General Hospital Recaps: The week of February 14, 2022 on GH

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Harmony made a shocking confession, Victor was unable to trigger Drew, and the search for Maxie and Peter heated up
General Hospital Recaps: The week of February 14, 2022 on GH

Maxie reached out to Anna. Felicia returned Louise to Brook Lynn and Chase. Victor's attempt to trigger Drew's mind control failed. Kevin and Spencer confronted Esme about her intertest in Ryan. Liz grew uneasy when she received a sympathy card from a mystery person. Chet rescued Terry from a disastrous date. Curtis and Portia decided to move in together. Harmony made a shocking confession. An unseasonable heat wave hit Port Charles.

The celebration of Valentine

The celebration of Valentine's Day continues

Monday, February 14, 2022

by CherylPD

Carly watched happy couples celebrate Valentine's Day at Metro Court and was pleasantly surprised when Felix walked in. They wanted to catch up, but Carly noted that she was exhausted and preferred to retire to her room. Felix didn't want to hear it, and he urged her to get dressed up so that he could take her out to the Savoy.

Kevin and Laura briefly discussed plans for dinner as she cleaned up the apartment. She guessed that Esme would have plans to "break the rules, as usual." Laura was annoyed that Esme had painted her nails on the couch after being warned. She felt that Esme had a "blatant disregard for the rules" and a sense of entitlement.

Kevin defended Esme, in part, and explained that she probably felt abandoned. Laura agreed that Esme had no real connection to them, but she still considered the young woman to be a brat. They laughed, and Kevin promised to speak to Esme. After Kevin had gone, Laura phoned Trina and asked her to stop by the apartment.

When Trina arrived, Laura revealed that she had a gift for Trina from Spencer that Laura had neglected to mail on time. Laura was sorry for the delay, and she noted that she was sure that Spencer had appreciated his visit to Trina at the art gallery before his departure for prison. Trina flashed back to the visit and admitted that she had appreciated it, as well. Trina opened her Valentine's Day gift and was ecstatic to see a book on a favorite artist of hers. She thought that Spencer was thoughtful and generous. Laura agreed and thought that Trina and Spencer knew each other pretty well.

Ava giddily welcomed Nikolas home and confessed that she was happy to hear about Sonny and Carly's marriage because it might be her chance to bring Avery home. Nikolas guessed that Ava was also happy about Carly's plight. Ava stated that she and Carly were in a better place, but Nikolas didn't believe her. Ava giggled and gushed over the justice of karma and the "epic love story that [was] crumbling to dust."

Nikolas and Ava sat on the couch and sipped from their drinks. Ava spoke about how Sonny had changed into someone who was "almost human." She spoke of how Nikolas made her feel free and safe, and Nikolas replied that Ava made him feel the same way. "Our love against the world," Nikolas proclaimed. Ava wanted to renew their wedding vows but without guests. They shared a kiss, and Nikolas presented Ava with a gift. She was quite impressed with his choice. They retired to the bedroom, where Ava secured Nikolas' wrists to the bedposts, and they began to make love.

Esme surprised Spencer with an after-hours visit at Spring Ridge. He jumped and explained that prison had been an adjustment. She presented him with a photo of herself, and she told Spencer that she loved the flowers he'd had sent to her. Spencer was annoyed that Esme hadn't returned to the cabin to pick up his headphones, but he admitted that he appreciated her. Esme assured him that she would always be there for him, unlike his "fair-weather" friends.

Spencer thought it mattered that his friends hadn't asked about him and had been ghosting him, but Esme disagreed.

Esme related that Victor had told her that it was impossible to please everyone, and she reminded Spencer that they had each other. She asked him if that was enough. Spencer bowed his head silently, and Esme grumbled that it had been a mistake to visit. She jumped up from their table and thanked Samuel, the guard, for allowing her to visit. She asked if she might be able to see Ryan Chamberlain, but Samuel informed her that her access to Ryan had been restricted. Esme wanted to know who had been responsible for the order. Kevin announced that it was he. He walked up behind Esme, and he demanded to know how she had gotten into the place so late.

Esme looked over at Samuel and admitted that she had pulled some strings. Kevin made it clear that he would address that at another time. Esme inquired about his presence, and Kevin informed her that he often visited patients after hours. He wanted to know why Esme wanted to see Ryan. Esme thought that Kevin was taking things personally, and she told him she was able to handle it. Spencer wandered over and heard about Esme's request. "Why the hell would you want to see that psychopath?" Spencer asked in disbelief.

Esme claimed that she wanted to observe Ryan for class. She was angry with Spencer for not being his top priority, and she stormed out. Kevin thought that Esme could take care of herself, but he wondered if Spencer could do the same.

At the Savoy, T.J. and Molly had a conversation with Jordan on the phone. T.J. announced that his mother might be returning to town sooner than they'd thought. Molly gave T.J. his Valentine's Day gift, and he informed her that hers was a stay in the honeymoon suite at Metro Court.

Britt, in a glittery silver dress, arrived with Brad to party, and Brad grabbed a couple of shots to start the evening off. They shared a table, and Brad disclosed that he was embracing his freedom with his aunt out of town. He didn't care if she had people around to see him. They each downed another shot.

Soon after, Britt and Brad stacked their shot glasses on the table. They were drunk and not thrilled when Felix arrived with Carly. Felix maintained that he wouldn't be chased out, and Carly agreed, though she couldn't promise there wouldn't be trouble. They approached Britt and Brad's table, and Brad asked to speak to Felix alone. Carly sat in Brad's seat, and Britt noted that they were together instead of with men they loved. "Happy Valentine's Day to us!" Carly exclaimed. Britt had a silver heart decoration stuck to her forehead.

Carly and Britt pointed out all the things that could be worse than being single, and they bonded over talk of Jason. The shots continued until they began to have words about each other's families. Finally, Britt declared that she was tired of fighting, and she just wanted to drink and forget. Carly agreed.

Nearby, Brad told Felix that he hated that he had hurt so many people, but Felix assured him that it was his opportunity to do good. Brad didn't think his future was up to him entirely, but he explained that it was the consequences of his mistakes that would determine that future. Felix urged him to find a new passion if he was unable to return to the hospital, and Brad thought that would be real freedom.

Felix added that Lucas hoped that Brad would build a new life. They looked over to Britt and Carly and watched as the women continued to down shots. "I guess anything's possible," Felix said.

Chet sat next to Terry at the bar at Charlie's. She confessed that she was not disappointed with her blind date. As they talked, Chet realized that she had referred to him, and he informed her that it wasn't him. Just then, Tanner walked in and told Terry that their table was ready. As they sipped drinks, Tanner talked Terry's ear off, and she was obviously bored. She also disagreed with much that he said, and they began to argue.

Nina arrived and spotted Sonny. She told him she was there to check on Phyllis, and Sonny told her that Phyllis was well. Nina offered Sonny some help as she watched him drink, but he thought that she had done enough. Nina asked if he wanted her to leave, but Sonny didn't want to be in her way. Nina picked up her coat. Sonny informed her that Carly was divorcing him.

Sonny and Nina moved to the bar, where Sonny mentioned that Carly was seeing a divorce lawyer. He wanted to know Nina's thoughts, but she replied that she couldn't be objective. She had a vested interest in Sonny. Chet wandered over to say hello to Sonny, who thanked him for doing a good job at the gym. Chet thought that Sonny was lucky not to be single. Sonny introduced Chet to Nina, and Chet left shortly after. Sonny ordered another drink, and Nina thought it was bad if they were seen with each other.

