General Hospital Recaps: The week of December 9, 1996 on GH

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General Hospital Recaps: The week of December 9, 1996 on GH
General Hospital Recaps: The week of December 9, 1996 on GH

Laura and Leslie were presumed killed in an explosion, but Luke and Lucky knew better. Luke and Laura left Port Charles with Leslie and Lulu to escape from the Cassadines.

General Hospital Recaps: The week of December 9, 1996 on GH

Monday, December 9, 1996

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by Soap Central

Brenda pays Sonny a visit at the club hoping that he can help her locateMiranda's death certificate. Sonny tells her that Miranda is having dinner withJacks tonight and that she stopped by to pump him for information. Brenda asksSonny what he told her and he tells her that she (Brenda) is too good forJacks, though he adds that she (Miranda) disagreed with him. Sonny tells Brendathat Miranda's quest for information can mean only two things, that she is intimidated or that she wants to put up a fight for Jacks. Brenda tries to cutthrough all the semantics and tells Sonny she just wants to know if she andJacks are still married. Jason pops in with Gina on her first night as hostessat the club. Gina asks Jason if he is the reason why Sonny hired her. He tellsher that he is but that Sonny likes and needs her there. Katherine and Nikolasalso show up at the club. Nikolas tells Katherine that major changes haveoccurred in his uncle's life, but provides no details. Katherine challenges Jason and Nikolas to a game of pool against each other. After Jason wins,Sonny calls him aside and asks him to call his guy in Austrailia to locate Miranda's death certificate. Brenda suddenly has reservations about Sonny findingit but after he tells her he can have word to her within 48 hours, she agrees togo along. He tells her he will have his buddy check for a marriage certificatewhile he's at it and Brenda leaves. Jason asks Sonny why he always tries to get her upset..he tells her that she could have gone anywhere to get the informationthat she needed but that she came to him and she has to pay somehow.

Jacks meets Miranda at the Grill. The two exchange compliments and sit downfor dinner. They talk of old times and look at how far they have both come.Miranda suggests that they try to have an enjoyable dinner before they speakof more serious things. Jacks agrees. Meanwhile,Alan and Monica, also diningat the Grill, notice the two. Alan comments on how Jacks and Miranda are lookingat each other and how Brenda obviously has her work cut out for her. He and Monicashare compliments of each other and how they have managed to stick together through some pretty tough times. The conversation shifts back to Miranda and Jackswhere they have managed to make it to coffee without any discussion of the bigissue. Miranda insists that Jacks asks her what he needs to know. He tells herthat he is responsible for what happened since he gave Mac the order. Mirandatells him that she knows that he loved her and that he would have never purposelydone anything to hurt her. She tells him it was her choice not to have him byher bedside through all the tragic times...he tells her that that's where he shouldhave been and that he loved her very deeply. Miranda assures him that she hadhis letters and her memories. Jacks confronts her with the reason why she reallycame to Port Charles and asks if she wanted to pick up where they left off?Miranda tells him that she wants to leave and that there is simply no hope for them..tonight proved that. She runs out past Brenda who has shown up.

Tony arrives at his new apartment, new bed in hand, to find Bobbie there.She tells him she has come to let him know that she and Lucas have moved out ofthe Brownstone and to give him their new address. She lowers the boom and announcesto Tony that she has gotten married. He is shocked. She asks if he expected herto simply stop living after their divorce. He tells her he is just curious as towhy it happened so quickly and asks to whom she is married. She tells him StefanCassadine and Carly accuses her of making it all up. She is quieted when Bobbieflashes her the ring. Tony begs her to tell him it isn't true and that shehasn't moved their son in with that "weirdo." He accuses her of doing it simply out of spite. Bobbie points out that he simply fell in love with Carly and shewith Stefan and that the only difference is, she's not ashamed of who she's with.Tony tells her that he is happy with Carly and whoever doesn't like it can goto hell...the insults fly from there and Bobbie storms out telling Tony that heshould pay a visit to his son before he makes any further judgments on Stefanor her marriage.

