Dex found a body. After Ava confessed to Sonny, Sonny set a trap for Mason's boss. Nina hoped to make peace with Michael. Carly became the new owner of Kelly's. Cyrus received a helping hand from Drew. Curtis pushed Portia away. Sasha woke up at Ferncliff. Cody confided the truth to Dante about Selina.

Dex discovers a body
Monday, July 24, 2023
by Steve Holley
At Kelly's, Carly walked into the diner after hours and walked around inside. Carly opened the door to Josslyn. Carly surprised Josslyn when she said Carly was the new owner of Kelly's. Carly explained that Bobbie had gifted the diner to her, and she called it their "family institution."
Carly noted that the diner had been owned by Ruby, Luke, and Bobbie. Carly added that Bobbie had sold her the diner for one dollar. Carly said that she would make Kelly's "bigger and better than ever." Josslyn said it sounded "amazing" and that Carly "inspired" her. Carly vowed to get everything back that she had lost.
In the library at Pentonville, Drew asked if Cyrus was responsible for Curtis' shooting. Drew said he didn't believe Cyrus' claim that he had changed since finding religion. Two inmates appeared, and they ordered Cyrus to "fetch" a book for them.
One of the men started to throw books and turn over carts. Drew interceded on Cyrus' behalf, and he grabbed the man who had thrown a book. Drew asked if the man wanted to threaten a Navy SEAL. The two men left.
Drew helped Cyrus restock the shelves. Drew said he thought that Cyrus had been genuinely afraid of the two inmates. Drew offered to tell the warden about the inmates. Cyrus said the warden was the last person who would help, especially as it pertained to the two inmates. Drew asked what Cyrus meant.
Cyrus said that Drew needed to keep his head down and not ask questions. Drew said that he almost believed Cyrus had truly changed, but he added that he knew better. Cyrus invited Drew to attend a chaplain service, but Drew refused.
Cyrus offered Drew a word of advice. "You need some kind of family to survive behind these walls. If you won't join my flock, then I strongly suggest you find another," Cyrus said.
At the gatehouse of the Quartermaine estate, Michael and Willow wondered why Nina was late to a scheduled supervised visit with Wiley. Nina appeared shortly afterwards after she had left the hospital. Wiley rushed to hug Nina, who thanked Wiley for having been brave during Willow's cancer fight.
Michael fussed at Nina for mentioning Willow's cancer. Michael implied that Nina was indecent for being late. Nina explained that she had been at the hospital, tending to Sasha. Nina said that Sasha wasn't okay, and she filled Michael and Willow in on Sasha's recent troubles. Michael left to make some calls on Sasha's behalf.
Afterwards, Nina and Willow talked about Wiley. Nina said that she had a tendency to "come on too strong" with others, and she promised that she would try to be better at it. Willow credited Nina for respecting boundaries and for letting go of her vendetta against Carly. Nina flashed back to telling Martin to call the SEC on Drew and Carly for having committed insider trading.
Nina was thrilled when Willow said that she wanted to see if the two of them could fit into one another's lives. Nina said that she had waited a long time to hear Willow's offer. Wiley brought Nina a toy, but Michael stepped in to say that it was Wiley's bedtime. Wiley asked Nina to visit soon. Willow said that they would have to see. Nina bade Wiley goodnight.
At the hospital, Elizabeth and Finn agreed to a date at the Port Charles Grill. Elizabeth left to tend to something nearby. Also at the hospital, Terry received a surprise visit from Yuri. Yuri said that he had returned to Port Charles after helping Laura and Valentin as much as he could in Russia.
Yuri said that he'd never been as happy as he was with Terry, and he presented her with a key to his apartment. Terry told Yuri that she would be right back. Terry spotted Finn, and she asked him about her offer to become co-chief of staff at the hospital. Finn agreed to think about it.
Nearby, Yuri received a call from Valentin, and he tried to ascertain if Valentin and Laura had made it safely to their destination. Yuri had trouble hearing Valentin over a bad connection. Later, Terry rejoined Yuri by the elevators. Terry said that Yuri's gift had meant a lot to her, and she said she had something to give Yuri. Terry gave Yuri a spare key to her place. Yuri thanked Terry, and they kissed.
Terry noted that Yuri seemed distracted. Yuri recalled that he his call with Valentin had dropped. Terry said that it was probably a bad connection. "I hope so. But... I have bad feeling that Valentin and Mayor Collins are in trouble," Yuri said glumly.
Later, Elizabeth and Finn met at the Port Charles Grill for their date.
Elsewhere at the hospital, Sonny told Dex to continue keeping tabs on Austin. Sonny received a call from Michael about Sasha. Sonny told Michael about Sasha's assault of Cody, and he added that Sasha had been remanded to Ferncliff.
Sonny said that he had his people looking after Sasha. Michael thanked Sonny and called him "Dad." Sonny was touched that Michael had said "Dad."
In Austin's office at the hospital, Austin opened the door to Mason and Gordon, the man who had accosted Austin at dinner the previous night. Mason revealed that Gordon was hoping to extort money from him and Austin. Gordon threatened to tell Sonny about Mason and Austin's plans unless Gordon was paid $100,000.
Austin and Mason conferred with one another in private. Gordon spoke up to say that he didn't care that Austin and Mason were sharing "some scene out of Fraternity Row," and he asked if he would be paid the money he was demanding. Mason said vaguely that Gordon would get everything he was owed.
Outside Austin's office, Elizabeth spotted Dex trying to spy on Austin. Dex claimed that he was lost, but Elizabeth noted that Dex had seemed ready to break into Austin's office. Elizabeth then told Dex that she was Cameron's mother.