Sonny didn't understand how things had gotten so bad. Nina didn't regret sleeping with Sonny, but he regretted his current state of affairs. Nina suggested that Carly could just be "weighing her options," but Sonny didn't believe that was Carly's style. Nina pointed out that Carly had years with Sonny, while Nina had only had a few months. Sonny stated that it wasn't a competition. Nina put some money on the bar and told Sonny she wished him luck, love, and happiness. Sonny insisted that if Carly moved forward, he would not be "having it." Sonny continued to drink and ordered Nina to go. He ripped up a paper valentine.

Chet listened as things got heated between Terry and Tanner. Finally, he walked over to their table and broke things up. He announced that he was Terry's boyfriend. Tanner left, and Terry was impressed with Chet's chivalry. Chet thought it was easier being single, and they began to chat.

Back at Laura's, Trina related that Spencer's friends were able to see the good in him. They talked about what was important to Spencer in order to keep his spirits up. Laura was glad that Spencer had Trina in his corner, and she could understand why he valued their friendship. Esme walked in and heard the end of the conversation and rolled her eyes. She noted that she saw Trina everywhere she went. She slammed the door as Trina left and announced that she was going to bed. She had an important errand in the morning. She remembered setting up the camera in the cabin's bedroom.

Molly and T.J. entered the suite at Metro Court and made love.

Austin and Liesl team up against Victor

Austin and Liesl team up against Victor

Tuesday, February 15, 2022

by Dan J Kroll

Carly entered her office at the Metro Court. As she caught her breath, she opened a drawing from her coat pocket with "We Love You" scrawled across it from Avery and Donna. After a knock on the door, Carly greeted her divorce attorney, Rebecca Diamond.

Rebecca recorded the conversation to have a record of Carly's "wish list" in the divorce proceedings -- houses, jewelry, and other valuables. When Carly informed her that she'd set the appointment to go over her options, Rebecca questioned if Carly was ready to go through with the divorce. Carly assured Rebecca that her marriage was over, and she was ready to move forward. However, Carly declared that she did not want to go to war; she wanted everything over as quickly and painlessly as possible. Rebecca prompted Carly to tell her every "unsanitized, unvarnished, unabridged" detail if she wanted to expedite the divorce.

Rebecca shut off the recorder when Carly ended her story with walking in on Sonny and Nina at the Haunted Star. She told Carly that she had "more than enough to take Sonny to the cleaners," which Carly said was not her objective. Rebecca counseled that Carly could erase the recording immediately, or they could hold on to it if she wanted to use it in the future. Carly warned that Sonny was a fighter, and if she used the recording, he would make their divorce as messy as possible. Rebecca was unbothered and declared that Sonny himself was Carly's secret weapon. Any judge that saw the name Sonny Corinthos would be predisposed to rule in Carly's favor.

Carly posited, "You mean they couldn't get him for an alleged crime, so they want to use me to punish him." Rebecca all but assured Carly she could get Carly sole custody of Donna. Carly explained that she and Sonny had already gone through an ugly divorce where they'd fought over Michael and Morgan, and she would not make that mistake again. Rebecca informed Carly that it was noble but questioned her own involvement if Carly did not want to punish Sonny. There were plenty of other attorneys who could take her case for a fair divorce. Carly thought back to her confrontation with Nina at Crimson.

Carly confirmed that she wanted to avoid a fight with Sonny and that she instead wanted to go after Nina. Carly divulged, "I want Nina Reeves to pay for every lie she told, all the pain she caused, for everything she has stolen from me and my family." She asked Rebecca if she could do that, and Rebecca replied, "Well, we've got to start somewhere," and they discussed her retainer.

Michael and Willow sat at a table in the Metro Court restaurant. Michael took Willow's hand and asked what was on her mind. She replied, "The Louvre, the Eiffel Tower, and the Arc de Triomphe," before he assured her that they would still go to Paris. They joked about Michael smuggling her because she did not have a passport. Michael noticed a distracted Harmony and said they could get an update from her. A surprised Harmony greeted Willow and attempted to pass by them by saying she was busy. Willow declared, "We're all busy, but how hard is it to track down your daughter's birth certificate?"

Harmony promised Willow she was working on it and compared getting the birth certificate to "going to the DMV, but times 1,000," because they had moved so much. To Harmony's surprise, Willow informed her that she had contacted all the hospitals in Clairborne County, but there was no record of her birth. Michael continued and informed Harmony that he had reached out to his contact in the State Department, who could do a global search. Harmony rushed out as Willow attempted to get the name of the doctor who had delivered her. Willow wondered why the search for her birth certificate was so difficult, while Michael suggested Harmony was not even looking for it. He went on to question why and if there was something Harmony was afraid of.

Willow defended Harmony and said that putting her faith in the wrong people had caused her to distrust everyone, including the government. Willow reminded Michael of his own contacts, both those in the State Department and the SEC, and district attorneys in other states. She went on to say that he expected transparency because he had "two stable, loving families that you know you can count on." Michael agreed with the loving but not with the stable. Willow reflected on her own childhood and told Michael that her own instability made her idealize his family.

Michael and Willow both acknowledged that Harmony had turned her life around and was doing her best. They agreed to cut her some slack. Willow questioned, almost proudly, "What are the odds that out of all of Wiley's grandmothers, at this point, my mom might be the most drama free?" Michael complained that Nina had blown up his parents' marriage and that Sonny was okay with it. Willow told him that was yet another reason to expedite her passport and get to Paris.

Michael and Willow shared a kiss and were interrupted by a phone call. It was Michael's contact at the State Department. Michael hung up the phone, and Willow asked for an update. A confused Michael said, "There is no record of a birth certificate being issued to you in any of the 50 states -- or anywhere else in the world." According to the US government, Willow did not exist.

At the Invader, a freelancer named Smoltz waited for Alexis in her office. He told her that he'd sent her a bunch of pitches but had not heard back. Alexis directed him to check his email, where he found that they had all been rejected. Alexis explained that the direction of the paper had changed. He continued to pitch a scoop on a "classic noir love triangle" of Nina breaking up Carly and Sonny's marriage, as Alexis looked on annoyed. He enthusiastically explained, "The don of the eastern seaboard flew the misses to Martinique, where he played musical beds with the editor-in-chief of Crimson."

Alexis informed Smotz that he had his facts wrong and that the Invader would not print the story. He threatened to sell the story somewhere else. Before he left her office, Alexis encouraged him to do so. Harmony arrived at Alexis' office and noted that Smoltz did not look happy, and Alexis declared that it wasn't easy to change the perception of the Invader. "Sometimes the past can be impossible to shake," Harmony retorted. Alexis realized they were no longer talking about the paper.

Harmony told Alexis that she'd run into Willow and Michael at Metro Court, and they had asked about Willow's birth certificate. Alexis encouraged Harmony to tell Willow the truth. She also said that she'd spoken with Diane, who had confirmed that there was no avenue to substitute a fake for Willow's real birth certificate. "No legal avenue," Harmony replied. Alexis offered to help Harmony further but made it clear that Harmony had to be honest with her. Harmony confirmed there was more to the story than what she had previously told Alexis.

Alexis talked Harmony through legal options with Willow's birth certificate, and when Harmony seemed resistant, Alexis hypothesized that Harmony did not want Willow's birth to be certified. Harmony tried to leave without accepting help, and Alexis said Harmony sounded a lot like Alexis had when she had resisted help to not drink.