Stefan and Laura continue their meeting in Stefan's car while he drives. Hetells her that he was the one given the order to kill her mother. She tells himshe will never listen to him again and orders him to stop the car. He goes on totell her that Helena forced him to do so saying it was either Nikolas' life orLeslie's and so he did what he had to do. Laura tells him she always wanted to bewith her son but that that never mattered to the Cassadine's...all that ever matteredwas what Helena wanted. Stefan asks Laura knowingly if Helena enjoyed telling herhow her mother died. Laura tells him she remembers her gloating about it and thatshe savored telling her. Stefan goes on to fill in the blanks for Laura tellingher that Helena blamed her for Leslie's death and justified it by saying that sheforfeited her son of a mother and Leslie's death was simply revenge...a life fora life. Laura is in disbelief that she is sitting next to the person that actually killed her mother. At that moment, Stefan tells her that he never wentthrough with Helena's order to kill Leslie, and that she is still alive. Hetells her that he knew what he was risking but that he knew how much she lovedher mother and that he couldn't do it. He goes further and tells her thatHelena suspected that he would not carry out the order and so fixed Leslie's carto crash herself. Stefan says that he followed her that night in his car and when her car swerved off the road, he went to her, found her unconscious and injected Leslie with drug which allowed the hospital to pronounce her dead.He later switched her body with that of another woman's and revived Leslie.Laura listens on in awe. Stefan tells her that he will take her to see her mothertonight but that she may not recognize her. Laura asks why and what he has doneto her. Stefan tells her he saved her life, visited her, and paid and providedfor the very best care available for all these years. He hopes that maybe Lauracan reach her now. When asked why he is telling her all this now, he tells Laurathat this is is final act of devotion and that he is now married to Bobbie.Laura is shocked and confronts him with the fact that he doesn't love her. Stefantells Laura that he cannot have what he loves, but assures her that he did notmarry her out of revenge. He pulls up to the house where Leslie is and encouragesLaura to go in ...telling her that they will both be free after she and her motherare reunited. Laura asks Stefan why he did not tell her about her mother sooner,he confesses he wanted to give her to her as a wedding present. He stands outsidethe house and tells her to go to her mother. Laura kisses him softly and thankshim for what he has done as she goes into the house. Suddenly, there is a hugeexplosion within the house and even Stefan is knocked off his feet outside.

General Hospital Recaps: The week of December 9, 1996 on GH

Tuesday, December 10, 1996

Brenda arrives home hoping to find Jacks already there but is let down.Meanwhile, Jacks follows Miranda to a beach near the restaurant where she tellshim she is there thinking about their dinner conversation. Jacks appologizes forupsetting her and wants her to trust him to help her. She tells him that shealways comes to the beach when she needs to think about him. He tells her that hedoes the same thing and used to think of their honeymoon and then his loss of herat the beach. Miranda tells Jacks that she can imagine how much everything has hurt him and she wants to know what she can do to appologize? Jacks tells herhe doesn't want her appology, but rather an answer to his question as to whethershe can back to rekindle things with him. She tells Jacks that there is no answerto that and that they should stop right there before they say things with regrett.She goes on to point out that things were very different when they were 19, butthat he should just go home to his wife now. She runs off and he stays a bit tothink. In the meantime, Brenda is at home pacing away the minutes wondering whereit is Jacks and Miranda have disappeared to and what is taking so darn long. Shecalls Lois but there is no answer. Instead of hanging up, she leaves a lengthymessage on her machine telling Lois how scared she really is of losing Jacks and how she thought she was the first woman he was in love with and now she is realizingthat she's not and petrified that his first love, Miranda, will take him back.

Back at the Brownstone, Bobbie collects a few of her last belongings includinga picture of Tony and one of BJ from the mantel. She tries to reach Stefan at Wyndemere but is told that he is still not back. Felicia overhears her leaving amessage for her husband, and assumes she is looking for Tony. Bobbie tells herthat she was referring to her new husband, Stefan Cassadine. Felicia thinks it'ssome kind of sick joke, but the joke's on her when she sees from Bobbie's face andhears from her insulted reaction that it's true. Bobbie defends her marriage andsays that finally she is doing things for herself and that he is a man who lovesher for exactly who she is. Felicia tries to reason with her a bit, but finallywishes Bobbie good luck. Bobbie will need it as she realizes she still has to tellLuke of the marriage.

