Nikolas was revealed to be on life support and in Mason's care. Heather vowed to make Laura pay for turning Esme against Heather. Liesl blamed Elizabeth for Britt's death. Willow received some good news. Kristina found Molly's pregnancy test. Eileen had a "ghostly" encounter with Anna in the morgue. Alexis caught Gregory in a lie.

Heather threatens Laura
Monday, February 27, 2023
by Steve Holley
In Jordan's office at the Port Charles Police Station, Curtis said that Jordan had gone to Stella with her suspicions about Portia, and he remarked that Jordan had enjoyed knowing that he was in the dark. Jordan shot back that Curtis had gone to her office, looking for a fight.
Jordan recalled that she had encouraged Portia to tell Curtis the truth about Trina. Curtis asked how long Jordan had known that Trina might be his daughter. Jordan recalled that Portia had repeatedly told her to back off. Curtis accused Jordan of telling Stella so that Stella could "blow up" his wedding. "Curtis, you have every right to your anger and pain, but you have no right to say anybody set out to hurt you -- not Portia, and definitely not me," Jordan said.
Jordan reminded Curtis that he needed to talk to Portia and Trina, and she suggested a DNA test to prove whether Curtis was Trina's biological father. Jordan's phone chimed, and she announced that Molly wanted to speak to her. Before she left, Jordan told Curtis that Trina needed to know she could count on him.
In their dorm room, Trina told Josslyn about Portia's lie. Josslyn asked if Portia had told Trina who her "real" dad was. "Marcus Taggert is my dad and always will be my dad!" Trina said bluntly.
Josslyn apologized. Trina said that she was afraid for her family and what the future held in store. Josslyn sympathized with Portia, and she remarked that she wished she had been with Trina when Trina had learned of Portia's lie. "I wasn't alone. I was with Spencer. I don't know what I would have done if I wasn't with him," Trina told Josslyn.
Trina shared that she and Spencer had kissed. Josslyn again griped about the type of person that Spencer was. Trina changed the subject, and she said that it was only a matter of time before Portia tracked her down. Later, Trina heard a knock at the door, and she assumed that it was Portia. Trina opened the door, and she was surprised to see Curtis.
In the interrogation room at the police station, Elizabeth called Finn for reassurance that she had made the right decision by having turned herself in. Finn gave Elizabeth his "blessing" that she had done the right thing.
Afterwards, Scott told Elizabeth to give the district attorney's office everything they sought. Molly and Dante entered, and Molly confirmed that the D.A. would grant Elizabeth full immunity for her testimony about Esme's whereabouts.
Elizabeth told Molly and Dante that Esme had been imprisoned by Nikolas. Elizabeth recalled that she had learned Esme was on Spoon Island and that she and Nikolas had believed that Esme was the hook killer. Elizabeth noted that the killings had stopped for a time while Esme had been at Wyndemere -- until Rory had been killed.
Elizabeth said that Victor had destroyed any evidence that Esme had been at the mansion. Molly thanked Elizabeth for her cooperation. Dante told Elizabeth that she had done the right thing by owning up to her mistakes. Elizabeth then privately told Scott that she worried what would happen once the police found Nikolas.
Later, in the lobby of the police station, Molly said that she would have to recuse herself from the case because she was Nikolas' cousin. Molly suggested that Dante and Jordan begin a search of Spoon Island, and she posited that perhaps Victor hadn't removed as much evidence as he'd thought.
In Austin's room at the hospital, Austin joked with Ava that he had the honor of being the last victim of the hook attacks. Austin added that Ryan was dead and that he and Ava were still alive. Ava said she didn't feel victorious and that Mac had questioned her about why Austin had gone to Wyndemere the previous night.
Finn entered the room, and he confirmed that no toxins had been found in Austin's blood. Finn then blasted Nikolas for having left town. Ava wondered who had told Finn about Nikolas, and she asked him about Elizabeth. Ava asked Finn if Elizabeth was at the police station, but Finn didn't answer.
Ava then ordered Austin to get dressed. "You're checking yourself out... because the entire Port Charles Police Department is about to descend on Spoon Island. Only this time, they're going to be looking for Nikolas," Ava said.
Also at the hospital, Spencer blamed himself for having been used by Ryan, and he wondered where Nikolas was. Spencer told Laura that Nikolas would have been at the hospital if not for Spencer. Laura pleaded with Spencer to not blame himself, but an angry Spencer yelled that he was solely to blame for Nikolas' disappearance.
Spencer recalled that he had returned to Port Charles to "ruin" Nikolas and that Esme had fed into Spencer's anger. Laura shared that she had also been angry with Nikolas after she'd learned that he had faked his death. Through tears, Spencer wondered if his relationship with Nikolas was forever broken.
