Jax and Officer V became stranded on an island. Sarah and Lucy went to a barbecue together. Sonny and Brenda arrived in Florida. Nikolas moved in with Katherine.

Monday, July 21, 1997
by Alexandra Anastasio
V. Ardanowski orders Jax to bring the plane down or she'll be forced to use her police weapon. He realizes she's only bluffing but lands the plane in a remote spot; informing her this is where she'll be staying while he takes off. Unfortunately mother nature does not agree with him and it looks like the two might be stranded.
Jason attempts to leave the hospital but is unsuccessful. His wounds reopen causing him to bleed; this freaks out Emily. Robin comes in and helps along with Amy. Jason tells Robin he needs to help Sonny. He's worried because there's no answer on the cell phone.
Bobbie tries to warn Katherine about the type of man Stefan is but she does not believe one word Bobbie is saying. Bobbie warns her not to cross Stefan.
As they speak Stefan shows up at Katherine's to find Nikolas there. He orders him back to the hospital to be checked out and then back to the house. Nikolas tells him he can no longer tell him what to do and that he wants his own privacy. Stefan tries to reassure him of his love and commitment to him but all Nikolas wants is to be away from Stefan. He also informs his uncle that he stayed at Katherine's upon her invitation. This takes Stefan by surprise and once again he yells at Nikolas. Katherine walks into the middle of all this and finds out exactly the type of man he is. Nikolas leaves and Stefan begins to get angry with Katherine. She tries to explain but he claims he's not sure if he can believe anything she says. Katherine orders him to leave after he tells her what she should have done.
Sarah and Nikolas meet up again at the old chapel and she tells him Alexis was looking for him. He tells her that he has quit his family and why; although he doesn't get into detail.
Ned & Alexis have an evening out together and there is definitely an attraction between the two.
Robin & Bobbie have a heart to heart conversation. Robin confides to Bobbie that she is afraid she's hurting Jason by not protecting him. She admits she doesn't like Jason working for Sonny and questions herself on her feelings. Bobbie offers whatever advice she could; she uses herself as an example. She also tells Robin to ask Jason questions and really listen to the answers. This might help her in whatever decisions she might want to make.

Tuesday, July 22, 1997
by Alexandra Anastasio
Jason is transferred to a new room. While talking he tells Robin that being shot isn't what hurts so much, it is being without her that hurts and he's glad she's home for the summer. She asks him to promise her that he'll always be careful-he says he will. He also tells Robin how the Quartermaine's treated him when he first came home. Jason receives a call from Joseph who gives him some information; although it's not about Sonny's whereabouts.
Brenda & Sonny awake and realize they are almost in Florida. Sonny thinks out loud about who is setting him up and why. They fall back asleep and Brenda dreams about being shot in the shower. (Sounds familiar). Sonny reassures her things will be OK and at that moment the truck comes to a stop and the two get off without being seen. They walk for a while and then plan to hitch hike; unfortunately Brenda has flagged down a cop.
Jax and V. Ardanowski spent the night on the island. They banter back and forth with Jax antagonizing her. He does apologize for trying to leave her there but says he's only trying to reach Brenda. Both blame each other for their situation but try to work together until they're rescued. The fighting stops but not for too long.
Sarah and Nikolas are at the hospital and back to work. He talks to her about LeslyLu and asks her opinion on what to but his sister for her birthday.
Alan goes to talk to Mac about Jason. Alan is the one to tell Mac that Jason tried to leave the hospital and he believes Jason was trying to go and look for Sonny. He asks Mac not to let Jason know right away if they receive any word on Sonny and Brenda; Mac agrees.
Alan goes to see Jason; Jason asks him about Robin and her status. Alan then proceeds to tell Jason he can't keep taking chances with his life and that he shouldn't continue to work for Sonny. Jason asks him to leave but Alan tells him he's not finished. Jason goes on to tell Alan that to him he is Robins doctor and although he may be his father, he is not his son.

Wednesday, July 23, 1997
by Alexandra Anastasio
Katherine goes to see Robin and asks about Jason. Robin detects something is bothering her. Katherine reveals what's upsetting her but does not say that the man is Stefan. On her way out, Katherine notices the letter Robin received from the university in Paris. Robin says she is not going but Katherine tells her not to forget about it.
Stefan tells Alexis that Nikolas is staying with Katherine. Both are upset over this arrangement. Alexis runs into Ned at the hospital and both agree they had a good time the night before. Alexis asks him if he'd like to out again. Meanwhile Katherine goes to the hospital where she approaches Stefan. He is obnoxious to her and she tells him she has done nothing wrong where Nikolas is concerned except completely misjudge Stefan from the beginning.
Monica & Ned go in to see Jason and he asks Monica what she meant when she said this was all her fault. She tries to talk her way out this one and is afraid of what Jason knows and what Emily is remembering.
The policeman Brenda flagged down questions Sonny and Brenda on what they were doing and asks for ID. He runs a check on them and then offers to drive them into the next town: Tiger Key. They check into a motel and miss an important clue on the floor, the animal gum wrapper.
Carly invites Keesha over for a drink. The two just hang out and talk, and in the process Keesha gets drunk. She is unable to drive home and Carly has AJ drove her. She's up to something again. Once they arrive at her apartment Keesha tells AJ what Carly told her, that he is still in love with her.
AJ drops by to see Jason and tells him he could be a good friend even though he wasn't a good brother.
Mike drops by to see Jason and Robin overhears him telling Mike to contact him if he hears about Sonny & Brenda because he'll be up and out to go and help them.