Harmony thanked Alexis for trying to help and again attempted to leave. Alexis reminded Harmony of her own crimes and encouraged her to tell Willow the truth. Harmony stood firm that Willow would not understand. Alexis warned, "Whatever it is that you're running away from, it will catch up to you." Harmony confirmed Alexis' suspicion that there was more to the story than she had previously shared.

Felicia smiled as she entered Mac's hospital room. Mac was awake and greeted Felicia with a hug, and he said he was ready to get back to work and find Louise. Felicia looked to Epiphany, who gave an emphatic "no." Epiphany said she would be back and asked Felicia to make sure Mac stayed in bed.

Mac immediately questioned if Peter had been found. Felicia sat on the bed and sadly informed him that Peter had not been found and that he had taken Maxie hostage. Mac tried to get up and go after Peter. While Felicia attempted to restrain him, Epiphany stormed into the room and warned Mac, who still wanted to leave and look for Maxie. "How are you going to do that by standing around and bleeding all over the place?" Epiphany scolded before she warned of a fatal setback if he didn't listen to medical advice. She exited and slammed the door behind her.

Felicia calmed Mac and told him that Louise was alive and well. She climbed into bed with him and showed him a picture of Louise, taken after Anna and Chase had found her at the firehouse. Felicia confirmed that Brook Lynn and Chase had had Louise the whole time and would bring her to the hospital so she could go home with her brother and sister. Mac and Felicia joked about spoiling Louise after she'd lived at the Quartermaines' and about Mac being interim commissioner. A relieved Felicia laughed because Mac was starting to get his "old, grumpy self back." Mac told her he would not be himself until Peter was caught and Maxie was home with her daughter. Felicia agreed and said that would happen soon.

Epiphany returned to tell Mac he needed another test. When he complained, Epiphany asked Felicia how she dealt with him. Felicia smiled and told Epiphany that the bright side was that Mac was feeling better. Mac argued that all he needed was to see his granddaughter. Felicia assured him that Brook Lynn and Chase were on their way with her. "Yes, ma'am" was Mac's only reply when Epiphany insisted there wasn't another time he could take the test.

At the beach house, Brook Lynn played on the floor with Louise. She marveled at all that Louise had been through. She and Chase agreed that it was time to return Louise to her grandparents. Chase reminded Brook Lynn that they had always been meant to be "placeholders" until Maxie could be reunited with her daughter. Brook Lynn wondered out loud if Maxie was gone for good.

Holding Louise, Brook Lynn lamented about all the sacrifices that Maxie had made to keep Louise safe. She hoped out loud that she also loved Louise enough to let her go. Brook Lynn answered the door and was greeted by Ned and Olivia, who were there to say hello to their "soon-to-be former granddaughter." Olivia declared that it felt like more of a goodbye.

Olivia held Louise and corrected herself from "Grandma" to "Aunt Olivia," while Brook Lynn looked on somberly. Ned checked in on Brook Lynn, who said everything was hard but for the best. She told Ned that she and Chase hadn't set out to be parents, and they could go back to their real lives. "Can you imagine the two of us at the PTA?" she joked. Olivia and Ned answered that they could. Ned also told Chase that he'd been wrong about Chase. Chase praised Ned as a father and said if Chase had a daughter, he hoped he would stand by her like Ned had Brook Lynn.

Olivia whispered to Brook Lynn that Chase liked her. Brook Lynn denied it, stating, "He likes 'Bailey.' I was just part of the package." Ned held Louise and told her that she would always be a part of his family, Olivia agreed and said that Louise was a miracle that brought out the best in the people around her. Ned suggested that they take pictures with the whole family. Chase volunteered to take a picture, but they reminded him of all the ways that he was a part of their family, adding, "you lived at Monica's house." Chase and Brook Lynn moved closer to each other through each round of pictures.

Brook Lynn and Chase left the beach house to take Louise to Mac and Felicia. Ned told "Bailey" she would always have a home with them. Olivia noted how, though Brook Lynn, Chase, and the baby had not stayed at the house for very long, they had already made it a home. Ned agreed and said the experience had brought them closer together as a family and taught them that Brook Lynn was more selfless than they'd known.

At the hospital, Brook Lynn held Louise up to a doting Felicia while Chase looked on.

Victor was on the phone while he paced at his home and told his guard they needed to find Peter before the police did. He commanded, "I'll expect a progress report soon, which means I expect some progress." He answered a knock at the door, and Austin pushed his way in. Austin demanded to know where Peter had taken Maxie. Austin declared that Victor had played him to get the whereabouts of Maxie's baby, and Victor had given that information to Peter.

"Are you accusing me of endangering a child?" Victor asked with a derisive laugh. Austin countered, "What did you get in return? What's the price of an innocent human life?" Victor taunted Austin for not having proof and reminded him that he had taken an oath to do no harm. Austin shot back that he was not the police, and as he threatened Victor with a syringe, he said Victor was not his patient. Liesl advanced from the doorway with her gun drawn and forced Austin to put his syringe down. "This manicured weasel knows where Maxie is," Austin informed Liesl, and Victor took umbrage to the term "manicured weasel."

Austin encouraged Liesl to shoot Victor and offered to patch him up after. Liesl threatened, "Why do I need you when I can do both -- backwards and in heels!" Austin relented after Liesl accused him of being the reason that Louise had been found and that Maxie was missing. Flustered, Austin told Victor he would find Maxie and make sure Victor went to jail with Peter, then he left Victor alone with Liesl.

Victor stroked Liesl's face, and she pulled away and reminded him that she was taken. Victor said, "I have no doubt Mr. Baldwin offers you an amusing distraction, but so does an accordion if you're in the mood." Liesl flirted with Victor and reminded him of his own humanity and how much he cared about his family. She went on to tell him that she was in pain over Maxie's disappearance because Maxie was her family. Liesl asked him for help, and he asked what was in it for him.

Liesl and Victor continued to flirt, but Liesl declared she was a "one-man woman." Victor declared that he needed more, and Liesl suggested they team up against Peter. Victor lamented, "I hate to see you suffer because of Maxie, but I wouldn't mind seeing Peter suffer because of you." Victor and Liesl reminded each other of all the times they'd hurt each other, and Victor told Liesl he would not make promises but would do what he could.

At General Hospital, Nina hurried off the elevator and approached Britt at the nurses' station. "I take it you've heard..." Nina began. "That Carly and Sonny broke up? Who hasn't?" Britt replied before Nina could say anything else. Britt asked Nina how she'd done it. Britt told Nina that she'd run into Carly and Felix the night before at the Savoy -- and Carly had not been wearing her wedding ring. A shocked Nina told Britt that she didn't want to discuss Carly and Sonny. Instead, Nina wanted to know if Britt had any idea where Peter would have taken Maxie.

Britt declared that, despite being related, she and Peter barely knew each other, and if she'd known who Peter was, she would have warned Maxie. Nina inquired about how Peter had found out "Bailey" wasn't Brook Lynn's baby in the first place. Nina said she was one of the few to know, but "I would rather die than tell Peter that information. I mean, I almost did." Britt suggested Victor, and Nina asked who would have told him. Austin walked up and confirmed that he was the one who had given Victor the information on Louise.

Nina could not believe that Austin would give information to Victor deliberately. Austin told her he had had not, but he had still led Victor to Louise. Nina connected the dots that Victor had given that information to Peter, with Britt adding that Peter had used the information to lure Maxie. Austin expressed sadness and regret while Nina assured him that she was not in a position to judge because she could have told everyone that Peter was alive while she'd been in Nixon Falls. Britt reminded Nina that she'd told Liesl, and though it had not worked yet, her mother "doesn't relent. She adjusts and improvises." Britt turned her attention to Austin and questioned whether he already knew that.

