Valentin and Brennan hatched a plan to frame Sonny for Jason's murder. Dex was accepted into the police academy. Ava shared a secret with Nikolas. Lois became the new pitchperson for Deception. Kristina clashed with Molly and T.J. Curtis accepted Drew's job offer. Elizabeth worried that Aiden was being bullied.

Valentin and Brennan hatch a deadly plan for Jason
Monday, April 29, 2024
by Elisabeth
In the park, Kristina stopped during her morning walk when she felt the baby kick. She decided to take a break and sat on a bench. Just then, Dex rounded the corner during his run, but he stopped when he spotted Kristina. Concerned, he asked if she was okay. "Actually, that depends on you," Kristina said. She cut to the chase and told him about Josslyn's claim that Sonny had ordered Dex to kill Cyrus. "That's not true, is it?" she asked. When Dex was reluctant to answer, she realized with horror that it was true. "Yeah," Dex confirmed.
Kristina started to apologize, but Dex insisted that she was not responsible for her father. Kristina asked if Dex had noticed any changes in her father between when Dex had started working for Sonny and recently. Dex acknowledged that Sonny had been quick to fly off the handle in recent months. When she asked if her father had been paranoid, Dex revealed that -- following the shooting in Puerto Rico -- Sonny had been convinced there had been a traitor in his midst. "Didn't take him long to decide that was me, and after that, there was no changing his mind," Dex said. He acknowledged that Sonny had always been volatile, but that was when it had flipped to paranoia.
"Right when Ava moved in," Kristina said. Moments later, Josslyn walked up. Kristina admitted that she had asked Dex about Josslyn's claim and that Dex had confirmed that Josslyn had been right. "Well, for the record, I wish I wasn't. And looking back, I certainly did not have to tell you the way that I did," Josslyn said. After Kristina left, Dex started to walk away, but Josslyn asked him to wait because she felt that she owed him an explanation.
Josslyn acknowledged that it hadn't been her place to tell Kristina what Sonny had done, but she explained that she'd been afraid of what Sonny would do to Dex and had hoped that telling Kristina would help. Dex asked if Josslyn was still afraid, but she admitted that she knew Dex would be fine. She asked if he had heard from the police academy and assured him that they would be lucky to have him. Dex conceded that he had a lot to make up for, but Josslyn assured him that she was no angel and in no position to judge him or anyone else because she had done things that she was not proud of. Dex said nothing as Josslyn walked away.
At Aurora Media, Drew ushered Willow into his office and thanked her for taking the time to meet with him. Willow teased him about his formality. Chuckling, Drew thanked her for stopping by, so she smiled and told him that Amelia had loved her first swim lesson. Moments later, Michael joined them. Drew explained that he had asked to meet with Willow and Michael because a non-profit organization had asked Aurora Media to run their public relations. Drew revealed that the organization was also in search of a spokesperson, and Drew had immediately thought of Willow.
Shocked, Willow seemed at a loss for words, so Michael carefully reminded Drew that she was a private person. Willow thanked Drew for thinking of her, but she pointed out that she had no experience as a spokesperson. Drew explained that New Tomorrow Institute helped people find bone marrow donors and coordinate umbilical cord blood donations. Drew pointed out that as a leukemia survivor who had benefited in large part from a bone marrow transplant, Willow was uniquely qualified for the position. Seconds later, Nina barged into the office to warn Drew of a problem, but she stopped short when she saw Willow. Willow told Drew that she would think things over and get back to him.
After Michael and Willow left, Nina expressed her disappointment that Willow had barely said a word to her. Drew reminded Nina that she had walked in on a meeting, but Nina wondered if she should reach out to Willow with phone call or text message. Drew advised her to give Willow some space and changed the subject by asking what had been so urgent that Nina had barged into his office. Nina accused Carly of giving her a hard time about some "standard maintenance" in Nina's office. To Nina's annoyance, Drew chuckled. "I wonder where she got that idea from?" he asked.
Nina insisted that she and Drew were on the same team. "In what world am I on the same team as you?" he asked. "The one where Carly and Jason screwed us both over," Nina replied. She asked him what the plan was for "payback," but he had no desire to go after Jason or Carly because they hadn't sent him to prison. Nina argued that she had spared Drew from marrying Carly and going through a divorce when Jason returned. Stunned, Drew sarcastically asked if Nina wanted a thank you.
Nina reached for Drew as she admitted that she wanted something else. She kissed him passionately, but he broke away from the kiss and walked to the door. Defensive, Nina asked if it had been too much for him. Without a word, he locked the door, walked back to Nina, and pulled her into his arms for another kiss. Things quickly heated up as they ripped each other's clothes off and stumbled to a nearby table in a steamy embrace.
In the hotel's restaurant, John approached a hostess to ask if Jason was dining there. The hostess explained that she couldn't share information about the reservations, but Carly walked up and asked if she could help. The hostess stepped away as Carly and John exchanged greetings, and he explained that he had hoped to meet the hotel's new owner. "Well, you already know Jason, and if you're looking for the new owner, you've found her," Carly said. She quickly clarified that she was actually a part owner of the hotel.
John followed Carly to the bar and asked her about the unexpected turn of events. He recalled that she had told him that she had never expected to get the hotel back. Carly confirmed that Jason had bought the hotel from Nina and given it to Carly. John was surprised that Jason had turned the hotel over to Carly without expecting anything in return. Carly explained that Jason didn't operate like that. "When he does or says something, he means it," Carly said.
John confessed that Carly didn't strike him as someone who would accept a gift like that because she valued her independence too much. Carly assured him that he was right. She opened up about the previous opportunities she'd had to get her hotel back, but she had turned down each one. John was curious why Carly had rejected Michael's offer, so she explained that she hadn't wanted to risk Michael getting swept up in her problems with the SEC, which she was certain John knew all about. John nodded, and Carly moved on by revealing that she'd been determined to get the hotel back on her own terms.
