General Hospital Recaps: The week of August 28, 2023 on GH

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Nikolas emerged from his coma. Lucy learned that Tracy was behind the lawsuit. Gladys confessed to Nina. Sonny was taken into custody.
General Hospital Recaps: The week of August 28, 2023 on GH

Ava decided to sell Spoon Island. Nikolas was revealed to be out of a coma. Lucy learned that Tracy was behind the lawsuit. Chase asked Brook Lynn to move in with him. Diane found an avenue to help Drew. Gladys confessed to Nina. Sam helped Cody get admitted to Ferncliff. Sonny was taken into custody.

Curtis gives Portia a call

Curtis gives Portia a call

Monday, August 28, 2023

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by Marissa PD

Finn was sitting on the roof of the hospital when Elizabeth found him. She'd noticed that he'd been up there a lot and wondered if there was something on his mind. He admitted that he'd gotten some news that he couldn't wrap his head around, and he added that he knew that she'd talked to Gregory. She expressed her sympathy and advised him to take things one day at a time. Finn regretted wasting so much time with his father, so Elizabeth suggested that he share that with Gregory. He was grateful to have her in his corner, and Elizabeth promised to be there for him every step of the way.

There was a knock on Alexis' office door, and Kristina entered. She excitedly revealed that Diane had agreed to be on the board of the Corinthos-Davis House. She added that she was also there to explain that she hadn't been avoiding Alexis at the pool. Kristina explained that she had wanted to keep her distance with Molly and the surrogate, and Alexis thought that was a wise choice. They agreed that whatever was going on with Molly and Kristina wouldn't affect Alexis and Kristina's relationship.

Just then, there was a knock on the door, and Gregory entered. Kristina excused herself, and Gregory admitted to Alexis that he wasn't sure how many working days he would have left. He apologized for putting her in the position he had with Finn, and she insisted that there was nothing to forgive. He wasn't sure when he would be ready to tell Chase, but Alexis promised to be there for him when he was, and she gave him a hug.

Trina arrived outside Kelly's and found Josslyn working, as she wanted to help out her mother. Trina related that she wanted to help her own mother with Curtis, but she didn't know what to do. She blamed part of the destruction of Curtis and Portia's relationship on herself, but Josslyn insisted that it was in no way Trina's fault. She reminded Trina that Trina's parents were adults and needed to figure things out for themselves.

Curtis was exercising at his rehab facility when Stella arrived. She wasn't sure that he should be working out without the physical therapist, but he insisted that he was ready to go home. Before he went home, Stella believed that he needed to prepare himself for his new reality. She assured him that it was all right to feel sorry for himself, but it would take everything he had to face it. Curtis cried that everything had been starting to look up before he'd been shot, and he talked about how much of who he was was tied to his physicality. Stella advised that he had a superpower, but he just didn't know what it was yet.

Stella wondered if Curtis was going to continue to shut Portia out. He regretfully remembered all the horrible things he'd said to Portia to deliberately drive her away. Stella informed him that Portia was still there for him because she loved him. She implored him to let his family stay by his side. "Are you ready to take on this challenge?" Stella asked him.

Marshall arrived in Portia's office. She informed him that the rehab facility had told her that Curtis was being released the next day, but she hadn't heard from him. She feared that he didn't want to return home. Marshall advised her to let Curtis do things in his own time, as he was probably pushing his family away for the same reason that Marshall had pushed his family away years before. He believed that Curtis was only avoiding the questions that he had no answers to yet.

A short while later, Marshall was gone, and Trina entered Portia's office. Portia told Trina about her conversation with Marshall, but Trina knew that Curtis would return home. She excused herself to go make sure the house was ready, but Portia didn't want Trina to get her hopes up. Just then, Portia's phone rang, and she was shocked to answer it to Curtis. He revealed that he would be returning home the next day. He added that it wouldn't be easy, but they could make it work together.

At the Metro Court pool, Anna asked Robert for a favor, no questions asked. She wanted him to find out if Valentin was still on Pikeman's payroll. She knew that Valentin didn't do anything without a good reason, but she didn't know what else he'd been lying about. Robert wondered why Anna couldn't just confront Valentin directly, but she only asked Robert to find out the truth for her. Just then, Valentin arrived, and Robert excused himself. Valentin sat down and revealed that he'd eaten with Charlotte, but he'd still join Anna for dinner. She replied that he could make it up to her by getting her another glass of wine while she went to the bathroom.

Across the room, Lucy threw a drink on Martin. She revealed her knowledge about the $50,000 in alimony that Martin had been receiving from his third wife, and she demanded to know why he'd kept it a secret. He didn't know why she cared, but she knew that the money was the reason he didn't want to marry her. He questioned how she'd found out, and she admitted that she and Felicia had gone to snoop in Jackson Montgomery's office in Pine Valley. She wanted him to give the money up, but changed her mind when she realized that she could soon be bankrupt.

Lucy told Martin about the intellectual property theft lawsuit against Deception, and he commented that it was a very difficult thing to prove. Just then, Martin spotted Valentin staring at him and excused himself from Lucy. When they were alone, Valentin demanded to know if Martin had "heard back." Martin replied that he didn't have good news. Valentin harshly reminded Martin that Valentin couldn't take the "next step" until Martin got things done. Martin returned to Lucy, who continued to talk about how her entire future was depending on the next day's hearing.

Valentin returned to the table right as Anna did. She noticed that things had seemed tense with Martin and asked if everything was all right. "Nothing interesting," he responded, and he asked about her day. "Nothing interesting," she replied with a smile.

Diane arrived at Kelly's, and Carly talked about how happy she was working there. She added that she would be happier if Drew wasn't in prison, and she begged Diane to try to get him out. Diane replied that there wasn't much she could do, but Carly suggested finding a new judge because of the "cruel and unusual" punishment. Diane figured that she could look through the judge's old cases to try to find a bias, but she thought that the wisest choice would be to just let Drew finish out his sentence. Carly wondered if Diane could pull some strings, and she thought of Robert, even though she knew that things were awkward between Diane and Robert.