"Look, I know exactly what happened between you, Josslyn, and my son. I also know that you work for Sonny. He's taken you under his wing. Nothing good will come of that. So, whatever you're up to, there's no place for it on my watch, understood? Or do I need to call security?" Elizabeth said firmly.
Dex said that all was good, and he left. Afterwards, Dex called Sonny to say that he had spotted Austin with Mason and Gordon. Dex said he would follow Gordon.
Back in Austin's office, Austin said he hoped that Gordon would "take the money and run." Mason casually opened a lollipop. "Have you not learned anything from me, cuz? I make my own luck," Mason said assuredly.
At the same time, Dex exited the hospital through the doors of the loading area. Once outside, Dex spotted Gordon on the ground next to a Dumpster. Dex called out, and he asked if the man was okay. Dex approached with his gun drawn, but Gordon appeared to be dead.
At Wyndemere, Ava met with Betty Rutherford, the new nanny that Mason had ordered Ava to hire. Betty was direct with Ava, and she said there was nothing that Ava could do about Betty's hiring. Betty gave Ava orders, and she threatened Delia.
Ava grew angry over Betty's threats, and she phoned Delia in New York City. Ava said that she had been worried about Delia. Delia revealed that she had a date with someone considered "'the dangerous type." Ava was alarmed to learn that Delia's date planned to take her to Pautuck. Delia abruptly ended the call.
Outside on the parapet, Ava started to approach Betty. Betty ordered Ava to stay back, and she abruptly made her way past Ava back into the mansion. Ava screamed in fury after Betty left. Back inside the mansion, Betty poured herself a drink and acted at home. Ava snatched the drink from Betty's hand, and she ordered Betty to call things off with Mason. Betty stunned Ava when she slapped Ava.
Just then, Sonny entered. Sonny asked if he had interrupted anything.

Ava admits the truth to Sonny
Tuesday, July 25, 2023
by Steve Holley
At the Port Charles Grill, Elizabeth and Finn admitted that they were nervous about their date. The conversation quickly turned to Violet. Elizabeth and Finn realized that Violet had told Jake and Aiden to not "bother" Elizabeth on her date.
Elizabeth admitted that she missed Cameron and that she was worried Jake and Aiden were growing up too fast. Finn randomly asked Elizabeth to tell him everything she would do if she had "all the time in the world."
Elizabeth said that she was interested in resuming painting. A waiter appeared, and he said that Elizabeth and Finn were the last two people in the restaurant. Elizabeth agreed to have dessert with Finn. Afterwards, Finn kissed Elizabeth.
At the Metro Court pool, Chase and Brook Lynn enjoyed a date. Chase noted that the pool was closed. Brook Lynn asked Chase to break the rules for her by ignoring the "Closed" sign. Brook Lynn joked that Chase was too much of a "rule-follower." Chase quipped that Brook Lynn was a rule-breaker.
Chase recalled that he had once gone skinny-dipping. Brook Lynn was surprised, and she told Chase to prove it. Chase challenged Brook Lynn to a contest where the loser would have to go into the pool naked. Brook Lynn agreed. Chase won the bet.
Brook Lynn started to undress, but she was surprised when Chase stood up, removed his clothes, and jumped in the pool. Brook Lynn admired Chase for having a "wild side." Chase said that Brook Lynn knew he was willing to break the rules for her. The two kissed again, with their hands on one another.
In Curtis' room at the hospital, Portia tried to discourage Curtis from conducting online research about his paralysis. Portia noted that Curtis couldn't be sure that information he found online was accurate. Curtis admitted that he was frustrated he hadn't received news from his doctors over the past 24 hours.
Portia continued to press upon Curtis the dangers of some online research. Portia said that Curtis was torturing himself. Curtis asked Portia to hand his phone back. Portia agreed -- on the condition that Curtis have dinner with her.
Portia managed to get Curtis to smile and to agree to takeout dinner. Portia handed Curtis his phone, and she left to order dinner. When Portia returned with dinner a short while later, she surprised Curtis when she said that she planned to curtail her work hours to spend more time at home.
Curtis surmised that Portia had something on her mind. Portia suggested that she and Curtis rent a new place that was on one level. Curtis wasn't happy with the idea. Portia mentioned a contractor. Curtis snapped that Portia wouldn't remodel their home. "What you're going to do... is let me go," an emotional Curtis said.
Near a Dumpster outside the hospital, Dex called Sonny with the news that he'd found Gordon's body. A short while later, Dante and Detective Bennett appeared. Dante checked for a pulse, and he announced that Gordon was dead.
After Bennett left to call in the death, Dante asked if Dex thought Gordon could be a known associate of Sonny's. Dex was mum, and he recalled how he had discovered Gordon's body. Dante asked why Dex had even been at the hospital. Dex claimed that he had gone to check on Curtis. Dante marveled at Dex's "generosity" as Bennett returned with the details of Gordon's background check.
Shortly afterwards, Dante told Dex that he was free to go. Dante added that a background check had revealed that Gordon had been from Pautuck and that he had served time in Pentonville. "Any of that ring a bell to you?" Dante asked Dex.
At Wyndemere, Ava introduced Sonny to Betty. Betty heaped praise on Sonny, who remained quiet and didn't seem impressed with Betty. Ava gushed about her confidence in Betty. Sonny said that Ava's confidence would go a long way in persuading him to hire Betty.
Sonny told Betty that he and Ava still had to discuss the potential hiring. Betty was pushy, but she left. Afterwards, Sonny asked Ava what was really going on. "Who's that Betty woman? And what does she have on you?" Sonny asked.
Ava admitted that someone was targeting Delia. Sonny ordered Ava to give him more details. "Why are they making these threats against you? What does it have to do with me? And, more importantly, if it involves my daughter, why am I hearing about this now?" Sonny said as his voice rose to a shout.