Austin played coy and denied really knowing Liesl. Britt called him out and advised him against being involved in shenanigans or cahoots with her mother. Austin insisted, "I am not a shenaniganist. And I do not cahoot." Nina advised Austin to listen to Britt because, with Liesl, there was always "collateral damage."

Liesl arrived at General Hospital and greeted Britt and Nina. She asked to borrow Austin, and Britt gave a smug and knowing look to him. Britt asked why Liesl would want to borrow Austin, since she had just been upset with him. Liesl told Britt that they understood each other, and Liesl and Austin walked off together, leaving Nina and Britt behind.

Nina joked that they'd warned Austin, leading Britt to ask if anyone had warned Nina that "Carly's a bad enemy to have." Britt reminded Nina of her very recent history with Carly, and Nina questioned whose side Britt was on. Britt affirmed that she and Nina were family, and she was on Nina's side. However, she cautioned that Carly would burn Nina's life down. Nina defiantly stated, "If Carly wants a war, I'll give her a war."

In an exam room, Liesl told Austin that she'd gotten close to Victor and planted a small recording device on him. Together, they listened to Victor and heard him say, "Johann, too many people are asking too many questions. We need to find our friend, Mr. August, and silence him once and for all."

Harmony makes a a shocking confession

Harmony makes a a shocking confession

Wednesday, February 16, 2022

by Elisabeth

In Alexis' office at the Invader, Alexis admitted that she had suspected that Harmony had been holding something back. Alexis assured her friend that Harmony could trust her. Harmony confessed that she couldn't tell Willow about the forged birth certificate because Harmony was not Willow's biological mother. Stunned, Alexis invited Harmony to share the story. Harmony explained that she and her husband had lived on a commune in Colorado, run by a group called "Friends of Peace and Love" and led by a man called "Prophet Josiah."

Harmony revealed that a pregnant woman named Joan had joined the commune, but a week after giving birth to a baby girl, Joan had vanished. Josiah had given the abandoned newborn to Harmony and Douglas to raise, claiming that it had been God's will. "Who was I to question God's will?" Harmony asked. Harmony admitted that both she and Douglas had fallen in love with the baby, and fearing that Joan might return, they had left the commune -- and Colorado -- two years later. According to Harmony, Douglas had found someone to forge Willow's birth certificate, and they had never looked back.

Alexis assured Harmony that she didn't think Harmony was an awful person for taking in an abandoned baby, but Alexis was curious if Joan had ever mentioned who Willow's biological father was. Harmony shook her head, but she promised Alexis that Willow would have been told the truth if the adoption had been legal. Alexis believed that there might be some wiggle room because Douglas had hired the person to forge the birth certificate, but she urged Harmony to be honest with Willow. Harmony worried that Willow would never forgive her for lying. Alexis conceded that Harmony had made mistakes, but Harmony had turned her life around.

In Metro Court's restaurant, Willow admitted that she couldn't understand how the State Department had not been able to locate her birth certificate. Willow reminded Michael that she'd had a copy of her birth certificate until recently. Willow decided that it was a bureaucratic nightmare, but it would be resolved once Harmony's copy had been found. Michael was skeptical because Harmony had been evasive, and Harmony had put Willow off several times. Willow realized that Michael was right and that Harmony might be hiding something about Willow's birth.

Willow decided to follow up with Harmony after nursing class. Michael assured Willow that there would be other trips, but Willow was determined to get to the bottom of things as quickly as possible because she suspected that her mother had been hiding something. After Willow left, Sonny approached Michael, looking for Carly. Sonny explained that he needed to find Carly before she did something that both Sonny and Carly would regret. Confused, Michael asked what Sonny thought Carly might do, but Sonny ignored the question as he admitted that Carly hadn't returned any of his calls.

Michael had heard that Sonny's attempt at a grand gesture hadn't gone well. Sonny tensed because he realized that Carly had talked to Michael, but Michael admitted that Carly hadn't gone into detail. Sonny carefully explained that he had screwed up, and it was the reason that Carly was hurt and angry. Sonny worried that Carly might hire a divorce attorney, but Michael assured his father that Carly hadn't mentioned anything about a divorce. Reluctantly, Sonny confessed that Carly had found Sonny and Nina together.

Angry, Michael demanded to know why Nina had gone to the Haunted Star. Sonny explained that Nina had been worried about him, but Michael pointed out that Nina could have called rather than checking on Sonny in person. Sonny turned defensive as he insisted that he'd been in a bad way because Sonny had thought that Carly had given up on their marriage. "And then things happened," Sonny said. Michael's temper flared. "So, you had sex with somebody else?" Michael asked.

Sonny insisted that he had never intended to hurt Carly, but Michael didn't believe his father because Sonny had slept with the woman who had kept Sonny from his family for months. "It's complicated," Sonny said. Michael disagreed because Sonny had blown right past his marriage vows, without a backwards glance, for a woman who had lied to everyone. Michael couldn't understand how Sonny could make a big deal about loyalty yet have sex with a woman who had essentially held Sonny hostage. "How can you be so stupid?" Michael asked.

Sonny warned Michael to show some respect because he was still Michael's father, but Michael argued that Sonny hadn't treated Carly with respect. Sonny insisted that he had explained to Carly that if she didn't show up at the Haunted Star, then he would see it as a sign that she considered their marriage over. Michael argued that giving someone an ultimatum was not the way to work things out, and Carly had shown up. However, even if Carly hadn't gone to the Haunted Star, it hadn't been a green light for Sonny to sleep with Nina. Sonny decided that it was between him and Carly, but Michael disagreed because Nina was involved.

Sonny's voice quivered with emotion as he explained that he needed to stop Carly before she filed for divorce, but Michael was unmoved. Michael thought his mother should end the marriage because Sonny had clearly chosen Nina.

Meanwhile, Josslyn stopped by Carly's suite to check on her mother. After they exchanged a warm hug, Carly assured Josslyn there was no need for Josslyn to worry about her. Their conversation turned to Avery and Donna, and Josslyn admitted that Avery had asked when Carly would be home for good. Josslyn had felt like a failure as a big sister because she hadn't been able to answer Avery's question. Carly advised Josslyn to be honest and say that Josslyn didn't know. Josslyn wanted to help her mother because Josslyn had seen what Carly had gone through before and after Sonny had returned home.

Josslyn was disappointed that Sonny and Carly's happy reunion had turned into a bunch of lies and cover-ups. Josslyn assured Carly that she didn't blame her mother for leaving, but Josslyn knew it was hard not to have Jason to lean on. Carly conceded that it felt like a cruel joke to lose Jason when Carly had needed him most, but Carly didn't want to burden Josslyn with her troubles. Carly wanted Josslyn to focus on herself and enjoy being in college because it was a special time in Josslyn's life. Carly shifted gears because she hadn't had a chance to talk to Josslyn about the getaway to the cabin and why Josslyn had returned from the trip early.

Josslyn blamed Esme for ruining the getaway, and she filled Carly in about the hot toddies and the game that Esme had used as an opportunity to imply that Cameron and Trina had been in love and that Josslyn had stolen him from Trina. Carly was shocked. Josslyn acknowledged that Spencer could be a pain and had always been a bit spoiled and entitled, but Spencer had some decent qualities that made him a good friend -- except when he was around Esme. Josslyn was disappointed that Spencer couldn't see through Esme's games. Carly quietly admitted that she empathized.