Laura told Spencer that he needed to stop feeling sorry for himself because he couldn't change the past. Laura encouraged Spencer to think before he acted and to take responsibility for the things that he had done -- both right and wrong. "But right here, right now, there is an innocent baby boy who desperately needs our help," Laura told Spencer as the two stared through the window at Ace.
Spencer continued to blame himself for Nikolas' disappearance. Laura said that Nikolas had made his own choices. Spencer admitted that he would give anything to see Nikolas again.
Nearby, in Esme's room at the hospital, Heather tried to bond with Esme. Heather thought that Esme and Ace would be transferred back to Spring Ridge. Heather added that she would find a way for the three of them to be together. "Never. This is the last time you will see me, and I promise you will never, ever get anywhere near my baby," Esme said curtly.
Esme asked the police to escort Heather out of the room, and she swore to protect her child by keeping him away from Heather. Heather was escorted out of Esme's room by two police officers. Out in the hallway, a delusional Heather accused Laura of having turned Esme against her. Laura said that Heather was the same person she had always been -- "selfish, unfeeling, and dangerous."
As Laura spoke to Heather, Spencer quietly slipped into Esme's room. Esme was pleasantly surprised to see Spencer, and she asked how Ace was doing. Spencer told Esme that he and Laura would take care of Ace while Esme was in prison.
Esme tried to protest, but Spencer cut her off. "The arrangements have been made. No expense will be spared. You can trust that your baby will be in good hands while you are in prison," Spencer said.
Back out in the hallway, Heather yelled that Laura was stealing Heather's daughter and grandson. Heather swore that she would get even and that Laura would pay. Laura said that Heather would never see the light of day again. "Oh, really? Are you sure about that? I'd watch out if I were you! You have not seen the last of me yet. You better be careful, Laura!" Heather screamed as she was escorted onto the elevator.

Liesl confronts Elizabeth
Tuesday, February 28, 2023
by Steve Holley
In the gatehouse of the Quartermaine mansion, Michael and Willow talked about their wedding plans. Wiley appeared, and he gave Willow the half-heart necklace that Nina had given her. The doorbell rang, and Sasha told Michael that she'd gone to help Willow. Willow promptly told Sasha to get rid of Nina's necklace.
Sasha told Willow about having confronted Heather earlier. Sasha said it had given her a chance to release her anger, and she recalled how much she had loved both Liam and Brando. Sasha expressed her belief that the worst thing that could happen to a person would be to go through life without love.
Michael returned to the room after he'd put Wiley and Amelia to bed. Willow left to check on the kids, and Michael told Sasha that he wished he had more time with Willow. Michael told Sasha that he was sorry he hadn't checked on Sasha more after she'd lost Brando. Michael added that Willow wanted to dance at their wedding. Willow returned, and Sasha left to help plan Michael and Willow's wedding. On her way out, Sasha stared at the half-heart necklace.
In the dorm room, Curtis tried to bond with Trina over the possibility that he could be her biological father. Trina wasn't enthused to talk to Curtis, and she deduced that Curtis wanted a DNA test. Trina said she wasn't interested.
Curtis relayed that he hadn't initially wanted to welcome Marshall into his life. Trina said that her situation wasn't the same as Curtis' because she had grown up with a father in Taggert. Trina wondered if it was fair to leave Taggert in the dark over the matter. Curtis admitted he wanted to learn the truth about who was Trina's biological father, but he said he wouldn't push and that it was Trina's call.
Trina said she didn't want the DNA test, but she added that she loved both Taggert and Curtis. Before Curtis left, he told Trina that Taggert would always be her father.
At the hospital, Portia told Jordan that Jordan had been right all along when she'd encouraged Portia to tell the truth. Through tears, Portia said that she was a coward. Portia said she didn't know how to make her situation with Trina, Taggert, and Curtis better. Jordan told Portia not to lose hope.
In the interrogation room at the Port Charles Police Station, Elizabeth worried how Liesl would react to the news that Elizabeth and Nikolas had kept Esme imprisoned, given that Britt had died when another person had been the Hook. Elizabeth wondered why she hadn't come forward sooner, and Scott said that it was because she and Nikolas had truly believed that Esme was the hook killer.
At the hospital, Finn blabbed to Liesl that Scott was with "a client," whom Liesl immediately deduced was Elizabeth. Liesl told Nina that she wanted five minutes alone with Heather and whoever had helped Esme stay hidden, given that Esme hadn't been the hook killer.
In a private corner, Nina told Liesl that Crimson would do a campaign for stem cell donors. Liesl said she had gone to the hospital because she thought she might be a match for Willow. Nina was overjoyed by Liesl's news. Liesl said that if she could save Willow's life after Carly had "almost killed" Willow, it would be "sweet revenge."