John wondered why Carly had accepted the git from Jason when she had refused to accept it from Michael, Sonny, and Nina. "Because taking my hotel back wasn't for me. It was for him," Carly said. Carly told John that Jason had blamed himself for her losing the hotel because Jason hadn't been around to stop it. John asked if Jason was right. "Probably," Carly said. Carly explained that it was clear that Jason had been through some things because she could see it in his eyes, but she admitted that Jason had been tightlipped when she'd asked him about it.
Carly pointed out that there had been fallout from Jason's absence that he couldn't make up, but the hotel was one of the few things that Jason could fix. "So, you swallowed your pride and let him," John said in understanding. She assured him that she was thrilled to have her hotel back, but she wouldn't have accepted the gift from anyone else. "You took it from him. For him," John said. Carly admitted that she would do it again.
John told Carly to enjoy her hotel. After John left, Michael and Willow entered the restaurant. Carly happily greeted them, and Willow admitted that she had already seen improvements in the hotel. After Michael and Willow sat down, they talked about Drew's offer. Michael assured Willow that he didn't want her to feel pressured to accept. Willow admitted that she was honored by Drew's offer, but she would think things over before she gave him an answer.
At Corinthos Coffee, Anna entered Jason's office and thanked him for agreeing to meet. She explained that she needed to debrief him because there were things he needed to know if they intended to find out who was running Pikeman and shut them down. "Such as?" Jason asked. "Firstly, I think Valentin is involved," Anna said. "Big time," she added.
Anna filled Jason in about her past with Valentin and Jack Brennan when they had started out at the WSB. Jason was shocked that Valentin had been a WSB agent, so Anna clarified that Valentin had been a "desk agent." Anna shared that Brennan had finished at the top of the class, and she had been second, which she suspected had been due to sexism. Valentin had also finished high up, but Brennan had been a "pragmatist," so she was certain that he had used the stolen money from their failed mission to seed Pikeman.
Anna told Jason that Valentin had been the go-between when Pikeman had approached Sonny about moving arms shipments through Port Charles, and Valentin had claimed that his association with Pikeman had been limited to contract work in the 1990s. Jason could tell that Anna had her doubts. Anna opened up about her conversation with Valentin when he had tried to convince her that her memory of Valentin and Brennan's close friendship had been wrong. "I know Brennan and Valentin were as thick as thieves back then," Anna assured Jason. However, she confessed that her judgment about Valentin was clouded.
Anna shared the events that had led to her shooting Charlotte. Jason assured Anna that she hadn't done anything wrong because she had acted on her instincts, but she disagreed because she was certain that Jason wouldn't have gone into a dark apartment and fired at someone he couldn't see clearly. Jason argued that he had no way of knowing what he would have done under the same circumstances, but he reminded Anna that Charlotte was alive. Anna explained that she couldn't be objective about Valentin because she saw him as a father first and a person of interest second.
Anna warned Jason that everything in her body screamed that Valentin was more involved in Pikeman than he had let on. She hoped that Jason could be more rational and get a better read on Valentin. Jason promised to help, but he assured Anna that he trusted her instincts. "Thank you," Anna said. She told him about Sonny's first shipment for Pikeman. Jason revealed that he had intended to talk to Dex on another matter, but he promised to find out if Dex knew anything about Valentin.
Moments later, John entered the warehouse and called out to Jason. When he saw Anna follow Jason out of the office, John smiled. "Oh, look. The gang's all here," John said in a snide tone. John demanded to know why the investigation into Pikeman had stalled. He angrily accused Jason of not having his head in the game and warned that the terms of Jason's agreement with the FBI still stood. "Carly stays free as long as you do what the FBI asks of you. Are we clear?" John asked.
Jason told John that he had nothing to report, but John wasn't satisfied. He instructed Jason to reacquaint himself with Jason's old contacts that had moved illegal shipments through the coffee business and to find out when Pikeman's next shipment was. After Jason returned to his office, John justified how he had handled things with Jason, but Anna could tell that John didn't like himself when he treated Jason like that.
In Pentonville's visitor area, Ava smiled as Nikolas was escorted into the area. Nikolas was surprised to see her, so she explained that she had wanted to check in with him before he was transferred. "How are you?" she asked. "Incarcerated," he replied. Ava smiled. "Besides that," she said.
Nikolas admitted that he was resigned to his fate, but he changed the subject because he had heard from Laura that Ava was living with Sonny. Ava insisted that it had started out as a safety precaution when someone had broken into Wyndemere, and she reminded him that she shared a daughter with Sonny. With a little prodding from Nikolas, Ava confided that things had vastly improved between her and Sonny because of recent betrayals that had left Sonny feeling alone.
Ava explained that she was one of the few people that Sonny trusted, and they had grown to rely on and support each other. Nikolas asked if Ava was in love with Sonny. She smiled. "No. Why? Are you jealous?" she asked in a teasing tone. She conceded that she found Sonny attractive; she couldn't rule out falling in love with him down the road, but she was just happy to be on Sonny's good side.
Ava admitted that she had always hated feeling as if she were skating on thin ice with Sonny, worried that a custody battle was imminent. Nikolas suspected that Ava enjoyed being a part of Sonny's inner circle. "Damn right, I do," Ava said. She insisted that she had spent years with her nose pressed up to the window on the outside, looking in, and she'd been despised and ridiculed by everyone in Sonny's orbit. "Not Nina," Nikolas argued. Ava agreed, but she believed Nina and Sonny's collapse had been inevitable because Nina could never understand Sonny the way that Ava could.
Ava confessed that what she truly relished was that Carly had finally gotten a taste of her own medicine. Ava accused Carly of always looking down her nose at Ava and repeatedly slamming the door in her face. "Well, guess who's in charge of the entry now?" Ava smugly asked. However, she assured Nikolas that she was helping Sonny because she had discovered that his bipolar medication had been tampered with and reduced to a quarter of its strength. Alarmed, Nikolas urged Ava to tell Sonny, but she explained that she intended to keep a close eye on Sonny until she found the culprit responsible.
