General Hospital Recaps: The week of August 14, 2023 on GH

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Anna linked Valentin and Pikeman. Gregory told Finn about his ALS diagnosis. Molly and T.J. picked a surrogate.
General Hospital Recaps: The week of August 14, 2023 on GH

Dante caught Valentin in a lie. Anna found incriminating evidence between Valentin and Pikeman. Gregory told Finn about his ALS diagnosis. Gladys had a restraining order issued against Cody. Molly and T.J. picked a surrogate. Sonny set a trap for Betty. Curtis rejected Selina's offer to buy the Savoy.

Sonny sets a trap for Betty

Sonny sets a trap for Betty

Monday, August 14, 2023

by Steve Holley

At the Metro Court pool, Dante tried to assure Olivia that Ned would be fine under Sonny's care. Olivia insisted that she hadn't given up on Ned. Dante's phone rang, and he learned about the fire at Anna's home the previous night. Dante told Olivia that he had to leave.

Afterwards, Olivia was surprised to see Ned. Olivia said that she would refer to Ned as "Eddie" going forward. Ned apologized for having hurt Olivia, but he said that he had to live his life as Eddie because it was all he knew.

Ned admitted that he had started to panic after Tracy had talked about having him committed. Olivia reassured Ned that she didn't believe in having him committed, and she vowed that she would never go back on her word.

At Sonny's penthouse, Sonny told Selina by phone that she couldn't conduct business without letting him know first. Dex appeared, and he said that Betty was also on her way in. Sonny instructed Dex to stay out of sight and to listen in on his conversation with Betty. Sonny then opened the door to Betty as Dex eavesdropped nearby.

Sonny noted that Avery's camp ended at 3:00 that afternoon, and he added that he wouldn't be back until after 5:00. Sonny asked Betty to stay with Avery at the penthouse until he returned home. Sonny pretended to flatter Betty with compliments as he escorted her out.

Afterwards, Sonny instructed Dex to keep his eyes on Betty. Sonny then opened a flash drive that he said had been delivered by Brick. Sonny said that the flash drive contained false information planted by Brick about Pikeman. Sonny told Dex that Betty wouldn't be able to resist searching the flash drive.

Sonny hoped that Betty would deliver the false information to Austin and Mason, who he hoped would then deliver it to whoever they answered to. Sonny added that Betty didn't know that Ava had confessed to her. Sonny noted that since no one would be at the penthouse when Betty returned with Avery later in the day, Dex would have to "handle" whatever might happen next.

At Carly's mansion, Carly was upset that Josslyn had had her phone turned off the previous night. Josslyn apologized profusely. Carly said that she could have allowed Sonny to sign her out of police custody. Josslyn asked why Carly hadn't let Sonny sign her out.

Carly reminded Josslyn that neither of them was safe if Sonny were to lose power. Josslyn said that she still didn't like that Carly was "protecting" Sonny. Carly said that she and Sonny would always be connected, and she added that she had no choice but to be a part of Sonny's life.

A short while later, Sonny appeared. Sonny asked why Carly hadn't let him sign her out of police custody. Carly said that she couldn't expect Sonny to be her safety net. Sonny insisted that he would always be there for Carly. Carly claimed she had always been independent, and she said that she had to take care of herself.

In Austin's office at the hospital, Mason complained of a persistent headache, and he asked Austin for pain medicine. Betty sneaked in, and she boasted that she would have two hours to search Sonny's penthouse for information on Pikeman.

Austin pretended to be enthusiastic about Betty's news. Mason said that that Austin would always prioritize his own best interests. Betty left for Wyndemere to pick up Avery. Afterwards, Austin asked why his and Mason's boss wanted information on Pikeman. "Honestly, I have no idea. But you know him. He's not one to explain himself to anyone. But if he wants it, he's gonna get it," Mason said.

Nearby, in the hospital lobby, Dex tailed Betty as she left the hospital.

At Anna's townhouse, Valentin found Anna alone on the steps inside her home, which had been set ablaze the previous night. Valentin said that he regretted having been at ELQ the previous night, and he added that he wished he'd been with Anna.

Anna told Valentin that she didn't know if the arsonist had been waiting for her to leave or if the person had assumed that she had been asleep upstairs. Anna said that many people had suffered because of her actions as a double agent. Valentin told Anna to stop blaming herself, and he said that her actions didn't justify revenge.

Dante appeared, and he was relieved that Anna hadn't been hurt in the fire. Dante asked if Anna felt like providing a statement, and he offered to drive Anna to the police station. Valentin wanted to go with Anna, but Anna said that she could handle the matter on her own. Valentin seemed upset after Anna left.

Later, in the investigation room at the Port Charles Police Station, Dante confirmed that the fire had been the work of an arsonist. Anna noted that Valentin hadn't gone home the previous night because he had been working at ELQ. Dante seemed suspicious, and he stepped out of the room to make a call.