Ava told Sonny the truth. Ava noted that Mason had pressured Ava to get information about Pikeman from Sonny. Ava added that Mason had forced her to hire Betty. Sonny asked where Austin fit into things. Ava said that Mason had pressured Austin as much as he had pressured Ava.
Sonny was skeptical, and he noted that Austin had "conveniently" found Avery when she'd been lost in the park. Ava swore that she'd had no involvement in Austin's plan. Sonny asked why Ava hadn't told him as soon as Mason had threatened her.
Sonny deduced that Mason was holding something over Ava. Sonny demanded that Ava tell him what Mason knew. "What does he know that I don't? What?" Sonny shouted. "Mason knows that I killed Nikolas," Ava whispered to Sonny.

Sonny makes a vow to Ava
Wednesday, July 26, 2023
by Elisabeth
In Curtis' hospital room, Curtis told Portia that he wanted her to let him go. Stunned, Portia accused Curtis of talking "crazy," but his mind was made up. "I don't want to see you again," Curtis said in a cold tone. Portia argued that it was too much too soon, since it was only the second day of his recovery, and it didn't make sense for him to ask her to leave. "I'm not asking," Curtis said. "And I'm not leaving," Portia replied.
Portia reminded Curtis that she was his wife, but he argued that it would be easy to get an annulment, since their marriage hadn't been consummated. Hurt, Portia tearfully told him that she loved him, but he asked if she had loved him when she had learned about his kiss with Jordan or during the weeks that had followed when Portia hadn't been able to look at him. He reminded her that their marriage had been struggling before he'd become "Curtis the victim." Portia acknowledged that there had been problems, but she insisted that everything had changed when she had seen him fighting for his life at the pool. "I don't need your pity," Curtis snapped at her.
Portia reminded Curtis what he had told her when he had woken up from surgery, but he claimed that his thinking had been clouded by the medication. Portia tried to share her experiences with patients in similar situations, but Curtis resented her trying to tell him how to feel. Portia insisted that she loved Curtis and that he had a family -- including Trina -- who would face the future with him. "There's no way in hell that's happening," Curtis said. Curtis informed Portia that he had no intention of being a burden to his daughter. "I think it's best if I don't see her again," Curtis announced.
Portia was taken aback. She told Curtis how worried Trina had been about him and how happy their daughter had been when Trina had learned that Curtis had asked for her. Curtis stubbornly argued that a parent was supposed to support their child, not the other way around. He insisted that he didn't want Trina "stuck nursing a pathetic man in a wheelchair." Portia asked if Curtis had any idea how many people had suffered similar -- and worse -- spinal cord injuries. She assured him that their lives were far from pathetic and that they hadn't quit or given up on their families.
"Is that what you're going to do?" Portia asked. Curtis turned things around by arguing that Portia should encourage their daughter to live life to the fullest. Portia reminded him that Curtis could still be a part of Trina's life, but he disagreed. "I can't move my legs," Curtis said. Curtis explained that he was not the man that Portia had fallen in love with or the man who had saved Trina from Victor Cassadine. "And I can't be anything less," Curtis shouted in anger. Portia assured Curtis that his family just wanted to help, but Curtis demanded that Portia leave.
Desperate, Portia tearfully insisted that she loved Curtis, and she confessed that she regretted the years that she had missed with him. Curtis cruelly accused Portia of cheating him out of two decades with Trina, and he admitted that Portia's lies had made it impossible for him to trust her. "Get out!" Curtis shouted. Portia implored Curtis to reconsider, but he was adamant that she leave. Reluctantly, Portia left.
At the gatehouse, Michael found Willow folding laundry in the living room. Willow admitted that she hadn't been able to sleep because she was "too happy." Michael sat down and began to fold laundry as Willow opened up about how doing little things with her family during her illness had given her hope. She admitted that she had once been afraid to close her eyes because she'd feared not waking up, but since she was home, she didn't want to miss a single moment of the second chance that she'd been given. Michael confessed that he'd never fully accepted that he would lose her. "I couldn't imagine life without you, and now I don't have to," Michael said
Willow chuckled as she playfully accused Michael of basically saying that he'd been right all along. "I usually am," Michael replied. Willow laughed, and Michael gave her a kiss. A short time later, Michael and Willow were seated at the table with Wiley as they each had a glass of milk and plate of cookies set in front of them. As Michael reminded Wiley of the rules of tee-ball, Willow smiled. She assured her son that she was eager to attend one of his games, but Wiley worried about his mother being exposed to the dirt and germs.
Michael and Willow gently assured Wiley that Willow was getting stronger every day. Relieved, Wiley squealed with delight at the prospect of soon having both of his parents attending his games. Michael advised Wiley to finish his cookie and milk because it was getting late, but Wiley didn't think it was fair that he had to go to bed when everyone else was awake. Michael chuckled and pointed out that Amelia was asleep. Just then, Amelia began to cry.
After Michael and Willow fetched their daughter and returned to the living room, Willow settled on the sofa with Amelia. Wiley walked over and sat beside his mother. Wiley chatted with his parents and mentioned that Amelia was lucky that she would never have to be scared like Wiley had been when Willow had gone to the hospital. Wiley confessed that he'd been afraid that his mother would never return home. Michael sat next to Wiley and tenderly stroked his son's back, while Willow assured their son that she would not be going anywhere. Pleased, Wiley asked if he could stay up all night.
A short time later, both Willow and Wiley were buried under blankets and sound asleep on the sofa. Michael smiled as he looked at his daughter, who was wide awake and sitting on his lap. He told Amelia that he was the luckiest guy in the world.