Nikolas realized that Ava liked having Sonny in the partially medicated state. He warned Ava that she was playing with fire because Sonny would be furious if he were to learn that she'd known about his medication and hadn't tried to fix things immediately. Nikolas explained that he cared about her, but she accused him of always underestimating her. "I know what I'm doing," she promised. "God, I hope so," Nikolas whispered as he watched Ava leave.
Elsewhere in Pentonville, Valentin signed as one of Nikolas' visitors. Satisfied, Brennan led Valentin to a small office and closed the door. Valentin was impressed that Brennan could move freely about the prison without a guard accompanying him. Brennan got down to business by asking for a progress report on Sonny. Valentin promised that the plan was working because Sonny was isolated from friends and family. Valentin smiled as he shared that Sonny only trusted Ava Jerome.
Brennan praised Valentin's plan of secretly lowering the dosage of Sonny's bipolar medication, but he reminded Valentin that Jason remained a problem. Valentin and Brennan agreed that Jason knew too much about Pikeman's operations. Valentin revealed that "Alan Jacobs'" paperwork had checked out, indicating that the person who had put Jason in place had been capable of manipulating government records. Brennan speculated that Jason had been forced to cooperate, which indicated a government operation.
Brennan pointed out that the WSB was the only organization that could be trusted. Valentin suggested that the CIA had been responsible, so they agreed that they would use Sonny's spiraling mental health and the rift between the Jason and Sonny to their advantage by framing Sonny for Jason's murder. Valentin explained that it would be their last face-to-face meeting because they couldn't risk anyone linking him to Brennan. Brennan agreed, but he advised Valentin to tread with caution because Anna might grow suspicious.
Valentin asked Brennan about Anna's recent visit, but he assured Valentin that he'd given nothing away. However, he warned Valentin that Anna was smart, and she knew their history. "She was there when we stole that money to fund Pikeman," Brennan said. He warned Valentin that it wouldn't take much for Anna to put the pieces together, but Valentin was confident that he could handle Anna. Brennan hoped that Valentin was right -- for Anna's sake. He advised Valentin to keep his distance from Anna because the more time that Valentin spent with her, the greater the chance that he would give himself away.

Willow decides to give Nina a chance -- thanks to Drew
Tuesday, April 30, 2024
by Hope Campbell
Nina and Drew came up for air on his office floor after another "rugburn" romp, but Nina was horrified by what had happened. "I can't believe we did this again," she gasped, wondering, "What the hell is wrong with us?" Drew was pretty okay with what had happened, telling her, "I'm finding a few less things to hate about you than I was an hour ago." He even suggested that she start thinking of sending him to prison as foreplay.
As Drew and Nina quickly got dressed, they heard a knock on the door. Willow was there but walked away when she realized the door was locked and she thought nobody was there. In the office, Nina noticed the time and called her assistant to tell a congressman she was running late but was relieved to learn he'd had to reschedule.
Drew was surprised to learn Nina was meeting with a member of Congress, so Nina explained he was an old family friend who had known her father. He had an exclusive announcement he wanted to reveal just to her. Drew insisted on going with her when she met the man, but Nina balked at the idea, asking who she should say he was. "Just tell him I'm the guy you sent to prison and whose clothes you like to rip off every once in a while," Drew answered.
Nina refused to make any promises but said she would consider an introduction as long as she and Drew agreed that office sex could never happen again. Drew was fine with that. The next thing they knew, Willow was back outside the door, and this time, she announced her presence. Drew and Nina quickly finished getting dressed, and Drew opened the door. Willow was confused by Nina's presence, as Nina hinted to Drew that his shoe was untied.
Nina explained that she and Drew had just gone over the Crimson photo budget. "Drew was generous and gave me everything I wanted," she quipped. Drew smiled as he got the joke. When Nina tried to leave, Willow told her that seeing Drew and Nina getting along together after Nina had sent Drew to prison made her wonder if she had been too harsh in hanging on to her own anger at Nina. "Maybe I should let my anger at you go, too," she said.
Nina was almost stunned silent and quickly whispered a "thank you" that had her on the brink of tears. When Nina left, Drew told Willow he was surprised by Nina's words. Willow said she felt okay for saying that and had Drew to thank for being the bigger person. Drew told her he'd have her support if he chose to forge a relationship with Nina. Willow then asked Drew for more information on the nonprofit he wanted her to work with.
Maxie was surprised when Natalia popped into Maxie's Deception office to ask some questions about the company. She felt that Maxie seemed to be the only serious person running the place. Maxie defended Lucy and Scott and mentioned that majority shareholder Tracy was a serious "force to be reckoned with."
Maxie moved on to sampling some Deception products for Natalia, including the new Deceptor moisturizer. Natalia liked the scent and texture but didn't want her daughter promoting a "bogus cream." Maxie said that everything they made was tested and did as promised. Natalia then asked about Brook Lynn and wondered what her job really was at Deception. Maxie explained that Brook Lynn had several Deception roles.
Natalia then accused Brook Lynn of growing bored with singing, so she moved to music management. Maxie defended her friend and explained that Brook Lynn had been forced to give up singing. She elaborated that Brook Lynn's parents had introduced Brook Lynn to the music industry, and she genuinely loved it. Natalia still didn't buy that Brook Lynn was serious about face creams, and she called Brook Lynn a "nepo baby."
Natalia asked if Maxie was a mom. When Maxie said yes, Natalia hoped Maxie could understand why Natalia was asking so many questions. She wanted to protect her daughter and wanted her to have a serious manager. Again, Maxie had to jump to Brook Lynn's defense. Maxie asked if Blaze's dreams were her own or Natalia's.
As Maxie tried to leave for the day, Nina found her to tell her the good news that Willow had spoken to her "with actual words, said not in anger." Maxie wanted to know what had happened, so Nina told her. She said that Willow thought that Nina and Drew had become friends, even though they hated each other more than ever. "Even the sex is hateful," Nina blurted out, much to Maxie's surprise.
Nina had to awkwardly explain her new sexual escapades, baffling Maxie. Maxie wondered how Nina could have sex with her "sworn enemy." Nina admitted the sex was great, but she hated Drew even more when it was over. Maxie noted that "a therapist would have a field day with you."