In the lobby, Dante asked someone for a favor. "Hey, it's Falconeri. Can we pull the security footage from the ELQ parking lot from last night? We're trying to find out when Valentin Cassadine's car arrived at the parking lot, and if it ever left. Oh, and report this back to me only, please," Dante told someone by phone.

Dante rejoined Anna, who said she didn't believe that Pikeman or the WSB had been responsible for the fire. Anna reasoned that a fire was too "sloppy" for the WSB, and she said that if she was truly a mark for the Bureau, she'd already be dead. Dante asked if Anna was ready to remove the WSB as a suspect. "I don't know. But to me, my gut... this just feels like revenge, plain and simple," Anna said.

Anna said that she thought someone had been hurt by her work as a double agent and that the person wanted payback. Dante surmised that if the WSB wanted to eliminate Anna, they wouldn't follow the Bureau's normal procedure. Anna conceded that Dante might have a point. Dante mentioned the word "logistics." Anna repeated the word aloud, and she seemed struck by an idea.

Anna told Dante that she had some things to take care of, and she started to leave. After Anna left, Dante's phone rang. "Valentin's car... never made it to the ELQ parking lot? You sure about that?" Dante repeated to his contact by phone.

Nina isn

Nina isn't happy about Sonny's decision

Tuesday, August 15, 2023

by Steve Holley

At Molly and T.J.'s apartment, Molly and T.J. met with three potential surrogates. The couple asked questions and listened intently. Molly and T.J. agreed to choose a blonde woman named Andrea as a surrogate. Molly and T.J. were excited, and they hugged.

At a rehab facility, Portia observed Curtis doing physical therapy with a therapist named Roy. Portia hoped to have a conversation with Curtis, and she said she wanted the two of them to start over. Curtis said that starting over with Portia was "too much" for him, and he cited his paralysis.

As Roy reappeared, Curtis wheeled to turn his back to Portia. Portia tried to make inroads with Roy, who asked what Portia thought she could do for Curtis. Roy reminded Portia that Curtis' life had taken an unexpected turn, and he added that it would be a struggle for Curtis to accept help from anyone.

Roy warned Portia not to go out of her way to insert herself into Curtis' life. A short while later, Roy resumed working with Curtis as Portia watched nearby.

At the Metro Court pool, Esme joined Alexis for lunch. Esme was accusatory, and she asked what agenda Alexis had for the lunch invitation. Alexis said she didn't have an agenda, and she added that Esme had been doing a good job at work. Esme was skeptical. Alexis said that Esme had a chance to change into someone trustworthy.

Esme asked if Alexis missed her old life as a lawyer. Alexis admitted that she missed being a lawyer, but she said that she was pleased with the job she had done for the Invader. After Esme mentioned Spencer repeatedly, Alexis asked about him. Esme said that she and Spencer were "finding a rhythm together." Esme added that she was enjoying her job. Alexis seemed pleased.

Also at the pool, Brook Lynn and Gregory waited for Chase to join them for lunch. Gregory encouraged Brook Lynn to go back to college to finish her degree. When Chase appeared, Gregory asked if Chase and Brook Lynn had discussed their future.

Brook Lynn seemed uncomfortable, and she left for the restroom. Chase scolded Gregory for his question. Gregory persisted, and he asked Chase about having children and where Chase and Brook Lynn planned to live long term. Chase asked why Gregory seemed to be in a rush. Gregory agreed to back down.

Brook Lynn returned, and she gushed that nothing ever seemed to get Chase down. Gregory's hand started to tremble as he tried to sign the check. Nearby, Alexis noticed Gregory's hand trembling. Alexis joined Gregory after Chase and Brook Lynn left. Gregory told Alexis that his symptoms were growing worse, and he added that he was running out of time.

At Sonny's penthouse, a guard opened the door to Betty and Avery, who wore a purple Lila's Kids T-shirt. After Avery and Betty stepped inside, Dex phoned Sonny from the hallway of the penthouse to say that he had followed Avery and Betty. Sonny reminded Dex that Betty had to believe she was outsmarting them.

Nina appeared. Dex surprised Nina when he said that he couldn't allow Nina to go inside. Nina protested, but Dex insisted. A frustrated Nina left. Afterwards, Dex opened the door to the penthouse, and he saw Betty combing through something. "What do you think you're doing?" Dex said.

Avery warmly greeted Dex. Betty claimed that she had been looking for art supplies, and she tried to get rid of Dex. Betty watched intently as Dex stepped back outside. Betty used a laptop that Sonny had left unattended, and she located the file with fake information about Pikeman that Sonny had planted earlier.