At the penthouse, Sam was on the phone with Kristina when Dante arrived home. After Sam ended the call, Dante asked how Molly had been doing. Sam admitted that Molly was a little "banged up," but her sisters had resolved things. Dante praised Sam for being a good sister. She smiled and shifted gears because she could tell that he was wiped out. After they exchanged a few affectionate kisses, Dante decided to shower and change.
A short time later, Dante returned to the living room. Sam handed him a beer, and he admitted that he liked arriving home to find her waiting for him. Sam confessed that she'd been working on a case. She told him that she had questions around Sasha's attack on Cody. Dante conceded that it hadn't made sense that Sasha had called out Cyrus' name before stabbing Cody. "Now, she's under lock and key at Ferncliff," Sam said.
Sam revealed that she didn't trust Gladys, in part because Gladys hadn't been happy about Sasha's decision to terminate the guardianship. Sam also questioned Gladys' association with Selina Wu because Gladys had been determined to send Cody to jail until Selina had intervened, and Gladys had sold Brando's garage to a holding company that had been controlled by Selina. Dante argued that Selina had likely simply made the best offer on the garage. Sam was certain that there was more to it, so Dante advised Sam to find the link between Gladys and Selina. Sam admitted that she had never liked Gladys, and she was certain that Sonny felt the same.
Sam suspected that Sonny only tolerated Gladys because of Gladys' connection to Mike and Brando, and because Sonny cared about Sasha. Sam was certain Gladys had a hand in what had transpired at Metro Court's pool. "Well, you're not the only one," Dante said. However, the conversation turned to why Dante had been late arriving home. He told her about Dex discovering a dead body. Dante admitted that he questioned why his father had instructed Dex to call the police instead of leaving the scene, but he was unable to elaborate about the investigation.
Sam decided that both she and Dante needed a distraction. She pulled him close for a kiss, but an incessant knock on the door brought a quick end to things. When Dante opened the door, Cody practically collapsed in Dante's arms, so Dante helped Cody to a chair. Sam asked why Cody wasn't at the hospital, prompting Cody to explain that he had left to help Sasha. Cody wanted to make it appear that his injury hadn't been as serious as it was. Sam fetched a first-aid kit for Dante to change Cody's bandages.
Dante warned Cody that Cody succumbing to the injuries would only make things worse for Sasha. Cody insisted that Sasha hadn't meant to hurt him. Sam agreed, but she reminded Cody that Sasha had stabbed Cody in front of a lot of witnesses. Sam admitted that Ferncliff was the best place for Sasha -- and everyone else was safer with her there. Cody disagreed, and he insisted that Sasha had been doing well until things had taken a sudden turn. Cody admitted that he had no idea what had triggered the change, but he was certain that Gladys had played a role in it.
Dante urged Cody to get some rest, so Cody offered to call a car service. A short time later, Cody was sound asleep on the sofa and covered with blankets. Dante and Sam grabbed their bottles of beer, turned off the lights, and walked over to the balcony. Dante apologized for Cody's unexpected visit, but Sam assured Dante that it was fine because Cody had needed his best friend. Dante and Sam quickly picked up where they had left off before Cody had arrived. After a few heated kisses, Dante swept Sam up in his arms and carried her to their bedroom.
At Dex's apartment, Dex was wearing a pair of boxer-briefs as he opened a window and took a deep, refreshing breath. Moments later, someone knocked on his door. It was Josslyn. She had decided to stop by, even though Dex had told her that the air conditioning was out. She lifted her eyebrows when she noticed that the lights were off and several lit candles were on the table. Dex smiled and quickly clarified that the old building's power -- not just the apartment's air conditioning -- had been knocked out, and the superintendent was working on it.
Josslyn confessed that she liked the candles. "How about the heat?" Dex asked. She assured him that they would find a way to deal with the heat, but first she wanted to know why she hadn't heard from him in 32 hours, and why Sonny had called Dex to work on Dex's day off. Dex assured her that it had been a surveillance job, but she sensed there was more to it. With a little prodding, Dex revealed that he had found the dead body of a man who had confronted Austin at the Port Charles Grill and who Dex suspected had met with Austin right before the murder.
Josslyn was shocked. "Joss, aren't you going to ask me?" Dex said. Confused, Josslyn asked what he was referring to. "If I killed him," Dex said. Josslyn assured him that she had never suspected him of killing the man because she knew that Dex would do anything in his power to protect her, but he wouldn't lie to her. She was confident that he wouldn't have mentioned the discovery if he had killed the man.
Dex smiled, and he told Josslyn about Sonny's decision to have Dex report the death to the police and about Dante's questions. Dex admitted that it was clear that Dante cared about Josslyn. Josslyn assured Dex that nothing -- and no one -- would ever get between them. Later, Dex and Josslyn made love.
At Wyndemere, Sonny demanded to know what leverage Mason had on Ava. "Mason knows I killed Nikolas," Ava said in a quiet voice. Sonny and Ava walked out to the turret as she filled him in about Mason's role in the disappearance of Nikolas' body and Mason's threats to expose her if she refused to cooperate. "That's not going to happen," Sonny said. At Sonny's urging, Ava opened up about her anger that Nikolas had gotten Esme pregnant. Sonny empathized because he recalled taking a swing at Nikolas for betraying Spencer.
Ava confessed that she had agreed to help Spencer when Spencer had decided to sue for custody of Ace. "By killing his father?" Sonny asked. Ava told Sonny about Nikolas' recorded confession to killing Esme when Esme had jumped from the turret during an altercation with Ava, and Nikolas' fury when Nikolas had learned that Ava had given the confession to Spencer. Ava revealed that Nikolas had threatened to punish her by taking Avery. "Bastard," Sonny said in a menacing tone. Ava tearfully admitted that she would do anything to protect Avery because Ava had already lost Kiki.