In the Quartermaine kitchen, Sasha offered up a cooking sample for Olivia and Leo. Olivia wasn't too happy with the presentation but said at least the food smelled good. Soon, Wiley and Michael walked in, ready to eat. Sasha left the adults and children to try her chicken tetrazzini on their own.
Sasha took another tray of the tetrazzini to the stables for Cody to try. He was highly impressed, telling her it was great, but he wanted to know what was going on. She told him about her audition to be Cook IV and regretted making something Italian for Olivia.
Cody said it was amazing that Sasha would be Quartermaine help, too. She wanted to be able to practice the dish but wanted the job right away, since it came with room and board. However, she also wanted to know if Cody would feel crowded if she lived on the Quartermaine grounds, too. As they talked, Sasha moved in for a kiss.
Back in the kitchen, everyone seemed afraid to try Sasha's cooking, so Michael chose to go first and "take one for the team." He was immediately impressed, so Olivia decided to dig in, too, as the boys wondered what a casserole was. Everyone was happy with the meal, including the children. Leo even liked it better than his mom's spaghetti.
Michael and Wiley made their way to the stable to tell Sasha how good her food was. When Michael asked what was going on, Cody said they were just "horsing around." Finally, Michael told Sasha that everyone had loved her casserole. Olivia then walked in and offered Sasha the job. Sasha happily accepted.
Valentin offered Anna a drink at the Metro Court bar. She happily accepted a glass of wine, and they made small talk. Valentin laid on the compliments. He charmed Anna by telling her it was comfortable and familiar to be there with her.
Valentin informed Anna that Charlotte was back at her Swiss boarding school. Anna was pleased that Charlotte was doing well. Valentin told Anna he missed having her in his life and suggested they see each other again, since Charlotte was no longer in Port Charles. Anna admitted she was caught off guard by the request, because so much hurt had been felt and damage had been done.
Valentin admitted he felt lonely in his huge house and offered to take Anna for dinner. She said she would think about it but not make any promises. "I mean, my feelings for you didn't just disappear overnight," she explained. Valentin was happy she didn't immediately say no. Valentin tried to move in for a kiss, but Anna got a text from Jason telling her to meet him.
Jason found Dex at the Brown Dog Bar. He introduced himself, but Dex already knew who he was. Jason said he was there to talk about Sonny. Dex asked Jason to tell Sonny he didn't want any trouble. He also confirmed that he had applied to the police academy and planned to be a cop. Jason assured Dex that Sonny hadn't sent him.
Instead, Jason was there because Josslyn feared Sonny would have Dex killed. Jason promised to stop Sonny, but Dex insisted he could protect himself. Jason respected that philosophy but said that wasn't going to stop Jason from keeping his promise to Josslyn. Jason felt that Sonny knew better than to go after a cop -- or at least he had. Dex pointed out that he should have also known better than to go after Cyrus, but he had done it, anyway.
Jason then asked if Dex still had the evidence he'd gathered about Sonny. Dex insisted if he had, he would have given it to Anna. When Jason asked what the evidence had been, Dex told him to ask Michael. Jason quickly said he would not kill Dex, and he would make sure Sonny didn't, either. He reiterated how Sonny had once been cautious, but not anymore.
Dex agreed and finally told Jason all about the Pikeman Group, including how Valentin had set up the entire thing. Dex relayed that Sonny had changed his mind about working with Pikeman after seeing how dangerous their weapons were. Dex had had a recording of the shipment and had made sure the video had been destroyed. Dex also told Jason how Valentin had met with Hume the day someone had tried to kill Sonny at Metro Court. Dex even had a picture of the meeting.
Anna soon showed up at Jason's request. She was surprised to see Jason and Dex together. Dex was also confused as to why Jason had summoned Anna. He was also pleased when Anna handed him his police academy acceptance letter. Dex left, promising Jason he would be good to Josslyn.
When Anna sat down, Jason told her all about Valentin's meeting with Hume. Anna thought that was impossible, as Valentin was supposed to had been in Europe with Laura. When Jason showed Anna the photo with the date stamp, she didn't want to believe it was true. She explained that he had called her the day of the shooting to say he'd been in Geneva.
Anna finally had to accept that Valentin did more for Pikeman than set meetings. She wondered if sending Charlotte to school made it easier for him to do Pikeman's bidding. Anna then called Valentin and said she would love to accept his dinner invitation.

T.J. clashes with Kristina
Wednesday, May 1, 2024
by Elisabeth
At General Hospital, Portia gave Elizabeth a list of tests to run as they walked down a hallway. Meanwhile, Aiden arrived with a large container of cupcakes, which he dropped off at the nurses' station for his mom. As he stood waiting for an elevator, Elizabeth rounded the corner. "Aren't you going to say hello?" she asked. Aiden greeted his mother and explained that he had dropped off the cupcakes for Amy's birthday party. Elizabeth offered to pay him, but he told her that he didn't have time because he had to get back to school before his free period was over.
Elizabeth asked for a hug, but she grew concerned when she pulled away and noticed a splotch of paint on his backpack. Aiden blamed it on being clumsy in his art class, but she recalled that he'd arrived home from school with paint in his hair the previous week. Aiden reminded her that there was a lot of paint in art class. After Aiden left, Elizabeth walked over to the nurses' station. Portia had heard about Aiden's cupcakes, so she asked her friend to save her one. Elizabeth agreed, but Portia noticed that Elizabeth appeared troubled.
Elizabeth told Portia about the paint in Aiden's hair and on his backpack, and she mentioned that he'd been a victim of bullying a few years earlier. Elizabeth admitted that she was concerned, but she was trying to navigate things carefully because she didn't want to hover. Portia empathized and suggested that Elizabeth reach out to Aiden's school counselor or teachers to find out if there was anything going on that Elizabeth should be aware of. Later, Elizabeth called Aiden's school.