Just then, Robert entered the diner, surprised to see Diane. He informed her that he'd bought a new car, as she'd convinced him to open himself up to new possibilities. He invited her for a ride, and Carly soundlessly urged Diane to go. On her way out, Diane replied that she needed to check her schedule, but she was sure that she could fit him in. "The other thing, Diane?" Carly called out. "On it!" Diane replied.

Gladys confesses to Nina

Gladys confesses to Nina

Tuesday, August 29, 2023

by Steve Holley

At the courthouse, Lucy, Maxie, and Brook Lynn gathered for a preliminary hearing regarding the lawsuit against Deception. Maxie tried to deduce who was suing Deception. The three women looked ahead as Jackson Montgomery entered.

Jack announced that he was representing the person that was suing Deception. Lucy said that Jack's client was a liar. Jack was unfazed, and he assured Lucy that his client would appear shortly. Elise entered, and Maxie announced that she had re-hired Elise to represent Deception after Lucy had fired her.

Jack received a call, and he stepped outside the courtroom. Afterwards, Lucy, Brook Lynn, and Maxie were surprised when Tracy entered. Maxie assumed that Tracy had gone to show support for Deception. "Actually, I'm just here to protect my legal claim to the Deceptor," Tracy told a stunned Maxie, Lucy, and Brook Lynn.

At Curtis and Portia's house, Portia, Trina, Stella, and Marshall held a welcome home party for Curtis. Trina rushed to hug Curtis, and she chauffeured him around the house, which had been altered to accommodate Curtis' condition.

Marshall asked to speak to Curtis in private. On the patio outside, Marshall told Curtis that Selina had tried to strong-arm Marshall into selling her the Savoy. Curtis surprised Marshall when he said that perhaps the two men should sell the club.

Marshall offered to run the club until Curtis could return, but Curtis said that his dream to open a nightclub had already been fulfilled. Marshall hoped that Curtis would reconsider, and he left to take care of business at the Savoy. Afterwards, Curtis flashed back to having yelled at Portia that he didn't want to see her again.

Portia joined Curtis on the patio. Curtis apologized for having hurt Portia. Portia said that she loved Curtis. Curtis said that he couldn't love Portia back. "I just can't physically love you back," Curtis clarified. Portia said that it didn't matter and that she and Curtis would get through everything together.

At Pentonville, Cyrus continued to try to make inroads with Drew, and he mentioned that Drew was under Sonny's protection. Cyrus surmised that, by extension, he also had Sonny's protection. Drew said that Sonny wouldn't lift a finger to protect Cyrus.

Cyrus recalled that Drew had saved his life, and he said that Drew was noble. Drew said that he still "despise[d]" Cyrus, who insisted that he was trying to be the man Drew was. Cyrus said that he liked and admired Drew, and he claimed that Drew would discover that Cyrus was also a man of honor.

At Kelly's Diner, Carly told Michael that she wanted to get Drew's sentence overturned because she thought the judge in Drew's sentencing held a prejudice against white-collar criminals. Michael learned that Sonny had sent Dex to Pentonville to obtain protection for Drew. Carly recalled having seen Austin with his medical bag at the prison.

Michael confided that Dex had gone to Pentonville to follow Austin. Michael told Carly about Mason and Austin's involvement with Betty and the firing of Pilar. Carly said that perhaps Drew could find out who Austin had gone to see at the prison. Michael tried to discourage Carly's idea so as not to risk putting Drew in danger. Carly agreed with Michael.

In Sonny's office, Brick told Sonny that Betty had left Port Charles and had flown to Mexico. Sonny said that he could always find Betty if he needed her to answer questions. The conversation turned to Pikeman.

Brick reiterated that Pikeman had contracts around the globe with different countries' governments. Sonny said that the money Pikeman had initially offered him had been too good to pass up. Sonny added that the risk no longer seemed to be worth the reward.

Sonny recalled that he had told Pikeman that he wouldn't move another shipment until Sonny was given proof of who had been responsible for the warehouse shooting, as well as the shooting at the Metro Court pool. Brick cautioned Sonny to be careful because Pikeman could move to eliminate Sonny.

"Maybe Austin and Mason's boss is trying to create just that kind of scenario -- create discord between you and Pikeman to remove you from the situation and let the competitor step in," Brick said. "We're never gonna know until we find out who my real enemy is," Sonny responded.

At Ferncliff, Sasha was in physical pain when Montague entered after having lurked outside her room. Montague produced another syringe, and he inserted more drugs into Sasha's I.V., against her will. Later, with Sasha unconscious, a nurse told Montague that she didn't believe Sasha was getting any better. Janice said she thought that Sasha should be transferred to another hospital.

At the Crimson office, Gladys tried to manipulate Nina into giving her $50,000 under the guise of covering Sasha's medical expenses. Nina was instantly skeptical. Gladys stuttered that she couldn't go to Sonny with her problems.

Nina said that Gladys wasn't being honest with her. Gladys admitted that she had incurred a large gambling debt. Nina lashed out at Gladys for having used Sasha as an excuse to pay off her gambling debt. Gladys pleaded for Nina to help.

Nina flatly refused, and she said that she wouldn't help Gladys. Nina ordered Gladys to leave. "Either you find the courage to go to Sonny and tell him exactly what's going on, and you ask him for the money, or you deal with your debt by yourself. Go! Get out of my office! I have work to do!" Nina said with her finger pointed at Gladys.

Outside, Gladys received a call from Montague. "There's talk that Sasha may need more personalized care and should be transferred to another facility -- away from my attentive and gentle care here at Ferncliff. And we both know what that means, if it happens," Montague said.

Gladys asked what Montague planned to do. "Well, I'm going to have to make sure that Sasha is in no position to talk. So, if you want Sasha out, I want my money -- all of it, in two days ," Montague threatened.

Moments later, Gladys stepped back inside Nina's office. Faced with no other choice, Gladys admitted that she hadn't told Nina the full truth. Gladys said that while she had a gambling problem, it wasn't why she needed $50,000. "I need it because... the doctor who's treating Sasha at Ferncliff won't let her out until I pay him, "Gladys said as Nina's face froze.