"She's my life," Ava said. Ava explained that Nikolas had been filled with hate, and she'd had to stop him. "How did you stop him?" Sonny asked. Ava admitted that she had picked up a statue from the table and -- without thinking -- she had hit Nikolas. When Sonny asked how Mason had gotten involved, Ava revealed that Mason had followed Austin to the island.
Ava told Sonny that she had hidden Nikolas' body in the stable's tack room and that Austin had witnessed everything. Sonny asked how Austin had reacted, so she assured Sonny that Austin had advised her to call the police. However, Ava had persuaded Austin that no one would believe that it had been an accident. Ava revealed that she and Austin had decided to bury Nikolas' body in the Pine Barrens, but "all hell broke loose" when Ryan Chamberlain and Heather Webber had escaped.
Ava filled Sonny in about the police searching the island -- and how shocked she and Austin had been when Dante had broken the lock on the tack room door, only to discover that Nikolas' body had vanished. Ava admitted that a part of her had hoped that Nikolas had survived and left of his own accord, but Mason had turned up a few weeks later and blackmailed her. Sonny and Ava returned inside, and Sonny handed her a drink. "You've been through hell," he said. "Still there," Ava replied.
After Ava took a sip, she reminded Sonny that Mason wanted her to gather information about Sonny and Pikeman, and she revealed that Betty had threatened Delia if Ava refused to cooperate. "I think they already have her," Ava said. Sonny assured Ava that nothing would happen to her mother, but Ava feared that Mason's boss might be as powerful as Sonny. Sonny wasn't worried about Mason's boss, but Ava remained uneasy because she didn't want to go to prison for killing Nikolas. Sonny told Ava that he would take care of everything. "I promise," Sonny said.
After Sonny left, Ava walked out to the turret. She took a sip of her drink as she recalled Sonny's vow. "I hope you mean that, Sonny," Ava said.
Meanwhile, Sonny was on his cell phone as he got into his car. "I need you to find somebody for me. Dead? Sure. Alive would be better," Sonny said.

Cody puts his life in Dante's hands
Thursday, July 27, 2023
by Elisabeth
At Kelly's, Carly was on the phone as she assured Bobbie that everything was under control at Kelly's, and the waterfront regulars continued to visit. Carly acknowledged that the freezer had a leak and that the bread delivery had been late, but she had dealt with the problems. Carly promised to figure everything out, told her mother that she loved her, and explained that she had to get back to work. After the call, Carly set several pick-up orders on the counter, but she stopped when Nina walked in. Nina approached the counter and asked if Carly worked at Kelly's, so Carly clarified that she owned the place. "Good for you," Nina said.
Nina shifted gears and talked about how good Willow looked. She said it was clear the transplant had been a success. Carly was stunned when Nina revealed that she had visited Willow the previous day. Carly reminded Nina that Nina should have waited until Willow had reached out to Nina, but Nina revealed that Willow had added her to the bubble of family and friends who could visit. Nina admitted that she had Carly to thank for the amazing visit because Carly had dropped the vendetta against Nina.
"Who says I did that?" Carly asked. Nina claimed that she had assumed that Carly had buried the hatchet and put their feud behind them, but Carly didn't have time for Nina's games and advised Nina to get to the point. Nina denied playing games, but she admitted that she wanted them to get along for Willow's sake. "We're family," Nina said. Carly disagreed because "family gives," while Nina had only taken.
"What have I taken from you this time, Carly?" Nina asked. "You took my life, Nina," Carly said. "Now you're blaming me for owning Kelly's?" Nina asked. Carly acknowledged that Willow's heart knew no bounds, which was why Willow had allowed Nina access. However, Carly warned Nina that the rest of the family were not as forgiving. Carly conceded that she had suffered a setback. "But make no mistake, I will get back everything I lost. All of it," Carly vowed.
Carly marched into the kitchen, but Nina followed her. "Is that a threat?" Nina asked. "Maybe -- or maybe it's just my mantra," Carly said. Carly ordered Nina out of her kitchen and to take a seat in the diner. "I lost my appetite," Nina said, and she left.
At the hospital, Finn found Portia weeping in the doctors' break room. He asked if there was anything that he could do, but Portia admitted that she was overwhelmed with everything that had happened to Curtis. Portia grabbed a tissue and continued to weep, so Finn covertly pulled out his phone and fired off a text message.
Meanwhile, Elizabeth entered Curtis' hospital room, but he asked if she was there as a nurse or a friend. Elizabeth explained that she was working, but she hoped that he would always see her as a friend. Curtis didn't want to interfere with Elizabeth's job, but he admitted that he needed a favor. "I don't want any visitors in my room -- especially Trina and Portia," Curtis said. Just then, Elizabeth's phone chimed with a text message from Finn.
A short time later, Elizabeth entered the break room. "Oh, look, Elizabeth is here," Finn said. Elizabeth sat down beside her friend and took Portia's hand. "Curtis?" Elizabeth asked. Portia nodded, and Elizabeth revealed that she had just left Curtis' room. After Finn excused himself, Elizabeth asked what had happened between Portia and Curtis.
"You heard what he said. He doesn't want to have anything to do with me," Portia said. Portia admitted that she had experience with patients in similar situations, but it was different with Curtis. Elizabeth empathized, and she reminded her friend that Portia had been dealing with the shock of nearly losing her husband. Portia explained that it was more than that because she couldn't ignore the fact that her marriage had been troubled before the shooting, and Curtis had convinced himself that Portia was acting out of pity or obligation rather than love.
"It just couldn't be further from the truth," Portia said. Portia recalled Curtis telling her that he didn't want her pity, but she pushed the memory away. Portia explained that she had loved Curtis for 20 years -- even when she'd thought she would never see him again -- so she had taken her marriage vows seriously. However, Curtis was determined to push her away, and Portia was partly to blame because she had kept the secret about Trina's paternity from him. Elizabeth reminded Portia that Portia and Curtis had made peace with the revelation, and Curtis had moved back home.