At Deception, Maxie complained to Scott about Lucy's appearance on Home & Heart, but Scott warned Maxie there was no stopping Lucy once she had a whiff of fame. Maxie begged Scott to talk to Lucy because Home & Heart refused to give Deception a spot as long as Lucy insisted on being in front of the camera. Just then, Lucy arrived bragging that people had been staring at her as she had walked through the lobby. Lucy also boasted about her new followers on social media and the number of likes one of her posts had generated. "I rest my case," Maxie said. Lucy was curious why Scott was there, but he stalled and told her that he was there to talk to Maxie.
Lucy invited Scott to her office to watch her appearance on Haven's show. Lucy began to ramble about acting techniques and acting teacher Lee Strasberg, but Maxie cut her off and reminded Lucy that being a pitchperson was about selling, not acting, and that the most important qualities were sincerity and trustworthiness. Lucy agreed, and she proposed creating a new skincare line under Lucy's name. Frustrated, Maxie turned to Scott for help. Reluctantly, Scott told Lucy that her appearance on Haven's show had been a disaster.
Shocked, Lucy argued that the segment had been an "unqualified success." "It was a Dumpster fire," Maxie said. Undaunted, Lucy pulled out her cell phone to show Maxie and Scott her new followers to prove that they were wrong, but Maxie explained that Lucy had spent the entire hour on Haven's show talking about herself rather than their new product. Maxie explained that Lucy's new following hadn't translated to sales, but Lucy insisted that the numbers didn't lie, and sales were up.
Maxie informed Lucy that during Lucy's appearance, they had been under the 300 units per minute minimum, but as soon as Sasha had stepped in, the sales had shot up to 650 units per minute. Lucy claimed that her fans had waited to purchase product until Lucy's segment had concluded, but Maxie argued that it didn't make sense. Lucy was offended that Maxie had given Sasha credit for her sales, so she turned to Scott for support. Scott was forced to admit that Maxie was right.
Maxie promised that she wasn't minimizing Lucy's contribution to the company or her commitment; however, Deception was a group effort, and they needed to sell product in order for the company to succeed. Maxie admitted that Lucy was the wrong spokesperson for Deception, but Maxie had someone else in mind.
At Aurora Media, Drew thanked Curtis for stopping by. After Curtis sat down, Drew revealed that he intended to branch Aurora Media out and open a division focused on wellness. To Curtis' surprise, Drew asked if Curtis would be interested in heading the division. Drew handed Curtis a folder with the official job offer and explained that he believed Curtis would be perfect for the position.
In the hallway, Nina stopped outside Drew's office when she overheard him talking to Curtis. Curtis admitted that Drew's offer would be a huge change for him, but Drew assured Curtis that he didn't trust anyone else to be in charge. Nina entered the office. "I completely agree with that. In charge of what?" she asked. Drew told her that he and Curtis had been discussing a project, but he didn't elaborate.
Nina was excited about the prospect of Curtis joining the team, but she offered her friend a few tips on getting the best offer out of Drew. "If you shake on anything, make sure you count your fingers afterwards," Nina said. "I haven't heard you complaining," Drew responded. Nina's thoughts briefly turned to her recent passionate encounter with Drew, but she pushed the memory away. She looked at Drew as she offered Curtis some advice. "Before you get in bed with Drew, make sure you know what you're getting into," Nina said.
Curtis looked between Drew and Nina as Drew smiled at her. After Curtis promised to get back to Drew with an answer and left, Nina shut the door and warned Drew that Curtis was a friend. She made it clear that she didn't want him to take advantage of Curtis, but Drew assured her that he'd made Curtis a lucrative offer. The conversation quickly turned to Willow when Nina asked why Willow had been in his office. Drew revealed that he had asked Willow to be a spokesperson for an organization. Nina admitted that it didn't sound like a good idea for Willow to go public with her medical history, but Drew disagreed.
Nina questioned how much money Drew would make on the endeavor, but he explained that he wouldn't make anything because it was a nonprofit organization that found donor matches for people needing bone marrow and stem cells. He assured Nina that he had left the decision completely up to Willow. Satisfied, Nina shifted gears and told him that she had rescheduled her meeting with Congressman McConkey for later that afternoon. Drew informed her that he would be accompanying her, but Nina didn't object. Surprised, Drew wondered why she was being so accommodating.
Nina pointed out that Drew had been given access to the congressman, and in exchange, she'd been given access to Willow. "I see. Quid pro quo," Drew said. Nina suggested that it made more sense than for them to continue trying to sabotage each other, but he reminded her that cooperation required trust. Nina told him that she trusted Drew to see how the arrangement would benefit him. Just then, his phone rang. It was Curtis.
In Metro Court's restaurant, Curtis greeted Portia. She was curious why he had insisted on seeing her right away, so he filled her in about Drew's job offer. Portia was happy for Curtis, but it was clear that she had reservations. She asked him what would happen to the Savoy. Curtis assured her that N'neka had things well in hand, and Marshall had been helping out with the crowds and musical acts. Portia reminded Curtis that the Savoy had been his dream, but he made it clear that he had no intention of walking away from the nightclub.
Portia warned Curtis that Selina Wu might use the opportunity to make a move for the Savoy, but Curtis was confident that Selina wouldn't be an issue. Curtis pointed out that he would have the flexibility to keep working at the Savoy and embark on the new venture with Drew. Portia admitted that she would miss having Curtis at home and to herself, but he promised that he wouldn't be gone often or for too long. He believed in the project and was eager to build something lasting that he could be proud of. Portia realized that he'd made a decision to take the offer.
At T.J. and Molly's apartment, Kristina thanked her sister and T.J. for the breakfast invitation. As they all sat down at the table to eat, T.J. mentioned that he'd heard about Kristina's argument with Josslyn. Molly tactfully reminded T.J. that Kristina had just needed to vent, so Kristina assured him that everything had been resolved because Josslyn had apologized. Refusing to let it drop, T.J. asked what the argument had been about. According to Kristina, Josslyn had been saying negative things about Sonny -- "whether they're true or not" -- ever since Sonny and Carly had split up.