Tracy's lawsuit gets the greenlight to move forward

Wednesday, August 30, 2023

by Elisabeth

In the courtroom, Lucy assumed that Tracy was there to support Deception. "Actually, I'm here to protect my legal claim to the Deceptor," Tracy clarified. Lucy laughed because she thought that Tracy was joking. Brook Lynn glared at her grandmother, while Maxie reminded Tracy that Lucy had created the Deceptor, and Tracy didn't have a legal claim to the popular beauty product. Lucy was baffled why Tracy would make a move against Deception. "This is about my relationship with your brother -- rest in peace," Lucy said with surprise.

"You had a cheap and tawdry affair with Alan while he was married to Monica," Tracy accused. Lucy argued that Tracy was in no position to take the moral high ground because several of Tracy's ex-husbands had had ties to organized crime. Before things escalated, Maxie reminded Lucy that they needed to focus on the present and figure out how to have Tracy's bogus lawsuit thrown out.

Moments later, Judge Kerr entered the courtroom, and everyone took their seats. Tracy sat next to Jackson Montgomery, while Lucy was seated with Elise Vance at the defense table. Maxie and Brook Lynn both sat in the gallery. Judge Kerr invited Jackson to state his case, so Jackson assured the judge that he had verifiable proof -- including blueprints and schematics of the original design -- that his client's intellectual property had been stolen. Jackson revealed that he had expert witnesses who would testify to the similarities between Deception's product and his client's original idea. Finally, Jackson informed the court that he intended to sue for damages.

Judge Kerr asked if Elise had a response, so she complained that she hadn't been given an opportunity to review Jackson's evidence. Elise insisted that it was a frivolous lawsuit designed to force Deception to make a settlement offer to avoid a costly legal battle. The judge reminded Elise that it was a preliminary hearing and that she would get ample opportunity to see the evidence if the case proceeded to trial. Judge Kerr asked both attorneys to approach the bench while he reviewed Jackson's evidence. A short time later, Judge Kerr announced that Jackson had provided ample evidence to justify a trial.

"I set the trial to begin six months from today," Judge Kerr said. After the judge left the courtroom, Lucy asked Elise what had just happened. Lucy shared that six months was too long to wait for a trial because Deception would be ruined by then. Nearby, Maxie assured Brook Lynn that Elise would be able to get the lawsuit dismissed because Jackson's evidence was fake.

Nearby, Tracy was pleased with the judge's ruling, but Jackson reminded Tracy that they still had a lot of work ahead of them. Meanwhile, Elise assured Lucy that she would figure out a plan of action. Lucy asked if Deception could continue to sell the Deceptor, so Elise explained that all sales needed to stop. Upset, Lucy admitted that Deception's stocks had been tanking, and the company would soon go bankrupt.

Tracy walked over, and Lucy angrily accused Tracy of fabricating evidence and "malicious harassment." Tracy calmly explained that Lucy had an uncanny ability to attract scandal like a magnet. Tracy reminded Lucy that CoeCoe Cosmetics had essentially been a Ponzi scheme, and Lucy's latest transgression had been to steal intellectual property. However, Tracy offered to make the lawsuit go away. Frustrated, Lucy demanded to know what Tracy wanted. "75 precent of Deception," Tracy said.

Lucy was outraged, but Tracy warned Lucy that 25 percent was better than nothing if Lucy lost the lawsuit. Tracy and Jackson started to leave together, but Jackson stopped in the doorway and invited Elise to call him. After Tracy and Jackson left, Brook Lynn excused herself to talk to her grandmother. Elise told Lucy that she had concerns because Tracy had managed to get her hands on the proprietary material for the Deceptor. Lucy wanted to enlist Spinelli's help to find the mole, but Maxie admitted that it wasn't necessary.

Maxie reminded Lucy that Brook Lynn had recently downloaded the Deceptor files onto a flash drive and taken it home. Maxie was certain that Brook Lynn had given the files to Tracy, but Maxie couldn't understand why Brook Lynn had done it. Lucy was certain that Tracy had blackmailed Brook Lynn. Elise suggested that Brook Lynn had been working behind the scenes with Tracy from the beginning.

In the hallway, Tracy sent an email from her phone. Worried, Jackson asked if she was still looking for a local attorney. Tracy assured him that she was pleased with his work, and she had no intention of replacing him. After Jackson left, Brook Lynn marched over. She glared at her grandmother and stormed off without saying anything.

At General Hospital, Sam and Cody were in an elevator. Cody paced, while Sam admitted that she couldn't believe that she had let him talk her into helping him with his crazy plan. "That's what I'm counting on -- people thinking I'm crazy," Cody said with a wink. Sam conceded that Cody's loyalty to Sasha was admirable. Cody thanked Sam for the praise, but she warned him that the plan could easily go wrong, and Cody might end up in the same position as Sasha. Cody made it clear that it was a risk that he was willing to take in order to help Sasha.

When the elevator doors opened, Cody looked at Sam. "Showtime," Cody said. A short time later, Cody and Sam were seated in Dr. Brooks's office. Sam explained that Cody was a close family friend, and she had medical power of attorney over him. Cody complained about the appointment, so Sam admitted that Cody's sudden outbursts were one of her concerns. Sam claimed that Cody had been acting "out of character" and erratic, often putting himself in dangerous situations. Cody began to fidget as the doctor asked for some examples.

Sam painted an alarming picture of Cody impulsively putting himself in life-threatening situations, prompting Dr. Brooks to question Cody about why he felt compelled to put himself in danger. Cody told the doctor that he didn't see the point of being on the planet anymore. After Dr. Brooks asked Sam to step out of the office, he asked if Cody had been having thoughts of suicide. Cody claimed that he had "suicidal impulses" and that he got a rush out of defying death, but the "high" could only be satisfied by increasing the danger each time. Cody revealed that he'd once been a stuntman, and he confessed to occasionally considering not pulling the parachute before his jumps.

"Because then I wouldn't have to struggle anymore," Cody said. Cody became emotional as he told the doctor that everything would finally be quiet. "Everything would just be over," Cody said.

Meanwhile, Sam removed the lid from a cup of hot coffee. As she turned away from the nurses' station, Dr. Montague walked up, and she bumped into him. Her coffee splattered on his jacket, and she immediately apologized as she used her napkin to blot his jacket and wipe off the cell phone he'd been holding. Montague smiled as he assured Sam that it was fine. Sam's smile faded when his phone suddenly rang, and she saw that the caller was "Gladys." Sam remarked about the unusual name, but Montague let the call go to voicemail.