Portia confided about Curtis' kiss with Jordan during Portia and Curtis' separation and how it had made her doubt Curtis. Portia admitted that she had also been furious that she had given Curtis time and space to sort things out, but he had kissed Jordan. Elizabeth assured Portia that Portia had every right to be angry that Curtis had kissed his ex-wife and that being shot hadn't absolved Curtis of all the "inconsiderate and pigheaded things" he had ever done. "But he's still the man that I love," Portia said.
Portia insisted that she loved Curtis with all her heart, and she wanted a life with him, whether he was in a wheelchair or not. Elizabeth asked if Portia would still be fighting for her marriage if Curtis hadn't been shot. Portia conceded that she and Curtis would have taken time to work through their issues and rebuild trust, but she would have felt the same way. Elizabeth pointed out that both Portia and Curtis had made mistakes, but Portia admitted that nearly losing Curtis had made her realize how much she truly loved him. Elizabeth asked what Portia planned to do about it.
In Curtis' hospital room, Curtis looked up from his cell phone when he heard Finn enter. Finn asked what Curtis had been reading, so Curtis told him that he'd been researching spinal cord injuries. "Seeing if there's hope," Curtis said. "There's always hope," Finn replied. Curtis was curious why Finn was there, since it wasn't in a professional capacity. Finn admitted that Curtis had gotten him through some tough times, and Finn wanted to return the favor. "I'm here for you, whatever you need," Finn said.
Curtis explained that he needed some space, but Finn pulled up a seat instead. Finn appreciated Curtis' need for space. "But as a fellow addict in recovery, I know exactly what you're going through," Finn said. Curtis assured Finn that the doctors were aware of his struggles with addiction, and they carefully monitored the pain medication. Finn was pleased, but he also knew that Curtis was trying to isolate himself from all the people who cared about him. Curtis argued that he was trying to work through things and figure out if Portia would be involved or not.
Finn advised Curtis to be honest with himself. "How long before you start looking for a little relief from all the pain and all the anger?" Finn asked. Curtis denied that it was about addiction. "This is about my pride as a man," Curtis said. Curtis explained that he didn't want Portia and Trina to be tied down to him, and he was not used to being that kind of man. Finn was curious what kind of man Curtis had meant.
"Helpless," Curtis said. Finn argued that asking for help didn't make a person helpless -- it made them smart. Finn spoke from the heart as he explained that letting people in and allowing them to help was the key to both physical and spiritual progress. Curtis smiled. "Look at Dr. Finn getting all woo-woo," Curtis said. Finn returned the smile and asked Curtis not to tell anyone. Finn joked about embracing new age medicine and investing in crystals and dreamcatchers.
Curtis chuckled at the idea, and Finn reminded his friend not to push away the people who cared when Curtis needed them most. After Finn left, Portia marched in and advised Curtis to stop wallowing in horror stories on his phone. She dropped several pamphlets on Curtis' lap as she explained that they would provide Curtis with useful information on the rehabilitation and physical therapy regimes that he would be facing when he went home.
"Because you are coming home," Portia said. Portia informed Curtis that she intended to be there every step of the way because they were husband and wife. She warned him that they were in it together, no matter what the odds were or what life threw their way. After Portia left, Curtis picked up one of the pamphlets.
In the lounge, Finn found Elizabeth pouring herself a cup of coffee. He thanked her for helping him with Portia. Elizabeth assured him that he'd done well without her assistance, but Portia had needed a friend. Elizabeth hoped that her friends figured things out because they loved each other. She changed the subject because she was curious where Finn had disappeared to. "Oh, I was just helping a friend, too," Finn said.
At Maxie's apartment, Maxie was on the phone with Ferncliff, but Georgie chased James through the living room because he had taken Georgie's tablet and refused to return it. After Maxie ended the call, she ordered her children to sit down on the sofa and not look at each other. Georgie and James complied, but they both scowled. Maxie threatened to cancel their day at the pool with Mac -- and make them clean their room -- if they didn't behave. James didn't think it was fair that he had to clean, since the mess was Georgie's books and clothes.
Georgie accused her brother of never giving her privacy. Maxie was saved by a knock at the door. It was Mac. Maxie told her father that Bailey Lou was with the sitter, but she made it clear that the kids had to pick up their toys before they went to the pool. Mac promised that he had everything handled. After Maxie left, Mac asked if the kids were ready to have fun.
A short time later, Mac was cleaning up, while Georgie and James continued to squabble over the tablet. Mac tried to get the kids back on track, but James refused to relinquish the tablet. Mac pointed out that James wouldn't need the tablet at the pool, but James threatened to delete all of Georgie's Harry Styles songs. Georgie chased James into their bedroom. "Who's Harry Styles?" Mac wondered.
Later, James threatened to delete Georgie's social media account because he was mad that she had hidden the cockpit to his favorite Lego set. Furious, Georgie grabbed the tablet, but James held firm. Mac decided to intervene, but James refused to let go of the tablet. Suddenly, the front door slammed shut. "What on earth is going on here?" Felicia demanded in a loud voice.
A short time later, Mac watched as Georgie and James happily worked together, while Felicia -- holding the tablet -- supervised her grandchildren. After the children went to put some things away, Mac admitted that his wife had worked a miracle. He asked how she had managed it. "I'm magic," Felicia said.
At Sam and Dante's penthouse, Cody joined Sam and Dante for breakfast. He apologized for his unannounced visit and spending the night, but he was grateful for Sam and Dante's help. The conversation quickly turned to Sasha when Cody warned Sam and Dante that Sasha had no idea how much danger she was in. Sam was curious why Cody had been more concerned about Sasha than his own recovery, so Cody explained that Sasha hadn't meant to stab him.