However, Kristina clarified that Josslyn had been right about the last instance. Molly felt bad for her sister and gently reminded her that parents were human and sometimes let them down. T.J. was less sympathetic as he advised Kristina to keep her distance from Sonny during the pregnancy. Kristina balked at T.J.'s suggestion, but he reminded her that his uncle had been collateral damage during a failed hit on Sonny. Kristina assured him that she took good care of herself and had taken a pause from working at the Davis-Corinthos Center, but she refused to separate herself from family and friends. After Kristina grabbed her purse, excused herself, and left, Molly glared at T.J.
"Really, T.J.? What was that all about?" Molly asked. T.J. defended his stance because he'd been thinking about both their child and Kristina's well-being. Molly acknowledged that he had a point about Sonny, but she reminded him that they couldn't ask Kristina to stay away from her father. T.J. refused to apologize, but Molly wanted T.J. to back off from Kristina. T.J. was frustrated because it wouldn't be easy to get rid of Kristina after the baby was born like it would have been if they had used another surrogate.
Molly was stunned, but T.J. quickly clarified that his problem with Kristina was the baggage that she carried. Molly admitted that she dreaded the possibility that she might have to prosecute Sonny, and she confessed that she had concerns about Kristina, too. However, Molly reminded him that Kristina had assured them that she intended to be "Aunt Kristina" to their child, just like she was an aunt to Danny and Scout. T.J. argued that Kristina hadn't given birth to Danny or Scout, so there would be a big difference. "How long before she's second-guessing us, judging our parenting style, inserting herself into our lives?" he asked.
Molly insisted that Kristina had a full life with two jobs and a girlfriend, but T.J. remained uneasy. He explained that everyone kept telling him that Kristina had given them a beautiful gift, but he realized there was a cost, too, because Kristina was more than a surrogate; she would be biologically and emotionally invested. "Tell me you can see how potentially difficult this is," T.J. implored. Molly admitted that she was choosing to be hopeful because she'd seen Kristina "come into her own" in recent years.
Molly assured T.J. that Kristina had changed for the better. T.J. realized that they had no choice but to wait and see how things would go. Molly made it clear that she was determined to trust her sister, so T.J. relented and told her that he didn't want to argue because having a baby was the best thing to happen to them. "You, me, and baby make three, right?" Molly asked. T.J. smiled and kissed her. However, after she left, T.J.'s expression filled with concern. On the other side of the door, Molly appeared equally troubled.
At the Invader, Natalia knocked on Alexis' office door and entered. After Natalia introduced herself, Alexis smiled and admitted that Kristina had mentioned her. Natalia imagined that it hadn't been good. "Am I right?" she asked. Natalia explained that she and Kristina had gotten off to a bumpy start because she had walked in on "Alison" and Kristina in bed together. At Alexis' invitation, Natalia took a seat and talked about meeting Sonny.
Alexis conceded that Kristina and Sonny were close, as well as the rest of the family. Natalia admitted that it was obvious, since Kristina was carrying her sister's child. Alexis tensed, but Natalia didn't seem to notice as she began to talk about Alison's career and public perception. Alexis invited Natalia to speak her mind. Relieved, Natalia admitted that she was concerned that people might jump to the wrong conclusion if they saw Alison and Kristina out together and assume that their daughters were expecting a child together.
Alexis didn't think it was anyone's business, but Natalia was certain that Alexis -- who ran a newspaper with a gossip column -- knew the power of a photograph and how it could change lives "for better or for worse." Alexis conceded that it could be damaging, but she assured Natalia that she hadn't raised a shrinking violet. Alexis was confident that both "Blaze" and Kristina could weather whatever anyone might say. Natalia disagreed because she was a pragmatist. Natalia insisted that the fallout would be worse for Alison than for Kristina because Alison was a star with a huge fanbase, while Kristina was a bartender.
Alexis advised Natalia to talk to Blaze if she had concerns about her daughter's career. Alexis informed Natalia that she had to get back to work and quickly ushered Natalia out the door. Afterwards, Alexis called Diane, but the call went to voicemail. Alexis told her friend that she'd just met Blaze's mother. "And it wasn't pretty," she added.
A short time later, an upset Kristina showed up. Alexis ran over and gave Kristina a hug as Kristina tearfully told her mother about the exchange with T.J. and Molly. "Apparently, I'm doing this entire pregnancy wrong," Kristina cried. Alexis offered her daughter words of comfort as Kristina revealed that T.J. and Molly wanted her to keep her distance from Sonny because he was dangerous. Kristina was adamant that she would not abandon her father, especially when he needed her.
Alexis advised Kristina to take some deep breaths. She acknowledged that Kristina had a lot going on, including pregnancy hormones. Alexis asked if Kristina wanted her to talk to T.J. and Molly. "Yes, I would," Kristina said. Just then, Kristina winced when the baby kicked her hard. Kristina stood up and walked a bit. A short time later, Alexis had her hand on Kristina's belly to feel the baby kicking. Alexis shared that Kristina had been an active baby, too, and she had always kicked Alexis hard.
Kristina smiled and suggested that the baby had gotten it from her. Alexis' expression clouded with concern as she watched Kristina tenderly gaze at her pregnant belly.

Deception gets a new spokesmodel for Home & Heart
Thursday, May 2, 2024
by Marissa PD
At the Quartermaine mansion, Maxie and Brook Lynn did a mock Home & Heart pitch for Lois, Georgie, and James. Tracy passed through the room, unhappy to see so many non-Quartermaines in the house. Brook Lynn explained that Tracy had been "in a huff" all week, since the kids were off for spring break. Chase, Gregory, and Violet arrived to watch as Sasha instructed Brook Lynn. A short while later, Georgie and James were gone, and Lucy and Scott arrived. Chase and Violet left, too, as the rivalry heated up.
Gregory excused himself as Scott prepared to record the simulated Home & Heart pitches. Brook Lynn did hers, but it wasn't great. "Watch and learn," Lucy stated, but hers wasn't any better. Lois believed that Brook Lynn just needed another run-through, and she expertly counseled her daughter. Lucy, Maxie, and Brook Lynn all exchanged looks, and Scott recorded as Lois went through her example pitch. Lucy ordered her to stop, as Lois was the perfect spokesmodel for Deception. "Are you in?" Lucy asked.