Thursday, July 24, 1997
by Soap Central
Jax and officer companion are still stranded on the island. Jax ispretending to be asleep, so shegoes over and starts drawing, when Jax sneaks up behind her. She getsangry and tells him justbecause we are stranded doesn't mean that you can sneak up on me, Jaxasks her what she wasdrawing. He tells her that he has seen her draw before, she shows him apicture of them. Shetells him the story of when she was growing up, the murals that shewould draw on her walls, butwhen she became a cop, she no longer had the time. They lay down on thebeach looking up atthe stars. She reminds him of the night she arrested him and asks him ifit was true what he said,that when you see a shooting star that you will be friends for life.They decide to stay up all nightto find another one, Jax says look there, I think That's out shooter, butshe has fallen asleep.
Nikolas asks Katherine how her day was, then tells her you've talked tomy uncle, I can tell youhave that look. What look, she asks? He replies, The Boy I just talk toStefan Cassadine and myhead hurts look. Nikolas starts to head up stairs, Katherine asks himwhere he is going, hereplies, to pack. You have been nothing but nice to me since the firstday that we have met andall I have done is make you unhappy. She lets him know that she wantshim there no matter whatStefan's says. He decides to stay, but only till he can find his ownplace. Katherine brings up thebarbecue and wants to know if he is going. He says no, that he doesn'twant to run into hisuncle. He decides to go anyway.
Over at Sarah's house Audrey asks he if she is having a good time. Sarahreplies I am startingto. There is a knock on the door, it's Lucky. They sit down and start totalk about Switzerland,then Lucky asks her to the barbecue. She says yes, and to pick her up at8:00. After Luckyleaves Nikolas show up at her house. He also asks her to the barbecue,but she tells him that shecan't go with him, that somebody else already asked her, when Audreyyells out, is that Luckyagain. Nikolas then realizes that Sarah is going with him, and sadlyleaves.
AJ confronts Carly on the truth. The truth she tells him, that thenight that they got drunk, hecried to her that he still love Keesha.That you can't live with out her,so I decided to doeverything I could to make that happen. AJ is really embarrassed andtells Carly that he has togo, but that he will remember what happened that night. After he leaves,Carly sits on the couchand flashes back to that night, then says to herself, I hope not AJplease don't remember.
At the hospital Tony runs into Bobbi, and tries to tell her about thebaby, but they keep gettinginterrupted so he asks her to dinner tomorrow night so that he can tellher. She says yes. Tonygoes to check on a patient, Amy tells Bobbi, I bet he wants you backnow that you andStefan are broke up, and would she take him back if he does. Bobbi saysnothing. At homeTony and Carly are listening to the babies heart beat, they are both sohappy. Tony asks her if itwould be all right to start to tell people about the baby? She happilysays yes, but across the hallat AJ's apartment he is having a dream, he suddenly wakes upremembering some of that night.

Friday, July 25, 1997
by Soap Central
Sonny and Brenda are at the hotel, not really knowing who or what tolook for. Not far away ata bar in town is the Tin Man. He enters the bar, walks up to thebartender, pulls out a newspaperand tells the bartender to remember the faces the next time they are inhere. Brenda wants to gohome but Sonny tells her its not a option. They start to try to putthings together, a commonthread , something clicks and they take off. Over at the bar the Tin Manon the phone, he tells theperson at the other end that he is expecting company soon. All you seeof this other person ishis hands, and you hear opera music in the background. Sonny and Brendaget to the bar, walkup to the bartender, order 2 beers, he asks for a book of matches, Sonnylooks at the matchesand realizes this is the place they have been looking for. The bartendercomes back, its theTin Man.
At the hospital Jason and A.J are discussing Carly's well intentions.Robin walks in and tells himthat she overheard him tell Mike that if he hears from Sonny that he isout of there in a flash, soshe wants to know if he is going to tell her first or if he is justgoing to take off. Jason is reallyangry because of all the people who are coming to the hospital to seehim, especially theQuartermaines. As Alan is leaving the hospital Monica, Emily, and Nedshow up to see Jason.Alan invites Emily to spend the day with him, you can tell that Monicaand Ned are gettingready to object, so as Emily is writing Jason a note, he tell them ifthey no what good for themthey won't say anything. Alan takes Emily to dinner, they are talkingand having fun, when Alanmentions Monica's name.
A sad look comes over her again, Alan says what wrong. He tells herthat there is nothing shecan't tell him. That he won't tell anyone. He lets her know that hedoesn't want to pry. Shebreaks down crying telling him they will take her away. Alan lets herknow that he won't letanyone take Monica away, and why would they. She breaks down, tellinghim that Monicakilled Dr. Dorman. Just as she tells him, Monica and Ned walk into theroom. They see eachother.
Bobbi is getting ready for her dinner date with Tony. At Tony andCarly's so how she got theimpression that she was going to dinner with them. You can tell she isalittle upset about notbeing invited. Just after Tony left, she tells herself out loud, oh no,I am not going to miss this.Just as she opens the door, there is AJ ready to grill her again. Theyargue and she leaves. Shegoes to where Tony and Bobbi are dining, she enters the resteraunt, shesees them but shestarts to get sick, she runs out of the room. One of the waiters walk upto the table whereBobbi is and asks her if she can help someone who is sick, she gets upto go help. AJ walksinto the resteraunt looking for Carly. Bobbi goes into the bathroom,yells are you all right, thegirl behind the door says, yes, I am just pregnant. She walks out andit's Bobbi.

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