After Sam handed Montague back his phone, he asked why she was at the hospital. She kept it vague as she told him that she'd been waiting for a friend. However, she confided that she regretted not grabbing her deck of cards to keep her busy while she waited. The conversation quickly turned to their love of poker. Montague invited Sam to call him if she was interested in joining one of his poker games. After Montague handed his business card to Sam and walked away, a nurse walked up to let Sam know that Dr. Brooks wanted to talk to her.

Later, Sam signed the paperwork to have Cody admitted to Ferncliff. She quietly warned Cody that if his plan went sideways and hurt Sasha, there would be consequences. "I will kill you," Sam vowed. Moments later, an orderly led Cody away.

Meanwhile, Dante showed his badge and introduced himself to a woman at Ferncliff's front desk. He explained that he was there to question Sasha about the stabbing at Metro Court's pool. After Dante was given clearance, he made his way to Sasha's room, but Janet stopped him. Dante quickly explained that he was a detective, and he had follow-up questions about the stabbing. Janet filled Dante in about Sasha's setback and their suspicion that Sasha had found someone to smuggle in drugs. Janet assured Dante that they had taken steps to put a stop to it, but Dante decided to check on Sasha for himself.

After Janet walked away, Dante entered Sasha's room. Sasha was strapped to the bed and deep asleep. Dante called out Sasha's name, and he gently shook her shoulder, but Sasha didn't wake up. After Dante left, Janet entered the room to take Sasha's vitals. Sasha suddenly woke up and grabbed Janet's wrist. "Please, Janet, don't let Dr. Montague near me," Sasha pleaded. Alarmed, Janet asked why. Sasha revealed that the doctor had been drugging her.

A short time later, Janet ran into Montague as she was leaving Sasha's room. When Montague asked how Sasha had been doing, Janet admitted that Sasha had been showing signs of paranoia. Montague pretended to be concerned when Janet told him about Sasha's accusation. Worried, Janet asked if there was any way to help Sasha. Montague assured the nurse that there was, but it was time for drastic measures.

Montague waited until Janet walked away before he entered Sasha's room. Sasha became distraught when she saw the doctor, and she begged Montague to leave her alone. "I'm afraid that's not possible, Sasha. You see, once someone becomes my patient, I'm with them to the very end," Montague said in a menacing tone.

At Pozullo's, Selina thanked Sonny for agreeing to see her, even though she hadn't scheduled a meeting in advance. Sonny assumed it was important, so he asked what Selina had wanted to talk to him about. Selina quickly filled Sonny in about Marshall's decision to shut down her poker games at the Savoy. "Unless you step in and save it," Selina said. Selina insisted that Marshall was unprepared to run a successful nightclub, but Sonny made it clear that he had no intention of intervening.

"I'm not going to say anything to Marshall, and neither are you," Sonny said. Sonny insisted that Marshall had enough to deal with, and Sonny didn't want Selina to bother Marshall or Curtis. Selina apologized to Sonny, and she promised that she had not intended to offend him. "Maybe not, but you did," Sonny said. Sonny admitted that he was protective of Marshall and Curtis, and it was up to Curtis and his family what they wanted to do with the Savoy. Selina assured Sonny that she had empathy for Curtis' tragic situation, but Sonny informed Selina that he expected her to be transparent with him.

Sonny demanded to know who Selina had been doing business with. She assured him that no one had reached out to her, and she promised that he would be the first to know if someone did. Sonny was surprised to hear Selina say that because she was a smart businesswoman. He admitted that he had expected her to have a fallback plan. "A deal on the side," Sonny said. Before Selina could reply, Sonny's desk phone rang. Sonny picked up the phone and had a brief exchange with the caller. "Send him in," Sonny said.

Moments later, Dante entered his father's office, but he stopped short when he saw Selina. After Selina left, Dante asked what Sonny and Selina had been talking about, but Sonny reminded Dante that he never discussed business with Dante. Dante let it drop because he was there to give Sonny an update on Sasha. Dante told Sonny about his exchange with Janet and the state he had found Sasha in. Concerned, Sonny pulled out his phone to make a call, but Dante asked Sonny to give him an opportunity to do some digging before Sonny took matters into his own hands.

On the sidewalk, Selina called Gladys, but the call went to voicemail. Selina reminded Gladys that it was not a good idea to avoid her calls, and she informed Gladys that she wanted payment in full by the end of the day.

At Crimson, Gladys returned to Nina's office and shut the door. "I lied," Gladys confessed. Gladys explained that she had told the truth about having a gambling problem and amassing a huge debt because of it, but she hadn't been honest about why she needed $50,000. "I need it because the doctor who's treating Sasha at Ferncliff won't let her out until I pay him," Gladys said. Nina was stunned, but she wondered why she should believe Gladys when Gladys had just lied to her. "What kind of doctor would prevent her from getting out?" Nina asked.

Gladys told Nina that it was complicated, but Nina demanded an explanation because she refused to give Gladys the money until she had real answers. Nina wanted to know the name of the doctor, but Gladys kept Montague's name to herself. However, Gladys admitted that the doctor was someone that Gladys had played poker with. Gladys claimed that she had thought the man was a friend until he had turned on Gladys and Sasha. Nina was skeptical because she didn't understand why the doctor would make such an outrageous demand.

Nina wanted to report the doctor, but Gladys argued that it might impact Sasha's case and cause unnecessary trouble for Sasha with the police. Nina wanted to know what had driven Sasha to snap, so Gladys blamed both the stress of being interviewed and "psycho Cody Bell." "I don't buy it. Sasha's been fine. Something else must have been going on," Nina said. Gladys continued to put all the blame on Montague by suggesting that the doctor had messed with Sasha's head and her meds.

Nina realized that the doctor might have seen an opportunity to use Gladys to access Sasha's bank accounts. Gladys readily agreed with the theory. Nina demanded that Gladys get the doctor on the phone immediately. Gladys reluctantly complied, but the call went to voicemail. Frustrated, Nina decided that it was time to get Sonny involved, but Gladys objected. Gladys insisted that Sonny would be furious if he found out about her gambling debts, and it wouldn't help because Sasha was in Ferncliff under doctor's orders.