Josslyn wanted to help, but Carly insisted that Josslyn helped just by being a woman that Carly was proud of. "From a tiny ear of corn to this," Carly said. Josslyn and Carly chuckled as they talked about Josslyn's infamous corn phase. Afterwards, Carly gently explained that it wasn't Josslyn's place to answer Avery's questions. Josslyn realized that her mother had no intention of returning home. "My marriage to Sonny is over," Carly said.

Josslyn wanted to know why, but Carly refused to share the details. Josslyn quickly figured out that it had something to do with Nina. Carly's continued silence confirmed Josslyn's suspicion that Sonny and Nina had slept together. Josslyn accused Nina of being a monster out to get their family. Carly agreed, but she reminded Josslyn that Sonny was responsible for his own actions. Seconds later, Carly's phone chimed. It was a text message from Michael warning Carly that Sonny was on his way to her suite.

On cue, Sonny knocked on the door. He asked to speak to Carly. Josslyn gathered her things, and she glared at Sonny as she left. "If looks could kill," Sonny said. Carly wondered if he could blame Josslyn, prompting Sonny to ask if Carly had told Josslyn about him and Nina. Carly explained that Josslyn had figured it out on her own because -- unlike Sonny -- Josslyn saw Nina for the snake that Nina was. Carly cut to the chase and asked why he was there.

Sonny admitted that he hoped to stop Carly from making a mistake. He apologized to Carly for what she had walked in on -- for everything -- but Carly refused to discuss it. Desperate, Sonny asked Carly what happened next. She admitted that she was beyond angry; she was furious, heartbroken, and disgusted. Carly made it clear that she wanted a divorce. Sonny realized that there was nothing that he could say to make things right, but he implored her not to hire a divorce attorney. Carly demanded to know if he had spied on her, but he reminded her that she had noted the meeting in their shared calendar.

Sonny was certain that he and Carly could work things out, but Carly refused to discuss Nina. Carly explained that it was too late, and their marriage was over. Reluctantly, Sonny agreed to leave Carly alone. "For now," he said. After Sonny left, Carly leaned against the door. In the hallway, Sonny appeared dejected.

In the restaurant, Josslyn sat down at Michael's table. She was glad that her brother had been close. Michael asked if she was okay, so she told him about her tense encounter with Sonny. Michael admitted that Sonny had tried to justify the infidelity. Josslyn was disgusted that Sonny continued to make excuses for the awful things that Nina had done. Michael agreed, and he suggested that perhaps Sonny's time in Nixon Falls had changed Sonny.

Josslyn didn't think that Sonny had changed for the better. She recalled that Sonny and their mother had broken up in the past, but the recent split had felt different. Josslyn confided that it felt as if Sonny didn't care about Carly's feelings or what Carly had been through, but Sonny seemed very concerned about Nina because he'd gone from protecting Nina to sleeping with her. Josslyn insisted that Nina's "fake remorse" and desire to make amends had only lasted until Nina had gotten into bed with Sonny. Josslyn was certain that Nina had always intended to tear their family apart.

At the hospital, Felicia was happily united with Louise, and she was eager to introduce Louise to "Grandpa Mac" because he would be putty in Louise's hands. Felicia thanked Brook Lynn and Chase for taking care of her granddaughter. When Felicia referred to the baby as Louise, Brook Lynn advised Felicia that it would take time for Louise to get used to the new name. Brook Lynn offered Felicia a few more tips, including that a stuffed animal named Mr. Snuffles always calmed a fussy Louise.

Nearby, Nina watched as Felicia expressed her gratitude to Brook Lynn and Chase. Felicia assured both Brook Lynn and Chase that they could visit Louise whenever they liked. Brook Lynn suddenly rushed off, and Nina brushed past Felicia and Chase as she followed Brook Lynn. Chase quickly said goodbye to Louise and left to catch up with Brook Lynn. Felicia remained behind and cooed to her granddaughter until Mac returned. Deanna smiled as Felicia introduced Mac to his granddaughter.

After Mac was settled into his hospital room and Louise was perched on his lap, Felicia admitted that it felt wrong for them to be there with Louise while Maxie remained missing. Mac promised his wife that they would find Maxie, and Peter would answer for everything that Peter had done. A short time later, Felicia tried to soothe a fussy Louise, but nothing worked. Mac suggested that Felicia take the baby home, but Felicia explained that they were strangers to Louise, and Louise needed her mother. "Or the closest thing to it," Mac said.

Meanwhile, Brook Lynn impatiently waited for the elevator as Nina and Chase approached. Brook Lynn was not happy to see them. Nina gently suggested that they sit down and talk for a minute, but Brook Lynn just wanted to leave. Nina confessed that she had seen Brook Lynn say goodbye to "Bailey," and Nina imagined that it had been excruciating, especially with Maxie still missing. Brook Lynn claimed that she was only concerned about Maxie and that it had always been the plan to return "Bailey" to her mother. Nina invited Brook Lynn to reach out to her if Brook Lynn ever needed to talk, but Brook Lynn declined the offer.

Brook Lynn entered the elevator as soon as the doors slid open. Chase assured Nina that he would look after Brook Lynn. After Brook Lynn and Chase left, Nina started to walk away, but she froze in her tracks when she saw Willow. Concerned, Nina called out to Willow and asked if Wiley was okay. Willow explained that she was at the hospital for a class. Nina relaxed, and she apologized for the mistake. Willow turned to leave, but Nina asked for a moment of Willow's time because Nina wanted to know if Willow's offer to let Nina have a relationship with Wiley was still open, even if Nina couldn't make peace with Sonny and Carly.

Nina carefully explained that it had become painfully clear to her that Nina and Carly would never be able to coexist, but Nina couldn't lose Wiley. Nina knew that Willow wanted what was best for Wiley. Willow was adamant that she wanted her son to grow up never doubting that he was loved. Nina agreed, and she broached the subject of Willow's unconventional childhood. Willow sat next to Nina on a bench as Willow admitted that she had grown up feeling lost. Nina knew what that felt like because Nina's mother had valued appearance over affection, and Nina would have been lonely if it hadn't been for her brother.

Willow conceded that there had been a lot of people in the communes that she had grown up in, but Harmony had been more interested in the community than in raising a daughter. Willow confessed that whenever she had spent time with her mother, Harmony had been more concerned about Willow being a "good follower." Nina shared that her mother would parade Nina at parties as if Nina had been a show dog, and Madeline hadn't known anything meaningful about Nina such as Nina's favorite color. Nina and Willow agreed that it had been difficult to grow up with mothers who hadn't known them and whom they had not been able to trust. Nina praised Willow for being a wonderful mother to Wiley.

Across town, Chase and Brook Lynn arrived home. Brook Lynn suggested that Chase pack his things, since he no longer had a reason to stay. Surprised, Chase asked if she was kicking him out, but she told him not to be dramatic. She pointed out that he had only moved in for "Bailey's" sake. Before Chase could reply, Brook Lynn spotted Mr. Snuggles tucked under the sofa's pillow. Brook Lynn became upset because she knew that "Bailey" would want the toy.

Brook Lynn decided to return to the hospital, but Chase suggested that they call to make certain that Felicia hadn't left for home. Brook Lynn began to cry, and Chase pulled her close and held her as she sobbed. Chase promised that everything would work out. After Brook Lynn calmed down, she thanked Chase for his support. She admitted that she had always known that "Bailey" would go back to Maxie, but it was hard. Chase pointed out that Brook Lynn had been "Bailey's" mother in all the ways that had counted.