Scott appeared, and Liesl pressed him for information on Elizabeth's legal troubles. Liesl kept pestering Scott, who admitted that Nikolas had held Esme hostage at Wyndemere. Liesl asked how Scott had known, and Scott said that Elizabeth had helped Nikolas.
Nearby, Finn told Elizabeth that he had once thought she needed him to lean on. Elizabeth told Finn that she was "grateful" for everything he'd ever done for her. Finn replied that he'd be with Elizabeth through everything.
Elizabeth turned, and an angry Liesl confronted her. "Where do you think you're going?" Liesl asked Elizabeth.
At Wyndemere, Ava and Austin prepared to move Nikolas' body. The two heard a knock at the door, and Ava was startled when Dante announced his presence. Ava invited Dante and a team of police officers inside the mansion.
Dante said that he had eyewitness testimony that Esme had been held against her will at Wyndemere after Ava had moved out. Dante added that the police couldn't leave until they had found a clue as to Nikolas' whereabouts.
Ava tried to insinuate that Nikolas had left town out of fear, and she inadvertently said that Esme had been locked in a tower at Wyndemere. Dante noted Ava's reference to the tower, and he questioned her about it. Ava clarified that Nikolas had said the North Tower had been off-limits to the staff. Dante noted the police had already searched the tower and that it had appeared to have been cleaned.
Dante received a call, and he left the foyer. Later, Dante called to ask Ava and Austin to meet him in the stables at Wyndemere. In the stables, Dante pointed to a door, and he asked if Ava knew what was behind the door. Ava said she didn't know. Dante noted that the door had been padlocked, and an officer brought a crowbar over. Dante slid the crowbar inside the door as he attempted to open it.

Mason has a shocking secret
Wednesday, March 1, 2023
by Elisabeth
At Pozzulo's, Dex greeted Sonny, but it became apparent that Sonny had other things on his mind. "Long day?" Dex asked. "Something like that," Sonny replied. Sonny told Dex to take the rest of the evening off, but Dex asked for a moment of Sonny's time. Dex admitted that he'd been poking around the kitchen, and he had found some recipe cards. Sonny confirmed that the recipe cards were his, so Dex revealed that he had used one of the cards to prepare chicken piccata, and he wanted Sonny's opinion.
Sonny sat down while Dex fetched a plate of food and served it. Sonny took a bite as Dex waited expectantly, but Sonny admitted that the dish lacked something. Sonny went to the kitchen and returned with a small bowl of minced parsley, which Sonny sprinkled on the chicken. After another bite, Sonny smiled. "Now, that's more like it," Sonny said. Sonny was impressed with the dish, and he invited Dex to join him for dinner.
Later, Sonny and Dex ate as they talked about their love of cooking. Sonny admitted that he had learned his way around the kitchen by hanging out at Gloria Cerullo's house in Bensonhurst. Sonny revealed that Gloria had been Brook Lynn's grandmother, and Gloria's house had been open to neighborhood kids from troubled homes. According to Sonny, Gloria had shown him what a "strong, happily married wife" looked like, and Gloria had handwritten the recipe cards that Dex had found. Dex admitted that he was eager to try Gloria's marinara sauce, so Sonny revealed that the secret to the sauce was celery.
Sonny was curious what had sparked Dex's interest in cooking, so Dex admitted that he had vowed to learn to cook after eating the terrible food in the Army. Dex explained that he had learned a lot by watching online tutorials. Sonny and Dex agreed that cooking was a great way to relieve stress. Moments later, Frank entered the restaurant. "You wanted to see me boss?" Frank asked.
Sonny explained that he had an update on Pikeman, and he asked Frank to follow him to his office. Dex stood up, too, but Sonny let Dex know that Dex was not needed. Dex was confused. "I thought I was part of this," Dex said, "You were," Sonny replied. Sonny entered his office and asked Frank to close the door.
At the hospital, Liesl slapped Elizabeth. Scott and Nina were shocked, but Liesl ignored them as she blasted Elizabeth for helping Nikolas. Liesl accused Elizabeth of having known that Esme was not the Hook and keeping silent, which had kept the police focused on Esme instead of searching for the real killer. "And now, my daughter is dead because you remained silent!" Liesl shouted. Elizabeth apologized, but Liesl wasn't appeased. "You reap what you've sown," Liesl said.
Finn heard the commotion and stepped between Elizabeth and Liesl. Nina managed to lead her aunt away, but Scott remained behind and apologized to Elizabeth. She assured Scott that it was okay because it had been well-deserved. Elizabeth reminded Scott and Finn that she had once thought that one of her sons had died, so Elizabeth understood the pain that Liesl felt. Elizabeth admitted that Liesl had been right to accuse her of having a role in Britt's death. Scott insisted that he loved both Liesl and Elizabeth, and he hated the rift between them.