In Sonny's new office, Ava told Sonny that she was worried about Avery spending time with Betty. Sonny tried to assure Ava that Dex wouldn't allow anything to happen to Avery. Sonny told Ava about the false information that he had planted for Betty. "It's what you call cutting the snake off at the head," Sonny boasted.

Ava said that she needed to find Nikolas' body. Sonny told Ava to trust that he was handling everything. Just then, Sonny and Ava were taken aback when Nina entered. Nina asked why she hadn't been allowed inside the penthouse.

Sonny tried to assure Nina that nothing was wrong as Ava found an excuse to leave. Nina pressed Sonny for answers. Sonny said that there were some things Nina shouldn't know, for her own safety. "I'm protecting my family. That's all I can tell you, and I hope that's enough," Sonny said.

Nina was displeased, and she said she didn't have a choice but to accept what Sonny had said. Before she left, Nina said that Sonny was making her feel like one of his employees.

Back at Sonny's penthouse, Betty's eyes grew wide as she located the Pikeman file. Betty produced a flash drive, and she transferred the document from the laptop onto the flash drive. Afterwards, Betty seemed happy with herself as she stared at the flash drive.

Cody and Gladys clash at the police station

Cody and Gladys clash at the police station

Wednesday, August 16, 2023

by Elisabeth

At the hospital, Michael and Willow chatted with Austin. Austin commented that Willow looked great, and she admitted that it had been twelve weeks since the transplant, but it had felt like a lifetime. "I'm finally getting my life back," Willow said. Michael noticed Dex lurking nearby, but he continued to talk to Austin and Willow until Austin returned to work. Willow confessed that it felt as if a huge weight had been lifted off her shoulders because she no longer dreaded her checkups. Michael was happy for Willow, and he admitted that -- as clich as it sounded -- he didn't take anything for granted because it was a gift for him to wake up beside her and to hear her with their children.

"I'm the luckiest man in the world," Michael said. After Willow went to her appointment, Michael walked over to Dex. Dex explained that he didn't have much time, so Michael cut to the chase and asked if Dex had been watching Austin on Sonny's orders. A short time later, Willow returned and announced that she had been cleared to go out in public again. Surprised, Michael asked if there were any restrictions. Willow conceded that Dr. Randolph had said it would take up to a year for her immune system to recover, but Willow's blood cell count had been good.

Michael worried about Willow returning to work, but she assured him that she had no intention of working until she was in complete remission. She was delighted to be out of "house jail," and to be able to take walks with the children. Willow was also happy that she'd run into Clara -- the nurse who had been assigned to Willow during Willow's isolation. Willow admitted that Clara had been a great source of comfort because Clara had three children and knew what it had been like for Willow to be away from Wiley and Amelia. Willow admitted that she wanted to hold on to her happy feeling, so Michael suggested that they go somewhere to celebrate.

In Portia's office, Portia's eyes welled up with tears as she looked at a photograph of her and Curtis on their wedding day. Her thoughts returned to the previous day when she had watched Curtis during a physical therapy session with Roy. She pushed the memory away when Marshall knocked on the door and entered her office. After they exchanged greetings, Marshall explained that he had a problem to discuss with her. "It's the Savoy," Marshall said.

Marshall revealed that he had received a call from the Savoy's bartender asking for help because N'neka was overwhelmed with running everything. Marshall pointed out that his son did more than run the day-to-day operations; Curtis was the heart and soul of the Savoy. "He was the Savoy," Portia said. Marshall insisted that it was up to him and Portia to keep Curtis' dream alive.

Later, Portia spotted Dex in the hallway. She was curious what he was doing at the hospital, so Dex claimed that he was there for a yearly checkup. After Portia walked away, Dex saw Mason enter the hospital. Dex quickly followed Mason as Mason made a beeline to Austin's office. Dex hovered close to the door, trying to eavesdrop.

Inside Austin's office, Betty handed the flash drive to Mason. "I got the Pikeman goods on Sonny," Betty said in a victorious tone. Pleased, Austin informed Mason that Austin had done as requested, and his mission was accomplished. "What makes you think you can just walk away?" Mason asked. Frustrated, Austin asked why Mason refused to leave his cousin alone. "Cause you're not out until the boss says you're out. You got it?" Mason said.

At the rehab facility, Curtis' physical therapist offered Curtis words of encouragement as Curtis tried to raise himself up by pushing against the arms of his wheelchair. In the doorway, Selina watched in silence as Curtis failed to accomplish his goal. Frustrated, Curtis complained that he had been able to lift himself up the previous day, but Roy reminded Curtis that Curtis wasn't the type to give up. "You're not going to let a spinal injury get you down. No way," Roy said. Roy advised Curtis to focus and relax.

Later, Curtis was sweating as he curled a set of weights to build the strength in his arms. Roy returned with a stack of towels, but he set them down when he saw Curtis. Concerned, Roy insisted that Curtis rest. Roy took the weights from Curtis, but Curtis argued that he could do ten more curls. Roy believed Curtis, but he handed Curtis a water bottle and left to put the towels away. Selina walked up and greeted Curtis, but he was not pleased to see her.