Chase started to lean in to kiss Brook Lynn, but the doorbell rang. It was Felicia and Louise. Felicia held back tears as she explained that she had to do what was best for her granddaughter. Felicia handed Louise to Brook Lynn as she explained that Louise needed to be around people who were most familiar to Louise until Maxie returned. Brook Lynn and Chase thanked Felicia, but Felicia insisted that Maxie deserved all the credit because Maxie had trusted Brook Lynn and Chase to care for Louise.

Brook Lynn assured Felicia that Felicia could visit Louise any time. After Felicia left, Brook Lynn held the baby close. Chase handed Mr. Snuggles to Louise. Chase smiled as he told Brook Lynn that it looked like he would be sticking around.

At Kelly's, Curtis greeted Portia with a kiss. Portia felt bad that she had canceled their Valentine's Day plans, but Curtis assured her that he understood that it was a pitfall of dating a doctor. Curtis suggested that they spend a quiet evening at home. Portia loved the idea, but she wondered if they would go to his place or hers. Curtis revealed that there might be another option.

Curtis had been looking for a new place since Stella had recovered from the stroke and no longer needed his help. Curtis intended to give his apartment to Stella when he found a new place where Curtis and Portia could have some much-needed privacy. Portia urged him to do what was best for him, but he explained that he wanted to do what was best for them as a couple. Portia asked what that meant, so Curtis told her that he hoped to find a place that would belong to both of them. Portia loved the idea, and she agreed to move in with Curtis. Delighted, Curtis kissed her.

Afterwards, Portia admitted that it felt like a dream, but Curtis assured her that it was real. Portia suggested that they not wait. She invited Curtis to move in with her, and they would look for a new place together. Curtis thought it was a wonderful idea, but he asked if Trina would be okay with it. Portia assured Curtis that Trina wanted them to be happy, and Trina was starting her own life. Curtis wondered if they were rushing things, but Portia insisted there was no need to waste time if something felt right.

Anna gets an important message

Anna gets an important message

Thursday, February 17, 2022

by Marissa PD

Sasha was on the phone at the Metro Court restaurant. She told Lucy that it made sense that the investors wanted to hold off on the IPO for Deception until Maxie was found. As she continued the conversation, Brando stepped off the elevator and approached her. She ended her call with Lucy, and Brando sat down with her. He apologized for ambushing her, but he hadn't been able to get ahold of her for days.

Brando felt that Sasha had been avoiding him since Liam's funeral. He was glad that working helped her to cope, but he admitted that he wasn't doing well at all. She wanted to be there for him and apologized for making him feel otherwise. She admired him for wearing his heart on his sleeve, but that wasn't how she operated. She loved him and promised to make sure that he wouldn't doubt that again.

Anna arrived at the hospital and found Felicia crying. Anna understood how hard the decision had been to give Louise back to Brook Lynn, but she insisted that it was the right one. Felicia agreed, but she wished she had some kind of connection to Maxie. Anna showed Felicia the earring Maxie had left with Louise and asked her to hold on to it. Anna promised to stop at nothing to get Maxie home, and she walked away.

Felicia entered Mac's room, and Laura hugged Felicia. She had heard about Felicia giving Louise back to Brook Lynn and told her that it had been the right decision. She urged Felicia to call if she needed anything, and Laura left the room. Mac assured Felicia that they would keep visiting Louise so they would no longer be strangers. They both regretted not listening to warnings about Peter, and Felicia vowed to never let anyone hurt her family again.

At the Metro Court restaurant, Victor pulled the Sun card out of his pocket and thought back to Peter giving him the instructions to activate Drew. Victor's associate entered and informed Victor that there were "eyes on the target, and he's alone with no witnesses." "Let's go," Victor decided.

At the hospital, Liesl approached Austin, who was wearing earbuds. He told her that it was tedious listening to Victor's "mundane life" all day and that he'd heard nothing of use. Liesl thought it was a small price to pay for what Austin had done, so he should consider it penance. He insisted that he would do anything to make it up to Maxie, and he wished he could go back and change things. Liesl promised that, if anything happened to Maxie, there would be "hell to pay."

Drew arrived at the pier and ripped down the police tape. He heard someone approaching and hid, but it was only Sam. Drew remarked that he hoped to find something the police had missed, but Sam was skeptical. They heard someone else approaching, and Drew pushed Sam behind him. Victor entered and claimed that he was there to offer financial assistance to the authorities tracking Maxie and Peter. Listening in, Austin reported to Liesl that Victor was talking to two people, and she demanded that he give her an earbud.

At the pier, Sam told Victor that she and Drew needed to get back to work, but Victor wanted a minute with Drew first. Victor pulled the Sun card out of his jacket and whispered, "You're active." Sam demanded to know what Victor was doing, and Drew wondered if the card was supposed to mean something to him. Taken aback that it hadn't worked, Victor claimed that it was just a card he'd been given after the WSB had released personal effects from the compound on Crete. Drew asked Sam for time with Victor and advised her to look for him if he didn't go find her at the hospital. She reluctantly agreed and left.

Drew grabbed Victor by the lapels, causing the bug to fall to the ground, and he pinned Victor up against a wall. He stepped on the bug, causing loud feedback in the earbuds of Liesl and Austin. Drew accused Victor of trying to activate the conditioning, which Victor, of course, denied. Drew ordered Victor to stay away from him and his family, and he left.

Victor's associate entered, and Victor revealed that Peter had lied again. The associate offered to do anything Victor needed. Victor explained that Drew's memories held the "key to my entire life's work." He continued that there was information about a "long-buried Cassadine secret" that Victor had been searching for for years, but he needed a new way to find it. The associate promised to help in any way he could. Just then, Victor spotted the crushed bug on the ground and picked it up.

At the hospital, Liesl was yelling at Austin to fix things when Laura stepped off the elevator and overheard. She wondered if everything was all right, and Liesl suggested that the mayor was the "perfect person to involve" in their plan. Liesl told Laura everything about Victor regarding Drew, and Laura figured that Drew was the real reason Victor had returned to Port Charles.

In a car, Peter promised Maxie that they were going where no one would find them. He explained that, when he'd gone to boarding school, the school would send those who stayed for the summer to a cabin in the mountains. He revealed that he'd bought the farm from the school so that it would be untraceable to him, just in case he'd needed to disappear. He thought that if the farm was secure enough, they could send for Louise. Maxie asked where the farm was, but Peter thought it was better that Maxie didn't know. She asked to stop somewhere for a bathroom break, since she didn't know how much longer they would be in the car, and she promised that it wasn't a trick.

A short while later, Maxie was in the bathroom, and Peter called in to let her know that he was guarding the door. She rummaged through the trash and found a tube of lipstick. A few minutes later, she was washing her hands as she heard a woman speaking in another language to Peter. She asked if there was a problem with the bathroom, and he assured her that he was just waiting for someone. Maxie left the bathroom, and a woman entered. The woman found Maxie's earring on the counter, and she was shocked to find a message on the mirror that read, "Help! Call Anna! USA," and Anna's phone number.

A few minutes later, Maxie and Peter were back in the car, and he apologized for hovering. He hadn't wanted her to "leave without saying goodbye," as he'd only agreed to leave Louise behind because Maxie had promised to spend the rest of their lives together. "Here we are, 'til death do us part," Peter said. Maxie assured him that he didn't need to worry, as she'd chosen to be with him, and she wouldn't be changing her mind. She felt like she was going to enjoy what was in her future, and she smiled to herself.