Nina reminded Gladys that Sonny was a persuasive man. Gladys worried that Sonny would make the doctor disappear, and Sasha would end up at the mercy of whoever had been helping the doctor. Nina admitted that it was hard to believe Gladys when she refused to share the doctor's name, but Gladys was unapologetic. When Gladys' phone rang, Nina instructed Gladys to answer it, but Gladys let it go to voicemail when she saw that the caller was Selina.

Gladys insisted that the only way to get Sasha out of Ferncliff quickly was to pay the doctor. Nina decided that Sonny had enough to deal with, so she agreed to give Gladys the money. However, Nina made it clear that the money was to go to the doctor, not Gladys' gambling debt. Nina warned Gladys that if Sasha was not released from Ferncliff, Nina would tell Sonny everything.

Austin pays Nikolas a visit

Austin pays Nikolas a visit

Thursday, August 31, 2023

by Elisabeth

At the courthouse, Robert ran into Diane. "Ah, counselor, caught in the act of fleeing a crime," Robert said in a teasing tone. Diane smiled and asked who had ratted her out. To Diane's surprise, Robert let her know that he'd sought her out intentionally. Robert confessed that since she had "neglected" to take him to the car show, he had decided to bring the car show to her. Diane objected to the way he had framed what had happened because she recalled that Robert had shown no interest in attending the car show with her, so she had chosen to take someone else.

Robert confessed that he'd taken Diane's advice and bought a new car. He invited her to go for a ride in his new wheels, but she regretfully declined. Diane explained that she was there on business to help Drew Cain. Robert and Diane walked into an empty courtroom, and Diane accused Judge Kim of giving Drew an overly harsh sentence. Robert didn't disagree, but he was curious what Diane intended to do about it. Diane told Robert about Carly's request and Carly's certainty that the judge had been biased.

Diane conceded that it had been within the judge's purview to set aside the plea deal and hand down a harsher sentence, but she reminded Robert that Judge Kim had practically announced that Drew's sentence had been a message to white-collar crime. "No more special treatment," Diane said. Robert pointed out that bias was subjective. Diane agreed, but she explained that Carly was a friend. Robert wished Diane luck and started to leave. "I just wish there was some way to get concrete proof of Judge Kim's bias against Drew," Diane said.

Robert stopped in the doorway. After he closed the doors, Robert and Diane sat down in the back of the courtroom. He warned her that she would face an uphill battle to prove prejudice against Drew, but she argued that it was insane that a man of Drew's character had been given such a stiff sentence. She reminded Robert that Drew was a hero, not a career criminal, so Robert admitted that he had found it "weird" that the judge had thrown the book at Drew. "So do I, and let's face it, that book was Kafka," Diane said."

Robert chuckled, but he quickly sobered when Diane asked if he could put in a good word for Drew with the WSB. Robert revealed that the bureau had been going through a housecleaning process, and he was on the outs with the WSB. Disappointed, Diane asked if there was anyone who was on the "ins." "That remains to be seen," he answered. Robert explained that Drew, Laura, and Curtis had embarrassed the bureau by doing the one thing in Greenland that the WSB had been unable to do, and the bureau likely preferred to have Drew in jail.

Shocked, Diane asked if Robert were suggesting that Judge Kim had sentenced Drew at the WSB's behest. When he told her that anything was possible, since the WSB worked in the shadows, she realized that she needed to review Judge Kim's sentencing record in recent years to see if there was a connection between certain cases and powerful agencies. Diane suspected that the judge might have received kickbacks for getting inconvenient individuals out of the way. Robert advised her to make certain that it was a solid link.

Robert smiled with admiration when Diane assured him that it would prevail. He admitted that he couldn't imagine anyone challenging her in court. "Many have tried, many have failed, and everyone lived to regret it," Diane said. "I'll keep that in mind," Robert replied.

In Kelly's courtyard, Dex greeted Josslyn with a quick passionate kiss. Josslyn smiled and confessed that she had been looking forward to the concert all day, but Dex broke the news that he had to cancel because he had to work. Josslyn was not happy. Dex apologized, but he pointed out that working for Sonny meant that his hours changed. "I get that you think this was your choice, but it wasn't," Josslyn told Dex.

Dex was offended at the suggestion that he didn't have a mind of his own. Josslyn rushed to assure him that it was not what she had meant, but she was upset because they hadn't spent time alone together in a week. Dex kissed Josslyn again, but he told her that he had to go. "So, go," Josslyn said. Dex promised to make time for her, but he admitted that things were intense at that moment. Josslyn argued that things were always intense in Sonny's world, and she was disappointed that her mother had destroyed the flash drive instead of using it.

Dex reminded Josslyn that it had been Carly's decision to make, but Josslyn argued that it had been their one chance to turn Sonny in to the Feds. "And we blew it," Josslyn said. She picked up a tub of dirty dishes and went into the diner. Dex watched her walk away. A short time later, Josslyn called Dex, but his voicemail picked up. She apologized for how she had left things between them, and she told him to be careful and find her after work because she missed him. "I love you," Josslyn said.

At the Quartermaine mansion, Brook Lynn sent Chase a text message telling him that she needed him because everything had fallen apart. She put her phone away when Leo entered the room and sat beside her. Leo was concerned because Brook Lynn looked sad. "Just having a really bad day," Brook Lynn told him. Olivia walked in, but she stayed back when Leo offered to give Brook Lynn a hug. Brook Lynn hugged her little brother and thanked him. Olivia smiled, but it quickly vanished when she noticed that Leo had a snack in his hand.

Olivia explained that she didn't want Leo to spoil his appetite because she had made the dinner that he'd requested. After Leo left to return the snack to the kitchen, Olivia asked why Brook Lynn was upset. Brook Lynn assured Olivia that everything was fine with Chase, but Brook Lynn couldn't say the same about her friends because Brook Lynn had let everyone down in the worst possible way. "What do you mean?" Olivia asked. "I'll explain," Tracy said from the doorway. Tracy claimed that she had asked Brook Lynn to return a favor, and Brook Lynn hadn't liked the outcome. Outraged, Brook Lynn clarified that Tracy had blackmailed her own granddaughter.