Dante insisted that being disoriented hadn't excused Sasha's actions, but Cody argued that something was off because Sasha was not insane. Dante reminded Cody that Sasha was in Ferncliff to get help, but Cody remained uneasy. "I'm not buying it. Something else is going on here," Cody said. After Sam left to visit her sister, Dante invited Cody to level with him about why Cody believed there was more to Sasha's breakdown, especially since Sasha had a history of breakdowns. "There's a difference between fragile and broken," Cody said.
Cody conceded that Sasha had been "shaky," but she hadn't tried to hide it, and she had been on an upward trajectory. Cody was confident that Sasha had been getting stronger, but Dante questioned if Cody was a good judge of her mental state, since Cody had only known Sasha for six months. Cody opened up about how he had met Sasha and how their friendship had grown, so he had witnessed the improvement with each encounter. Cody reminded Dante that Sasha had maintained her composure during the recent appearance on Home & Heart, despite the producers' attempt to sabotage Sasha.
Cody was certain that the problem was not Sasha. "It's the people around her," Cody said. Dante knew that Cody meant Gladys, so he asked why Gladys had wanted to frame Cody. Cody reluctantly admitted that Gladys had wanted him out of Sasha's life because he had warned Sasha that Gladys could not be trusted. Dante continued to question Cody, and Cody let it slip that he had known about Gladys' decision to sell Brando's garage to Selina Wu before Sasha had been told. Cody tried to brush it off, but Dante wanted to know how Cody had found out.
Cody was forced to tell Dante that he'd overheard Gladys and Selina talking at the Savoy. Dante realized there was more to the story, so Cody told Dante about Selina's high-stakes poker games at the Savoy and that Gladys was a regular who always lost big. Cody explained that the garage had been a payment for Gladys' debt, and that he suspected Gladys had been raiding Sasha's bank accounts to repay a mounting gambling debt to Selina. To Dante's surprise, Cody confessed that Selina had hired him to play cards and to make certain that her customers won, but not too big. Cody warned Dante that his life was in Dante's hands because Selina had threatened to kill Cody if Cody told anyone.
At Molly and T.J.'s apartment, Sam arrived with snacks and lattes. Molly's foot was confined to a medical boot and propped up on the sofa. She thanked her sister for taking care of her, so Sam asked how Molly had hurt her ankle. Molly admitted that she'd missed a step while walking down the courthouse stairs because she'd been distracted and wearing a new pair of heels. Molly had been embarrassed until she had realized that she'd been hurt.
Sam was curious what had distracted Molly, so Molly confessed that she couldn't stop thinking about what having a baby might entail. Molly wondered if her diagnosis was a sign from the universe that she should find another way to fulfill her life. Sam assured Molly that there was nothing wrong with not having children, but she advised Molly to be honest with herself about how Molly would feel if she never had children. Molly explained that the rational part of her brain would be fine, but in her heart, she would feel like something was missing.
Sam asked if Molly had talked to T.J. Molly assured Sam that she had, but it was easier to open up to Sam. Molly admitted that she and T.J. wanted children, but it was a big decision and there were a lot of things to consider. Sam pointed out that Molly and T.J. had plenty of time to figure things out, and Sam would be there to support her sister. "And babysit," Sam said. Molly smiled.
At Ferncliff, Sasha woke up and quickly discovered that she was strapped to a hospital bed. Alarmed, Sasha sat up. "Hello? Can someone hear me?" Sasha asked in a loud voice. Eventually, a nurse practitioner entered and introduced herself as Mandy. Sasha insisted that she didn't belong there, but Mandy calmly assured Sasha that Sasha was there to get help. Sasha was stunned when Mandy revealed that she was in Ferncliff.
Sasha couldn't understand why she had been taken to a hospital for the criminally insane. She assured Mandy that a mistake had been made, and she asked Mandy to call Gladys. Moments later, Gladys entered as Mandy walked out. Relieved, Sasha asked for help, but Gladys feigned concern. "You don't remember, do you?" Gladys asked. Sasha's confusion mounted when Dr. Montague walked in and greeted Sasha.
"Honey, you don't remember, but you tried to kill Cody Bell," Gladys said. Sasha refused to believe it because she was not a violent person. Gladys and Dr. Montague proceeded to try to convince Sasha that she'd been suffering delusions and that all her memories of doing well had been a lie. Sasha stubbornly denied it, so Dr. Montague asked Gladys to step out. Sasha pleaded with Gladys to stay, but Gladys walked out.
Sasha insisted that she was not delusional, and she told Dr. Montague about her recent conversation with Sonny. Dr. Montague explained that Sasha had created the positive memories to cover up the truth of her mental breakdown. Sasha knew it was a lie. "In fact, everything was going great until I started to see you and take that prescription you gave me," Sasha said. Dr. Montague pulled out a syringe to "calm" Sasha down. Sasha objected, but Dr. Montague jabbed the syringe into Sasha's I.V. line. Moments later, Sasha fell unconscious.
In the hallway, Maxie approached Gladys and asked about visiting Sasha. Gladys claimed that Sasha was in a bad state, and the doctor had prohibited visitors. Maxie was certain that seeing a friend would help, but Gladys explained that Sasha was delusional, and she had no memory of stabbing Cody. Gladys pretended to become emotional because of the heartbreaking situation. When she suggested that she and Maxie grab a coffee, Maxie reluctantly agreed.

Spencer and Trina agree to keep their relationship ''low-key''
Friday, July 28, 2023
by Steve Holley
At a medical facility in New York City, Dante and Charlotte visited a comatose Lulu. Charlotte told Lulu about the latest goings-on in her life. Dante told Lulu about Rocco. Charlotte was sad that Lulu's condition hadn't changed, and she pleaded with Lulu to return to them. Dante left the room to give Charlotte time alone with Lulu.
