General Hospital Recaps: The week of November 18, 1996 on GH

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General Hospital Recaps: The week of November 18, 1996 on GH
General Hospital Recaps: The week of November 18, 1996 on GH

Monica and Dorman saved John Jack's life. Monica was given a good report on her breast cancer status. Lucky ended up in a life-threatening position thanks to the game Timoria. Luke played the game in the hopes of finding his son.

General Hospital Recaps: The week of November 18, 1996 on GH

Monday, November 18, 1996

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by Soap Central

Brenda shared her pain and anger over the recent events involving Jax withRuby and Mike. Jax told Jane how deeply he had loved Miranda, but Janetold Jax that Brenda was the right woman for him. Brenda finally trustedher feelings, and then made love to Jax. John survived a new emergencythanks to the work of Monica. However, as Monica went to operate on John,she missed Alan's warnongs and was met in the operating room ny Dorman. Alan explained to Monica why he haf agreed to rehire Dorman, but Monica wastoo angry for words. Mac urged Miranda to stay in Port Charles. Mac toldFelicia about Miranda and Felicia told Mac that it sounded like love. Meanwhile, Miramda and Sonny squared off at Luke's and Miranda blastedSonny for bringing her to Port Charles. Sonny defended his actions and said that hehad done the right thing because now the truth was out in the open. Miranda told Sonny that he was transparent and wondered if the real reasonwhy he had broken up Jax and Brenda's wedding was to get his hands onBrenda. Sonny retorted and wondered if the real reason whyMiranda had cometo PC was to restart her relationship with Jax.

General Hospital Recaps: The week of November 18, 1996 on GH

Tuesday, November 19, 1996

by Soap Central

After having told Lucas of their divorce, Tony and Bobbie argued as Tonywas adamant about moving out. Tony made it clear to that he was in lovewith Carly, but expressed both his and Luke's concerns to Bobbie about herrealtionship with Stefan. Bobbie then went to the club and blasted Lukefor spreading his paranoia about Stefan to Tony. Bobbie told Luke thatCarly never left PC as they continued to argue about her friendship withStefan. Later, a lonely Bobbie returned to the Brownstone and rememberedher night of passion with Stefan. Bobbie then called Stefan, but when heanswered, she hung up. Stefan then smiled when he suspected that it wasBobbie on the phone. Tony told Carly that he had moved out and that it wastime to go public with their relationship. Later, Carly had a nightmareabout Luke's revenge. AJ blasted Alan about his decision to rehireDorman. Alan then returned to the mansion and argues with Monica aboutDorman. Monica was upset that she had not been consulted on the decisionand was not convinced that Dorman would drop the suit. Emily was upsetthat Monica had cancelled her check-up and Nickolas helped her by alertingMonica. AJ pleaded with Jason to see Monica. Luke continued toimpress upon Tom that the Cassadines were responsible for the downfall ofGH. Tom then found a "Timoria Foundation" computer file in Steve's recordsand then told Luke that Steve had applied to them for a grant. Stefantold Kevin that the hospital would support him when he faced the reviewboard, and tried to bond with him over the guilt they felt about their deadbrothers. Both Tom and Lucy were wary about Kevin's growing friendshipwith Stefan.

General Hospital Recaps: The week of November 18, 1996 on GH

Wednesday, November 20, 1996

by Soap Central

Monica and Alan continued to argue about her affair with Dorman, and Alanwas also upset that Monica had canceles her six month check up. Alan madeit clear to Monica that no matter what the circumstances were in theirlives, he was not going to let her give up on life. Monica told Alan thatshe had the affair to regain her sense of self as a woman. Monica toldAlan that she could not bear the uncertanties of cancer and they agreed tovisit the doctor together. Meanwhile, AJ haf managed to convince Jasonto come to the mansion with him to see Monica, but Jason left when heoverheard Alan and Monica arguing. Later, after feeling that he hadfailed, he was tempted to take a drink. Jason ran into Emily who told himthat she feared that Monica would die. Tom learned that Stefan offeredSteve a "Timoria" grant and then withdrew it so he could save GH. Luketold Tom that he felt that Stefan might be responsiblew for Steve's deathand for the lawsuits that had plagued the hospital due to Kevin's problems.Tom and Luke then plotted their revenge against Stefan together. Carlyarrived and made it clear to Luke that she was staying in PCand that sheloved Tony very much. Carly wanted to find out if Luke was planning onkilling her. Luke laughed off the question and told Carly that no harmwould come to her. Carly told Luke thathe would also be in trouble ifBobbie ever learned that she was her daughter and pointed out that Luke hadlied to Bobbie when he told her that her daughter was dead. Luke toldCarly that Tony would tire of her and thatif Bobbie wanted to get Tonyback, Carly would not be able to compete with her. After listening toTom's ranting about Stefan, Bobbie feared that Stefan had used her., Bobbie tried to call Stefan, but a smiling face on the other end of theline refused to pick up the phone.

General Hospital Recaps: The week of November 18, 1996 on GH

Thursday, November 21, 1996

by Soap Central

Bobbie became upset when Stefan continued to ignore her. An unknowingNickolas told Bobbie that Stefan had not been himself since he returnedfrom the Dominican Republic. Bobbie then visited Stefan in his office, andStefan told her that he could not stop thinking of her. After Bobbie left,Stefan than menacingly looked at a computer disk labeled "TimoriaII." Johnwas up and walking after his surgery and made plans to return to Alaska. John told Brenda that Jax and Miranda were deeply in love, but thought thatJax's love for Brenda was much stronger. Brenda learned from Katherinethat Miranda was staying with Mac and that the two of them shared a past.Meanwhile, Jax confronted Sonny and blasted him for bringing Miranda back .Sonny told Jax to wake up and that John was an evil and vicious man. Jaxthen headed for Mac's and met Miranda, who was thrown and ran off. Macconfirmed to Jax that John had many dirty business deals. Miranda returnedand asked Jax about her leaving as Brenda secretly listened in thebackground. Sonny gave Luvy advice about Kevin. Lucy returned to Kevin'shouse where he was waiting for her with flowers. He told Lucy that hewanted to make a new start.

General Hospital Recaps: The week of November 18, 1996 on GH

Friday, November 22, 1996

by Soap Central

Jax and Miranda continued their talk outside Mac's as Brenda secretlylistened in the background. Brenda heard Jax tell Miranda that he hadloved her very much. Miranda told Jax that she saved his old love lettersand explained how they got her through the hard times. Later at thehospital, Jax and Brenda made an emotional connection, but Brenda askesdJax if he was still in love with Miranda. Alexis offered to defend Monicain her sexual harrassment suit with Dorman. Monica decided to think aboutit and then celebrated her positive cancer checkup with Alan. Feliciaurged Tom to be patient and work with Luke to twart Stefan. Miranda toldMac about she and Jax had met and married and about how she had saved Jax'slove letters. Miranda agreed to stay in PC for the time being. Meanwhile,Luke and Laura suspected that there was more to Lucky's computer game"Timoria" than met the eye. Luke played "Timoria" in order to locateLucky's whereabouts while Laura left to visit the landmarks that were shownin the game. Meanwhile, Lucky got himself caught in quicksand as he waschecking out the clues in the game..

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