Olivia was shocked, but Tracy defended her actions by claiming that she had been teaching Brook Lynn a valuable lesson in business. Brook Lynn laughed because Tracy had been neglecting ELQ. Brook Lynn admitted that -- despite Tracy's "reptilian exterior" -- she had always believed that Tracy cared about the family. Tracy claimed that she was the glue that held the Quartermaine family together. "Except you were gone for over a year," Olivia said. Tracy warned Olivia to stay out of it, but Olivia argued that it was Olivia's house.

Tracy was quick to inform Olivia that it was Monica's house. "Alan's biggest mistake," Tracy said. Brook Lynn was disgusted with her grandmother, and Olivia accused Tracy of being calculating, conniving, and ruthless. Annoyed, Tracy snidely asked if Olivia had a lasagna to bake. Brook Lynn confessed that she had always believed in Tracy, and she had never hesitated to take her grandmother's side. "I thought you were misunderstood. Well, clearly, I was mistaken," Brook Lynn said.

After Brook Lynn stormed out, Olivia asked why Tracy had been mean to Brook Lynn. "Don't you know how much she looks up to you?" Olivia asked. Leo ran into the room, asking about Brook Lynn, so Olivia explained that Brook Lynn had needed to leave. Olivia promised that they would check in on his sister later. Satisfied, Leo left. Olivia turned her attention back to Tracy, but Tracy remained unapologetic. Olivia was certain that something else was driving Tracy because she had seen it in Tracy's eyes since Tracy's return.

Olivia was confident that Ned would have been able to get through to his mother. Tracy reminded Olivia that they were stuck with Eddie Maine "the busker."

Later, Brook Lynn sat in Kelly's courtyard as she sent Chase another text message letting him know where she was. A short time later, Chase walked up and asked if she was okay. Brook Lynn explained that she couldn't stay at home another minute because of Tracy. Brook Lynn blamed herself for Deception's troubles and the possibility that her friends might lose everything. "I'm the one who set this whole thing into motion," Brook Lynn said.

Chase offered words of comfort, but Brook Lynn confessed that she would never be able to forgive her grandmother for blackmailing her. Chase agreed that Tracy had done the unforgiveable. Brook Lynn decided that she had to move out because she refused to live under the same roof as Tracy. To Brook Lynn's surprise, Chase suggested that she move in with him.

At Metro Court's pool, Lucy stood on the edge of the pool, but Martin walked up behind her and gently pulled her back from the ledge. Lucy admitted that she didn't care if she fell in because she had bigger problems than ruining her hair, makeup, and dress. She told Martin that she was about to lose her company, and she felt utterly betrayed. Martin led Lucy to a table and ordered a drink for each of them. After the waiter walked away, Martin asked if there was anything that he could do to help, but Lucy made it clear that nothing would fix things except the lawsuit going away.

Martin was certain that Lucy's attorney would be able to salvage things, even if the preliminary hearing hadn't gone Deception's way. "Yeah, well that depends on you," Lucy said. Lucy was not pleased that he refused to help with her lawsuit, but he insisted that they had agreed that he wouldn't interfere in her business. Lucy disagreed because Martin had made the decision on his own. Lucy suspected that she knew the reason why. "You do?" Martin nervously asked.

Lucy reminded Martin that he had been chatty during their pillow talks. "Look at me. You tell me. Did you steal the idea for the Deceptor from that scheming Tracy Quartermaine?" Lucy asked. Martin denied it, but Lucy remained skeptical because she wondered why he had refused to take any credit for helping her. Martin claimed that he couldn't take credit for something that had been completely Lucy's idea. Satisfied, Lucy told Martin about the trial date -- and her fears that Deception would go bankrupt in six months.

Martin was surprised when Lucy revealed that Tracy had offered to drop the lawsuit in exchange for 75 percent of Deception. Martin agreed that it was highway robbery, but he advised Lucy to be practical and give the offer consideration. Lucy made it clear that she would not give Tracy a dime of her hard-earned money nor a single share of the company that Lucy had built. Lucy made several insulting remarks about Tracy, prompting Martin to ask about Lucy's animosity toward Tracy. Lucy claimed that Alan had always warned her that Tracy was a bad apple and that Lila Quartermaine -- who hadn't had a mean bone in her body -- had known that Tracy was a nasty and mean-spirited woman.

Lucy vowed to fight Tracy to the bitter end. Martin asked what Lucy would do if she lost Deception. Lucy revealed that she had kept her Realtor's license. However, she wanted to know what had sparked Tracy's interest in the Deceptor. Lucy once again asked if Martin was certain that he hadn't run across similar products, but he assured her that he hadn't.

Elsewhere at the pool, Spencer greeted his aunt. "To what do I owe the invite?" he asked as he sat across from Alexis. Alexis explained that she had wanted to check in with her "favorite nephew," since both his grandmother and father were not around. "I'm the closest thing you've got to a parent. Lucky you," Alexis said. The conversation turned to Esme when Alexis confessed that things had been working out with Esme at work, and Alexis had been impressed by Esme's intelligence. Alexis suspected that having Ace in the onsite daycare had helped.

Spencer gushed about his brother, and he admitted that it was difficult to remember there had been a time when he had been angry with Nikolas for getting Esme pregnant. "Babies make things better," Alexis said. Spencer confessed that he couldn't imagine life without Ace, but Spencer could never forget who Esme was or what she had done to him and his friends because it would always be a part of Esme's past. However, Spencer conceded that Esme was a good mother to Ace, and he was grateful to have an opportunity to help raise Ace. "Even if it means living with Esme," Spencer said.

Alexis insisted that Spencer was a good guy, and she assured him that she was proud of him. She admitted that Spencer sounded a lot like his father when Nikolas had been the same age. Alexis recalled how happy Nikolas had been to be a father, and how determined he'd been to give Spencer the best of everything. Alexis suggested that Nikolas had gone a little overboard because Spencer had been a precocious but indulged child. Alexis assured Spencer that there had also been a sweetness about him. "Just like your dad," Alexis said.