"At times like this, we need our friends," Selina said. "Who says we're friends?" Curtis asked. Selina seemed surprised by Curtis' reaction, but Curtis made it clear that he wanted Selina to get to the point of her "goodwill tour." Selina accused Curtis of always being suspicious, but she explained that she was prepared to take the Savoy off Curtis' hands and would make him a generous offer. "Over my dead body," Marshall said from the doorway. Curtis made it clear that he could handle Selina, but Marshall argued that Curtis needed to focus on getting stronger.

Marshall decided to set "Miss Wu" straight on a few things, but Selina claimed that she was there out of kindness and that she had only wanted to ease Curtis' burden. Marshall told Selina that the Savoy was not for sale, and that Curtis' family would take care of the nightclub until Curtis could return. Curtis informed both Marshall and Selina that his legs might not work, but his mind was perfectly fine -- and he was capable of running the Savoy.

Selina insisted that she had made the offer in good faith, and she warned Marshall that running a nightclub was not for the faint of heart. "So, you'd be wise to keep my proposal in mind," Selina said. After Selina left, Curtis told Marshall that he didn't need his father fighting his battles because Curtis had been handling Selina for a long time. Marshall admitted that he'd been afraid that Curtis would accept Selina's offer. "Why? Because I'm in a wheelchair?" Curtis asked.

Curtis explained that he didn't intend to spend the rest of his life in a wheelchair, but even if he never walked again, he was capable of running the Savoy. Marshall believed his son, and he knew how much Curtis loved the nightclub. Marshall was determined to keep the Savoy running until Curtis' return, but Curtis told his father that there was a lot about running the nightclub that Marshall didn't know. Marshall revealed that he intended to learn from the best -- Curtis. Marshall confessed that he wanted the opportunity to repay his son for everything that Curtis had given him, including a family.

At Metro Court's pool, Trina and Ava sat down at a table. Ava asked about Curtis, so Trina revealed that Curtis had been moved to a rehab facility, but things were still difficult. Ava was curious if the doctors thought that Curtis' paralysis was permanent. Trina explained that the bullet had nicked Curtis' spine; however, not all spinal injuries were the same, and there was reason to hope. Ava assured Trina that she would always be there for Trina.

The conversation turned to Trina's job opportunity at "the Chuck." Ava was stunned when Trina confessed that she had turned down the job with the prestigious museum because Trina would rather work at the Jerome Gallery. Touched, Ava assured Trina that she would love to have Trina back at the gallery. Trina admitted that she was more comfortable with Ava, and Trina appreciated that she had the flexibility to set her own hours, especially with everything going on in Trina's personal life.

Just then, Spencer called out to Trina. Spencer was in the pool with Ace, and he invited Trina to join them. Trina smiled, prompting Ava to comment that Spencer was good with Ace. Trina agreed and admitted that Spencer was devoted to his brother, and the two were inseparable. Ava was curious if it was hard on Trina to have Esme in the picture. Before Trina could reply, Nina walked up. Trina seized the opportunity to excuse herself and join Spencer and Ace.

Nina sat down and asked why Ava had called to meet. "What are we celebrating?" Nina asked. "The end of my nightmare," Ava cryptically said. Nina wanted Ava to elaborate, but Ava claimed that she had simply been referring to all the stress that Ava had been under. Nina knew better, and she suspected that it had something to do with what Nina had walked in on in Sonny's office the previous day. Nina pointed out that things had seemed tense between Sonny and Ava.

Ava assured Nina that there was nothing for Nina to worry about. "And soon, it'll be the same for me," Ava said. Nina argued that she was entitled to know anything that concerned Sonny, since Nina planned to marry him. "Unless the tip about the SEC comes out," Ava said. "That was mean," Nina accused. Nina knew that Ava had been deflecting, but Nina assured Ava that she would listen when Ava was ready to talk.

After Nina walked away, Michael and Willow arrived. Ava revealed that they had just missed Nina. "Lucky for us," Michael said. Ava was disappointed. She told Michael and Willow that she wished that they would give Nina another chance. Willow assured Ava that she'd been making more of an effort lately. Pleased, Ava insisted that Nina loved Willow very much, and they would all be better off spreading love.

Michael noticed that Ava seemed in an unusually good mood. "Life is good, and it's about to get a hell of a lot better," Ava said.

Nearby, Spencer and Trina sat on a set of lounge chairs and talked to Ace, who sat on his big brother's lap. Esme stopped in the archway and watched as Spencer and Trina's flirtatious banter turned serious when Trina opened up to Spencer about her concern for Portia and the challenges that Curtis would face in a wheelchair. Spencer assured Trina that he would love to spend the day with her, but he suspected that Trina would feel better if she checked on her mother. Esme smiled when she heard what Spencer had said.