Again we see Laura go into the house where Stefan has told her her mother is.The first explosion is shortly followed by a second one which knocks Stefan to hisknees outside the house. He yells for Laura but gets no response. He franticallycall 911 from his cellular phone and the fire trucks arrive to put out the blaze.Lucky and Mac show up after being notified of an explosion. Lucky sees Stefan andimmediately asks him where his mother is. Stefan urges Mac to get Lucky out of the way, but he persists on knowing the truth. Stefan finally tells him the wholestory and the sad news that his mother was inside the building when it exploded.A fireman emerges from the building and tells all that the bodies of two women havebeen found and that no one survived the explosions. Lucky goes crazy and calls Stefan a liar. He and Mac leave after he tells Mac he wants to go to Luke.

At Luke's club, Sonny tells Mike to keep his eye on Nikolas Cassadine for him.Luke shows up drunk and asking for drinks. When Katherine and Nikolas emergefrom the back room, Luke threatens to throw Nikolas out. The two exchangeinsults and Nikolas tells Luke he hopes he dies a lonely, bitter old man and thatthe Spencer's should be greatful to the Cassadines. Katherine calms down Nikolasand then leaves, angry at the stupid games being played between him and Luke.As Nikolas is leaving also, Lucky runs into the club yelling at Nikolas sayingthat his uncle killed his mother. Luke tries to understand what Lucky is screaming about and when he does, he runs out of the club and Nikolas soonfollows.

Jacks arrives home to find an impatient Brenda waiting up. She tells him thatshe wasn't sure he was coming home and asks if he and Miranda resolved anything.Jacks replies by telling her things are not that simple. Brenda tells him thingsshould be just that simple and that he needs to decided who it will be, wife#1 or wife #2. She asks Jacks when Miranda is leaving Port Charles. Jacks tellsher that Miranda didn't tell him and that she's simply not used to havingchoices and a future to plan on. Brenda admits that as hard as she may be trying,she is going insane and can't help but be jealous. She tells him that her whole future is caught up in the past and that she can't share any of it.

Katherine returns home to find Miranda there and asks her how her big night went.Miranda admits to her that she was on a seduction mission with Jacks, but that shemade a fool out of herself. She tells Katherine she wants him back so badly butshe knows he's married now and she can't ask him to leave Brenda for her.Katherine assures her that she is being too hard on herself and that Brenda's goneafter a married man before so maybe now it's her turn. Mac comes home and breaks the news of the explosion and Laura's suspected death in the fire toKatherine and Miranda. Mac goes upstairs to be alone and Katherine leaves togo find Nikolas who she suspects in hurting. When alone, Miranda opens her purseand takes out her passport.

Back at the scene of the explosion, Stefan cries. The firemen are ready to leavethe house now that the fire's out and report to Stefan again that there were nosurvivers.

At the Brownstone, Felicia wishes Bobbie all the luck and happiness she deserveswith Stefan. Bobbie thanks her and asks if she can have a few minutes alonebefore she leaves for good to remember the not so bad times she had there. When she goes to leave, Bobbie finds Luke outside on her steps telling her that heneeds to talk. Bobbie takes one look at him and suspects that he already knowsabout her marriage to Stefan.

by Soap Central

Brenda arrives home hoping to find Jacks already there but is let down.Meanwhile, Jacks follows Miranda to a beach near the restaurant where she tellshim she is there thinking about their dinner conversation. Jacks appologizes forupsetting her and wants her to trust him to help her. She tells him that shealways comes to the beach when she needs to think about him. He tells her that hedoes the same thing and used to think of their honeymoon and then his loss of herat the beach. Miranda tells Jacks that she can imagine how much everything has hurt him and she wants to know what she can do to appologize? Jacks tells herhe doesn't want her appology, but rather an answer to his question as to whethershe can back to rekindle things with him. She tells Jacks that there is no answerto that and that they should stop right there before they say things with regrett.She goes on to point out that things were very different when they were 19, butthat he should just go home to his wife now. She runs off and he stays a bit tothink. In the meantime, Brenda is at home pacing away the minutes wondering whereit is Jacks and Miranda have disappeared to and what is taking so darn long. Shecalls Lois but there is no answer. Instead of hanging up, she leaves a lengthymessage on her machine telling Lois how scared she really is of losing Jacks and how she thought she was the first woman he was in love with and now she is realizingthat she's not and petrified that his first love, Miranda, will take him back.