On the phone at the hospital, Willow informed a doctor that she didn't know where Elizabeth was, and she hung up. Another nurse commiserated with Willow over how overworked they all were. The phone rang again, and Willow told the same doctor that she wasn't sure where Elizabeth was. Felicia approached, having been given the task of finding a nurse to take an additional shift, but Willow replied that she'd already been there all night. The phone rang again, and it was Elizabeth asking Willow to pick Aiden up for her. Willow agreed and left Felicia to continue her search.
Cody and Wiley were cleaning Comet's stall as Michael and Amelia watched. Georgie and James arrived and complained that lunch wasn't ready, but Michael and Cody both talked up Sasha, the new cook. Chase and Violet arrived, and all the kids ran off to play together. Chase updated the guys on the Deception meeting going on in the house.
Willow and Aiden arrived at the gatehouse, and Willow offered for him to have lunch up at the main house. He accepted the invitation and left. Willow sat down on the couch and looked at the pamphlet for the New Tomorrow Institute.
In the kitchen, Tracy complained to Olivia about all the kids running around, and she went on to complain about Sasha being hired as the new cook. Aiden entered as Sasha returned to the kitchen. Tracy asked him to pick a random recipe out of a nearby cookbook, and when he did, Tracy demanded that meal for dinner. "Dinner is at 7," Sasha replied, and Tracy left. Olivia apologized on Tracy's behalf and offered to help with anything Sasha needed. When she was gone, Aiden asked about what Sasha was making, and Sasha offered to tell him all about it.
Later in the stables, the kids had Cody tied up while they were playing cowboys. Sasha arrived, and the kids ran off. Sasha lamented that it could be her first and last day as the Quartermaine cook, and she'd known that it was too good to be true. Cody offered to have her move in with him, and he would sleep on a cot. Just then, her phone went off, and she announced that lunch was ready. She left, and Cody yelled for the kids to go get lunch.
Sasha returned to the kitchen, and Aiden offered to help her serve lunch. "You're a lifesaver!" she replied.
Willow was asleep on the couch when Michael returned with Amelia. Willow woke up, and Michael went upstairs to put Amelia down. When he returned, he urged Willow to take a nap, too. "I sleep better with you beside me," she said, and she went upstairs. Michael saw the pamphlet for the New Tomorrow Institute open on the coffee table.
Michael entered the bedroom, and Willow admitted that she'd been thinking about her job. While she loved nursing, she thought she'd been doing it for the wrong reasons. She'd been uncomfortable relying on Michael's money, but being a part-time volunteer for the New Tomorrow Institute would help her to do something meaningful while also being able to spend more time with her kids. Michael wasn't surprised, and he assured her that he was on board with whatever made her happy. They shared a kiss.
Tracy joined Gregory outside and told him about the situation with Sasha. She thought that she might be too rigid, but Gregory replied that she was just "being you." She talked about how angry she was for wasting the time and advantages she'd been given. Gregory believed that they were there to love their lives and the people in them and to be grateful for it all. Tracy feared that she wasn't very successful by that measure. Gregory assured her that she still had time. Just then, Cody and the kids came barreling through for lunch.
Sasha served food to the kids, who took some to Tracy and Gregory. Wiley wanted to bring some to Michael and raced the rest of the kids to the gatehouse. When they were gone, Tracy admitted that the food was delicious, and it reminded her of the food she'd shared with Luke in Europe. Gregory wished he could have met Luke, but Tracy cackled and informed Gregory that he would have hated Luke.
A stressed Sasha attempted to make dinner with Cody's help, and he tried to encourage her. He promised that, while Tracy would be crazy to pass on her, she would always have a place to stay while he was around. Just then, Tracy entered, and she welcomed Sasha to the household. She talked about how delicious lunch had been, and she told Sasha to make whatever she wanted for dinner. "No tests," Tracy concluded. She reminded Cody that he was supposed to be minding the kids, so Cody ran off to look for them.
As Michael and Willow began to make love, they heard glass shatter downstairs. Downstairs, a lunch plate was broken on the floor. Georgie got a broom and dustpan and helped clean it up. Cody arrived, and Wiley said that he couldn't find Michael. He ran to the stairs to check in the bedroom, but Cody yelled at him to stop. He suggested that everyone help him clean up the stables that they'd made a mess of, and everyone left.
Upstairs, Michael returned to the bedroom, having listened to the exchange downstairs. "Remind me to give Cody a raise," Michael told Willow, and he returned to bed.

Carly figures out something is off with Sonny's meds
Friday, May 3, 2024
by Hope Campbell
Sonny dropped by Dante's place to give him a new pair of boxing gloves that were better than the old ones he had. Sonny told him it was the least he could do, since Dante was "the only person in my family who I can trust."
Dante assured Sonny that he had more people in his corner than he realized, but Sonny didn't see it that way. The subject then turned to Nina and her willingness to sign the divorce papers. Sonny didn't trust her anymore. In fact, he didn't trust anyone -- Jason, Dex, Nina, Michael, Carly -- but Carly being on the list hurt him the most.
Sonny said he couldn't believe that Carly had told him to get out of her life the other night. He was hurt that Carly had turned him down when he'd offered to get the Metro Court back for her, but she hadn't turned Jason down. Sonny then told Dante that he was concerned about Dex joining the PCPD, warning his son that Dex couldn't be trusted.
Dante was alone on the terrace when Sam returned home and admired the boxing gloves, but Dante was concerned about his father. He also felt he might have crossed a line between being a cop and Sonny's son. Sonny hadn't asked him to interfere with Dex yet, but Dante felt it was coming. Sam said she knew Dante would do the right thing. Dante wasn't so sure. After all, he'd had ample opportunity to bring his father down through the years and hadn't. As he placed his badge on the table, he announced that he had no business being a cop.