Meanwhile, Trina was touched by Spencer's support. Spencer reminded Trina that the best thing that she could do was be there for her mother. Trina smiled as she told Spencer that he gave great advice for a boy. "Your girlfriend's really lucky," Trina said. "I know," Spencer replied in a teasing tone. After they exchanged a quick peck on the lips, Trina left. Esme slipped away.

A short time later, Esme walked up wearing a coverup and carrying a beach bag as she pretended that she had just arrived. She claimed that she had received his text message about taking Ace to the pool, and she had hoped to meet up with them before they had left. Esme asked if Ace was ready to get into the pool with her. When she took off her coverup, Spencer noticed her pink bikini, but he quickly averted his eyes. Esme was all smiles when Spencer joined her and Ace in the pool.

At the hospital, Trina found her mother looking online at wheelchair ramps and chair lifts for her home. Portia was pleasantly surprised to see her daughter, and thanked Trina for the latte that Trina had picked up. Trina admitted that it had been Spencer's idea for her to check on Portia. Trina noticed what her mother had been looking at, and she reminded Portia that there would be more to Curtis' recovery than wheelchair ramps. Trina admitted that she was concerned about Portia, but Portia explained that she needed to focus on what Curtis needed and making him comfortable because she needed her husband to return home.

At Cody's request, Sam met him at a coffee shop. He explained that he needed her help, and she assumed that Cody had landed in legal hot water again. Cody revealed that it was about Sasha. "She's in danger," Cody said. Cody added that it was time to take drastic measures. He quickly filled Sam in about enlisting Brook Lynn's help to sneak a visit with Sasha and the shocking state that he had found Sasha in. Cody told Sam that he was certain that Sasha was being drugged, and he needed Sam's help to prove it.

Sam asked if Cody was certain, so he invited Sam to go to Ferncliff and see for herself. Cody pointed out that Sasha had been doing well enough to want to end the guardianship, which would have left Gladys flat broke. Sam conceded that Sasha had been Gladys' meal ticket, and Cody reminded Sam that the timing had been suspicious. Sam warned Cody that they would need more than Cody's theory. Angry, Cody stood up and announced that he would get Sam proof.

At the police station, Gladys approached Officer Robinson at the front desk and demanded to see Dante. "It's a matter of life and death," Gladys said. When Dante overheard the commotion, he asked Gladys what was going on. Gladys explained that she needed a restraining order immediately against his "pal Cody Bell" because Cody had ignored Sasha's visitor restrictions. She accused Cody of taking advantage of "an extremely vulnerable woman" by slipping into Ferncliff and upsetting Sasha.

Gladys claimed that Sasha had been in a severely traumatized state, and Cody had made it worse. Mac entered the squad room as Gladys carried on about how Cody had sent Sasha into another breakdown. Gladys insisted that it was her job to protect Sasha, and she demanded a restraining order. Mac reluctantly sent Gladys to Officer Robinson to process the paperwork. After Gladys walked to the front desk, Mac asked what kind of trouble Cody had gotten himself into, but Dante admitted that he wanted to hear Cody's side of things because they had to take anything that Gladys said with a grain of salt.

Dante assured Mac that Cody cared about Sasha, and he would never try to harm her. Mac admitted that he wasn't in a position to cast stones because Mac had been in the same situation with Cody's mother when Leopold Taub had had Dominique committed. Mac suggested that he and Cody shared the same impulse to rescue the women that they cared about. Dante suddenly recalled reading the DNA results that had confirmed that Mac was Cody's father.

Later, Cody stormed into the squad room and demanded that Dante do his job. Gladys marched over and slapped the restraining order against Cody's chest as she informed him that he was not permitted to be within 500 feet of Sasha. Livid, Cody accused Gladys of terrorizing Sasha and having Sasha locked away in a "looney bin" because it had been the only way to keep Sasha from cutting Gladys off. "You don't give a damn about Sasha. All you care about is the money," Cody shouted.

Gladys was horrified when Cody suddenly lunged at her, but Mac, Dante, and Officer Robinson managed to hold Cody back. As Dante and Officer Robinson dragged Cody to the interrogation room, Cody vowed to make Gladys pay for what she had done to Sasha. Gladys demanded that Mac arrest Cody, so Mac explained that -- if he arrested Cody -- he would have to take Cody's statement and follow up on any accusations that Cody made against Gladys. "You win, Commissioner," Gladys said. However, Gladys expected the restraining order to be enforced.