After Scott left to check on Liesl, Finn followed Elizabeth to a seating area. He told Elizabeth not to beat herself up over what Liesl had said, but Elizabeth admitted that Liesl's anger had been justified. "Because of me, Heather Webber was able to kill more people," Elizabeth said. Finn worried that Liesl might want to avenge Britt. He started to offer Elizabeth some advice, but he caught himself. "No, I'm not doing that again," Finn said. Finn promised to support Elizabeth but said he would only help if she asked.
"Look at you respecting boundaries," Elizabeth said. She assured Finn that she didn't need space from him, but she warned him that there would be consequences. Elizabeth admitted that she regretted all the pain that she had caused, especially for Liesl. "Least I can do is face her and take the hit," Elizabeth said. Elizabeth warned Finn that he might get caught in the crossfire if he stood by her, but he doubted that it would be as bad as she feared.
Elizabeth disagreed, and she confessed that she didn't want Finn to become collateral damage because of her choices. Finn acknowledged that Elizabeth needed to deal with things on her own, but he assured her that he would stand by her. Elizabeth smiled with gratitude.
Meanwhile, Nina managed to get her aunt to stop and talk. Liesl angrily conceded that she understood Nikolas' role in things. "The man is a schwein," Liesl said. However, Liesl was livid because Elizabeth was considered a virtuous person, yet Elizabeth had done nothing to stop the attacks. Nina reminded Liesl that Heather was to blame for Britt's death, but Liesl argued that the police might have figured out that Heather had been behind the attacks if the police hadn't been focused on Esme. "I demand justice for my daughter," Liesl said.
Liesl acknowledged that Britt's killer had been apprehended, but Heather's "enabler" had walked free. Liesl's eyes narrowed when she saw Scott approach. "Some have chosen to take her side," Liesl said. Scott tried to calmly talk to Liesl about the confrontation, but Liesl angrily accused him of only being worried about his "precious Elizabeth." Just then, T.J. walked up to let Liesl know that Terry had been pulled into a meeting, but he had the results of Liesl's tests.
Liesl and Nina followed T.J. to his office, and Scott trailed behind. Moments later, Scott stood in the open doorway as T.J. announced that Liesl was a confirmed match to Willow. Overjoyed, Nina hugged her aunt, but Liesl appeared shocked by the news. T.J. explained that the next step would entail a physical, a series of screenings, and more tests to rule out any medical issues that might cause problems for Liesl or Willow. Liesl jumped when Scott gently tapped her on the shoulder.
Liesl admitted that the news had been overwhelming, so T.J. assured Liesl that he would guide her through the process and answer any questions that she might have. Liesl's only concern was for Willow, but T.J. admitted that he was optimistic. Scott reached for Liesl's hand, but she pulled away. After T.J. left to get things started, Nina wondered how she would ever thank her aunt. Liesl insisted that it wasn't necessary because Willow was family, and Liesl would do anything for Nina.
"Now, go on. You know what comes next," Liesl said. Nina grinned as she gathered her things and left. Scott stayed to talk to Liesl, but she accused him of having Britt's blood on his hands because he had helped Elizabeth get away with murder. Scott tried to explain his side of things, but Liesl demanded to know if he had cut a deal that would keep Elizabeth from facing charges for Britt's death. Scott admitted that Elizabeth had gotten herself into a big mess, but Liesl insisted that Elizabeth should have gone to the police instead of helping Nikolas.
Scott explained that Elizabeth's confession wouldn't have led the police to Heather. "I hate to say this, but there was no way to save Britt," Scott said. Furious, Liesl argued that Elizabeth was not his daughter. "She kind of is," Scott said. Liesl was adamant that Elizabeth had played a role in Britt's death, but Elizabeth had walked free because of Scott. Liesl repeatedly shouted at Scott to leave, so he did.
At the gatehouse, Willow rested on the sofa as Michael tucked a blanket around her. He asked if she needed anything, but she assured him that she was fine. Moments later, someone knocked on the door. Michael offered to send their visitors away, but Willow reminded him that she had extended the invitation. Resigned, Michael went to the door. It was Carly and Josslyn.
After Michael went to check on the baby, Willow explained that she needed Carly and Josslyn's help to put together the wedding. Carly and Josslyn assured Willow that they were both at Willow's disposal. Pleased, Willow admitted that she wanted her wedding day to be a celebration of Michael and Willow's love and the life they had built with their children rather than focusing on the short time that Willow had left. "It should be a happy day, not a sad one," Willow said. Carly and Josslyn promised Willow that she would get her wish.
A short time later, Willow hid a yawn behind her hand as Carly and Josslyn agreed that Olivia should handle the catering for the reception. Michael entered the living room, as Willow told Carly that Amelia and Wiley should be included in the ceremony. Carly loved the idea. Josslyn was touched when Willow asked Josslyn to be one of the bridesmaids. Next, Willow asked Carly to be the matron of honor. Carly was shocked, but Willow insisted that Carly was an important part of her life.