Ava opened the door to Carly, who made herself at home to wait until Sonny returned. As Carly sat down on the couch as if she lived there, Ava had a disgusted look on her face. Carly told Ava she could just leave, but Ava set the record straight, telling Carly that Carly couldn't just walk into Sonny's apartment and act like she owned the place.
That prompted Carly to warn Ava that she might have turned herself into Sonny's "gatekeeper," but Carly was going to talk to her ex and the father of her children whenever she pleased, whether Ava liked it or not. As they argued, Sonny walked in and asked where Donna was.
Ava left the room so Carly and Sonny could talk. Carly announced that she was not taking Donna to Sonny's place anymore because she felt it wasn't good for Donna to be with him. Sonny was furious at the idea and didn't understand what the problem was. Carly told him she barely recognized him anymore. "I don't know what you're capable of, Sonny," she said.
Sonny insisted that as Donna's father, he had a legal right to see her. He said he would take Carly to court if he had to. Sonny felt Carly was using their daughter to turn on him. "You're getting everybody in my family to turn against me. Why?" he asked. Sonny blamed Jason for all of it. Carly accused Sonny of living in an alternate universe, and then it hit her. She immediately ran to the bathroom to make sure he was taking his meds.
Carly grabbed the pill vials and insisted on calling the pharmacist, as Sonny balked at the idea. Sonny insisted he was taking his meds, but Carly knew something was wrong. She wasn't judging him and just wanted to help him. Ava listened to that part of the conversation and was pleased when Sonny asked Carly if she thought that little of him that he'd risk it all by not taking his meds. Carly begged him to visit his doctor and see if he needed his dosage adjusted. Sonny then kicked Carly out. Once alone, Sonny told Ava that Carly could "go to hell."
Josslyn and Trina finished a 20-minute HITT training run through the park, leaving them breathless but proud of themselves. Trina joked with Josslyn that she was happy to be with a doctor-to-be in case she passed out. Josslyn paused for a moment before admitting, "I'm not so sure about that anymore."
Josslyn said she was considering switching her major because she wasn't sure she wanted to be a doctor. "Should I really be doing it if I'm anything less than all in?" she asked. Trina asked what had "brought this on," but Josslyn said she had been thinking about it for a while. When everything had happened with Adam, she had become more hesitant.
Trina tried reasoning that Adam's problems had nothing to do with studying medicine. Josslyn understood that but was overwhelmed with the thought of the MCAT, med school, a was all too much. Trina knew from Portia that being a doctor was hard, but also that it was worth the work. Josslyn understood that but wondered if it was for her. She wasn't sure if being a doctor was her passion.
The subject soon turned to Trina's life. Josslyn understood that her friend still mourned Spencer, but Trina wanted to move on with her life. However, she didn't know in which direction she wanted to go. Just then, the newest PCPD trainees ran by as Dex flashed Josslyn a grin. As Dex continued his training, Josslyn explained to Trina that she had decided to become a doctor when she had helped Dex after his gunshot wound. It had made her want to help people, so Trina asked if Josslyn just wanted to help Dex.
Josslyn denied that and said she wanted to feel she was doing something meaningful like Dex had done when he'd served in the military, but maybe being a doctor wasn't it. Trina also tried to get Josslyn to admit that she was still in love with Dex. While the young ladies engaged in their conversation, Dex changed into his cop uniform.
Drew gave Nina a ride to their meeting with the congressman who had once been friends with her father. Before they left the car, Nina wanted to make sure Drew knew just how important the meeting was and that he appreciated her. Nina asked him to follow her lead. Drew looked like he was leaning in for a kiss, but instead, he unbuckled her seat belt.
While Drew was not on the congressman's list, Nina entered the office with him, anyway, and reunited with her father's old friend. He immediately wanted to know who Drew was. When Nina told him, the congressman wasn't happy. He only wanted to talk to Nina alone, so Nina offered to escort Drew out. That was when Drew took the bull by the horns and asked the man for a moment to discuss a project that would interest his constituents.
Drew wanted to take two of Port Charles's underused piers and develop them into something beneficial for the community. The congressman liked the idea and was impressed that Drew was already working with Jordan on it. Drew admitted he needed federal funding, and that was where the congressman came in.
However, the congressman couldn't promise Drew anything because he had stage four lung cancer and was stepping down at the end of his term. That was why he wanted the meeting with Nina -- he hoped she could break the news in the press the right way. Drew was sorry, of course, but tried to convince the congressman to make this project his legacy. The congressman finally asked Nina if he could trust Drew.
Nina gave a passionate pitch, telling the congressman that Drew was a decorated Navy SEAL known for his philanthropy. "I could say truthfully that Drew could be tough but fair," she declared. Finally, the man agreed to push for funding if Drew's numbers panned out.
Alexis prepared for her law license hearing by asking Kristina and Sam which almost identical black business suit would work best. Kristina didn't seem to care because the baby kicked. Sam and Alexis were both alarmed when Kristina once again referred to the child she was carrying as her own.
Kristina went on about how the kicking kept her on her toes. She was clearly into the pregnancy, not noticing that Alexis and Sam kept giving each other looks. Kristina explained that she enjoyed talking about the pregnancy with her family, but tried not to do so with Molly because it was a sensitive topic. "This is the most powerful and profound experience I've ever had in my life," she admitted.
Sam soon had to leave to pick up Danny, and she lamented the trouble she was having with her son over the Jason situation. Once alone, Alexis asked Kristina how she was really doing. A smiling Kristina honestly said things were going great for her, but she worried about Molly and T.J. She also sensed tension between them.
Alexis was surprised when Kristina mentioned that she sometimes felt Molly and T.J. were looking at the baby as something to "check off on their list of accomplishments." Alexis was especially alarmed when Kristina said that Molly and T.J. were not falling in love with this baby as much as Kristina was. Alexis reasoned that perhaps Molly and T.J. were micromanaging her pregnancy so they could be a part of it. Alexis finally asked a very pointed question -- "Are you starting to think of this baby as more yours than your sister's?"

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