At Ferncliff, a concerned Mandy asked what Sasha had taken, but Sasha denied that she had taken any drugs. Mandy explained that she had reviewed Sasha's chart, and none of the medications that Sasha had been prescribed could cause the state that Sasha was in. "I don't know. Something they're giving me," Sasha muttered. Mandy tried to question Sasha further, but Dr. Montague appeared in the doorway. "Is there a problem here?" he asked. Mandy explained that she was worried because Sasha was incoherent, which hadn't tracked with the medications that Sasha had been given.

Montague had Mandy join him in the hallway. He attempted to explain away Sasha's state as a reaction to mild sedatives, but Mandy was certain that Sasha had been getting nonprescribed drugs from somewhere. Mandy suggested that she run a blood test to find out, but Montague insisted that it was his decision to make. Mandy apologized for not clearing it with him, so he assured her that he appreciated that she had been doing her due diligence. Montague explained that Sasha was extremely fragile and that she had suffered a complete psychotic break.

Mandy confessed that she was puzzled by the diagnosis because Sasha's symptoms weren't associated with psychosis. "It's almost as if she's stoned on something," Mandy said. Montague thanked Mandy for bringing everything to his attention, and he assured her that he would take care of the blood test. After he dismissed Mandy, Montague sat down on the bed and told Sasha that he was there to help her. "Why do I feel this way?" Sasha groggily asked.

"Because you're still using," Montague said. He insisted that Sasha had been taking illegal drugs. Moments later, Nurse Janice knocked on the door. Montague explained that they had a problem because Sasha had been taking an illegal substance. He accused Sasha of bribing someone in the facility to smuggle the drugs in, and he asked who had been assigned to Sasha's case. Janice assured Montague that Mandy Green was one of the best nurse practitioners in the facility, but he promised that he hadn't been accusing Mandy.

Montague suggested that reassigning Mandy would protect her from any false accusations. A short time later, an upset Mandy told Janice that Dr. Kirkland had taken Mandy off of Sasha's case. Mandy worried that she might have done something wrong, but Janice told Mandy not to worry. Janice reminded Mandy that visiting psychiatrists always thought that they could run things better than the staff.

Meanwhile, Montague returned to Sasha's room and injected her I.V. with a drug that immediately knocked her out. A short time later, Janice entered Sasha's room to check Sasha's vitals. Sasha was startled awake, and she began to scream in terror. In the hallway, Sam approached Sasha's room. Sam was shocked when she looked through the window of Sasha's door and saw Sasha in a distraught state.

Dante realizes Cody

Dante realizes Cody's plan

Thursday, August 17, 2023

by Marissa PD

At the hospital, Kristina ran into T.J. and told him that she was there to see Terry. She confided that she was going to ask Terry to be on the board of directors for her foundation. She talked about how she needed a lot of support, especially from the LGBT community. T.J. replied that Terry was amazing, so she would be a great fit. Kristina got into the elevator, and T.J. wished her luck. When she returned a while later, she happily reported to T.J. that Terry seemed to be considering it. T.J. joked that it was probably worth missing Molly's sushi party. "What are you talking about? Kristina demanded.

Alexis, Jordan, and Sam congregated at Molly and T.J.'s, and Molly informed them that she had some big "family news" for them. She announced that she and T.J. had found their surrogate. Jordan congratulated her, and Alexis commented that it seemed fast. Molly told them all about the process and the surrogate they'd chosen, who was willing to start right away.

A short while later, Alexis, Jordan, Sam, and Molly ate their sushi as Molly reassured the other ladies that Molly and T.J. were "emotionally, physically, psychologically, and financially ready" for a baby. Later, Jordan congratulated Molly again and left. Alexis hugged her daughter and promised to check in the next day. When she was gone, Molly took the opportunity to ask Sam to be the baby's godmother. Sam happily accepted. Just then, there was a knock on the door, and Sam opened it to Kristina, who'd heard about a party she hadn't been invited to. Sam reminded them that she loved them both and left. "How could you?" Kristina questioned.

At Haven Bistro, Alexis asked Jordan for her thoughts. Jordan admitted that she thought the surrogacy process was moving very fast. Alexis shared the concern, but she reminded Jordan and herself that Molly and T.J. were two of the most mature people she knew. Jordan wondered where Kristina had been, and Alexis assumed that Kristina had been busy with the foundation.

In the interrogation room, Cody loudly ranted to Dante and Mac about Gladys. He destroyed the room in the process, knocking over chairs and stacks of files. Mac ordered Cody to clean up and calm down, and Cody did. Mac pulled Dante out of the room and told him to get Cody under control. "I got this," Dante promised, and Mac left. Dante returned to Cody and demanded to know what was going on with him. Cody crazily vented about Gladys some more, and Dante suddenly realized that Cody was trying to get himself committed so he could go rescue Sasha.