Back at the Brownstone, Bobbie collects a few of her last belongings includinga picture of Tony and one of BJ from the mantel. She tries to reach Stefan at Wyndemere but is told that he is still not back. Felicia overhears her leaving amessage for her husband, and assumes she is looking for Tony. Bobbie tells herthat she was referring to her new husband, Stefan Cassadine. Felicia thinks it'ssome kind of sick joke, but the joke's on her when she sees from Bobbie's face andhears from her insulted reaction that it's true. Bobbie defends her marriage andsays that finally she is doing things for herself and that he is a man who lovesher for exactly who she is. Felicia tries to reason with her a bit, but finallywishes Bobbie good luck. Bobbie will need it as she realizes she still has to tellLuke of the marriage.

Again we see Laura go into the house where Stefan has told her her mother is.The first explosion is shortly followed by a second one which knocks Stefan to hisknees outside the house. He yells for Laura but gets no response. He franticallycall 911 from his cellular phone and the fire trucks arrive to put out the blaze.Lucky and Mac show up after being notified of an explosion. Lucky sees Stefan andimmediately asks him where his mother is. Stefan urges Mac to get Lucky out of the way, but he persists on knowing the truth. Stefan finally tells him the wholestory and the sad news that his mother was inside the building when it exploded.A fireman emerges from the building and tells all that the bodies of two women havebeen found and that no one survived the explosions. Lucky goes crazy and calls Stefan a liar. He and Mac leave after he tells Mac he wants to go to Luke.

At Luke's club, Sonny tells Mike to keep his eye on Nikolas Cassadine for him.Luke shows up drunk and asking for drinks. When Katherine and Nikolas emergefrom the back room, Luke threatens to throw Nikolas out. The two exchangeinsults and Nikolas tells Luke he hopes he dies a lonely, bitter old man and thatthe Spencer's should be greatful to the Cassadines. Katherine calms down Nikolasand then leaves, angry at the stupid games being played between him and Luke.As Nikolas is leaving also, Lucky runs into the club yelling at Nikolas sayingthat his uncle killed his mother. Luke tries to understand what Lucky is screaming about and when he does, he runs out of the club and Nikolas soonfollows.

Jacks arrives home to find an impatient Brenda waiting up. She tells him thatshe wasn't sure he was coming home and asks if he and Miranda resolved anything.Jacks replies by telling her things are not that simple. Brenda tells him thingsshould be just that simple and that he needs to decided who it will be, wife#1 or wife #2. She asks Jacks when Miranda is leaving Port Charles. Jacks tellsher that Miranda didn't tell him and that she's simply not used to havingchoices and a future to plan on. Brenda admits that as hard as she may be trying,she is going insane and can't help but be jealous. She tells him that her whole future is caught up in the past and that she can't share any of it.

Katherine returns home to find Miranda there and asks her how her big night went.Miranda admits to her that she was on a seduction mission with Jacks, but that shemade a fool out of herself. She tells Katherine she wants him back so badly butshe knows he's married now and she can't ask him to leave Brenda for her.Katherine assures her that she is being too hard on herself and that Brenda's goneafter a married man before so maybe now it's her turn. Mac comes home and breaks the news of the explosion and Laura's suspected death in the fire toKatherine and Miranda. Mac goes upstairs to be alone and Katherine leaves togo find Nikolas who she suspects in hurting. When alone, Miranda opens her purseand takes out her passport.

Back at the scene of the explosion, Stefan cries. The firemen are ready to leavethe house now that the fire's out and report to Stefan again that there were nosurvivers.

At the Brownstone, Felicia wishes Bobbie all the luck and happiness she deserveswith Stefan. Bobbie thanks her and asks if she can have a few minutes alonebefore she leaves for good to remember the not so bad times she had there. When she goes to leave, Bobbie finds Luke outside on her steps telling her that heneeds to talk. Bobbie takes one look at him and suspects that he already knowsabout her marriage to Stefan.

