by that time, and Lucky asked her what was wrong. It was Sarah, Liz said, explaining that ever since she had been dating Nikolas, she believed everything he told her; he could do nothing wrong.

As Liz turned around, Sarah entered the dinner and walked up to Liz to tell her that Mr. Murty was on his way over there, and "I told him that you had something to tell him." Liz said, "You can't make me do this, not in front of Lucky." Then, to her amazement, Nikolas walked into Ruby's. She looked at him and said, "I should have known you would bring him with you."

The door opened, and it was Mr. Murty. He sat down at the table, and Liz walked up and sat down. He said to her, "Sarah tells me there is something you want to tell me, and I think I know what it is. It's about the test papers, isn't it?" She said she wanted to talk to him because she wanted to become a foreign exchange student, and she asked if there were any programs available. "Foreign exchange student?" he asked. Then Lucky entered out of the back room, saw Mr. Murty, stopped by and said hello, and stated he had a delivery to make.

Mr. Murty tried to explain to Liz that it was best to just say anything she had to say and that he would be fair. Liz, feeling she was in the clear, thought she could tell Mr. Murty the truth. She started off by telling him the parent situation, being in another country and how Sarah and her parents had always done the right thing for everyone, always trying to help people out. "And then there was me," Liz said, "I didn't feel that way. So when my parents left and Sarah came to grandmother's house and they sent me to live with one of their friend's house, it was like prison. So that is why I am with my grandmother."

Liz went on to tell Mr. Murty the whole truth and said that was why he couldn't tell her grandmother. He told her he couldn't do that, but if the principal agreed, "maybe if you go to therapy, we can keep it between us." He asked Sarah if she agreed, and she said yes. After Mr. Murty left, Nikolas was out front talking the situation over with Sarah, and they hugged. While they were hugging, Lucky walked up. He walked by them and entered the diner, really angry.

At the restaurant Stefan and Alexis were with their Jacarta contact, and he saw Katherine and Luke at the opposite table. He couldn't help but stare at her. Luke was trying to get her to admit that Stefan had shot her, but she just wouldn't say it. Luke got up to go to the men's room just so he could leave her alone. Stefan walked up to the table to let her know that he was going back to Greece. In her anger, she told Stefan that Alexis was in love with him.

Luke returned to the table and found Katherine upset. She got really upset because of the way Stefan was acting like she wasn't even there. She told Luke she couldn't go through with it. "You have to get me out of here before I lose it," she said. Luke said, "Just get up and walk to the veranda, and I will meet you out there." Over at Stefan's table, Alexis said, "I thought we agreed to ignore her?" He turned away and looked at her, and they started to discuss the Jacarta deal. He told his contact not to let the Quartermaines know who had done it.

Julia and Brenda were having a wonderful dinner together. They were talking about men. Julia looked across the table and saw a ghost. Brenda reminded her that it was Luke, Bill's cousin. Julia made the remark how much they looked alike, but Luke was better-looking. Luke walked over to the table to tell Brenda that he was happy to see her out. She then introduced her sister to Luke, and he remembered her.

Brenda decided to call it a night, but Julia decided to stay and hang out at the bar for a while. Stefan's dinner party broke up, and Alexis headed home, where she found Ned waiting for her. Brenda went home and found Jax asleep on the couch. She sat down on the floor beside him. She thanked him for getting Julia to Port Charles, and she fell asleep.

Edited by SC Desk
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