Later, out in the hallway, Dante sought to assure Charlotte. Charlotte said that she had recently stopped by Dante and Lulu's old home. Charlotte said that she felt Lulu would want someone to live there.
In Chechnya, Laura and Valentin entered a house that had once belonged to the Cassadines, in search for clues about Nikolas. The two were surprised when a middle-aged man pulled a gun on them. The man said that the Cassadines were all "evil," and he spat at their name. "Stay away from that family," he told Laura.
Laura pleaded that she needed to find Nikolas, and she noted that he had disappeared five months earlier. The man started to soften toward Laura and Valentin, and he said he genuinely had no idea who or where Nikolas was. Laura wondered if Nikolas had been forced to leave Port Charles.
The man remained adamant that he knew nothing about Nikolas, and he told Laura and Valentin to show themselves out. Afterwards, Laura wondered if Nikolas was being held somewhere against his will. Valentin said that Nikolas could be anywhere. Laura and Valentin left the house to return to their hotel.
At Laura and Kevin's home, Esme worried that Laura might be in trouble in Russia. Frustrated with Esme, Spencer told her to leave the subject alone. Spencer said that he was more concerned about Trina, given that Curtis had been shot. Esme told Spencer to tell Trina that he was thinking of her.
A short while later, Trina appeared after Josslyn had encouraged her to visit Spencer. Trina shared that she had missed Spencer, and she fell into his arms. Spencer warmly embraced Trina as Esme watched nearby.
Esme told Trina that she was sorry to hear about Curtis' shooting. Esme left the room to check on Ace. Trina then confided to Spencer that she didn't know how to make Portia feel better. "I do. Stay away from me," Spencer replied.
Trina said that staying away from Spencer was the last thing she wanted. "I need you more than ever. You're the thing that gives me strength to hang on right now. I don't care what people say. They don't know you like I do. I need you, Spencer," Trina pleaded.
Spencer smiled softly at Trina, but he continued to worry that his presence in Trina's life would only add stress to Portia. Trina conceded that she thought Spencer might be right. The two agreed to keep their relationship "low-key." Spencer said that he understood. "If you need me, I'll be here whenever," Spencer said. "Now would be a good time," Trina replied. Trina and Spencer kissed.
Upstairs, Esme groused that Trina was more important to Spencer than she and Ace. "So, I guess that means it's just you and me, kiddo. We've only got each other. Unless... Mommy takes drastic steps to change that situation," Esme said cunningly.
At Molly and T.J.'s apartment, Kristina visited Molly. The two bonded over memories from their childhood. Kristina said that Molly had always taken care of her. Molly said that she hadn't protected Kristina from Kiefer Bauer years earlier.
Kristina asked why Molly had brought up Kiefer. Molly said that she regretted not having done more for Kristina when Kristina had been with Kiefer. Kristina assured Molly that she had nothing to be sorry for.
Kristina worried that she couldn't truly help the kids at the youth center. Molly tried to encourage Kristina. Molly said that she believed in Kristina and that Kristina needed to believe in herself.
In Michael's office at Aurora, Carly was glad to see Michael back at work. Carly said that she had gone to talk to Michael about Sonny. Michael shared that Dex had found a dead body the previous night and that the victim had had a connection to Austin.
Carly soon surmised that part of Michael still wanted to protect Sonny. Michael tried to scoff, but he admitted that part of him still cared about Sonny. Carly accepted Michael's answer as good news, and she hugged Michael.
A short while later, after Carly had left, Nina appeared. Nina asked if she and Michael could make peace for Willow's sake. Nina said that she and Willow communicated better when Michael wasn't in the room. Nina added that it was clear that Michael just wanted her to go away.
Kristina entered, and she apologized for having interrupted. Michael said that Nina was leaving. Nina pleaded for Michael to give her a second chance. "Whether you like it or not, we are family, and I'm not giving up," Nina said with determination.
Nina and Kristina hugged as Nina left. Afterwards, Kristina caught Michael off guard. "Bro... Why you gotta be such a bastard to Nina?" Kristina asked.
In Sonny's office at Pozzulo's, Ava burst in to show Sonny a photo of Betty babysitting Avery. Ava worried that Betty would kidnap Avery, but Sonny reasoned that Betty was their best bet to steer them to Mason's boss. Sonny added that Ava would have to trust him.
At the Metro Court pool, Avery splashed water on Betty. Betty referred to Avery as a "snotty little brat" under her breath. Avery introduced Betty to Josslyn. Betty had an attitude toward Josslyn, and she seemed to imply that Josslyn wasn't a true sister to Avery. Josslyn had Avery explain how the two were related. Josslyn developed an immediate distrust of Betty, who soon left with Avery.
Later, Dex approached Josslyn to share that Sonny had asked him to follow Betty. Josslyn asked Dex for details, but Dex said that Sonny hadn't shared any with him. "But I think it has something to do with Ava Jerome," Dex posited.
Back at Pozzulo's, Betty and Avery walked in together. Betty stepped into Sonny's office. Ava was surprised when Sonny said that Betty could pick Avery up the following morning. Sonny paid Betty, and she left. Ava asked what Sonny's plan was.
A short while later, Carly appeared. Carly revealed that Sonny had called her to arrange a sleepover for Avery with Donna and Josslyn. Carly surmised that Sonny and Ava weren't telling her something, but she didn't press for answers. "Whatever," Carly sighed as she left with Avery.
Afterwards, Sonny told Ava that Betty thought she was spying on him but that it was the other way around. "She's gonna lead us to whoever is behind this. And when I find them... they're not gonna know what hit them," Sonny declared.

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