Dante thought that Sasha was where she needed to be in order to get help, and he reminded Cody that Sasha had attacked him. Cody claimed that he couldn't figure out if the attack had been real or imagined, as he had a hard time differentiating between what was real and what was a dream. Dante warned that Cody was playing a dangerous game, and Cody was going to get hurt. He advised Cody to stay far away from Sasha, and he let Cody go.

At the Metro Court pool, Brook Lynn and Tracy arrived at the luau. Tracy wasn't thrilled to be there, so Brook Lynn went to order them drinks, one a single and one a double. They sat down, and Tracy demanded to know why Brook Lynn had dragged her there. Brook Lynn confessed that she'd volunteered to take Tracy out, as she'd been driving everyone at the house crazy. Tracy shot back that she didn't care about anyone else's opinion and that she only cared about their project at Deception. She added that she'd only gone out with Brook Lynn so they could talk about it freely.

Tracy and Brook Lynn finished their first drinks, so Brook Lynn got up for more, this time a double and a virgin. A short while later, a slurring Tracy told Brook Lynn to stop avoiding the subject of Deception. "You're like a rabid dog with a bone," Brook Lynn accused. The comment reminded Tracy of Luke, and she sadly reminisced about their good times. Brook Lynn thought it was time to go, and Tracy was irked that it was time to go right when she was starting to have fun.

Mac arrived at the luau and joined Felicia at a table. He told her about what had happened with Cody and Gladys, and he hoped Dante could get the situation under control. Felicia offered to go back to the police station with him, but he declined. He could tell something was wrong and wondered what was going on with Felicia. She explained that she loved helping Maxie out with the kids, but she felt like there was more she should be doing. She wanted to be "at the center of something important" and asked to help out at the PCPD.

Felicia continued that she wanted to help people and contribute to the community in a meaningful way. Mac thought that she would be a great asset, but he suggested starting at the hospital where they had a lot of connections. Just then, Brook Lynn and Tracy approached to say hello on their way out. Tracy ate the pineapple out of Mac's drink, and Brook Lynn pulled her away. Tracy reminded Brook Lynn that she still owed Tracy, and Brook Lynn would repay Tracy with Deception. Brook Lynn wondered what Tracy wanted with Deception. "I want it all, and I'm gonna get it!" Tracy said with a loud whoop at the end, and Brook Lynn pulled her out of the pool area.

Elizabeth knocked on Finn's door, and Violet opened it. Finn approached, and he and Violet marveled over how beautiful Elizabeth looked. A short while later, Gregory arrived to look after Violet, and Elizabeth and Finn left for the luau. A few minutes later, Violet and Gregory were making bracelets at the coffee table. Gregory was having a hard time with the tiny beads. Violet ran off to get clasps in her room, and he threw the bracelet down on the table in frustration and got up from the floor, only to immediately fall down.

As Gregory was getting himself up, Violet returned and apologized, as he'd probably slipped on a bead she'd dropped. He insisted that it wasn't her fault, but she offered to call Finn to help him. He declined the offer and told her that they had to finish their bracelets. She said she'd seen that his fingers had been "funny," so she thought bracelet-making probably hadn't been a good idea. She offered to get him some ice, but he assured her that her company was the only medicine he needed.

At the luau, Finn and Elizabeth sat at a table, and Elizabeth raved about the food. He hadn't touched his, as he never had much of an appetite when he was happy. She countered that she was ravenous when she was happy. Finn wondered what was different about their relationship "this time." Elizabeth responded that she felt "cleansed of burdens," all of which he'd been there for. She'd been worried about making a mistake and pushing him away before, so she'd tried to protect herself. He promised that she never had to protect herself from him.

Later, Finn returned home and found Gregory alone on the couch and Violet in bed. Finn told Gregory about what a good time he'd had with Elizabeth, and Gregory expressed the peace of mind it gave him to know that both Finn and Chase had love in their lives.

Finn went into Violet's room, and she was glad that he was home. He wondered if something had happened, and she told him about Gregory's scary fall. He promised that Gregory would be fine. He returned to the living room while Gregory cleaned up the beads, dropping several on the floor. Finn picked them up, and Gregory waved it off as him being tired and clumsy. "Is that why you fell, or is it something else?" Finn inquired. Gregory hesitated and finally said, "It's something else. Something awful."

Anna catches Valentin in a lie

Anna catches Valentin in a lie

Friday, August 18, 2023

by Steve Holley

At Finn's apartment, Gregory said that he had ALS. Finn grew upset that Gregory hadn't shared the news with him sooner. Gregory said he had been worried that Finn and Chase would feel obligated to spend time with him.

Finn asked about Gregory's prognosis. Gregory shared that his condition was worsening and that his hands cramped frequently. Gregory recalled how he had fallen earlier, and he said that he could no longer hide his disease. Gregory called himself "selfish" for not having told Finn about his diagnosis sooner.