"You're like a mother to me," Willow said. Carly was moved to tears, and she happily agreed to stand next to Willow on her wedding day. Willow stood up to fetch her tablet because she wanted to show Carly and Josslyn wedding dress options, but Willow suddenly stopped and swayed on her feet. Michael quickly caught Willow in his arms before her legs gave out, and he helped her over to the sofa. Carly and Josslyn were concerned, but Willow assured everyone that she was fine.
Michael gently persuaded Willow to take a short nap, and Carly promised that she and Josslyn would wait. After Michael helped Willow to the bedroom, Josslyn admitted that nothing was okay, and she worried about Michael because Josslyn was certain that his heart was breaking. Carly assured Josslyn that they would get through it as a family. Moments later, Michael returned. Carly and Josslyn reminded him that they were there for him if he needed to talk.
Just then, someone knocked on the door. Michael opened the door and directed a nurse to the bedroom. Michael explained that the nurse had been sent by hospice. Michael became emotional as he admitted that he couldn't believe that he and Willow were making plans for the end of her life rather than sending out baby announcements. Carly hugged her son, and she reminded him that his time with Willow could still be rich and full of love. Michael suddenly realized that there was something that he could do for Willow.
Carly was eager to hear what Michael had planned, but his phone rang. He decided to send the call to voicemail when he saw that the caller was Nina. However, Nina called back. Josslyn advised Michael to answer the call because Nina would not stop until he did. Michael answered the call, but he informed Nina that it wasn't a good time. Nina explained that she had tried to call Willow, but Willow had blocked the calls. "That doesn't tell you something?" Michael asked.
Nina begged Michael not to hang up. "Trust me, you want to hear what I have to say," Nina said. A short time later, Willow entered the living room, but she tensed when she saw Michael, Carly, and Josslyn huddled together. "What's wrong?" Willow asked. Michael announced that he had good news. "Willow, you have a match," Michael said. Willow smiled with joy as she threw her arms around Michael.
On Spoon Island, Ava and Austin were in the stables as Dante knocked the padlock loose and opened the tack room door. Detective Bennet followed Dante into the room as Dante shined a flashlight around the darkened interior. Moments later, Dante found Nikolas' wristwatch on the floor. Ava and Austin exchanged a nervous glance. Dante asked Ava to identify the watch, and she confirmed that it had been a gift from her to Nikolas on their first wedding anniversary. However, she claimed that she hadn't noticed Nikolas wearing it when she had last seen him.
Dante questioned Ava about her last encounter with Nikolas, so she told him that it had been on February 13 between 7:00 and 7:30 pm. Dante noted that Nikolas' watch had stopped on February 13 at 8:07 pm, which Dante realized meant that Nikolas had left Ava and gone to the stables. Dante had a police officer bag the watch. Dante also decided to have the crime scene unit search the stables and tack room.
Later, Ava, Dante, and Detective Bennet entered Wyndemere and walked to the living room. Austin followed, but he stayed in the background as Dante and Detective Bennet questioned Ava about Nikolas. Ava explained that she and Nikolas had argued, and Nikolas had told her that he was through with her and Port Charles, but Nikolas had not spoken of his plans beyond that. Ava reminded Dante that Nikolas had had resources that she had known nothing about. "Come on, I don't believe that for a second," Dante said. Ava explained that her marriage to Nikolas had deteriorated, and Nikolas had kept her in the dark.
As Dante and Detective Bennet prepared to leave, Detective Bennet's phone rang. After Detective Bennet walked ahead and took the call, Dante stopped to talk to Ava about Ryan Chamberlain. Dante assured Ava that no one would blame her if she decided to seek professional help to deal with everything that had transpired with Ryan, especially since Ryan had stalked Ava for years. Ava smiled, and she warned him that he was starting to sound like he cared.
Dante admitted that -- for Avery's sake -- he was glad that Ava had escaped Ryan unscathed. Ava promised to keep what Dante had said in mind, and he reminded her that she would never have to look over her shoulder again. "That darkness is dead and buried," Dante said. After Dante left, Ava returned to the living room, where Austin was waiting. "Ava, what the hell was that?" Austin asked. "I don't know," Ava replied.
Austin questioned how certain Ava had been that Nikolas was dead, but she assured him that she had checked Nikolas' pulse, and Nikolas' heart had not been beating. "Then, Ava, where the hell is he?" Austin asked.
At an undisclosed location, Mason called someone with an update. Nearby, Nikolas was unconscious on a hospital bed and breathing with the assistance of a ventilator. Mason explained that Nikolas was on life support but in stable condition. Mason also promised that Nikolas had everything that he needed.