Spencer shifted gears as he opened up about Trina's understanding and support of Spencer being with Ace while Esme was around. Spencer made another biting remark about his father, so Alexis pointed out that Spencer never missed a chance to say something negative about Nikolas. "Because that's all he's ever shown me," Spencer said. Alexis suggested that Spencer still loved his father, but he insisted that he didn't want to because it opened the floodgates to all the bad memories and bitter disappointments. Alexis reminded Spencer that there had been good moments, too, but Spencer argued that Nikolas had prioritized Ava and that Spencer's relationship with Nikolas had been an illusion.

Alexis pushed back. She explained that Nikolas had had his demons that he hadn't been able to battle. Alexis pointed out that she knew what it was like, but Spencer insisted that his aunt was nothing like his father. "He lost his way, Spencer," Alexis gently said. She suspected that it was the reason that Nikolas had run away. Spencer reminded her that it hadn't been the first time that Nikolas had vanished, and both he and Ace were fine without Nikolas. Alexis asked if Spencer wanted his father to return, but Spencer explained that it didn't matter because Nikolas was not returning.

At Wyndemere, Ava started to enjoy a cocktail, but her thoughts drifted to the fateful night when Nikolas had threatened to take Avery, and Ava had bashed him in the back of the head. She pushed the memory away and walked over to a side table to retrieve the statue that she had hit Nikolas with. She quickly stashed it in a cabinet just as someone knocked on the door. Ava opened the door and greeted Austin. Austin admitted that he'd been delighted to receive her summons. "All I want from you are answers," Ava said.

Ava was hopeful that she had seen the last of Betty, but Austin warned Ava not to get her hopes up because Betty was on vacation in Mexico. Ava argued that Mason wouldn't have let Betty go if Betty hadn't given Mason the information that Mason had wanted about Sonny and Pikeman. Austin explained that -- under ordinary circumstances -- Ava would be right. Annoyed, Ava warned him that she wasn't interested in his "double speak." She reminded him that she had kept up her end of the bargain, and she wanted Nikolas' body back. "So, where is it?" Ava asked.

Austin wondered if it hadn't been enough that she had Betty away from Avery. "Actually, no," Ava answered. Ava wanted Betty to get what she deserved. Ava made it clear that she would not wait around until Mason decided to blackmail her again, so Austin asked Ava to trust him. Ava refused, but Austin wondered what Ava intended to do with Nikolas' body. She revealed that she planned to take Nikolas' body to the Pine Barrens, as she had originally intended. "God rest his soul," Ava added.

Reluctantly, Austin agreed to send Mason a text message. "Good. Tell him I want that corpse," Ava said. Austin advised Ava to find a better place than the Pine Barrens for Nikolas, but Ava admitted that she didn't want Nikolas' body on Spoon Island. "The only reason that I wanted Dracula's castle was to spite Nikolas," Ava said. She admitted that the place gave her the creeps, and she had no desire to keep Wyndemere. Austin confessed that she hadn't seemed the type to like the "goth dcor."

Moments later, Mason arrived. Mason was curious about Ava's invitation, but she clarified that it had been a demand. "For payment in full," Ava said. Ava reminded Mason that she had done her part, and it was time for him to hold up his end of the deal. Mason explained that it was not up to him, and the powers that be had decided that Ava would not get the body until the situation had been resolved. "What situation?" Ava asked. Mason refused to elaborate, but he assured her that it would all go down later that night.

Furious, Ava ordered Austin and Mason to leave. "Whatever's happening tonight, when it's over, I want that body back. Do you understand me?" Ava asked. "Loud and clear," Mason replied. After Austin followed Mason out, Ava slammed the door shut. A few minutes later, she called Lucy to ask for Lucy's help selling Wyndemere.

On the front stoop, Austin informed Mason that Austin was out. "Boss said," Austin added. "I don't know about that," Mason replied. Mason reminded Austin that there was still one more thing that Austin had to do.

Later, Austin entered a remote cabin in an undisclosed location. He greeted the person inside and asked how they were feeling. "I'm feeling great. Thank you, Doc. It's kind of you to ask," Nikolas said. Nikolas smiled and took a deep swig of his beer.

Sonny is arrested by the FBI

Sonny is arrested by the FBI

Friday, September 1, 2023

by Steve Holley

At Dante and Lulu's old home, Maxie and Felicia entered the empty house with Georgie and James. Maxie excitedly announced that the house was their new home. James was excited, and he left for a tour of the house with Felicia. Alone in the main room, Georgie and Maxie admitted they would always miss Lulu, no matter where they lived. Maxie added that she felt good about the move.

Later, Maxie told Felicia that it felt strange to be in Dante and Lulu's old home. Felicia said that she had a good feeling about the move. Maxie toasted to new beginnings, and she noted that Felicia was taking on a new task with volunteer work at the hospital. Maxie and Felicia said that they loved one another, and they hugged.

Georgie and James returned from upstairs, and the two said that they were excited to move into the house. As everyone gathered to leave, Maxie paused and glanced back at the empty main room. Maxie smiled warmly before turning off the light.

Outside Kelly's Diner, Brook Lynn told Chase that she didn't want to move in with him. Brook Lynn noted that she and Chase had already tried to live together. Brook Lynn said that she had a tendency to be "messy and self-destructive."

Chase said that his home had felt empty after Brook Lynn had moved out. "I missed you, and it hasn't felt right since you left. Make it right. Move back in with me," Chase pleaded as he held Brook Lynn's hand.

Chase said that he loved Brook Lynn for who she was, and he added that he wasn't trying to "rescue" her. Brook Lynn started to cough, and Chase returned moments later with a glass of water. Brook Lynn said that she had talked herself hoarse while trying to create a list of excuses for why she didn't want to live with Chase.

Brook Lynn finally admitted that she wanted nothing more than to live with Chase. "I knew you'd see it my way eventually. Let's go home," Chase said. Chase and Brook Lynn held hands, and the two left with their arms around each other.

At the Metro Court pool, Olivia hoped to jog Ned's memory from the night he had tripped at the pool. Ned was uncomfortable, but Olivia persuaded him to give it a try. As Ned started to retrace the path that Drew had described to Olivia, Nina appeared.