At the hospital, Finn thought Elizabeth was done for the day, but she revealed that she'd picked up another shift. Anna arrived and asked to talk to the two, and she informed them that she'd increased patrols around Brook Lynn and Chase's house until Peter was caught. Finn regretted that he hadn't just "finished Peter off." Elizabeth excused herself to get back to work. Anna knew that Finn was protecting another person who'd been there that night, and she assured him that he should consider them under her protection, as well.

Finn asked how Anna was doing, and she only talked about tracking Peter. He clarified that he wanted to know how she was doing. She replied that she was "alone, not lonely," but she sometimes missed seeing him and Violet around the house. She talked about how "lovely" that time in her life had been and how much she regretted neglecting him and Violet. She also regretted not listening to Finn's misgivings about Peter, and she blamed herself for Peter's reign of terror. Finn insisted that her instincts had saved many people over the years.

Anna asked about Finn's relationship with Elizabeth, and he responded that it was new and different. He added that dating a "super spy" had been a unique experience. She thought that he seemed happy, and she was glad. He wished her luck finding Peter and walked away. Just then, Anna's phone went off, and she was puzzled to see an international number. The woman from the restroom explained the message on the bathroom mirror and that she was in St. Gallen, Switzerland. She added that the woman she'd seen leaving the bathroom had also left an earring behind.

Deanna found Elizabeth and handed her a red envelope, revealing that someone had sent the card to Elizabeth at the hospital. Elizabeth opened the envelope and took out a card with a dark, eerie mirror on the front. She opened the card and read, "Thinking of you. We're both thinking of him today. -B." She dropped the card as Finn approached, and she showed it to him. She assumed that the card was from Betsy Frank even though the two weren't close. Finn suggested that Elizabeth go home, but she promised that she was fine. Still worried, he said goodnight and left.

Anna burst into Mac's room with Drew and Sam, and she informed Mac and Felicia that Maxie was brilliant. Anna showed Felicia a picture of Maxie's other earring, and she explained about the message and where it had been found. Drew wondered what the plan was. Anna asked Sam to follow up on a connection with Victor, and Anna was ready to book a flight to Europe. Drew insisted on accompanying her, and she decided to call Dante to have him meet them at the airport, as well. Felicia announced that she would go, too.

Anna pulled Felicia out of the room and broke it to Felicia that it wasn't a good idea for Felicia to go. She continued that she couldn't look out for Felicia and find Maxie at the same time, and Felicia reluctantly accepted it. Back in the room, Anna announced that Felicia would be staying so that Anna's focus wouldn't be divided. Mac agreed that Anna was right. Anna, Drew, and Sam left the room, and Mac assured Felicia that it was for the best.

Outside the room, Anna told Drew that it hadn't been fun for her to tell Felicia that Felicia would be a liability. She needed to know that Drew wouldn't be one, either, given what Peter had done to Drew in the past. Drew told her that if Peter found a way to activate Drew's conditioning, he trusted Anna "to do what needs to be done." "Understood," Anna agreed solemnly. She beckoned Drew to leave with her so that they could "end this."

The search for Peter and Maxie intensifies

The search for Peter and Maxie intensifies

Friday, February 18, 2022

by Dan J Kroll

Laura visited Spencer at Spring Ridge. She was relieved to learn that, despite the circumstances, Spencer was doing okay, albeit slightly bored. Citing the unusually warm weather, Spencer asked Laura if she could speak to someone to get the air conditioning fixed.

Laura mentioned that she had given Spencer's gift to Trina and remarked that Spencer had very good taste in friends. Spencer asked why Laura didn't trust his judgment when it came to Victor. Laura gave her grandson a brief history of why Victor could not be trusted, citing "countless abductions and deaths" as well as the Cassadine plot to use the Ice Princess to freeze the world.

Spencer stated that had it not been for his Uncle Victor, he would have been serving time in Pentonville instead of Spring Ridge. Laura fought back laughter as she asked Spencer why he could find the good in Victor but not in Nikolas. Spencer said that the father he had loved as a child had vanished. He reminded Laura of the pain he had felt when Nikolas had faked his death.

Laura noted that Spencer had already punished Nikolas -- and Ava -- for that "many times." Spencer stated that he hated Ava, but nothing Ava had done was as bad as Nikolas deserting him. "One by one, he has systemically removed the people who I care most about from my life," Spencer said coldly. Spencer conceded that Victor wasn't perfect, but he argued that Victor had always tried to put family first. Laura noted that "a lot of evil" had been done in the name of family.

Spencer insisted that he felt safe knowing that Victor had his back. When Spencer cast his glance in the direction of the guard, Laura announced that she needed to be leaving. She told Spencer that she loved him and walked away.

At the restaurant at the Metro Court, Ava and Nikolas discussed their upcoming vow renewal ceremony. Ava shocked Nikolas by revealing that she did not plan to write her vows and instead would "wing it." Nikolas, however, planned to put pen to paper to come up with something "poetic." Ava chuckled and replied, "There once was a girl named Jerome. Who made Spoon Island her home." In turn, Nikolas recited several lines of How Do I Love Thee? by Elizabeth Barrett Browning. Before he could finish, Victor appeared tableside and rattled off the sonnet's final line.

Victor called himself an "incurable romantic" and claimed that one of his hobbies was collecting romantic poetry. He asked Ava and Nikolas if they knew that -- even in the modern day -- if one were to acquire a genuine firsthand epistle, it would contain a lock of hair from the author. Ava quipped that Victor could use the hair to clone the author. Victor seemed amused by the remark but took the opportunity to argue that the assumptions Ava had made about him were "a little outdated."

"Even though I no longer wish to control the world, I am still determined to save it. Preferably, one life at a time," Victor commented. Nikolas asked if one of the people Victor wished to save was Victor's former co-conspirator Peter August. Victor insisted that Peter had betrayed him, and he had no desire to help Peter evade the authorities.

Victor turned the conversation to Nikolas and Ava's vow renewal ceremony and giddily shared that he'd found them the perfect gift. Ava explained that the ceremony would be very private but mused that she would gladly accept a Faberg egg. Victor countered that he had a much more valuable gift lined up: a reunion between Nikolas and Spencer.

Nikolas instructed Victor to stop meddling and to allow Spencer and Nikolas to heal on their own. Victor observed that Ava had cast herself as "wicked stepmother." Ava noted that she had given Spencer every chance to make amends, but she said that Spencer remained "unrepentant." Victor countered that it was "incumbent" upon the adults to make the first step toward reconciliation. He pleaded with Nikolas to allow him to help.

Laura appeared just behind Nikolas and announced that neither Nikolas nor Spencer needed Victor's help. Laura shared that she had visited Spencer and learned that Spencer had someone looking after him on the inside. Victor would neither confirm nor deny that he was involved. Victor urged Laura and Ava to talk some sense into Nikolas before he headed off to the elevator.

Ava reluctantly admitted that there was some merit in the points that Victor had made. Nikolas and Laura both agreed that allowing Victor to facilitate a reunion would only "indoctrinate" Spencer to Victor's cause. Laura offered an alternative, a way to reunite Nikolas and Spencer and "undercut" Victor at the same time. Laura told Nikolas to swallow his pride and visit Spencer at Spring Ridge.

Ava agreed. "As angry as I have been with Spencer, I urge you to repair your relationship with him," she said. Ava admitted that she wished she could have done that with her daughter Kiki. Nikolas promised that he would reach out. Laura said that she was sure that Victor had left the Metro Court and headed straight to Spring Ridge. Nikolas announced that he was going to head there, too. After Nikolas had left, Ava asked Laura what she was up to. Laura smiled broadly.