Eileen has another ghostly encounter
Thursday, March 2, 2023
by Marissa PD
Sasha placed a rose on Brando's grave. She promised him that Heather was locked up and would never hurt anyone ever again. Even though she knew that Brando was too nice to wish pain on anyone, Sasha hoped that Heather suffered. She talked about how everyone was telling her to move on with her life, but she missed Brando "so much."
At Kelly's, Brook Lynn and Maxie talked about Ryan and Heather. Maxie was still reeling from the fact that Austin was Heather's last victim, and Brook Lynn commented that it was hard to know where the line was with an ex. Maxie assumed that Brook Lynn was talking about Chase. Brook Lynn updated Maxie about getting her music back from Linc, and the NDA she'd had to sign to get it. Maxie told her about the Speak Out Act, which rendered NDAs regarding misconduct unenforceable. Maxie noted that Brook Lynn didn't look happy, and Brook Lynn confided that she thought Chase was interested in Sasha.
Just then, Sasha arrived at Kelly's and sat down with Brook Lynn and Maxie. Maxie got up to get her phone, which she'd left in her coat pocket on the coat rack. Sasha admired how Brook Lynn was able to juggle two jobs and wondered if she would be taking on more clients. Brook Lynn replied that it was time for her to "explore new horizons."
Sasha admitted to thinking about her own future, and Brook Lynn wondered if that included anyone else. Maxie returned in time to hear Sasha ask if Brook Lynn was asking her about something specific. Brook Lynn said she had to go, as she had a "full day" ahead of her, but Sasha stopped her. Sasha noted that she had been feeling "weird tension" between them for weeks, and she knew she wasn't imagining it. She added that something had changed, and she believed that it had to do with Chase.
Dante found Chase in the steam room, stretching out his shoulder, which he'd hurt on the punching bag. He expressed his frustrations about being in "limbo" with his job and not being part of all the big things happening around town. He told Dante about taking down Linc, but Dante warned him not to let Linc take Chase down with him. Chase insisted that he knew the risks, and he was committed to making Linc pay. Dante ordered Chase to call if he got into any trouble.
Dante thought that Chase should get his shoulder checked out. Speaking of the hospital, Dante informed Chase that Willow was home. Chase figured he would visit, as he also wanted to meet Amelia. Dante commented that Olivia kept pestering him and Sam about having kids, and Chase wondered if they wanted kids. Dante admitted that they hadn't discussed it.
Gregory arrived at Alexis' office, reading her article about Ryan and Heather out loud. He called the writing "masterful" and congratulated her on the "scoop of the year." She insisted that she couldn't have done it without him. She informed him that she'd researched six publications with professors on their editorial boards, so she wondered why PCU had called it a conflict of interest. She suggested he quit, but he advised her to let it go, as teaching was his first love, like being an attorney had been hers.
Gregory suggested that Kevin would have a good point of view for a think piece about Ryan, and Alexis added that she wanted to interview Esme, as well. He congratulated her on becoming an aunt again, and she commented that she had no idea where Nikolas was. She asked Gregory if he would have accepted her job offer if PCU hadn't gotten in the way. "I would have liked nothing more," he replied, and he left.
Outside Sam's, T.J. made sure that Molly was up to having brunch with her sisters, as he knew that she wasn't feeling well. She insisted that she wouldn't miss it, and she knocked on the door. Inside the apartment, Sam and Kristina picked up a quiche with a "1" candle in it. Sam opened the door, and the two yelled, "Happy anniversary!" Sam explained that they deserved to celebrate, and she had Molly and T.J. blow out the candle. Kristina got the Champagne out for a toast, and both Sam and Molly asked for sparkling cider instead. Molly eventually agreed to a small glass of Champagne. Sam toasted "to the people we love and all of their milestones."
A short while later, T.J. had to get to work. He hugged Sam and Kristina and expressed how glad he was to have sisters. When he was gone, Kristina remarked that both of her sisters were happy and in love. Sam insisted that Kristina would find someone. Kristina noticed that Molly had switched to sparkling cider, and Molly replied that she was feeling under the weather.
Sam directed Kristina to the shopping bags by the door for dessert. Kristina dug through them and, instead of dessert, found a pregnancy test. Molly excused herself to go to the bathroom, and Kristina took the opportunity to ask if there was something Sam wanted to tell her. She showed Sam the test she'd found, but she hid it behind her back as Dante arrived home.
At the Metro Court restaurant, Robert and Diane sat down to breakfast, and he expressed gratitude for her help after "the elevator incident." He also wanted to let her know that she wouldn't have to testify in any trial because Heather had confessed to the hook attacks. Diane asked about Holly, who Robert said had a long way to go. Diane expressed her sympathy, as she knew how much the second chance with Holly had meant to him. He replied that he was lucky to have friends like her.