General Hospital Recaps: The week of December 9, 1996 on GH

Wednesday, December 11, 1996

by Soap Central

Monica and Alan discuss their concerns regarding the bad press over Pierce'slawsuit against Monica and the effect it may be having on Emily. The Q's question Emily about school and how everything is going. She tells them everythingis just fine. Justus arrives at the mansion and tells Monica, Alan, Edward, andNed that Laura Spencer is dead from a presumed gas leak explosion at a house inRochester. The Q's are shocked by the news. When Emily hears, she immediately calls Lucky and tells him she understands what he is going through and wouldlike to come over and be with him. He thanks her for her concern but tells herhe has to help out with caring for LuLu and that it just isn't a good time. Hehangs up abruptly. Emily makes another phone call in private to meet with anunknown, and leaves the house. AJ and Keesha arrive at the house and Monica questions AJ as to the validity of Laura's death. He tells all that there is nomistake and that her body could be identified because she was wearing her weddingring. Taking the news very hard, Justus runs out onto the terrace to be alone.Keesha follows him. He tells her he can't believe that Laura and Grannie Mae areboth gone and that he has no idea of how he will make it through this hard time.Keesha tells him that she's noticed that he's looked so sad and that somethinghas obviously been working him over...she pleads with him to tell her exactlywhat it is. Justus tells her that he is not the stand up guy she thinks he is andthat his plan was to get Laura through the trial and then make everything up toher. Keesha asks him what he's talking about. Justus comes clean and confessesto her that he knew that Laura didn't kill Damion Smith, because he did. Littledoes he know that he confesses to more than just Keesha, for Ned is lurking in thebushes and overhears.

Stefan rushes home looking for Nikolas but finds that he has not returned.He calls Alexis who is at Kevin's soliciting his services as a psychological consult for her clients, and asks her to come to Wyndemere at once and that Laura Spencer has been killed. Alexis excuses herself and agrees to be right over.When Alexis arrives, Stefan tells her that they must find Nikolas and tell himof what has happened before anyone else does. He tells her there was a terribleaccident at a building and that Laura was caught inside when it exploded. He expresses his regrett that Nikolas never got to spend more time with his mother and that that was really the whole point of everything. Alexis asks him if he knowswhere Nikolas could possibly be. He tells her that he made such a horrible mis-calculation and that he may know where Nikolas is...he rushes off to the Brownstone,suspecting tht Nikolas may have run to Bobbie.

At the Brownstone, Bobbie tells Luke that she has married Stefan. Luke hopesthat she is on drugs or something and that it's some kind of sick joke. Whenhe realizes it's not, he asks her how she could do this to him. Bobbie tells himit has nothing to do with him. He tells her that Laura is dead and that Stefan has murdered her. She does not believe him at first, but then sees that he istelling her the truth, Laura really is gone. The two hug. Bobbie asks Luke howshe died. He tells her again that Stefan is to blame and that he drove her toa house in Rochester where he was holding Leslie and that he watched Laura runinto the house to be reunited with her mother and then they were both blown tobits. Realizing that Luke is very serious, Bobbie tells him she doesn't know where Stefan is, but asks what she can do. Luke says an annulment would be a start.Bobbie agrees her first step has to be to go to Wyndemere and get Lucas. Just then,Stefan burges in and Bobbie confronts him with the question of what really happened.Stefan tells Luke and Bobbie the story he told Laura of Helena's order to killLeslie and his keeping of her over the years...he goes on to tell them he onlywanted to reunited Laura with her mother and that he is not a killer. Luke insiststhat he murdered them both and he asks Bobbie to leave with him. She tells him sheis staying with Stefan and Luke tells her that she deserves him and anything thatmay happen. After Luke leaves, Stefan tells Bobbie of his concern for Nikolas andthat despite everything, Laura was Nikolas' mother and that he would never havedone anything to destroy her. Bobbie goes back to Wyndemere with Stefan and goes to check on Lucas. Alexis is still there and has seen no sign of Nikolas.Stefan finds out from Luke that Lucky has told him about Laura's death and thathe feels Nikolas is in pain somewhere. He wonders how he can explain things tohim when everything is so unacceptable to even him.

Lucy shares with Kevin her feeling about how he has changed and how she hasproblems sometimes figuring out who he really is. Kevin assures her that despitehis changes, he has and always will love her. Lucy asks him what his plans for thefuture are. He tells her he would like to paint more. Lucy decides that sinceBrenda has canceled her Jack's cosmetics tour, it would be a great idea if Kevinpainted several portraits of her for a campaign instead. Kevin is less than thrilled with the idea and tells Lucy to just forget it. Alan calls Kevin's houseand tells them the news of Laura's death. The two are devastated.

When Luke arrives home, he finds all of his friends and family there ready tocomfort him in his time of need. He makes his way around the room receivingwarm hugs from all.