Finn said that Gregory was still the same man he had always been. Gregory asked that Finn help him deliver the news to Chase. Finn agreed, and he vowed to be by Gregory's side, no matter what. "I love you, Dad," Finn said as his voice broke. Finn started to sob, and he and Gregory shared an emotional hug.

At Carly's mansion, Carly was surprised to receive a late-night visit from Sonny. Sonny said that he had a favor to offer Carly, who insisted that she didn't need any favors from Sonny.

Carly said that she was worried about Drew in Pentonville. Sonny said that he had a connection with someone that could arrange for Drew to be released from solitary confinement earlier than usual. Sonny said that his offer was for Carly.

Carly asked if there were stipulations to Sonny's offer. Sonny said there weren't. Sonny added that the decision was Carly's to make. Carly accepted Sonny's offer. As Sonny stood up to leave, Carly thanked him.

In the kitchen at the Quartermaine mansion, Tracy was nursing a hangover when Ned appeared. Tracy told Ned that she had been over-served by Brook Lynn at the pool earlier that evening. Tracy added that Brook Lynn was "up to something."

Tracy accused Ned of avoiding the reality of his life. Ned scoffed at the life Tracy said Ned had. Tracy called Ned's behavior an "embarrassment to the whole family." Ned confronted Tracy for having asked Olivia to commit him.

Tracy and Ned's conversation turned emotional. Ned said that he was Eddie Maine and that there was nothing he could do about it. "Fine. You're Eddie Maine. But I am Ned Quartermaine's mother, and I am never going to stop fighting for my son," Tracy said pointedly.

Tracy asked why Ned was at the Quartermaine mansion instead of at Sonny's penthouse. Ned said that Sonny had too many "goombahs" around. "And there it is. I knew it. You are in there, Ned. Somewhere," Tracy said.

At Molly and T.J.'s apartment, Kristina was hurt that she hadn't been invited to Molly's dinner party. Molly lashed out at Kristina before saying that she had found a surrogate. Kristina said that she was happy for Molly. Kristina asked why Molly had paid a stranger when Kristina could have been a surrogate.

Molly huffed that she was glad she hadn't invited Kristina to her party. Molly made a condescending remark about Kristina prioritizing the LGBTQIA+ shelter. In the heat of the moment, Kristina said that Molly wouldn't be related to the baby if Molly allowed a surrogate to carry the baby to term. Kristina tried to backtrack what she had said, to no avail.

Kristina told Molly to admit that Molly would rather have a baby from a stranger than from Kristina. Molly admitted that it was true, and she claimed that the baby wouldn't be Molly and T.J.'s child if Kristina was the surrogate. "And no one would be allowed to forget it," Molly harped.

Kristina said she had never realized how selfish and insecure Molly was, and she left.

At Sam and Dante's apartment, Dante learned by phone that Valentin's car had never been in the ELQ parking lot on the night that Anna's townhouse had been set on fire. Dante greeted Sam with a kiss, and the two crawled into bed.

Sam told Dante about Molly and Kristina's latest argument before asking how Dante's day had gone. Dante told Sam that Cody believed that Gladys had had Sasha drugged. Dante added that he was also investigating the fire at Anna's townhouse, and he said that Valentin was being dishonest with Anna.

Dante noted that he had never trusted Valentin. Sam said that she didn't believe Valentin would hurt Charlotte. Dante agreed, but he said he didn't believe Anna trusted Valentin.

At Metro Court, Valentin helped Anna move some of her things into Valentin's room. Valentin encouraged Anna to only think of the room as a temporary home. Valentin assured Anna that the two of them would get through everything together. Valentin poured a glass of wine for him and Anna, and they toasted to better days ahead.

A short while later, Anna and Valentin heard a knock at the door. Valentin opened the door to Martin. Out in the hallway, Martin handed Valentin an envelope. Anna overheard Martin say that Valentin had insisted on Martin stopping by instead of waiting until the following morning.

Valentin stepped back inside the room with the envelope. Anna grew suspicious when Valentin said that Martin had been the one who had insisted on stopping by. After Valentin left to shower, Anna stared at the envelope.

Anna received a call from Dante, who told Anna that Valentin's car had never been in the ELQ parking lot on the night her house had been set on fire. Dante added that Valentin had also lied about there having been a waterline break at ELQ.

After she hung up, Anna opened the envelope and found a stack of papers with the Pikeman letterhead printed on them. Later, Valentin joined Anna in bed. "You lied to me," Anna told Valentin with her back to him.

Valentin was surprised by Anna's declaration. Anna turned to face Valentin, and she said that he had taken 15 minutes to shower when he had said it would take five minutes. Anna and Valentin kissed. Anna said that she was exhausted. Valentin encouraged Anna to sleep, and he kissed her on the forehead. Anna and Valentin rolled over. With their backs to one another, both had untrusting looks on their faces.

Edited by SC Desk
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