Alexis arrived at the restaurant and approached Robert and Diane. Robert had an appointment to get to, so he excused himself and left. Alexis sat down and told Diane about her situation with Gregory. Diane advised Alexis to stop meddling, as he would take the job on his own if he wanted to. Alexis insisted on doing something about it.
Eileen met with Laura at the hospital, and Laura thought Eileen looked sick. Eileen replied that she hadn't been sleeping well, as there was some kind of short in her alarm clock, her heat wasn't working, and she'd been having nightmares. Laura suggested that Eileen find another place to stay. Getting down to business, Laura said she needed a favor from Eileen. She revealed that Anna's body had been recovered and returned. She'd been asked to identify the body, but she couldn't make herself go down to the morgue. She asked Eileen to do it for her.
Eileen admitted that she'd felt distrust from Laura. Laura apologized, as her "personal sensitivities" had been clouding her judgment. She talked about how much of a great success Eileen would be when Laura decided not to seek reelection, and she needed to know that she could count on Eileen when it mattered. Eileen finally agreed, and Laura expressed how grateful she was. When the elevator doors closed behind Eileen, Laura made a call and told someone, "She's on her way."
T.J. arrived at the hospital and thanked Laura for stepping in last minute to officiate Curtis and Portia's wedding. Laura asked about Stella, and T.J. replied that she was "on the mend." He wondered why she was there, and she replied, "Closure." Gregory arrived and asked a nurse to direct him to exam room three. T.J. approached and offered to show Gregory there himself. He wondered if Gregory had caught the bug going around. "If only," Gregory replied. Before T.J. could ask what that meant, Chase entered to get his shoulder checked out. He wondered what his father was doing there.
Robert arrived at the hospital and found Laura. He asked if Eileen had taken the bait. "Hook, line, and sinker," Laura responded. He commended Laura on a job well done, and he hoped that everything went according to plan.
Eileen arrived in the morgue and was clearly uncomfortable. She remembered Anna's voice on her phone, saying, "You're next." She jumped when the attendant, Mo, entered. He confirmed who she was and then opened the drawer where Anna's remains were supposed to be. He excused himself for a moment but promised to be back so she could sign the necessary paperwork.
When Mo was gone, Eileen uncovered the body in the drawer and found a decomposing Anna. Just then, the lights flicked off, and she called out for Mo. When the lights returned, a ghostly Anna appeared in front of the door. "This isn't real," Eileen repeated to herself as the apparition stepped toward her.

Diane has bad news for Spencer
Friday, March 3, 2023
by Steve Holley
At Sam and Dante's penthouse, Kristina produced a home pregnancy test from behind her back. Sam told Dante that the test wasn't hers. Just then, Molly walked downstairs. Molly said the pregnancy test was hers. Sam apologized to Dante for the awkwardness, and he left to go upstairs.
Kristina asked why Molly had hidden the test from T.J. Molly said that she wasn't sure how T.J. would react because the two hadn't talked about having children. Sam assured Molly that she and Kristina wouldn't say anything about the test.
Later, Sam asked how Dante had felt when he had seen the pregnancy test. Dante shared that he would have been excited if Sam had announced she was pregnant, but he added that he thought the two of them shouldn't have more kids. Sam agreed. "I really like what we've been together, Sam. And if something were to happen by accident, then, yeah, bring it on. But, why mess with perfection?" Dante said.
Nearby, on the sofa, Molly confided to Kristina that she wanted to have a baby with T.J. Molly phoned T.J. at the hospital. "There is something that I want to tell you," Molly told T.J., as Kristina flashed a thumbs-up gesture.
At Metro Court, Alexis called Port Charles University to check with Gregory's boss. "I'm sorry. Can you repeat that? Are you sure? No, nothing else. Thank you for your time," a confused Alexis said over the phone.
Diane returned, and Alexis revealed that a dean at PCU had told her that Gregory hadn't taught a class all semester. Alexis was surprised, given that she and Gregory had grown close, and she said she thought something else was at play. Diane's phone chimed. Before she left, Diane told Alexis not to invest more in her friendship with Gregory until Alexis had fully evaluated things.
At the hospital, Chase was surprised to hear Gregory tell T.J. that he would find the exam room. Chase asked if Gregory was sick. Gregory said that he was surprised he hadn't picked up a flu bug that had been going around. T.J. left to check on a patient. "Is there a reason you won't tell me why you're here?" Chase asked Gregory.
Gregory said that he had been having migraines and that he had gone to the hospital to get an exam in order to receive a prescription refill. An uneasy Gregory changed the subject to Chase's relationship with Brook Lynn. Gregory noted that Chase still hadn't made peace with Brook Lynn. Gregory encouraged Chase to forgive Brook Lynn.