General Hospital Recaps: The week of December 9, 1996 on GH

Thursday, December 12, 1996

by Soap Central

Mac calls Luke and tells him that Rochester is calling Laura's deathan accident due to a gas leak. Luke decides that it's now up to him to prove that the Cassadine's are behind this. Sonny shows up at theSpencer's. Lucy who is also there suggests that Luke take Stefan to court on a wrongful death suit. Luke insists that it's not his money hewants, it's his blood. Sonny tells Luke he will go speak with Mac aboutthe situation, and leaves to do so. A delivery man brings the Spencer's abox full of wrapped Christmas presents that Lucky determines Laura musthave sent after shopping with her a few days back. Lucky takes the whole boxto the basement. Luke tells Lucy that he wants a small service for Lauraand that she needs to be buried next to her mother. Lucy tells Luke she willhandle all the phone calls and that whatever it is he needs, she will be there for him.

At Wyndemere, Stefan tells Bobbie she should go be with her brother.Stefan is still frantic about Nikolas' whereabouts since no one has seenhim since last night. Bobbie tells him that Nikolas probably just needs tobe alone right now. She agrees that Luke no doubt needs her right now andthat she should go to him and see what she can do.

Alexis is at Mac's questioning Katherine about where Nikolas may be. Katherine tells her she has no idea and Alexis leaves, giving her herbusiness card and cellular phone number to reach her if she should hearfrom him. Sonny shows up at Mac's and tells him about Luke's state ofmind. Mac suggests that he keep him on a short leash until things havecalmed down. Miranda comes downstairs and Mac leaves on business. Mirandaasks Sonny to take her to the airport so she can leave for Australia. Sonnyasks her why she doesn't stick around. She finally convinces him she needsto leave and he drives her to the airport.

At their house, Brenda tells Jacks that she can imagine how Luke must befreaking out over Laura's death. She asks him what would happend if suddenlyone of them was to die? She tells him she can't leave things unresolved anymoreand that despite his anger towards her he needs to decided what/who he wants.Jacks tells Brenda that he finds it amazing that she is able to understand andsympathize with the pain Luke must be going through but totally unacceptingof the fact that he has suffered the same pain. She tells Jacks he is right.Brenda tells him that she knows what she has to do and that is...nothing.She remembers at their first wedding, saying their vows and somewhere in theback of her mind thinking that things probably wouldn't be forever. She tellshim she loved him then and didn't even know it yet...and that he knew that.She tells him she knows he was patient in waiting for her to realize her lovefor him and that now it is her turn to repay the favor.

Bobbie arrives at Luke's to find him incredibly hostile at her. He tellsher to get out and that she indirectly helped to kill Laura by keepingStefan in Port Charles. She tells him she has come because she loves him and loved Laura very much. He goes on to say that she is not his sister anymoreas far as he's concerned and that he doesn't want to see her at Laura's servicetomorrow. Finally he adds that she is nothing more than the tool thatStefan has chosen to use to get what he wants. Bobbie rushes out and goes backto Wyndemere. She finds that there is still no news from Nikolas. Stefan isdownstairs in the cellar gazing hurtfully at the portrait of Laura. He criesand asks what it is that he has done. He asks himself how he can possiblygo on without her. When he emerges from the cellar, he finds Bobbie waitingto hug him. He asks how it went with Luke...she tells him that Luke accusedher of helping him kill Laura. Stefan tells her he is sorry and asks ifshe is beginning to realize what it is like to be a Cassadine.

Mac returns home to find nothing but a note from Miranda telling him she has gone back to Australia and to please understand. He is furious andrushes over to Jack's house. He gets there to find Jacks leaving for work, and stops him asking what he has to Miranda this time. He goes on further attacking Brenda and Jacks for her leaving and then asks Brendajust how long it will be before he drives her away too.

Luke announces to Lucy and Lucky that his house is no longer his homeanymore. He tells Lucky that everything reminds him too much of Laura andthat he just can't stay there anymore. Lucky agrees to follow his father anywhere he needs to be. Luke says that after the service tomorrow, henever wants to come back to his "dead house" again.