Olivia told Nina about her plan to have Ned recover his memories. Nina asked if it was a wise idea. Olivia was dismissive of Nina, who said that she hoped the experiment worked. Nina turned back to look at Ned and Olivia as she left.

Afterwards, Ned said that nothing about the experiment had jogged his memory. Olivia said she appreciated that Ned had tried. Ned said that he had been "hard" on Olivia, and he apologized. Olivia said that she forgave Ned. "Friends?" Ned asked. "Friends," Olivia said warmly as she and Ned shook hands.

At Perks Coffee, Valentin told Charlotte that Maxie's family would move into Dante and Lulu's old house. Charlotte was upset, and she said that none of the places she had lived had ever lasted. Valentin blamed himself for Charlotte having often moved around. Valentin said vaguely that things were "changing."

Valentin added that he had made mistakes as a father, but he assured Charlotte that they would be a family. Valentin remained vague when he said he had to get some "last details in place." Valentin told Charlotte that she was the most important person in his world. Charlotte went to Valentin, and the two hugged. "It will always be the two of us," Valentin said. "Just the two of us, Papa," Charlotte agreed.

At Kelly's Diner, Josslyn complained that Dex had canceled plans to attend a concert with her because of work. Carly reminded Josslyn that it was Dex's life and his choice to work for Sonny. Carly added that Josslyn would never "change" Dex. Josslyn thought that Carly was foisting Carly's history with Sonny onto Josslyn. Josslyn said that she would go to the concert, and she left.

At Metro Court, Sonny seemed happy as he stood alone in an elevator. At the same time that Sonny was at ease, Cyrus stood in the library at Pentonville. Cyrus yelled to fellow inmates that something good was headed their way. "And we who have waited with faith and patience and humility are privileged to bear witness. Rejoice, my brothers! Rejoice! Amen!" an animated Cyrus yelled.

Sonny stepped off the elevator to greet Nina near the Metro Court bar. Nina said there was something she wanted to talk to Sonny about. Just then, Kristina appeared. Nina told Sonny that what she had to say could wait, and she encouraged Sonny to enjoy dinner with Kristina. Sonny boasted that he had everything he wanted.

Sonny joined Kristina at a table, and he thanked her for being supportive of Nina. Kristina said that she genuinely liked Nina and that not everyone was opposed to Sonny and Nina's relationship. Nearby, Nina was thrilled when Wiley hugged Nina after he and Willow stepped off the elevator. Sonny smiled at Willow and Wiley.

Wiley rushed to hug Sonny. Wiley excitedly told Sonny that he wanted to have a picnic at Sonny's penthouse. Wiley invited everyone gathered to attend -- including Michael, who had just stepped off the elevator. Sonny and Michael locked eyes, and the two exchanged a friendly nod at one another.

Meanwhile, at Pentonville, Cyrus said that it was a day for vengeance and righteousness as he quoted scripture. A lady entered, and she and Cyrus made eye contact. Cyrus asked that his congregants take a break while he spoke to the lady, who was revealed to be the warden.

The warden said that she was relying on Cyrus for a "common cause." Cyrus said vaguely that everything was "unfolding exactly as it's meant to be." The warden warned Cyrus not to disappoint her. Before the warden left, Cyrus said that unexpected alliances could sometimes lead to extraordinary outcomes. Cyrus added that there was no ceiling to what he and his flock could achieve.

After Cyrus had finished speaking to the warden, Dex appeared at the docks on the Waterfront District. Dex was joined by a group of Pikeman associates. A heavy crate rested nearby. Dex said that Sonny wanted the contents of the crate to be moved as quickly as possible.

Back at Metro Court, Sonny and Kristina watched as Michael, Willow, and Wiley shared a warm family moment at a table nearby. Kristina told Sonny that her LGBTQIA+ foundation board had been completed. Kristina added that she couldn't have launched the youth center and shelter without Sonny's help.

Nearby, Willow invited Nina to attend a barbecue at the Quartermaine estate. Nina agreed after Michael nodded his head in agreement. After Nina escorted Wiley to get a treat, Willow told Michael that the most important thing to her was to bring their family back together.

Sonny and Kristina said they were happy that Michael and Willow seemed open to accepting Nina. Sonny added that he was proud of Kristina for leading the way with her youth center, and he said that he wanted to hear more about Kristina's plans.

Back at Kelly's, Carly greeted a middle-aged bald man named Steve, who she recognized as a regular customer. Steve surprised Carly when he said that Sonny was "in for a world of trouble." Steve added that he had passed by what had appeared to be a staging area by the docks on the Waterfront District. "Looked like Feds. Definitely not local. And I heard the name 'Corinthos,'" Steve warned Carly.

Carly handed Steve an order of food, and she told him that she appreciated the tip he had given her. After Steve left, Carly stared at Sonny's contact info on her phone. A short while later, Sonny stared at a call from Carly. Sonny sent Carly's call to voicemail.

When Sonny didn't answer, Carly phoned Dex, who was still at the docks on the Waterfront District. "Dex, Josslyn told me you were doing a job for Sonny. Look, whatever it is, get the hell out of there. There's gonna be a raid. Do you hear me? Get out of there now!" Carly frantically pleaded.

Dex had stowed away out of sight while the Pikeman associates prepared to unload the crate. Carly warned Dex again that he had to leave the area immediately. Just then, a flash of bright lights engulfed the loading area. A swarm of armed men appeared, and they announced themselves as FBI agents.

"Hands where I can see them. You're all under arrest. Get down on the ground," an agent barked. As the Pikeman associates were placed under arrest, Dex hurried to escape through a back alley.

Back at Metro Court, Kristina was explaining what she hoped to accomplish at the first board meeting for the youth center. A group of federal agents stepped off the elevator and suddenly rushed into the restaurant. "Sonny Corinthos, you're under arrest for violations of the National Security Act," the lead agent announced.

Kristina loudly protested as Michael, Willow, Nina, and others all looked on in dismay. Wiley asked what was happening to Sonny. Willow tried to assure Wiley that Sonny would be okay.

Meanwhile, at Pentonville, Cyrus yelled at a fever pitch that God would bring "fire and brimstone and horrible tempest," as Sonny was handcuffed and escorted into the elevator.

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