Gregory received a text message from Alexis, and he and Chase bade each other farewell. Afterwards, Chase encountered Maxie at the hospital. Maxie said that she thought Chase had been seeing Sasha. Chase was confused, and Maxie said that she had connected the wrong dots when she had been with Brook Lynn earlier.
Later, in her office at the Invader, Alexis shared an editorial piece with Gregory, and she asked for his feedback. Gregory praised Alexis for the editorial, and she thanked him for his input. Gregory mentioned that Alexis was his friend. "I believe you mean that... Then why are you lying to me?" Alexis asked.
At Kelly's Diner, Brook Lynn was agitated at Sasha's suggestion that there was tension between Sasha and Brook Lynn because of Chase. Sasha said she thought that Brook Lynn was bottling up her feelings, and she pushed Brook Lynn to figure things out for both the sake of their friendship and because of their work together at Deception. Brook Lynn surprised Sasha when she said that she planned to quit.
Brook Lynn said that Chase's music career had taken off and that she had received interest from other artists. Sasha pressed Brook Lynn to confirm that her decision had nothing to do with Sasha's friendship with Chase. Brook Lynn said she only wanted Chase and Sasha to be happy.
Sasha clarified that she and Chase weren't in a relationship, and she added that Chase was only a friend. Brook Lynn said that Chase wasn't the only person in Sasha's corner. "You have me, too," Brook Lynn said as she touched Sasha's hand.
Outside Kelly's, Brook Lynn tried to reason that not being in a relationship with Chase was for the best because she could focus on her career. Brook Lynn and Sasha left together, just as Chase turned a corner and watched the two walk away.
Elsewhere at the hospital, Spencer was prepared to take Esme's baby home. Laura told Spencer that she thought he was too young to be a parent. Spencer said he thought he was ready, and he added that he planned to change the baby's name. Laura thought that Spencer only wanted to change the name because of Esme.
Laura noted that Esme wasn't the same person as before her amnesia, but Spencer insisted that he didn't want his baby brother anywhere near Esme. Just then, a loud voice called out in glee. "Spencer, my boy! Where is this newest Cassadine heir? Oh, I cannot wait to meet him," a jubilant Victor said.
Victor said that he had made plans for a new home for Spencer and the baby. Laura said that she planned for Spencer and the baby to stay with her and Kevin. Victor tried to persuade Spencer to live with him, but Spencer said that everything had already been arranged. Spencer left to check on the baby.
Alone, Victor asked why Laura had been so determined to keep him away from his family. Laura replied that both Spencer and Charlotte had chosen to stay away from Victor and that Victor only had himself to blame. Victor said that everything he had ever done had been for the sake of his family. Laura laughed at Victor, and she remarked that Victor had driven Valentin away.
Victor said he would do anything he could to bring Valentin back, and he added that he wouldn't rest until he found Nikolas. Laura said she'd thought that Victor had had something to do with Nikolas' disappearance, and she accused Victor of only caring about himself. Laura said that Victor's past would catch up with him.
Spencer returned, and he introduced the baby to Victor. Spencer said that in keeping with the Cassadine tradition, the baby's middle name would be Niklosovich. Victor held the baby in his arms, and he spoke to the baby with his back turned to Laura.
"As you will discover, we are quite a formidable bunch, we Cassadines... Someday, somehow, your daddy is going to come back again. And when he does, when we're whole again, you'll see how strong this family is when we come together. And you? You, my little one, are our future. And I am going to move heaven and earth to make sure that it is a bright and prosperous one for all of us," Victor said.
A nurse gave Spencer a list of papers to sign before he could leave with the baby. Just then, Diane appeared, and she said there had been a change of plans. "I'm sorry, Spencer, but that baby's not going anywhere," Diane told Spencer, Laura, and Victor.
In the hospital morgue, Anna's apparition told Eileen to confess to Anna's murder. Panicked, Eileen said that Anna's death had been an accident. Anna vowed to haunt Eileen forever if she didn't confess. Eileen said she would tell Anna everything, and she admitted that she had helped frame Anna on the night Holly had shot Lucy. "I think we've got enough, don't you?" a voice said.
Eileen was horrified as Anna's decayed "body" started to move slowly off the slab in the morgue while Anna's apparition faded. The real Anna then walked into the morgue, and the person who'd been sitting on the slab spoke up. "This disguise is so convincing, it's scary," a woman's voice beamed. The woman slowly lifted a mask of a decayed Anna off her face, and she was revealed to be Felicia.
Felicia played a recording of Eileen's confession to having framed Anna. Anna threatened to turn the recording over to the police or to leak the recording to the press if Eileen didn't cooperate. Eileen said she would make sure Anna's name was cleared, but Anna said she wanted more than that. Anna told Eileen that she would have to help bring Victor down. Eileen agreed to work with Anna and Felicia. "Let's nail Victor to the wall," Anna said.

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