General Hospital Recaps: The week of December 9, 1996 on GH

Friday, December 13, 1996

Brenda tells Jacks that even thought Miranda has left Port Charles, for somereason she is not any happier. She questions Jacks as to where she may be...The Phillipines...Australia? In a bold move, Brenda suggests that Jacks shouldmake the trip to find her in order to fix what he needs to fix with her. She tellsJacks that she is not being understanding, she simply knows Miranda's pattern ofmystery and drawing Jacks back to her and that she doesn't want to live the rest ofher life wondering when she might turn around and find Miranda looking for Jacks.She tells Jacks to go find her, decide what you're doing, and then come back toher. Jacks agrees to go. Brenda pays a visit to Ned At the Quartermaines' tosee if she can go to Laura's funneral with him. She tells him that Miranda hasgone and that she encouraged Jacks to go find her if he can. Ned points out thatshe probably did the right thing, but as usual, "doing the right thing sucks."Meanwhile, Miranda is on a far away beach somewhere remembering meeting Jacks for the first time.

Also at the Q's, are Justus and Keesha. Keesha asks him what he plans on doing.Justus tells her he will go to Laura's service and wish it were his instead. Keeshatells him that he should have gone to Laura first off and told her that he was theone whol killed Damion Smith. She tells him Laura loved him and it wouldn'thave mattered to her. Now it is time to do something to make her proud. Justusleaves for Luke's house. Alan, Ned, AJ and Monica come in and are frantic becausethey are unable to find Emily.

At Wyndemere, Stefan is haunted by visions of Laura. Bobbie tells him not tobe too worried about Nikolas, that he probably just wants to grieve alone. Tonyshows up for the first time and asks Bobbie if she has told Lucas about Laura'sdeath. She tells him she hasn't yet but will go up and tell him he's here. Tonytells Stefan that he plans on frquenting this place and that the least they cando is just be civil to each other. When he comes downstairs, Bobbie and Tonyexplain to Lucas of Laura's death. He half understands the loss and asks if hecan go out and play. When they are alone, Tony asks Bobbie if she is going to the service. She tells him Luke doesn't want her there. Tony points out to Bobbie the strangeness of how everything Luke predicted about the Cassadine's hascome true. Bobbie tells him she doens't want to hear it. Later however, Bobbiehears and ponders Tony's words in her head. Stefan meanwhile is in the cellargazing at Laura's portrait and weeping.

At Luke's house Sonny asks how much he plans on taking with him when he leaves.Luke tells him not much. Sonny tells him not to worry about the charges facingStefan and to have faith because Mac is doing the best he can. Luke tells himhe has little faith in the leagal system in general. Emily arrives looking forLucky. When he comes downstairs, she says how sorry she is about his mom and knowshow he must feel. Lucky tells her he is ok and not to worry about him. He tellsher he can't talk because he needs to finish packing because he is moving awayfrom Port Charles tomorrow. Emily is devastated by the news and Lucky's coldness,and she leaves in tears. Still at the house taking care of business, is Lucy.She tells Luke she needs to leave to get ready for the service. Before shegoes, he gives her the keys to Luke's club and tells her to take care of the placewith Sonny. Lucy begs Luke to tell her he will reconsider leaving, but he tellsher that for now, this is the only way. Lucy leaves and Justus shows up. Lukeis less than welcoming and tells him to make it quick. Justus tells Luke thatafter the service, he needs him to come with him to Mac's so he can confess to thecrime of killing Damion Smith, but first, he would like to speak at Laura's grave.He goes on to tell Luke that it is time for him to think of Laura, not himself, andthat it was Laura who taught him what friendship really is. Luke tells him that he, Lucky, and LuLu are leaving town and that he shouldn't go to Mac's and confess.He tells him it is too late and at this point, no one even cares...he's off thehook according to Luke. Justus is hesitant, but thanks Luke for his words.

At her own apartment, Katherine calls in a $10,000 donation towards the WardHouse/Charles Street project in Laura's name. Mac show up and tells her Robincalled and is devastated about Laura's death but that he convinced her not to comeback from school since she has exams. Katherine tells Mac she doesn't want to go to the funneral. Mac tells her she must, gets beeped away on business as usual,and tells Katherine he will meet her there. As Katherine is ready to leave, shefinds Nikolas at her door.

The Spencer family prepares to leave for the service. Luke has flashbacks ofhis days with Laura...their wedding...LuLu's birth..etc. Stefan also remembersher fondly, as does Bobbie and Sonny. Luke takes out his gun and takes it withhim as he leaves the house.

Sonny strangely rushes to the GH emergency room.

At the cemetary, Laura's casket is carried to the grave sight by Edward, Alan,Justus, Lucky, AJ, and Tony. Luke comforts a crying Amy.

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