Laura told Ava that she was certain that Victor was going to use Spencer, but she wasn't fully sure what Victor had planned. Laura vowed that she would find out.

Back at Spring Ridge, Victor dropped by to visit Spencer. Spencer thanked Victor for having Samuel, the guard, keep an eye on him. Victor casually mentioned that Laura wasn't on board with the idea. Spencer said that Laura and Victor were the only two people that he could count on to be in his corner. Victor replied that he found that hard to believe. When asked about "the lovely Esme," Spencer claimed that his time in Spring Ridge had put Esme's devotion into question. Victor was sure it was just a lovers' spat.

Victor received a phone call and told Spencer that he had to run. Victor proclaimed that he was doing everything he could to change people's perception of him. "All I want is what's best for my family," Victor said. He instructed Spencer to keep his chin up and think about his freedom and his future. Before leaving, Victor told Spencer that "Big things are in the wind, my boy." Those things, Victor explained, required both Spencer and Nikolas because they were both Cassadines.

After Victor left, Spencer asked Samuel about the broken air conditioning. Samuel explained that the prison was a government facility, and even Victor was powerless to get things fixed faster. Spencer was stunned when he turned around and saw Nikolas.

On the docks, Victor complained about the heat and likened it to "Santorini in the middle of an eruption," adding that "Hephaestus himself would feel quite at home." Johann arrived a short time later with an update that Anna, Dante, and Drew had arrived in Europe. Victor said that he wanted Peter August dead. He asked that Johann also tell their contact in Europe that Anna and Dante were expendable and should be eliminated if they were to get in the way. Drew, however, was too valuable to lose.

At General Hospital, Austin and Liesl tried to figure out why the bug they had planted on Victor had stopped working. They worried that they were no closer to locating Maxie. Sam scurried up to the pair and shared that Drew had come up with a lead on Peter's whereabouts. Austin was optimistic that Maxie would soon be found. Liesl, however, worried that Peter would once again find a way to elude capture. Liesl announced that she needed to travel to Zurich to stop Peter herself.

Britt overheard her mother's announcement and insisted that Liesl would do no such thing. She threatened to commit Liesl to the psychiatric ward on a 72-hour observation, if necessary. While Liesl admitted that she was impressed by Britt's willingness to "pretzel the rules," she insisted that she would still be heading to Europe. Britt upped the ante, threatening to harpoon her mother again.

Sam stepped in to talk some sense into Liesl. She reminded Liesl that Zurich was an eight-and-a-half-hour flight from Port Charles, and in that time, Peter could be almost anywhere in the world. With Dante in Europe, Austin asked if anyone was keeping tabs on Victor Cassadine. Britt sensed that Austin was up to something. Austin stated that he and Liesl had concocted a plan to plant a bug on Victor.

After learning that the bug had been destroyed, Britt worried that Victor knew that Austin and Liesl were onto him. Liesl was suddenly struck by inspiration, and she realized that she knew where to find Maxie. She reached for her phone and searched for Anna's phone number.

At the WSB Field Office along the Switzerland/Austria border, Agent Muller told Anna, Drew, and Dante that they would have full use of all of the WSB's resources. Muller revealed that the WSB had interviewed the woman who had found Maxie's S.O.S. in the rest stop bathroom. The WSB has also secured surveillance footage of a car containing two passengers leaving the rest stop and heading toward the Jura Mountains. The location was remote, the agent explained, with numerous small and winding roads that would make tracking Peter incredibly difficult.

Drew suggested that they start thinking like Peter. The consensus soon became that Peter might be hiding in plain sight. Muller, assisted by another agent named Krieger, noted that there were plenty of places where Peter could blend in with tourists, including an old salt mine that had been turned into a museum.

The mention of the salt mines made Anna remember a novel that Peter had written called the Severed Branch that was "an allegory for his childhood." Muller gave Anna a copy of Peter's book, and Anna paged through it to locate the passage in which Peter referred to working in the salt mines.

Anna received a phone call from Liesl, who urgently told Anna to locate salt mines. Liesl said that if Anna did, they would be able to find Maxie and Peter. Muller stated that there were three salt mines in the country. Anna asked Liesl if there was a way to narrow the search area down. Liesl asked Anna if Peter had ever mentioned a farm. The farm, Liesl explained, was the place that Peter had become the man he was. Anna thanked Liesl for her help.

After the call, Anna remembered that in the book, Peter had said that the farm was also surrounded by a lot of children. As Muller and Anna narrowed down the search to an area near Bex, Krieger received a phone call from Johann. Johann told Krieger to do what he had to do when "the gentleman" was located. Johann repeated the instructions that Drew needed to remain unharmed.

Aboard an airplane, Felicia looked for rental cars in Switzerland while she recalled Anna telling her that traveling to Europe would not be a good idea. She remembered having a conversation with Peter prior to Maxie and Peter's wedding. Peter had spoken about his favorite place in the world, a small town in the "Swiss Alps, miles away from anywhere."

Felicia struggled to recall the name of the town but was certain that it started with the letter V. She then recalled Peter saying that it was called Versteckte Wiese, a German phrase for "hidden meadow." Felicia typed "hidden meadow" into the translation program on her tablet and found the German spelling. [Editor's note: The translation shown on-screen spelled the word Weise, but that appears to have been a typo. The correct spelling puts the "i" before the "e."]

Peter opened the door to a cabin somewhere in Switzerland, and he and Maxie stepped inside. Maxie marveled at the cabin, likening it to "one big architectural hug." Peter insisted that no one would be able to find them in the cabin. The reason, he explained, was that the cabin was associated with his childhood, and no one had cared about him when he'd been a child. Peter assured Maxie that even if they were to be located, he had an escape plan.

Maxie pressed for details on how they would be so easily able to escape from a place that was hard to find. Peter hoped that an escape would not be necessary because he wanted Maxie to think of the cabin as home. His voice trailed off when he realized that Maxie was no longer wearing her earrings. Maxie claimed that she had noticed on the plane that she had lost one of her earrings and decided to throw away the other.

Peter decided that the earrings were not important. He told Maxie that he hoped one day the authorities would stop looking for them and that they could be reunited with Louise. Until then, Peter assured Maxie that he could protect them. He produced a gun that had been tucked into the back of his pants. Maxie pleaded with Peter to put his gun away.

Maxie told Peter that she had realized that she had spent so much time being angry with Peter that she'd failed to see how much Peter had been doing for her and Louise. She noted that Peter agreeing to leave Louise behind was the opposite of being selfish. "That's when I realized that love is what's driving you," she said. As Maxie reached out and grabbed hold of Peter's arms, she said that it was the kind of love they could build their lives around.

Maxie admitted that it would not be easy for them to get to the point, but she knew that it would be possible for her, Peter, James, Lousie, and Georgie to all be together someday. Peter suggested that they make a list of things that they might want Gustav, the caretaker, to pick up for them in the village. Maxie asked if the village had a name. Peter shared that it was Versteckte Wiese and he told Maxie that she would love it. Peter told Maxie that the village only appeared on local maps because it was so tiny.

Maxie told Peter that she was cold, and Peter said that he could start a fire. When Peter stepped away, Maxie rummaged through a cabinet to look at the old paper maps that Peter had referenced. Peter returned and caught her in the act. Maxie suggested that she and Peter go for a hike. Peter told her that it would have to wait until the morning because it was getting too dark, "and that's when the wolves come out."

Edited by SC Desk
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